How to do Thai foot massage. Contraindications for the procedure. A few simple rules

25.09.2018 beauty

How to massage your feet

Our feet are entrusted with a huge responsibility - in fact, to “carry” us :) And all our weight (often not small) puts a significant load on the feet. That’s why foot massage is a very necessary activity. It's also pleasant. Plus, you can do a foot massage yourself without loss of quality, without the help of a professional or not-so-professional massage therapist: relax your feet that are tired during the day, tidy up the skin of your feet and just have fun. Let's talk about how to do a foot massage, its advantages, recommendations and, of course, contraindications.

Therefore, it is recommended that if you stop after treatment and go to bed early. The so-called reflex zones are not only on the legs, but throughout the body. They are in reflexive action with our organs. This means that by stimulating these areas of the skin, internal organs can be stimulated simultaneously. This is possible thanks to neural connection, which still cannot be fully clarified from a scientific point of view.

What does reflex zone massage bring?

Massage or stimulation of reflex zones refers not only to organ function, but also to specific complaints or pain. Reflexology foot massage is said to help with chronic illnesses, digestive problems or pain. But even specific conditions such as glandular dysfunction, immunodeficiency or inflammation can be alleviated by this healing method. Of course, treatment is also a blessing for stressed and sore feet. Even if the effect does not occur: you will definitely be relaxed and restored after the massage.

First, let's talk about contraindications, since they relate to such an important period in life as pregnancy. The fact is that there are a lot of points in the muscles of the feet. And by massaging some of them, there is a possibility of premature birth. It is best to consult with specialists or get a foot massage from professionals.

Can you do a foot reflexology massage yourself?

Currently, reflexology massage is used as self-massage. The principle is simple and getting started is made easy with some knowledge of zone locations. So, as a beginner, you can use a sole, a reflexology sock, or a foot reflexology practice book. The effect depends not only on the target localization of the zones.

Ideally, this healing method can act as a holistic massage if the therapist embraces your ailments and ailments holistically. For example, an experienced massage therapist will not only treat the gastric area for indigestion, but also, for example, the kidney for its secretive function, the liver area to stimulate detoxification, and the intestinal areas. So you can stick to the following.

Benefits of foot massage

The procedure itself is very calming and relaxing. By massaging your feet, you reduce blood pressure. Blood circulation improves, and congestion due to prolonged walking or wearing uncomfortable shoes is dispersed. And if you use cream or oil during the procedure, the skin of your feet will become soft and healthy.

For mild discomfort and regular relaxation - self-massage. In case of serious complaints or illnesses, the massage therapist can support the treatment during therapy. In the latter case, the causes of complaints should always be clarified by a doctor, who then suggests appropriate therapy.

How to massage foot reflexology?

To properly perform a reflexology foot massage, you first need to know where the reflex zones are and secondly, how to massage them correctly. For overall relaxation and nerve stimulation, you should first completely knead your feet and massage them. Twirl and twitch your toes, stretch and extend your heels and toes, and glide along your instep.

Time spending

Usually a foot massage is done in the evening, after a hard day of work. But you can do it whenever you want. For example, when you get a pedicure. Or when you watch TV. Such a massage will never be unnecessary!

Let us repeat that it is more effective to massage the feet with cream or oil. You can buy the cream in the store. And the recipe for the original oil specifically for this massage is as follows:

To soothe the area and reduce pain, continue pressing in the area for about two minutes, then slowly release. To stimulate a zone or provide energy, press that zone several times in a row. Work only with your thumb and keep your nails short.

It's a thousand-year-old technique that can help us ease day-to-day tension, combat anxiety, and stop the puffy feeling that comes with spring. Experts say reflexology is a thousand-year-old technique with origins in ancient China, Egypt and the tribes of the United States. The Egyptians discovered that there were parts and organs of the body that had a reflex point on the soles of the feet. By stimulating each of these points, there was a feeling of relief.

  • 10 ml (2 teaspoons) jojoba, olive, soy or castor oil (optional)
  • one drop each of geranium and German chamomile essential oils
  • three drops of lavender oil.

Pour the listed ingredients into a small cup and stir.

This amount is just enough for 1 massage procedure (the mixture must be used immediately, cannot be stored).

Foot reflexology, a solution for every problem

From then until now it is still in use, but do you know all its benefits? Today we have advice from Anabel Torres García, Osteopath and chiromassage therapist Beatriz Reguera Aesthetic Center. Relaxological Podal has many advantages: the main one is relaxation of the central and peripheral nervous system. It brings us physical and psychological well-being. Additionally, we will balance the normal physiological functioning of our entire visceral system. Through this massage we can get the following benefits.

Pour half of the prepared oil (5 ml) onto your hands and rub it thoroughly in your palms. Before starting the massage, inhale the aroma of the mixture - a relaxing effect is guaranteed.

The feet need to be massaged one at a time: 6 techniques on one, then move on to the second.

After the massage, be sure to wear cotton socks. Then the skin will absorb the oil well.

How many sessions do we need?

Activates the immune system. It supports cleansing mechanisms and eliminating toxins. Reflexology sessions vary depending on each patient, their pathology and what they want to achieve. After the first consultation and session: I advise my patients to pay attention to how their body feels and return to next week.

Is there a case where this method is not recommended

This method is completely impractical in the case of infection, accompanied or not caused by fever. In these cases, our body goes through a process of vagus nervous system and needs rest to overcome this process. This therapy, like any other holistic technique, should never replace the treatment given by a doctor. Of course, we can accompany this treatment to try to speed up his healing.
  • This is relaxation.
  • Relieves stress.
  • Activates blood circulation.
  • Relieve contractures.
  • Improves sleep quality.
  • From there, subsequent sessions will take place 15 days later.
Foot massage is usually done to achieve relaxation and work on an important energy point in the body.

And now directly massage movements for the feet.

1. Stroking

This type of massage will warm up your feet and stimulate blood circulation.

From your toes to your ankle, stroke with your thumb. Movements should be slow but strong. First, do 3-5 strokes on the top of the foot, then on the bottom.

With some simple steps, it can be done with complete peace of mind at home. Here we outline some points in detail and we offer an explanatory video. Foot massage is one of the great alternatives that come under the scope of this practice to get relaxation and also work on an important energy point that many other areas of the body are talking about. Here's how to get started with this practice.

Here are the basic movements for an interesting foot massage. Start with your right foot with your left hand, leaving thumb on the metatarsal toes and the remaining toes on the instep, and right hand massage your fingers upward, with special emphasis on your fingertips. working on the sides of the legs, also maintaining the massage in an ascending form. Continue with the Achilles tendon and massage it in an upward direction with your thumb and index finger. The next step is to work on the instep with your arm outstretched. with the other leg. . Would you like to see a way to massage your feet with practical example?

2. Rotations

We fold one hand so that it looks like a cup. We wrap this “cup” around the heel and foot. With the other hand, we take hold of the toes and rotate the foot 3-5 times, first in one direction, then in the other.


With one hand we firmly squeeze the foot in the middle. With the other hand, we take each toe in turn and pull it up from its base, while “wobbling” it up and down.

Are you interested in other types of massage? Then check out the following articles. Finally, be sure to take enough food and drink enough water per day to prevent fluid retention, as this is often one of the main causes of leg pain. Likewise, it is important that you wear the right shoes for each occasion, as wearing the wrong shoes can cause not only pain, but also other injuries such as spurs and fish eyes.

A foot massage will help your child not only have warm feet, but also promote a feeling of overall well-being. Have you ever seen young children splashing in cold water in the summer? After the first steps, the image is always the same: the baby remains in one place and contemplates in amazement as he begins to drip from the vacated diaper area.

After this, we pinch each toe in turn with the thumb and index finger of the hand and rotate it in a circle.


Behind the ankle, squeeze the foot, grasping the heel. Using the index finger of the other hand, we move back and forth between the toes 3-5 times.

5. Squeezing

Starting position, as in the previous paragraph.

Using the bottom of your inner palm (the place near the wrist), press the base of your foot in both directions 5 times in turn. Do not overdo it with pressure, but too little pressure is not good. There will be no effect.

Immediate effect cold water on the bladder shows that there is a close connection between the legs and the rest of the body. It has long been known that there are many reflex zones in the leg that can be activated. Thanks to appropriate foot massage, you can get amazing healing effects for various diseases. But we will leave this type of therapy to the specialists.

Foot massage for a child is not about obtaining therapeutic effects, but about the well-being of the child and a preventive effect. You may remember an old saying that contains great truth: “A cool head and hot feet make the poorest doctor rich!” This is not the reason why you need to perform all the exercises sequentially one after another. The child can lie down or sit. To give a massage, use good oil. Mallow oil is highly recommended and has an additional effect against cold feet and legs.

  • Always massage first on the right leg and then on the left.
  • Try to massage your baby's feet as much as possible every day.
  • For example, you can start the massage in the morning and finish it at night.
  • Your baby's position during the massage does not matter.
Place a small foot between the palms of your hands.

6. Finish the massage with stroking, as in point 1.

We hope that all movements are clear. We tried to describe massage techniques as clearly as possible. If anything is unclear, ask in the comments.

Lightness and beauty to your feet!

After an active day, our legs need relaxation. Massage is the best way to cope with this task, because thanks to it, blood circulation is restored, lymph flow improves, and muscles relax. By learning how to massage your feet, we will help to a loved one truly relax and renew your strength.

In one hand the sole of the foot, the other on the back. Now turn both hands at the same time, as if you were trying to open a box of cream. After some time, you will notice that the child’s feet are already warming up. Close your hand by making a fist and pass it gently at first, then with more force onto the sole of your foot up and down. Then you can do it for as long and as hard as the child wants. With this movement, the arch of the foot is strengthened, reflex zones are stimulated, and the foot is well irrigated.

Now move your baby's fingers and play with them so that both of them have fun. Place your thumbs on the sole of your foot. Now draw circles on the entire plant of the same, first carefully, then with more force. Draw large and small circles with your thumbs.

Apply massage cream or cosmetic oil to your hands. Warm it a little in your palms so that the person does not experience discomfort due to the temperature contrast. Relax your legs with gentle stroking, make sure that your body is not tense and is ready for the procedures. Start with the foot. Massage its upper part in a circular motion and gradually lower it onto the sole. Here, pay special attention to the heel: the skin on it is quite rough, so movements must be strong. Using your thumbs, draw circles over the entire area of ​​your heels, and then make cross movements (your fingers alternately slide up and down). Pat and pinch the area. Go to the hollow of your foot, massage it with the knuckles of your fisted hand, then make movements similar to squeezing a towel. Using a closed fist, stimulate the balls of your feet. If you've relaxed your partner enough, he won't feel ticklish or uncomfortable.

Pay attention to each finger. Gently move the skin from the nail to the base, massage all joints. Pull your finger a little. If crunching sounds occur and they do not cause discomfort to the person, you can continue. Walk along the hollows between your fingers, moving back and forth in each one.

Now place your baby's foot or hold it in this position. Draw circles around the inner and outer ankles. If you can't do it with both hands at the same time, try to do it 1 in one on one side and then on the other. Finally, occasionally straighten your leg from your leg to your knee. This could also be a transition to a foot massage.

How to become an expert in foot massage

We already know that this part of the female body is a favorite of many men. But even if it's none of your business, how about giving special attention her legs? See how to become an expert foot massager! The massage is good and everyone likes it. But what about a foot massage? This massage is relaxing and very sensual. Making this foot massage an unforgettable moment of seduction is up to you. To do this, we will highlight a few tips that will make you a specialist in the field of foot massage!

Using your thumbs, rub up and down the Achilles tendon, repeat 4-5 times. Stretch your ankle in the same way, then place your fingers on the protruding bones on both sides of the leg and massage the skin near them in a circle. With one hand, secure your leg just above the ankle, with the other, grab your foot and rotate it clockwise and in the opposite direction.

Warm the calf area by rubbing. Use your knuckles to work the long muscles of your calf. Grab the soft tissue of your calf and work your way from your ankle to your hamstring. Bend your leg at the knee and return it to its original position, repeat several times. Stretch the muscles slightly by pressing on the foot of the bent leg.

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The environment is semi-light, soft music, incense, aromatic lotions and the necessary aphrodisiac. Choose soft incense such as musk, jasmine, sandalwood or cinnamon, which are, after all, aphrodisiacs. The same caution should be taken with aromatic lotions and essential oils. First preparations. Provide a pillow and place it on your lap. Place your foot on the pad and practice exercises: Begin by massaging the sole of your foot while holding your heel. Rotate your ankle several times in both directions. All this helps to warm the foot because it activates blood circulation. Massage! - Place your thumbs on her sole and press lightly. Move your toes until you reach your heel with continuous movements. Then go to her fingers. Use your thumb and index finger to tighten your fingers. Start from the largest to the smallest and make small circular movements on each finger for a few seconds. The pressure should be steady, but not too strong. Talk to her and see if she likes the moves or not.

  • Many women do not like pure oil on their skin.
  • Then select your gels.
Foot massage is pleasant because they have different nerve endings and connections with our entire body.

Massage the thigh in the same way as the lower leg. If the situation allows, you can stretch your gluteal muscles with active movements.

You need to finish the massage smoothly, using a minimum of effort. Light stroking with the entire palm should be replaced by barely noticeable touches of the fingertips. In this case, the partner will feel completely relaxed and light.

Finally, we would like to give some general advice:
  • Use oil or cream sparingly, otherwise your hands will be too slippery for a good massage.
  • When your brushes are tired, shake them up to five times. This will relieve tension and continue the procedure.
  • Be extremely careful when planning to massage the feet of a pregnant woman or someone with diabetes or hypertension.
  • Massage both legs equally so that your partner feels the same.
  • Make sure your partner is in a comfortable position. The ideal option is to lie on your back; it is acceptable to sit comfortably in a chair. If the person is lying down, place a folded towel under the knees so that blood flows well to the feet and the muscles are not tense.

Complete relaxation together with a massage is provided by light music or a serene, quiet conversation. If the atmosphere is romantic, candles will not hurt. But the main guarantee of a quality foot massage is your desire to please and help you cope with fatigue.