Venus line on the palm meaning. Palmistry

01.09.2019 Animals

Belt of Venus

Starting between the hills of Jupiter and Saturn, there is a semicircular line that ends between the ring and little fingers. It is called the belt of Venus and always has a bad meaning (Fig. 81 e).

The well-outlined belt of Venus, which forms almost a semicircle, reveals above all sensuality, and this meaning is further enhanced if the Mount of Venus is at the same time well developed and cut by many intersecting lines. In general, the belt of Venus foreshadows an unrestrained, degenerate passion.

The double belt of Venus (Fig. 82 a) means a break in marriage and voluptuousness.

The lines crossing the belt of Venus at the beginning (Fig. 81 e) reveal shame in youth due to unchastity.

In general, the belt of Venus, in contrast to all other lines, denotes something bad, and the stronger and better it is, the stronger the bad omen.

If it is not interrupted and forms a perfect semicircle, which ends and begins at the above-mentioned place, then this person, on whose hand there is a similar sign, is full of bad passions and habits. The belt of Venus precisely cuts off to some extent the Mount of the Sun from the hand. This is the hill that influences in a noble way the bad properties of other hills. The belt of Venus therefore gives greater or lesser freedom to evil qualities.

Namely, if the belt of Venus is well outlined, and thick and red, then it indicates an animal-sensual being. If the belt of Venus is shaped like in Fig. 78d, then this is a sign of secret unchastity.

Moreover, it turns out that the belt of Venus is open from the side of the hill of Mercury; this is always a good sign (Fig. 74 x).

It means that the best forces and feelings in a person fight, for the most part, successfully against the bad passions indicated by the belt of Venus. Consequently, the evil meaning of the belt of Venus is mitigated by its location.

If this belt line is intersected by a wavy line (Fig. 82 b), then misfortune at sea is possible.

If the belt is of such a shape that its convexity is most visible below the Mount of Saturn (Fig. 83 a), then this portends shame due to immoral behavior.

According to Desbarolles, the creator of modern palmistry, this line of the hand means, especially if it occurs on both sides, excessive irritability, which in some people can turn into hysteria, and thus fully explains increased passion.

Also for the belt of Venus, there is a method of commensuration, by which it is possible to establish, at least approximately, periods of time for the phenomena indicated by this line and special signs on it (Fig. 83 a).

Of course, for a person who has the belt of Venus on his hand, one should pay attention to the other chirognomic and palmistry signs before making an unfavorable conclusion about this person.

Persistent, purposeful willpower neutralizes or at least moderates the influence of the belt of Venus on an otherwise well-defined hand.

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In a science such as palmistry, importance is given not only to the main lines, but also to various patterns, hills and signs on the palms. Among the important points on the hand is the Venus ring. Palmistry, the belt of Venus can tell a lot of interesting things about the owner of the hand. This symbolism is located under the ring and middle fingers and has a different character.

If the belt of Venus is present in the palm, then the owners are characterized by emotionality and hot temper. There are drawings that indicate that a person is prone to depression and has a variable character. The presence of an upper and lower belt can indicate sincerity and openness.

When the Venus line is absent on the hand, then you should not worry about this, it is also good sign. Absence says that the person skillfully controls his emotions. As a rule, such people prefer to lead a hidden lifestyle and are not open enough.

Difference between top and bottom belt

If the line runs at the top of the palm, then this indicates people who give or scatter their energy for others. Such people are inclined to show compassion, and they deeply let other people’s pain pass through them.

Note. A huge disadvantage of this sign is that the category of such people is very emotional and often do not know how to control their condition. They give more than they take.

If the belt of Venus (palmistry) runs in the lower part of the arm, then you have a person in front of you who is not a completely open person and keeps a lot to himself. Such people are often arrogant, and in conversation they very much attract attention to themselves. “I” hovers in conversations all the time and most often words are very different from actions and deeds.

Note. Such people choose their friends solely because of benefits.

What else do you need to know about symbolism before fortune telling? Palmistry, belt of Venus: meaning and additional information

In some cases, such a line is interpreted as an additional thread of love, so the happy owners are not just emotional, but also very active individuals.

Note. It is very pleasant to have intimate conversations with such people and trust your secrets.

During fortune telling, you should pay attention to the integrity and clarity of the thread. The correct belt should have a strict and semicircular shape.

There are cases when the love belt is expressed with double or triple symbolism. Such lines are sometimes found curved or dotted (interrupted).

Note. This is typical for people with unstable nervous system prone to hysteria. This combination is often found on a woman’s hand. A girl-woman is characterized by capriciousness and hysteria (I want it, sometimes I don’t want it).

Detailed description of a person according to the belt of Venus

If the Mount of Venus (palmistry) has some deviations, then each of them carries its own meaning:

They are confident people and often show compassion for others. They can also give practical advice on how to get out of the most difficult and difficult situations. Impulsive natures who often take part in other people's life problems. Sometimes you meet people who don’t have everything in order in their own lives, but don’t mind sorting things out with others. They interfere with the family and can even destroy it.

Such symbolism indicates the ability to listen and advise, but such people are not particularly interested in the fate of others. If the previous diagram suggests that a person is even capable of breaking in and breaking up another family, then the owners of such a picture will do everything possible to save everything.

Indicates heightened emotional feelings, which are also strengthened by intellectual abilities. An active lifestyle and mood affects relationships with other people.

Owners are prone to depression, often actions and actions are directly proportional to their mood. One extreme is rudeness, bad manners, and a manifestation of selfishness. The other extreme is over-sensitivity with understanding. If you find such symbolism in a new acquaintance, then know that you need a special approach to him - these are people of mood. They can offend you greatly, and the next day they won’t even remember that they were rude.

One of the very rare signs. These are cold, calculating individuals. They can speak words of compassion without spiritual burden. Their natures are not sincere; they love only for material gain. Quite secretive, the material base is much more important than the spiritual one.

Palmistry, Mount of Venus and all sides of the “coin”

In palmistry, the ring of Venus is considered in different interpretations. If we take a deeper look at the situation, the meaning of such a symbol can be both positive and negative.

Let's consider all positive values:

  1. The presence of a ring speaks not only of emotionality, but also of creative features and artistry. Such people approach matters thoroughly, creatively and responsibly.
  2. If the manifestation of the thread is greater than expected, then do not doubt that you can count on such a person even in moments of illness, he will sit by your bedside.

  1. You can also add to the above a trait such as impressionability. Even films with a good ending can move such a person to tears.
  2. Another excellent quality is romanticism and temperament. If you find such a ring on the hand of a creative person, then have no doubt that he will achieve success in his field.

Note. Happy owners of the Venus belt are endowed with a rich imagination and constantly improve themselves, not only physically, but also spiritually.

There is some negativity

If you analyze this symbol in more detail and analyze each line, you can find negative aspects:

  • Sometimes sensitive and emotional people are not restrained, even to the point of hysteria.
  • Often there are whiners who are unable to cope with their offenders on their own. They blame themselves for all mortal sins and direct anger and bad energy against themselves.
  • Such people cannot be stroked “against the grain”, as they have a rather acute reaction to criticism and insults. If you say a phrase inaccurately, the owner of the symbolism will come up with an insult and misinterpret it.
  • Palmistry Mount of Venus, lines on both palms indicate a sign of irritability.

Note. All of the above negative qualities They appear very rarely and even their presence cannot affect fateful moments, so don’t worry about it.

How does the belt fit with other important threads?

The thread of Venus, like other main lines on the palm, can be fully deciphered only in combination with additional signs and threads. The price of a general consultation (examination of hands) by a palmist starts from 2,000 rubles. Self-study will allow you to control the consultation process or get answers to your own questions.

The negative meaning is lost if a well-defined thread of the mind is observed. Such people lose their vulnerability, and in return gain self-confidence and sexuality. At some points, however, attacks of jealousy may appear.

A bulge in the pad area indicates excellent potential. Such a person successfully realizes himself in the world of artists.
If the thread of Venus is brighter than the line of love, then in this case our owner is an ordinary dreamer. In addition, such people are characterized by mood swings.

This combination in palmistry is regarded as a heightened emotional state. People often become attached not only to loved ones, but also to friends, which is why they face disappointments.

Indicates a person with high intuition. Holders of symbolism can safely develop themselves in extrasensory perception.

Indicate secret vices.

In palmistry, a star on the Mount of Venus with a double or triple thread foretells a serious illness through sex.

If all the signs and characterizing symbols are not present, then a simple cursory glance is not enough to study this line. Palmistry, the belt of Venus, will allow you to learn a lot about a person, for example, about such qualities as temperament, hidden hobbies or secret vices. Based on the first impression, you should not make hasty conclusions, but take a closer look at everything in the compartment.

There are two interpretations of the concept “belt of Venus”. In palmistry terms, it is a curved line on a person's palm. In geography, the phrase has a different meaning related to the atmosphere. This is what the pink or orange lines are called, which are the transition from the dark sky below to the soft blue above. You can see the spectacle early in the morning or at sunset. It's very beautiful a natural phenomenon- belt of Venus.

Ring on hand

Every person has this element of palmistry on their palms. This article will be discussed about him. The belt of Venus on the hand looks like an unfinished ring. It starts between the index and middle fingers. ends in the area of ​​the little and ring fingers. The belt of Venus always runs from the Mount of Jupiter to the Mount of Mercury along their bases.

"Mark" of Venus

Not every individual has a simple pattern. It's hard to explain scientifically, but the Belt of Venus is more common in people with long and thin arms. Often the owners of such palms are sensitive and very vulnerable people. Their emotional state changes several times a day. Rarely, but still such a line occurs on the palms fat people. She points out their sexual promiscuity and lust. On the hand of a person of average build, this line indicates possible developmental deviations.

Belt of Venus: meaning, outline boundaries

On heavy and steady hands, a drawing with regular boundaries never cuts other lines. Such people have a highly developed mind. Together with him, they have an understanding of high feelings. The owners of the palms described above are delicate, sensitive, and sober-minded. Often the belt of Venus is found on graceful and small hands. This is not a good sign for girls. Most likely, their feelings and emotions always prevail over reason. Their character is usually pliable and soft. Often indecision develops into hysterics.

If a person does not see a clear line of the belt of Venus, he should not worry and think that troubles await him in life. Rather, on the contrary, since the presence of such only indicates that you have an overly trusting nature. Such people quickly become disillusioned with those around them.


Often the belt can be seen next to For people who believe in the power of lines on the palm, this is not a good sign. First of all, the statement is related to the fact that the belt of Venus in this case speaks of increased eroticism. It may indicate infidelity of one of the spouses. The double boundaries of the belt of Venus often indicate a possible breakdown of marriage with subsequent voluptuousness.

Palmistry: Belt of Venus

How meteorologists predict weather for every day, so palmists predict a person’s fate. Don't underestimate the power of palm line predictions. The palm reader always looks closely at the drawing and compares it with the known options described by experts.

The crown or ring of Venus are other names for the belt. Many predictors of the future say that a sign can tell a lot about the personality of its owner. for example, a pronounced line determines such a person is capable of embodying all types of energy: sexuality, self-development, artistic abilities, philosophical perception. These types of activities originate at the psychological level. It is the crown of Venus that reveals the psyche. Palmists say that the belt of Venus is responsible for the control of human actions, will and social expression of instincts.


Artists and musically talented people are often “marked” with the ring of Venus. This is explained by the fact that when creating another masterpiece, they are guided by a feeling of love. Inspiration helps them express their inner special vision. Not the kind that all people are used to seeing. The presence of the Venus belt can endow a person with a life-giving way of thinking, high sensuality, and a desire to go beyond the real.

The ring is also common among people who believe in mysticism. Its harmonious combination with the heart, marriage, and mind allows a person to understand his spiritual abilities. This means that a highly spiritual person can inspire others with his energy. Such vital energy can be expressed through poetry, songs, music, paintings. Full interpretation Palmists give Venus belts only after analyzing the combination of the ring with the other lines on the palm.

Heart line

If the heart line is less clearly expressed than the ring of Venus, it means that the person is closed in on himself. He lives in own world illusions. Your own fantasies and emotions haunt your soul. It is often difficult for others to understand such an individual. There is no justification for his strange behavior. The severity of mood swings blocks the ability to be open. Often such people cannot appreciate the greatness of the feeling of love. The inability to express tender emotions does not make it possible to exist normally in society.

The phenomenon of intersection of the lines of the heart and Venus can be considered common. This is where the principle of operation of a nuclear bomb comes into play. All the brightest and most sincere feelings merge together. Ardent love collides with inexplicable devotion. The real perception of the world ends. The descent into dreams begins. This combination of lines is bad because it often leads to self-destruction. This is expressed in the form of regret about what has been done. The feeling of one’s own uselessness eats away at a person. He laments that he trusted his innermost secrets and dreams to others. The ideality of the world can be shattered by the cruel realities of the world. This process is difficult for vulnerable people to endure.

Naturally rough hands speak of impoliteness, uncouthness and cruelty of a person in life. Such people are only interested in the instinct of procreation. They can be gentle, but only to achieve the desired result. Their main drawback is a sense of insatiability. A complete, uninterrupted ring of Venus is extremely rare. If it does exist, then such a sign speaks of the inherent ability to realize one hundred percent of one’s entire energy potential. Such people know how to control themselves and their emotions.

Ring of Venus with line interruption

This sign carries the worst meaning on limp hands. On such palms the design is explained. as an inability to realize oneself in the world around us. Such individuals want to escape from reality. They are always under stress. Their body stops overcoming it on its own. The causes of severe stress can be: a job you hate, tension in relationships with loved ones, psychological trauma. It is quite difficult to name such people. They often become drug addicts or alcoholics and have sexual deviations. Their focus is on invented and false ideals.

Do not despair if the Belt of Venus, the photo of which you see in the article, promises failure. The fate of the individual is always in the hands of each person. Using palmistry predictions, you can not only make your life better, but also radically change your destiny.

Palmistry will be given great importance not only the main lines on the palm, but also looks closely at other signs. A Venus ring on your hand can say a lot. This is the line that can be seen under the middle and ring fingers. Look at the photo where it is usually located.

The Ring of Venus has a lot to say

Sometimes this line is whole, clear, and has a strict semicircular shape. This is what is called the ring of Venus.

But often in this very place you can see not one, but several broken lines located under each other. If there is not one line, but several of them, and they are not so clearly defined, somewhat similar to debris, they are called the belt of Venus. This is clearly visible in the photo

The Belt of Venus is a sign of a nervous nature

Most often, this belt of Venus can be found on an elegant hand with thin fingers. On a square hand, a spade-shaped, plump palm, you will not be able to see this sign.

Previously, the belt of Venus was considered a sign of promiscuity, but modern people, experts in the science of palmistry have long recognized that this is rather a sign of a nervous nature. If this is a regular semicircle, then it indicates a sensitive nature.

What does the presence of a Venus belt on the hand mean?

What does palmistry say about the belt of Venus, what does this sign on the palm mean? Let's look at all the main qualities of such a person point by point.

Good character traits

Here is a person endowed with artistic abilities, very creative and interesting.

  • Such people can perceive other people's pain as their own. We often see this sign on the hand of those who care for others.
  • A person who has a clearly visible belt of Venus on his arm is very impressionable. Even a good movie or sad music can move him to tears. Sometimes you get the feeling that he is different by nature, more balanced and strict. In fact, his soul is very soft, it doesn’t want things easily, but it craves understanding and love.
  • If you see this sign in the palm of a writer, then you have a romantic in front of you. If this line is absent on the hand of an artist or musician, then his work will not excite the hearts, even if they have achieved technical perfection, because they may be emotionally undeveloped.
  • These are people with a rich and lively imagination, striving for spiritual knowledge.

People can understand other people's pain

Character traits that may not make you happy

But there are also not very good traits characteristic of people who have a clearly visible belt of Venus.

  • They are sensual and emotional in nature, which sometimes makes life difficult for them. Here is a person with an unrestrained character, overly emotional, even hysterical.
  • If this line is visible on the palm, then its owner may have low self-esteem and be very vulnerable.
  • A person does not know how to resist offenders, often blaming only himself for everything, even if he is offended or humiliated. Directing his anger only against himself, he suffers greatly in his soul.
  • Despite the fact that the owner of the Venus belt does not fight back, he reacts very sharply to all insults and neglect towards him, even if they exist only in his imagination. He does not forget insults for a long time and does not forgive them. If you have lost the trust of this person, you may not even know it, he will not show it outwardly, but he will not love you.
  • People who have these lines clearly visible on their palms are not always ready to put up with reality, and can become discouraged if something doesn’t work out for them.
  • The famous Desbarolles, for whom palmistry is native element, said that the belt of Venus on both hands is a sign of irritability and extreme hysteria.
  • This line is on the hands of those who love luxury and sensual excesses.

Combination with other lines

Palmistry, deciphering the meaning of the lines on the palm, never judges a person by individual fragments. The combination of all signs is very important.

Until recently, the so-called belt of Venus in palmistry was considered a sign of voluptuousness and excesses in love relationship. The belt of Venus on the hand recently received a new meaning: it is interpreted as an indicator of the emotional sphere.

Location and meaning

The belt (crown) was named after an object from an ancient fable: Juno takes it from Venus to seduce Jupiter. It consists of one or more rings. They appear as broken or irregular semicircular lines.

The belt starts between the index and middle fingers. Passes on the palm above the branch of the Heart, from the top of the Mount of Jupiter to the Mount of Mercury. Ends between middle and ring fingers or near the Marriage line.

The bottom belt is a rare version of the thread. It stretches from the Mount of Venus to the lunar hillock.

The stripe is called the thread of the soul, because it shows the level of emotionality, the ability to empathize, and show sympathy. Reflects the development of the sexual sphere and creative abilities.

The absence of a Venus belt on the hand speaks of a person’s balance and calmness. He is cold and indifferent to opposite sex. He's more interested friendly relations with a partner, not physical intimacy.

Line characteristics

The line is present on both hands at once, or it is not present on either one. On the left hand, the belt of Venus symbolizes the emotional potential given by fate from birth. Right hand means feelings, emotions that a person experiences in the present or will feel in the near future.

On each type of palm, the stripe takes on a different meaning.

  1. On a spade-shaped hand, the thread speaks of sexual superiority.
  2. An angular hand with a belt is found among people inclined to literature and music.
  3. On a conical hand, a crown symbolizes low self-esteem, frequent neuroses, depression, and hysteria.
  4. A belt on a refined hand with long fingers means that a person lives with illusions, memories, and dreams.

A person with an upper belt has energy that he spends on others. He is open to communication, knows how to sympathize, and often comes to the rescue.

The only drawback is high degree emotionality. The owner is unable to restrain both negative and positive emotions. The person is often involved in caring for other people or animals. The sign is also observed in creative people. In relationships, they idealize a person and suffer from unjustified expectations. Many of them are lonely.

The owner of the lower belt talks more than he does. He has insincerity of emotions, secrecy of thoughts, selfishness, and greed.

External shape options

A belt of 2 or 3 threads adds uncontrollable imagination, frequent mood swings, and explosive temperament to the wearer’s character. The personality strives for luxury.

The crown of Venus consists of many rings. This type is typical for hypersensitive, restless individuals. They are prone to neurasthenia, various mental disorders and phobias.

A gap in the middle of the belt predicts sentimentality, enthusiasm, and caution in character. Often a person is hysterical and prone to dramatization. In relationships with the opposite sex, he is interested in the spiritual and intellectual components.

Meaning of line options.

  1. A weakly expressed ring is considered a harmonious option: feelings are restrained, emotionality is not pathological. With love, a person is distinguished by prudence.
  2. A belt open to the little finger indicates intellectual development and a penchant for research. People value ambitions above relationships with others, so they are often unhappy in family life.
  3. The crown open to the index finger speaks of subtle, deep sensitivity. A person is restrained in emotions, does not pretend, and perceives others objectively.

Palmistry considers the short belt of Venus as hidden passions. Outwardly they do not appear.

A long line begins at the Mount of Mercury and ends at the Mount of Jupiter. It indicates deep emotionality and empathy. The personality is self-confident and altruistic. She strives to lead those around her.

A person with a ring that starts on the Mount of Mercury and ends on the Mount of Saturn knows how to restrain his emotions. He does not give advice, does not impose his opinion and does not convince others.

The crown of Venus, which begins between the hills of Mercury and Apollo, and ends between the hills of Jupiter and Saturn, means a balance of feelings and reason. People express emotions calmly and are sensitive to the feelings of others. They do not intervene with advice, but when asked, they come to help.

Additional influences

Branches from the ring indicate hot temper, rapid mood changes, but the person is able to control himself. The presence of a belt on the arm, neck, and wrist is observed in passionate, sensual women. They are compatible in marriage with any man.

In the palm of the hand, a noticeable belt of Venus, together with a weakly expressed thread of the Heart, defines a closed, lonely person. With sufficient emotionality, an individual does not show feelings to others.

Touching the branch of the Heart with the ring is considered a sign of a sensual nature. She does not perceive the outside world, prefers to live in fantasies. Lack of preparation for the blows of fate leads to disappointment and depression. There is a high probability of developing addiction to psychoactive substances.

The infusion of the ring into the thread of the Heart occurs at the moment of a change in values ​​and worldview. A person is an egoist who lives alone. The mark also indicates acting talent.

With a pronounced crown and a clear line of the Mind, talent for artistry and acting skills can be traced. If the Mind bar is short, the person is prone to jealousy.

A full, embossed Mount of Venus and a pronounced belt are interpreted as a tendency to receive pleasure from satisfying physical needs. Man strives for luxury and comfort.

When the line of Mind crosses the ring of Venus, they speak of an unfavorable career outcome. The individual is hampered by emotions, and it is impossible to establish relationships with the team.

The intersection of the thread of the Sun by the crown is considered as an obstacle created by emotional sphere for creative.

Touching the ring with the Fate trait means a good sense of humor and the discovery of talent. And intersection is interpreted as a change in fate due to passions.

In the presence of a flat hill of Venus, a line of Life close to it, and a vague branch of the Heart, a deep, continuous belt loses its meaning. In this case, it does not mean sensuality, but nervousness.

The convex hillock of Venus, the rounded clear line of Life, the pronounced branch of the Heart will mean passion and the desire for physical pleasure. The ring of Venus may be poorly defined or absent. For a woman, defects in the lines of Life and Mind, together with multiple breaks in the belt of Venus, predict:

  • gynecological diseases;
  • hysteria;
  • depression;
  • nervous exhaustion.

The cross on the Mount of Saturn, the cut crown, and the points on the stripe of the Mind comprehensively determine the possibility of paralysis. If the Marriage line crosses the belt, and at the end of the Mind line there is a cross or a star, then the person will face a difficult divorce from his partner. Relationships will remain strained after a breakup.

At the end of the belt within the Marriage line, a person will have the primacy of his partner in family life. The owner is weak, sensitive and erotic.

Symbols and signs on the belt

The island is an oval oblong convex mark along the line. Found in unusual people with the gift of telepathy and clairvoyance. The figure is the cause of scandals and misunderstandings in personal life.

Palmistry interprets a star on the belt as the likelihood of severe nervous shock due to an accident. At the end of the line, it is a sign of passion, sexual pathology, a harbinger of crimes committed on this basis. The symbol touches the ring, being on the hill of Saturn - a tendency towards suicide, mental illness.

The cross is read as a predisposition to intuitive thinking and clairvoyance. Talent emerges after mental turmoil.

The triangle speaks of the strong passion and jealousy of the owner. This can cause discord in the family. The sign on the Mount of Mercury defines a sociable person with many friends.

The dot foreshadows mental disorders due to sexual dissatisfaction. The person has a negative attitude and is disappointed in close relationships. For a woman, the sign predicts violence from her husband, a difficult divorce.

The grid and square symbolize limitation. The man faces imprisonment, and the woman faces psychological pressure from her husband.


Palmistry considers the belt of Venus as a secondary line and is considered in conjunction with other hand patterns. Timely interpretation of the symbol will help to avoid the unfavorable influence of the thread on the emotional and sensory sphere.