I dreamed about Nicholas the Wonderworker. Why do you dream about an icon, the dream “icon” - a complete interpretation of dreams

12.07.2019 Computers

Numerous stories about Nicholas’s intercession for those unjustly convicted date back to the reign of the Roman Emperor Constantine; Arriving at the place of execution of three townspeople of Mira, Nikolai snatches the sword from the hands of the executioner and publicly denounces the bribed judge; when three generals in Constantinople fall under an unjust sentence, Nicholas, who is at that time in his city, far from the palace, appears to the emperor in a dream and explains to him his mistake.

In a similar way, during a bread shortage, a certain grain merchant dreams of him and imperiously orders him to take his goods to Mira. Evil Spirit.

Maliciousness Evil spirits in relation to humans, it manifests itself in a variety of forms.

The most typical actions: demons scare people with sound (knocking, humming, howling, crackling), touch (of a furry paw), pressing in a dream, strangling a person, causing insomnia, tickling to death; If a person is associated with evil spirits, then the Soul, leaving him in a dream, commits various atrocities.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the ancient Slavs

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Dream Interpretation - Icon

Seeing icons in a house in a dream - such a dream predicts that a religious conflict will break out in your country, resulting in casualties and great damage. It will take years for peace to be restored.

Removing icons from the wall - such a dream suggests that a crisis of faith will come when people stop living according to the laws of God, and this will cost them dearly, they will punish themselves.

If you dreamed of icons in a church, then this means that your only salvation in difficult times will be faith, and may you not be very religious person, but come to church like the prodigal son, and God will not turn away from you.

Interpretation of dreams from

An icon is a symbol of faith. Seeing her in a dream is a bright omen. The dream book promises all sorts of life changes and reassessment of values. A number of other explanations for why such dreams occur are given below.

Icon in the house

If you dreamed of icons hanging in the house, but in reality there were none, this plot should be interpreted as a call for prudence. Modern dream book advises avoiding disputes regarding religious views, political beliefs and moral and ethical values. This dream reminds us that winning such an argument is an initially doomed undertaking, but the right way make enemies.

Various Saints

Face Mother of God dreams of those who in reality feel an urgent need, if not for real help, then at least for moral support. Such a dream reflects your lack of confidence in your own abilities, perhaps not unfounded.

The plot in which the Matrona icon appears foreshadows serious trials. It is quite possible that their roots should be sought in past mistakes. On the other hand, this is a chance to fix everything and show yourself on the positive side.

Universal dream book believes that the dream of the Mother of God is a sign that you are currently under the protection higher powers. You can safely use their favor.

A dream about an icon of Jesus is an important sign that you may receive in the near future. In general, this is a very favorable dream that promises changes and significant events.

If you dream of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker written, this means that in reality you will remain true to your principles. The plot seen in a dream will help you make a decision that is correct from the point of view of not only morality, but also common sense.

The Dream Book of Wanderers believes that icons of Saints are a symbol of the fact that you need help. The support of an influential person would be very useful to you now. Right now is the most favorable period for promising acquaintances.

An explanation of why the icon of Jesus Christ is dreamed of is given by Grishina in her interpreter. Grishina's dream book warns that at the moment all actions, words and even thoughts are endowed with special power. The dream promises that the result of every action will follow immediately. True, you will also have to reap the benefits.

The icon of the Matrona of Moscow in a dream suggests that in reality you recently managed to avoid serious danger. This plot symbolizes gratitude to fate and higher powers.

Prayer and worship

The Dream Book of the Seasons claims that praying in front of an icon is one of the most positive dreams. What you see in your night dreams means that you will soon receive an interesting offer, on which your material well-being directly depends.

If you dream that you happened to kiss an icon, then in real life you, without a doubt, have extraordinary organizational skills. Now you are especially successful in projects that require teamwork. The universal dream book promises support from management and understanding of subordinates.

Falls, breaks

If you dreamed that the face painted with paints fell, this means that in reality there is a fear of loss or destruction of values, and not necessarily material ones. The universal dream book believes that you are guessing about the intentions of a loved one or an authoritative person to commit an unseemly act that could greatly disappoint you.

If a woman dreams of a broken icon, this may be a reminder that she is missing out on the opportunity to have a child. Such a dream warns a man of the need to take control of the situation, otherwise disaster cannot be avoided.

The icon is lit

If you saw a burning icon in a dream, this should not frighten you. Vlasov’s dream book promises an extraordinary emotional uplift and surge of vitality. A combination of circumstances will provide a new incentive not to give up. This dream encourages you to keep your eyes open so as not to miss the sign of fate.

The plot of having to buy a holy canvas indicates impatience. You often try to influence the course of events without regard to external circumstances. Don’t be surprised if you make a request at the wrong time and get a refusal.

Myrrh streams

A dream in which an icon streams myrrh is very significant. The modern dream book considers it a sign that you can trust your intuition and penchant for mysticism. The dream suggests that it is these qualities that will show the right path out of a difficult situation.

Miller's opinion

Miller's dream book believes that the icon is one of the most prosperous symbols. This sign means that circumstances will develop exclusively in your favor, so use this favorable moment to realize your plans.

If you dreamed golden icon, this is confirmation that you have a high scale of values. Faith and religion play a very important role for you.

Miller claims that the ancient icon is a harbinger of epochal changes that will affect the whole family. Perhaps the start of a chain of events will be the receipt of important news.

If you dreamed of a saint with a stern face, this indicates dissatisfaction with oneself. Miller's dream book recommends looking for the root of evil not in the act itself, but in its motivation.

If you dream of icons in a church, it means you made the right choice. This means that now in reality all that remains is to reap the sweet fruits.

Various explanations

Shereminskaya's dream book believes that an icon is a harbinger of amazing changes that will happen to one person significant to you. As a result of a reassessment of values, his attitude towards you will change for the better.

One of the interpreters believes that the icon appears in the dreams of those people whose future will be very prosperous. If the faces evoke positive emotions, then the dream strengthens its positive message.

A dream in which you happen to find a holy canvas means that someone dear to you needs to enlist your approval, your blessing, if you like, in their endeavors. Someone's success or failure can depend only on words.

If you dreamed of a holy face, it means that you are ready to begin doing what you have been planning for so long. Such a dream often contains details, for example, dates, names, numbers, which should be interpreted as signs.

If unmarried girl sees many icons in a dream, this means that her wedding is just around the corner. Small Velesov's dream book warns that the marriage will be successful in all respects. The dreamer expects a full house and the joys of family life.



    I dreamed that in my village my icons were broken, and we put them on the table, but the image of the Saint remained and began to fly in the wind, then we caught him and his eyes began to turn red, and it was as if I was in the icon, and my eyes were turning red , because they did something wrong to the icon. What is this for!?

  • I dreamed that I was at my grandfather’s house. He has a corner with icons. In a dream, something incomprehensible begins to happen at home. I get scared. And I run to this corner to take the icon with my name. She is not there. I start looking for her. I look under the cabinet, there are a lot of different keys, but there is no icon. I took another ordinary icon and kissed it. Then I continued searching with my name, but I couldn’t find it. Why do you dream about this???

  • Alexander:

    I dreamed that I was wandering around an empty church and seeing large icons! But for some reason I walked around this temple backwards to front! I stopped in front of a very large icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, and suddenly he seemed to come to life and began to sing a joyful chant. What is it for?

If you dreamed of an icon, then you consider the relationship with your partner to be sinful and wrong. What then, in your opinion, should they be and is it necessary to follow any rules in this case?

Nostradamus said: “The icon is a symbol of spirituality, prophecy, repentance.

A dream in which you pray in front of an icon means that you pay too much attention to material problems and forget about spiritual ones.

Seeing a crying icon in a dream is a bad omen.

If in a dream you hold an icon in your hands, in reality you will receive the long-awaited news.

To see in a dream how you place a candle in front of an icon means to experience remorse due to past mistakes.

A fallen icon is a symbol of a fatal mistake.”

And the Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga interpreted dreams in which an icon appears in this way: “If you saw icons in a house in a dream, such a dream predicts that a conflict will break out in your family.

If you dreamed of icons in a church, then this means that your only salvation in difficult times will be faith, and even if you are not a very religious person, you will come to church like the prodigal son, and God will not turn away from you.”

D. Loff wrote: “Dreams about icons often reflect either strength or unity. You want to feel unity with the Universe, and icons are the right link to make this unity possible. Sometimes you may dream of a situation in which you need supernatural power to resolve a conflict. Icons in this case will serve as a guide or symbol of such power. Exists great amount icon images accessible to all people. The ones you find in your dreams will also relate to your life experiences (for example, the crucifixion, the full moon, the Star of David, Stonehenge, Buddha).”

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Saints

The appearance of saints in a dream is a good sign, warning you about something. If they are silent, then great trials await you and you will need willpower to withstand them. If the saints speak to you in a dream, then try to remember what they will say and take advantage of the advice they give you.

For sick people, the appearance of saints in a dream predicts an imminent death.

For those who are gnawed by sadness, for those who suffer, the appearance of saints in a dream foreshadows the imminent relief of their torment and the return of hope for a better future. For prisoners, such a dream predicts imminent release.

Interpretation of dreams from

Why do you dream about an image (according to Miss Hasse’s dream book)

Seeing a miracle worker brings tempting hopes. Talking to a miracle worker - all your expectations will be met, be sure to remember what you talked about.

What to expect if you saw the Wonderworker in a dream (according to the Explanatory Dream Book)

Seeing St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in a dream - prophetic dream, which needs to be addressed Special attention. If it points to some object, you also need to pay attention to it.

If you dream about Miracles (according to Dmitrenko’s Ukrainian dream book)

Seeing a miracle means complete apathy.

The Wonderworker in Night Dreams (interpretation of the Esoteric Dream Book)

Greeting a miracle worker in a dream means amazing events of a positive nature. Create it yourself, you will be pleasantly surprised by the result of your labors.

Miracle workers in a dream (from the book by Olga Smurova)

To dream that you have seen some kind of miracle predicts an unusual turn of events that will give you bright hopes.

See also: why do you dream of a fairy tale, why do you dream of magic, why do you dream of a wizard.

The meaning of a dream about a Diva (2000 interpretations by Sergei Karatov)

To dream that a miracle happened before your eyes - this portends you unexpected joy, love and finding a true friend.

The meaning of the dream about Miracle Yuda (Mythological dream book)

Interpretation of the dream: Miracle Yudo - See separately whale fish, sea serpent.

Seeing the Wonderworker in a dream (according to the Housewife's dream book)

Miracle Worker - strengthening the will; avoidance of sex; loneliness.

Why do you dream about the Wonderworker (dream book of Catherine the Great)

Wonderworker - You saw the Wonderworker in a dream - you yourself at other periods of your life are not averse to becoming a hermit; friends will treat you unfairly; Perhaps you will call their behavior a betrayal and will experience your disappointment alone.

You dream of the wretched dwelling of the Wonderworker - you are a conscientious and fair person; you are selfless and virtuous not only in your relationships with friends, but also in your relationships with enemies. You see yourself as a Miracle Worker - the dream suggests that loved ones cannot be offended by you; you are honest and disinterested with them; another interpretation of the dream: you will take on some complicated business; you will bring clarity to the situation; You and your way of thinking may well be a beacon for other people.

If you see the Wonderworker, what is it for? (interpretation by psychologist E. Erikson)

Miracle Worker, Hermit, Wanderer - solitude and loneliness due to unreliable friends. To be in the monastery of the Wonderworker - you have neither friends nor enemies - only acquaintances.

1. Every person, if he did not feel loneliness, then at least thought about it. In a dream, this can manifest itself in the image of the Wonderworker.

2. There are two types of Miracle Worker. Some withdraw from life to be completely in spiritual giving, but know that others will take care of their bodily needs. Others travel around the globe, using their knowledge and experience to help those in need. In dreams, when we meet the Wonderworker, we discover a spiritual dimension within ourselves.

3. A holy man, or Old Sage (see Introduction), often appears in dreams in the form of a Wonderworker.

What does it mean to dream with the Wonderworker, taking into account the date of birth (according to the Seasonal Dream Book)

In the spring, why do you dream of seeing a miracle worker in a dream - doing a good deed.

In the summer, what the miracle worker dreamed about was to experience bliss and peace.

In the fall, what the miracle worker dreamed about was surprising.

In winter, what does a miracle worker dream about - tempting hopes.

Numerous stories about Nicholas’s intercession for those unjustly convicted date back to the reign of the Roman Emperor Constantine; Arriving at the place of execution of three townspeople of Mira, Nikolai snatches the sword from the hands of the executioner and publicly denounces the bribed judge; when three generals in Constantinople fall under an unjust sentence, Nicholas, who is at that time in his city, far from the palace, appears to the emperor in a dream and explains to him his mistake.

In a similar way, during a bread shortage, a certain grain merchant dreams of him and imperiously orders him to take his goods to Mira. Evil Spirit.

The malice of the Evil Spirit towards a person manifests itself in a variety of forms.

The most typical actions: demons scare people with sound (knocking, humming, howling, crackling), touch (of a furry paw), pressing in a dream, strangling a person, causing insomnia, tickling to death; If a person is associated with evil spirits, then the Soul, leaving him in a dream, commits various atrocities.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the ancient Slavs

Dream Interpretation - Images of Jesus, Our Lady, Nicholas the Wonderworker

The Holy Fathers of the Church do not recommend interpreting such dreams and discussing them. For often fallen angels and demons appear to our sinful nature under the guise of angels, saints, and even the Lord Himself. And accepting their message means harming your soul. But this could also be a truly grace-filled manifestation from Above, and then, thinking negatively about this, we will proclaim blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, which is a great sin. Therefore, it is recommended not to reject, not to accept. If it was from the Lord, then grace already touched the soul and our actions are unnecessary. In any case, the Lord will only rejoice at our humility and discernment in spiritual life, and if he wants to show you something, he will reveal it a second and third time in such a way that there will be no doubt in your soul about who it came from. In any case, this is significant on this day: February 19 / March 4 (March 3 leap year) - 842 Restoration of icon veneration. St. Emperor Methodius, a zealous icon venerator, convened a council, at which the holiness of the seventh was confirmed Ecumenical Council, and icon veneration was restored. Then, on February 19, 842, on Sunday in the first week of Lent, a solemn procession was organized through the streets of the city with icons. This day has remained forever the day of the triumph of the Church over all heresies - the day of Orthodoxy. After that, the iconoclastic bishops were deposed and the Orthodox took their place. Today is the Day of the Triumph of Orthodoxy, once a year the anathematisms of the Ecumenical Orthodox Church. Happy Feast of the Triumph of Orthodoxy. Save Christ!

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun