Online police pension calculator per year. Rules for calculating the allowance for length of service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the police, etc.

25.08.2019 State

More recently, pensions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs promised to increase at least 1.5 times. How realistic is this in the current economic and political situation?

In this article, we will talk about which of the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is entitled to a seniority pension, how much it will be increased in 2015, and how a former policeman can “earn” a second old-age pension as well.

First pension: for long service

To begin with, we recall that seven categories of former military personnel are now classified as pensioners of law enforcement agencies: FSB officers, Federal Service execution of sentences, the Ministry of Defense, the Internal Affairs Directorate, the Federal Drug Control Service, customs authorities and the prosecutor's office.

The former “silovik” can “earn” a retirement pension in two ways.

Firstly, to serve in the internal affairs bodies for twenty years or more. By the way, in this case, he has the right to go on a well-deserved rest at any age.

Separate periods are counted in the "experience" not in a calendar, but in a preferential calculation, for example, one month of service in the regions of the Far North is equal to two.

Secondly, according to the “mixed length of service”, you can quit the “organs” after 45: for health reasons, in connection with organizational and staffing activities, or upon reaching the age limit for staying in the service. At the same time, the total length of service of such a police officer cannot be less than 25 years, of which the service in the police department must be at least 12.5.

In this case, we are talking about a combination of military and civilian experience. By the way, all of the above conditions for this option of a military pension must be clearly observed on the day of dismissal from the Department of Internal Affairs.

The formula for calculating the pension of the Ministry of Internal Affairs "for length of service" is simple, but unfair. The presence of a reduction factor in it at one time seriously outraged millions of military pensioners.

Service pension \u003d (salary according to position + salary according to rank + bonus for seniority) * 62.12 * (50% + 3% * number of years of service)

With a salary according to the position and rank, everything is clear - any employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs knows by heart the specific figures of the monetary allowance put to him long before the next increase.

The seniority bonus is a "percentage bonus" applied to the sum of two salaries. For example, 5 years of service add 10% to the earnings of a police officer, 25 years or more - 40%.

62.12% - the size of the reduction factor. From January 1, 2015, this ratio should have been increased by another 2% - up to 64.12%. However, due to the difficult economic situation, the government temporarily refused to fulfill its earlier obligations.

We remind you that as a result of the military reform of 2012, the monetary allowance of military personnel was seriously increased. But then there were no funds for a proportional increase in military pensions in the budget.

In order to save on pensions for the military and "siloviki", a reduction factor of 54% was adopted. With an official commitment to raise at least 2% annually.

For three years, this promise has been kept (even slightly ahead of schedule). But in 2015, they decided to refuse another increase ...

Such a blatant violation of the rights of military pensioners was called "suspension of the second part of Article 43 of the Law" On Pensions "in connection with the Federal Law" On the Budget ".

It turns out that even three years have not passed since the beginning of the military reform, and there is not enough money even for a symbolic increase in the “humiliating” coefficient ...

Note that the formula shows the calculation of the seniority pension for the “net” length of service. In this case, the amount of salaries is adjusted by 50% plus 3% for each "extra" year of service (but not more than 85% in the end).

But if the experience was "mixed", then for each year in excess of 25 years of total experience, the former employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will receive not 3%, but only 1%.

An example of calculating the pension of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for length of service

In 2014, the senior commissioner retires (salary for the position - 16,500 rubles) with the rank of police major (salary for the rank - 11,500 rubles). Earned seniority is 21 years (30% "bonus" percentage of the amount of salaries).

Pension \u003d (16,500 + 11,500 + (16,500 + 11,500) * 30%) * 62.12% * (50% + 3% * 1) \u003d 11,984.19 rubles.

It can be seen from the formula that once it is adjusted upwards (long service bonus) and twice downwards (the same length of service and a reduction factor).

Note that in our example, the policeman's pension is more than three times less than his earned salary.

Second pension: "civilian" in old age

Theoretically, after going on a well-deserved rest at the age of 45-50, a former employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs quite manages to earn himself another second - insurance pension. After all, a military pension is paid to him through the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and a "civilian" - through pension fund Russia.

Immediately after dismissal from the authorities, it is necessary to get a civil official job and obtain a certificate of compulsory pension insurance(SNILS).

The second (“civil”) pension to a former employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs can be assigned if the following conditions are simultaneously met.


Currently, the minimum age for receiving an old-age pension is 60 for men and 55 for women. Certain categories of citizens have the right to early exit, for example, if civil work was carried out in difficult conditions.

Insurance experience

In 2015, the minimum insurance period must be at least 6 years. Then the "entry threshold" will gradually increase by one year annually - up to 15 years (in 2024).

For former police officers, it is the requirement for a minimum insurance period that will become the main problem for obtaining a second pension. After all, the necessary 6-15 years must be recruited precisely in the "citizenship", after the dismissal from the "organs".

Note! Even if an employee of a law enforcement agency receives his military seniority pension under a mixed system, his “civilian” length of service is not taken into account in the calculation of the old-age pension!

Individual pension ratios

Another major obstacle to obtaining a second pension for former police officers is the minimum amount of the IPC. In 2015, the old-age pension is paid only to those who scored 6.6 or more points. By 2025, this value will gradually rise to 30.

Why would it be difficult for a former police officer to score the required minimum?

Because the size of the IPC is directly related to the level of "white" wages. And it is unlikely that a 45-50-year-old former policeman with no civilian experience can immediately qualify for a high level of official salary.

And if the issue of insurance experience can be more or less easily bypassed by getting a “non-dusty” job with a minimum salary, then solving the problem with points will be much more difficult.

Given that great amount former employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs begin their “civilian” career after 40 years, they are unlikely to have time to earn a second old-age pension by the 55/60 years required by law.

You will have to work longer to gain the minimum insurance period and the “norm” of pension points. The only plus of this situation is that for periods of "deferment" to the insurance pension, premium coefficients are accrued: from 1.06 (for one year) to 2.32 (for ten years).

And one more important point regarding the "second" pension to former employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Unlike “civilian” pensioners, they are not entitled to receive a fixed payment to the insurance pension (in 2015, this is 3,935 rubles).

Minor pension adjustments in 2015

Unfortunately, next year the pension of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is guaranteed to increase only by 5.5% (from October 1).

Federal Law No. 342-FZ of November 4, 2014 “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation” provides only upward adjustments for certain categories of pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

So, for example, from 30% to 40% of the amount of monetary allowance, pensions for disability of the III group received during the period of service will increase. By the same amount, pensions for the families of employees in the event of the loss of a breadwinner as a result of an illness received during the period of service will increase.

And if the breadwinner died as a result of a military injury, his family's pension is increased from 40% to 50% of the corresponding amounts of monetary allowance.

Vague prospects for "police" pensions

At the beginning of this year, the media often mentioned the upcoming increase in pensions for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. A phased increase in the monetary allowance of police officers was planned with a simultaneous increase in the reducing coefficient for pensions.

Indirectly, the upcoming increase in pensions was confirmed by some figures. For example, in 2015, it was planned to increase the growth of state budget spending on law enforcement activities to 2,153.3 billion rubles, which is 80.2 billion more than in 2014. In addition, they referred to the Order of the President of the Russian Federation to increase the salaries of police officers by 1.5 times. True, not now, but by 2018.

From this, many have concluded that with the growth of salaries of law enforcement officers, pensions tied to the size of these same salaries will automatically increase.

However, the growth of appropriations for the police does not mean at all that the "extra" money will go to increase the salaries of policemen. More likely, additional funding will be aimed at creating and maintaining a law enforcement system in Crimea.

Unfortunately, the Russian government has not yet announced any specific plans to improve the well-being of former law enforcement officers. And, despite the optimistic statements of officials, in the next year or two, the increase in pensions for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is a big question ...

Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (hereinafter referred to as the Ministry of Internal Affairs) are most often assigned a seniority pension. However, the procedure for accruing and forming a pension benefit differs from receiving regular pension payments. Our today's material is devoted to the subtypes of the pension of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as the features of the calculation and prospects for pension accrual for former employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The main characteristic of a pension

The procedure for the retirement of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs have a number of benefits upon retirement, since their activities are directly related to risks to life, irregular work schedules and other factors.

The retirement procedure largely depends on what type of pension is assigned to a former employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Now they are retiring:

  • by seniority;
  • by disability group;
  • on the loss of a breadwinner.

Conditions for applying for a pension:

  • employee experience - 25 years;
  • immediate labor activity in organs - 12.5 years;

Upon retirement, it is worth sending the following papers to the Pension Fund (hereinafter referred to as the PFR):

  • application;
  • calculation of the length of service of the worked period;
  • money certificate;
  • a document confirming the application of preferential conditions;
  • consent to the processing of personal information.

When forming a disability-related pension, it is necessary to additionally provide a certificate from a medical expert commission, which identifies one of the three groups.

When forming pension contributions relatives of the deceased, you must additionally convey to the FIU: a document confirming the death of an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs; judicial decision to declare missing close relative; extract from the order on the exclusion of the deceased from the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs; documents on kinship with a former employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs; investigation document related to the identification of the cause of death; the conclusion of the military medical commission (shortly VVK).

Compiling a retirement report

When applying for a pension, an employee of the Ministry must submit a report addressed to the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The report is drawn up on a specially prepared form, where the fact of receiving an early pension is prescribed. On the form, an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs indicates personal information, including: full name; phone number; awarded title; actual and legal address of residence.

In addition, the main part of the form should indicate: grounds for dismissal; view future pension; information about cash payments; information about the previously assigned pension (if any); general information about the family, children. At the end of the application, you must indicate the date and sign.

Pension supplements for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Preferential allowances for former employees of the Ministry will be paid from the amount of calculated data on pensions, which depend on the age of the employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, his status and marital status.

For example, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who have issued a superannuation pension can receive bonuses such as:

  • participants in hostilities are entitled to an increase in pensions by 32%, upon reaching the 80-year age threshold - 64%;
  • 1 disability group at the age of 80 - 100% bonus;
  • for one disabled citizen - 32%, for two - 64%; more than three - 100%.

If the dependent receives a pension on his own, then the allowances are canceled!

The second pension of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

According to FZ-156, former employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs can apply for an old-age pension, except for the one that is assigned based on length of service.

To apply for an additional pension you need:

  • take into account the insurance period - from 5 years, which was not taken into account when forming the basic pension;
  • age - 60 years;
  • the presence of a previously assigned pension.

To apply for a second pension, you must provide the following papers to the FIU:

  1. passport data;
  2. insurance certificate (SNILS);
  3. employment history;
  4. certificate of pension payments - it contains basic information about the recipient of pension contributions, for example, the date the pension was formed, the number of years worked, and so on.
  5. income statement.

Draft laws regulating the procedure for calculating pension payments to former employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs:

  • FZ-247 dated July 19, 2011;
  • Decree No. 878 dated November 3, 2011;
  • Decree No. 1237 of December 30, 2011;
  • Order of the Ministry of Defense No. 288, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 627, the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation No. 386, the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation No. 369, the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation No. 855 dated July 12, 2007.

Types of pension

Accrual of pension for years of service to an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

According to the law No. 400-FZ, No. 424-FZ, pension payments are accrued to an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which consist of a basic (insurance) and funded part. The first part is accrued using specially designed points throughout the entire period of work, and the cumulative part is formed from citizens who were born since 1967.

When calculating the pension, take into account:

  1. general experience;
  2. official salary;
  3. rank;
  4. qualification;
  5. allowances for the entire period of work.

Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs receive a seniority pension after 20 years of service or more.

The amount of the pension is related to the length of service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, namely:

  • 20 years of experience adds 50% of cash payments;
  • more than 20 years - for each year worked, 3% of the amount of allowance is added, but the maximum amount can be no more than 85%;
  • from 25 years of experience - 50% + 1% for each year of work. At the same time, half of the period of experience must be spent in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The amount of the pension is not allowed to be less than the amount of social payments!

To calculate pension payments, a coefficient is used, which increases annually. So, in 2016 it rose to the level of 62.12%. Legislatively, these issues are enshrined in the Federal Law-4468-1 of February 12, 1993; FZ-166 of December 15, 2001.

Pension for the loss of the breadwinner of an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

This type of pension payments is accrued when the family is left without the care of a breadwinner. That is, a family member who served in the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs died in the performance of his duties or was declared missing. Disabled family members are entitled to such a pension, namely: children who have not yet turned 18 (when studying - up to 23 years); disabled people; parents retirement age; spouse; a relative raising children, brothers, grandchildren of the deceased.

The calculation of the pension is made according to the formula:

Pension amount = (official salary + salary by rank + bonuses and raises) * 69.45% * pension amount as a percentage

You can receive a survivor's pension within 3 months from the date of the official dismissal of the deceased!

Disability pension of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

This type of pension is claimed by those citizens who were seriously injured during their service or their health deteriorated 3 months after the end of their service in the law enforcement agencies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In addition, disability occurs for reasons: injuries during service; trauma; illnesses in the performance of official functions; shell shock.

The amount of pension payments largely depends on the group that is appointed after passing a medical examination. On additional allowances can count: persons who have reached the age of 80; participants in the Second World War; citizens with dependents.

The disability pension is calculated according to the formula:

The amount of the pension = (official salary + salary by rank + allowances) × 69.45% × the amount of the pension in percent, established in accordance with the disability group.

Mixed pension of former employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

When an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has not worked in the bodies for 20 years, he can apply for a mixed pension. You can receive a mixed pension if:

  • having 25 years of experience;
  • period of work in the Ministry - 12.5 years;
  • age threshold - from 45 years;
  • dismissal for reasons: deterioration of the physical condition of an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs; reaching retirement age; carrying out regular measures to reduce employees.

In the absence of one of the above conditions, a pension to a former employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is accrued on a general basis upon reaching the retirement age of 60 years.

TO general period seniority include: study; baby care; the period when, for good reasons, it was impossible to find a job in the specialty.

Preferential pension for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Basic benefits are assigned in accordance with Government Decree No. 941 of 09/22/1993. Benefits are provided in the form of a lump-sum payment upon dismissal, which include:

  • 7 salaries for employees with 20 years of experience;
  • 2 salary - less than 20 years;
  • 1 salary - receiving a state award or honorary title.

In addition, feed-in tariffs are available in the form of surcharges, namely:

  • 1 disability group -100% allowance;
  • age threshold 80 years - 100%;
  • disabled pensioners with one dependent - 32%;
  • 2 dependents - 64%;
  • from 2 dependents - 100%.
  • participants in the Second World War - 32%, after the age of 80 - 64%;

To apply for a benefit, you need to prepare the main list of documents for the FIU, namely:

  • passport details;
  • pensioner's ID;
  • real estate papers.

Calculation of pension contributions

In order to calculate the amount of pension contributions, the following criteria must be taken into account:

  1. salary part;
  2. at least 20 years of experience;
  3. rank;
  4. qualification;
  5. gains.

Formula for calculating pension looks like that:

The scheme for calculating military pensions since 2016: (OVD + HVD + NVL) x 50% + 3% (for each year of service) x 56% (+ 2% annually in case of non-indexation of DD)

The seniority percentage has several indicators, for example, with a service of 5 years, the percentage is 10; at 5-10 years - 15% and so on.

To get faster average pension figures, you can use a ready-made calculator. In order to receive correct calculations you need to: indicate the salary according to the position and rank; increase; district coefficient; percentage of payments by seniority; reduction factor. After entering all the data, the approximate amount of future pension payments will be reflected on the monitor screen.

Seniority pension calculator

The retirement pension is made up of

Military salary: Military salary Cadet educational institution Ministry of Internal Affairs Police officer Senior police officer Junior inspector Deputy platoon commander === Centers of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and cities over 100 thousand people === Police officer Senior police officer Junior inspector Deputy platoon commander = Typical positions in Moscow, St. Petersburg and the region = Police officer Senior police officer Junior inspector Deputy platoon commander =Terr. bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation at the district level * = Investigator, operative, expert, special st, inspector Senior inspector, operative, expert, special st, inspector terr. body (Deputy BUT), BUT in the management of Ruk-l terr. body (BUT), deputy. hands TO (Deputy NU) Head of Terr. body, beginning management =TO the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the subject of the Russian Federation with a number. us. less than 2.5 mln. . (Head) of the territorial body = TO of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the subject of the Russian Federation with a number. us. over 2.5 million = Follower, operative, expert, specialist, inspector Senior: follower, operative, expert, specialist, inspector Follower for ATS, inspector on special assignments Head of department Deputy head of department Head department Deputy head of department in the territorial body Head of department in the territorial body Deputy. chief (leader) of the territory. authority Head (head) of the territorial authority =Terr. bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation at the district level **= Head (head) of the territorial body Deputy. early (head) of the territorial body Head of the department of the territorial body Deputy. early management of the territorial body Head of department Deputy head of department Head of department for OP Follow-l (operational) for ATS, inspector. according to OP St.: investigator, detective, expert, inspector investigator, detective Internal Affairs Investigator Senior: Internal Affairs Investigator Head of Department Deputy. head of department in the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Head of department in the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Deputy. NU department (chief administration) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation upr-I department (chief. management) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Deputy. early Department (Chief of Management) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation 1st Deputy. early department (chief administration) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Nach. department (chief administration) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation First Deputy. Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Own version rub.
Supplement for qualifying categories: From January 1, 2012, the salaries of the following positions will increase for police officers who are in military service as aircrew and have a qualification category: - pilot (navigator) of the second class, pilot (navigator) - instructor of the second class - by 15 percent; - pilot (navigator) of the first class, pilot (navigator) - instructor of the first class - by 20 percent; - pilot (navigator) - sniper - by 30 percent; - on-board specialist of the second class - by 10 percent; - on-board specialist of the first class - by 15 percent; on-board specialist-master - by 20 percent. From January 1, 2012, salaries for military positions will increase for policemen who are serving in the military in the positions of test flight personnel and test paratroopers and who have a qualification category: -pilot (navigator) - test second class - by 30 percent; -pilot (navigator) - first class tester - by 40 percent; - air gunner-radio operator - second class tester - by 20 percent; - on-board engineer - tester of the second class by 20 percent; - on-board technician - second class tester - by 20 percent; - air gunner-radio operator - first class tester - by 30 percent; - on-board engineer - tester of the first class - by 30 percent; - on-board technician - first class tester - by 30 percent; - parachutist - test second class - by 20 percent; - parachutist - test first class - by 30 percent. Reason: Orders of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 288, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 627, the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation No. 386, the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation No. 369, the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation No. 855 dated July 12, 2007 (as amended on December 25, 2012) determining the qualifications of the flight personnel of state aviation Lack of qualification category Pilot (navigator) second class Pilot (navigator) first class) Pilot (navigator) - sniper Pilot (navigator) - instructor second class Pilot (navigator) - instructor first class Onboard specialist second class Onboard specialist first class Onboard specialist master rub.( %)
Pension in %: It is calculated according to the formula 50% + 3% for each year over 20 years of service (or 50% + 1% over 25 years of mixed service). These values ​​are shown sequentially in parentheses, for example for 20 years (25 years). The maximum allowable amount is 85% For example, if you have served 21 years, select 53%=(50+3). Or with a mixed experience of 27 years, also choose 52%=(50+1+1). Federal Law of February 12, 1993 N 4468-I On the provision of pensions for persons who have served in the military, served in the internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, bodies for controlling the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of the penitentiary system, and their families Article 14. Amounts of the pension The pension for service is established in the following amounts: a) for persons ... with a service of 20 years or more: for a service of 20 years - 50 percent of the corresponding amounts of monetary allowance, ...; for each year of service over 20 years - 3 percent of the specified amounts of monetary allowance, but not more than 85 percent of these amounts in total; b) persons ... having a total length of service of 25 calendar years or more, of which at least 12 years six months is military service...: for a total work experience of 25 years - 50 percent of the corresponding amounts of monetary allowance, ...; for each year of service over 25 years - 1 percent of the specified amounts of monetary allowance. No retirement option 0% 20 years of service - 50% 21 years of service - 53% 22 years of service - 56% 23 years of service - 59% 24 years of service - 62% 25 years of service - 65% 26 years of service - 68% 27 years years of service - 71% 28 years of service - 74% 29 years of service - 77% 30 years of service - 80% 31 years of service - 83% 32 years of service - 85% rub.( %)
Year of accrual of pension for years of service: Monetary allowance taken into account when calculating the pension from January 1, 2012 in the amount of 54 percent and starting from January 1, 2013 increases annually by 2 percent until reaching 100 percent of its size. In addition, the pension increases annually by the percentage of inflation. In 2013, this percentage was set by the Government Decree as much as 2.05 percent!!! This is also taken into account in the calculator.

Thus, we can say that we will not have to wait for significant increases in pension payments to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2017, because the authorities are trying to optimize budget spending. That is, the increase in pension payments is directly related to external indicators, such as rising oil prices, the lifting of sanctions.

However, I would like to note that it is the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the military that the state will first of all raise their pensions, since Russia always seeks to support the country's military industry, protecting the state from potential enemies. Therefore, the army should always receive decent wages and pensions.

Thus, in 2017 there will be an increase in pension contributions in proportion to inflation.

We also invite you to watch a short video about last news MIA pensions.

Video: Ministry of Internal Affairs is ready for promotion

In conclusion, I would like to say that the size of the pension of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is one of the most high levels among the country's population, but when forming pension contributions, it is important to take into account such indicators as length of service, salary, allowances, type of pension. Therefore, when calculating future payments, a pensioner must take into account all the features of its calculation, which we described in our material. ( 7 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

The calculation of the pension of the Ministry of Internal Affairs implies the calculation of data that is kept in the norms of Russian legislation. In addition to a high pension, the subject who worked in the authorities can hope for several promised benefits.

Benefits for people of retirement age

Special privileges pre-established in the Federal Law from 19.07.2011 N 247-FZ for people of retirement age who worked in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, take into account the probability of receiving:

  • with an experience of 20 years, which is transferred in the amount of 7 currency salaries.
  • One-time allowance for employees less than 20 years of experience, included in the amount of 2 maintenance salaries.
  • If the employee at the time of work has acquired a municipal award or an honorary title, in which case the allowance increases by 1 salary.

Citizens deprived of work without the right to retire, with a work experience of 20 years or more, receive benefits for 1 year.

The amount of the allowance is determined by the salary indicator according to the rank.

To whom are military pensions paid?

Military pensions are paid to persons who have reached the retirement year and qualify. Such are considered either the length of service of the year, or injuries and defects formed in the course of military service and entailed the onset of disability.

The retirement age of the military varies significantly in connection with the position held and was raised in accordance with 64 Federal Laws:

  • Enlisted personnel V Russian Federation retires at age 50.
  • Captains from the age of 55.
  • Average generals- 60 years.
  • senior command staff, in this number, marshals, rank-colonels retire at 65 years old.
  • Women will not be able to serve longer than up to the age of 45 (in the absence of changes in the law).

How to calculate retirement pension?

Length of service includes the entire period spent at work, and in addition subsidized stages ( work in "hot spots"). In order to retire according to length of service, one must either serve 20 years or reach the maximum probable age for a proper position.

Service from 20 years

The amount of the service pension depends on the status of its recipient.

The law determines that individuals who have the opportunity to purchase a pension from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, who have seniority at age 20, acquire a pension in the amount of 50% of the foreign exchange allowance.

If the employee has more than 20 years of service, his provision will be calculated from 3% of the amount of allowance for any time of service.

But at the same time, the maximum amount of pension with an experience exceeding 20 years will be 85% of the allowance of a citizen.

Seniority from 25 years

If the employee's work experience covers 25 years, then he gets 50% of the amount of allowance.

For persons with experience exceeding 25 years, the security is calculated according to the law set by in Article 14 of the Law of the Russian Federation from February 12, 1993 N 4468-I.

Provide 1% of the allowance for any period of service. The amount of pensions is not limited by generally recognized measures of legislative action.

There is a remark in this law, according to which an employee with a work experience of 25 years is obliged to contain at least 12 years and 6 months done by a citizen in combat work in specific municipal bodies.

The minimum amount of cash payments

In order for a person to accrue the minimum amount of a labor pension, he will be required to have a continuous five-year work experience. This is stated in FZ from 15.2001 N 166-FZ.

As a result, all necessary tax calculations will be made, which are transferred to the state account at the time of receiving wages.

Increasing the amount of the pension

who have the opportunity to purchase a pension, can hope to increase its volume.

The increase in the means of pension payments is dependent on the category of disability given to the native. In addition to this, a factor is provided according to which the native is unable to work.

Among the main factors for assigning a disability category, the decree shows:

  • Getting an army injury.
  • Receipt illness.
  • Acquisition work injury.

The main provision for raising the pension for a disabled person is considered to be a measure in accordance with which disability should not be determined in any way as a result of his illegal actions.

Employees of organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs representing accomplices of the Second World War, recognized as disabled, in addition have every chance to rely on the increase in the profitable rate according to the calculation of the pension.

Special allowances

Surcharge Percentage, paid from the calculated amount of pension accruals, depends on the status recipient his year of birth and from that where he lives.

Thus, auxiliary pension supplements are due to the following categories of people receiving payments for the length of service:

  • Citizens with the status of a pensioner and disability category 1 who are 80 years old, an increase of 100% is charged.

For pensioners without a place to work, which include:

  • 1 sick family member- 32% are transferred.
  • 2 sick family members - 64% are transferred.
  • 3 or more family members 100% transferred.

If these family members receive a pension, in this case add-on doesn't work at all.

Retirees who are considered WWII accomplices, an increase in the amount 32% , and if they 80 years old, the premium increases up to 64% .

The average basic pension in 2015 will be 14,000 for the standard staff, 20,000 for captains, and more than 35,000 for higher-ranking officers. Subsidizing is carried out from the money of a special fund of certain municipal buildings. Moreover, it is permissible to finance from the ordinary Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

disability pension

This pension is acquired by persons who become disabled at the time of work or already after 3 months from the stage of dismissal.

If disability occurs later, it must be due to:

  • Wounded at the moment work.
  • Contusion during work at the Ministry of the Interior.
  • Mutilate at the moment work.
  • Disease acquired at the time of work in the departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The amount of pension payments depends on the category of disability, which is determined in accordance with the decision of the medical and public examination.

Such residents can hope for auxiliary allowances, such as:

  • Dependent Persons family members.
  • Senior citizens 80 years old.
  • WWII participants who receive a pension from the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  • Loss payments breadwinner.

Such security is transferred in the event of the death of the breadwinner to the families of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or if they died at the time of work or no later than 3 months from the stage of dismissal.

Can pay pension, if family supporter passed away later than confirmed time. If the factor of death was an injury or a disease acquired at the time of work.

Pension payment formula

When calculating the pension funds, pay attention to:

  • Salary according to position.
  • Duration of labor seniority.
  • Rank.
  • Qualification.
  • allowance for years of service.

Let's bring sample for the purpose of establishing a pension for a person with seniority at 22:

  1. In case it service income is 12500, income by rank - 8500, and an increase - 30% - 6300, then a single set of allowances will be 27300.
  2. Then we multiply the required amount by the share of allowance and we get: 27300 x 54% x 56% = 8255.52.

Important! People of retirement age of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will be able to hope for the acquisition of pensions with various supplements and for the transfer of additional benefits.

The procedure for obtaining military pensions

The pension asset and the military people's commissariat in the area of ​​​​residence have the opportunity to draw up a pension for the military. The provision of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and in addition to other similar buildings, is formed according to a similar procedure.

Laws on Public and Pension Security a special procedure for the procedure for obtaining a military pension is defined:

  • Resign according to circumstance of service by submitting a completed example of a report to the military unit.
  • Get registered with the People's Commissariat for the area of ​​residence with certain papers(experience or disability).
  • Request a currency certificate at the work site(since 2014 it has been sent to the district military registration and enlistment office).
  • Get a certificate from the Pension Fund about the lack of fees.
  • Apply to the military commissariat with a statement, attaching a whole set of papers in order to extract confirmation.

Getting a pension is the same as ordinary people retirement age.

The entire set of government transactions takes from 2 to 3 months and depends on the timeliness of obtaining a currency certificate by the military.

List of required documents

To apply for a military pension, you will need quite a large set of important papers:

  1. Passport citizen of the Russian Federation.
  2. Military ID with service grade and leaving work.
  3. Prescription component, in which subject you go to work in accordance with the purpose and decree.
  4. Private bussiness.
  5. Photo a certain standard.
  6. SNILS.
  7. Labor book.
  8. Help from PF RF.

Vague prospects for "police" pensions

At the beginning of this year, the media repeatedly mentioned the upcoming increase in pensions for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

A separate increase in the currency allowance of law enforcement officers was conceived with a synchronous increase in the reducing coefficient to the pension.

Indirectly, the future rise in pensions was also confirmed by certain figures.

Eg, in 2015, it was supposed to increase the increase in state budget spending on law enforcement up to RUB 2,153.3 billion.,What 80.2 billion more than in 2014.

In addition, they sent on the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation to increase the salaries of law enforcement officers by 1.5 times. Of course, not at the moment and by 2018

From here, almost everyone concluded that with an increase in the salaries of employees of law enforcement organizations, their pensions tied to the volume of these same salaries will automatically increase.

However, an increase in funding for the police does not mean at all that the "extra" funds will be used to increase the salaries of law enforcement officers. Most likely, auxiliary subsidizing will be aimed at the formation and preservation of the law enforcement system in Crimea.

Much to the chagrin, practically no specific projects regarding the improvement of the well-being of the former law enforcement officers are now being discussed by the leadership of the Russian Federation.

And, despite the optimistic positions of officials, in the next year or two, an increase in pensions for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is a huge question.


The issue of pensions for retired military personnel and those who are retired is quite acute, since many of these people, being among ordinary citizens, have not been able to find decent work. Years of service in law enforcement agencies take a lot of strength, and also often lead to poor health.

Having given their young years to dangerous service, people want to be sure that a secure old age awaits them. But, unfortunately, at the moment everything is exactly the opposite. The prescribed pension is much less than the salary, and this is taking into account the fact that its amount is still very far from the level of developed countries.

Of course, not everything is so bad, because the average pension of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is 1.7 times higher than the average size of a regular old-age pension. Positive economic shifts are present and it pleases.

Latest news

The decision of the government to temporarily suspend the annual increase in pensions for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was perceived by the public rather negatively. The reason for this is the unstable economic situation in the country due to low oil prices and lack of budgetary funds.

But, from October 1, 2015, the situation should change dramatically. It is planned to significantly increase the pensions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs by 7.5%, approximately by 700-1200 rubles. This numerical value included the “notorious” 2%, by which the reduction coefficient was supposed to rise for calculating pensions for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The new pension system will be launched in 2016 and will be stable around 2035. It includes many innovations. Calculations will be carried out taking into account points and insurance. It is also planned to increase the period of mandatory seniority.

The main advantage of such changes is that the new calculations will be more accurate, since their implementation takes into account not only the average wage, but also age and length of service.

The system used to this day for the formation of pension payments has Soviet roots. It is not surprising that it has become irrelevant and inconvenient, since it does not reflect all of today's problems, tasks, and government opportunities. It is for this reason that a resolution was adopted on a radical revision of the calculations of such social payments to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

All modern developments in this area are aimed at improving the lives of the military and law enforcement officers, since it is these people who, at the risk of themselves, ensure security and order in the country. Without their professional duty, there can be no question of raising the standard of living of the population and the economic situation of the country as a whole.

Features of calculating the pension of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

The calculation of the pension of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is carried out taking into account a reduction factor (62.12%), the presence of which many citizens consider unfair and inappropriate.

The 2012 reform provided for a significant increase in the allowances of military personnel and "siloviki". But, unfortunately, until the end it was realized. In order to save money, a 54% value of the reduction coefficient was adopted, with the obligation to increase it annually by 2%, which happened over 3 years.

The pension calculator of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2015 was supposed to be replenished with another increase in the numerical value of the coefficient by 2%, but unforeseen difficulties arose due to the ambiguity of the economic situation in the country.

This situation caused a wave of popular indignation and criticism. As a result, since pension reform A lot of time has passed, and the goal has not been achieved.

For those who are not strong in calculations or do not want to waste their time, a unique program has been developed for the pension calculator of the Ministry of Internal Affairs calculator online. It can be easily found on the Internet. This service is a page with columns that you need to fill in with your own data and get the final result of the calculations carried out in automatic mode. So easily and simply you can find out the numerical value of the pension of an employee in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Calculation formula

Service pension \u003d (EA + OZ + seniority allowance) * 62.12 * (50% + 3% number of years of service), where:

OD - salary according to the position;
- OZ - salary by rank.

Everything is clear with salaries, their numerical values ​​are known to every employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, even before receiving the next increase.

The seniority bonus is a certain amount of money, in modern terms, a “bonus” for years of service. For example, for 5 years of service, 10% of the sum of the previous two salaries is added, 3a 25 years - 40%, etc.

The pension calculator of the Ministry of Internal Affairs also provides for clearly established numerical values, namely:

62, 12% - reduction factor.

It should be noted that in this formula, "net experience" is used. Accordingly, the amount of salaries is reduced by 50%, but increases by 3% for each year of service exceeding 20 years of service (no more than 85%). Mixed experience provides only 1% allowance.

For a better understanding of how to calculate a pension for a police officer for long service, we will consider all the calculations using a specific example.

2014, Major Kovrigin, the detective, retires with an experience of 21 years, his OD (salary by position) is 15,000 rubles, OZ (salary by rank) 11,500 rubles, + 30% to the amount of salaries.

Summarizing salaries: 15,000 + 11,500 = 26,500
- We calculate 30% of the total salary: 7,950
- Summing up the allowance and the total salary: 26,500 + 7,950 = 34,450
- More than 21 years of service, so the amount is adjusted by 50% and 3% for more than 20 years of service: 50 + 3 = 53%
- We calculate 53% of the total salary, summed up with the allowance:
- 34 450 *53 = 18 258,50
- We apply a reduction factor: 18,258.50 * 62.12% = 11,342

Police officer's pension

A police officer can earn a retirement pension after being fired from the authorities. After working for 20 years, he has the right to take a well-deserved rest, regardless of his age. Service in harsh climatic conditions (for example, regions of the Far North) is counted at a reduced rate - 1 year of service is counted as 2 years of work experience.

The second option for earning such social benefits implies a mixed system, where half of the work experience will be earned by serving in the Ministry of Internal Affairs for at least 12.5 years, and the second half in a "citizen", provided that the total work experience will be 25 years.

Before dismissal from the Department of Internal Affairs, it is worth asking about your experience and the conditions for receiving a military pension, since the date of dismissal will be of great importance for the further formation of the amount of pension payments.

After serving in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, you need to work in a "citizen" for at least 5 years, it can also be a private business activity. Having received the necessary experience, a former employee of law enforcement agencies can safely count on receiving a double pension. In the near future, it is planned to increase the required length of service to receive a “civilian” pension up to 7 years.

Thus, a police officer can earn two pensions for himself. Having retired from the police department at a young age, you can easily find a job and acquire the necessary experience. Such social guarantees significantly raise the standard of living of this group of the country's population.