How to calculate who will be a boy or a girl based on blood renewal. Gender of the child by parents’ blood types: method of determination and reviews

15.03.2018 Relationship

Almost everyone today has the idea that people have different blood types. The main groups are considered to be the ABO system, generally accepted in the world - there are four such groups, as well as two large groups determined by the second most clinically important system - the Rh factor.

Interestingly, it is considered possible to determine the sex of a child by the blood type of the parents. One or another combination of the blood types of each parent presumably increases the likelihood of having a boy or a girl. There has even been a special table developed in which you can see who to expect when combining blood types for each specific couple.

If you know the blood type of a man and a woman from a couple preparing to conceive and their Rh factor, see our page dedicated to determining the sex of a child based on the blood type of the parents.

Determining the sex of a child by the blood type of the parents

This service is designed specifically to make it easy, convenient and quick to determine the gender of the unborn child based on the blood type of the parents. To do this, you need to enter the appropriate data into the ready-made calculator windows - the blood type of a man and the blood type of a woman who is preparing to have a baby or who is already pregnant. After a few seconds, the calculator will display a result on the monitor, predicting who you will have: a boy or a girl.

If this testing is done before conception, you can try to influence the final result by choosing certain days to conceive, following a certain diet before conception and trying other traditional methods. But the main thing is to remember: determining the sex of a child based on the blood type of the parents is not a 100% reliable test, because it involves the birth of a child or several children in a specific couple of only one gender, which does not always happen in life. Therefore, everything may turn out completely differently than expected based on the results of this test. But why not try?..

Wanting to calculate the sex of the baby, mothers and fathers turn to a variety of methods. Among all the tables, the method of determining the sex of the fetus by the blood type of the parents is very popular. How does this scheme work and can such calculations be trusted?

General information about blood type

The ABO system is one of the blood group systems officially recognized by the medical community. The technique was developed more than a century ago by an Austrian physician named Karl Landsteiner. According to this scheme, there are 4 blood groups:

  • I(O);
  • II (A);
  • III (B);
  • IV (AB).

The designations were not chosen randomly. It is known that the red blood cells of every person contain certain agglutinogen substances, designated by the letters of the Latin alphabet A and B. Does the blood plasma contain other substances - agglutinins, designated by small letters? And?. There are only 4 combinations of these substances in the blood, on the basis of which the ABO system was created:

Each blood type is inherited. In addition to the ABO system, great importance has a Rh system. 85% of all people on the planet have Rh-positive blood. 15% is due to negative Rh factor.

How to determine the sex of a child by blood type?

There is a version according to which the sex of the baby can be easily predicted by knowing the blood type of the parents. The author of this theory is unknown. You can calculate the sex of the baby using the table:

The mother's blood type is marked vertically in the table, and the father's blood type is marked horizontally. The gender of the child is indicated at the intersection of these lines. According to this table, women with blood groups III and IV most often give birth to sons.

  • Mother's blood type – II
  • Father's blood type – III

At the intersection of these lines we find the desired cell. This couple will give birth to a boy.

Determining the sex of a child by Rh factor

The sex of the fetus can also be calculated based on the Rh status of both parents. To do this, use a simple table:

The vertical axis in the table indicates the Rh factor of the mother, and the horizontal axis indicates the father's Rh factor. At the intersection of these lines is the gender of the unborn baby.

  • The mother's Rh is positive.
  • The father's Rh is negative.

This couple is about to have a boy.

How does the technique work?

No evidence for this theory has been found in modern obstetrics. Scientists do not know whether blood type can affect the likelihood of conceiving a boy or a girl. As you know, blood type is inherited and does not change throughout life. Both women and men can be the owners of absolutely any blood group and rhesus. Is it possible, in this case, to assume that the blood type may be somehow related to the gender of the unborn child?

This table is also not supported by the fact that the methodology does not take into account the possibility of having children of different sexes in one married couple. It turns out that in this situation only boys or only girls should appear in the family. It would be strange to assume that nature does not provide for the birth of children of different sexes from the same parents.

When trying to calculate the sex of a child using the ABO and Rh system at once, many parents receive conflicting results. It turns out that according to one scheme the couple should have a boy, while according to the other – a girl. Considering that the composition of the parents' blood did not change, such calculations become even more questionable.

How to determine blood type?

Using the table will not be difficult for parents who know exactly their blood type and Rh factor. But what about those expectant mothers and fathers who do not have this information?

Determination of blood group and Rh is carried out in the laboratory. Blood for analysis is taken from a vein. The time of day does not matter. No special preparation is required.

Blood type should only be determined by a doctor. The process takes less than 5 minutes and can be carried out directly in the treatment room. The doctor drops some of the collected blood onto a special tablet divided into three sectors (blood type O, A and B, respectively). A small drop of blood enters each section. Serum is added to the blood, after which the doctor observes the reaction for 5 minutes. Based on the results of the study, the blood type of a particular patient is determined.

Most of the future parents, having just learned that they will have a baby in nine months, in addition to great happiness, experience a lot of other emotions and are faced with various questions. One of the main questions is whether the child will be born a boy or a girl. Of course, that in modern world The most high-precision ultrasound examinations accurately determine the sex of the unborn baby in almost 100 percent of cases. But doctors can provide such information to a pair of expectant parents only after 16–18 weeks of pregnancy. But for many, waiting for so long is simply unbearable and therefore they seek help different methods get an answer to your question as early as possible.

On the Internet you can find different options for finding out the sex of a child; many sites have online calculators that allow you to calculate this information without any problems in just a few seconds. It is worth noting that many expectant mothers do not trust such methods, since the result is the same, that is, a couple can have only boys or only girls. But at the same time, almost every expectant mother sought to find out the sex of her unborn child, using one of the methods, the most popular being the method of determining the sex of the future sex of the child based on the blood type of his parents.

Basic techniques

You can determine the gender of the unborn child using the following fairly popular calculation methods and factors, namely:

  • parents' blood type;
  • Rh factor of the father and mother;
  • blood renewal;
  • Conception date;
  • Chinese payment system;
  • Japanese payment system.

What determines the sex of the baby?

Every person knows from a school biology course that it is men who are responsible for the sex of the fetus. Since a female egg always has only an X chromosome, but sperm have both X and Y. Accordingly, if fertilization occurred with the X chromosome, then the couple will have a girl, and if Y, a boy.

There are the following theories about the influence of various factors on the sex of the fetus, namely:

  • mother's weight;
  • age of parents;
  • mother's diet
  • other.

Despite such scientific explanation, many couples listen to other theories about how the sex of the child is formed. For example, there is a theory that if a woman weighed less than 54 kilograms at the time of conception, then she will have a daughter, but if she weighs more, then the option of having a son is great. This theory has a right to exist, since in order for the male body to begin to develop successfully, a much larger amount of various minerals and vitamins is needed than for the development of a girl. However, body weight is still expectant mother is not a guarantee of the birth of a daughter or a son, because even very thin girls have sons, and fat girls have daughters.

There is also a theory about the influence of a couple’s age on the sex of the child, but this hypothesis has not been confirmed in any way, although age-related hormonal changes may have some effect on the sex of the fetus. The most popular theory is that in order to give birth to a baby of the desired sex, you need to adhere to a certain diet. If future parents want to have a charming daughter, then a woman should eat as much calcium and magnesium as possible, namely dairy products, eggs, nuts, onions, and so on. But a couple dreaming of the birth of a future heir should include in their diet dishes containing potassium and sodium, such as meat, fish, fruits and legumes.

In addition, nutritionists also recommend that families wishing to conceive a daughter should consume acidic foods and drinks before sexual intercourse, for example, natural fruit juices without sugar. This recommendation has a scientific basis; consuming acidic foods makes the vaginal environment also acidic, which stimulates the rapid death of sperm carrying the Y chromosome.

Although there are many theories about how you can conceive a child of the desired gender, most of them are not effective, because only nature plays the main role in creating an embryo of a particular gender. Therefore, parents can hardly decide whether the baby will be born a boy or a girl, but such theories and factors exist and it’s up to everyone to believe in it or not.

Parental blood type method

The most popular method is to determine the sex of a child based on the blood type of the parents. The basis of this method is that the blood type of its parents has a huge influence on the formation of sex and the development of the fetus. But we should not forget that this calculation option is not entirely accurate, because in some families the children are of different sexes, that is, both boys and girls. The meaning of the theory is that each person has a certain blood type and Rh factor, the combination of which can affect the conception of a boy or girl.

This table helps determine the gender of the child based on the blood type of the parents:

Blood type

According to the data in the table, if the expectant mother is a carrier of the first blood group, and the father has the first or third, then the birth of a daughter to such a couple has a high probability. If the father has a second or fourth group, then there is a high chance that the couple will have a son.

The second blood group in a woman and a man, second or fourth, means that they are more likely to have a girl than a boy. If a man has the first or third, then the couple has a high probability of having a boy.

But as for the fair sex, who have the third or fourth blood group, their chances of giving birth to a girl, unlike the first two groups (where the chances are 50/50), are only 25 percent. This means that a woman with the third blood group can become the mother of a daughter only if her partner has the first blood group; in other cases, a son will be born. The situation is approximately the same with representatives of the quarter blood group; they can give birth to a girl only if their husband (the father of the unborn child) has a second blood group.

We can conclude that mothers of daughters are more often women with the first or second blood group, and mothers of sons with the third or fourth. But still, you should not completely trust this kind of predictions, although they have a scientific basis. After all, there is a huge probability of getting a different result, since in addition to the blood type, other factors also influence the sex of the fetus.

Influence of the Rh factor

Everyone knows that for the proper development and health of the embryo, the Rh factor is of great importance, first of all, to the mother of the child, since she carries him. But the role of the father cannot be underestimated. For example, if a woman’s Rh factor is positive and her partner’s is negative, then there are no problems during pregnancy and no threat to the life of the fetus. But if the opposite happens, that is, the expectant mother is negative, and the father is positive, then there is a possible risk of Rh conflict, which leads to a difficult pregnancy.

In addition, there is an opinion that the Rh factor of the parents influences the gender of the fetus. For example, if a couple has the same Rh factors, that is, either they are both positive or negative, they will most likely have a girl. But if the rhesus is different, then there is a high probability of a boy being born.

If you are interested in how to determine the sex of a child by Rh factor, you can use a special table. Table of the relationship between Rh factors and the possible sex of the baby:

Rh factor

Of course, this method of determining the sex of the unborn baby, despite its simplicity, does not give a 100 percent result, moreover, it is better to check this method in combination with the blood type of the parents. In addition to these methods of determining sex by blood, there is another method for renewing the blood. It is worth noting that to obtain the most reliable result, it is necessary to use all these methods.

Definition of blood renewal

If the gender issue is very important to parents, then they can use another method for determining the future sex of the baby - this is a method for renewing blood. This theory is European and it comes down to simple calculations. Its basis is that over a certain period of time, a person’s blood is completely renewed in women; this happens in three years, and in men in four.

According to the theory, the age of the parents at the time of conception is divided by the future mother by three, and the father by four, respectively. After this, each result obtained is divided by two more and as a result of these actions it is necessary to compare the numbers of the mother and father. If the father's result is greater than the mother's, then there will be a son and vice versa.

Let's look at an example:

The age of the expectant mother is 25 years old, which means we divide 25 by 3 and get 8.33. Then we divide 8.33 by two more and get 4.165.

The age of the future father is 30 years old, divide this figure by 4, the result is 7.5. After 7.5, we divide in half, and it comes out to 3.75.

As a result, the couple is more likely to give birth to a girl, since the mother’s number is higher than the father’s result.

Despite the fact that there are a lot of options for determining the sex of the unborn baby. All of them are not 100 percent, and you should not take the results obtained too seriously. Although in some cases the results are the same, especially if three different methods showed the same result.

It will be more expedient and accurate if the gender of the unborn baby is revealed by a doctor during an ultrasound examination, because only this method gives the most accurate result. It is worth noting that even high-tech research gives an error if the baby turns away and takes an uncomfortable position. But in general, it doesn’t matter who is born a boy or a girl, because children are happiness, they are the flowers of life, the main thing is that they are healthy. And this is the main task of their parents.

The times when you had to guess what gender your baby will be are becoming a thing of the past. Today it is mandatory for all pregnant women ultrasonography, which allows you to accurately determine the gender of the baby. If the mother does not want to use this method, or wants to give birth to a boy (or girl), you can try to guess the sex of the child based on the blood types of the parents.

Combination of parent groups

This method invites a woman to choose the father of her future children based on his blood type. However, established married couples can also see whether the theory works in practice. Some scientists offer complex tables with the percentage probability of having a boy or a girl for everyone possible combinations blood of parents. But if you don’t delve into the theory, then everything is not so complicated. There are four blood types. If the mother has it first, then when combined with odd groups, there is a high probability of having a female child. Combinations with even numbers (II or IV) will most likely contribute to the birth of a male child. It is easy to calculate the gender of the child based on the blood type for other combinations. Let's say the expectant mother has the second group. Then the calculations are carried out in the exact opposite way to the method described above. Women with blood type III can only try to have a daughter together with a man with group I. Just like mothers with the fourth group can count on the birth of a girl from the owner of the second group. It is important to understand that this calculation method is not absolutely correct. Other factors also influence the sex of the child. A clear example of this is large families with children of different sexes.

When is blood renewed?

You can try to calculate the sex of the child based on the blood types of the parents, focusing on blood renewal. It is believed that in women the blood is renewed once every three years, and in men about once every four. There is an experimental theory that says: whichever parent has younger blood, the child will inherit the sex of that parent. But how can you tell at home whose blood is “fresh”? For adults, renewal should be considered from the moment of major blood loss. These are abdominal surgeries, serious injuries, childbirth and miscarriages. If nothing like this has happened to you, you can divide a person’s full age into 3 for women and 4 for men. It is worth noting that planning the sex of a child based on blood based on this theory actually often allows you to achieve results.

The influence of the Rh factor on the sex of the baby

We should not forget that any blood type can be either positive or negative. Therefore, when calculating the gender of the child based on the blood groups of the parents, it is necessary to take this factor into account. It is believed that if both parents are positive or negative, the birth will be a girl. Boys are more often born with a combination of Rh factors of different values. Women with a negative meaning should be especially careful when planning the birth of a child. There is a high probability of developing Rh conflict if the child has a positive group. And even though it is absolutely impossible to predict the sex of a child based on the blood groups of the parents using the theory of a combination of Rh factors, it is worth a try. It is likely that using all three methods described above will give you the correct results.

Today there are many methods to find out, even before the birth of a child, what gender the baby will be born. Ultrasound remains one of the most reliable. But not all women have a favorable attitude towards this type of diagnosis, considering it harmful to the health of the baby. However, interest in the issue remains. Parents who do not want to expose their child to the influence of medical devices can try to calculate the gender of the unborn baby based on their own blood type.

How does the method work?

Each person has a certain blood type. She must have Rh - negative or positive. Combinations of these groups among parents give a certain percentage of the probability of having a male or female child.

Scientists tend to create complex tables to calculate what percentage the possibility of one or another couple having a girl or a boy. However, everything is much simpler. Can do it for you online calculator or table. All mom and dad need is to know exactly their own blood type and Rh factor.

How does this technique work? There is a combination of blood types in parents who are most likely to give birth to a boy or a girl when conceiving. For example, a mother with a second blood group and a father with a fourth have a much greater opportunity to give birth to a boy. A woman of the third group has a chance of conceiving a girl with a man of the first group.

If we consider the blood group theory in more detail, we get the following picture:

  • A woman with group 2 will have a girl from a partner with group 3 and a boy from partners with groups 2 and 4.
  • A lady with blood group 2 needs to have a relationship with a man of groups 1 and 3 in order to have a son, and with a man of group 4 in order to have a girl.
  • A woman with group 3 will have a daughter from a partner with group 1 and a son from partners with groups 2 and 4.
  • A woman with group 4 has the greatest chance of conceiving a girl with a partner of group 2.

But do not forget that this is just a probability, and it is very difficult to accurately calculate in advance who will be born.

To calculate the gender of the child, do not forget about the Rh factor. This is a very important point, without which planning will be inaccurate. For example, parents with the same Rh are more likely to give birth to a girl, while mothers and fathers with different Rhes have the opportunity to conceive a boy.

Of course, it cannot be said that the blood type and Rh factor can be used to predict the sex of the baby with great accuracy: too many factors influence the sex of the unborn child, evidence of which is large families with children of different sexes. However, a calculator or table will certainly help you calculate the high probability.

Taking into account the Rh factor is important not only in order to calculate and determine the sex of the child, but also in order to safely carry a pregnancy to term. If a woman has a positive Rh or the same Rh as her partner, then there is no need to worry. But if a woman is Rh negative and a man is Rh positive, a Rh conflict may arise between mother and baby. This situation often ends in miscarriage or the development of pathologies.

Today, doctors have learned to overcome these difficulties using medications, but it is better for a woman to calculate and determine the blood type and Rh factor of the unborn baby in advance. This is necessary for his own health. Moreover, girls have a higher survival rate in utero than boys. The calculator and table on the website will help you determine the gender of the child.

Update method

Another way to find out the gender of the child is the blood renewal method. His idea is that all people's blood undergoes renewal after a certain period of time. In women this happens faster - after three years, in men - after 4 years. If a person has had blood transfusions or large blood losses in his life, then it is necessary to calculate starting from this moment.

The parent whose blood is younger will give his gender to the baby. The blood renewal method cannot be called completely accurate: it also only gives an idea of ​​the likelihood of having a baby of one sex or another.

To calculate and determine the sex of a child by blood renewal, you need to divide the woman’s full age by three, and the man by 4. Whose number is lower will give his gender to the baby. To make the task easier and calculate the result without difficulty, the site provides an online calculator. This test will help you find out who is most likely to be born.

How much can you trust?

Any calculator or method that allows you to calculate and determine the sex of an unborn child may have an error. The online test allows you to calculate and determine who you will be born with, but the probability percentage is low. Determining the expected sex of a child based on the blood type of the parents is only one way. To get the most accurate result, you need to make a calculation based on several methods and taking into account numerous factors.

Blood type, of course, is an important indicator, but you should not seriously rely on it alone. Adopt several of the most accurate and proven methods and compare the results. This way you can calculate the sex of the child with the greatest accuracy. And if you add an ultrasound image to the calculations, the picture will be one hundred percent accurate.