What does the word nina mean? Nina: what does this name mean, and how does it affect a person’s character and destiny

11.08.2019 Documentation

In this article you will learn everything about this very common name some 50 years ago. Today the topic of our article is Nina: the meaning of the name, character and the fate that awaits a girl with this wonderful name. We will start, as in other articles, with the history of its origin...

Nina: exact description of a person with this name. What kind of life awaits a girl, girl, woman with that name?

In this article you will learn:

Origin and meaning of the name Nina

According to philologists and historians, the name Nina has Greek roots. Translated from ancient Greek, it means “queen”. This name is considered to be the name of the beloved niece of the Patriarch of Jerusalem.

If you translate this name from Georgian, then literally it will mean “affectionate”.

What kind of character might Nina have?

This name personifies absolute independence. Nina is an earthly person who does not build illusions or castles in the air around herself; she is very hardworking and full of energy.

She has no dreaminess, she will not build sand castles under any circumstances. A girl named Nina always looks at things realistically. She expects from fate only what she can do.

  • O always relies only on himself, his abilities and strengths. You will not find a more responsible person!
  • Although she does not particularly strive for leadership, her persistent character and tenacious disposition, as well as iron-clad self-confidence, allow her to boldly take on any assigned task.
  • She is a crazy neat person and strives to control everyone in the process of maintaining order. Although not everyone likes it.

How the origin of the name Nina influenced its meaning.

  • Nina will always defend her honor, never hesitates in a dispute, and if it comes to reputation, then she will not remain silent and will always defend herself, no matter who stands in front of her.
  • She is often the head of the family and the breadwinner; if necessary, she very skillfully combines household chores and work. Due to the fact that she tries to be on time everywhere, her husband has to watch her temper and arrogance.
  • Sometimes it comes to unnecessary nitpicking. True, when N. wants to, she immediately becomes soft, charming, gentle and caring.
  • She is a wonderful housewife, she tries to do everything in order to receive praise from her husband. As soon as she hears a compliment, she immediately becomes warmer and more feminine.
  • Perseverance and scrupulousness occupy a large place in Nina’s character. This is what helps her achieve good results in work and study. She is patient, and once she sets out to do it, she will see it through to the end in any case.
  • IN friendly relations she is not very sincere and open. Somewhere deep in her soul she treats her not very successful friends with contempt, but still often invites them to visit. This is because she needs their recognition.
  • She endures betrayal, betrayal and misfortune very difficult. All this is because she always remains true to her words and the people who are next to her.

What fate awaits Nina?

  • What profession does Nina prefer? She can boast of leadership qualities, and self-confidence often allows her to take control of any process and “steer” in the necessary direction. She takes her choice of profession seriously and chooses one that will help her feel financially confident. She always strives to be independent from her husband. She is more drawn to the exact sciences, but sports dancing, ballet, theater are those places that will also suit her liking. Although sometimes it is psychologically and difficult for her, she always provides for her children on her own.
  • How are things going in family relationships: Nina really doesn't like weak men. She will never give him the opportunity to get the better of her. Attempts to bend her husband to her side all come down to the fact that she has to remain alone. It is preferable to choose men with the names: George, Maxim, Mikhail as husbands.
  • How are things going with your health? The owner of the name Nina can boast of fairly good health. However, there are also painful points: joint diseases often bother her, she is prone to obesity, so it is better to stick to a diet, especially after childbirth. A balanced diet is what you need.
    Childbirth can be difficult for her, and even more so when it comes to her first child, a boy. But the next birth is much easier. At a more mature age, she easily tolerates operations. The liver and stomach come under attack. Gynecology is her one weak point. She also has problems with blood pressure.
  • How can it add up? her whole sex life : Nina’s sexual behavior can be completely different and rather depends on her partner. She often goes to extremes: either she is completely relaxed, or she is tense and has no contact at all. She will talk about her satisfaction solely based on her sexual partner.
    Despite the fact that she is a leader in life, she takes initiative in bed with her partner. Practically, it doesn't happen. But not everyone is like this. The one who kindles the fire of love and passion in her heart will definitely feel her temperament. Appearance Nina’s is quite restrained, but the fire in her eyes and the sparks she shoots attract the attention of men.

Characteristics of the name Nina, character traits and fate

The female name Nina is not fussy. She maintains the same pace in love relationships and sex. Before going on a date, she carefully selects everything and provides for absolutely everything. Clarity is important to her, so she doesn't play any games with her partner.

He says everything directly, he just won’t be silent and won’t be offended. He always speaks directly about sex and is not embarrassed by it.
Nina, born in winter, takes sex very seriously. She is active, because she considers it both a vitamin and good support for her forms.

What kind of child will be named Nina?

It’s not easy for parents, because the girl Nina can be very unrestrained, stubborn, proud and emotional. She does not take into account the opinion of her parents at all, like a boy, she enters into arguments with them, which sometimes even lead to assault. But she always protects the weak.

She studies well at school, teachers will consider her to be endowed with abilities and generally an extremely talented girl. Always tries to exceed expectations and spends a lot of effort to become better. She cannot stand comparisons; they hurt her greatly.
If we talk about the health of little girl Nina, she is growing up as a healthy child, in excellent health. All infectious diseases pass by without causing much harm.

Other name options: Ninka, Ninok, Ninukha, Ninon, Nunya, Nusya, Ninochka, Ninulya, Ninuska, Ninusya

The peak of popularity of the name Nina in our country occurred during the Soviet era. And this is quite understandable. It's hard to resist when the main character of a mega-popular blockbuster, a student, Komsomol member, athlete and just a beauty, is called Nina. Moreover, in the film she is fearless, charismatic and loving girl, causing only positive emotions. What is the meaning of the name Nina, character and destiny in real life? Where did it come from and what does it mean?

Origin of the name Nina

There are quite a few versions of the origin of the name Nina. The origin of the name Nina is associated with the ancients and Georgians. In the first version Greek word Ninos is the name of the first ruler of the Assyrian state and its capital.

In the second, the name of the niece of the Jerusalem Patriarch Juvenal, who brought Christianity to ancient Georgia. The story goes that in her childhood, Nina, having heard a lot of stories from her teacher about pagan Iberia, wanted to visit there. But perhaps children’s fantasies would have remained dreams if the girl had not seen the appearance of the Blessed Virgin in a dream. She handed her a cross made of grapevine and admonished her to baptize peoples into Christianity.

Having reached Iberia, Nina took up healing. She saved people from illnesses with Christian prayers, and they accepted the new faith in gratitude. Having learned about the miraculous power of the preacher, the Georgian queen turned to her, and Nina saved her from a serious illness. Having recovered, the ruler believed in God and became an ardent Christian.

King Miriam, listening to the pagans, decided to execute the girl. Providence saved her. While hunting, the king was blinded by lightning and lost his sight. He vowed that if, through prayer, his ability to see was restored, he would convert to Christianity. Nina healed the king, and he kept his promise, becoming a Christian. Following him, the entire retinue was baptized, and later the people. Thus, Georgia became a Christian state in 324.

The translation of the name from Georgian means youth. Several more interesting versions of the interpretation of the name Nina among other peoples. From Hebrew it is translated as great-granddaughter, the South American language Quechua says that it is a fire or at least smoldering coals, among the Sumerians it is a lady or goddess, among the Assyrians it is a queen.

Characteristics of the name Nina: letter-by-letter decoding

In the name, each component carries a certain block of information that characterizes the owner as a whole. The name can be spelled out as follows:

N - speaks of the willpower and fortitude and determination of a woman. She is characterized by attractiveness and intelligence. She is hardworking.

And - indicates the girl’s subtle spiritual organization, kindness and peacefulness. She is an honest and romantic person.

N - strengthens the meaning of the first letter.

A - denotes a strong will and the presence of leadership qualities.

The meaning of the name Nina for a girl

Little Ninotchka is a hellish mixture of stubbornness, dynamism and bad character. The result: complete disobedience, non-acceptance of any advice from outside, denial of any authority. Everyone gets it from her, friends, teachers and even parents. But giving instructions or pointing out someone else’s shortcomings is her strong point. She could make a good leader, but her excessive selfishness and uncompromisingness prevent her from developing organizational abilities.

Childish selfishness does not prevent a girl from being honest and fair. The expression, goodness must be with fists, is about little Nina. She will prove that she is right, not disdaining by any means, even to the point of a fight. But she will use brute force only as a last resort and will never be the first to start a fight. Excessive heat only brings problems for a girl both at home and at school.

Ninulya is not gifted. Her talents are very modest, but at school she almost always does well in all subjects. This is the result of her perseverance, hard work and diligence, and even to some extent stubbornness. True, behavior is a disaster. The girl is not a supporter of violation of discipline, but when proving justice, she can easily go to the extreme.

Ninochka has very few friends, this is explained by the fact that the child lives in his own created world, and is not going to allow strangers there. She doesn't feel lonely, she feels very comfortable.

The meaning of the name Nina for a girl

Having matured, the girl acquires calmness and prudence. She understands that her hyperemotionality can do a disservice, so control of feelings and cold calculation of her actions and plans come to the fore. Ninel cannot be called a dreamer; she is a pragmatic realist. She knows very well what she wants and what she doesn't. The girl realistically assesses her capabilities and can accurately determine whether she has enough hard work and perseverance to achieve a particular goal.

Ninel is not eager for fame and universal recognition, and she does not like publicity. But she really wants to be appreciated and praised. The girl will always help with practical advice, without demanding a response or reward for it. Ninel already at this age shows a strong character, prudence and determination. It is unlikely that anyone will be able to break her will. But all this is hidden behind tractability, sensitivity and tenderness. Ninel knows how to be charming, feminine and soft. She happily lends a helping hand to everyone who needs it. She solves her problems alone, without relying on anyone. And this is quite fair.

The meaning of the name Nina for a woman

In adulthood, not a trace remains of the former childhood instability and emotionality. No, these qualities do not disappear; it’s just that now the woman’s temperament is under constant control. Knowing her ardor, she avoids conflict situations. But if necessary, she will be able to protect both herself and her neighbor. The hooligans will regret that Nina met them on the way.

The owners of the name never complain about fate, they are tireless and hardy. They will never please, flatter or curry favor with people on whom their career or material well-being depends. Nina is very picky about her contacts. They are surrounded by trusted people. Preference is given to the male gender, since female friendship they don't believe it.

Nina's women choose their husbands for a long time and carefully. As a rule, in family life they are happy, especially when they meet the ideal partner.

Name Astrology

Zodiac sign: Taurus;

Patron planet: Mars;

Talisman stone: carnelian;


Plant: wild orchid;

Animal: fleet-footed fallow deer.

Characteristics of the name Nina according to the signs of the Zodiac

  • Aries are distinguished by prudence and fortitude. They love adventure.
  • Taurus are known as narcissistic, capricious and demanding women.
  • Geminis have a capricious and capricious character. They are closed and not influenced.
  • Cancers are scrupulous people who trust only themselves.
  • Leos are overly picky natures, loving gossip and intrigue.
  • Virgo is distinguished by patience, gentleness and delicacy.
  • Libras have an active and relaxed character.
  • Scorpios have developed distrust and secrecy, although in their souls they are simply a volcano of passions.
  • Capricorns have proven themselves to be responsible, reliable and friendly personalities, but it is difficult to find a common language with them.
  • Aquarians stand out for their talents, willpower, cheerfulness and luck.
  • Pisces have a broad soul and maximum nobility.

Name forms

Full name Nina.

Name Nina ecclesiastical significance doesn't change.

The girl's affectionate names are Ninka, Nika, Ninochka, Ninuleya, Ninusya, Ninuneya, Ninura, Ninyura, Nunya, Ninucha, Ninusha, Ninosha.

Declension by case

Nominative case – Nina;

Genitive case – Nina;

Dative case – Nina;

Accusative case - Nina;

Instrumental case – Ninoy;

Prepositional case – Nina.

Celebrities named Nina

Chavchavadze - Georgian princess, wife of Alexander Griboyedov;

Assyrian roots tell everything about the name Nina. This name is very interesting meaning, translated meaning “queen” or “mistress”. There are other theories about the origin of this name. For example, it is customary for some nations to call their centenarians this way. In Hebrew, Nina means great-granddaughter.

Character Meaning

Nina's character is complex, but interesting. Everything about the name Nina can be said in one word - perseverance. Sometimes this persistence can overlap with stubbornness. She is sure that she knows everything about everyone, and she does not need any help or recommendations. Such a character implies a hint of selfishness. But the heightened sense of justice, which Nina sometimes cannot restrain, gives her a big heart. She will not stand aside and will always stand up for a defenseless person.

This name also has the meaning of narcissism. But in in this case This is not bad quality at all. Self-love does not allow Nina to be left behind, and she struggles to achieve success. What is important to her is not the goal, but recognition. Therefore, during her school years, Nina is the best student. Even without certain abilities in science, she will move mountains, but will be the first.

Nina has the traits of an emotional but secretive person, meaning that she will not show off her feelings. The opinions of others matter to her great importance. Her reputation is very important to her, and she will not allow rumors to be spread behind her back or intrigues to be created. Despite his strengths of character and leadership skills, she is in no hurry to become a leader herself.

Nina is a good friend. She is a man of her word, and you can trust her with your secrets without fear. But she will say goodbye to the person who betrayed her quickly and forever. She often finds herself at the center of the company. Her sociability and innate sense of humor help her in this.

Most likely, a woman with a similar name will get herself a pet.

The meaning of fate in the name Nina

Her character strengths make her very successful in professional activity. The only thing that can ruin relations with management is eternal adherence to principles and a heightened sense of justice. Where some go against their principles, Nina cannot give in. Her seriousness in work, meaning maximum dedication, can build her good career. It can be successfully implemented in trade, accounting and medicine.

She leaves her seemingly composure in love relationships. Here her affection and tenderness are manifested.

Fate in family relationships is more complicated. Her excessive demands on her husband leave a negative imprint on family well-being. The secret of the name is that she continues to show leadership in the family, trying to build a matriarchy. But still, Nina is a good housewife who always keeps her house in order. To be happy, she needs to reduce her own ambitions and not be so demanding of her loved ones.


She never complains about her health. And indeed, nature rewarded Nina with impeccable health and stamina. But there is also weak sides. The internal secretion organs should be given close attention.

Name compatibility

For a strong marriage, chosen ones with names are suitable: Valentin, Victor, Sergey, Semyon.

The unions of Nina and Fyodor, as well as Ivan, are considered unsuccessful.

Name day

Nina celebrates Angel Day three times a year:

  • January 27;
  • May 14;
  • November 19.


Talisman stone - zircon.

Suitable color is lilac.

Zodiac sign - Aquarius.

The artistry of your nature implies a certain pretentiousness in clothing. You like to decorate yourself. To do this, you use jewelry, unusual, eye-catching accessories, and all kinds of stylistic delights. Well, this is quite consistent with your friendly, open character. It is only important to observe moderation and not go to extremes, since the border between brightness and vulgarity is quite ephemeral.

Compatibility of the name Nina, manifestation in love

Love for you is an urgent, everyday necessity, sometimes unconscious. Therefore, your attitude towards your partner is dominated by tenderness, often quite burdensome, and caring, sometimes bordering on obsessive servility. However, you remain in unshakable confidence that you are doing everything right and demand an adequate, from your point of view, reaction to your actions - gratitude and admiration. Nina, you are easily vulnerable, suspicious and touchy, often getting into a state of irritation for no apparent reason. When your partner is not “within reach” for a long time, you experience a feeling of abandonment, uncertainty that you are happy. All you really need is to find a person who will appreciate both your touching affection and your selfless devotion. Then the union will be long-lasting and harmonious.


You are attracted to beauty and harmony in all its forms. Therefore, the fundamental basis of your spiritual aspirations is the desire to keep them around you. Consequently, any actions that may result in a violation of the usual order of things are contrary to your nature.

But you won’t “fight” with someone who is trying to create such an imbalance. A “bad peace” is always “better than a good quarrel” for you, which means you should turn an enemy into a friend, showing tact and diplomacy.

And there is nothing surprising in the fact that you have many friends, but practically no enemies. You are always able not only to find a compromise solution, but also to “awaken the best feelings” in a person who is negatively disposed towards you.

However, simply knowing what to do in a given situation is not a choice. Opinion must be supported by action. And this is where your indecision often lets you down. This is not timidity or fear of consequences. Just hesitation in the search process the best option. Life experience will help you get rid of them.

There is still no single established version of the meaning of the name Nina. We will list the most popular options, and you can decide for yourself which one is the most convincing.

The most popular version is that the name Nina is just a short form of the name Antonina and many others. As often happens, the short form becomes an independent name, and according to this version, the name Nina simply became independent. The meaning of the names in this case is equalized. It turns out that the meaning of the name Nina is “competing” or “entering into battle”, as in the name Antonina and the name Anton.

The second most popular is the Georgian version of the origin of the name. According to this version, the name Nina comes from the Georgian Nino. It means that The meaning of the name Nina is "queen", like the name Nino.

And in the language of the Sumerian civilization there is the word Nin, which means “lady”. There is a version that the name Nina has its origins in Mesopotamia. If we adhere to this version, then the name Nina means "lady".

The meaning of the name Nina for a girl

Girls named Nina grow up active and at the same time somewhat withdrawn. They are often overly stubborn and overly proud. This gives them a lot of unpleasant moments, but they rarely change. A certain isolation, or rather even coldness, of Nina is connected with pride. She just doesn't like to communicate with people she doesn't respect. It is very difficult to get respect from Nina. At the same time, she always protects those who are weaker than her. Since childhood, she has had very strict criteria for the correctness of actions.

Nina studies quite well. She really doesn’t like people copying her code, but she rarely asks for help. Tries to be the best in the class, or even more. She always strives to be in first place, at the first desk, etc. If someone defeats Nina, she may be upset for a long time.

Nina's health is average. She often doesn't experience any problems for a very long time. Her weak point in health is usually nervous system. As an adult, she may lose vitality and sleep. This usually occurs against a background of nervous tension. It is very difficult to predict what exactly will become the catalyst for this process.

Short name Nina

Ninka, Ninok, Ninukha, Ninon, Nunya, Nusya.

Diminutive pet names

Ninochka, Ninushka, Ninulya, Ninuska, Ninusik, Ninel, Ninusya.

Name Nina in English

IN English language Nina's name is spelled Nina.

Name Nina for international passport- NINA.

Translation of the name Nina into other languages

in Belarusian - Nina
in Georgian - ნინო (name Nino)
in Chinese - 尼娜 (transliteration)
in Romanian - Nina
in Ukrainian - Nina
in Finnish - Niina and Nina
in Czech - Nina
in Japanese - クイーン美 (meaning "queen")
in Japanese - ニナ (transliteration)

Church name Nina(V Orthodox faith) remains unchanged. This church name and it is not necessary to change it at baptism.

Characteristics of the name Nina

Usually Nina is characterized as a reserved and cold person, which is completely wrong. If you think she is like that, then Nina managed to throw dust in your eyes. In fact, she is very emotional, but she just doesn’t want to show her feelings in public. So she plays the role of a kind of “snow queen”. Her independence and self-confidence have not changed since childhood. She is still proud and straightforward, although a certain note of diplomacy can sometimes slip through her behavior.

When it comes to work, Nina loves positions that require maximum dedication. She takes her work very seriously and demands the same from those around her. She loves moments in her work that require concentration and sharpness of action. It is these moments that warm her soul. Nina could make an excellent accountant, doctor, merchandiser or, for example, a translator.

In the family, Nina can behave differently. Most often, Nina is very demanding of her family, which creates certain difficulties in relationships with them. Sometimes Nina becomes softer with age, but this is the exception rather than the rule. She is a good housewife and her home is in perfect order. But constant attention to children leads to a desire to leave home as soon as possible. Nina needs to be more loving, and not demanding, then the long-awaited comfort will appear in the family.

The secret of the name Nina

Nina’s secret is that she is unlikely to give up her leadership position in the family to her husband. Her family is usually a clearly expressed matriarchy. This often creates additional problems with the husband’s relatives, and especially with the mother-in-law.

Planet- Uranus.

Zodiac sign- Aquarius.

Totem animal- Owl.

Name color- Lilac.

Tree- Cypress.

Plant- Violet.

Stone- Zircon.