A recently started journal or long-forgotten entries. How to choose and install a live Christmas tree at home

Spruce trees usually last no more than two weeks, and then only if they are properly cared for. For example, in a heated room, the tree crown should be sprayed with water and try to increase the air humidity near the installation site. You can place containers of water around the tree. To speed up the evaporation of moisture, you can put the edge of a rag or towel in the container, and hang the other one on the radiator. But the solution will have to be added more often.


Do not rush to bring the Christmas tree into a warm room. A sharp change in temperature can significantly shorten the life of a tree. You can hold the Christmas tree for several hours on a glassed-in balcony, and then lower the butt into cold water at least for one hour - at home, a bucket or a filled bathtub is best suited for this.

After this, you can begin installation - for this it is best to choose a cool but bright, ventilated room. Fir trees prefer diffused light, while pines can tolerate direct sunlight.


There are many opinions on what solutions should be used to fill a bucket with a holiday tree, and many ways to prepare them. We will look at the 4 most popular.

  • Aspirin, salt, sugar and water. An aspirin tablet kills putrefactive bacteria, a pinch of salt and a spoon of sugar create a nutritious environment.
  • Aspirin tablet, 5 tablespoons of sugar, sand, water.
  • Half a teaspoon of citric acid, a little crushed chalk or gelatin, water.
  • You can use a special tool, which prolongs the life of cut spruce, pine and coniferous tree branches and prevents needles from falling off. Suitable for other coniferous plants (junipers, cypresses, cedars, thujas and others). In addition, if you have extra product left after the New Year celebration, you can use it for flowers. It preserves the freshness of the bouquet, preventing its premature aging, stimulates the nutrition of flowers with water, and prevents the buds from drooping. The product also helps to avoid unpleasant odor water.

“The holiday is coming to us,” and with it come New Year’s troubles.
Make sure to purchase your Christmas tree in advance.

1. Barrel. Having arrived at the market and pulled out what you liked from a pile of branches, cones and needles, you need to hit the butt (the lower part of the trunk, which once formed a single whole with the stump remaining in the forest) on the ground.
If, as a result of this action, needles fell on the ground, then you can safely put this “miracle” in its place.
If the test was successful, meticulously inspect the trunk for mold, mildew and other impurities.
As a rule, Christmas trees for sale are cut down in due time, upon reaching the age of eight, and in this case, with a tree height of one and a half meters, the normal weight is considered to be five kilograms, or better yet, all seven.
A very thin trunk is a sign of disease. A healthy tree should have a trunk with a girth of at least 6 centimeters; if it branches, it’s okay, it makes the tree look even fluffier.

2. Needles. Fresh spruce has a bright green color. Lightly rub the needles between your fingers: if the tree is fresh, you can feel the slight oiliness and fragrant smell of pine needles. If there is no smell, and the needles are dry to the touch, it means that something is wrong with the tree, most likely it has frostbite.

3. Branches. The tree should be fresh; if it is dry, it will begin to crumble in two or three days. A fresh tree's branches are elastic and cannot easily be broken off, while a dry tree's branches easily break off with a characteristic crack. The branches should stretch upward.

4. Transporting the Christmas tree. To avoid breaking branches on the way home, it is best to wrap the tree in burlap and tie it with rope. Carry the purchased Christmas tree home with the top back so that the ends of the lower branches do not fray. When you bring the tree into the house, its top, on the contrary, should be in front.

5. Installing the Christmas tree. If the tree is purchased in advance, then before the holiday itself it is better to keep it in the cold: hanging it outside the window or placing it on the balcony. However, even if the Christmas tree was purchased directly on December 31, then under no circumstances should you immediately bring it into a warm room, install it and decorate it: such a temperature difference can cause the tree to get sick and die. If the frost outside is below -10° C, do not bring the tree directly into the apartment. Let it stand in the entrance for about 20 minutes so that it thaws.

Before installing the tree, you need to clear the trunk 8-10 cm from the bark and plan it with a sharp knife (to open fresh pores) under running water. You can also trim the top of the spruce tree at an angle, and anoint the fresh cut with Vishnevsky ointment.

You can install the Christmas tree in different ways:

Bucket with sand. The ideal option is a bucket of clean, damp sand. A liter of water is added to a bucket of sand, in which a small amount of glycerin or gelatin is pre-dissolved. Another option - as for garden flowers - is an aspirin tablet plus 2 tablespoons of sugar. Some people recommend adding a small amount of a suitable liquid fertilizer along with the water. It is better to install the Christmas tree in the sand in such a way that the lower part of the trunk is covered by at least 20 centimeters. The sand needs to be watered after 1–2 days.

Container with water. The water at the time of installation must be hot and contain acid - acetic or citric. The acidic environment can be replaced with effervescent aspirin tablets. Another recipe: add half a teaspoon of citric acid, a spoonful of gelatin and a little crushed chalk to the water.

Wrapping the trunk. The simplest option - but far from ideal: wrap the trunk at the cut site with a damp cloth, which must be moistened periodically. Then strengthen the tree in a cross, on a stand or in some other way.

Spruce branches can be sprayed from time to time with a spray bottle - thereby keeping the tree fresh longer.

Approaching New Year and with it the New Year's troubles. One of the worries is installing a New Year tree in the apartment.

The simplest solution for installing a Christmas tree at home is to install it in a bucket of sand. To prevent the spruce from starting to crumble and retain its aroma, you can add a little water. For a more durable fixation, sand and gravel should also be diluted. But, unfortunately, in urban life, even getting sand is a real problem. Why not order a whole loaded KAMAZ to the entrance?!

As an alternative for apartment conditions, regular bottles filled with water can be used. Place the tree in the center of the empty bucket, and place the bottles tightly together around the trunk. To give greater stability, you can also use available materials: rags, unnecessary things, plastic, etc. And to create a presentable appearance, all this disgrace can be covered with cotton wool - imitation of a snowdrift under the tree.

If there are old and unnecessary boards in the apartment's pantry, then you can also assemble a cross. To fix it, you will also need to find a long self-tapping screw, which then needs to be screwed to the spruce trunk. If the leg is cut at an angle, then you should first make an even cut. An even more reliable cross is one that is made of metal bars. It is enough to have a welding machine to prepare the base for spruce in your or a neighbor’s garage.

The metal cross must consist directly of a hollow pipe into which the spruce trunk will be inserted, as well as cross supports. Of course, such a design will not look very nice. Therefore, you can decorate such a support using modern colored paper or pieces of cotton wool, wrapping from gift sets. Finally, this must be done so that the metal cross does not scratch the floor covering.

To make a Christmas tree, place a bucket or something else under the cross. Spruce is an integral attribute of the New Year's mood. Therefore, you should not refuse such decoration in your apartment, and even more so, deprive your children of such happiness. Another original option for installing a spruce tree is to use tripods from under an office chair. In this case, you can move the Christmas tree from place to place with a slight movement of your hand.

Of course, all the tips given are suitable for installing a Christmas tree at home, which requires a completely different approach.

Considering that the New Year and Christmas holidays in our country are long, the question of how to keep the spruce green and with a fresh aroma is quite relevant? If you put the spruce in water, you need to add a little aspirin or salt. Some people also add sugar. This allows you to slow down the withering process. Finally, never place a live spruce tree in close proximity to heaters or radiators.

Here are a couple more video tips on how to install your Christmas tree.

Noah comments:

If the hands are out the right place grow - then putting up a Christmas tree is not a problem!

Artem comments:

I remember when I was a child we used a bucket and a potato as a fixative :)
There were no plastic bottles back then...

Vadim comments:

Yes, I also remember how they put the Christmas tree in a bucket and filled it with potatoes :)

Setting up a Christmas tree seems simple, but when you come across it on New Year's Eve, you start to get lost in thoughts and come up with different ways.

So that you don't stress before New Year's Eve, we will give you some tips on how to install a live and artificial Christmas tree.

It is worth remembering that before you attach the spruce, you need to buy it. You should buy a Christmas tree a week before the holiday, because the day before New Year's Eve you're unlikely to find a good one.

When choosing a beauty, pay attention to its needles. They should not be broken or yellow.

A tree that is shedding will also not last long, and one that doesn’t have much time left is not particularly pleasant. Therefore, if you did not have time to purchase a live one, then it is better to go for an artificial one.

Adaptation of the Christmas tree before installation

If you purchased a tree at the beginning of December, you should not install it right away, because it is possible that it will not be worthy until the 31st.

Place it on a balcony or other cold place without untying it.

As soon as you bring the spruce into an apartment, house or other warm room, do not rush to untie it. Let her sit and get used to the temperature.

Before installation, be sure to make a fresh cut and clear the trunk by 5-10 cm.

How to install a live Christmas tree?

Various ways some:

  • using bottles;
  • in the sand;
  • on the stand.

How to set up a Christmas tree using bottles

Let's take it plastic bottles up to 2.5 liters and fill with water so that they hold the tree.

Turn the bottles upside down. Insert the spruce into the center of the bucket and line the bucket tightly with bottles.

Add water to the remaining space in the bucket, not too cold, but not too warm.

We cover the tree with a cloth or a special skirt so that the buckets and bottles are not visible. We get a beautiful and sustainable green beauty.

How to install a Christmas tree in a bucket of sand

The sand and bucket are vintage and traditional ways secure the spruce. Our grandfathers and great-great-grandfathers began to use them, because sand can be obtained for free, and everyone has a bucket.

Choose a bucket for the Christmas tree that is heavier and taller so that it holds the tree well.

You should not place a spruce tree higher than 1.5 meters in the sand, as the bucket may not hold up and turn over.

For large trees, the following method is suitable.

So, fill the bucket with sand mixed with gelatin and glycerin to clean it and give it away long life tree.

Place the spruce in a bucket to a depth of 20 cm. If you need to get rid of the lower branches to do this, that’s okay.

We bury the trunk and compact it tightly. To make the spruce delight you with its aroma for a long time, water it hot water with aspirin or lemon juice.

For 1 liter of water you need to take 1 tablet or tablespoon of juice.

Of course, you can’t leave a simple bucket of sand undecorated, so use a cloth, blanket or.

How to install a Christmas tree on a stand

You can easily make a stand or cross with your own hands. This is what we will talk about.

Basic materials for the stand:

  • metal;
  • tree.

DIY wooden stand for Christmas tree

We will need:

  • boards 35 cm long, each 2 pieces;
  • boards 25 cm long, each 4 pieces;
  • drill;
  • bolts;
  • metal corners.

The thickness of the boards should be the same, approximately 2 centimeters.

We take 25 cm boards and attach metal corners to their ends. We fasten 35 cm boards with metal corners.

We got 2 benches. We connect them together.

We take a drill and drill a hole in the center of the stand so that it is slightly larger than the size of the spruce trunk.

For greater stability, attach the tree with bolts screwed into the trunk and center of the stand.

This way it will definitely not fall on you, children and animals.

You can also replace the boards with bars, just keep in mind that they must be equal in length and width.

To make the stand look beautiful, you can make it on it.

DIY metal stand for Christmas tree

Such a cross will serve you for many years, so it’s more profitable to make it.

For a large Christmas tree you will need a metal pipe with a diameter of 6-9 cm.

We take 4 metal plates and weld them to the pipe. We make several holes in the central pipe and insert bolts.

Once the tree is installed in the hollow central metal tube, screw the bolts to the tree with wood screws.

Great stand for the Christmas tree!

How to install an artificial Christmas tree

When installing a non-living spruce, do not:

  • place it near walls and radiators;
  • install an artificial tree in the center of the living room;
  • straighten the branches of the tree parallel to the floor and each other.

Installing an artificial tree is quite simple. Since you purchase it from a store, it already comes with a stand. You don't have to bother here.

The instructions clearly state how to assemble it correctly.

Straighten the branches randomly, the more indiscriminately you do this, the more magnificent your beauty will be.

If you want a non-living tree to give you a real aroma, spray it with pine scent.

You should not weigh down the spruce, because the artificial tree may not hold up.

How to install a Christmas tree so that it stands for a long time?

Everyone wants to enjoy the New Year and the smell of spruce for longer. We will share with you several ways to extend the life of a green tree.

If you think that after cutting down a spruce, it dies - this is not true at all. She is still alive and keeping her alive is good for you.

Give the tree water up to 2 liters per day. To prevent the water from turning sour and spoiling, make the following solutions that will help the Christmas tree stand for a long time:

  • for 1 liter of water add 1 tablespoon of bath salts;
  • 10 drops of essential oil per 1 liter of water;
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar per 1 liter. water;
  • spoon of mustard per 1 liter. water.

You can spray the needles with water or dissolve chalk and citric acid in water (a teaspoon per liter).

By adding such products, your tree will last a long time, because it will receive the necessary vitamins and not dry out.

Decorate the Christmas tree with garlands and it will definitely delight you for a very long time!

I think it's time to think about this. In general, the sooner you start, the longer it seems to me. So let's start, and let's start with there are many ways to install it, everyone has their own. Who puts a Christmas tree on a cross, but on such a cross, especially if the room is warm, it will not stand for long. There is a lot of hassle with sand, especially in the city, where it is not always at hand. There is another, very simple way to install a Christmas tree.

Installing a Christmas tree in the apartment

To do this, we will take one and a half liters or 2.5 liters and use them to install the Christmas tree in a bucket. We fill the bottles with water, so they will give the tree and bucket good stability. They need to be turned upside down and distributed tightly throughout the bucket, and a Christmas tree should be placed in the very center of the bucket. Then we pour water into the remaining volume in the bucket and disguise this entire unsightly stand with something, preferably something white, of course - the same sheet or other material reminiscent of snow.

Food for the Christmas tree

Although the tree is no longer alive, it still, by inertia, continues to slowly “drink” water, and sometimes it “drinks” 2-3 liters a whole day. Therefore, you should not forget to “give her water”; it is better to do this every day. Like this, in the water your tree can last for a very long time, of course, under optimal conditions for it. Just don’t forget to add water and make sure that the water doesn’t sour or spoil; you can use various solutions for this. Such solutions are also good feeding.

Before you install the tree, you should definitely “update” the place of the frame on the trunk and also remove the bark at the bottom of the trunk by 10-12 centimeters.

Nutrient solutions for Christmas trees there are a lot. Everything is simple here too, you don’t need to bother and it’s better to use what you have in the house. For example, 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water, you can add the same salt that is used for baths (preferably with pine extract), you can add sea salt or just iodized table salt. Quite suitable as such additives, essential oil, again coniferous (10 drops per the same liter of water); 2 or 3 aspirin tablets, a couple of spoons or mustard. To extend the life of your Christmas tree, you can add glycerin to the water (stir 2 tablespoons in 10 liters of water), a pinch of salt, a spoonful of sugar or the same aspirin tablet.

With this attitude, there is a good chance that your tree will not fall off until March 8th. But in this video there is another very interesting option for installing a Christmas tree. Be sure to check it out.

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