Why does my stomach hurt during menstruation? What medications are taken for menstrual pain? Tablets for pain during menstruation and folk remedies

15.10.2017 Health

In medicine, painful menstruation is called dysmenorrhea or algomenorrhea. As a rule, pain in the lower abdomen appears several hours before the onset of menstruation and lasts for a day or two. It can be aching, stabbing, cramping, radiating to the sacrum or lower back. There are several degrees of severity of menstrual pain. The most common, first degree, in which they are moderate, causing only mild discomfort and almost not interfering with a woman’s activity.

Menstrual pain appears in adolescence and subsides over time, and after childbirth it often disappears altogether. However, if this does not happen, you need to be wary. A mild form of dysmenorrhea can gradually turn into a more severe form, with fairly prolonged and severe pain.

With moderate severity of algomenorrhea, in addition to severe pain, chills, dizziness, headaches, nausea, and general weakness may appear. The woman’s emotional and mental state deteriorates, and her performance is significantly reduced. In this case, to make you feel better, you usually need medicinal painkillers during menstruation. Medicines for menstrual pain should be selected by a doctor, since it is important not so much to temporarily relieve pain, which almost any pain pill can handle, but to reduce the very possibility of menstrual pain occurring.

The third degree of dysmenorrhea is the most severe, with it very strong menstrual pain appears in the lower abdomen, as well as in the lumbar region, severe general weakness suddenly occurs, all manifestations of algomenorrhea of ​​moderate severity in an increased degree. Often, the temperature may rise, tachycardia, heart pain, and vomiting may appear. Fainting is possible. Painkillers for menstrual pain can do little to help in such a situation.


Indeed, pain during menstruation can pose a serious danger to a woman. First of all, it has a bad effect on the psyche and can provoke deep depression. Severe pain can only be a symptom of some fairly serious serious illness in the “female part”. They can lead to menstrual irregularities and cause infertility. So, yes, dysmenorrhea can be dangerous.

  • When to see a doctor:

  • 1. If menstrual pain is so severe that it is impossible to attend work, college, school, or do normal activities.
  • 2. When pain is accompanied by nausea, loose stools, headache and vomiting.
  • 3. When, in addition to pain, there is heavy bleeding for more than one day or the release of clots.
  • 4. If severe pain of a spasmodic nature occurs in a woman who is taking birth control pills or using other drugs and contraceptives.
  • 5. If there is a sudden onset of cramping pain during menstruation in a middle-aged woman.
  • 6. When, after taking a pill for pain during menstruation, such as Aspirin or Ibuprofen, the pain does not go away.
  • 7. If the first or second menstruation is accompanied by very severe pain.


According to doctors, one of the causes of pain is a hormonal imbalance. In addition, pain during menstruation appears due to diseases of the genitourinary organs or nervous system, with a uterus that has a bend, or an underdeveloped uterus, with inflammatory processes, due to cicatricial narrowing of the uterine cervix, cysts, tumors. If the pain is irregular, its cause may lie in a decrease in the threshold of pain sensitivity, which occurs due to physical or psychological stress.

Menstrual pain is, of course, excruciating. Trying to somehow get rid of them, girls and women take painkillers during menstruation and feel much better. But a month later, everything happens again. And this is not surprising, since painkillers during menstruation only relieve pain, but do not eliminate its causes. Therefore, before taking pills, it is advisable to be examined by a gynecologist and make sure that the cause of the pain is not a consequence of some “female” disease. If the disease is not detected, and the pain is associated with an abnormal position of the uterus or other reasons, then first you should try ways to reduce it without using medications for menstrual pain.


Diet. Diet plays a very important role in preventing painful menstrual symptoms. Therefore, we recommend using the following dietary changes:

  • 1. Before your period starts, try not to consume dairy and meat products. During this period, a vegetarian diet can have a very good effect.
  • 2. Before menstruation, it is recommended to drink vegetable juices (beetroot, carrot, and parsley juice are especially beneficial).
  • 3. Additionally, we recommend taking the following minerals and vitamins: magnesium (for example, Magne B tablets), calcium (for example, the drug Calcium D3 Nycomed), B vitamins (Pentovit, Neuromultivit, etc.) , vitamin E. Or you can increase your consumption of foods that are rich in these elements.

It is also effective to practice one-day fasting before your period.

Regular exercise. You need to try to do daily physical exercise, basic exercises will do, at least for 15-20 minutes.

Yoga classes are especially beneficial.

Avoid nervous overload and stressful situations.

Use methods of psychological self-tuning and auto-training.

Keeping a period diary. This activity helps you understand your monthly cycles well, in order to track the recurrence of symptoms on certain days, and be able to prevent the painful manifestations of your critical days.


What helps best, according to doctors, is "No-shpa" for menstrual pain ( 1-2 tablets three times a day). “No-spa” will help the uterus relax and acts as a pain reliever during menstruation. You can add tablets to No-shpe for menstrual pain "Indomethacin", "Butadione" or "Brufen"- they suppress the synthesis of prostaglandins in the body. Combination pills for pain during menstruation have a fairly good effect: “Baralgin”, “Tempalgin”, “Spazgan”, “Sedalgin”. If the pain is too strong, then it is better to start taking painkillers 2-3 days before the start of menstruation.

Tablets help eliminate menstrual pain “Paracetamol”, “Analgin”, “Ketorol” and “Papaverine”, “Ibuprofen” and “Solpadeine”.

For severe or sudden pain, the doctor may prescribe painkillers during menstruation. Painkiller injections have the same effect as tablets, but it occurs faster and is more targeted. Often, painkilling injections that are used during menstruation are "Analgin", but other analgesics and antispasmodics for menstrual pain are no less effective.

It is good to discuss with doctors, gynecologist and endocrinologist, the advisability of taking hormonal contraceptives. In 90% of cases, these medications alleviate the plight of women.


Taking painkillers during menstruation is a last resort and temporary remedy. The rest of the time, you should use non-medicinal methods for pain during menstruation. Some of the proposed methods are purely individual, so we recommend checking the effectiveness of each in your specific case:

  • 1. It’s good to drink more fluids, drinking 8-10 glasses of water per day.
  • 2. Take a hot bath and try to relax.
  • 3. You can take a warm aromatic bath, pouring plant infusions and aromatic oils (for example, fir oil) into the water.
  • 4. Alternating hot and cold sitz baths are considered an unsurpassed means of helping to eliminate congestion in the pelvic area and restore the functions of the ovaries, uterus and fallopian tubes. Such procedures should be done in the morning and evening.
  • 5. In case of severe pain, you can apply hot pads or a bottle of hot water. This will help relax the muscles, reduce the intensity of spasms and reduce pain.
  • 6. Applying dry hot towels or hot compresses to the legs and abdomen during menstruation helps.
  • 7. It is recommended to use sanitary pads instead of tampons.
  • 8. You need to take menstruation for granted. Doctors agree that 80% of unpleasant sensations during menstruation are directly related to a negative attitude towards what is happening.
  • 9. Get more rest. Physical and psychological overload should be avoided as much as possible during this period, as they can cause various disorders in the body and provoke pain.


It is a scientifically proven fact that female athletes are much less likely to suffer from period pain. But playing sports during menstruation is, of course, contraindicated, as it can increase bleeding. However, walking, yoga and some simple, not strenuous exercises can be practiced during menstruation to eliminate pain:

  • 1. Lie on your back, raising your legs at right angles to the wall, pull your buttocks as close to the wall as possible. Place your feet on the wall so that your knees are bent and your soles are firmly planted. Try to stay in this position for about 5 minutes.
  • 2. Move away from the wall, pull one leg with your knee closer to your chin, and leave the other lying on the floor. Hold the pulled leg with your hands, trying not to strain your abs for a couple of minutes, then change legs and do the same again.
  • 3. Get on all fours, leaning on your elbows and knees, so that your head is between your hands. Stay in this position for 2 minutes.
  • 4. Lie down on a flat surface, bend your knees, feet resting on the floor, stretch your arms along your body, palms down. Now gently bend your stomach down and up (for 2 minutes), taking short breaths. It is important that the muscles were as relaxed as possible at this time. Repeat the exercise several times.
  • 5. Cobra pose, a yoga pose, helps well. Very slowly you need to start leaning towards the floor face down, and then gradually lift your head first, then your chest up without using your hands. Then, using your hands, continue to lift your chest until pain is felt in your back, try to move your head as far back as possible, looking up. Inhale as you rise, and exhale as you lower. Do it all slowly. After this, rest a little and repeat the exercise one more time (no more!).
  • 6. Another bow yoga pose. Lie on your stomach, face down, arching your back and holding your ankles with your hands bent at the knees. When bending into the bow pose, you need to inhale, and when finishing the exercise, exhale. If you have good flexibility, you can try rolling back and forth on your stomach, holding your breath while doing it.
  • 7. Breathing exercise. Place some light object (for example, a book) on your stomach. Begin to breathe slowly through your “stomach” through your nose, synchronously moving your stomach and lifting the book. After lifting the book, tense your abdominal muscles and hold for 5 seconds. Perform the exercise for about two minutes.


Acupressure helps relieve pain. There is a special point - on the inside of the knee bend of the leg, on which you need to press for 1.5-2 minutes. First you need to do this on your left leg, and then on your right leg.

Massage of the lower back and the entire lower back is also considered effective. To make it yourself, take 2 hard small balls (tennis balls are fine), wrap them in a small fabric bag or just a sock to prevent them from rolling away. Lie on them with your back so that the balls are on both sides of the spinal column in your lower back. Press your back onto the balls and roll them with your muscles for a few minutes.

Acupressure helps - massaging active points on the body:

  • 1. Get down on your knees and pinch your thighs. Press the thigh with your elbow, from the outside towards the knee, from the inside towards the pelvis.
  • 2. Press the point located on the inside of your leg 4 fingers above your ankle (it is usually sensitive).
  • 3. Lie down and press firmly on the following points with your thumbs: below the navel and at the bottom of the groin area; on the tailbone and in the central part of the back; on the inner surface in the middle of the lower leg. After pressing, hold each point with your finger, counting to ten, and release slowly.


During these difficult days, it is very important for the whole body to carefully monitor normal and timely bowel movements. Since the enlarged uterus puts so much pressure on neighboring internal organs. Therefore, it is recommended to make adjustments to your diet during your period:

  • 1. A few days before the start of menstruation, eat vegetables, brown rice and bran. You need fiber.
  • 2. Include liver, meat and buckwheat porridge in your diet. It is important to replenish the loss of protein and iron in the body. You can purchase special iron-containing medicines, vitamins and mineral complexes, and take them during menstruation.
  • 3. Reduce your intake of foods that contain sodium and salt, especially in the week before your period.
  • 4. Increase your calcium and magnesium intake to reduce menstrual pain.
  • 5. Potassium, calcium and magnesium reduce the tone of the uterus, and therefore significantly reduce menstrual pain. On critical days, it is recommended to consume more foods that contain these elements. In particular, eat green leaf lettuce, green beans, tomatoes, cottage cheese, milk, yogurt and other foods.
  • 6. Limit salt and caffeine. Salt causes fluid to accumulate in the body, and caffeine increases bleeding. Avoid chocolate, coffee, coffee drinks, they increase irritability and increase pain for psychological reasons.
  • 7. In the first three days of menstruation, take 300 mg of vitamin E per day. Or include soy products, olives, corn, beans, and avocado in your diet.
  • 8. Ginger tea is used to relieve menstrual pain. It's easy to prepare: finely chop the ginger and throw it into boiling water for 15 minutes, cover with a lid. Let it brew and drink, maybe with honey.
  • 9. Chamomile and peppermint teas also act as mild pain relievers. folk remedies from menstrual pain.
  • 10. Some women find that bananas help them during their menstrual periods. This is probably explained by the presence in them of the so-called “happiness hormone”. Eat one banana during the day and before bed, starting a few days before your period.


  • 1. Popular advice recommends taking herbal decoctions that have a diuretic effect. Bear ears and horsetail will relieve the feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen.
  • 2. Good folk remedies for menstrual pain are teas made from catnip, raspberry or peppermint. You can take them in any quantity; it is most effective to drink them hot and in small sips.
  • 3. Pour 2 tablespoons of oregano into two glasses of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. Take this “potion” three times a day before meals, 30 minutes.
  • 4. Viburnum bark helps a lot: crushed bark, take 4 teaspoons per glass of water, boil for 30 minutes, then filter and add water to the original volume. Take 1 tbsp before meals. spoon three times a day.
  • 5. ethnoscience recommends drinking chamomile tea.
  • 6. You can drink an infusion of raspberry leaves. Pour 2-3 teaspoons of raspberry leaves into a glass of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes, strain, and drink in small sips throughout the day.
  • 7. Good folk remedies for menstrual pain are prepared from the collection of lemon balm leaves and chamomile flowers (1:1). 1 tbsp. spoon of the collection, pour 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, and filter. You need to drink the infusion before meals. You can start drinking the infusion before your period and stop after it ends.
  • 8. Collection of mint leaves, chamomile flowers and valerian roots (2:2:1). Take 1 tbsp. spoon of the mixture and pour 1 glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour, and strain the product. Drink 2 tbsp. spoon three times a day.
  • 9. You can drink herbal soothing infusions if necessary (for example, infusion of valerian or motherwort).
  • 10. Pour 2 tbsp. spoons of fragrant celery root cold water, leave for 2 hours, strain, take 1/3 glass, drinking three times a day.
  • 11. Steam 1 teaspoon of elecampane root with boiling water. Leave the product for 1 hour, then take 1 tbsp. spoon three times a day.
  • 12. Steam 1 tbsp. a spoonful of lovage roots with boiling water, hold for half an hour in a steam bath. Cool, strain, and take 1-2 tbsp three times a day. spoons.
  • 13. Take 1 tbsp. spoon of wild strawberry leaves, fill with cold water - 1 glass, leave close 6-8 hours. Take 1/2 cup every day of your period.
  • 14. Pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over the leaves and stems of the water pepper plant (2 tablespoons) and boil for 10 minutes. Cool the product and drink 100 ml 3 times a day.
  • 15. Collection of herbs is good for pain: knotweed, centaury, horsetail, cinquefoil (ratio 1:3:1:5). Take 1 tbsp. spoon of the mixture, steam with 1 cup of boiling water. Leave to brew for 1 hour, then take a sip the entire first day of menstruation, dividing into portions.

Attention! All these folk remedies for menstrual pain are certainly good, but only if you do not have problems with the genitourinary system, so if you experience pain during the menstrual cycle, the first thing you should do is consult a doctor.

Undoubtedly, you should first try non-drug remedies and methods for menstrual pain, and only if there is no effect, take some kind of medication, after medical consultation, of course.

A little more about what medications are prescribed for menstrual pain:

Painful periods in medicine they are called dysmenorrhea or algomenorrhea. Typically, pain appears in the lower abdomen a few hours before the start of menstruation and lasts one to two days. It can be cramping, aching, stabbing and radiates to the lower back or sacrum. There are several degrees of severity of such pain. At first, most common, degree , they are moderate, causing only mild discomfort and practically not interfering with social activity.

Such pains appear in adolescence and subside over time, and after childbirth they may disappear altogether. However, if this does not happen, you should be wary. Otherwise, a mild form of dysmenorrhea threatens to gradually turn into a more severe form, with quite severe and prolonged pain.

At moderate algomenorrhea In addition to severe pain, chills, nausea, headaches, general weakness, and dizziness may appear. The woman’s mental and emotional state deteriorates, and her performance is significantly reduced. To make you feel better in this case, as a rule, medications are required, which should be selected by a doctor.

Concerning third degree dysmenorrhea , then with it very severe pain occurs in the lower abdomen and in the lumbar region, pronounced general weakness and severe headache appear. This often results in fever, heart pain, tachycardia, and vomiting. A woman may faint. Painkillers do not help in this situation.

Is dysmenorrhea dangerous? In general, yes, since it can not only be a sign of some rather serious disease, but also lead to menstrual irregularities or infertility.

When should you consult a doctor:

  • If the pain is so severe that it is impossible to attend school, college, work or do normal activities.
  • If the pain is accompanied by nausea, headache, loose stools and vomiting.
  • If, in addition to pain, there is heavy bleeding or discharge of clots for more than one day.
  • For severe pain of a spasmodic nature in people taking contraceptive medications.
  • With the sudden appearance of cramping pain during menstruation in middle-aged women.
  • If the pain does not go away after taking aspirin or ibuprofen.
  • When the first or second menstruation appears, accompanied by very severe pain.

So why does pain occur during menstruation?

Doctors suggest that one of the causes of pain is a hormonal imbalance. In addition, pain during menstruation occurs due to diseases of the nervous system or genitourinary organs, with an underdeveloped uterus or a uterus that has an inflection, due to inflammatory processes, cicatricial narrowing of the cervix, tumors, cysts. If the pain is irregular, it may appear due to a decrease in the threshold of pain sensitivity, which occurred due to psychological or physical stress.

Pain during menstruation is, of course, excruciating. And, in order to somehow get rid of them, the girls take painkillers, and they seem to feel much better. But a month passes, and everything repeats itself again. It’s not surprising, because with the help of painkillers, pain is removed, but its cause is not eliminated. Therefore, before taking pills, it is advisable to be examined by a doctor and make sure that the pain is not a consequence of any disease. If the disease is not detected, and the pain is caused by improper position of the uterus or some other reasons, you should try to reduce it without using medications.

How to prevent pain during menstruation?

  • Diet. Diet plays a very important role in preventing painful menstrual symptoms. Therefore, in the power mode, you can use the following correction methods:
  1. Before your period begins, it is advisable not to consume meat and dairy products. Switching to a vegetarian diet has a very good effect.
  2. Before menstruation, it is advisable to drink vegetable juices (carrot, beet, and parsley juice are especially useful).
  3. Additionally, you can take the following vitamins and minerals: calcium (“Calcium D3 Nycomed” or others), magnesium (for example, the drug “Magne B”), B vitamins (“Neuromultivit”, “Pentovit”, etc.), vitamin E. You can simply increase your intake of foods rich in these elements.
  4. One-day fasting before menstruation is effective.
  • Regular exercise. Try to exercise for at least 15-20 minutes a day.
  • Avoiding stressful situations and nervous overload.
  • Yoga classes.
  • Using auto-training and psychological self-tuning methods.
  • Keeping a period diary. This activity helps to better understand monthly cycles, track the recurrence of symptoms on certain days, and prevent painful conditions during critical days.

How to deal with pain during menstruation?

Non-medicinal methods (some methods are individual)

  • It's good to drink 8-10 glasses of water a day.
  • Take a hot bath and try to relax.
  • Alternating hot and cold sitz baths are an excellent means of eliminating congestion in the pelvic cavity and restoring the function of the ovaries, fallopian tubes and uterus. They should be done morning and evening.
  • You can take a warm bath, pouring an infusion of the necessary plants and all sorts of aromatic oils (for example, fir oil) into the water.
  • Apply hot pads or hot water bottles to relax the muscles and reduce pain.
  • You can apply dry hot towels or hot compresses to your stomach and legs.
  • Use sanitary pads instead of tampons and change them often.
  • During menstruation, limit sexual intercourse, or even better, get pregnant.
  • One of the most pleasant ways to relieve spasms is orgasm, but if you have severe pain, you should not resort to masturbation.
  • You need to take periods as a given. According to doctors, 80% of unpleasant sensations at this time are associated precisely with our negative attitude towards what is happening.
  • Get more rest. Physical and psychological overload during this period can cause various disorders.

Although, it has been scientifically proven that female athletes suffer from menstrual pain less often. Of course, playing sports on menstruation days is contraindicated, as this can increase bleeding, but you can try several exercises (including yoga exercises) that will help eliminate pain:

  • You need to lie on your back at a right angle to the wall, pulling your buttocks as close to the wall as possible. Place your feet on it so that your soles are firmly planted and your knees are slightly bent. You should remain in this position for 5 minutes.
  • Moving away from the wall, pull one leg as close to your chin as possible, leaving the other lying on the floor. Hold the pulled leg with your hands for 2 minutes, and then change legs and do the same.
  • Stand up, leaning on your knees and elbows, so that your head is between your hands. Stand like this for 2 minutes. This is especially helpful for those who experience pain after intercourse and just before their period.
  • Lie on a flat surface, bend your knees (feet resting on the floor), arms along your body, palms down. Gently bend your stomach up and down (2 minutes), taking short breaths. The muscles should be as relaxed as possible at this time. Repeat the exercise 3-5 more times.
  • Cobra pose. This is a yoga pose; you need to start lowering yourself face down to the floor, and then gradually raise your head and chest without using your hands. Then, using your hands, continue to lift your chest until you feel pain in your back, and move your head back as far as possible, looking up. Inhale as you lift, and exhale as you lower to the floor. Do it all slowly. Then you should rest and repeat this exercise one more time (no more!).
  • Bow pose. This is a yoga pose in which the girl lies face down, raising her bent knees and squeezing her ankles with her hands. At the beginning of the exercise you need to inhale and at the end exhale. If the girl has sufficient flexibility, then she can roll back and forth, lying on her stomach in the “bow” position, holding her breath.
  • Breathing exercise. Place some light object (a book, for example) on your stomach. Slowly begin to breathe through your nose, synchronously moving the wall of your abdomen and lifting the book. Tighten your abdominal muscles and hold them in this state for 5 seconds. Continue doing the exercise for two minutes.


  • Acupressure will help relieve pain during menstruation - between the ankle and knee on the inside of the leg there is a point that should be pressed for 1-2 minutes. You need to do it first on the left leg, then on the right.
  • Massage the painful area clockwise.
  • Massage of the lower back is effective. To do the massage yourself, you need to take 2 small hard balls (tennis balls can be), put them in a fabric bag (can be in socks) so as not to roll away, and lie on them with your back (the balls should be on both sides of the spine in the lower back). Press your back on them and roll them with your muscles for a few minutes.

Massaging active points on the body helps (acupressure):

  • Kneeling down, you need to pinch your thighs. Press the elbow on the thigh from the outside (direction - towards the knee), from the inside - towards the pelvis.
  • Press on the point on the inside of the leg, which is located 4 fingers up from the ankle (it is usually sensitive).
  • Lie down and press firmly with your thumbs on the following points: below the navel and in the lower part of the groin area; on the inner surface of the middle part of the lower leg; in the central part of the back and on the tailbone (by pressing, hold your finger at each point, counting to ten, and then slowly release).


  • On these difficult days for the body, you need to especially carefully monitor timely bowel movements. After all, the uterus, which has increased in volume, already puts pressure on neighboring organs. A few days before menstruation, you need to start eating vegetables, bran and brown rice.
  • Include meat, liver and buckwheat porridge in your diet. This will replenish the loss of iron and protein. You can buy special preparations containing iron and take them during menstruation.
  • Reduce your intake of foods containing salt and sodium, especially in the week before your period.
  • Increase your magnesium and calcium intake to reduce pain.
  • Calcium, potassium and magnesium reduce uterine tone, which significantly reduces menstrual pain, so on menstrual days you need to eat more foods containing these elements. This is green leaf lettuce, tomatoes, green beans, milk, cottage cheese and yogurt and others.
  • Limit salty foods. Salt promotes fluid accumulation in the body, and caffeine increases bleeding.
  • Avoid foods containing caffeine (such as chocolate) and caffeinated drinks, which increase irritability.
  • Take vitamin E 300 mg per day in the first three days of menstruation. Or include soy products in your diet, as well as avocados, olives, beans and corn.
  • Used to relieve pain during menstruation ginger tea. It is prepared simply: finely chopped ginger is thrown into boiling water for 15 minutes and covered with a lid. Let it brew and drink. You can add a little honey. Peppermint and chamomile teas are also considered mild pain relievers.
  • For some women, bananas help during menstrual periods. You should try eating one banana during the day and one before bed.


  • It is good to take decoctions of herbs that have a diuretic effect. Horsetail and bear ears will help get rid of the feeling of heaviness.
  • Teas made from catnip, peppermint or raspberry are recommended. They can be taken in any quantity and are most effective when taken in small sips and hot.
  • Pour 2 tablespoons of oregano into two glasses of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. You need to take this “potion” 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.
  • Viburnum bark also helps: add 4 teaspoons of crushed bark to one glass of water, boil for 30 minutes, then strain and add water to the original volume. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals.
  • Drink chamomile tea.
  • Infusion of raspberry leaves. 2-3 tsp. Pour a glass of boiling water over raspberry leaves, leave for 15 minutes, strain, drink in small sips throughout the day.
  • A collection of chamomile flowers and lemon balm leaves. 1 tbsp. collection (chamomile and lemon balm - 1:1), pour 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Drink the infusion throughout the day (before meals). You can start drinking the infusion before your period and continue during your period.
  • A collection of chamomile flowers, mint leaves and valerian roots (2:2:1). 1 tbsp. collection, pour 1 cup of boiling water, leave for half an hour, strain. Drink 2 tbsp. 3 times a day.
  • If necessary, drink soothing herbal infusions (for example, infusion of motherwort or valerian).

Attention! All these remedies are certainly good, but only if the doctor has not identified serious problems with the genitourinary organs, Therefore, the first thing you should do if you have pain during the menstrual cycle is to consult a doctor.

Undoubtedly, you should first try the non-drug methods described above, and only if there is no effect, after consulting your doctor, should you try medications.


No-shpu is best (1-2 tablets three times a day). It will help the uterus relax. You can add indomethacin, brufen or butadione to no-shpe - they suppress the synthesis of prostaglandins. Combination drugs work well: spazgan, baralgin, sedalgin, tempalgin. If the pain is too severe, then the pills are taken 2-3 days before the start of menstruation.

Paracetamol, analgin, papaverine and ketorol, solpadeine and ibuprofen help eliminate pain in the lower abdomen.

It is good to discuss with your gynecologist-endocrinologist the possibility of taking hormonal contraceptives. This makes the lot of women easier in 90% of cases.

Information sources:

  • justlady.ru - pain during menstruation. Why they happen and how to deal with them;

If you are one of the women who are anxiously awaiting the start of their period, and you are familiar with the painful state of the first days of menstruation, then you definitely need to know how to relieve all unpleasant symptoms and, most importantly, ways to overcome sometimes simply unbearable pain.

Menstrual pain (dysmenorrhea, algomenorrhea) manifest themselves as spasms in the lower abdomen or dull pain in the lower back, in severe cases - acute, cramping pain, with nausea and diarrhea, dizziness and fainting.

Menstrual pain should not be confused with (premenstrual syndrome), the symptoms of which disappear with the onset of menstruation, and menorrhagia- severe uterine bleeding, most often caused by fibroids (nodules) in the uterus.


Pain during menstruation is the result of excessive contractions of the uterus, displacing the exfoliated mucous membrane. This is usually due to an excess of hormone-like substances - prostaglandins, which increase uterine contractions. The intensity of menstrual pain depends on the amount of prostaglandins.

But! Severe, unbearable pain may indicate some problems in the body. It could be:

→ endometriosis (proliferation of the inner lining of the uterus);

→ bend of the uterus;

→ ovarian cysts;

→ inflammation of the pelvic organs;

low level progesterone hormone;

→ low level of calcium in the blood;

→ spontaneous termination of pregnancy, etc.

Menstrual pain can also be caused by stress and strong emotional experiences. At the same time, during menstruation, pronounced signs of weakness and irritability are observed.

1. The easiest: take a tablet of any analgesic (except for aspirin and aspirin-containing drugs) or antispasmodic. This could be analgin, baralgin, spazgan, no-shpa, ketanov (ketorol), ibuprofen, nimesulide, or others. It is better to consult a doctor first.

Before using the medicine, try to cope with the pain in other, milder ways:

2. Place a heating pad or warm water bottle on your stomach . This will increase blood flow in the uterus and reduce the pain from cramps. The time for applying the heating pad is no more than 15 minutes, so as not to cause increased bleeding.

You can also drink hot herbal tea or any other hot drink. In general, it is recommended to increase fluid intake to 2.2 liters per day during menstruation.

3. Do a breathing exercise:

Place some light object (a book, for example) on your stomach. Slowly begin to breathe through your nose, synchronously moving the wall of your abdomen and lifting the book. Tighten your abdominal muscles and hold them in this state for 5 seconds. Continue this exercise for two minutes.

4. Do exercises that effectively relieve pain during menstruation :

Lie on a flat surface, bend your knees (feet resting on the floor), arms along your body, palms down. Gently bend your stomach up and down (2 minutes), taking short breaths. The muscles should be as relaxed as possible at this time. Repeat the exercise 3-5 more times.

Lie on your back at a right angle to the wall (buttocks as close to the wall as possible). Place your feet against the wall, bending your knees. Stay in this position for 5 minutes.

Move away from the wall, pull one leg as close to your chin as possible, the other leg on the floor. Maintain the pose for 2 minutes, then change legs and do the same exercise.

Get on your knees and elbows (your head should be between your hands). Stand like this for 2 minutes.

Yoga exercise - Cobra pose. Lie face down on the floor, feet together, knees tense. Exhale, lift your torso up and throw your head back. Take two breaths, inhale again and raise your torso (your pubis should touch the floor). Contract the anus and buttocks. Hold the pose for 20 seconds. Exhale and return to the starting position. Repeat 2-3 times. This exercise is contraindicated for patients with hypertension, hyperfunction of the thyroid gland and spinal disorders.

5. Do massage to relieve menstrual pain:

Massage the painful area clockwise.

Massage of the lower back is effective. To do the massage yourself, you need to take 2 small hard balls (tennis balls can be), put them in a fabric bag (can be in socks) so as not to roll away, and lie on them with your back (the balls should be on both sides of the spine in the lower back). Press your back on them and roll them with your muscles for a few minutes.

6. Massage active points on the body (acupressure):

Kneeling down, you need to pinch your thighs. Press the elbow on the thigh from the outside (direction - towards the knee), from the inside - towards the pelvis.

Press on the point on the inside of the leg, which is located 4 fingers up from the ankle (it is usually sensitive).

Lie down and press firmly with your thumbs on the following points (after pressing, hold your finger at each point for a count of ten, and then slowly release):

- below the navel and in the lower part of the groin area;

- on the inner surface of the middle part of the lower leg;

- in the central part of the back and on the tailbone.

7 .Use herbal infusions to relieve pain during menstruation:

Infusions and decoctions of herbs are best drunk in sips and hot.

Raspberry leaf infusion. 2-3 tsp. Pour a glass of boiling water over raspberry leaves, leave for 15 minutes, strain, drink in small sips throughout the day.

Infusion of Oregano herb. 1 tbsp. Pour a glass of boiling water over the oregano herbs, leave for 20 minutes, strain. Drink throughout the day.

A collection of chamomile flowers and lemon balm leaves. 1 tbsp. collection (chamomile and lemon balm - 1:1), pour 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Drink the infusion throughout the day (before meals). You can start drinking the infusion before your period and continue during your period.

A collection of chamomile flowers, mint leaves and valerian roots (2: 2:1). 1 tbsp. collection, pour 1 cup of boiling water, leave for half an hour, strain. Drink 2 tbsp. 3 times a day.

Drink soothing herbal infusions if necessary ( For example , infusion of motherwort or valerian). Recipes for soothing teas can be found.


1. Diet. Diet plays a very important role in preventing painful menstrual symptoms. Therefore, in the power mode, you can use the following correction methods:

→ Before your period begins, it is advisable not to consume meat and dairy products. Switching to a vegetarian diet has a very good effect.

→ Before menstruation, it is advisable to drink vegetable juices (carrot, beet, and parsley juice are especially useful).

→ Additionally, you can take the following vitamins and minerals:

- calcium(Calcium D3 Nycomed or others),

- magnesium(for example, the drug Magne B),

- B vitamins(Neuromultivit, Pentovit, etc.),

- vitamin E.

You can simply increase your intake of foods rich in these elements.

→ One-day fasting before menstruation is effective.

2. Regular exercise. Try to exercise for at least 15-20 minutes a day.

3. Avoiding stressful situations and nervous overload.

4. Yoga classes.

5. Using methods of auto-training and psychological self-tuning.

6. Keeping a period diary. This activity helps to better understand monthly cycles, track the recurrence of symptoms on certain days, and prevent painful conditions during critical days.

It will be very good if the given recipes turn out to be useful for you, the painful pains will finally go away, and even on critical days the world around you will seem joyful and happy!

Health and good luck to you in everything!

Menstrual pain is a very common problem that affects 50-90% of women of reproductive age. Pain during menstruation is the result of muscle contraction in the wall of the uterus, similar to muscle contraction in other parts of the body during exercise. Strong and prolonged contractions of the uterine muscles lead to muscle spasms. They usually start 1-2 days before your period, and then subside a day or two after your period starts. Typically, a woman periodically feels acute pain in the lower abdomen or pelvis of varying intensity. Sometimes it can be a long-lasting dull ache. It can spread to the back, hips and top part belly. Women may also experience headache, lethargy, nausea, or diarrhea. If you are experiencing moderate to severe pain, here are some ways to help you get rid of it.


Drug treatment

Alternative and traditional medicine

Diet and nutrition

  • If you are experiencing unusually severe pain or feel that you may have a serious problem, see your doctor to discuss your symptoms. Your cramps may be a sign of a disorder that requires treatment, such as endometriosis, adenomyosis, uterine fibroids, pelvic inflammatory disease (POP), congenital abnormalities, or cancer.
  • Other signs and symptoms that should prompt you to see a doctor include fever, vomiting, heavy menstrual bleeding that requires changing a pad or tampon every two hours, dizziness or loss of consciousness, sudden or severe pain, tenderness other than the usual pain you experience during menstruation, painful urination, abnormal vaginal discharge and pain during intercourse.
  • Try lying down and placing a hot water bottle on your stomach. To avoid thinking about pain, distract yourself by watching a movie or TV, reading, or an interesting activity that requires attention.
  • Try eating more potassium, such as bananas.
  • Try lying on your stomach with your knees tucked under you.
  • Try taking long showers. This helps reduce abdominal pain.
  • A hot bath often helps.

Painful sensations during menstruation are not uncommon; almost everyone has experienced something similar. But not everyone knows what to do in such cases, how to reduce pain during menstruation. We’ll talk about what to drink for pain during menstruation.

Why does my stomach hurt during menstruation?

Before you figure out what to do for pain during menstruation, and what pills to stuff yourself with, you need to understand its cause. Because pain can also be caused by serious diseases of the genital organs and uterus. Most often, painful sensations occur with endometriosis, chronic diseases of the genital organs, uterine fibroids, endometrial polyps and peritoneal adhesions. Sometimes pain during menstruation occurs due to the use of intrauterine contraception. Therefore, the answer to the question “what to do if your stomach hurts very much during menstruation?” will - consult a doctor. If the pain is not severe, you can try to cope with it yourself.

How to reduce pain during menstruation?

Pain during menstruation, what to do? Most ladies will answer this question - take some kind of painkiller. Yes, this method of relieving pain during menstruation is effective, but, like any other medicine, painkillers must be prescribed by a doctor. And not only because by choosing the wrong medicine and dosage you can harm yourself, but also because of the possibility of developing a serious disease, which “gives” you such unpleasant sensations.

But we often cannot choose the time to visit a doctor, and then how can we relieve pain during menstruation if pills are not possible? It turns out that the following steps can help:

  • to give up smoking;
  • playing sports;
  • avoiding stress;
  • yoga classes;
  • reducing alcohol consumption;
  • avoiding hypothermia;
  • warm heating pad on the stomach;
  • massage the painful area (performed clockwise);
  • eat less meat and dairy products before your period begins.

If such actions do not help, you will still have to choose a time to consult with a specialist.

How to relieve pain during menstruation?

Oddly enough, physical exercise helps reduce pain during menstruation or eliminate it altogether. Try the following:

  1. Lying on your back, raise your legs up at a right angle, resting your feet on the wall. Hold this position for 5-7 minutes.
  2. Lying on your stomach, raise your head and torso from the floor, resting your hands on it. We move our head back slightly. We repeat this exercise three times.
  3. We lean on our knees and elbows, while our head should be freely lowered between our hands. Breathe calmly in this position for 3 minutes.
  4. Lying on the floor, bend your knees and rest them on the floor. Smoothly raise and lower your hips 3 times, while your abdominal muscles should be relaxed.

How to get rid of pain during menstruation using folk remedies?

You can relieve pain during menstruation with the help of various herbal infusions and decoctions, it is better to drink them in small sips and while they are hot.