Stop putting up with it: how to reduce interest on a loan if you’ve been paying for a long time. Reducing loan interest by legal means

11.03.2018 Finance

Currently, the lending market is gaining momentum, developing and improving its services. There are many organizations that offer a wide variety of loan conditions. People willingly use the services of banks to expand their financial capabilities. Moreover, many are forced to agree to inflated interest rates. However, the financial situation of any person tends to change. It is especially unpleasant when such a change occurs for the worse, and debt to creditors weighs on your shoulders. Then the debtor begins to worry about the question: is it possible to cancel or reduce the interest rate?

A borrower who finds himself in a difficult life situation has the opportunity to take advantage of ways in which he can reduction in loan interest. But dThe first step is to understand how a financial institution sets a particular interest rate. When determining interest, the bank is guided bythree main factors:

  1. The risk that the issued funds will not be returned. If the borrower can provide less documentation confirming his solvency, the bank will offer higherinterest rate.
  2. WITHrock providing Money. When the borrower takesloan for long time, the bank increases the risk that the debt will not be repaid due to illness, dismissal, or death. Therefore, concluding an agreement with a financial organization for a period of no more than 3 years will help reduction of all interest on the loan.
  3. Key rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federationand raterefinancing. They are the most important factors, which ordinary citizens will definitely not be able to influence, but for banks they are considered fundamental.

Taking into account all the above points, the credit institution sets its own specific interest rate, both for the use of funds and for late payments. The borrower can influence the amount of interest independently or by going to court.

Reducing or canceling interest on a loan in court

Many debtors are concerned about whether it is possible to reduce or completely remove interest on the loan with the help of the court? Concerning cancellation of loan interest, which are accrued for the use of bank funds, it is impossible to completely remove them. After all, they are the profit of a financial institution for providing a loan to the borrower. Cancel at judicial procedure or in case of termination of the contract, only penalties for improper fulfillment of loan obligations are possible. However, this procedure is very complex. Fortunately for debtors, if it is impossible cancellation of loan interest, then it’s quite possible to simply reduce the rate. This can be done if the bank sues the borrower for non-payment of debt. The debtor only needs to prove during the trial that the financial organization sets an inflated interest rate for the use of funds.As a result, the court may recognize that the interest rate under the loan agreement is indeed disproportionately high and refuse the bank’s request to collect interest in such an amount. After this, the judicial authority will oblige the borrower to pay interest calculated at the average refinancing rate.

It often happens that a judge, having examined a loan agreement, qualifies it as an adhesion agreement. This means that one of the parties defined the terms in forms or other standard forms, and the other party could only accept them by acceding to the main contract as a whole. If the court considers that the main agreement clearly violates the rights of the joining party, then it may oblige the bank to change the terms of the loan agreement, namely to reduce the interest rate.

Extrajudicial ways to reduce interest

It is quite difficult to resolve the issue of easing the fate of a debtor who finds himself in a difficult life situation in court. Therefore, it is better not to wait until the case comes to court, but to try to deal with this unpleasant situation yourself. There are three main legal ways reduction of loan interest:

  • Restructuring.
  • Refinancing.
  • Early repayment.

The first option is considered the most effective. It would be best for the debtor to contact bank employees and report any financial problems that have arisen. Usually they are more willing to accommodate borrowers who do not try to hide, but immediately warn about their problems.The bank may invite the borrower to reconsiderschedule according to which payments are made, or provide so-called “credit holidays”. To do this, the financial organization needs a good reason, for example, such as serious illness, dismissal and problems with employment.

The second method involves designinga new loan on more favorable terms in order to pay off the old one. This can be done either in the same bank or in a third-party organization. At the same time, it is important to choose a new loan on such terms that it really turns out to be profitable. Otherwise, your time will be wasted. Also, when concluding a new contract, the borrower should avoidadditional services that he does not need. For example, you should not agree to the insurance company's offers, because paying for them can eat up all possible savings.

The last way out of the situation withThe easiest way to save on the interest rate that has already accrued. First, you need to carefully look at the terms of the loan agreement regarding early repayment; a fee may be required for this. If the debtor decides to pay the debt ahead of schedule, then he must notify the banking institution about this by writing a corresponding statement. The lender will provide the borrower with accurate calculation data within 5 days.

All these methods will help the debtor quickly solve the debt problem. The main thing is to contact your lender in a timely manner. This will allow you to understand the current situation much faster.

How to reduce interest on a loan?

Good afternoon I am concerned about this question: “How to reduce interest on a loan?” And in general, is it possible to reduce the interest on the loan?

I am very interested in reducing the interest on the loan. If this option is possible, then tell us more about it.

The question asks: Konstantin Vladimirovich

Dear Konstantin Vladimirovich! How to reduce interest on a loan? – this question is very relevant today for many potential borrowers.

And some don’t even imagine that a reduction in loan interest is possible.

Although bank lending organizations provide for a reduction in interest on the loan if the client is in a tight financial situation and according to a set schedule.

I want to tell you that banking organizations are very loyal to those borrowers who notify the bank administration in advance about the occurrence of a problem situation.

And in the future they can increase the loan term, delay the repayment date of the principal loan debt, and reduce interest. Of course, the banking structure suffers a loss of expected income.

However, it's better than losing everything!

Banking organizations are willing to reduce interest rates on borrowing by 1.5%-2%, but sometimes there is no reason to rejoice at this, since the benefit provided is designed for a two-year period, no more, that is, not for the entire financially difficult time period.

Many banking institutions, when the grace period passes, again raise interest and sometimes take into account the lost profit.

To reduce your credit interest rate, you, Konstantin Vladimirovich, should write an application to a banking organization providing supporting documents about your difficult financial situation.

You can provide a photocopy work book with a notice of dismissal, a salary certificate, a photocopy of a sick leave certificate or a doctor’s certificate of temporary disability.

However, one should not hope too much for a positive outcome. The banking institution may not make concessions to you, but will recommend selling the property to pay off the debt obligation. You should also be prepared for this option.

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Clients who want to save money are often interested in how to reduce loan interest. This is really relevant, since interest rates now cannot be called modest.

What can be done to reduce them?

There are several factors that can help save you money:

  • Become a regular customer. Open a small loan that you can pay quickly and without delays. It is quite possible that the bank will issue further loans on more favorable terms,
  • Ideal credit history. Every lender wants to deal with reliable and honest payers. Therefore, you have earned yourself a good reputation, then they will definitely meet you. He tells how to check it for free.
  • Stock. Banks often introduce special programs to attract customers. Why is this not a reason for you to take advantage of favorable conditions? Promotions from Sberbank are very popular, they are described in this article.
  • Borrow from the bank that serves you. For example, where you receive a scholarship, salary, pension. Typically, companies offer lower rates for those who have an account there. For example, you can read about offers for Sberbank salary clients in this article.
  • Provide the bank with as many documents as possible indicating your reliability. In addition to your passport, you may need: a certificate of income, a copy of your work record book, a foreign passport, INN, SNILS, a document confirming your higher education, a bank statement indicating that you have a deposit, etc.
  • Involving others individuals as guarantors, some proposals are described;
  • Real estate registration or vehicle as collateral, the most profitable options are listed in this article.

If you already have a current loan, then it is very difficult to reduce the size of his bet, but it is quite possible:

  1. You prove to the bank from which you have a debt that you are currently having financial problems, so you are unable to pay on time. Write an application to the bank for restructuring, in which you describe in detail the reasons for the deterioration of your financial situation, as well as the time frame during which you can improve it. You can ask for a lower interest rate, a reduction in the monthly payment, or even a short deferment. It is quite possible that the bank will make concessions and reduce the rate, but then it will increase it just as much to compensate for the losses.
  2. You contact a third-party bank to arrange a refinancing service. It involves issuing you a new loan to pay off the old one. Its benefit lies in the fact that you significantly reduce your interest rate, and you can also extend the loan term if you want to reduce the payment amount. If you have registered collateral and it is transferred to a new lender, you will need to incur additional costs for its assessment and insurance. We tell you in detail where to go;
  3. Appeal to the courts. This is an extreme method that should only be used in cases where the financial institution has charged you huge fines and late fees that are disproportionate to your debt. How to do this correctly is described in this article.

As you can see, there are quite a few ways to reduce the interest rate and reduce the overall overpayment on the loan.

First, it’s worth understanding what the bank is guided by when setting a particular interest rate. Can be calledthree main factors influencing credity bet. Firstly, when issuing loan funds, the bank always takes on somerisks of non-refund, and the higher the bank assesses such risks for a particular client, the higher the interest rate it can offer him. The most striking example is express loans, which require a minimum package of documents. The credit institution has minimal information about the borrower, so it builds its risks into the interest rate, which is why it is always the highest for quick loans.

Secondly, the size of the loan rate is affected byterm, which, again, is associated with risks for the bank. How longer term lending, the more likely the borrower will not repay the debt due to a number of reasons: illness, job loss, death and many other unforeseen circumstances. Therefore, for terms of up to 3 years, the interest rate is significantly lower than for a longer lending period.

And finally, the most important factors influencing the loan market as a whole areCentral Bank key rateAndrateArefinancing..

Of course, ordinary citizens cannot influence the decisions of the Central Bank in any way, but reducing risks for banks will help reduce the rate on consumer loans. Let's look at several ways.

1. Extended package of documents

The greater the total number of documents provided by a potential borrower, the less doubt the bank has about the reliability and solvency of the future client. The risks of non-repayment are considered insignificant, and therefore the interest rate on the loan can be significantly reduced. Such documents may be, for example, a certificate of ownership of real estate or a car, documents on higher education, certificates of additional income, etc. The main task is to prove to the bank that you are able to repay the loan on time.

2. Insurance

As mentioned above, banks factor into the loan rate risks associated with various unforeseen circumstances. These can be reduced through life, health and disability insurance. Despite the fact that the client is not obliged to enter into an agreement with an insurance company when receiving a loan, many banks strongly recommend that when concluding a loan agreement they also enter into an insurance agreement - this will help to significantly reduce the loan rate.

3. Loan guarantor

Again, to reduce the risk of non-payment, it is necessary to have a loan guarantor who documents the agreement to repay the loan in the event that the client evades his obligations. You need to know that many banks limit the circle of persons who can act as guarantors under the agreement, and the requirements for them are usually the same as for the direct borrower.

4. Positive credit history

Every person who has used a bank loan product at least once in his life forms a credit history, which reflects all the facts of the client’s application to various banks for a loan, as well as the result of the banks’ consideration of applications (refusal or approval after passing a background check).

The most important information in such a document is information about the fulfillment of loan obligations by the borrower (how punctually such obligations were fulfilled, whether previous loans were always repaid on time and in full). If the client’s credit history is impeccable (or at least not damaged by missed payments or evasion of loan payments), the bank places more trust in such a borrower, being confident in his solvency and financial discipline, and can reduce the interest rate.

5. Comprehensive banking services

If you take out a loan from a small credit institution, comprehensive servicing can be another step towards lowering your loan rate. The goal is to become a valuable client for the bank, who closely interacts with the credit institution. Therefore, issuing a card, opening an account, actively participating in bank promotions, and especially bringing new clients, for example, friends or relatives - all this can turn into a mutually beneficial relationship between the borrower and the bank. Therefore, in the hope of further cooperation, the credit institution can issue money on more favorable terms.

6. Bank shares

To attract new customers, banks often organize promotions in which they offer loans at reduced rates or with simplified requirements. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor new banking offers. The easiest way to do this is on our website - at the beginning of each month we publish a review of the best banking special offers.

It is worth saying that many banks make special offers to certain groups of the population, for example, military personnel, teachers, and pensioners.

7. Refinancing

If you already have a loan, you can refinance it, that is, take out a new loan to pay off the old one, but on more favorable terms. Refinancing can be done either at the bank where you already have a loan or at a third-party lending institution. However, in in this case you need to very carefully study the terms of the new loan and calculate whether it is really profitable, otherwise time and labor costs will be wasted, and the expected effect will not occur (for example, the loan rate will decrease slightly, but the cost of servicing the current account will increase significantly).

Credit has long ceased to be something scary and incomprehensible. Moreover, today the vast majority of banks have several similar programs at once. Therefore, you can not only choose the most favorable interest rate for yourself, but even reduce it. And this can be done in several ways.

At the stage of applying for a consumer loan, your reliability as a borrower can affect the interest rate. That is, the more documents in this regard you provide to the bank, the greater your chances of receiving a significant discount for using a credit loan. Evidence of additional income, documents on ownership of movable or immovable property, the existence of a life, health and disability insurance contract, etc. can serve as significant evidence of your solvency.

At this stage, having a loan guarantor will also play in your favor. At the same time, the requirements for the guarantor for the loan are almost identical to the requirements for the borrower, and the guarantee itself must be documented. In this way, banks receive additional safety net, so in most cases they cooperate and lower interest rates. A good credit history is an equally strong argument in favor of your reliability. Therefore, if you have already used this banking service

without violation of credit conditions, you can fully count on a reduction in the interest rate on the next loan. Reduce already installed loan agreement

interest rate is possible by refinancing. In this case, you can simply take out a loan that is more profitable in terms of payments and use it to pay off the old unprofitable one.

A fairly significant reason for banks to revise the interest rate on a loan is also a documented loss of solvency. This could be a copy of your work record book (in case of dismissal, layoff) or sick leave (in case of loss of ability to work), or a certificate of income (in case of a salary reduction). Of course, you can only count on a reduction in the interest rate in such circumstances if the bank had no complaints about you as a borrower before the loss of solvency.