Basics of meditation. A powerful meditation for developing risk-taking and fearlessness

10.09.2019 State

There is a stereotype that when a Buddhist meditates, he tries not to think. This is not at all true, because thoughts are a natural property of the mind. You can drown in a mental stream, or you can simply watch it flow. Moreover, if you “try” not to think, then an additional source of tension will appear in your mind, a controller that will strive for something or avoid something.

Meditation is a great non-doing, when you do not strive to achieve something, to get rid of something, but on the contrary, you completely relax and allow everything to happen, without defining or evaluating anything. The practices of different Buddhist schools differ greatly from each other. If we talk about the schools of tantric Tibetan Buddhism, then before starting to meditate directly on the mind itself, the practitioner does the so-called purifying preliminary practices (Ngondro). Ngondros take quite a long time - usually several years(although especially relaxed Buddhists can stretch this pleasure over several lives:)

. People who have completed Ngondro often say: “Do Ngondro, everything will work as it should.” Although I have only done half of the Ngondro practices, I can say that these words very accurately reflect reality. Ngondro consists of four exercises, each of which is performed 111,111 times. This:
1. Prostrations - a practice that mainly works with the body - the girl in the photo is doing exactly this practice. By the way, this is the favorite practice of actor Steven Seagal, who devotes 1-2 hours to it every morning. 2. Diamond Mind Meditation - practice allows you to clear the mind of the practitioner from large quantity
negative impressions. During meditation, the practitioner recites a cleansing hundred-syllable mantra, imagining a white Buddha form (Diamond Mind) above his head, from which white, cleansing nectar flows.
3. Giving Mandalas - this practice fills the mind of the practitioner with a lot of positive impressions. Made with rice and a special disc.

These are very powerful practices. First they free the practitioner's mind from a large number of negative impressions. And, since free space appears in the mind in place of the gone negative impressions, the following practices fill it with positive impressions. And, of course, as a result of the practice, the practitioner connects with inner wisdom and becomes terribly wise :) Usually, many more subtle changes occur in both the internal and external life of the practitioner, but it is not recommended to talk about your own experience, since in this case a person who has not done Ngondro will develop a stereotype, specific expectations of how things should happen. But living practice is always broader than any expectations, and for another person, most likely, many things will happen differently. Some Buddhists experience unusual sensations during practice, for others everything happens more prosaically - all this is not so important, since the sensations and their intensity do not matter.

You've probably heard all sorts of stories about Tibetan yogis who can fly, dissolve in light, open beer with their eyes and do other amazing things. Indeed, the result of long-term practices can be the so-called siddhis (or amazing abilities), which manifest themselves when certain limitations disappear in the mind of the practitioner. All these miracles, as St. Augustine said, “do not contradict nature, but contradict our idea of ​​nature” - after all, the inability to fly, the inability to see other worlds, etc. are simply limitations that exist in our mind. But, unlike magical practices, in which these abilities are specifically sought after, in Buddhism they arise (or do not occur) spontaneously, as a by-product of practice. On the other hand, siddhis often become an obstacle in practice - after all, when, to put it mildly, amazing things begin to happen, a person begins to pay too much attention to them, and thinks that he has reached transcendental heights (well, I took off once to the second floor, where the windows of the women’s section of the bathhouse are located, so what of it :). In general, Buddhism is very practical, and if amazing abilities are not able to help other people, then what is the point of them? Practitioners gradually change the attitude towards the world, and then all abilities become amazing - after all, the ability to love, walk, poop, dance is no less wonderful than the ability to fly.

Meditation is the art of keeping the mind silent. When the mind is silent our concentration increases and we experience inner peace amidst the clutter of the world. This elusive inner peace attracts many people to begin the practice of meditation, and this is the benefit that every person can reap from meditation.

What are the benefits of meditation?

The benefits of meditation are many, and some of these benefits are truly worth it for you to start a meditation practice.

Here are just some of the benefits of meditation:

  • Improved Concentration - A clear mind makes you more productive, especially in creative disciplines.
  • Worry less about little things - Do you allow yourself to get upset about little things? It is the nature of the mind that causes the significance of small sorrows to be often exaggerated. Meditation helps us step back from this. We learn to live here and now, and not worry about what happened in the past or will happen in the future. WE don't worry about meaningless things, but see the bigger picture.
  • Improved health - Numerous studies show that meditation has beneficial effects on health. The reason is to reduce stress and anxiety levels. If we can relieve stress, health will follow.
  • Knowledge about yourself - Meditation allows us to better understand our inner world. Through meditation we can better understand our life's purpose.

Is meditation a religious practice?

The great thing about meditation is that it doesn't matter what your religious or philosophical beliefs are to practice it. Beliefs become trivial to your mind. We dive deep into the heart of matter to gain access to our soul - our inner reality. Thus, meditation is available for practice by any people belonging to any religion.

What if I don't have time to meditate?

Most people like the idea of ​​meditation, but feel that they do not have enough time for it. When you really want to do something, you will find the time. Get up earlier, or take a break from watching TV for 30 minutes. Meditation requires an investment of time, but clearing your mind can make your day more effective. There is nothing better than a feeling of inner harmony. What's the point of being extremely busy but not being able to enjoy it? Meditation gives you inspiration and does not require you to withdraw from worldly life. If you maintain inner peace, everything you do and all your work will become more enjoyable and productive.

How to meditate

Like anything practical, meditation requires practice. To get the most out of meditation, you must practice it daily. It is recommended to find a place and time where you will not be disturbed.

  • Sit down, straighten your back. Don't try to meditate while lying down, as you may fall asleep. Meditation brings rest and calm, but at the same time it is active calm. Meditation is somewhat different from sleep relaxation. When you really meditate, you are completely alert and aware. Our sense of awareness increases. You will then experience a feeling of calm and a renewed sense of activity.
  • Do not eat food before meditation. After a heavy meal, your body will become sluggish due to digestion.
  • It is not at all necessary to meditate in the lotus position. You can meditate on a chair, but be sure to keep your back straight.
  • It can be helpful to take a shower before meditating.
  • There is also no need for censer and candles, but you can add these elements for inspiration.
  • The best time for meditation is considered to be early morning.

Meditation and concentration

When learning to meditate, you must learn to concentrate on one thing at a time. As a rule, our mind holds several thoughts and ideas at the same time. When you first practice meditation, you realize how restless your mind is. However, you can tame your attention and force it to focus on only one thought.

One helpful way is to focus on a candle flame. Focus your gaze on the flame and block out all other thoughts. When your attention wanders, return to focusing on the candle flame. You can also use other objects, such as a small dot or a flower. The most important point is that you should focus your attention on one thing only.


Another way in which you can learn the practice of meditation is through the use of mantras. Mantra is the repetition of a sacred word. For example, you can repeat the mantra “Aum” a certain number of times. By repeating a mantra, you increase the power of your mind so that you can then focus on one thought.

Quiet Mind

Once you have practiced focusing your attention and learned to focus on one thing at a time, you can begin the next stage: completely freeing yourself from thoughts. Achieving silence of the mind is a very difficult practice, but once you learn it, your mind will become much stronger. An example of this is the technique of viewing your thoughts as something separate from you. When you have a thought, you make a conscious decision to push it out of your mind. Over time, you will be able to allow some thoughts to come or throw out unnecessary thoughts. Your true self is not just a set of thoughts, but something that lies deep within you. The most significant benefit of meditation is that you gradually stop being a slave to your thoughts.

Through meditation you will gain the power to control your thoughts and sometimes stop them completely. Don't be discouraged if you can't reach a state of quiet mind. This takes time and practice. Unfortunately, our minds are used to create confusion, and unlearning bad habits takes time. You will succeed, believe in yourself, and good luck!

Riskiness is one of the main qualities that women evaluate. And if a man is risky, then the woman will be lucky. There is no success without risk. And if you think about it, very little good can happen without it.

The best option will happen if you artificially create a state of riskiness. It is possible that there will be unpleasant consequences, but in this case anchoring will be much easier. An unpleasant moment associated with fear may also arise here if the consequences of your risky action greatly affect your emotional side. It's like public speaking. If you screw up the first time, you will always be afraid to perform until your attitude towards performing changes and you reinforce it with positive experiences.

So we'll do the setup now. For greater effect, you can watch the movie “ Incredible life Walter Mitty."

Setting phrase

When a dozen armed thugs are coming at you, you will either run as fast as you can forward, or you will fall to the ground and wait for any outcome with incomprehensible calm. In any situation, we have only two choices: wait to see what the situation will bring, and run further, trying to find out what it will lead to. The main thing is that the situation does not get worse. Then it will be too late to stop...

Setting situation

You must be completely transported mentally into the world created in your imagination. Read and imagine that the author of this story is you!

My wife and I had a very big fight. I rarely drank in my life, but at that moment I had only one desire - to forget. And only alcohol could help me. Around the corner I saw a bar, and without hesitation, I went there:

What do you want? - the girl behind the bar asked me.

Vodka. - I said while exhaling.

After downing two glasses, I ordered a whole bottle. I didn’t want to return home at all, but I couldn’t be without her either. Pulling myself together and pushing my pride far away, I stood up from the counter and walked towards the exit. When I approached the house, I sat on the threshold and, with tears in my eyes, called her:

Zay, I can’t live without you, please forgive me.

And where are you? - she asked me.

I'm sitting on the threshold near the house.

Wait, I'll be there in 10 minutes.

Where did she go? And for what? 10 minutes passed, but she was gone, and her brain began to slowly turn off. I went to bed around front door, and when I opened my eyes, I was blinded by a bright light. I was lying on some hard couch without any outerwear. It was very cold in the empty room, with painted walls. I wanted to get up, but my body didn’t listen to me. Having regained consciousness a little, I saw that I was lying under a drip.

"What happened? Why am I on an IV?" - the first questions I asked myself. On the table nearby were syringes and ampoules with the name erased, and in the trash bin there was a package with the name of the drug. Your mother! This is a powerful tranquilizer that dulls nervous system and brain function. I tried to get up again, but immediately passed out.

The next time I regained consciousness was when two men in civilian clothes lifted me from the couch. One held me so that I would not fall, and the second began to inject me with a syringe with this drug intramuscularly. Having asked them where the toilet was, I barely walked there, dragging my feet, but after walking quite a bit, I fell on the wooden floor and passed out again.

“Okay, I need to get out of here,” I thought when two guys started lifting me up. Having examined the room, I discovered that it was possible to get out of the window in the toilet by removing the grate, which was barely holding on. The only downside is that you have to jump from the third floor, but it’s better than hanging around with these psychos. I wonder if it was my wife who put me here? Now I'll teach her!

I planned to do everything quickly and carefully, and be already home, but who knew that they would chase me? Who knew that the house was already surrounded by police, who immediately went into a wall when they saw me? But most importantly, who knew that my wife would be killed, and now everyone thinks that I did it out of revenge?

Did you manage to catch a state when everything you did turned against you? If you had not escaped from the hospital, then everything would have been fine, but now you are the main suspect.

Now read the setting phrase and visualize the further process. Try to clearly imagine your next steps.

To achieve unity with the world, you need to erase boundaries. There are no boundaries. Boundaries are an illusion. Our consciousness is capable of any inventions that hide unity from us. Consciousness creates concepts, beliefs, principles and concepts that ultimately create boundaries between the individual and the world around him, between the individual and everyone else, between “me” and those who are not me. This is precisely the cause of problems, depression, this leads a person to suffering. Erasing boundaries, filling with energy, helping - this is what meditation is meant to do. And it is probably wrong not to use such a chance to eliminate illusions.

Meditation to increase energy - erasing boundaries

In the manifested world there is truth, but there are many illusions and appearances. Chimeras haunt people, and many spend years of their lives trying to figure out what is true and what is false. But life goes on, and many do not have time to do what they were called to do, for which they underwent this incarnation. This is why for many people the path of samsara is endless. Strong meditation is an excellent tool that allows you to bring together a disconnected world; it fills you with energy, life, and allows you to understand what is high level consciousness there are no identifications, and there are no boundaries, since everything is one.

Looking at another person, you see, first of all, his physical body. The bodies are different, and you understand that he is him, another being, not you. Obviously. That at this level boundaries exist. But what happens at the energy level when you turn to meditation? Are there boundaries between your mind and the mind of another person? Have you ever been in a situation where you could read someone's thoughts? Or could someone read yours? Or did you say the same phrase at the same time as your interlocutor? Thus, the boundaries at a higher level, the level of the mind, are less obvious. And beyond the limits of the mind, the true ego and the false, there are no boundaries at all, there is no disunity, no fragmentation. That's why beautiful meditation practice leads to erasing boundaries, filling with energy, and achieving unity.

Online meditation filling with energy

The absence of identifications and differences is unity. There is no worry, no anxiety and suffering, but only nirvana and enlightenment. There is endless bliss. This state can be created by powerful meditation to fill with energy. But a person is sometimes able to enter beyond all practices. For most people, blurring boundaries is an incredibly difficult task due to the sheer number of beliefs, identifications, ideologies, etc. But it's still worth a try. &1