Floor game with circles. Team game of Twister

22.07.2019 Auto/Moto

"Twister" is a very popular, fun and dynamic game for children and youth groups. This is an excellent game for active recreation, which will require players to be dexterous, quick, flexible and have a great sense of humor.

Progress of the game

The playing field is a mat with spots of four different colors(yellow, blue, red, green). Players choose a leader and stand around the field. The presenter spins the roulette and announces which part of the field the player should occupy and which part of the body (arm or leg) should do this. For example, a player may first place his hand on a blue spot, and then he will have to place his foot on a red spot. As a result, your body may find itself in an interesting position. But the main thing is to keep your balance and... keep from laughing!

Purpose of the game

A participant who cannot maintain balance or touches the floor with his elbow or knee is eliminated from the game. The game continues until there is only one player left on the field, who becomes the winner.

Who is this game for?

If you suddenly feel a little bored in the company of friends, offer to play Twister. This game has everything to lift your spirits - unpredictability, competition, and most importantly, comedy.

"Twister" is:

  • A great game for children. “Twister” is a very active, sports game that perfectly develops a child’s flexibility, dexterity and coordination.
  • The best game for youth parties. “Twister” is real entertainment that instantly lifts your spirits.
  • The game is very compact, you can take it with you on vacation or out of town.

Mat size: 130 × 180 cm.

Twister (game)



There is a false belief that the inventor of Twister was Reynolds Guyer. The fact is that he was only an entrepreneur who took part in the fate of this sports game in the first stages of life. If we look at Patent 3,454,279, the original of which is stored in the American Patent Office, it becomes clear that the Twister was invented by Charles F. Foley and Neil W. Rabensa, who worked at Gaer's company.

An interesting fact is that Gaer stubbornly wanted to deprive Twister of its “branded” roulette and put all possible pressure on the developers, claiming that dice will be a more convenient way to determine where to place which body part. Even when the decision was made to sell the design to the larger toy company Milton Bradley, the prototype sent to the future owner contained dice. Only thanks to the persistence and resourcefulness of Charles Foley (who was sent with the prototype to the buyer) was it possible to save the idea - he simply replaced the dice with a roulette wheel. From a marketing point of view, everything is correct: with roulette, twister turns out to be more childish, like a game for big company kids. With dice (which have an established bad reputation among parents), it is viewed from the perspective of a game for an adult company.

In the early years, Twister was not particularly popular with buyers. Most likely, thanks to the leadership policy of Milton Bradley: "If we make toys, then we have to be conservative and count on the average American mother of 35-45 years old." Thus, they positioned their product incorrectly and chose the wrong group of buyers: they should have targeted young people over 15 years old, for whom Twister would not only allow them to have fun, but also show off the beauty and flexibility of their body, as well as look at the delights of the opposite sex . Young people will not look for a Twister among dolls and cars.

But time put everything in its place: on May 3, 1966, an incident occurred that changed the attitude of Americans towards Twister. That evening, half of America's families gathered to watch the famous Johnny Carson show (Tonight Show - an analogue of our " Good evening, Moscow"). The TV show is very popular, and then there is such a invited star - the sex symbol of that time, actress Eva Gabor.

And so, after a series of questions about life and career, Johnny Carson invites Eve to play Twister! They say that Eva Gabor was wearing a long dress back then. Evening Dress with a large slit revealing lovely legs. Johnny spins the roulette, and Eva elegantly places her foot on the red circle - the game is on. The program had not yet ended, and people in front of their TVs were already calling stores they knew about purchasing Twister. Remarkable fact: in the first year after this TV show with Eve, it sold more than three million boxes with Twister. Twister tournaments were held everywhere, it was taken to picnics and parties - it received the status of a game for a large adult company. Competitors still tried to accuse Milton Bradley of “selling sex,” but they themselves tried to create something similar.

Now Hasbro owns the rights to Twister, and other companies produce it under license.

In popular culture

  • In the song Man On The Moon groups R.E.M. there are words "Let's play Twister".
  • In the film “Son of the Mask,” the god of cunning and deceit, Loki, played “Super Twister” with Tim and his son.
  • In the movie "Men in Black 2" the girl played "Twister" with alien invertebrates.
  • In the movie "Turn" auto mechanic Darrell played Twister alone.
  • In Sex and the City, Carrie and Seth played Twister after their date.


  • Twisdial- free program For mobile devices, which performs the function of a roulette for playing Twister. (Retrieved May 27, 2012)
  • qTwister is a free program for PC that performs the function of roulette. (Retrieved May 27, 2012)
  • twister-roulette.com - a site that performs the function of roulette. (Retrieved May 27, 2012)
  • Making a game with your own hands. (Retrieved May 27, 2012)
  • Game history. (Retrieved May 27, 2012)

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What is a twister? Twister is an active floor game that was created by American inventors in the 60s of the last century. Today, thanks to our simple rules

and affordable price, this game is very popular all over the world. Everyone is allowed to play Twister for themselves or in teams.

Twister is a game whose classic version requires no more than four players.

  • Game contents:
  • The playing field measures 1.4 m by 1.6 meters on which there are 26 colored circles.

A flat tape measure divided into four sectors, specifically indicating the arms and legs. Inside, each sector is divided into colors corresponding to the circles on the field.

The essence of the game

The rules of the game of twister are that, based on the results of roulette rotation, players place their limbs on colored circles, without lifting their already installed feet and palms from the surface. The winner is the person who resisted and did not fall as a result of rearranging his arms and legs on the playing field.

Varieties of Twister games

The starting version of the game was quite simple and over time it underwent many changes that made Twister more diverse and interesting.

  • Types of twister:
  • "Classical". Standard dimensions of the playing surface and rules of the game.
  • "Mega Twister". It is characterized by a huge field and is designed for mass outdoor games.
  • "Children's." Colored circles have been replaced with child-friendly images.
  • "Twister Dance" In a dance twister, all movements are performed to the music, and the movements are indicated by the hosts-DJs.
  • "Twister Wisdom Well" An intelligent version of the game played on a touch screen. Reacting to touch, it creates visual and sound effects.

How to play twister correctly?

One of the important positive points this game is enough simple rules. Classic version provides the following rules of the game. Maximum amount no more than six people, and the presence of a leader is also recommended.

Positioning of players on the field

2 players stand on opposite sides, occupying two circles different color. If there is a third player, his place is in the center. If the number of people is greater, then each of them is located according to opposite sides fields. Having chosen each player in turn, the presenter spins the roulette and voices the dropped movement commands. As a result, over time, players occupy rather uncomfortable and unstable positions.

You can play Twister in descending order, or until you get tired of having fun.

Basic rules of the game of twister:

  • Instructions for moving limbs in colored circles are given exclusively by the presenter.
  • If the specified limb is located in the same circle that fell out as a result of unwinding the roulette, it is moved to another similar element.
  • It is prohibited to change body position or move around the playing field without the leader’s command.
  • With the permission of the leader, you are allowed to move for a few seconds, giving the other player the opportunity to reach the indicated circle. In this case, it is not allowed to tear the feet and palms off the canvas.
  • Contact of elbows, knees and other parts of the body with the playing field is strictly prohibited.
  • If the colored circles dropped on the roulette wheel are all occupied, a re-spin occurs.
  • It is prohibited to place any two limbs in one circle. It is allowed, after agreement with all players, to place two players on the same colored segment. If the game takes place between teams, the participants of one team are allowed to occupy one colored circle.

How to make a twister with your own hands?

If your financial situation does not allow you to purchase this entertaining game, do not despair. With the help of basic improvised means you can do it yourself.

For this you will need:

  • A piece of white oilcloth measuring 1.4 m by 1.6 m.
  • Alcohol markers in four colors.
  • A round stencil with a diameter of no more than 25 centimeters.
  • Sheet of cardboard.
  • Scissors.
  • Plastic pointer, bolt and washer.

Colored circles are evenly distributed on the white canvas, which can be drawn with a marker, or you can cut them out of the fabric and sew them tightly.

To make a tape measure, you need to divide the cardboard into four sectors, each of which is marked with the hands and feet of the left and right sides. Next, on each of the sectors we draw four multi-colored circles. Using a bolt, the arrow is fixed in the center of the tape measure. You should not tighten the arrow too much; it is necessary that it rotates freely around its axis.

The game is ready, you can start having fun!

Present to your attention rules of the sports game Twister

Are you looking for where to buy the game Twister (several varieties)?

Preparing for the game Twister

  • Place the play cloth on a flat surface indoors or outdoors
  • Players take off their shoes (it is inconvenient to play in shoes and can damage the playing field)
  • If you play outdoors, then take care that the oilcloth does not fly away (you can secure it with your shoes removed;))
  • Appoint a presenter. The host will not participate in the game. Its tasks are the following:
  • Players stand on the playing surface in the order indicated below.

Game for 2 players: Players stand on opposite edges from each other playing field. They each place one foot on the yellow circle and the other on the blue circle.

Game for 3 players: Two players stand on opposite edges of the playing field. They each place one foot on the yellow circle and the other on the blue circle. The third player stands in the center with both feet on the red circles.

How to play Twister?

The presenter spins the game roulette, naming the color and part of the body that the arrow points to. For example: “Right leg, yellow.” All players simultaneously (there are game options when the Leader names a player who must change his position) try to follow his instructions, following the following instructions:

  • Each player must try to place the named body part into an open circle of the named color. For our example, each player must place their right foot on the yellow circle
  • If your named hand or foot is already on a circle of the named color, you must try to move it to another circle of the same color
  • You cannot place more than one body part on one circle. If players try to stand on the same circle, the Leader must decide which of them was first
  • You cannot remove your hand or foot from the circle until the Leader announces a new position. Exception: You can remove an arm or leg from the circle in order to let another player's arm or leg pass, but you must warn the Leader about this in advance
  • Do not lean on your knees or elbows
  • If all 6 circles of the same color are occupied, the Host must spin the game roulette until a free color appears

Elimination from the game

Any player who falls or touches the mat with an elbow or knee is immediately out of the game. (If you feel that the new position is impossible or will cause you to fall, you can quit the game yourself).


The last player left in the game is the winner!

Team game of Twister

To play with 4 players, form 2 teams of 2 players each. Teams meet at opposite ends of the mat, standing side by side with each foot on a circle so that all 4 circles are occupied.

The rules for team play are the same as for 2 or 3 players, with one exception: members of the same team can place their hands and feet on the same circle.

Once a player falls or touches the mat with an elbow or knee, the player's team loses.

Game for 2 players without a leader

If there are only 2 players, you can play without using the game roulette. One player names a body part, and the other player names the color of the circle. Players alternate among themselves, alternately naming either a part of the body or the color of the circle. The winning conditions are the same as for a normal game.

Playing Twister for a big campaign

If the campaign is large, then form several teams of two players. Design the bracket, which team is playing which and hold a Twister tournament! Only the most persistent and dexterous will win, that is, those who have the most victories in the team competition!

Did you like the game? Buy the game Twister (several varieties)

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Twister (game)



There is a false belief that the inventor of Twister was Reynolds Guyer. The fact is that he was only an entrepreneur who took part in the fate of this sports game in the first stages of his life. If we look at Patent 3,454,279, the original of which is stored in the American Patent Office, it becomes clear that the Twister was invented by Charles F. Foley and Neil W. Rabensa, who worked at Gaer's company.

An interesting fact is that Gaer stubbornly wanted to deprive Twister of its “branded” roulette and put all possible pressure on the developers, arguing that dice would be a more convenient way to determine where to place which part of the body. Even when the decision was made to sell the design to the larger toy company Milton Bradley, the prototype sent to the future owner contained dice. Only thanks to the persistence and resourcefulness of Charles Foley (who was sent with the prototype to the buyer) was it possible to save the idea - he simply replaced the dice with a roulette wheel. From a marketing point of view, everything is correct: with roulette, twister turns out to be more childish, like a game for a large group of kids. With dice (which have an established bad reputation among parents), it is viewed from the perspective of a game for an adult company.

In the early years, Twister was not particularly popular with buyers. Most likely, thanks to the leadership policy of Milton Bradley: "If we make toys, then we have to be conservative and count on the average American mother of 35-45 years old." Thus, they positioned their product incorrectly and chose the wrong group of buyers: they should have targeted young people over 15 years old, for whom Twister would not only allow them to have fun, but also show off the beauty and flexibility of their body, as well as look at the delights of the opposite sex . Young people will not look for a Twister among dolls and cars.

But time put everything in its place: on May 3, 1966, an incident occurred that changed the attitude of Americans towards Twister. That evening, half of America's families gathered to watch the famous Johnny Carson show (Tonight Show - an analogue of our "Good evening, Moscow"). The TV show is very popular, and then there is such a invited star - the sex symbol of that time, actress Eva Gabor.

And so, after a series of questions about life and career, Johnny Carson invites Eve to play Twister! They say that Eva Gabor was wearing a long evening dress with a large slit revealing her lovely legs. Johnny spins the roulette, and Eva elegantly places her foot on the red circle - the game is on. The program had not yet ended, and people in front of their TVs were already calling stores they knew about purchasing Twister. Remarkable fact: in the first year after this TV show with Eve, it sold more than three million boxes with Twister. Twister tournaments were held everywhere, it was taken to picnics and parties - it received the status of a game for a large adult company. Competitors still tried to accuse Milton Bradley of “selling sex,” but they themselves tried to create something similar.

Now Hasbro owns the rights to Twister, and other companies produce it under license.

In popular culture

  • In the song Man On The Moon groups R.E.M. there are words "Let's play Twister".
  • In the film “Son of the Mask,” the god of cunning and deceit, Loki, played “Super Twister” with Tim and his son.
  • In the movie "Men in Black 2" the girl played "Twister" with alien invertebrates.
  • In the movie "Turn" auto mechanic Darrell played Twister alone.
  • In Sex and the City, Carrie and Seth played Twister after their date.


  • Twisdial is a free program for mobile devices that performs the function of a roulette for playing Twister. (Retrieved May 27, 2012)
  • qTwister is a free program for PC that performs the function of roulette. (Retrieved May 27, 2012)
  • twister-roulette.com - a site that performs the function of roulette. (Retrieved May 27, 2012)
  • Making a game with your own hands. (Retrieved May 27, 2012)
  • Game history. (Retrieved May 27, 2012)

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