When to plant black currants in spring video. Planting currants and gooseberries. When and how to plant currants

03.03.2019 Construction


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To all summer To enjoy delicious currants and make compotes and jams from them, you need to take care that planting currants in the spring is successful. Don't forget about further care: watering and pest control!

1 Planting black currants in spring

There is no doubt that the best time for planting is autumn, but not many manage to carry out this work on time. This means that you can safely postpone the work until the spring. The main thing is to remember that you need to plant bushes as early as possible, almost as soon as the snow cover disappears from the ground. Knowing how to plant currants in the spring, after just a few seasons you will get tasty and juicy berries. First of all, let's decide on a landing site.

Currant bushes will grow best in a place protected from the wind and sunny, while the soil here should be fertile and not very swampy. Planting currants in the spring is also undesirable in places where the groundwater level is high - the roots of the plant will simply die in such soil. Our next step is to use a shovel to dig a hole about 50 cm wide and 40 cm deep. We lay organic nutrients mixed with a small amount of soil at the bottom of the trench.

Next, pour 10 liters of water into the hole, carefully place the seedling so that the roots are not intertwined with each other and cover it again with soil, once again thoroughly watering it with water. The main thing is not to damage the roots when planting, and the root collar should be located at least 5 cm above the soil surface. During the summer, we provide “light” support to the bush: we water the plant and use a hoe to uproot all the weeds. will guarantee the normal development of the bush.


A currant bush can develop normally and produce good fruits, staying in one place for more than ten years. However, sometimes the time comes to replant the plant, and it is better to carry out the work in the spring, when the snow has melted from the ground and the soil has warmed up a little. By the way, it is better not to touch old bushes - let them live out their lives in the old place, but young seedlings with several shoots will take root well. It is necessary to prepare the hole for planting the seedling in advance.

To do this, we also choose a lighted and windless place on the site where we dig a trench, at the bottom of which we place mixed soil with humus. Advice: so as not to burn root system lilacs, do not under any circumstances introduce fresh manure, ash, or mineral nutrients into the pit. We carefully dig up the bush along with a lump of earth so as not to damage the roots, after which we place it in a hole and water it abundantly. If you want the plant to take root better, you definitely need bushes, during which we leave only a few buds on the shoots.

Due to this, all forces and nutrients will be directed to the root system, which will allow the plant not only to better take root in a new place, but also to devote all its strength to increasing productivity.



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Undoubtedly, thanks to the “famous” currant, the question of its propagation arises quite often. And today we’ll talk about what currant cuttings are like in the spring. This work does not require a lot of effort and time, the main thing is to know the sequence of actions, as well as to correctly select the cuttings themselves. First, select the variety of currant you like, then cut off the woody shoots with a developed bud from the bush.

It is important that they are healthy, because if you propagate currants using diseased cuttings, you will infect the entire tree. Having decided to carry out work in March, it is necessary to harvest the plant while the “eyes” are swelling. Its length should be from 15 to 20 cm, and the thickness of the branch at the base should be at least 0.5 cm. You also need to carefully make the cut itself - it should be smooth, without jagged edges, for which you need to use a sharp knife or pruning shears.

The next step is planting the cuttings in the soil. It is necessary that the soil is not frozen, preferably fertile, and the cuttings themselves are inserted at an angle of 90°, with a distance between “seedlings” of 15 cm. To accelerate the growth of the root system and improve survival rate, you can use growth stimulants. The most famous include Heteroauxin and Epin-extra - they will guarantee normal survival rate by 90%. By autumn, you will be able to obtain high-quality seedlings that can be planted for permanent “place of residence” next year.

With proper care, you will get an excellent harvest in just a couple of years. Now you know not only how to properly plant currants in the spring, but also how to carry out cuttings if you want to enlarge your garden. Thanks to this, after a few seasons you will collect several buckets of blackcurrants from one bush.

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It is preferable to plant all berry bushes in late summer - early autumn, and currants are no exception. Planting it is also optimal during this period. If for some reason currant planting material was purchased at a later period, then planting will depend on weather conditions. If, according to weather forecasts, early frosts are expected, then it would be more correct to bury the planting material in horizontal position until spring and plant it in spring. If the autumn is warm, then you can plant currants in the first ten days of October.

The currant root system continues to grow until late autumn. In this case, after planting, the soil under the currants must be mulched. Mulch can be tops from tomatoes, zucchini, weeded weeds, etc. If planting currants is postponed until spring, the planting hole must be prepared in the fall.

Before planting, the material must be soaked in water (placed in water) for about three hours so that the root system is saturated with moisture. Currants are planted at an angle. This applies to both a bush with several stems and a thin twig. When planting currants, be sure to deepen them to the lower three buds. The above-ground part should also be three buds, the rest should be cut off using well-sharpened pruning shears.

It is necessary to trim the above-ground part so that the currant bush does not age prematurely. In the spring, the leaves will begin to open, and the root system, damaged during transplantation, may not be able to cope with the nutrition of the above-ground part if pruning was not done in the fall. When the aerial part is unpruned, all the nutritious juices rush to the apical bud, and fruitlets (overgrowing branches) do not form on the branch, therefore, the branch is bare, the leaves on it will only be at the top. Without pruning the aboveground part when planting, the bush will begin to age in the first year.

Sloping planting of currants is necessary in order for new shoots to quickly form from those buds that were buried. If you plant a currant bush vertically, then new shoots can be expected for a long time, and the harvest on the planted bush will be small.

If black currants are planted correctly, at an angle, two new branches will form on each stem the next year. To achieve greater branching of young branches, they need to be removed apical buds. In this case, the two buds closest to the pinching site will sprout. That is, in the fall you need to shorten the side branches that have grown over the summer, leaving three buds on each. In this way, a currant bush is formed with many branches on each shoot.

If there is a need to propagate currants, then in the spring you can pin the lower branches to the soil. But the top of the branch must be brought to the surface. To speed up root formation, you can make scratches on the bark of the branch and water it with a solution of a root former (for example, heteroauxin or root). Sprinkle moistened soil on top. You can cover the pinning area with film. After a certain time, young shoots will appear from the buds located in the soil. Throughout the season, you need to monitor the soil moisture in the place where the young shoots grow. In the spring of next year, the young shoots will need to be divided and planted in a permanent place.

Proper planting of currants is the key to excellent harvests in the future.


Rules for planting black currants

Black currant is one of the most famous and favorite berries of most people. Possessing excellent taste, it is also extremely beneficial for the body. The level of vitamin C in berries is one of the highest of any known food containing this vitamin. These berries are used during colds, intestinal diseases, and for general prevention of the body. In addition, jams, compotes, jellies and currant jams are the favorite dishes of many people. Everyone knows about her beneficial properties, but not everyone knows when and how to plant it.

Planting black currants

The optimal conditions for planting all types of currants are autumn. Shrubs are planted in the fall, usually at the end of October. The main thing is to plant the bush before frost sets in. If you plant a bush in the fall, then before the onset of spring the soil around the bush is compacted, and the seedling takes root well, and with the onset of the first warmth it begins to grow intensively.

The choice of landing site should also be approached responsibly. This plant is moisture-loving, so damp areas are suitable for it, but at the same time well protected from drafts. Planting currants in the fall is not allowed in wetlands.

The best option is medium and heavy loamy soils. Currants are afraid of stagnant water, so good soil drainage should be established.

How to plant black currants in the fall

Many people, having planted a blackcurrant bush, immediately forget about it, and remember only during the harvest. And, in vain. To get a good full harvest, you need to follow simple rules.

The area allocated for planting currants is leveled, all depressions are filled up. Next, a spacious hole is dug - 40 cm deep and 60 cm in diameter. The bottom of the hole is covered with a bucket of humus and potassium fertilizers are added in the amount of at least 100 g in the form of charcoal.

For planting, take two-year-old seedlings with roots 15-20 centimeters. The shoots should be at least 30-40 centimeters. You can also use one-year-old seedlings, but their roots must be sufficiently developed.

There is one trick that gardeners use and which is the main rule when planting black currants.

Plant the bush at an angle of 45° to ground level so that the stems are fan-shaped and the lower buds on them are covered with soil. At least 2 buds should remain on the surface.

This should be done to form a powerful, healthy blackcurrant bush.

Next, you should make depressions around the planted bush, water them with a bucket of water, compact them well and lay mulch around the bush in the form of peat, compost, straw, leaves in a layer of up to 10 cm. Depending on the size and variety of currants, the distance between the bushes is maintained from a meter to one and a half meters .

Currants love illuminated, open spaces, but partial shading will not harm it, although this will affect the harvest in the future.

Currants are highly frost-resistant, but they should still be protected from late spring frosts, since the fruit buds that have begun to grow may freeze, which will affect the yield reduction.

Let us briefly outline the rules that should be followed when planting black currants:

  • plant in October-November;
  • dig a hole 40x60 cm;
  • fill with 1 bucket of humus;
  • add charcoal;
  • deepen the bush at an angle of 45° and bury it;
  • make indentations around the bush;
  • water generously;
  • trim the stems, leaving 30-40 cm in length;
  • mulch.

Caring for black currant bushes

Having planted a currant bush, I want the results of my work to please me for many years. Therefore, she still needs good care early stage development.

Until the bush bears fruit, it is enough to water it, weed it and hill it. In the year of fruiting, it is already necessary to fertilize in the form of mineral fertilizers (100 g of superphosphate, 20 g of potassium sulfate and 30 g of urea) and organic fertilizers in the form of chicken droppings and manure. 1 kg of manure is infused for three days in a bucket of water, this mixture is diluted with another bucket of water and added to the root. The same thing is done with chicken droppings, only the water consumption is doubled.

In order not to lose the harvest during spring frosts, during the period of flowering and budding the bushes must be well watered and covered. If you are not lazy and do everything on time, the harvest is guaranteed.

It is mandatory to water currants during the period of ovary formation and fruit filling, in order to avoid their crushing, especially if this coincides with a drought. After harvesting, watering continues. And in dry autumn, before the onset of frost, pre-winter watering is done, 3 buckets per bush.

Do blackcurrants need pruning? Pruning is aimed at shaping the bush, preventing thickening and improving the quality of the next harvest.

Pruning blackcurrant bushes

Black currants have been growing in one place for 15 years. And high-quality and correct pruning helps to prolong fruiting for several more years. This pruning means that after three years only 6-8 shoots are left on the bush, from which even more powerful stems and even larger berries will grow.

All branches that give little growth and that are older than three years are pruned to zero. Old shoots are easy to distinguish - they are darker in color.

Cut out diseased shoots and stems growing into the ground.

Sanitary pruning is done during flowering of those branches that have become sick with doubleness. If a black spot is visible on the cut, these are pest larvae. Such a branch is urgently cut down to the healthy part. All branches affected by larvae are burned.

The plant is generally pruned late autumn. Old shoots are removed close to the ground, leaving 3-centimeter stumps to stimulate the growth of the most productive underground buds.

Planting black currant video


Red currant - planting and care

It is difficult to imagine any garden plot without a currant bush. Red currant is a common shrub in the European part of Russia, whose popularity can only be rivaled by black currants, raspberries or gooseberries. The unique ability of red currants to winter at a temperature of -45 ° C allowed it to conquer the vast expanses of Western and Eastern Siberia, as well as regions Far East. Although red currants are planted a little less often than black currants, it is its fruits that contain pectin substances and coumarins, which prevent heart attacks and remove heavy metals from the body. Red currant fruits are an excellent product for making fruit drinks, compotes, jelly and wine. Of course, ideally, red currant berries, and any other berries, are best consumed in fresh, as they say, from the bush, but the freezing method is also perfect for it, in which the berries retain the entire range of vitamin substances.

Planting red currants

When is the best time to plant red currants? Currants are planted both in spring and autumn. But, due to the fact that the currant growing season begins very early in the spring, it is better to plant it in the fall.

It is advisable to plant red currant bushes in slightly elevated, well-lit areas. This plant prefers loose loamy and sandy loam soils. It does not make high demands on nutrients in the soil, but if there is a significant lack of them, it can discard some of the set fruits. When planning to start planting red currants in the fall, you need to take into account that this is usually done in September.

How to plant red currants in the fall? Planting should begin by preparing the planting holes. Three weeks before planting the bush, you need to dig a hole 40 cm deep and 60 cm wide. Pour 2 buckets of humus into the bottom, add complex mineral fertilizer, cover with fertile soil and water. This is done to compact the soil.

After the above-mentioned time, immediately before planting, the roots of the bush are shortened, and the plant is buried 7-8 cm above the root collar and buried. This planting promotes the growth of additional root buds, which are designed to form a lush bush.

It is important here to plant the bush in the top, unfertilized layer of soil. Otherwise, the plant will immediately begin to grow green mass, and the fruiting process will slow down. The planted bushes are watered, the stems are pruned, shortening them at a height of 25 cm from the ground with 3-4 buds. The soil around the bush is mulched with hay, straw, peat or dry leaves to retain moisture.

After planting, when the soil is slightly frozen, the red currant bushes are covered with humus, which will protect the roots from stagnant moisture and serve as additional shelter from frost.

Key points to follow when planting red currants:

  • plant in early autumn;
  • dig a hole 40x60 cm;
  • fill in 2 buckets of humus;
  • add mineral fertilizers;
  • shorten the roots, leaving 30 cm;
  • properly deepen the bush and bury it;
  • water generously;
  • trim the stems, leaving 25 cm in length;
  • mulch;
  • spud.

Caring for red currants

By providing the shrub with proper and competent care, you can achieve good harvests that will delight their owners for 25 years.

Having planted red currants, further care for them consists of weeding, mulching, watering and loosening the soil.

Red currants are drought-resistant, so regular heavy watering is not necessary. To maintain moisture in the soil, water the bush rarely but abundantly and mulch the tree trunk circle.

Fertilizers applied when planting a bush will provide the plant with nutrition for two years, but over time, when the soil is depleted, additional nutrients will need to be added. Fertilizers are applied in the fall, in the form of manure or chicken droppings diluted in water in a ratio of 1:10 and 1:20, which will penetrate deeply into the soil with rain and melt water. Mineral fertilizers are applied in the spring - 80 g of ammonium nitrate per bush.

Why do you need to prune red currants?

Pruning is of great importance for red currants, which is aimed at the correct formation of the bush, increasing resistance to diseases and ensuring regular high yields, which does not allow the fruits to become smaller.

Red currant bushes do not have a clearly defined shoot-forming ability, and the fruiting of its bouquet branches lasts up to 10 years. Based on this, the bushes do not need radical pruning. For the formation of currants, it is more important to maintain sufficient density, and shoots of zero order are regularly removed, leaving just a few branches to rejuvenate the bush.

If it was decided to grow red currants in a trunk, then all zero shoots are removed, and the growing shoot is pinched to stimulate branching and the formation of more ringlets (fruit branches). Regular pruning is carried out only if it is necessary to remove damaged, thickening and growing branches into the ground.

It should be firmly remembered that neglecting the pruning procedure can cause a significant reduction in yield and the appearance of diseases and pests on currants, which quickly spread in thickened stems.

Bushes should be constantly inspected and branches affected by diseases and pests should be cut out. To prevent diseases, it is recommended to treat the bush with 1% Bordeaux mixture a couple of weeks after flowering and after harvesting the fruits. It is also good to use lime milk with a 4% solution of ferrous sulfate to control pests. The bushes are treated with this mixture in the spring until the buds open.

By following simple tips for planting and caring for red currants, you can grow a decent harvest of vitamin-rich fruits and delight yourself and your loved ones with them.

Varieties of red currant - video


Currant cultivation and care | How to plant currants in spring

Currants are one of the most delicious and healthy berries, which in adulthood do not require any attention or care.

From this article you will learn how to grow currants and care for currants, as well as how to plant currants in the spring.

How to plant currants in spring?

Black currants are propagated by woody or green cuttings, as well as by cuttings or by dividing the bush, grafting or using seeds. Therefore, everyone can grow currants at their dacha by choosing the method that suits them.

The easiest way to plant currants in the spring is to root woody cuttings. It is the simplest and most effective. Propagation of currants by green cuttings is still not widely used in practical gardening. The method of propagating currants by layering is also rarely used. And propagation by bushes is used only in the case of moving currant bushes to another place.

When propagating currants by grafting, its annual shoots are used. They need to be grafted at a height of about 1 meter to obtain black currants. The best ways vaccinations - “English copulation” and “lateral incision”.

Propagation of black currant by seeds does not have practical significance for its cultivation, since plants obtained in this way are, as a rule, inferior in their characteristics to the parent varieties.

Growing currants

Black currant bears fruit well and grows in areas with high level standing groundwater. Suitable for growing currants are clay-sandy soils with sufficient moisture, as well as good aeration, and a neutral or slightly acidic reaction of the soil solution. Acidic soils are unsuitable for currants; they should be pre-limed. Also, currants should not be planted in mountainous areas.

Planting material for growing currants must have a developed root system, which would consist of 3-4 main branches and many thinner branches. And the above-ground part should consist of strong shoots, the seedlings should not be infected with diseases.

Before planting, seedlings need to be prepared by removing all damaged shoots and roots. Healthy currant roots should not be shortened before planting.

The density of planting currant bushes should primarily depend on the variety and fertility of your soil. But, between plants and rows there should be approximately the same distances - about 1.2-1.5 meters.

If you plan to plant currants in the spring on poor soils, then smaller distances should be used.

How to plant currant seedlings?

It is recommended to plant any of the types and shades of currants in spring or autumn, until buds appear on the trees. We must try to find a good place for growing currants. The place in which you will plant currants should be open, with loose, moist soil. To plant currants, dig a hole 40 cm deep and about 50 cm wide, be sure to add fertilizer to the soil, the best for currants is nitroammophoska, it must be mixed with 5 kg. organic fertilizers and pour it all into the roots.

Particular attention should be paid to seedlings, because it is on them that the harvest will largely depend. The root system of the seedling must be a developed and intact root system, it must have at least two branches, at least 30 cm long. The currant seedling must not be infested with pests.

When you plant currants in the spring, you should adhere to a certain pattern of 1 x 2 meters. The distance between bushes should be from 1 to 1.5 m from each other.

When the seedling is lowered into the hole, you need to shake it, the earth should fill the entire space around the roots. As soon as a currant seedling hits the ground, it immediately needs water. It needs to be watered abundantly, about 1.5 buckets per bush.

In order to retain moisture as long as possible, it is necessary to mulch the soil with peat to care for currants. Under no circumstances should you add humus to grow currants; they don’t like it.

Currant care

Caring for currants is not at all easy. Currants require pruning so that the bush is formed without dry branches. Old branches should be removed, and beautiful fresh and new branches will grow in their place.

As soon as the first warm days knock on the window, you need to loosen the soil and add fertilizers consisting of bird droppings, potassium salt, ammonium nitrate, etc. After fertilizing, the currant bush is watered and mulched. Currants require the most abundant watering at the moment when the berries are formed.

Currant care also includes pest control. Currants have many enemies; aphids and spider mites love them. But people also love currants no less, so, as a rule, they fertilize them with emulsion or carboface.

Currants always bear a lot of fruit. Harvesting the berries is very simple, and you can already eat a handful of vitamins when picking them. Then make delicious jam and a disease-free winter was a success.

Formation of currants

You can form a currant bush the very next year after planting. To do this, a seedling with one stem needs to be shortened by 2-3 buds. Weak plants need to be shortened further. When the branches of a seedling are different in development, then you need to shorten the weak one by one bud, and the strong one by two buds.

Winter pruning of currants should also be carried out in the second year after planting. For well-developed currant bushes, you need to cut off 3-4 evenly spaced branches, and cut others to the base. The branches left for fruiting should also be trimmed, leaving only 2-3.

Currants are a plant that requires pruning and care and does not need weeding, fertilizers, or watering. Care for currants is sufficient, which involves pruning the branches and forming a bush. Then you will be able to get currant berries that are large in size and pleasant in taste, and your currants will bear fruit every year without changes in the yield level. But if you do not trim the branches of the currant, then every year the berries will become smaller, and the currant will turn into a wild bush.

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How to plant currants in the spring and get an excellent harvest

These fragrant berries, which contain a whole storehouse of vitamins, are loved by many. The fruits are valued for their high content of nutrients, especially pectin (it is this that protects us from increased radiation). There are few places where you will find a summer cottage without fragrant currants. In order for her to please the eye with her harvest, it is important to follow some basic rules. By properly caring for the bush, you can collect up to 10 liters of fruit from it. Landing also plays an important role. If you did not have time to do this in the autumn (the most favorable), then ask how to plant currants in the spring. Having received enough information, all that remains is to apply the tips.

Features of how to plant currants in spring

If personal plot does not contain a lot of snow after winter, it is advisable to plant the bushes immediately after the cold weather. In this way, freezing of the root system can be avoided. Many gardeners, when it comes to how to plant currants in spring, agree that it is worth burying the seedlings for the winter. To prevent the buds from blooming with the onset of warming, they are shaded (short pruning is also possible). When the top layer warms up enough, the bushes are planted in the prepared place.

Decide on a location before planting currants in the spring

Consider where these berries will grow, how much light they will receive, whether they are protected from strong winds etc. For example, black currants do not tolerate intense shade and are productive only in well-lit areas. Red and white are less sensitive to dry air and soil. Be sure to take into account these properties of crops when preparing a place for them. Groundwater should rise no higher than 1–1.5 m from the top layer.

How to plant currants in spring, choosing soil

In a situation where there is no possibility of providing a place with suitable soil for currants on the territory, it is necessary to improve its quality. Heavy clay soils are saturated. They add sand, peat or humus. The swampy area is drained. Add lime and organic fertilizers. On poor sandstone, an increased rate of humus is given. The plant is very demanding on the soil’s ability to give birth, so when deciding how to plant currants in spring, regardless of its composition, apply organic and mineral fertilizers to the planting holes or throughout the entire territory. After this, everything is thoroughly dug up on the bayonet of a shovel, choosing the rhizomes of perennial weeds (wheatgrass, bindweed and others).

Basic principles on how to properly plant currants in spring

When the land is poor, the holes are enlarged. If currants are placed on the ground in several lines, then, depending on the growing zone and varietal characteristics, the distance between rows should be 1.5 - 2 m, and in a row - 0.5 - 1 m. Pruning the bushes is important to create uncrowded conditions and good lighting . By pruning them immediately after planting, strong basal shoots are obtained in the first summer. Taking into account the advice how to plant currants in spring, you will help plants grow in good conditions and inhibit the growth of weeds. Information on how to care for currants so that the bush is healthy will allow you to harvest a large harvest every year!


How to plant seedlings in spring

Apple tree

Among fruit trees, the apple tree occupies one of the first places. It is grown in almost every corner of the country. They grow in the south

varieties of apple trees with large fruits, and in the north early varieties with small apples. The fruits of some varieties are stored almost until spring. Apples of early varieties are mainly consumed fresh, and are also used for making compotes and jam. To get a good harvest, you need to plant the apple tree correctly on the site. You can read about this in this article. So.

In spring, the apple tree is planted before the buds bloom on the seedling. This is the end of April - beginning of May. The hole for planting a seedling is prepared in the fall. We dig a hole of such a size that the root system of the seedling can easily fit into it. Fill the hole with fertile soil (you can mix the soil from the hole with humus). We leave the hole for the winter. Over the winter the soil will shrink a little. Where to plant apple trees? They grow best in an area with fertile soil. Planting in lowlands is not recommended. It is advisable for the tree to grow on a flat area or on a small hill.

Apple tree planting technology. It is best to start planting in cloudy weather. We remove some of the soil from the prepared hole and drive in a wooden peg. Pour some soil into the hole to make a mound, straighten the roots of the seedling and place it in the prepared hole. We water it with water and cover it with fertile soil. The root collar should be 2-3 cm above the soil level. After planting, water generously. If you decide to plant several trees on the site, then there should be a distance of at least 5 meters between them.


Few people have not tried red and black currants. Red currants are more sour. It is used to make compotes and sometimes jam. Blackcurrant is a little sweeter. It makes delicious jam. The berry is also well suited for freezing. To get a good harvest of currants on your plot, you need to plant the seedling correctly. You can read about this in this article. So.

Although it is believed that autumn is the best time to plant currants, they can also be planted in the spring. The main thing is to start planting as early as possible, immediately after the ground thaws. This is in the middle zone around the end of April. It is better to grow currants in an area well protected from the winds with good lighting. The soil must be fertile. If the site has clay soil, then some of the clay can be replaced with fertile soil. That is, dig a hole in advance and fill it with enriched soil.

The technology for planting currants is known to many experienced gardeners. Although there is still debate about the tilt of the seedling. Some are planted vertically. Others with an inclination of 45 degrees. The first and second methods are excellent for planting. We will plant at an angle.

We dig a hole 40 cm deep and 50 cm wide. Pour a bucket of water into the hole, place the seedling at an angle of 45 degrees, so that the root collar is at a depth of 5 cm. Then carefully straighten the roots and cover with soil. Water again and leave. During the summer, we regularly remove weeds from around the bush and water it with water. The first harvest of berries can be obtained in 1-2 years.


On many garden plots, at least one cherry bush is growing. Ripe cherries are consumed fresh or compotes are prepared from them for the winter. Cherry jam is also very tasty. But in order to get a big harvest, you first need to choose the right place where the bush will grow and plant the cherry. The harvest largely depends on the correct planting of cherries on the site.

The best time for planting is spring. When planting in autumn, the plant may die from severe frosts and temperature changes. Spring planting should begin as early as possible, before the buds open. As soon as the snow melts and the ground warms up slightly, begin planting immediately. It is best to plant cherries in a well-lit area. Preferably on a flat surface or on a slight hill. It is not recommended to grow cherries in lowlands.

When we have decided on the planting site, we begin preparing the hole. We make a hole 80 cm wide and 50 cm deep. Separate the upper layers of soil from the lower ones. The bottom layer is less fertile, so it should be placed last. First, the seedling is covered with fertile, top layer of soil. Mix the top layer of soil with humus, if necessary.

We place a wooden planting stake in the middle of the hole. We straighten the roots of the seedling and carefully place it in the hole. The root collar of the seedling should be several centimeters above the soil level. Water the cherry seedling with water (1-2 buckets per plant, depending on soil moisture). We tie the seedling to a stick and leave it. Now we regularly water the cherries with water, especially during the dry season.


Pears in the middle zone are grown much less often than apple trees. This is due to the fact that pears have less winter hardiness. The pear has the following positive qualities: it is durable. One tree can live up to 100 years. Productivity per tree good year, can reach 100 kilograms. You can read about planting pear trees on this page. So.

First you need to choose a landing site. A flat, fairly dry place with good lighting is best. The soil must be rich in nutrients. The tree will not grow well on clay soil. You should also avoid planting in lowlands, where a lot of moisture accumulates in the spring after the snow melts. When choosing a planting site, consider the distance between the tree and buildings. Must be at least 3 meters.

Planting in the spring is carried out before the buds open (before the beginning of May). In the selected area, dig a hole slightly larger than the root system of the seedling. Mix the earth with humus. Near the hole on the south side we drive a peg about half a meter long (we will tie a pear seedling to it).

Pour some fertile soil into the prepared hole in the form of a mound. We take a seedling (it is best to use a two-year-old plant for planting), carefully straighten the roots and place the pear seedling in the hole. We cover it with earth. The root collar must be 6 cm above the soil level. Water generously. To maintain soil moisture, it is recommended to mulch the soil with humus.

Many novice gardeners wonder when to plant currants? Experts say that this berry crop can be planted both in spring and autumn. At the same time, young seedlings develop equally well, and begin to actively bear fruit after 2-3 years.

When is the best time to plant currant bushes?

Any types and varieties of currants can be planted in the fall. Over the winter, the soil around the young bush will settle and become well compacted. Such bushes grow early in the spring and develop well in a new place.

When planting in autumn, the soil around the young plant should be mulched with fallen leaves, peat, compost or rotted manure. Mulch will retain moisture in the ground and protect young currants from freezing the root system on frosty days.

Most often, young seedlings of this berry crop are planted in September. At the same time, young plants have time to quickly take root.

When to plant currants in the Moscow region? The best time to plant this crop is the end of September - the first half of October. At this time, the kidneys are already entering the resting phase.

How to plant in the fall?

A year before planting currants, add compost or rotted manure to the soil. Before planting, seedlings undergo special treatment. Damaged and dry branches and roots are removed from them. After this, the root system is dipped in a “chatterbox” of clay diluted in water. It will prevent it from drying out.

The planting density of this crop depends on the type and variety. When placing it, the fertility of the soil and the shape of the crown of the bushes are also taken into account. The most spreading and tall varieties are planted less often than more compact currants. The interval between bushes should be 1-1.5 m.

One of the main features of planting young currants is the deepening of the root collar of the seedling 6-9 cm below ground level. In this case, the planting material is placed in an inclined position.

Thanks to this planting method, a spreading bush with a wide base is formed faster. Also, the inclined position of the seedling promotes the formation of additional roots and shoots. If a gardener wants to get a standard currant bush, then the seedling is planted without being buried in a vertical position. In such plants, the regeneration of shoots will be rather weak.

Before planting currants, it is necessary to prepare planting holes. Their size should be 40x40 cm or 40x50 cm. Compost or rotted humus is poured into the bottom of the pit. All the roots of the seedlings are straightened. Then they are evenly sprinkled with soil, thoroughly compacting it. It is recommended to shake the seedlings periodically so that it completely fills the voids around the root system of the plant.

After filling the hole 2/3 full, water it abundantly (0.5 buckets per hole). After the planting hole is completely filled and the soil is compacted, the seedling is watered again (0.5 buckets).

After planting all the bushes, the ground around the trunk is mulched with rotted leaves, humus, compost, and peat. This procedure will prevent the formation of a crust and retain the moisture necessary for rapid rooting of currants.

How to plant black currants in spring

In areas where there is little snow in winter, it is better to plant young bushes in early spring. Planting material purchased in the fall can be buried in the ground. Such seedlings are shaded or pruned short in early spring in order to prevent rapid bud break. Currants are planted in a permanent place after the soil has completely thawed. The best period for planting currants is early April - May. Plants planted later take root worse and are greatly retarded in development.

When planting currants in spring, the preparation of holes and the entire process of planting seedlings is carried out as during autumn planting. 2 tbsp are poured into the planting hole. tablespoons of superphosphate and potassium salt (can be replaced with two glasses of crushed wood ash). Compost or humus is poured into the bottom of the hole. Mix the soil with this mass using a shovel. After planting, all branches are cut short, making a cut above healthy buds. Currants are watered every 2-3 days. Beginner gardeners need to know that black currants tolerate spring planting somewhat worse than autumn planting.

How to plant red currants?

The process of planting red and other types of currants is practically no different from planting black currants. Well-lit areas with high soil moisture are chosen for these bushes. Well-drained loams with a slightly acidic reaction are ideal for currants. The distance between red and white currant bushes should be about 1.5 m.

How to plant black currants (video)


Rules for planting black currants

Black currant is one of the most famous and favorite berries of most people. Possessing excellent taste, it is also extremely beneficial for the body. The level of vitamin C in berries is one of the highest of any known food containing this vitamin. These berries are used during colds, intestinal diseases, and for general prevention of the body. In addition, jams, compotes, jellies and currant jams are the favorite dishes of many people. Everyone knows about its beneficial properties, but not everyone knows when and how to plant it.

Planting black currants

The optimal conditions for planting all types of currants are autumn. Shrubs are planted in the fall, usually at the end of October. The main thing is to plant the bush before frost sets in. If you plant a bush in the fall, then before the onset of spring the soil around the bush is compacted, and the seedling takes root well, and with the onset of the first warmth it begins to grow intensively.

The choice of landing site should also be approached responsibly. This plant is moisture-loving, so damp areas are suitable for it, but at the same time well protected from drafts. Planting currants in the fall is not allowed in wetlands.

The best option is medium and heavy loamy soils. Currants are afraid of stagnant water, so good soil drainage should be established.

How to plant black currants in the fall

Many people, having planted a blackcurrant bush, immediately forget about it, and remember only during the harvest. And, in vain. To get a good full harvest, you need to follow simple rules.

The area allocated for planting currants is leveled, all depressions are filled up. Next, a spacious hole is dug - 40 cm deep and 60 cm in diameter. The bottom of the hole is covered with a bucket of humus and potassium fertilizers are added in the amount of at least 100 g in the form of charcoal.

For planting, take two-year-old seedlings with roots 15-20 centimeters. The shoots should be at least 30-40 centimeters. You can also use one-year-old seedlings, but their roots must be sufficiently developed.

There is one trick that gardeners use and which is the main rule when planting black currants.

Plant the bush at an angle of 45° to ground level so that the stems are fan-shaped and the lower buds on them are covered with soil. At least 2 buds should remain on the surface.

This should be done to form a powerful, healthy blackcurrant bush.

Next, you should make depressions around the planted bush, water them with a bucket of water, compact them well and lay mulch around the bush in the form of peat, compost, straw, leaves in a layer of up to 10 cm. Depending on the size and variety of currants, the distance between the bushes is maintained from a meter to one and a half meters .

Currants love illuminated, open spaces, but partial shading will not harm it, although this will affect the harvest in the future.

Currants are highly frost-resistant, but they should still be protected from late spring frosts, since the fruit buds that have begun to grow may freeze, which will affect the yield reduction.

Let us briefly outline the rules that should be followed when planting black currants:

  • plant in October-November;
  • dig a hole 40x60 cm;
  • fill with 1 bucket of humus;
  • add charcoal;
  • shorten the roots, leaving 30 cm;
  • deepen the bush at an angle of 45° and bury it;
  • make indentations around the bush;
  • water generously;
  • trim the stems, leaving 30-40 cm in length;
  • mulch.

Caring for black currant bushes

Having planted a currant bush, I want the results of my work to please me for many years. Therefore, she needs good care at an early stage of development.

Until the bush bears fruit, it is enough to water it, weed it and hill it. In the year of fruiting, it is already necessary to fertilize in the form of mineral fertilizers (100 g of superphosphate, 20 g of potassium sulfate and 30 g of urea) and organic fertilizers in the form of chicken droppings and manure. 1 kg of manure is infused for three days in a bucket of water, this mixture is diluted with another bucket of water and added to the root. The same thing is done with chicken droppings, only the water consumption is doubled.

In order not to lose the harvest during spring frosts, during the period of flowering and budding the bushes must be well watered and covered. If you are not lazy and do everything on time, the harvest is guaranteed.

It is mandatory to water currants during the period of ovary formation and fruit filling, in order to avoid their crushing, especially if this coincides with a drought. After harvesting, watering continues. And in dry autumn, before the onset of frost, pre-winter watering is done, 3 buckets per bush.

Do blackcurrants need pruning? Pruning is aimed at shaping the bush, preventing thickening and improving the quality of the next harvest.

Pruning blackcurrant bushes

Black currants have been growing in one place for 15 years. And high-quality and correct pruning helps to prolong fruiting for several more years. This pruning means that after three years only 6-8 shoots are left on the bush, from which even more powerful stems and even larger berries will grow.

All branches that give little growth and that are older than three years are pruned to zero. Old shoots are easy to distinguish - they are darker in color.

Cut out diseased shoots and stems growing into the ground.

Sanitary pruning is done during flowering of those branches that have become sick with doubleness. If a black spot is visible on the cut, these are pest larvae. Such a branch is urgently cut down to the healthy part. All branches affected by larvae are burned.

The plant is pruned mainly in late autumn. Old shoots are removed close to the ground, leaving 3-centimeter stumps to stimulate the growth of the most productive underground buds.

Planting black currant video


When and how to plant currants?

An excellent currant berry - vitamin-packed, fragrant, healthy! It is difficult to imagine even a small garden without its bushes. Beautiful clusters of white, yellow, red, pink and black berries serve as an undoubted decoration both for the garden itself and for the harvest of garden crops. Since currants are very popular, many gardeners are engaged in growing them. With proper care, a bucket of berries can be collected from one bush! And when and how to plant currants in order to get healthy bushes that produce a plentiful, tasty and healthy harvest?

Currant bushes are long-lived among fruit and berry crops. They begin to bear fruit in the second year, and already in the third and fourth they produce a full harvest. With proper and attentive care, they can bear fruit for up to 15 years.

Choosing seedlings

The best time for planting is early autumn. Currants are planted as seedlings, it is best if they are two years old. For reliable rooting, such a shoot must have at least three skeletal roots. If a seedling is purchased in a pot, it must be removed from the pot to check the root system.

Currants are very often affected by various fungal diseases. Therefore, for planting, it is best to choose varieties that are resistant to such diseases.

Also, varieties must be zoned, i.e. suitable for a specific climatic region of growth. Breeders who breed currant bushes have developed varieties that meet all the requirements of gardeners.

Preparing the landing site

Currant bushes are best planted in a permanent place in mid-autumn - in the second half of October. To board you need to select sunny place, since all varieties of currants love the sun. But we should not forget that all varieties of currants love moisture. Therefore, it must be provided with sufficient water. But the soil should not be swampy, because currants easily become infected with fungal diseases. Therefore, the soil for currant bushes must be well drained.

Currant planting technology

Holes for planting currant bushes are dug at a distance of 1.5 - 2 meters from each other. A sufficient amount of a mixture of humus, potassium sulfate and superphosphate should be placed in a planting hole with a diameter of 50-60 cm and a depth of 40-45 cm. This must be done a few weeks before planting the bushes to allow the soil to settle. Currant bushes should be planted 5 cm deeper than they were planted before transplanting.

And in order for the bush to be strong, it is advisable to trim it when planting, leaving 10-15 cm from the ground. By the way, cut currant branches can be planted in moist soil, where they will easily take root.

We plant the seedlings obliquely, at an angle of approximately 45 degrees. Deep and inclined planting guarantees the formation of additional roots and fresh shoots from the root collar and buds of the covered part of the stem. This is how a developed, powerful bush with many strong branches is formed. When planted directly, the bush turns out to be single-stemmed. The roots of the seedling should be carefully straightened, sprinkled with earth, the soil lightly compacted, watered (half a bucket per bush), then the hole should be completely filled. We form a hole around the bush and water it again. We mulch the soil with humus to avoid the appearance of crust. If the weather is dry, the plants are watered after a few days and mulched again.


Currants must be watered regularly. Drying out the soil, even once, will lead to a decrease in yield and shredding of the berries. Under each bush you need to pour 3-5 buckets of water at a time.

To achieve good yields, currant bushes are formed. Initially, after planting, all branches are cut off, leaving up to 5 buds on the shoot. In adult plants, old five- to six-year-old branches that bear fruit are replaced with powerful young ones, and excess annual shoots are also removed. A bush with a wide base should be formed. The wider it is, the lighter and freer the middle of the bush, the better and more uniform the fruiting of the entire plant, and not just its peripheral branches, as usually happens with excessive thickening. The presence of 16-20 powerful branches of different ages indicates that the bush is formed correctly.

The roots should be protected from freezing. To do this, in the fall the bush is covered with earth, and the tree trunk circle is sprinkled with compost and peat. It is better to place currants not along the perimeter of the site, but in a separate, designated place. It is convenient to plant in rows with a distance of 2 m in dachas and 3 m in industrial plantings. For cross-pollination, it is recommended to combine different mutually pollinating varieties on the site. This will increase productivity.

Having planted currants in his garden, not a single gardener has regretted it. Good luck getting better at growing this plant!


Propagating currants yourself is much better than buying them in a nursery or at the market for several reasons. The most important reason is that with the help of cuttings you can grow 20 bushes or 100 in one year, depending on your needs. Let's take a closer look at this method

Propagation of black currant by cuttings

Harvesting woody currant cuttings

In order to be sure that currant seedlings will produce exactly the fruits you expect, take a closer look at a very popular propagation method different varieties currants using cuttings.

That being said, there are several ways to grow good bushes. In spring and autumn, lignified currant cuttings are planted, and in summer, green cuttings can be used for the same purposes.

Annual shoots are used as lignified currant cuttings. It is advisable to cut them from healthy bushes that you have observed over the summer and are confident in the good taste of the berries. You can cut currant cuttings in autumn or early spring. You can combine the preparation of cuttings with spring pruning of currants.

It is very important that the shoots are fully mature and have a diameter of six millimeters or more. The length of the cutting should be about 15 centimeters.

The longer the cutting, the more nutrients it contains. But the fewer currant bushes you can get.

When cutting currant cuttings, a cut in the upper part of the cutting is made on the bud with a sharp pruner, stepping back 1 cm from it. At the bottom of the cutting, the cut is made obliquely under the lower bud. Young roots will form in the area between the nodes and under the buds.

Planting woody currant cuttings

In order for the cuttings to take root well, it is recommended to plant them in prepared trenches, the ground in which is first dug up to the depth of a bayonet shovel. Prepared compost with rotted manure is poured inside the trenches.

Such trenches are prepared in the fall so that in early spring there is time to plant currant cuttings in wet soil. In this case, excess moisture will accelerate the formation of young roots.

Cuttings can also be planted before winter. The most important thing is not to miss the moment when the buds on one-year-old shoots have already fallen asleep, i.e. entered the resting phase.

For black currants, the dormant phase begins in late September - early October. For red currants, the dormant period begins earlier - in the second half of August.

This period is the most favorable for planting cut cuttings. If you are late, the number of rooted cuttings will decrease. If you decide to plant cuttings in the spring, then try to plant as early as possible.

How to properly plant currants using cuttings?

In order not to create problems with caring for currants grown from cuttings, it is recommended to plant them along the cord at a distance of 10-15 cm. It is advisable to leave a passage 40 cm wide between the rows. This will make it possible to care for currants in the summer and for convenient digging during planting in a permanent place.

To prevent the soil in the rows with planted currant cuttings from drying out, it can be mulched with peat or humus. The thicker the layer, the better. But 3-5 cm will be enough.

A good option to protect the soil from drying out is to use a transparent or dark film.

Holes in the film are cut with scissors over the cuttings of the planted currants. The film will protect the soil from drying out and accelerate the growth of young shoots on currants.

If by autumn the young currant bushes have time to fully form, they can be moved to a permanent place. If for some reason they do not reach the required condition, then it is better to leave them in place for another season.

How to propagate currants from green cuttings

If you are late in propagating currants by cuttings in the spring, then an acceptable option is to propagate black currants with green cuttings. We have already considered a similar option in the article “How to grow a rose from a cutting” http://usadba100sotok.ru/garden/flowers/kak-vyrastit-rozu-iz-cherenka.html. These recommendations can also be used for currants.

For rooting, choose young currant shoots that are not yet completely lignified, but no longer break when bent.

To grow currant seedlings from these shoots, they are planted under film in greenhouses or greenhouses with sufficient humidity. For isolated cases of cultivation when propagating black currants, they can be covered with green cuttings plastic bottles or glass jars. This method is also suitable for propagating red currants.

To prepare high-quality cuttings from green currant shoots, they try to cut them in the morning in cool weather. If the weather is cloudy or rainy, then you can harvest currant cuttings throughout the day.

To grow normal currant seedlings, it is enough to prepare cuttings about 10 cm long, with three to four leaves. The leaf blades of the lower leaves should be cut in half.

As in the case of harvesting currant cuttings from lignified shoots, the upper cut is made directly above the bud, about a centimeter away from it, and the lower cut is made under the bud, also half a centimeter away from it. The cuts should not be torn; for this purpose, the cutting tool should be chosen sharp.

In order for currant cuttings to take root faster, they are soaked in growth stimulants for 12-24 hours. For these purposes, heteroauxin and indolyl-butyric acid have proven themselves well. After treatment, the cuttings are planted in prepared soil to a depth of 2 - 2.5 cm.

Caring for green cuttings is somewhat different from caring for cuttings that have already become lignified. For complete survival, they must be sprayed four to five times daily. This regime is maintained for two to three weeks.

To maintain sufficient moisture in the area of ​​green cuttings, the greenhouse where the cuttings are grown is protected from drying out and from direct sunlight. If the greenhouse site is located in an open area, then the film is shaded with whitewash or gauze.

Green cuttings will take root in two to three weeks. After this period, you can reduce the amount of watering and begin fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers. After a month, the film over the cuttings can be removed for several hours a day, increasing this time every day. When you see that the leaves on the cuttings remain green and elastic, the film can be completely removed.

The following spring, currant cuttings are planted in a growing area, and in the fall in a permanent place.

Vegetative propagation of currants

Another reliable way to propagate black and red currants is by dropping cuttings from the mother bush. The advantage of this method is that in this case the survival rate is 100%.

This method is suitable for all varieties of currants. In order for currant cuttings to take root, they are placed in grooves extending from the mother bush in the form of rays and sprinkled with earth.

For reliability, you can attach currant branches intended for growing young bushes with pieces of wire bent in the shape of the letter V. When the young bushes take root and begin to grow, the wire can be removed and the currant bushes can be transplanted to the intended place next spring.


How to plant currants correctly? Are the branches straight into the ground or with the roots? And when?

Nikolay Sorokin

I share my dacha experience of planting currants on the clay soil of the Moscow region. This is especially true for those summer residents who come to their dacha on weekends and on vacation. Although currants are an easy-to-root, rewarding crop, if they take root immediately on the plot, you will wait 2-3 years for the harvest, and it will be long and difficult for it to grow from a thin branch without regular watering and care. Therefore, I cut or purchase cuttings in the fall, place them immediately in a plastic bag, wrap them with tape, and put them in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf until the end of January. At this time, I take the cuttings out of the bag, soak the branches in any rooting solution (up to a day), then simply place them in glass jars with water on the windowsill. I forget about them for about a month and a half. During this time they take root; I change the water periodically. Then I select best cuttings, strong with decent roots, I place them in half-filled 2-liter juice bags with purchased soil for seedlings, 2-3 pieces each. at an angle to each other. I water it periodically. The appearance of new leaves and the growth of twigs indicate successful planting and growth of young bushes. As they grow, I add soil to the bags. Already in March I begin to take it out onto the balcony for hardening. You can already start feeding. I have non-dried ones in stock for the planting season. seedlings poorly preserved since autumn, and ready-made bushes about half a meter with a closed root system. And the timing of planting in the ground can be postponed as desired. With a properly filled hole and watering, next year you can already get a decent harvest for a young plant. On our site, purchased seedlings differ sharply from those grown with our own hands. I advise everyone, if possible, to propagate currants and gooseberries in this way (a little more difficult). I don’t see any particular hassle, the rooting percentage is not bad, you can always choose the best ones for planting, control their growth, and such seedlings are a good “decoration” of windows in the middle of winter.


with roots, possible in the fall


you dig into the ground

Vyacheslav Sorokin

Tatiana. Hello. The best time for planting is autumn and spring. Seedlings must be purchased with roots. You can grow your own seedlings, but it is troublesome. It should be planted in a pre-prepared hole 40-40 cm deep. . mix with humus and water well.

Tatyana Pavlova

You cut a twig from a bush, keep it in Kornevin, Kornerost or the like according to the instructions, plant it in the ground at an angle of 45 degrees, water it, cover it with a jar, cut off the leaves by half, preferably 2 buds in the ground, 2 on top and wait for rooting. After a year, if accepted, you can transplant it into place.

Natalia Shalnova

In the fall, cut the branches, 15 cm long, so that there are 3-4 buds on it and plant it in a garden bed without any roots at an angle of 45 degrees. In the spring you will see which ones have taken root. And next fall, transplant it to a permanent place.


Currants are easily propagated by woody cuttings or layering.

For propagation by lignified cuttings, take well-ripened annual shoots of sufficient length (from 2-4 year old branches). It is easier to cut shoots for cuttings in the fall in the 2nd - 3rd decade of September; planted at this time, they have time to take root well and overwinter safely.

On the same day, the shoots are cut into cuttings 18 - 20 cm long, with 5 - 6 buds; The uppermost unripe part of the shoot should not be taken for cuttings. The upper cut on the cutting is made oblique, on the bud, the lower one under the bud. It is better to cut the shoots with a sharp garden knife rather than with pruning shears.

And it is better to plant on the day the cuttings are taken.

The basic rule that should be followed is to dry out the shoots and cuttings as little as possible, and for this it is better to keep them in water or some cool place before planting.

In well-prepared soil (bed), the cuttings are planted in rows with a distance between them of 60 - 70 cm, and in a row of 12 - 15 cm, obliquely at approximately an angle of 45 degrees. 2 buds are left at the top, and one of them should be at soil level. The soil around the cuttings is pressed tightly so that there are no voids, watered well and mulched with clean peat.

If planting cuttings is postponed to spring, then it is better to prepare them in the fall and store them in the basement, in wet sand or in snow until spring. In the spring, cuttings should be planted as early as possible, as soon as the soil allows, in the dirt.
Planting and rooting of woody blackcurrant cuttings

For good and quick rooting of cuttings, the soil in the garden bed should always be kept moist and loose. This is especially important in the first month after planting. With good care by autumn, a cutting can be grown into a standard seedling suitable for planting.

To obtain layering, annual shoots and well-developed 1-2 year old branches are bent and pinned at the bush. From one bush you can remove 5 - 6 shoots without much damage to the plant.
The soil before

Laying out the cuttings is fertilized well, dug up and watered. When 10 - 12 cm shoots grow on the spread out branches, they are sprinkled with loose and moist soil, without covering the tops of the shoots, then this sprinkling is repeated after 3 - 4 weeks. By autumn, the rooted cuttings can be separated from the mother bush and planted separately for growing, or left in place for another year; by the end of the second year it will be suitable for planting.

It must be borne in mind that cuttings of white and red currants take root worse than black ones, so they should be planted as early as possible in the fall. It is best to propagate red and white currants by layering; this is a more reliable way.

Dasha Zhirukhina

You need to select a branch from the main bush and bury it in the ground (under no circumstances should it be cut off). When the roots sprout, you can safely cut them off and plant them in another place. Can be planted in summer, autumn and spring.

Many novice gardeners wonder when to plant currants? Experts say that this berry crop can be planted both in spring and autumn. At the same time, young seedlings develop equally well, and begin to actively bear fruit after 2-3 years.

When is the best time to plant currant bushes?

Any types and varieties of currants can be planted in the fall. Over the winter, the soil around the young bush will settle and become well compacted. Such bushes grow early in the spring and develop well in a new place.

When planting in autumn, the soil around the young plant should be mulched with fallen leaves, peat, compost or rotted manure. Mulch will retain moisture in the ground and protect young currants from freezing the root system on frosty days.

Most often, young seedlings of this berry crop are planted in September. At the same time, young plants have time to quickly take root.

When to plant currants in the Moscow region? The best time to plant this crop is the end of September - the first half of October. At this time, the kidneys are already entering the resting phase.

How to plant in the fall?

A year before planting currants, add compost or rotted manure to the soil. Before planting, seedlings undergo special treatment. Damaged and dry branches and roots are removed from them. After this, the root system is dipped in a “chatterbox” of clay diluted in water. It will prevent it from drying out.

The planting density of this crop depends on the type and variety. When placing it, the fertility of the soil and the shape of the crown of the bushes are also taken into account. The most spreading and tall varieties are planted less often than more compact currants. The interval between bushes should be 1-1.5 m.

One of the main features of planting young currants is the deepening of the root collar of the seedling 6-9 cm below ground level. In this case, the planting material is placed in an inclined position.

Thanks to this planting method, a spreading bush with a wide base is formed faster. Also, the inclined position of the seedling promotes the formation of additional roots and shoots. If a gardener wants to get a standard currant bush, then the seedling is planted without being buried in a vertical position. In such plants, the regeneration of shoots will be rather weak.

Before planting currants, it is necessary to prepare planting holes. Their size should be 40x40 cm or 40x50 cm. Compost or rotted humus is poured into the bottom of the pit. All the roots of the seedlings are straightened. Then they are evenly sprinkled with soil, thoroughly compacting it. It is recommended to shake the seedlings periodically so that it completely fills the voids around the root system of the plant.

After filling the hole 2/3 full, water it abundantly (0.5 buckets per hole). After the planting hole is completely filled and the soil is compacted, the seedling is watered again (0.5 buckets).

After planting all the bushes, the ground around the trunk is mulched with rotted leaves, humus, compost, and peat. This procedure will prevent the formation of a crust and retain the moisture necessary for rapid rooting of currants.

How to plant black currants in spring

In areas where there is little snow in winter, it is better to plant young bushes in early spring. Planting material purchased in the fall can be buried in the ground. Such seedlings are shaded or pruned short in early spring in order to prevent rapid bud break. Currants are planted in a permanent place after the soil has completely thawed. The best period for planting currants is early April - May. Plants planted later take root worse and are greatly retarded in development.

When planting currants in spring, the preparation of holes and the entire process of planting seedlings is carried out as during autumn planting. 2 tbsp are poured into the planting hole. tablespoons of superphosphate and potassium salt (can be replaced with two glasses of crushed wood ash). Compost or humus is poured into the bottom of the hole. Mix the soil with this mass using a shovel. After planting, all branches are cut short, making a cut above healthy buds. Currants are watered every 2-3 days. Beginner gardeners need to know that black currants tolerate spring planting somewhat worse than autumn planting.

How to plant red currants?

The process of planting red and other types of currants is practically no different from planting black currants. Well-lit areas with high soil moisture are chosen for these bushes. Well-drained loams with a slightly acidic reaction are ideal for currants. The distance between red and white currant bushes should be about 1.5 m.

How to plant black currants (video)


When and how to replant currants?

Today, it is perhaps impossible to find a summer cottage where currants do not grow. Black, red and white beauty has won the love of gardeners with its delicious, aromatic and healthy berries. To get a good harvest every year, the bushes in the berry garden need proper care and timely propagation of the varieties you like.

In some cases, it becomes necessary to transplant currants:

  • if neighboring overgrown trees or shrubs begin to interfere with the bushes;
  • if the bush is outdated and requires rejuvenation;
  • if you need to transplant rooted cuttings or shoots;
  • if the soil under an adult bush is depleted and the plant is sick from a lack of nutrients.

In each of the above cases, the rules for transplanting currants and the procedure are the same.

Rules for transplanting currants

Transplanting currants is preceded by choosing a location for the future bush or berry garden. Currants love warm, illuminated areas and cannot tolerate darkness, so the bushes should be located away from trees, fences and outbuildings. The area for the future berry garden is dug up to remove weeds and roots of old plants.

  • In the selected area, pits are prepared in 2-3 weeks at a distance of 1-1.5 meters from each other. Fertile soil, humus (compost), potash, phosphate fertilizers or wood ash are poured into the pits. The prepared soil should be loose and nutritious. For red currants, it is advisable to add sand to the nutrient mixture, and lay a small layer of crushed stone at the bottom of the hole for drainage.
  • It is advisable to keep the size of the holes at least 50-60cm wide and 30-40cm deep, but it is more advisable to focus on the size of the roots of the currant bushes.
  • The transplanted bush requires careful preparation. Young shoots are cut in half and old branches are cut to the ground. The currants are carefully dug in and taken out of the hole. There is no need to pull the plant by the shoots - you can damage the roots or branches. If you can’t remove the currants the first time, dig them in a circle again, 1.5-2 spade depths.
  • If the bush is healthy, then it can be dug up with a clod of earth and replanted. If the bush is sick, you need to carefully examine all the roots, remove damaged or dry ones, and remove the larvae of pests and insects living in the root system of the plants. Treat the plant roots with a solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate).
  • Pour enough water into the hole so that the fertile mixture turns into a liquid substance. You need to immerse the bush in the slurry and, holding it suspended, sprinkle it with dry soil 5-8 cm above the root collar of the bush.
  • Water the bush again to compact the soil around the roots.

Transplantation in autumn

All gardeners are tormented by the question: when is it better to replant currants in order to get a full harvest as early as possible? In the northern regions, it is advisable to replant currants in the spring, when the snow melts and the temperature reaches above zero. But if the bushes have already started to grow, then transplanting to a new place should be postponed until the fall.

Autumn replanting requires patience, since the bush must shed its leaves, and the sap flow in the shoots will stop.

For central Russia, the most favorable period is mid-to-late October. In the northern regions, the deadlines are shifted by 2-3 weeks. If you move the bushes too early, the currants can “confuse” the seasons and begin to grow, throwing out buds that will freeze in winter, weakening the bush. During warm and dry autumn, transplanted bushes require regular watering.

Winter shelter in this case is mandatory. You can pour 2-3 buckets of old humus mixed with leaves of ornamental trees into the base of the bush. Then, by spring, a fertile layer of loose soil will form around the bush, in which you can build a watering bowl.

Currant bushes planted in the fall adapt to a new location over the winter and take root in order to produce a harvest in the summer.

Currant bushes transplanted in the spring take a long time to take root, adapt and produce a harvest only after a year. You can plant garlic cloves around the bush in the fall. When it sprouts in the spring, trim the feathers by 0.5-1 cm every 3-4 days, then the smell of garlic will repel pests.

Transplantation in spring

In the spring, rooted cuttings are usually transplanted, that is, they are transferred from the nursery trench to a permanent place in the berry garden. If the cuttings were planted in the fall, then in the spring they will be twigs with 2-3 leaves from the buds left above the ground.

If the bush was cut from last spring, a year ago, then by the time of transplantation you should get full-fledged bushes with 2-3 shoots. Such young bushes are easy to replant, following the rules described above. But you need to dig up the plant with a clod of earth, then there is minimal risk of damage to the roots. Bushes transplanted in spring require constant care and abundant watering throughout the summer.

Transplantation of adult currant bushes in the spring is carried out as early as possible in the middle or end of March, as soon as the ground has thawed.

Transplant in summer

Transplanting currants in summer is not advisable, but possible. After all, it happens that people buy a new dacha and feel sorry to leave their pets, in which they have invested so much warmth and energy. In this case, adult bushes are dug up with a lump of earth, which should be as large as possible. To transport bushes to a new location, use buckets, basins and boxes according to the size of the roots. After planting the bush in the prepared hole, water it thoroughly every day for several days.

Seedlings from containers can be transplanted into the berry garden at any time of the year and even in summer, providing them with abundant watering and timely feeding. Immediately after planting, the area under the bush should be mulched with peat, compost, humus or sand, then the moisture will be retained longer. If the planting holes are well filled, the planted bushes will need fertilizing only after a year.

How to plant currants correctly (video)


How to plant currants in the fall to guarantee a wonderful harvest in the summer

How to choose a place for red and black currants

Autumn is the best time to replant plants. The bushes have finished bearing fruit and have recovered from a bountiful harvest; One-year-old cuttings of red and black berries have grown and started to grow. At their summer cottages, gardeners have decided which plants should be preserved, pruned and rejuvenated, and which should be removed and replaced with seedlings from the nursery or grown from cuttings.

For those who are wondering where and how to plant currants in the fall, several rules will help:

  • When planning the area of ​​a new plot, you need to choose a place for currants, taking into account that they will stand there for at least 20 years;
  • If several bushes are planted, the distance should be approximately 1.2 meters;
  • In old areas, black berries are planted in the fall in place of the retired berry; we plant red or white varieties in place of the black one, so that characteristic diseases and pests of the species do not spread to the young bush;
  • Black currants prefer wetter areas, while red currants prefer drier, sandy soil.

But in general, middle lane For northern grapes, as this amazingly healthy berry is often called, Russia is their home, and it will grow where you plant it. Unless in the wrong places the harvest will be smaller.

What to prepare for autumn planting of currants

The planting hole is always dug to a depth of 40 cm. I usually dig to the depth of a shovel with a spade. The width of the hole depends on the size of the root and the characteristics of the variety. For a shrub with a fibrous root system, the hole should be square: 40x40 cm. White and red varieties have a tap root with a bend, a “poker”. Therefore, red currants are planted in a hole along the length of the root in the fall, but not less than 40 cm along any wall. In any case, it must be taken into account that the root system of the bushes grows with a diameter of approximately the size of the crown and there should be enough fertile soil for its entire volume. On loamy soils, it’s a good idea to loosen the bottom of the hole and water it.

To plant in a hole, you need to collect and bring to the planting site:

  • humus from compost or old manure, at least one bucket for good soil or two buckets for poor, sandy soil or podzol;
  • superphosphate – 200 g;
  • a glass of sifted wood ash;
  • a bucket of sand for clay soils;
  • two buckets of water.

The more humus, the better. It is advisable to change the entire soil, especially if a young bush is planted in place of an old one.

Features of successful planting - personal experience of a summer resident-gardener

Before planting, the seedling must be trimmed, leaving three buds per branch. Inspect the root system and cut off rotten and dried roots - just don’t overdo it.

Advice from Zoya Bukhteeva. Among experienced gardeners there is a custom: an old worn shoe should be placed at the bottom of the hole.

The advice is strange to say the least, but bushes above a shoe really take root better and more reliably than without it. I suspect that the smell of a person scares off moles and they do not undermine the currant roots.

Personally, I put a thin layer of fresh manure at the bottom of the hole and carefully sprinkle it with sand mixed with plain soil. Our plot is old and the soil has long been depleted.

Then I pour the fertile mixture from all the buckets and vessels into the hole about halfway, mix it and water it again. I place the bush with its root neck level with the ground and fill it with the rest of the mixture. If red or white currant seedlings are taken from my or a neighboring plot, the bush should be oriented to the cardinal points in the same way as it grew. For black varieties this does not matter.

I water the bush again at the root, then add a layer of loam taken out of the hole on top for mulching purposes. On sandy soil, the ground is mulched with peat. The roots of the plant do not tolerate empty space, so I carefully trample the soil around the trunk. If the root collar is exposed, it should be sprinkled with a fertile mixture.

The last watering - and the currant bush can be left alone until spring.

Absurdities on the Internet or how not to plant currants

Planting currant bushes is a very popular topic on the Internet. Some authors do not rely on their own experience, but copy from each other, often without ever replanting a single bush. I would like to warn readers against incorrect advice that wanders from article to article.

The first thing that simply shocked me was the recommendation to plant the seedling at an angle of 45 degrees towards the row. Is it like - on an angle? A seedling is a bush, small, but a bush with a developed root system. According to planting technology, it is lowered into a hole and deepened. And then, will it continue to grow at an angle, or will the branches subsequently bend upward? I thought for a long time about where 45 degrees came from and finally realized: cuttings are planted at an angle! Not seedlings, but cuttings, in order to grab more buds from the soil, from which branches will then grow and a root system will develop. A seedlings are always planted vertically upward.

The second strange piece of advice is that if currants grow on sandy soil, you need to add clay to the hole. I wonder where a gardener will find this clay if there is sand all around? In a sculpture workshop? Then it’s easier to pour broken bricks on the bottom.

Third: autumn planting of currants “on the hill” - the right way lose bushes. Zoya Bukhteeva still mourns those varietal currant bushes that her authoritative neighbor literally forced her to plant without allowing her to properly deepen the roots. No amount of sprinkling, hilling, covering with manure and fallen leaves saved it from freezing later.

If you have close groundwater, choose another place and plant irises, bathhouse and bergenia there. If the site is in a swamp, carry out irrigation work, but do not plant currants on a hillock!

Properly planted red, white and black currants will give a good harvest and provide owners with excellent berries for vitamin mixtures, unique jellies and simply delicious desserts for many years.


The best tips for caring and planting black currants - Agronom.com

  • Getting ready for winter

Black currant provides the human body different types vitamins (A, vitamins E, B, C, H), microelements (fluorine, iron, iodine, copper, cobalt, zinc, manganese), macroelements (calcium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium). It is the most beneficial for health, gives strength and vigor.

Also, black currant is valued due to its content of dietary fiber, organic acid, pectin, sugar, essential oils. Currant leaves are also endowed with generally beneficial properties. After all, it contains a large number of phytoncides are volatile substances that fight microbes. The berry, black currant, is used for brewing various teas. Tea with it is tastier and healthier.

Black currant is endowed with the following beneficial properties:

  1. Black currant is magnificent folk remedy to strengthen the immune system. It contains a lot of ascorbic acid.
  2. Rich in antioxidants.
  3. It contains many macroelements, and without them cellular metabolism is impossible.
  4. The microelements included in the composition are necessary for cellular metabolism.
  5. Currants are rich in anthocyanins (these substances act as protection against various damages).
  6. It perfectly disinfects and relieves inflammation. It is recommended to take it for ARVI, in the postoperative period.
  7. It has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. It is also recommended for consumption by those who have poor eyesight or have liver problems.
  8. By consuming black currants, small wrinkles may disappear.
  9. It has also been proven that currants are excellent for the prevention of serious diseases such as Alzheimer's disease and the appearance of malignant tumors.

Blackcurrant retains its beneficial qualities, even after freezing or heat treatment. IN folk medicine, it is used to treat cough.

The most popular varieties

Today you can count 224 varieties of currants. They are divided into early ripening ( Exotica, Nara, Summer resident, Nika, Sevchanka), mid-season varieties ( Dubrovskaya, Dobrynya, Perun) and late ( Vologda, Katyusha, Nuclear, Mermaid) varieties.

The types of currants that bring the maximum yield include: “treasure” - the sweetest berry, “nuclear” - the largest, “gross” - the most delicious. The homeland of these varieties is Altai. From one currant bush you can collect almost five buckets of berries. One berry will be the size of a grape. All the currants will ripen almost simultaneously.

  1. Variety "Ilya Muromets". It is invulnerable to pests such as kidney mites. This is a strong, huge and immense bush. When ripening, the berries do not fall off.
  2. The variety “Vasilisa the Beautiful” belongs to the mid-season bushes. Invulnerable to powdery mildew.
  3. The “Yubileinaya Kopanya” variety has strong bushes and high yields. This variety is not picky about hot summers and various pests.
  4. Another variety that is immune to heat and fungal microorganisms is Selechenskaya-2. She will also be comfortable growing in the shade.

How to plant currants correctly

Blackcurrant planting dates

The most best time The year for planting currants is autumn. Although it can be planted in the spring. But it is not recommended to do this, since in the spring the buds bloom very quickly, and there is very little time left for the plant to get stronger.

Currant bushes are planted at the end of September - at the beginning of October, it is advisable to do so before the onset of frost. The advantage of planting in the fall is that the soil becomes denser near the root system during the hibernation period, and in the spring the bushes awaken and begin to grow well.

Currants prefer moist soil. Therefore, she will like it in the northern or northwestern part land plot. The main thing is that the place is protected from the wind. Currants can live not only in the shade, but also where there is sunlight, but everything should be in moderation.

Soil requirements (acidity, hole depth)

14 days before the start of planting currants, holes must be dug. All harmful substances, for example, chlorine, which entered when applying fertilizer in the form of manure, will leave the open pit. This is the first step.

The second step will be feeding the hole, i.e. introduction of nutrients. A mixture should be prepared for application to the ground in the following proportion: for 1 bucket of manure, take 300 grams of ash and 200 grams of superphosphate.

Calculate the depth of the hole. It should be twice as large as the roots of the future seedlings. A standard hole for seedlings will be a hole of this size: width - 60 cm, and depth - almost 50 cm.

Now we will talk about soil acidity. If the acidity of the soil where the seedlings will grow is 4-5 pH or lower, then 100 g of limestone, for example, chalk, slaked lime with water, is poured into the hole. To preserve moisture, you need to periodically loosen the soil under the seedlings.

Proper care is the key to a good harvest

Don't forget to water

Currants are watered infrequently, usually two or three times a season. The first watering is the beginning of shoot growth and the formation of ovaries, the second is when the berries begin to ripen, and the third watering is after the end of the harvest. Sometimes they water in the fall, but this is only when there is no rain.

Water the currants in the amount per 1 square meter. m. 4-5 buckets of water, in pre-constructed holes, about 15 cm deep. In the summer heat, it is necessary to check the soil moisture, this is done the easy way. You need to dig up the ground with one spade blade; if the ground is wet, then there is no need for additional watering.

If there is a lack of moisture, the plants exhibit slow growth of shoots, and during the ripening of the berries, the fruits may crumble. During drought in the fall, the bushes may freeze.

Fertilizer for black currants

Sometimes the soil and black currant lack the most beneficial substances. She needs to be fed. This is done throughout the entire period of growth of the currant bush. Immediately after planting the plant in the ground, and in the first two years, currants receive the required amount of potassium and phosphorus from the soil, which was used to fertilize the ground before planting. At the beginning of spring, it needs nitrogen, it is applied under the currants, it is buried and watered.

After three years, in addition to fertilizing with nitrogen in the spring, about 5 kg of organic fertilizers, superphosphate (50 grams) and potassium sulfate (20 grams) are added to the soil in the autumn.

If currants grow on swampy peat soils, then they need feeding once every three years. Lime must be added to the soil 4 times throughout the year. Also superphosphate and potassium sulfate.

Currants, which grow on sandy soils, need annual feeding. This is done in the spring.

Is bush pruning necessary?

Blackcurrants need to be pruned annually. Each currant branch should be renewed once every three years, as old branches produce a poor harvest.

Pruning currants has a beneficial effect on the formation of the bush, constant renewal and normalization of the crop load on the bush.

Currants can be cut in spring and autumn. The main purpose of cutting in the spring is to remove frozen branches; you need to thin out the thick currant branches. It should be pruned in early spring, before the sap flows. Sections of branches are smeared with varnish. But this needs to be done as early as possible, before the buds open. In the fall, unnecessary one-year-old stems are removed: these are branches that lie on the ground, are infected with pests that grow on the plant for more than two years and have a darker color.

Getting ready for winter

Preparing blackcurrants for winter requires a lot of attention. It is better to do this at the end of October, while there is no cold weather yet. IN winter period it must be protected from severe and persistent frosts, from lack of water, and from various pests.

The procedure for preparing currants for wintering:

  1. Trimming currant branches.
  2. Feeding the bush with urea.
  3. It is necessary to dig up the soil around the bush, but not very deeply. To keep the roots warm, the soil is mulched with dry leaves, hay, sawdust, and seed husks.
  4. When the first frosts hit, the currant bush is wrapped in rope. This is done so that the branches do not rub against each other.
  5. It is also recommended to sprinkle the bush with snow, in several layers, at least 15 cm. This is done so that the plant does not freeze in the most severe frosts.
  6. For shelter, you can use whatever is at hand: old blankets, straw, cardboard boxes.


Black currant; when and how to plant correctly in the garden, at the dacha

When to plant black currants

Plant black currants better in autumn (late September - early October). The currant seedling will have time before frost

The wounds on the roots will heal and the root system will overwinter normally. Spring planting is also possible (no later than the beginning of May), but black currants tolerate it worse than autumn ones. In spring, it is recommended to plant currants only in areas where little snow accumulates in winter, so there is a high risk of roots freezing. It happens that the purchase of planting material occurs at the end of autumn. Then it is better to dig the seedlings in for the winter and plant them in early spring (before the buds open), having first trimmed the shoots short.

Preparing sites for planting black currants

Currants are planted in holes 30-40 deep and 40-50 cm wide or in the same trenches. When planting in autumn, they are dug up and filled with a nutrient mixture in advance (2-3 weeks) so that the soil has time to settle. For spring planting, places are also prepared in the fall. When digging a hole or trench, the upper (fertile) layer is placed on one side, and the lower (subsoil) on the other. Then prepare the dressing mixture. The fertile layer is mixed with 8-10 kg of organic fertilizer and 200-250 g of any complex mineral. When they begin to fill the hole, first pour in the filling mixture (about a third of the volume), and then fertile soil. Then the root system of the seedling will be protected from burns that occur when fertilizers fall on the roots.

Planting blackcurrant seedlings

The seedling is placed in the planting hole in an inclined position, approximately at an angle of 45 degrees, and slightly recessed so that the soil level is 5-6 cm above the root collar. With such planting, additional roots are better formed, more new basal shoots appear, which means a more powerful, durable bush with a wide base develops. Whereas with direct planting, a standard bush is formed with one or two skeletal branches and a shorter lifespan. In the planting hole, the roots of the seedling are straightened and covered with soil, gradually compacting it.

At the same time, the bush is periodically shaken. Then the soil will evenly fill the entire space between the roots and there will be no

Voids. When the roots are covered, but the hole is not yet completely filled, the seedling is watered, using about half the bucket. Such watering is necessary not only for moisture, but also for a tighter fit of the soil to the roots. Then the hole is completely filled up, a hole is made around the bush and another half bucket of water is poured into it. To retain moisture for a longer period, the hole is filled (mulched) with compost, peat, or simply dry soil. In dry weather, especially in late spring, new crops are also watered, followed by mulching of the soil. In autumn, the roots protect from winter freezing. To do this, in the second half of October, they first hill up the soil to a height of 10-12 cm, and then cover the trunk circle with peat or compost with a layer of 5-6 cm.


When is it better to plant currants now, or in the spring? Is it worth planting needleless gooseberries?

Irina Shabalina

I always plant everything in the fall! And everything is well received. Last fall I planted 60 blackcurrant annuals (I grow the berries for sale) -- they stand like one - they're beautiful - they grew well over the summer, I'll be harvesting my first harvest next season. so plant it, don’t even think about it, just be sure to deepen it about 10 cm above the root, and if there are several shoots in the seedling, then you need to deepen the first fork --- this is necessary for more powerful development root system, then the bush itself will grow intensively.
Of the thornless gooseberry varieties, I have Commander. tasty, although it may not be the most sugary, but it is easy to harvest and absolutely resistant to powdery mildew - minus two problems at once. And the berries are quite large, but to avoid getting smaller, you need to thin them out annually and be sure to water them well when filling the berries. Here is the photo of the Commander.


Currants are unpretentious, it doesn’t matter when you plant them, but I planted gooseberries for compote; there are no berries yet. They say that the taste is worse than the needle one.

Marina Filippova

I personally plant in the fall, they will survive well, no, there’s spring for that!!

soroka - on her own

Personally, I plant everything in the fall. In the spring, the heat quickly sets in and everything disappears. Seedlings planted in autumn (but not the latest). They manage to acclimatize, sprout new roots and immediately begin to grow in the spring.
As for gooseberries without thorns. To plant or not to plant? Why not? Berry, like a berry, is a very productive bush. Therefore, to prevent the berries from being small, you need to prevent it from being too thick, that is, trim it. And it's easier to assemble. We have two bushes growing, and several gooseberries - one does not interfere with the other.


If you live in central Russia, leave it until spring.


Better in the fall after the leaves fall. They take root better when it rains because:
1. The leaves will not draw juices from the bush for their development, as in the spring.
2. Autumn rains promote good rooting.
3. In autumn, the ground is warmer than the air (and vice versa in spring) and plants take root well.
Only if you have Cold winter, then after planting it is necessary to cover the tree trunk circle with humus (a thick layer) and on top with a thick layer of mulch, for example, shavings or sawdust, so that the plantings do not freeze in winter.
During spring planting, the ground has not yet thawed, or it has thawed but is cold, and the air is already warm and the bright spring sun is hot. The buds are blooming, but there is nothing to nourish them with: the soil is cold and the roots are severely damaged after transplantation - so the plant dies.
We have been growing gooseberries without needles for a long time. Variety Kolobok. Delicious sweet and very productive. Easily propagated. It is so easy to grow and care for that we have uprooted all the thorny varieties.

Irina Zolotareva

I planted both currants and thornless gooseberries at the end of September. I'll tell you in the spring.


They write that it is better to plant currants, raspberries, and gooseberries in the fall. But I saved it until spring, and now I’m sitting here suffering. Don't dig it up :))

For the human body, black currant is a real natural treasure trove of vitamins, organic acids and microelements. The berries are useful for hypertension, atherosclerosis, anemia, renal and hepatic colic, bronchitis, and colitis.

Not only the berries, but even the leaves have tonic, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, and diaphoretic natural properties. Black currant berries are rich in iron, phosphorus, potassium, and in terms of the amount of vitamin C, they can compete even with rose hips. Currants contain a large amount of vitamin K, and therefore are contraindicated in large quantities for thrombophlebitis.

To get a good harvest, there are some secrets and rules for planting.

Choosing a suitable landing site

  • The best time to plant currant bushes is early autumn. If the autumn turned out to be warm, then you can plant until October. If early frosts have already appeared, then it is better to bury the bushes and wait until early spring.
  • An important point - we carefully choose the place for planting; black currants love a lot of sun and moisture.
  • We distribute how we will plant the plant. Seedlings with a better developed root system take root well. If the seedlings have a small crown, then it is better to plant them closer to each other, and if they have too spreading crowns, then we plant them at a further distance from each other, on average the length is 1-2 meters. If currants are planted in several rows, then the distance should be greater - up to 3 meters.

Making holes for bushes

  • We don’t dig holes for planting seedlings too deep, you can even use a solid trench, up to 35 - 45 cm deep. If time permits, let the holes “rest” for a week or two so that the soil shrinks.
  • Place fertilizer, rotted manure or compost on the bottom of the holes. Black currant prefers slightly acidic soils. If the soil is highly acidic, then an oxidizing agent should be added to the hole; it could be chalk, old dry plaster, or cement. You can even grind up eggshells and sprinkle them on the bottom. If you use ash, you need to know that the calcium it contains is very quickly washed away by groundwater, and then you will have to fill it up again every year.
  • The seedling is placed in a hole, previously watered with water, at an angle of 45 degrees, then the roots straighten out well - then they should be buried 5 - 7 cm above the root collar. Such an inclined planting is necessary for better creation of additional roots, for the emergence of new shoots from the buds of the buried part stem and root collar. This is how a powerful, strong bush is formed well. If you plant the plant directly, a single-stem bush will form. Then they are gradually covered with earth, watered with water, and carefully tamped down with the toe towards the trunk. Gradually pour up to 4 buckets of water. It is more convenient to plant bushes together: one person holds, the other buries.
  • Bush pruning. After the bushes are planted, they should be cut by half, and if the plant’s root system is strong, then by one third. Heavy pruning ensures that the roots are restored to balance and produces good growth in the first year.

What currants like and what they don’t like

  • Lots of sun, well-ventilated soil and most importantly - enough moisture! Currant bushes should be watered throughout spring and the first half of summer, especially in windy and dry weather. You need to water in the evening, pouring water directly under the bush so that the roots are saturated with moisture overnight. If you water in the morning, and even more so during the day, the moisture will quickly evaporate and watering will be useless. They stop watering when the berries begin to color - here watering is already harmful, the berries begin to crack right on the bushes from the high saturation of water in the cell sap.
  • We mulch the soil. It is good to do this in the spring, under each bush, peat or dry grass, you can use dry clods of earth, since the plant does not like the soil to dry out. There is another simple technique - covering the soil at the base of the bush with newspapers. This should be done during the period of formation of the green cone and swelling of the buds. Newspapers will also prevent pests from crawling to the surface of the earth after wintering. During the flowering period, newspapers are removed, because at this time beneficial insects come to the top. Newspapers are returned under the bushes after the flowering period to retain moisture.
  • Black currants do not like large amounts of lime! Provided that the soil is acidic, lime milk should be applied once a season.
  • Doesn't like a lot of shade. Currant bushes in the shade become infected with fungal diseases.
  • We save young bushes until next spring. They need to be hilled up to a height of 15 cm in the fall so that they do not freeze in winter. In general, black currant is a frost-resistant plant; only European varieties do not tolerate frost well.

Planting seedlings is a bit of a troublesome task, but after working once, you will provide yourself and your family with excellent vitamins for the whole year.


How to plant currants in the fall to guarantee a wonderful harvest in the summer

How to choose a place for red and black currants

Autumn is the best time to replant plants. The bushes have finished bearing fruit and have recovered from a bountiful harvest; One-year-old cuttings of red and black berries have grown and started to grow. At their summer cottages, gardeners have decided which plants should be preserved, pruned and rejuvenated, and which should be removed and replaced with seedlings from the nursery or grown from cuttings.

For those who are wondering where and how to plant currants in the fall, several rules will help:

  • When planning the area of ​​a new plot, you need to choose a place for currants, taking into account that they will stand there for at least 20 years;
  • If several bushes are planted, the distance should be approximately 1.2 meters;
  • In old areas, black berries are planted in the fall in place of the retired berry; we plant red or white varieties in place of the black one, so that characteristic diseases and pests of the species do not spread to the young bush;
  • Black currants prefer wetter areas, while red currants prefer drier, sandy soil.

But in general, central Russia is a home for northern grapes, as this amazingly healthy berry is often called, and it will grow where you plant it. Unless in the wrong places the harvest will be smaller.

What to prepare for autumn planting of currants

The planting hole is always dug to a depth of 40 cm. I usually dig to the depth of a shovel with a spade. The width of the hole depends on the size of the root and the characteristics of the variety. For a shrub with a fibrous root system, the hole should be square: 40x40 cm. White and red varieties have a tap root with a bend, a “poker”. Therefore, red currants are planted in a hole along the length of the root in the fall, but not less than 40 cm along any wall. In any case, it must be taken into account that the root system of the bushes grows with a diameter of approximately the size of the crown and there should be enough fertile soil for its entire volume. On loamy soils, it’s a good idea to loosen the bottom of the hole and water it.

To plant in a hole, you need to collect and bring to the planting site:

  • humus from compost or old manure, at least one bucket for good soil or two buckets for poor, sandy soil or podzol;
  • superphosphate – 200 g;
  • a glass of sifted wood ash;
  • a bucket of sand for clay soils;
  • two buckets of water.

The more humus, the better. It is advisable to change the entire soil, especially if a young bush is planted in place of an old one.

Features of successful planting - personal experience of a summer resident-gardener

Before planting, the seedling must be trimmed, leaving three buds per branch. Inspect the root system and cut off rotten and dried roots - just don’t overdo it.

Advice from Zoya Bukhteeva. Among experienced gardeners there is a custom: an old worn shoe should be placed at the bottom of the hole.

The advice is strange to say the least, but bushes above a shoe really take root better and more reliably than without it. I suspect that the smell of a person scares off moles and they do not undermine the currant roots.

Personally, I put a thin layer of fresh manure at the bottom of the hole and carefully sprinkle it with sand mixed with plain soil. Our plot is old and the soil has long been depleted.

Then I pour the fertile mixture from all the buckets and vessels into the hole about halfway, mix it and water it again. I place the bush with its root neck level with the ground and fill it with the rest of the mixture. If red or white currant seedlings are taken from my or a neighboring plot, the bush should be oriented to the cardinal points in the same way as it grew. For black varieties this does not matter.

I water the bush again at the root, then add a layer of loam taken out of the hole on top for mulching purposes. On sandy soil, the ground is mulched with peat. The roots of the plant do not tolerate empty space, so I carefully trample the soil around the trunk. If the root collar is exposed, it should be sprinkled with a fertile mixture.

The last watering - and the currant bush can be left alone until spring.

Absurdities on the Internet or how not to plant currants

Planting currant bushes is a very popular topic on the Internet. Some authors do not rely on their own experience, but copy from each other, often without ever replanting a single bush. I would like to warn readers against incorrect advice that wanders from article to article.

The first thing that simply shocked me was the recommendation to plant the seedling at an angle of 45 degrees towards the row. Is it like - on an angle? A seedling is a bush, small, but a bush with a developed root system. According to planting technology, it is lowered into a hole and deepened. And then, will it continue to grow at an angle, or will the branches subsequently bend upward? I thought for a long time about where 45 degrees came from and finally realized: cuttings are planted at an angle! Not seedlings, but cuttings, in order to grab more buds from the soil, from which branches will then grow and a root system will develop. A seedlings are always planted vertically upward.

The second strange piece of advice is that if currants grow on sandy soil, you need to add clay to the hole. I wonder where a gardener will find this clay if there is sand all around? In a sculpture workshop? Then it’s easier to pour broken bricks on the bottom.

Third: planting currants “on a hill” in autumn is a sure way to lose bushes. Zoya Bukhteeva still mourns those varietal currant bushes that her authoritative neighbor literally forced her to plant without allowing her to properly deepen the roots. No amount of sprinkling, hilling, covering with manure and fallen leaves saved it from freezing later.

If you have close groundwater, choose another place and plant irises, bathhouse and bergenia there. If the site is in a swamp, carry out irrigation work, but do not plant currants on a hillock!

Properly planted red, white and black currants will give a good harvest and provide owners with excellent berries for vitamin mixtures, unique jellies and simply delicious desserts for many years.


Planting black currants in spring: features, care

It is tasty and juicy, and both children and adults love jam from it. And most importantly, this berry is very healthy and rich in vitamin C. Of course, we are talking about currants! Blackcurrant is also valued for its easy care, high yield, and longevity (the bushes live for more than 25 years, but the most prolific shoots are 2-4 years old).

Planting black currants in spring is usually done early, since this berry is one of the first to begin to bloom. Currants can be propagated by cuttings or dividing the bush. The second method is the simplest: shoots with roots are separated from the main bush. The soil for planting is prepared in advance: they dig up the ground, remove weeds, fertilize with humus (5 - 6 kg per hole). If there are no organic fertilizers, you can give ammonium nitrate.

It is necessary to plant so that the root is deepened no more than 8 - 10 cm. Bush from bush - at a distance of at least 1 - 1.5 meters. Planted plants need to be watered well.

To maintain high currant yields for many years, you need to properly form and prune the bushes. They cut off weak shoots that have grown inside the bush and thicken it.

Planting black currants in the spring can be done by cuttings and plantings. The branch is bent and covered with earth. In the fall, when the shoots take root well, they are separated from the bush.


Planting black currants | Agroindustrial Bulletin

Planting black currants

Planting black currants

Hello our beloved readers! Last time we talked about the best varieties of black currants, today we will figure out how to plant them correctly.

Planting black currants, not such a difficult matter as it might seem at first. To do this, you need to take two-year-old seedlings, the length of the roots, which are fifteen twenty centimeters. Ground shoots should be about thirty to forty centimeters.

You can also use annual seedlings, but their root system must be well developed. You can grow seedlings yourself; to do this, you need to know how to properly propagate berry bushes. If the plants were purchased from a nursery, you need to monitor the moisture content of the roots when transporting them. To protect them as much as possible, they are dipped in clay mash and wrapped in thick fabric or oilcloth.

It is believed that planting black currants will be of better quality in the fall, but, nevertheless, the plant can be planted in the spring, while the buds have not yet bloomed. In springs where snow falls in small quantities, blackcurrant planting should be done in the spring.

Currants, like the best varieties of raspberries and strawberries, prefer to grow in fertile soils. The plant does not grow well in acidic and waterlogged soils. Light loamy soils are most preferred.

The feeding area ranges from two and a half to three meters for each bush. Planting black currants must take into account the distance between rows, which should be up to two meters.

The diameter of the landing pit should not be less than forty centimeters, the depth - about fifty centimeters. The larger the hole, the better the bush will grow.

When planting, seedlings are placed deeper and at an angle, so that parts of the branches are underground. By fulfilling these requirements, you can get a wide bush. Next year you can dig in a few branches.

Planting currants in spring

Almost everyone loves currants. And definitely jam. It is especially to the taste of children. But most importantly, the berries are very good for health; they contain a lot of vitamin C. In addition, the plant is valued for the fact that it is quite easy to care for and for its high yield.

Planting currants in spring It is carried out very early, since it blooms, almost earlier than all berry bushes.

Planting currants in spring can occur in two ways:

Dividing the bush;

By cuttings.

The first method is the simplest. You need to separate the shoots with roots from the bush. The soil in which the plant will be planted must be prepared in advance. The earth is dug up and fertilized. It is best to use organic fertilizers, but if these are not available, you can use ammonium nitrate.

We already know how to choose the right plants for your garden, now let’s move on to planting itself. The plant must be planted in such a way that the root is deepened no more than ten centimeters. The distance between bushes should be at least one meter. Planted plants need to be watered very well.

One hundred currants have been bearing fruit for many years; the bushes need to be pruned correctly. Weak shoots are cut off. This also applies to those that thicken the bush.

Thus, we can conclude that one hundred planting currants in spring must be carried out very quickly, until the buds on the bush bloom.

Planting currants in autumn

How is it done? planting currants in autumn? This method is considered the most optimal.

The plant should be planted two to three weeks before the onset of cold weather. As a rule, this is the end of October beginning of November. An important point is the choice of location. Blackcurrant loves moisture very much, so damp places are the most preferable for it, and they should be well protected from the wind.

Planting currants in autumn not permissible in low wetlands. The best option is heavy and medium loamy soils.

Currants do not tolerate carbonate, swampy and salinity soil.

Currant planting scheme

The standard scheme for planting currants is 1x2 meters. The placement density is determined by the type of crown of the selected variety and the period during which the bush will be used.

On average, the distance between bushes should be about seventy centimeters, between rows, up to two meters.

A denser scheme for planting currants is used if the bushes will be used for a couple of years. Thus, you can significantly save land resources.

Regardless of which currant planting scheme is chosen, you need to pay as much attention as possible to the bush. The roots should always be kept moist; drying them is strictly prohibited.

We can recommend the following scheme for planting currants. In the spring, before the buds have yet blossomed, you need to choose the most illuminated area of ​​land. Dig a hole the width of which corresponds to the size of the root system and a depth of about half a meter. Place fertilizer in the hole.

After the hole is prepared, we wait a week and begin planting. To do this, you need to remove part of the soil from the hole, place the seedling there and cover it with soil. It is important to ensure that the root collar is deepened by five centimeters. After planting, cut the shoots to two and water them generously.

As you can see, in order to plant currants, you do not need any extraordinary knowledge and skills; everything is quite simple and does not require much time.

Tatyana Pavlenko, member of the editorial board, correspondent of the independent online publication "ATMAgro. Agro-Industrial Bulletin"

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Growing currants

Hi all. Do you know that the berries we are talking about today we'll talk, are very healthy not only in fresh form, but also in processed form. Thanks to its composition, currant cultivation is so popular among our amateur gardeners; currant berries contain a lot useful vitamins. The juice from these berries is given to children who suffer from cough, hoarseness, and bronchitis. These berries are useful for people who have low stomach acidity. Jam, juice, berries ground with sugar help restore health after surgery, for elderly people and children. But not only currant berries have medicinal properties, the leaves also help cope with many diseases: rheumatism, kidney disease, urolithiasis, bladder disease. If a child is sick with scrofula, it is recommended to bathe him in a decoction of currant leaves.

Types of currants

There are several types of currants: black, red and white. And each type of currant has many varieties, early, middle and late. And I’ll tell you a little about each type.

Blackcurrant varieties

Black currant - early varieties

  • Summer resident (has a high yield with very large and tasty berries)
  • Evelesta (the berries are very tasty)
  • Mid-season blackcurrant varieties include:
  • Vologda (has sweet and sour berries)
  • Belarusian sweet (with very sweet berries)
  • Oryol Waltz (large berries)
  • Bagheera (large and very sweet berries)
  • Vigorous (large, sweet and sour berries)
  • Black pearls (large, sweet and sour berries)
  • Black currant - late varieties
  • Tatyana's Day (large sweet and sour berries)
  • Sofia (very large and delicious berries)

The black currant has many more varieties with very tasty and large berries: constellation, Green Haze, Sibyl, Oryol Serenade, Perun, Zushu, etc.

Red currant and its varieties

  • Mid-season ones include Transdanubian (sweet and sour berries)
  • Jonke rvan tete (very tasty and large berries)
  • Early variety Early Tolmacheva and also Early Sweet, Natalie, Sugar, etc.

White type of currant

  • White grapes (the berries are very sweet)
  • White fruitful (late variety with large sweet and sour berries)

Propagation of black, red and white currants

Currants are propagated by seedlings and shoots. If you decide to propagate by shoots, you can break off several branches of the type you like and put them in water until roots appear.

How to plant currants

Currants can be planted both in spring and autumn. Young bushes are planted at a distance of 2-2.5 meters from each other. The most favorable time for planting in autumn is the whole of September, and in spring the third ten days of April. Before planting a currant bush, you need to prepare a hole for planting. A hole is dug about 60 cm deep. The top layer is mixed with compost and fertilizers and poured into the hole. If the soil is too heavy and clayey, then in addition to manure and fertilizers, you can add 4 kilograms of sand. During autumn planting, the soil is mixed with wood ash and superphosphate. During spring planting, instead of wood ash and superphosphate, ready-made complex fertilizers are added to the soil (according to the instructions). First, the soil must be mixed with manure compost (can be replaced with peat), sand, and the resulting mixture is poured into the hole. And mineral fertilizers are poured on top and everything is dug up to the depth of a shovel. All this needs to be covered with ordinary soil and watered thoroughly.

As the land settles, add a little more soil. Planting of currants begins a week after the hole has been prepared. When planting currants, make sure that the roots are straightened. The root system needs to be well and tightly covered with soil. To compact the soil, currants are watered several times during planting. In order for moisture to quickly evaporate, the soil must be covered with mulch (sawdust, humus, etc.). Newly planted currants need to be watered 2 times a week if there is no rain.

How to care for currants

After you planted currants, they need care. Caring for currants involves timely watering, loosening the soil and removing weeds. Already in the first year of planting, currants need nutrients, so you still need to carry out regular fertilizing. Currants are sensitive to frost, so they need to be protected from them. If this is not done, the yield may decline sharply. To protect currant bushes from frost, they need to be watered and covered. If the weather is windy, then the bush is fixed. If you make it in time, you can save most harvest. If you want your currants to produce a high yield, it is important that they are well dusted by bees (bumblebees and other insects). To attract bees, you can spray currant bushes with honey water (dilute 3 tablespoons of honey per bucket of water)

Watering currants

Currants are a very moisture-loving plant, so they need regular watering. It is necessary to water currants every 2 weeks if the weather is dry and there is no rain. Watering is especially important when setting berries. During this period, up to 50 liters of water are consumed per 1 m2 to completely wet the root system. If you do not water the currants, the berries will be small and crumble. And currant leaves become light due to lack of moisture.

Currant care in spring

Caring for currants in the spring consists of timely watering, fertilizing and bedding. The first addition in the spring is done before the bush begins to bloom. The bedding is prepared from peat, wood ash and Effekton-Ya. All this is mixed and sprinkled under the bush. The second addition is done when the berries begin to set. This time the peat is mixed with potassium sulfate. The third filling is carried out in the fall. Prepare a mixture of peat and wood ash and sprinkle it 10 cm around the bush. Caring for currants also involves fertilizing. The first feeding is carried out in the spring before flowering. For the first feeding, use ready-made Rossa fertilizer, potassium sulfate, dilute it in water according to the instructions and water the bushes. The second feeding is done in the summer, when the berries begin to set.

For the second feeding, take ready-made Effekton fertilizer and dilute it according to the instructions. For one bush you will need 25 liters of solution. After the second feeding, 10 days later you need to carry out foliar feeding. Make a solution from Rossa fertilizer, add 1 tablespoon of urea and spray the plant with the solution. And the last fertilizing is carried out after harvesting. Superphosphate and potassium sulfate are diluted in 10 liters. 30 liters of solution are consumed per bush. All fertilizing must be applied within a radius of 2 meters from the bush!

How to trim currants

Currant pruning is done immediately after the bush is planted. In a young seedling, it is necessary to shorten all healthy shoots, leaving 4 healthy buds. All weak and diseased shoots are removed completely. When the currant begins to bear fruit, all annual basal shoots are cut off, leaving 3-4 healthy and developed shoots. The formation of a currant bush is completed in the 5th year. By this time, he should have approximately 3 shoots of each age. In the 6th year, after the entire harvest has been harvested, old, dry shoots are cut off. If currants are pruned correctly, they can bear fruit for up to 15 years. Red currant shoots bear fruit for a longer period of time. One shoot can bear fruit for up to 8 years. In red currants, old shoots are removed at 8-9 years, leaving 1-2 young shoots.


When and how to plant black currants correctly?

Nikolai Lakaevsky

There is a lot of detail here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OAVJyKcVR6U&list=FLa7e7xCRRePxdwaQvujI3gg&index=2&feature=plpp_video

Renat Abdulin

dig a hole, add humus and plant, do not forget to water well, currants are a very tenacious plant, do not forget to prune the bush after planting


Better in the fall. Be sure to remove all leaves. And pour it well.


In autumn, the main thing is that there is a month before frost for the development of the root system and the bush’s adaptation to the soil and climate. And in the spring - already in the warmed up ground, otherwise it will freeze and die.


In the spring, you can poke cuttings from pruned currants into the soft ground.
And in the fall, trim the central root a little and the lateral ones a little, spread
There is a little yellow clay in a bucket, soak the roots in it and plant in the prepared
hole. Fill halfway with soil, water again, let it soak in, add more
earth - trampling it (the ground) a little with your feet. Do not fertilize for the winter. You'll ruin it
bush. Give it growth in the spring.

Ptisa Fyva

I grow from cuttings. So that there is an update. Cuttings can be planted in autumn, spring and summer. The main thing is that they are watered.

Natalia Solovyova

Plant in autumn.
Plant a seedling in the prepared hole with a slope of 45 degrees. Dig it in. Trim the branches of the seedling above the third bud. This allows a full-fledged bush to grow, rather than a stick with leaves. Do not fertilize in winter. In spring, scatter urea near the bush.