How to make your girlfriend fall in love with you. How to make a girl fall in love with you: advice with a psychologist's commentary

29.01.2018 Relationship

Are you in love, but can't get her to reciprocate? In fact, you can try to evoke reciprocal feelings in a person, you just need to know how to do it correctly. How to make a girl fall in love with you?

How to get a response

First, decide whether you really want love. It often happens that many guys are confused in their feelings because of a banal desire for sex. You want her and it seems like you're in love, but you're not. In addition, if you have only recently met, then you may develop an infatuation, passion, or falling in love. After some time, this feeling usually goes away. So first understand how you feel about her. If you are sure that this is love, then go ahead!

Important Steps

Try to find as much in common with the girl as possible. This can be a unity of opinions, thoughts, feelings and sensations. There is no need to lie, speak sincerely and from the bottom of your heart. For example, you went to the cinema together, she shares her impressions of the film. If her opinion of the film matches yours, share it! The more you have in common, the closer you will become to the girl.

Make your dates memorable. Experience as many new emotions as possible with her. May each of your meetings always be something new. For example, today you are walking down the street, tomorrow you are watching a new movie together, the day after tomorrow you are going to a new cafe, etc.

Girls love real men. A a real man by nature - a leader in relationships. Of course, there are girls who choose henpecked, wimpy guys for themselves, but you’re not like that!? You have to decide where and when you meet, what you will do. But do not forget to take into account the girl’s wishes. If she doesn’t want something, then it’s better to give it up and find an alternative that’s more pleasant for both. You should also be the initiator of the first kiss. Most girls rarely decide to do this first, and it will be much more pleasant for her. But the main thing here is to choose the right moment. The kiss should not happen too early, otherwise she will think that you are not serious. But it's not too late either. If a guy doesn’t kiss a girl for a long time, then she begins to think that she’s not interested in him in terms of love relationship.

When you are in love, you constantly think about her and try to spend as much time with her as possible. It is very important not to overdo it. Leave her time for her to think about you, dream about your future dates, and miss you. Don't show her your dependence on love. Girls are not interested in annoying guys. There is no need to constantly bombard her with new SMS messages, call her every five minutes, tell her how your whole day went. Have short conversations with her on the phone, and their topic should evoke only positive emotions in her. You can tell her a couple of nice compliments or make her laugh with a cute joke.

If you have only recently met a girl, then prepare for long conversations. You will want to get to know each other better. Therefore, think over the answers to her possible questions in advance, choose the most suitable words. It’s also a good idea to come up with a couple of original questions for the girl yourself.

Girls like guys who stand out from the crowd in some way. Of course, you don’t have to run to the hairdresser and get a three-meter mohawk on your head. Pink colour:) You just need to work on your manner of communicating with others, develop your own clothing style, start a rare interesting hobby, or get seriously interested in something unusual. People "outside the crowd" are always interesting.

What should you be like?

Be confident. This means that you must be decisive, proactive, have your own opinion and self-esteem. A weak-willed and timid guy is unlikely to be able to evoke reciprocal feelings in a girl.

Be interesting conversationalist who thinks non-stereotypically.

Neatness, neatness and cleanliness are your indispensable allies. No girl will be pleased to communicate with a guy whose nails are dirty or his hair has not been washed for a week.

Humor brings people together. And a good joke to the point will make your communication easier and more interesting.

It's very important to be honest. If your relationship is in development and love is just beginning, your lies can kill it forever.

Study the girl well. To do this, take an interest in her life, learn as much as possible about her. This will help you behave correctly with her. You will know exactly what not to offer her and what it is better not to talk about, how you can plan your next date taking into account her likes, etc.

The girl is like a flower. The more you water it, the more it blooms. Only in our case, instead of water, it should be compliments. If you strive for an honest relationship, then compliments should be truthful and sincere, and not flattering.

Don't rush things, let everything develop naturally.

Make her think of you as a potential boyfriend. To do this, you can make her slightly jealous. Her friends should admire you, girls on the streets should give you sweet smiles. She will see that you are interesting to other representatives of her sex and will think about you as a possible partner.

How to get your ex-girlfriend back

What if this girl is your ex? How to make yourself fall in love ex-girlfriend? In this situation, you need to act a little differently, because during the relationship you got to know each other quite well, and the tips described above may not help.

Be confident in yourself, know how to wait and endure. There is no need to show her how bad you feel and press for pity. She should see a calm, confident guy who looks good and communicates with her without hysterics or accusations. At this stage it is useful to make some changes in your life. Get another haircut, buy yourself one new clothes, find an interesting hobby, go in for sports. You will kill two birds with one stone: you will stop sitting and grieving around the clock and change, which means you will become more interesting to your ex.

Don't try to contact her for a while. No need to hang on the phone, bombard her email with letters. Keep quiet and it will give a much more effective result. If she is not completely indifferent to you, she will begin to worry, think about you, and perhaps be offended that you are not taking any steps to restore the relationship.

Remember the best moments you experienced together. For example, a memorable place in the city where you first confessed your love to her, or a cozy cafe where you had your first date. After a while, call her and simply offer to go to this place, take a walk and chat. Just treat her like to a loved one, but not as to his girlfriend. When you are at that very memorable place, unobtrusively talk to her about pleasant memories. This will help awaken damp feelings.

Install a good relationship with her close relatives. It could be a brother, sister, but best of all, parents. They will have a good opinion of you, and they will, by chance, remind the girl of you.

Admit your mistakes. If you want to get your relationship back, then a serious conversation cannot be avoided. Try to analyze your behavior, understand where you went wrong, and correct it. Tell your girl about all this calmly and confidently. She must trust you, and most importantly, see the mistakes corrected in the future.

How does a girl in love behave?

You did everything you could. A ? What is the psychology of a girl in love? How does a girl in love behave?

  • Love transforms a girl from the inside out. She seems to glow with happiness, she does not walk, but flutters, there is a sincere and cheerful smile on her face. She becomes more feminine, kind and gentle. Even by these little things in behavior you can understand whether a girl loves...
  • If a girl is shy, then she will be afraid to confess her love. Such girls are betrayed by their behavior. When they see the person they are in love with, their heartbeat quickens, they begin to blush and hide their eyes, they often get confused in their words and cannot correctly and calmly express their thoughts in words. Such a girl rarely initiates spending time together, but if her beloved guy offers something, she will immediately happily agree.
  • The girl is trying to make herself more attractive. She will dress beautifully, she can do new hairstyle. She will want to be witty, cheerful and sociable in the eyes of her beloved guy.
  • She will want to take care of her loved one. Making a surprise or pleasant surprise for him is a great joy for her.

Hi all!
Today I read Veronica’s article. I highly recommend it to everyone. This article would most likely be suitable for our


So, let's move on directly to tips on how to seduce and make a girl fall in love with you.

Tip #1

First and most important - BE YOURSELF!
For some reason, most men, in an attempt make a girl fall in love with you, begin to pretend to be some sort of superman. For what? After all, sooner or later, you will still relax and your true “I” will come out. And the girl (whom you wanted to make you fall in love) will see a completely different man in front of him. And do you think she will like it? I am not sure. Why does she need such a “Two-Faced Janus”? Do you need it?

Tip #2

An integral factor in seducing a girl is - absolute self-confidence. Women love self-confident people(and even slightly arrogant) guys. Judge for yourself who needs a man who is insecure. It even sounds somehow unnatural. You are the HEAD, and where have you seen leaders who lack confidence in themselves?

So, tip number 2 - “If you want to make a girl fall in love with you, be SELF-CONFIDENT.”

Tip #3

DON'T RUN FOR HER! This is my 3rd tip (author of the site)
Remember: YOUR GOAL is to SHE WAS RUNNING AFTER YOU, and not vice versa. After all, you want to make her fall in love with you, which means that you should be the ultimate dream for her, and, accordingly, be slightly inaccessible.

Tip #4

You must know her weak points(favorite films, books, desired gifts, tastes and preferences) and play on it. I want to say that this knowledge will help you please, which means taking one more step to make her fall in love with you. Believe me, not many men know how to please women. And we really appreciate it!

Tip #5

Now many of you will twist your faces, but this advice is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT if you really, seriously plan make a girl fall in love with you!

So, tip number 5 - “BE GENEROUS”. No, I don't mean buying diamonds, houses, cars and yachts. NO! I mean - the absence of blatant greed.
Of course, if you see that a woman is trying in every possible way to get another gift out of you or is constantly hinting that it’s time to “gild her pen,” then, perhaps, you and her are not on the right path. But if you invited a girl to a restaurant (even if she is you), then, please... Well, you understand me

Briefly speaking, “If you want to make a girl fall in love with you, BE GENEROUS (in moderation).”

Tip #6

Tip #7

Be successful with women! The main thing here is not to go too far. She must firmly know that She is for you - always AT THE FIRST PLACE. But, if She sees that you are the object of desires (unrequited!!!) of other persons of the fairer sex, then this will only STRENGTHEN her attraction (and maybe feelings) for you. But when you are next to her, you must be the most tender, affectionate and romantic, because we are women, and what woman does not love tenderness, affection and romance?

Tip #8

Don't be trained. Men who easily agree with everything, who follow women’s lead, are not interesting to them!!! Girls fall in love in wayward, CHARACTER (i.e. men with character), so to speak - wild cats. Remember this! Know how to stand up for yourself and your opinion. But again, “stubborn donkeys” (sorry for such a crude comparison) - on the contrary, they discourage all interest in them from women.

Do you remember? I repeat, “IF YOU WANT TO MAKE A GIRL FALL IN LOVE WITH YOU, DON’T BE TRAINED”! Be steadfast and clear-headed.

Tip #9

How to make a girl fall in love with you? This dilemma is faced by many young people who are trying to captivate a representative of the opposite sex with themselves. Due to their young age and lack of experience in communicating with girls, many guys face certain difficulties in female psychology, as well as a lack of understanding of the most dizzying state - falling in love. Falling in love is a wonderful and creative feeling aimed at another. Psychologists believe that falling in love is characterized by a narrowing of consciousness and, as a consequence, the emergence of a distorted assessment of the object of love. A person in love often turns a blind eye to the shortcomings of his beloved and to the contradictions that arise in a relationship with him. Falling in love, being an unstable state of consciousness, exists as a phase and always has a finite period of time. The feeling can end, subside, appear again, and after the end of the feeling, being in love can turn into love.

How to make a girl fall in love with you? The first thing psychologists advise is to remain yourself, that is, to behave naturally, but at the same time confidently, without embarrassment and without fuss. It is necessary to exclude from your traits suspiciousness, uncertainty, confusion of phrases, excitement, anxiety, and lethargy. These personality traits are classified as shortcomings that prevent you from making a girl fall in love with you. Psychologists have discovered Interesting Facts, indicating that men have psychological problems in relationships with the female sex and with intimacy. Women love confident men, as well as well-mannered and elegant, attentive and courteous men. If the young man is not like that, then he will have to become like that and constantly increase his self-esteem, because when the true essence of a man is revealed, the lady will be disappointed in her chosen one and it is possible that the relationship will end. Only a confident and strong young man is able to produce the desired effect on the female sex and it is not at all necessary to shine with external beauty.

Hello, I need your help, please help... I'm a lesbian... I'm in love with my friend, I just can't live without her... I confessed to her openly, told her that I love her, it's been six months now, but she doesn't seem to believe... We're already kissing, sometimes she answers... I asked does she like it when I kiss her, and she “sometimes.” She doesn’t want to be with me, she says that she doesn’t want to be with a girl, that this is wrong... She is afraid of other people’s opinions, and is afraid to trust me... What should I do to make her fall in love with me or just to make her like me?
I think I’m going overboard, touching her where I shouldn’t, etc., but she says that my kisses are normal, but “this” is too much, I stop, and my hand goes damn, she wants me to let go, but after after I said that I was letting her go, she blocked me and put me on the status “I told you that everyone leaves me and lets me go” then we made up, she sometimes answers my kisses, says love as you want, etc., but I don’t I know what I should do, how I should love her? Or how can I make her fall in love with me??
Help please

  • Judging by what you wrote, and specifically the story with the blocking, we can say that your friend is a) a manipulator, b) doesn’t know what she wants. A friend of mine had this story.
    It started like this.
    They met at registration, the girl was there after breaking up, they got along quickly. At first, the manipulations were completely innocent: she simply begged for compliments with words like “I’m fat.” Then hysterics about how no one loves her and demands to come at night. His dissatisfaction with his work accompanied by drunken revelries with his girlfriends resulted in calls like “let’s break up,” “I don’t know if I love you.” He comes again, tries to talk again: “What do you want?” She told him every time: “Let’s take a break.” He: “No. Either let’s end this or try somehow.”
    She is not an angel herself, she lives with her parents, but with her love/dislike swings and constant demand for emotions, I see she has finished off a very calm person. But he loves and doesn’t give up.

    I don’t know about you, and of course you won’t give up your feelings, but manipulation is never love. There is only selfishness and disregard for other people's feelings.

    Finally, there is a well-known phrase: “If you start a relationship with a friend, get ready to lose him.”
    Hysterical women are evil.

Hello! I need your help on how to please a girl and gain trust if, after her relationship before me, she doesn’t trust guys very much, and I just want to show that you can trust me not only as a friend, but also as a closer person

  • Hello, Vladislav. Don't rush and don't rush things, everything has its time. Trust in you will not arise overnight; it will happen gradually. For now, just chat and have fun. Friendship is a good foundation for building a serious relationship. Try to be the right person for the girl, especially in difficult times, take an interest in her life, give positive emotions.

Hello!!! I read the article.. it helped morally.. because I have a similar situation.. In a couple of months, my girlfriend and I were supposed to have been together for 4 years.. She was the initiator of the breakup.. From her words, she realized that lately she just had affection for me and she wants to remain friends.. since she still can’t sort out her feelings.. her decision seemed to be spontaneous..
I paid her a lot of attention.. too much care.. and as I already understood, she needed a man’s shoulder.. so that she would reach out for someone.. but with us it was somehow the other way around.. I tried constantly somehow... then to please.. I almost constantly spent all my free time with her.. after work I went straight to her.. I canceled things, workouts, meetings with friends, just to have more time with her.. there was no mystery in me, so to speak. .. sometimes I was jealous.. basically I gave free rein, but I also forbade it.. I closed my eyes to a lot.. I wanted the best.. I allowed a lot..
I made a lot of conclusions for myself.. I figured out what I was doing wrong.. I changed.. I clearly know how to behave with her.. I know that I was taking up personal space.. I didn’t let her take a break, so to speak..
Please tell me how to return it past relationships at least for a little bit..?? And then she will feel that a lot has changed... But she treats me as a friend. She writes herself.. Throws different posts.. Likes on Instagram..
But I turned on complete ignore.. I don’t respond to messages.. I generally try not to show that I’m thinking about her.. it’s very difficult.. many times I wanted to answer her messages on VK.. or write first.. I wanted to ask for something. gave me a chance.. but then I realized that asking for something would only worsen the situation..
Am I doing it right?? Or should I still respond to her messages?
It’s been like this for one and a half to two weeks.. I’m waiting for her to get bored.. although I understand that not much time has passed..
I’m waiting until she herself expresses some desire, more than just throwing an interesting picture…. for example, I miss you... but on the other hand, she herself writes first... She expresses a desire... maybe she should pay attention to this?? Or should I not expect words from her that are as important to me as I expect...??
Maybe arrange a meeting..?? Or just invite a friend for a walk..?? And then she will feel that a lot has changed... and something gasps in the middle of her...

  • Hello, Alexander. You want to communicate with a girl, so respond to messages. Otherwise, the girl will get tired of being the first to take the initiative - even with the help of pictures. If you want to invite a friend for a walk, invite him. A chance meeting is also a good idea.
    By prolonging the pause in the relationship, you are moving away from each other. There will come a moment when the girl’s interest in you will slowly disappear, and you will never receive those cherished words: “I miss you.”

I met a girl, I’m 20, she’s 23, we’ve been talking for about a month, we like each other 100%. And I hurried... I confessed my feelings to her very early, and she was already married, she didn’t show it, but I realized that I scared her away. Just recently I saw that there was another young man who was caring for her. He became jealous and started asking about him, whether they had anything, but it didn’t end well. In short, I mess up out of the blue. But we still communicate. She herself communicates with us on equal terms, as I noticed. She walks with me, but only sees him at work, and he sees her off periodically. I wanted to give her a choice between me and him, but I thought about the consequences and changed my mind. I wanted to write to that vegetable, put everything in order for him, if necessary, threaten him, but I also changed my mind. I decided not to show it, not to show jealousy and to continue to communicate with her, only normally, without repeating the mistakes. That's it. I need advice on how to get this young lady, what to do so that she pays more attention to me. She is older, yes, so she needs very good advice.

  • Hello, Mikhail. You are doing everything right, continue to act this way - restrain your emotions, don’t make mistakes, behave confidently and worthy of a man, without thinking that she is older. Don't ask a girl about her friend, this shows that you are afraid of competition. Her right to communicate with anyone she wants, do not limit her in this. Behave with the girl as if there is no one except you and her when you are together. Come up with original dates and everything will work out for you. Give the young lady flowers, bring goodies, invite her to the cinema or for an evening walk around beautiful places. Show gallantry, care and patience. Make more visual and tactile contacts, but maintain decency. Look closely, learn to talk with your eyes, and don’t look at her like at a fair. You try to touch her, but not squeeze her; it’s quite appropriate to take her hand, straighten a curl, stroke her shoulder.
    Each date you meet will further strengthen and develop the feelings that have arisen. Your task at this stage is not to spoil what has been achieved (by sudden disappearance, inattentive attitude, rudeness), but on the contrary, to take the relationship to a new level.

Hello, I need your advice. About a year ago I met her, she just moved and lived next to me. I found it on social networks, and that’s how it all started. The first meeting went like this: I met her at the bus stop after school and walked her home. He asked me out on a date, she made an excuse, but he also continued to meet her after school (she was not against it and always made contact). Time passed, and I wanted to take a sharp step, spoke about my feelings, sympathy and proposed to meet. I didn’t hear a specific answer from her, although I asked her directly. She said she wanted it right away Serious relationships, got married right away, but then I convinced her and another thing I remembered was “you’re just looking for a convenient option for yourself,” that is, that she lives next to me. In general, just excuses. Afterwards, I stopped communicating so often, and now I just call occasionally. We've known each other for about six months. What action plan can you suggest?

  • Hello, Actor.
    “Afterwards I stopped communicating so often, and now I just call occasionally.” — The girl will perceive such behavior as a lack of real feelings on your part, and perhaps count you among her friends.
    “She said that she wanted a serious relationship right away, to get married right away” - Women regard a marriage proposal as a serious intention on the part of the male.
    “What plan of action can you suggest?” - It’s up to you to decide how to act in relation to your chosen one.

    • Thank you for your answer, after I wrote, I began to actively act and meet with her. We can say that there was a spark between us, according to my feelings. Still, the first kiss happened, after which she told me that she didn’t have butterflies in her stomach. I thought that this was some kind of test, and I turned it all around as a joke by saying that supposedly her butterflies had not yet hatched from the larvae :) After that, on the same date, I proposed to meet, she told me that she would tell me the answer tomorrow. The next day I heard this “I’m not ready for a relationship”, now I still communicate with her, and I see that she is pleasant and likes me. Explain these points please.

        • This is right on point, I gave her a gift, gave her a chocolate and attached her photo with it (I unexpectedly took a photo of her and added special effects), it surprised her very much, I confessed my feelings (I really didn’t want to, but the situation forced me to do it) that’s all positively. He said that I would wait until she was ready for a relationship. (I know for sure that she likes me), I began to embody the candy-bouquet period. How should I behave right now? Every day are gifts, signs of attention, or is it different? Let's say this goes well for me. Please tell me how I should then act and behave when we are in a relationship. In any case, some specific framework will be needed, a different form of behavior. Any advice, I want to be thoroughly prepared.

          • Actor, we recommend that you carefully read the following articles about your problem:

            “Every day there are gifts, signs of attention, or is it different?” You can give gifts periodically, but show signs of attention every day - ask how the day went, how they live, what worries them. Communication should be carried out both in real life and via telephone (SMS, emoticons - everything is appropriate). It is important to be able to listen and hear the girl’s desires, to become the person she needs.

Hello. I have this problem, a year ago we loved each other. But they only got together recently. I left her and was there in time. And she told me that she loves me, I love her very much too. The problem is that she openly tells me that she is afraid to believe me because the guy she was with for a long time left her. I tried to explain to her that I was not him and that I was ready to do anything to make her believe me. But she stands her ground. He loves me very much, but is afraid to trust me, because in 4 months I have to leave and will come back in about a year. She says you will leave and find someone else. But that's not true. I'm afraid of losing her. I don’t want to step on the rake of that year. Please help me quickly what should I do. I can’t live without her, she’s afraid to trust me, it’s clear from her that she wants to, but it will pass and for two days she forces herself to move away from me. I'm really, really looking forward to it.

  • Hello Mirko. The girl’s behavior is explained by the fact that she has already experienced disappointment, so she can be understood.
    The coming year of separation is a big test that not all lovers can withstand, and the girl is right about this.
    At this stage, it is worth reassuring the girl with words as much as she needs for her peace of mind.

I am 13 years old. I am in love with my classmate, she is also 13 years old! I helped her until I finished primary school! In short, I want to say “Why is she IGNORING me?” - I want to know the answer to this question. You probably understand!

  • Hello Holasoy. 13 years is a rather difficult age, and the behavior of a 13-year-old teenager is difficult to explain. Often, young girls are afraid to clearly show their sympathy or reciprocate for various reasons, and therefore avoid contact with the opposite sex.

I am 12 years old. I fell in love with my classmate. I help her as much as I can, I talk to her more than to my friends. She says I am a good friend. What should I do? Admit? When? How?

Good afternoon. The girl sees me only as a friend. We met earlier, then broke up for several months, then she wrote herself, met and all over again. Now she says that I’m just a friend, she should have been tougher with her, in general, she doesn’t see me as a man. We are already over 30, he has always helped us with household and other issues. She is very independent person, will never ask for anything. I consulted with psychologists to understand myself and relationships. They said that this is a hysterical type and it would be better not to get involved with such people at all. But it is her character qualities that I value in her. Tell me how to behave and how to act, I don’t want to be a friend.

  • Good afternoon, Alexander. There is no universal advice in relationships (each relationship is unique), so it would be wrong to give it. Remember that any relationship is a game and a person chooses his own role. The role begins from the moment when a person gives himself an instruction, mentally reasoning, “I can do this, but I can’t do that.”
    “I should have been tougher with her, in general she doesn’t see me as a man.” - here you either try to prove the opposite or resign yourself to what is heard about you. What your inner voice tells you is what you will choose, having first tried on the role of “I can handle it, I can’t handle it.”
    To conquer the desired girl, you need to disappear from her life for a while, and then suddenly appear, but in a different image. Every woman has her own mental image ideal man, it is clear that it is impossible to achieve the ideal, but it is possible to get closer to it.
    The difficulty lies in the fact that in order to achieve the desired image, you really have to change internally, otherwise the girl will eventually see in your personality again just a good friend.
    If your chosen one is truly a hysterical person, then intuitively she looks for people who are stronger in spirit and strives to be under their protection all the time. She imagines her partner with pronounced masculine character traits as a “strict father” who will be a role model for her.
    We recommend that you read:

    • Good afternoon.
      Thanks for the answer. The problem is that I know that I “can do it.” I can solve her problems, I can be a support - I helped around the house, everyday issues like doing and fixing, with the car, I always offer my help, I can give advice on what to do in a given situation, I show initiative in every possible way. If it weren’t for this self-confidence, I would have given up on everything long ago. But she doesn’t seem to see it, or it only lasts for a short time.
      I am ready to change, I see changes in myself even during this time.
      I have my own opinion, she and I argued about some things, agreed on others, she herself said that we were “frighteningly similar.”
      But apparently something is missing. My problem is that I am a rather soft person on issues and topics that are unprincipled to me, but otherwise I defend my opinion and position to the point of swearing.
      Tell me, where can you read about the character traits of a “strict father” in a relationship? You have very good articles, I haven’t found them on the Internet yet.
      Thank you.

      • Alexander, the question you are interested in is not yet reflected on the website. " Strict father“in a relationship - this means that the relationship must be built in such a way that the last word remains only with you, the decision is not disputed, and at the same time you must be an impeccable, respected authority for a woman. This is important because the self-esteem and level of aspirations of a hysteroid woman in a marriage are inflated. She will reason something like this: “I am worthy...”, “and I got...”. To prevent this from happening, such women seek security and self-respect through attachment to men whom they consider especially strong.
        We recommend that you search on the Internet and become familiar with the characteristics of the hysteroid type in relationships.

I really like a girl who is 12 years old and I am the same age, I have liked her for a long time. I gave her gifts and invited her to birthdays, confessed my love to her and that I liked her. We talked by correspondence, twice she talked about
that she likes me. This is when she broke up with her boyfriend, now she broke up with him, but she regrets it and they are just friends, I don’t think she will date him. In general, I want everything to work out for us....Thanks in advance

  • Hello, Nikita. If you have a desire, go for it. Everything is in your hands, be sure to congratulate me on Valentine’s Day. This is a very important holiday for girls.

Hello, dear Vedmesh N.A!
I have a problem: I like a girl, but I’m not even a friend to her - a good acquaintance
I have liked her for a long time, but I consider it premature and harmful to the relationship to admit this to her.
The problem is that she doesn’t take guys very seriously, and I, with my love and other noble intentions, may seem simply ridiculous to her.
I don’t know what to do, but something needs to be done, because sooner or later she will find a guy.

  • Hello, Vsevolod. At this stage, we recommend setting a goal for yourself to become a friend for a girl. We support you in the fact that you shouldn’t admit your feelings.
    Regarding the fact that a girl does not take guys seriously, this may be a defensive reaction, perhaps she had a bad experience.
    Try to get to know the girl better, take an interest in her life, problems, hobbies. Always be there and ready to help if necessary.

Hello, I love a girl, but lately she has been avoiding communicating with me, and when I told her about her feelings, she said we are friends and I have always seen you as a friend and now it has become even harder to communicate with me.

  • Hello, Vasily. Leave the girl for a while: don’t bother her for two weeks, and then, as if nothing had happened, resume friendly communication. If you want to save friendly relations, then don’t bring up the topic of your personal feelings anymore. It is enough that the girl knows about it.
    There are many examples in life when friendship grew into something more.

Hello, I love a girl, but she loves her ex and very rarely answers my messages. And sometimes he doesn’t even want to talk to me. Help, please, I love her very much.

  • Hello, Eduard. In order for a girl to develop feelings for you, she must initially free herself from the old feeling of love. This may or may not happen. Everything depends on the emotional attachment to the subject of love.
    For this reason, the girl is cold with you. We recommend that the girl not confess her feelings, not impose herself too much, just try to maintain friendly relations and always be there if possible, especially when she needs help on any issues.

Hello! Please help me with advice. I have a friend with whom I am in love. But we are like friends. The fact is that I study far from home and I see her once every six months. She had a relationship for about 6 years, and this summer it ended, after that she began to tell me how bad she felt, wrote more often, cried to me, and somehow later admitted to me that she liked me not only as a friend, but many guys write to her and she communicates with them, I began to be jealous, I began to tell her that we are talking so nicely, and you communicate with them at the same time, they even began to quarrel with her, but then I admitted that I was wrong, apologized. We talked and talked, and then a real competitor appeared, which she also likes in the end, and she supposedly has a choice between me and him. That guy arrived before me and already met her, I didn’t ask questions about this, but after meeting him, the next day she began to write to me that all men are the same, that I don’t want to meet anyone, I don’t I don’t want any kind of relationship and let’s be friends like we were friends. So I was going to give her flowers, when I arrived, we agreed to meet, wrote to her mother, her mother likes me, and her mother tells me that she doesn’t have anyone, she doesn’t know what she wants. That’s what it seems to me, only the cats scratch, it seems to me that she has something with that guy. We agreed on a meeting and I will see her soon, tell me how to behave correctly in this situation in order to hook her. I'm already thinking about kissing you insolently :).

  • Hello, Egor. Most likely, the girl and the guy had some kind of misunderstanding and she spread all the dissatisfaction to the entire male sex: including you.
    Therefore, be gallant, give flowers, be careful with the kiss (start with the cheek), watch the girl’s reaction. Young ladies love to have their soul and inner world valued first of all, so give her the opportunity to always speak out and give her compliments.

    • Sorry to contact you again. I like a girl from my classmate. Her boyfriend recently left her, I think forever. She accepts me as her closest friend. But he categorically does not want a relationship with me. She's depressed about it now. What can I do to support her? And if possible, become her boyfriend.
      With respect to you, Vedmesh N.A.

      • Hello Mirko. At this stage, accept the girl’s terms and maintain just friendly relations. After all, many romantic relationship that's exactly how it starts.
        Invite your girl for walks, have fun together and with friends. If necessary, introduce the girl to your friends as your friend.
        A future relationship with a girl is possible, but while a classmate’s heart is occupied with past experiences, she needs to be given time to come to her senses. The duration of the stage of experience is individual for everyone.
        But if you are a patient, reliable friend, then a smart girl in the future will appreciate this and look at you with different eyes.

Hello, almost depression! Help with advice.
First, I moved to another school (9th grade). I saw her, the first thing I thought was, hmm, she’s cute.
But I seemed like a cretin to her, for six months, we couldn’t stand each other, we almost wanted to strangle each other, then something changed, we just didn’t pay attention to each other, by the end of 9th grade we even started communicating a little, (all this time she had a boyfriend who was 5 years older than her), we had common topics for discussion, and we slowly began to treat each other very well, time passed.. 10th grade, we gradually became closer and closer to each other, but I didn’t let feelings appear, I didn’t want to, our communication mainly took place at school, but then we didn’t notice how almost every evening, together, with a guitar, we had frank conversations, then I realized that I didn’t I managed to resist myself, yes, yes, you are right, I fell in love!
After 10th grade, we both left school, I went to college, she went to courses, we gradually stopped communicating and I cooled down, but at the end of the next year, we again started spending a lot of time together, the same evenings and conversations about nothing, about everything resumed and we both understood that we had something more than just friendship, she cried to me about her relationship, I listened to her, because it was really hard for her, the end of the summer of 2016, the first days of August, her boyfriend was leaving for another country forever , separation, it was hard for her, but she quickly moved away, because... he always humiliated her, our relationship with each other immediately became much closer, and I decided to offer her a relationship. No, her answer was no, it hurt, but then I still managed to answer honestly? We didn’t last even a week, both I missed her and she missed me, we decided to forget, everything would start again, but that was not the case, I dropped out of college (September of the 2nd year) and left for St. Petersburg, she was terribly offended by me , once it even brought me to tears, I promised that as soon as I get back on my feet here, I’ll take her to me, I gave my word, now under New Year I will return to her for a week, as I planned from the very beginning, we were both waiting for this week all this time, we talked a lot on Skype and on VK, but then I somehow decided to offer her a relationship again, since the situation is completely different , we discussed this for a very long time, but she says that she cannot give me what I want, and I am what she wants, so no, but she says that she really needs me, that she misses me a lot, I am her very expensive, then why not? I can’t imagine what to do, 2 days are left before I arrive to her, she just asked if she should write to me again, I really want to spend every day with her when I arrive, but she easily refuses this, as if she doesn’t care what with her? What should I do, I'm depressed.

  • Hello, Alexander. When you meet a girl, do not immediately remember the conversation regarding the development of your relationship, but try to have a good and fun time together.
    Be casual. Observe the girl, her reactions and behavior. Now is not the time to fall into depression, you need to be on an emotional high and fight for the girl and her feelings.

    • I took your advice, was on an emotional high, gave her a gift, but she was so indifferent to me all this time, as if I were absolutely indifferent to her, in the end she started a serious conversation, firstly, that she didn’t want to go anywhere with me, secondly, I have changed in a direction that is uninteresting to her and thirdly, that we will never have a relationship because... I am weaker than her (morally) and the fact that she has no feelings for me! And the most important thing is that she returned to her ex, he told her fairy tales, promised her something and she easily erases me from her life, I don’t understand how this is possible, so much happened, but she decided to forget about me as if only 4 days had passed, and not 4 years.

        • Hello dear psychologists. I dated a girl for 4 years. We broke up because I didn't pay enough attention to her. And she found someone else. I talked to her family. They told me not to worry, this was revenge for my behavior. They said that she still loved me and that everything would be fine with us. I feel that this girl means a lot to me, and I don’t want to lose her. I tried all the methods with flowers, gifts. But she just wants to be friends now. I do not know what to do. Help me please.

          • Hello, Yakov. Be patient and take your time. There is no need to be jealous and there is no need to give reasons for jealousy. Even if a girl has someone, this does not mean that they will have something serious, since you were in a couple for a long time, during which you managed to become well attached and became close people.
            In most cases, the fair sex starts dating others to make them jealous. In this case, it should be understood that such relationships are not serious and end with the candy-bouquet period.
            The moment your girlfriend and her new boyfriend begin to have difficulties and quarrels arise, she will begin to mentally return to the fact that you were better. This moment is very important, which cannot be missed, so agree to be a friend for now and control the situation.
            We recommend that you read the article about your problem:

My situation is very problematic. Please help with advice.
I've known this girl for about a year. When I first met, I immediately noticed her physical beauty. For about 6 months we just communicated in the style of “hello, how are you?” Then the communication turned more friendly. And I started learning about her past life, began to get to know her better as a person and finally realized that she would be my ideal life partner. We have the same concepts, opinions about anything, in general the outlook on life is 100% the same... I fell in love with her as a schoolboy...
She was married for 5 years, has a daughter, who is currently 6. After her divorce from ex-husband she immediately started dating another man, with whom she lived for 3 years. In this relationship, she lacked romance, affection and attention, plus he repeatedly raised his hand to her. He was also quite strict with the child, which she really didn’t like.
About 3 months ago she began to understand that I care about her and I am ready to make any sacrifice for her and her daughter.
She hasn’t worked for the last 2 months, because she and her boyfriend (her daughter is still in another country) moved to Germany and so far she can’t find a job. This is why she started having serious conflicts... As a result, we spent time with her most time, we communicated and I supported her in every possible way, both morally and financially.
In the end, She broke up with him 2 weeks ago (I had to talk to him like a man) and is currently living with me. Since I allowed her to do this and allocated a room until she gets back on her feet. 2 times it happened that after drinking a little and listening to music, we simply fell asleep in the same bed, under the same blanket, but without taking off our home clothes (shorts, T-shirt, blouse skirt). When they woke up, they just lay around and chatted for another hour... For the last 3 days, she began to avoid any touch. He communicates very little. And yesterday, while I was at work, she wrote to me that she apologizes for those 2 nights, she is very embarrassed for this, since she sees that I have plans for her not as a friend but as a woman. And she’s been trying to tell me this for 2 days, but she was afraid, so she writes. After an hour of correspondence, I let her know that no matter what happens, she can continue to count on my support and help. There were words on her part that she didn’t need any relationship now, because her head hurt about her daughter and that she already owed me a large amount of money and I needed to look for a job. They agreed on this: “Friends - yes. No hugs." I understand that she is now under a lot of stress due to the breakup, since it was very brutal and she lost 4 “friends” (relatives ex-person), who wish her all the worst, and her ex’s sister had to be pulled away from her, as she threw herself with wild screams and reproaches, although she herself is still a slut.
At the moment, we seem to be communicating normally in a friendly manner, but on the condition that I do not show my feelings. A week later, the two of us drive 2 thousand km by car to pick up her daughter and come back to Germany to me. After this, within 2-3 months she is going to give me everything that I helped her financially and wants to rent her own apartment.
So the three of us will live for another 2-3 months. And during this time I must somehow make her fall in love with me. According to her, she doesn’t need either intimacy or relationships now, she has no time for them. But I know that she really likes me as a person, and she also doesn’t have any problems with my appearance. Women's logic is a difficult thing.
I beg you to help me with advice, since I don’t want to lose her completely or remain friends.
I forgot to mention that she had no love for her ex for almost a year. I understand that this is all too fast for her and it takes time before a new relationship. But women like her do not remain unattended for long. How should I behave with her? With her daughter? What style of communication should I use to let her know that I am willing to wait, but will not give up? Should I ask her whether we have a chance of being together in the future?
Help me please. Alexander, 33

  • Hello, Alexander. Task number one is to please and make friends with your daughter. Communicating with children is not difficult - try to hear the girl’s wishes, feel her mood. The girl will watch your relationship. Leave educational moments to your mother, remain calm under any circumstances.
    Task number two is to unobtrusively give the girl what she lacked in previous relationships: respect, attention, and eventually affection.
    We do not recommend asking about chances for the future, because
    the girl will avoid answering. Over time, you yourself will understand whether a relationship is possible or not. Let everything take its course.

Please help, I like a girl who considers me her friend, how can I make her fall in love with me, I need specific advice or examples!

Please advise what to do. I love a girl, she has a son, everything was fine with us for 8 months. She tells me that I am not her person. Everything is fine, I suit her as a friend. Helping with everything. She says there is no spark and something is wrong in bed, I am not emotional. She needs someone else.
I suggested let's try to find solutions. But she says that she is not ready for a relationship, but wants to be free for now. She had 2 marriages (1 husband died, the 2nd didn’t work out and they parted hard and until all the issues were resolved, he doesn’t act like a man with her. Before meeting her, I didn’t feel like that and didn’t feel the desire to be with her nearby. Her character is not sweet, but she draws me to her. Give me advice on what to do. For now, we agreed to be friends.

  • Hello, Dima. Usually girls share their problems with their best friends. We recommend that your friend, citing that she knows your beloved better, tell you how to conquer your beloved and what you need to achieve your goal. There is, of course, a possibility that your friend will tell you about your conversation, so it’s worth thinking about how to win over your friend.

    • She has few friends, I have only seen one during this time, but she will not talk to me. I think all of my friends are divorced. I don’t call or take her child to school now, I try to limit our communication for now. I want to not communicate with her for a week and let her think. Time will tell whether we need each other. I gave her a lot of care. Let him live without me. And then we'll decide. Am I doing the right thing? I can't be a friend with her.

        • A day later she called me. Problems have arisen that she cannot solve without me. We started communicating again, but I keep my distance, I don’t call in the evening, but I just want to hug him when we meet. She has become a little calmer with me and feels protected, it’s obvious. I can solve her issue right away, but I think everything has its time, let the solution take its course, we are friends, according to her. My heart breaks, seeing her I want to isolate her from all the negativity and worries. Sometimes the thought arises, maybe start all over again. But then I understand that you have to fight for feelings to the last, they only happen once. Maybe I'm wrong? Her smell, eyes, hugs awaken romance in me, when we are close there is euphoria of bliss and for her sake I am ready to conquer the whole world.

I hope you will answer. I am by nature a terrible monogamist, from the age of 12 to 23 I loved the same girl, and she, to put it mildly, did not suit me (stupid, plus accessible... Right up to group pleasures).
And I ran away from this love as best I could. After 17 years I never saw her, but she held me tightly in my soul. I lived and met others until one day I met her... I realized that after so many years of melancholy, I would fight for her until the bitter end. For 3 months she refused me everything. I didn’t want meetings, etc. But she allowed herself to be hugged, flirted with, etc. (we work together). And then, on the third date, we moved in together... A month of complete happiness, and then misunderstandings began: both were proud, but I loved her very much, and she only liked me. Plus, I was used to girls running after me and didn’t understand all her refusals to listen to me. I began to get nervous and lost. Did something stupid. They began to quarrel over little things and not talk. I became very weak, because I didn’t need anything from life except her. And I did not develop, but rested. And she is not a particularly active girl. The result is that the month is that she watches TV, and I’m at the computer. At night only together. We talked and decided to break up because... she doesn't feel anything for me. But they couldn’t leave. We were together for a month as well. We slept sometimes. I was already completely crushed.
And then they broke up completely. Then I started making standard mistakes... Flowers, poems, sorting things out... I didn’t leave work... I went crazy about her. Then we talked - everything was fine. Just a working relationship. I was freaked out. I quit the computer, drinking, smoking, transformed myself, gained physical shape (-25 kg) ... I tried to simply invite him somewhere - refusal. At the same time, at work, she is always the first to say hello, smile, and make contact. It’s not even possible to ignore her... And as soon as I try to suggest something like a walk or a movie or to sit and talk - she refuses...
I don’t know what to do anymore... I waited for her for 12 years, we were together for 5 months. We haven’t been together since April. But we work together. She is alone now, and I found a girl, but as I understand it, there is no point in this, I’m just fooling both myself and her in vain.
I haven’t written much, but I already have a lot. Help!

    • Thank you, I read the articles).
      But questions remain:
      1. Should I not make any proposals to her at all and wait until she moves? Or look at the situation?
      2. Communicate only if she herself is the initiator of the dialogue?
      Or can you start a conversation yourself? Or give her a break from yourself?
      3. At the moment I don’t write or call her, etc., what’s the point? Should I continue like this? And that makes sense, we see each other that way.
      4. They suggested to me to cut it off completely, not to look at it or speak to it, not to pay attention. I tried, but either she left no choice, or my conscience pressed me. Not in a Christian way. On the other hand: If you love, let go?
      I just don’t have the opportunity to disappear and disappear from view for a while, so that later I can either do something during a “chance meeting” or show how I have changed over time. Because she sees me all the time. What should I do?
      Thanks again for your answer!

      • Try to become a true friend for the girl, someone you can always rely on, and in a conversation, as if by chance, let her understand this. If possible, try to help her, solve some situations at work, problems. Be sincerely interested in her affairs and life. Rejoice with her. She should look at you with different eyes. Let him know that you have a new girlfriend and everything is great with you. This will definitely hurt her over time, the girl will think that perhaps there is something in your personality that she did not see and perhaps let go in vain. Try to be better than you really are and over time you will definitely become so, since good manners become part of a person. Act according to the situation, do not be offended by it and remember that no one owes anyone anything in this life.

Sashok...You strong man and you're doing everything right! But we humans are designed in such a way that we also want our own personal happiness. Maybe she is also looking for her own happiness, but not with him, that’s why she gave in. Yes...we are the stronger sex (men) and out of solidarity, it’s not nice to beat off someone else’s woman...Everyone can be in our place(((You need to understand what kind of relationship she has with him. Sorry for getting into your dialogue. I coming to you for advice? I fell in love with a woman, but she is married... we met, we had long correspondence, conversations, kisses and nothing more... literally yesterday when we met, she said - we need to separate, they say she is afraid to get used to me, thereby deceiving her husband, that then it will be worse in my soul to endure partings... I told her that it was her choice and I appreciate it, that it would be the way she wants... but deep down I didn’t want to tell her that... I didn’t call or write to her. She writes to me herself... I may realize that she will not change her opinion, but this is what I would like.... tell me how I should behave so that she herself shows interest in me and falls in love with me???
P.S.. when I didn’t answer her after her words... she wrote to me “I couldn’t find a place for myself all day, and you couldn’t even answer”

  • Hello, Sashok. Unconsciously, unobtrusively with your behavior, you have already made the girl fall in love with you. You are behaving correctly, nobly, but you must be aware that the further your relationship goes, the more responsibility falls on you. Think carefully about whether you are ready for this.
    “tell me how I should behave so that she herself shows interest in me and falls in love with me???” — Girls fall in love not with the men themselves (of course, appearance is also important), but with the way these men treat them.
    Therefore, if you do not take the initiative, the relationship will gradually fade away. Girls love it when they are made to understand that they are interesting, communicate with them on various topics, inquire about their well-being, mood, and show concern for them.

A strange situation... I loved, and still love, a beautiful girl, I constantly took her to work and vice versa, 3-4 times a week in the evenings we walked in the park, so many topics for conversation, I know almost everything about her, she became the closest thing to me person, it was heading towards a proposal, but then I was sent on a business trip for 2 weeks, she didn’t call me at all, when I arrived, I saw her with my best friend, who had not paid attention to her before, even criticized her... of course the depression was prolonged, but Fortunately, the relationship with both the friend and her has been preserved. For her, I became just a friend and she refuses offers to give her a ride home... To take a walk too... As if nothing had happened. But recently I became interested in a very interesting girl on the Internet, a month of continuous correspondence, she lives in a neighboring city, a 3-hour drive from my city, in general, at first I fell in love with her and the feeling of falling in love lasted a month. Later she confesses her love to me and says that I am the one for her best person in the world she can no longer live without me, she invites me to her place, but I refer to my busy work schedule, I don’t know what to do, I really don’t know, the one I love is nearby, but she doesn’t love me, and in the neighboring city she who loves me, but whom I don’t love...

Hello, I want your advice. I still communicate once a day with the girl I broke up with and who, according to her, has no feelings for me. I read your articles and developed the following plan: I want to do a couple of romantic things and go to a restaurant with her, without whining to her about my feelings, but just have a cultural relaxation, after which I want to give a CD with my song and make a presentation with our past photos . And I think I’ll disappear for a week and wait for her call, as I think a girl has the slightest feelings, then she should make herself known, and if she doesn’t call, then that’s all for me. Do you think I'm doing the right thing?

  • Alex, hello. Your plan is very good, go ahead. If the girl doesn’t call in a week, then call her yourself. Relationships are important to you, so remind yourself periodically with a friendly, good attitude.

    • Thank you that there are still people like you. You see, the thing is that you really want, like at school, to get at least a C, but a solid one, but so far I only have a D, and from all of this it becomes gloomy and the feeling is that a person simply doesn’t need you and all efforts are in vain, and slowly the hands they fall and you cling with all your might to that little hope that you lost long ago.

      • Alex, unfortunately this happens in matters of love. Some representatives of the fair sex do not understand what they are giving up and begin to appreciate and understand that they were truly loved years later, when they often already have an unsuccessful relationship experience with another person.

Please help me figure it out. Today I talked to her, she said that I don’t need to call her 5 times every day and I feel that there is nervousness in her voice, like I promised her, but I don’t keep my promises. And one thing - she knows my weakness about other guys, I tell her there is someone, and she says “maybe” with a smirk, but when I’m furious, she eventually says that there is none and it’s none of your business at all. Help me figure out if she’s even communicating with me out of pity.

Good afternoon This is the problem, like everyone else, the girl left her! We didn't date for long, 3 months, but those were the best 3 months of my life. All these 3 months I did not work, only she, and it turns out that she supported me, then the quarreling began and in the last quarrel I slapped her in the face, she was hysterical, I was hysterical, after everything I tried to make peace with her, but she she says that I trampled all my feelings, and that she does not hold any grudge or resentment towards me, but she cannot love me again, and that there are no more feelings, and that I will never be able to bring her back. She is a very strong person in this regard, if she said it, she always stands her ground! I don’t know what or how to do at all, I tell her that I found money, that’s it, she won’t pay for anything anymore, that I got a job and all that, but she still tells her that we have different paths in life and she is stronger than me in character, and therefore she will crush me! But she agreed to the meeting, although I begged her for a long time about it, but she immediately made it clear that it was pointless (help with advice.

  • Good afternoon, Boris! The situation is clear. To keep a girl like yours, you need to match her temperament type in terms of endurance. nervous system, simply be strong, be able to solve problems, behave with dignity in any situation and always maintain composure. You have to make yourself like this, otherwise conflict situations will be repeated after reconciliation. When meeting a girl, clarify her ideal man and then everything will become clear to you what to do next and what to do. In any case, even if you don’t manage to improve your relationship, you should work on your mistakes and behave differently in future relationships with girls.

    • Thanks for the answer, but I need this girl and no one else. I simply can’t live without her and I need advice on how to get her back before she starts dating someone else because, knowing myself, a beast will awaken in me that will ruin her and her new boyfriend’s life, so I need to get her back anyway. I'm ready for anything, absolutely anything.

    • Alex, it makes sense if you feel bad and it will be easier for you when you hear her voice. Then call as if nothing had happened, take a positive interest in her affairs, wishing her all the best. If you have enough willpower to withstand and not call the first one, then it would be better this way, because it will allow you to understand true attitude girls to you.

  • Good evening, I need your advice. What should I do? My girlfriend left me and says she doesn’t love me anymore and doesn’t want to hear or see me. We stayed together for 7 years, broke up 2 months ago, talked until today, but she said that there was no need anymore, she asked for time to think and not call her, but now she said that she doesn’t want to think and there are no more feelings. Help me please.

    • Good evening, Alex. You need to think about what didn’t suit the girl in the relationship; perhaps she talked about it, but nothing changed. The feeling of love can go away when the couple does not understand each other, does not preserve the usual way of life, there is psychological pressure, etc. Therefore, try to figure out for yourself what was wrong. For this purpose, check out the article on the website:

      • Thank you very much for your answer. The fact is that I found a reason and changed, and began to prove it to her, but it did not lead to success, she only said one thing, where was I like this before and why didn’t I do these things. Today I talked to her and she insistently asks not to call her and not to beg her to stay, there is no need to give all gifts, letters, it’s like she decided everything for herself and there are no feelings for me, there are only as she says to a relative. Please help and give me advice. Thank you in advance.

        • Alex, you need to let her go, let her rethink everything that happened between you. The main thing is that she knows about your feelings and your willingness to change. It’s wonderful that she feels a kindred spirit towards you. After seven years of dating, this is the feeling that arises among married couples. The main thing is that there is no rejection or rejection of you as an individual.
          So, we let the girl go from our life for a long time - from three to six months. During this time, you need to grow as a person (change internally) and achieve results in personal growth (personal achievements are necessary - how you can surprise your girlfriend later). For example, to bring something to the end, to realize your dream, to strengthen yourself financially, to take a risk somewhere and start a completely new business for yourself, to get into shape. You need to sit down and think about what will allow you to self-actualize and distract yourself from sorrowful experiences.
          It is possible that during this time the girl will make a new acquaintance and date, but she will not be able to quickly forget you. Over time, her grievances will be erased from her memory and those days when you were happy together will come up. When an “unexpected” meeting occurs, you will need to look good and make an impression successful person who knows what you want from life. People are designed in such a way that they intuitively feel when a person is happy, successful, self-confident; this information is read on a subconscious level. The girl will begin to have thoughts: “maybe he really has changed,” “he thinks differently,” “and I miss him, after all, we’ve been together for so many years.” The girl will certainly ask standard questions: “what are you doing now?”, “how are you living?” and you need to be ready to respond adequately, intriguing her with your personality.

          • Thanks a lot. I will try to leave it and not do anything stupid when returning it.
            I am interested in such a snag, I deceived her into a meeting and she just needed help, I helped, then she said thank you and started crying that it hurts her when she sees and hears me because she feels guilty. I can't understand this reaction. Please answer if you can.

            • Alex, Your girlfriend is very emotional, this is a normal reaction for women. She felt ashamed that she left you, because you were not as bad as she thought you turned out to be. Despite the fact that you are worse off than she is, you also help her. This means you really love her, but you should have avoided all communication with her. Don’t take her reactions too seriously; they will change many times. Continue to maintain a noble position, this will convince the girl that she has made a mistake in you.
              Always behave as you did on your first dates: be attentive, gallant, courteous, interesting and generous.


    Hi, friend! Today you and I will chat about how to make a girl fall in love with you. I must say right away that before you decide to make a girl fall in love with you, you need to clearly decide - do you need this? Just a girl in love is like natural disaster, and sometimes making her fall in love with you is much easier than getting rid of her after that.

    So you need to make a girl fall in love with you only after weighing all the pros and cons. And as a man to a man, I do not advise you to do this in pursuit of any other goals other than romantic ones. Because such false motives can lead to big problems. Be sure to read the article and. Well, that’s it, let’s assume I warned you, let’s get on with the job.

    What do you need to be like to make a girl fall in love with you?

    It is clear that all girls are individual and it is wrong to equate everyone with a common brush. Some people like dark brunettes, others like full blondes. However, there are some practical recommendations that will help you make any girl fall in love with you.

    Be yourself

    Don’t pretend to be Johnny Depp if in reality you can barely measure up to Vovka from “Real Boys.” The point is that you should be yourself, not bend your fingers and not try to go out of your way to please her or to impress her.

    In general, you shouldn’t try too hard, because if you didn’t graduate from theater, and your girlfriend has the basic rudiments of intelligence, she will easily see through your falsehood and you can forget about the further prospect of seduction.

    Develop yourself as a person

    Never, you hear me - NEVER stop growing above yourself. Read, watch movies, intellectual and humorous programs, always learn something new or develop the skills you already have.

    Girls love successful and smart men, and if you constantly develop with you, it will be at least interesting, and then success is just around the corner.

    Love and respect yourself

    Be confident! It also happens, of course, that a girl can fall in love out of pity. But here it will be much more difficult to intentionally make a girl fall in love with you, and will such a union be correct and happy? I doubt. Love yourself, be a confident male, and she won't be able to get off the hook.

    Don't allow yourself to admit you're wrong

    You're a man, so you're right by nature. Girls love winners, and what kind of winner are you if you give in to her at the very beginning of the relationship.

    Be persistent

    Women love when they are pursued. If you want to make a girl fall in love with you, don’t give up after the first refusal.

    Be unpredictable

    Try to be unpredictable. It is unlikely that you will be able to make someone fall in love with you if this someone can easily predict your future actions. When leaving, don’t say: “ See you tomorrow", or even worse: " Maybe we can meet tomorrow?" It would be much better and more correct to say: “ I'll call", or: " I think I'll see you again».

    Be a cheerful optimist

    Learn to be an optimistic, cheerful person who cannot be upset even by a tricky situation, who knows how to laugh at anything, be it even your own salary or God forbid the amount of dignity. Remember: with optimism you can overcome a bunch of your own shortcomings.

    Jest rules love

    You should be able to make laugh not only your reflection in the mirror, but also your friends and even the girl you are going to fall in love with you. If it’s hard to have a sense of humor, watch a couple of episodes of modern humorous programs such as Comedy Club, Laugh the Comic, 95 Kvartal or Comedy Battle. Learn a sense of humor from professional jesters.

    Liar Liar

    I don’t advise you to be a hypocrite or lie to the girl you are going to fall in love with you. It's much better to be sincere: the truth and nothing but the truth (just not a word about the fact that I read this article!). It’s easy to get caught up in a lie, but it’s so hard to clean yourself up afterwards. And it is doubtful that you will be able to fall in love with a girl who was disappointed in you at the very beginning of your relationship.

    In addition, sincerity is felt on an unconscious level and is attractive. When complimenting her, sincerely emphasize only those moments for which your chosen one can really be praised.

    Do not be greedy

    It is unlikely that a girl will fall in love with you if you show yourself to be a materialistic miser. There is no need to buy fur coats and diamonds, but it is also forbidden to be greedy in small things!

    Girls love clean people

    Remember, friend, and tell others: girls like neat and tidy guys who go to the hairdresser on time, who have trimmed nails and clean collars.

    Know how to listen

    Yes, women definitely love with their ears, but if you learn to listen to what she tells you, answering the question of how to make a girl fall in love with you will be much easier. After all, in the process of her verbal diarrhea, you can find out a lot of valuable information from her, which I will teach you to use just below. Read on and you will understand what I mean.

    How should you behave to make her fall in love with you?

    Don't you dare run after her. Girls only with their minds want the guy's brain to flow out of her with snot. It’s much easier for any girl to fall in love with a self-sufficient guy who doesn’t seem to mind hooking up with her, but at the same time doesn’t float like a snowman in the hallway.

    And if you are so much in love with her that you cannot restrain your sensual impulses, I will give you some great advice: every time you feel like you're trying to call her, do what you love. You have a hobby that you are willing to do day and night, right?

    Why not? Then I advise you to get one as soon as possible, otherwise there is a chance of slipping at the wrong moment and writing as many as three sms in a row, which will be able to cast doubt on the fulfillment of your mission. When a girl, absolutely any girl, understands that you melted like a popsicle in the desert from her charms, then her chance of falling in love with you sharply decreases.

    Show her that you are interested in her as a woman, don’t be shy to show your interest, but leave it at that. Don't go too far.

    Attract her with your attention, play a staring contest. There is another cool psychological trick: when your eyes cross, look deep into her eyes and say to yourself (just don’t say it out loud by mistake): « Well, you girl got caught»; « You will be mine, I answer!»; « I will definitely get you, bitch, you won’t get away from me!" etc.

    Everyone has telepathic data, the only problem is that we do not know how to use them. Your mental signal will definitely penetrate her brain and help you make this girl fall in love with you. Just please, don’t pretend to be Arnold from the Terminator at this time, let a sly smile slide across your face.

    In the initial stages of attraction, you must make her think about you. Some trinket-free gift that will remind the girl of your modest person would be great here. I have already said that you cannot skimp on little things, when it comes to women there is no such thing as little things. What you and I would never pay attention to, not one of them will miss.

    Give her a keychain, some figurine or something else. In short, something that she will see and involuntarily remember about you. Your job is to make her think about you, and trinkets will help you do this very well.

    Advice: do not give practical gifts; symbolic little things are better suited as gifts.

    I don't forbid you to give a gold bracelet on the first date or a watch from Alberto Kavalli. But an expensive gift will immediately show her the seriousness of your intentions, and you and I don’t need that yet. If you go too far with showing your interest, just like with the intensity of courtship in the first couples, instead of a girl in love you will get an irritable bitch who will blacklist your phone.

    Be a brave advocate and she will fall in love with you!

    There is probably no better way to make a girl fall in love with you than to stand up for her. This technique will only work if the occasion is right; there is no need to throw your fists at the conductor just because he asked: “Girl, where is your ticket?”

    Stand up for a girl if you really see that someone intends to offend her.

    This trick works even better when someone tries to hit on her. Best option when this happens somewhere in a nightclub, among strangers. In general, the essence is this - you see that someone is putting wedges on your girlfriend and you get between this someone and your beloved, pretending that she is already your girlfriend. The trick is foolproof, but dangerous. Because if you behave too much like a greyhound, you won’t get it in the nose for long.

    Well, if someone clearly offends her or makes fun of her, then it’s okay to hit her on the nose. Any girl will fall in love with a beaten hero much faster than with a complete coward.

    How to start making a girl fall in love with you from the first dates?

    If you want to make a girl fall in love with you on the first date, then you need a love potion. I can only suggest how you need to behave in order to increase your chances of success at the event.

    So, if you managed to lure her on a first date by hook or by crook, then you need to decide on a strategy of behavior in order to bring the matter to its logical conclusion (are you still sure that you need this?).

    I have already said, but I will repeat this truth again and again: do not show her that you are in love (logically, you did this because you were already in love with her...). Don't swim from her smile like ice in a microwave. But at the same time, don’t hide your interest in her.

    Women are emotional creatures, and your task is to connect the emotions she needs with your nature. The most useful are positive emotions, such as:

    • pleasure, joy, tenderness, sympathy, laughter, admiration, gratitude, tenderness, bliss, safety, trust, confidence, anticipation.

    But firstly, it is very difficult to evoke only positive emotions, and secondly, when it is very good, it is also bad. So we must dilute positive emotions with neutral ones, such as:

    • curiosity, surprise, amazement.

    And just a little negative:

    • anger, fear, shame, pity, indignation, anger, jealousy, confusion, suspicion, resentment.

    Obviously, it’s impossible to derive a mathematical formula for emotions. And it will hardly be possible to calculate the percentage of emotions that have taken hold of her. But I still advise you to get closer to this formula (by eye, of course):

    70% positive + 20% neutral + 10% negative = a girl in love with you!

    Exactly how you will evoke emotions in her, I’m sorry - that’s your problem. The main thing is not to let her get bored next to you. When her brain is associated with emotional outbursts that will be associated with your modest person, then she will think about you more and more often, and naturally, unnoticed by herself, she will fall in love with you.

    Learn to listen to what she tells you. Spend a little time in the role of Stirlitz and find out from her a number of the most valuable information for yourself. What interests her, what genre of cinema does she like best, what interests her and how she likes to spend her time most. Or maybe she will tell you her favorite places.

    There cannot be a lot of information here, because you have a very good chance to use it to its full advantage. Give her the date of her dreams and your chances of mission success will increase many times over.

    Group the data received and think about how this girl I would like to spend time with specific data (received by you on the first date).

    If you have enough creativity to realize her deepest desires, you can’t even imagine what emotional explosion awaits her. And where there are emotions, falling in love is not far away.

    Use your imagination to make a girl fall in love with you.

    The main thing you should know about your dates with her is that meetings should be emotional, varied and interesting.

    I do not recommend organizing each of your dates in the same place doing the same activity (for example, walking along the same park alleys or drinking beer in the same cafe at the same table). Even you will quickly get bored with this approach, but what can we say about the girl?

    Here, residents of megacities are much luckier: they have many times more places for flights of fancy. But natives of small towns and villages should not despair, if they have the imagination they can even make a castle out of a hut.

    In general, when it comes to how to make a girl fall in love with you, it is appropriate to remember one simple truth: give her what others don’t give, be the first in something, and she will be yours!

    Understand a girl and you will definitely understand how to make her fall in love with you

    Respect her!

    A girl needs to be respected and treated as an equal. At the same time, the man (that is, you!) must be an authority for her. Don't follow her lead, at least in the early stages of the relationship. Show your independence and be able to defend your point of view.

    Jealous female nature will help you achieve your goal

    The female essence is such that in order to fall in love with you, she must see interest in you from other women.

    Allowed: light flirting with others in her presence.

    Prohibited: stare at other women when she is nearby (and if you stare, do it discreetly).

    She should feel a slight pang of jealousy towards you, but at the same time not regard you as an inveterate womanizer.

    Be patient!

    When you told her after the first date that you would call her, do not rush to do it immediately the next day. It’s better to let some time pass when she stops waiting for your call.

    To make a girl fall in love with you, you need to be a patient guy. Don’t rush to show with all your appearance how important it is for you to master it, but don’t hide your carnal cravings. Be patient and your chances of making a girl fall in love with you will increase many times over.

    If she is the first to take the initiative to get into your panties, and you act a little more like a hard-to-get virgin, then you can very quickly find yourself on a horse. You just shouldn’t delay this too much, otherwise she might be taken over. vague doubts about your “normality”.

    How to make a girl fall in love with you using a mobile phone?

    When your romance with her has already begun or is about to begin, you can allow fatal mistake, characteristic of 80% of guys in love.

    When romanticism rushes out of every corner, we can become downright obsessed with our desire to spend as much time as possible next to the object of our adoration. And besides the fact that you need to limit the time spent together (leave at least two evenings a week to friends), there should be some restrictions on mobile communications implement.

    There is no need to write her 150 sms a day. Sometimes, of course, it also happens that an SMS marathon with your beloved drags on for a long time (and eats up all the money on your mobile phone). Allow yourself a long correspondence only if it does not lose its liveliness and interest, and the number of incoming ones is not less than the number of outgoing ones.

    There is no need to call 50 times a day either. Rare, short-lived, filled with positivity and humor telephone conversations much better than hourly line interruptions with “what am I seeing now” stories.

    If you are uncomfortable talking, and then she calls, you don’t need to pick up the phone and pretend to be comfortable talking. It’s better to say in a cold, abstract voice that you are uncomfortable talking and promise to call back. And be sure to call back, but not right away, let time pass.

    When calling back, speak differently, in a more animated and friendly tone.

    It's almost a matter of luck when she calls or writes to you a lot more often than you do to her.

    Cat and mouse game

    The game of cat and mouse is addictive, and the one who is the leader in this game gets much more than the follower.

    To become this very leader, you must love her less than she loves you. Remember, friend, or better yet, make a mark somewhere on your forehead: she is the most ordinary girl, exactly like everyone else (even despite the fact that she is the most beautiful, kind, cheerful and sexy). There are a lot of shortcomings in it because ideal people do not exist. If you understand how to make her fall in love with you, you will definitely discover each of them over time.

    Relationships are always valued more by those who invest more in them. Therefore, be kind, allow your beloved to do more for your relationship than you do. With this option, you will be able to remain in charge longer and control the situation.

    If you are already serious about making a girl fall in love with you, be kind and go all the way. Yours final goal– make her run after you, and not vice versa. If you succeed, then you have managed to understand how to make a girl fall in love with you, but if you don’t succeed, you shouldn’t worry too much.

    For the relationship between a man and a woman is truly beyond the reach of human control; as you know, you can’t command the heart, and especially not a stranger!

    Don't try to force yourself on her, let your relationship develop naturally and effortlessly. Always leave a riddle behind you when she expects some action from you, take it and surprise her with an extraordinary act.

    And even considering that women love words, still try to do more than talk. Because actions are much more valuable than words! If you set a goal to make a girl fall in love with you, you don’t need to make far-reaching plans. Don’t covet a girl’s freedom, and she herself will strive to part with her for your sake.

    Never open up 100%, and when it comes to bed, remember her interest.

    Most men usually strive only to obtain their own pleasure, while girls’ needs are often violet to them. Don’t be like that, remember that she loves affection much more than you, and she needs satisfaction not much less than yours.

    How to make a girl fall in love with you video

    Huh, now I hope you don’t have any more questions about how to make a girl fall in love with you, and if you do, you know where to look for the answer.

    Love and happiness to you, always be one step ahead of your girlfriend and if you want to control the situation, then never allow yourself to love her more than she loves you.

    See you on other pages of this blog!

    Gave advice Vitaly Okhrimenko !