Letter of allocation of additional funding. How to write a request letter correctly

22.06.2019 Documentation

A correctly composed letter of request can in many ways bring you closer to a positive answer. The text of such a letter will depend on the addressee and the content of the request. Whether you are asking a good friend, relative, boss or official, an individual approach must be chosen for each specific case to write a letter asking for help.

Do not lie

Counting on a positive result, it is necessary to present the essence of the matter in such a way that it is beneficial for you. Try not to embellish the situation with fictitious or unreal events. Otherwise, you risk being left without the support you need now.

Be brief

A letter including a request for help should not be too lengthy. Express your thoughts clearly and clearly in understandable language. Don't go into minute details that you can do without. This only interferes with achieving your goal and irritates the reader.

Think about the main reason why you chose to address this person with your request. It may not be superfluous to mention in passing your attitude towards the personal qualities of the addressee, but do not overdo it with flattery. Emphasize in your letter how the recipient can benefit from helping you.

Repeated appeal

How to write a letter of request correctly if you are contacting this person again? In this case, the letter must separately express gratitude for the previously provided assistance or service provided. It is necessary to explain that this was precisely one of the reasons for the new appeal to him. A few sentences will be enough to thank the recipient.

Force majeure circumstances

Always bear in mind that the person you are contacting may be subject to circumstances that may influence their decision. And that you are unable to discern the favorable moment when your letter of request catches his eye. An example of such a state could be when a person is tormented by a toothache, or all his thoughts are occupied by an undeservedly received scolding from his superiors... Circumstances may be different. There's nothing you can do about it. Your task is to try to think through how to write a letter of request correctly, avoiding mistakes that may affect the resolution of the issue not in your favor. Poor wording, unclear wording, and incorrect treatment can ruin the mood of the recipient and cause your failure.

Remember that your letter must be sincere. Between the lines you should read your self-respect, dignity, and, most importantly, faith in success and the support of the person you turned to. Hope for understanding, decency and generosity on his part.

Letter to a Stranger

An important point that should not be underestimated when writing any letter, especially a letter with a request addressed to a stranger, is a greeting. Your letter will be read with more attention if you can make it personal and greet the recipient by name. When you are thinking about how to write a request letter to a stranger, it is worth considering that personalization is a guarantee that your letter will at least be viewed. Observe the following rules:

  1. Correctly formulate the topic of your appeal. Try to always fill out this field.
  2. Concisely formulate why the person needs this letter. Put it in the title. This will help you draw attention to your message.
  3. If possible, call the recipient in advance and discuss the reason for the request. In this case, there is hope that the message will not automatically end up in spam.
  4. Use the “T combination”:
    • creative theme;
    • topic with contacts;
    • the text is in the body, not in the attachment.
  5. At the end of the letter, repeat your request by rephrasing it. Then politely say goodbye, briefly thanking the recipient for taking the time to read the message.
  6. Specify in what form you expect feedback. And of course, do not forget to indicate all options for ways to contact you.

Ingoda, it’s easier to write an appeal if you have an example of how a letter of request is written. A sample can be viewed by clicking on the following link.

The reply is in process

So, the letter is written and sent. While waiting for a response, it is worth keeping in mind that if the letter was of an official nature, the request was addressed to an official, then there is a regulated period within which you will definitely receive a response. In other cases, it all depends on the upbringing of the person to whom you addressed the letter of request.

» How to write a letter of request

How to write a request letter

Request letter – a separate type business letter. The purpose of its compilation is the desire to encourage the recipient to take any specific action. The recipient, that is, the person to whom this request is sent, can be either a legal entity or an individual. If the letter is addressed to an organization or enterprise, it is customary to write it in the name of the head of this enterprise.


In most cases, the letter is issued on the letterhead of the sending company. The structure of the letter looks like this:

  • outgoing number and date of document preparation;
  • data of the originator (full name and position of the person who initiated the creation of the letter);
  • the name of the document, which briefly (in one phrase) indicates its essence;
  • address to the recipient (most often a personal address is used, for example, “Dear Fyodor Stepanovich!”);
  • the main text of the request letter, starting with a phrase containing the verb “to ask”, for example, “We ask you to inform...”, “We ask you to provide assistance...” or “We ask you to provide...”;
  • a polite form of expressing hope for a favorable outcome of a case, using the phrases “We hope for a positive solution to our issue” or “We hope for your help in...”;
  • signature of the originator (most often the request letter is signed by the head of the organization, his deputy or the head of a structural unit).

In addition, care should be taken to ensure that the recipient of the letter, if necessary, has the opportunity to directly contact its originator. To do this, you must provide the contact information of the person making the request.

A letter of request is a document that contains a request to obtain necessary goods, services, information, to arrange a meeting, or to provide recommendations. When composing such a letter, it is necessary to properly justify the reasons for fulfilling the request. The request letter can be sent as to an individual, and organizations. This type of business correspondence can contain not only one, but also several requests in one letter.

How to write a request letter

The structure of a request letter follows the general structure of business letters and is very similar in form to a request letter. This document drawn up on company letterhead and signed by the manager or authorized person.

Examples of business letter phrases - requests

Reason for request:

Due to…
In view of...
In order to…
According to…
In accordance with…
Text of the request:

We ask you to consider/provide/carry out/report/inform/urgently send...
We are asking you...
We ask for your assistance in…
We ask for your consent to...
We also ask you...
A letter of request requires writing a letter of response.

A correctly composed such letter will largely depend on the content of the request and, naturally, on the person to whom you are addressing it. You can ask a favor from an acquaintance, best friend, or loved one who lives in another city, with his subordinate or boss. For each individual case, the request will be expressed in a different form.

The request itself, like the entire letter as a whole, should not be too voluminous; express your thoughts clearly, briefly and clearly, in understandable language. There is no need to describe any the smallest details, details. This will only take you away from the main thing and prevent you from achieving your goal.

Before you start writing a letter, first think through the main reason why you decided to contact this particular person with your request. Sometimes it doesn’t hurt to mention the personal qualities of the recipient, but don’t overdo it.

How to write a letter of request correctly if you are asking the recipient for help again

In this case, the letter should specifically thank this person for the previously provided service or assistance provided and explain that this was precisely one of the reasons for contacting him again. A few sentences will be enough to thank you.

Of course, in any case, you should not exclude failure, the cause of which may be circumstances completely beyond your control. There's nothing you can do about it. Your main task is to try to avoid mistakes as much as possible that could lead to the issue being resolved not in your favor.