Beautiful meditation of Archangel Michael for healing. Meditation from Archangel Michael "for cleansing and healing the race"

01.08.2019 Technique

There are many meditation techniques, there is also meditation of angels. It brings healing, release from all that causes suffering, and awareness. Self-service free online meditation Archangel Michael Healing, which can be done at home, will give you what you need - peace, spiritual protection and salvation, cover from adversity, a reliable cover from emotional chaos. Meditation heals not only the body, but also the soul and spirit on different levels.

Meditation by Archangel Michael - the beginning of the path to healing

Take a comfortable position, take several deep breaths and several equally deep exhalations. Feel how your skeletal muscles gradually relax and your body is filled with a pleasant, relaxed warmth. Staying in powerful meditation Archangel Michael, direct your attention to the heart chakra. Open your heart to universal love, to love for everything that exists, feel it within yourself, allow it to fill you. It is the life energies of Mother Earth and Father Sun that flow into you through the heart chakra.

Your self-meditation of the angels should be accompanied by the call: “Dear Archangel Michael, I ask you to free me from all energies, natural and artificial influences, thoughts, feelings and entities that are not beneficial to me on my healing path. I ask these energies, entities, thoughts and feelings to be transformed or transferred to where they will serve the highest good of the whole. Thank you".

Meditation by Archangel Michael Healing – meditation in the octahedron

As you continue your angel meditation, visualize yourself in an octahedron. With each inhalation and exhalation, you direct divine light into the octahedron, and a bright light shines in its space. Say the words that are part Archangel Michael meditations for Healing: “By the power of my cosmic and Divine consciousness, I command all energies and entities that do not serve my highest good to leave my energetic field.”

Inhale through your nose several times, hold the air, and exhale slowly through your open mouth. Imagine how harmful energies in the form of fog rise to the top of the octahedron and exit through the hole, reaching Archangel Michael, who will receive these entities. Visualize a blue energy field. This is a mirror field whose reflective surface does not allow harmful energies, thoughts, emotions and feelings to pass through.

Archangel Michael’s self-healing meditation ends with these words: “Dear Archangel Michael, help me from now on to live in my individual divine energies, to act and create on greater good everything that is. I thank you with deep love for your help, support and guidance.” Keep your attention on your breath and allow Archangel Michael to charge you with the energies of the blue ray. When completing the exercises, slowly return to your normal state. Stretch your whole body and open your eyes.

It is a deep joy for me, Archangel Michael, to open a series of transmissions of high healing energy from myself and my brothers and sisters of the Archangels.

You are infinitely valuable, magnificent souls because it takes great courage to incarnate here on Earth. A courage that only a few souls in the many universes of God have been able to muster, and you, dear ones, are among those brave few who have dared to descend into the experience of the illusion of a physical world that seems so real that illness, death and aging are experienced as real. But in reality, it is only a tiny spark of your Divine Soul that has descended into the density of the physical body in which you now live. A tiny spark of an immortal Divine Being.

The word “healed” is related to the word holistic and has in its origin integrity - Unity, from which this spark once came. Unity, Wholeness, Divinity. Whenever you strive for health and healing, you strive for wholeness, the sacred core within you that is always connected to the Greater Being who you truly are. And this Being has always been and is perfect and holy. It cannot be otherwise, and let me tell you, wonderful creature, to be healthy is your Divine right from birth and Holy is the path that you walk.

Why don't you use this right? You have the energy to start this journey! Understand that health is your state at all levels of your being. Healing is not just about the physical body. Healing must occur at all levels to remove the illusion of illness.

Imbalance on the physical level is always related to imbalance on the emotional, mental, etheric and astral levels. It cannot exist separately and not be interconnected with other levels of your soul.

When you ask the Spiritual World for healing, open yourself to the understanding that there are thoughts and feelings that do not serve you and are in relationship with physical symptoms that will be shown to you in the days following your request.

The healing process is also a learning process. Have you heard stories of people who received spontaneous healing from serious illnesses? This always happens with knowledge of one’s own life position, or way of life.

If you want to embrace healing, then open yourself to change and change. Be willing to let go of old habits, admit mistakes, look at hurt feelings, and nothing will ever stand in your way of healing.

Whether you consciously perceive us or not, ask the Spiritual World for help, and you will receive it, whether it be in the form of energy transfer, or we will point in one way or another to a suitable doctor or healer.

The Spiritual World always helps you in deep love, and there is nothing that the Spiritual World would require in return. But in order for us to help you, you must ask for it.

The more you open yourself to learning and change, the more we can help you. No one but yourself can walk this path. You must understand what the disease wants to tell you. We will assist you as best we can and provide the necessary healing energy to speed up the process for your highest good.

And I, Archangel Michael, want to take the first step towards healing with you, and help you with this, if you want it.

For healing to occur, it is first important that you release yourself of all energies and connections that do not serve you.

The energies, entities and connections that influence and feed on your energy field unnecessarily slow down the healing process, and so the first step, the first meditation, serves to cleanse and clarify your energy bodies.

I know that some of you are frightened by the topic of alien energies, because here we are talking about energies of influence that are invisible to physical vision, and which only a few of you can see.

Let me tell you that in this phase of your experiences it is not always necessary for everyone to see these energies, and I here and now, high and holy, promise that you, the Divine Beings who you are, should not be afraid of these energies. The power that lives deep within you is so great that there is nothing that you can fear. When you remember this truth, you will understand that you have more important things to do at this time than fear of such energies.

Likewise, relationships with other people can be both useful and not very useful for the healing process. There are people who constantly drain your energy, if not out of malice, then most likely unconsciously. And there are people with whom you are in deep resonance and harmonious exchange that positively affects both sides.

If you want to experience complete healing, it is important to separate connections that have not served you for a long time. By doing this, you will also be doing the other side a favor by inviting that person to gain energy elsewhere. IN best case scenario this person will understand that he also has a connection with the Source and does not need your energy. In the worst case, he will continue to look for another “victim”. But even then he serves her in the knowledge of personal responsibility and the ability to say NO, because in reality there are no victims and perpetrators, but there is a teacher and a student. And you are all, on the one hand, a teacher, and on the other, a student in this game called life.

Let's begin the first meditation. It is an honor for me to help you.

In love, Archangel Michael

Meditation by Archangel Michael “Healing”

Sit comfortably and upright, take a few deep breaths and gradually relax your body.

Bring your attention to your heart center and open it to the love you have for all things. Feel this love and let it completely fill you. Send the energy of intention, this energy of life, from the heart through the root chakra to the center of Mother Earth, and wait until she answers you and a flow of love arises between you.

Send the energy of intention from the heart through the crown chakra to Father Sun, and wait until he answers you and a flow of love arises between you. Feel now how the energies of life from the Father and from the Mother flow into your heart center through the crown and root chakra, meet and fill you, moving further into the outside world.

“Dear Archangel Michael, I ask you here and now to free me from all energies, natural and artificial influences, thoughts, feelings and entities that are not beneficial to me on my healing path.

I ask you to transform or transfer these energies, entities, thoughts and feelings to where they will serve the highest good of the whole.

Thank you".


Now visualize that you are sitting in an octahedron. The surface of the octahedron is located exactly under the end of your spine.

Inhale the Light of Mother Earth and Father Sun into the heart center.... and exhale, directing the Light into the octahedron so that it becomes lighter and lighter.

With every breath, your octahedron becomes lighter. Shining, a bright Light flows in it. And say these words:

“By the power of my cosmic and Divine consciousness, I command all energies and entities that do not serve my highest good, here and now, to permanently leave my energy field.”

And now inhale several times through your nose, hold the air, and exhale through your open mouth as long as possible, visualizing how all these energies in the form of gray fog move to the highest peak of the octahedron and leave it through a small hole. Archangel Michael is already there, and he will take care of these energies and entities further.

Continue this breathing and visualization for about two minutes.

Now visualize the golden Eight of Light lying horizontally, and mentally stand or sit in one of its loops.

Invite the person, if you feel that your connection is draining your energy, to enter another loop of the Golden Eight of Light.

Tell this person:

“With love and certainty, I demand that my energies be returned to me, and, in turn, I return yours back to you in deep love.”

And again, for 1-2 minutes, inhale through your nose and exhale through your slightly open mouth, feeling that with each inhalation more energy flows back to you, and with each exhalation the energy belonging to that person returns to him.

And then say:

“With this, I declare all oaths, curses, wishes and promises that I have ever made towards you, completed and void. I forgive you as I forgive myself. I release you in love and wish you the greatest personal happiness.”

“Dear Archangel Michael, please separate now all the energetic connections that no longer serve me and...(state the person’s name) - for the highest good of all involved, and remove these connections irrevocably. I thank you for this."

Now breathe freely and allow Archangel Michael to separate the connections and gently remove them. After this, that person can leave the golden eight of Light.

Finally, visualize a reflective blue energy field appearing around you.

From now on, all thoughts, feelings and energies that are not beneficial to you will bounce off the mirror and go to their rightful place within the Divine order.

Now say:

“Dear Archangel Michael, please help me from now on to live clearly in my individual, Divine energies, to act and create for the highest good of All That Is.

Help me at the same time to maintain this clarity, live in this clarity and spread it in the service of the Light.

And may this growing clarity help me to intensify my focus on healing and thereby the sanctity of life.

I thank you with deep love for your help, support and guidance."

Direct your attention to your breathing, while visualizing Blue colour, and let Archangel Michael charge you with the energies of the blue ray.

Gradually return to your normal consciousness. Slowly move your body, stretch and open your eyes.

I recommend doing this meditation for one to two weeks, daily if possible. At the same time, you can change people in the Eight of Light. You can also invite the same person to the Golden Eight of Light multiple times if you feel that this is necessary.

I wish you much joy in clearing your energy field and working together with the wonderful energies of Archangel Michael.

Translation by Rina in agreement with ShaNiraa in October 2010

The healing process is also a learning process.

Archangel Michael:

Channeling and Meditation “Healing”!

It is a deep joy for me, Archangel Michael, to open a series of transmissions of high healing energy from myself and my brothers and sisters of the Archangels.

You are infinitely valuable, magnificent souls because it takes great courage to incarnate here on Earth. A courage that only a few souls in the many universes of God could muster, and you, dear ones, are among those brave few who have dared to descend into the experience of the illusion of a physical world that seems so real that illness, death and aging are experienced as real.

But in reality, it is only a tiny spark of your Divine Soul that has descended into the density of the physical body in which you now live. A tiny spark of an immortal Divine Being.

The word “healed” is related to the word holistic and has in its origin integrity - Unity, from which this spark once came. Unity, Wholeness, Divinity. Whenever you strive for health and healing, you strive for wholeness, the sacred core within you that is always connected to the Greater Being who you truly are. And this Being has always been and is perfect and holy. It cannot be otherwise, and let me tell you, wonderful creature, to be healthy is your Divine right from birth and Holy is the path that you walk.

Why don't you use this right? You have the energy to start this journey! Understand that health is your state at all levels of your being. Healing is not just about the physical body. Healing must occur at all levels to remove the illusion of disease.

Imbalance on the physical level is always related to imbalance on the emotional, mental, etheric and astral levels. It cannot exist separately and not be interconnected with other levels of your soul.

When you ask the Spiritual World for healing, open yourself to the understanding that there are thoughts and feelings that do not serve you and are in relationship with physical symptoms that will be shown to you in the days following your request.

The healing process is also a learning process. Have you heard stories of people who received spontaneous healing from serious illnesses? This always happens with knowledge of one’s own life position, or way of life.

If you want to embrace healing, then open yourself to change and change. Be willing to let go of old habits, admit mistakes, look at hurt feelings, and nothing will ever stand in your way of healing.

Whether you consciously perceive us or not, ask the Spiritual World for help, and you will receive it, whether it be in the form of energy transfer, or we will point in one way or another to a suitable doctor or healer.

The Spiritual World always helps you in deep love, and there is nothing that the Spiritual World would require in return. But in order for us to help you, you must ask for it.

The more you open yourself to learning and change, the more we can help you. No one but yourself can walk this path. You must understand what the disease wants to tell you. We will assist you as best we can and provide the necessary healing energy to speed up the process for your highest good.

And I, Archangel Michael, want to take the first step towards healing with you, and help you with this, if you want it.

For healing to occur, it is first important that you release yourself of all energies and connections that do not serve you.

The energies, entities and connections that influence and feed on your energy field unnecessarily slow down the healing process, and so the first step, the first meditation, serves to cleanse and clarify your energy bodies.

I know that some of you are frightened by the topic of alien energies, because here we are talking about energies of influence that are invisible to physical vision, and which only a few of you can see.

Let me tell you that in this phase of your experiences it is not always necessary for everyone to see these energies, and I here and now, high and holy, promise that you, the Divine Beings who you are, should not be afraid of these energies. The power that lives deep within you is so great that there is nothing that you can fear. When you remember this truth, you will understand that you have more important things to do at this time than fear of such energies.

Likewise, relationships with other people can be both useful and not very useful for the healing process. There are people who constantly drain your energy, if not out of malice, then most likely unconsciously. And there are people with whom you are in deep resonance and harmonious exchange that positively affects both sides.

If you want to experience complete healing, it is important to separate connections that have not served you for a long time. By doing this, you will also be doing the other side a favor by inviting that person to gain energy elsewhere. In the best case, this person will understand that he also has a connection with the Source and does not need your energy. In the worst case, he will continue to look for another “victim”. But even then he serves her in the knowledge of personal responsibility and the ability to say NO, because in reality there are no victims and perpetrators, but there is a teacher and a student. And you are all, on the one hand, a teacher, and on the other, a student in this game called life.

Let's begin the first meditation. It is an honor for me to help you.

In love,

archangel Michael

Meditation by Archangel Michael “Healing”

Sit comfortably and upright, take a few deep breaths and gradually relax your body.

Direct your attention to the heart center and open it to the love you feel for all things.

Feel this love and let it completely fill you.

Send the energy of intention, this energy of life, from the heart through the root chakra to the center of Mother Earth, and wait until she answers you and a flow of love arises between you.

Send the energy of intention from the heart through the crown chakra to Father Sun, and wait until he answers you and a flow of love arises between you.

Feel now how the energies of life from the Father and from the Mother flow into your heart center through the crown and root chakras, meet and fill you, moving further into the outside world.


“Dear Archangel Michael, I ask you here and now to free me from all energies, natural and artificial influences, thoughts, feelings and entities that are not beneficial to me on my healing path.

I ask you to transform or transfer these energies, entities, thoughts and feelings to where they will serve the highest good of the whole.

Thank you".

Now visualize that you are sitting in an octahedron. The surface of the octahedron is located exactly under the end of your spine.

Breathe the Light of Mother Earth and Father Sun into your heart center…. and exhale, directing the Light into the octahedron so that it becomes lighter and lighter.

With every breath, your octahedron becomes lighter. Shining, a bright Light flows in it. And say these words:

“By the power of my cosmic and Divine consciousness, I command all energies and entities that do not serve my highest good, here and now, to permanently leave my energy field.”

And now inhale several times through your nose, hold the air, and exhale through your open mouth as long as possible, visualizing how all these energies in the form of gray fog move to the highest peak of the octahedron and leave it through a small hole. Archangel Michael is already there, and he will take care of these energies and entities further.

Continue this breathing and visualization for about two minutes.

Now visualize the golden Eight of Light lying horizontally, and mentally stand or sit in one of its loops.

Invite the person, if you feel that your connection is draining your energy, to enter another loop of the Golden Eight of Light.

Tell this person:

“With love and certainty, I demand that my energies be returned to me, and, in turn, I return yours to you in deep love.”

And again, for 1-2 minutes, inhale through your nose and exhale through your slightly open mouth, feeling that with each inhalation more energy flows back to you, and with each exhalation the energy belonging to that person returns to him.

And then say:

“With this, I declare all oaths, curses, wishes and promises that I have ever made towards you, completed and void. I forgive you as I forgive myself. I release you in love and wish you the greatest personal happiness."

“Dear Archangel Michael, please now separate all the energetic connections that no longer serve me and ... (state the person’s name) - for the highest good of all involved, and remove these connections irrevocably. I thank you for this."

Now breathe freely and allow Archangel Michael to separate the connections and gently remove them. After this, that person can leave the golden eight of Light.

Finally, visualize a reflective blue energy field appearing around you.

From now on, all thoughts, feelings and energies that are not beneficial to you will bounce off the mirror and go to their rightful place within the Divine order.

Now say:

“Dear Archangel Michael, please help me from now on to live clearly in my individual, Divine energies, to act and create for the highest good of All That Is.

Help me at the same time to maintain this clarity, live in this clarity and spread it in the service of the Light.

And may this growing clarity help me to intensify my focus on healing and thereby the sanctity of life.

I thank you with deep love for your help, support and guidance."

Direct your attention to your breath, visualizing the color blue, and allow Archangel Michael to charge you with the energies of the blue ray.

Gradually return to your normal consciousness. Slowly move your body, stretch and open your eyes.

I recommend doing this meditation for one to two weeks, daily if possible. At the same time, you can change people in the Eight of Light. You can also invite the same person to the Golden Eight of Light multiple times if you feel that this is necessary.

I wish you much joy in clearing your energy field and working together with the wonderful energies of Archangel Michael.



Translation by Rina, in agreement with ShaNiraa in October 2010


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Direct your attention to the heart center and open it to the love you feel for all things.

Feel this love and let it completely fill you.

Send the energy of intention, this energy of life, from the heart through the root chakra to the center of Mother Earth, and wait until she answers you and a flow of love arises between you.

Send the energy of intention from the heart through the crown chakra to Father Sun, and wait until he answers you and a flow of love arises between you.

Feel now how the energies of life from the Father and from the Mother flow into your heart center through the crown and root chakras, meet and fill you, moving further into the outside world.


“Dear Archangel Michael, I ask you here and now to free me from all energies, natural and artificial influences, thoughts, feelings and entities that are not beneficial to me on my healing path.

I ask you to transform or transfer these energies, entities, thoughts and feelings to where they will serve the highest good of the whole.

Thank you".

Now visualize that you are sitting in an octahedron. The surface of the octahedron is located exactly under the end of your spine.

Inhale the Light of Mother Earth and Father Sun into the heart center.... and exhale, directing the Light into the octahedron so that it becomes lighter and lighter.

With every breath, your octahedron becomes lighter. Shining, a bright Light flows in it. And say these words:

“By the power of my cosmic and Divine consciousness, I command all energies and entities that do not serve my highest good, here and now, to permanently leave my energy field.”

And now inhale several times through your nose, hold the air, and exhale through your open mouth as long as possible, visualizing how all these energies in the form of gray fog move to the highest peak of the octahedron and leave it through a small hole. Archangel Michael is already there, and he will take care of these energies and entities further.

Continue this breathing and visualization for about two minutes.

Now visualize the golden Eight of Light lying horizontally, and mentally stand or sit in one of its loops.

Invite the person, if you feel that your connection is draining your energy, to enter another loop of the Golden Eight of Light.

Tell this person:

“With love and certainty, I demand that my energies be returned to me, and, in turn, I return yours back to you in deep love.”

And again, for 1-2 minutes, inhale through your nose and exhale through your slightly open mouth, feeling that with each inhalation more energy flows back to you, and with each exhalation the energy belonging to that person returns to him.

And then say:

“With this, I declare all oaths, curses, wishes and promises that I have ever made towards you, completed and void. I forgive you as I forgive myself. I release you in love and wish you the greatest personal happiness.”

“Dear Archangel Michael, please separate now all the energetic connections that no longer serve me and ... (state the person’s name) - for the highest good of all involved, and remove these connections irrevocably. I thank you for this."

Now breathe freely and allow Archangel Michael to separate the connections and gently remove them. After this, that person can leave the golden eight of Light.

Finally, visualize a reflective blue energy field appearing around you.

From now on, all thoughts, feelings and energies that are not beneficial to you will bounce off the mirror and go to their rightful place within the Divine order.

Now say:

“Dear Archangel Michael, please help me from now on to live clearly in my individual, Divine energies, to act and create for the highest good of All That Is.

Help me at the same time to maintain this clarity, live in this clarity and spread it in the service of the Light.

And may this growing clarity help me to intensify my focus on healing and thereby the sanctity of life.

I thank you with deep love for your help, support and guidance."

Direct your attention to your breath, visualizing the color blue, and allow Archangel Michael to charge you with the energies of the blue ray.

Gradually return to your normal consciousness. Slowly move your body, stretch and open your eyes.

I recommend doing this meditation for one to two weeks, daily if possible. At the same time, you can change people in the Eight of Light. You can also invite the same person to the Golden Eight of Light multiple times if you feel that this is necessary.

I wish you much joy in clearing your energy field and working together with the wonderful energies of Archangel Michael.

Translation by Rina in agreement with ShaNiraa