What does the name Gulnara mean? Gulnara (female name)

18.07.2019 Computers

Meaning of the name Gulnara: This name for a girl means "floral", "flower-like", "flower-like".

Origin of the name Gulnara: Persian.

Diminutive form of name: Gulnarochka, Gulnarushka, Gulnaronka, Gulnarchik, Gilechka, Gulyushka, Gulenka, Gulenochok.

What does the name Gulnara mean: It must be said that the name Gulnara is a Russian version of the name Gulnar. Also, the owner of this name is often called Gulya. The Kazakhs know the name Gulnar.

IN Ancient Persia Gulnara was called “pomegranate flower” in translation from the national language. However, among the Kazakhs the meaning of the name Gulnara is somewhat more romantic - “a flower like a flower.” By the way, there is a version according to which the herbaceous plant adonis with red and bright yellow flowers was called the flower of the pomegranate tree. Therefore, in some sources there is an interpretation of Gulnara’s name as an adonis.

Angel Gulnara's Day: the name Gulnara does not mark the name day, since it is not included in the list of Catholic and Orthodox calendars.


  • Zodiac – Sagittarius, Pisces
  • Element – ​​Earth
  • Colors – Bright Blue, Gold (Golden)
  • Metal – Gold
  • Tree – Larch
  • Planet – Sun
  • Constellation – Dolphin
  • Number – Seven
  • Food – Meat and grains
  • Animals – capercaillie
  • Stones – Moonstone

Characteristics of the name Gulnara

Positive features: Gulnara has a good reaction in extreme situations, quickly reacts to changing situations and adapts to new circumstances. It is in such cases that her best qualities are revealed.

Negative features: Number 4 indicates the need to set global goals, otherwise Gulnara will not achieve success.

Character of the name Gulnara: What does the name Gulnara mean? This is a person who can generate ideas, plan and implement plans. In addition, the four gives the name Gulnara the basis for the development of knowledge and skills in a variety of specialties. All you have to do is decide on your goals - and everything will work out!

Gulnara is very active as a child; it is difficult for her to sit in one place. She is cheerful, emotional, has a developed sense of humor, and loves active, noisy games. Over time, she becomes less emotional, calmer and more balanced. WITH childhood the name Gulnara is gifted with the most different talents. For example, she has such a good memory that Gulnara is able to quickly learn a poem and recite it by heart. She is also an excellent dancer.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: When Gulnara thinks about choosing a future profession, she wants the work to match her character and be sure to bring pleasure. From the point of view of numerology, the name Gulnara is determined by the number 4, which indicates a person capable of science and technical wisdom. It also represents stability, reliability, integrity, caution, and honesty.

Business and career: A good performer, he has the makings of a leader, which are revealed with outside help. She is not a careerist; most often she is content with her favorite job. A diligent accountant, a good economist, a family lawyer. Gulnara lacks ambition and business acumen for career growth. He may dream of his own business, but in practice he rarely opens a company. The talent of an organizer can manifest itself in amateur performances or organizing a hike. Such impulses rarely appear at work. Gulnara is a very diligent and diligent worker. Although it is worth noting that sometimes she is lacking initiative. But if she learns to overcome herself, she will become a good organizer.

Gulnara and her personal life

Love and marriage: the name Gulnara does not like loneliness, and in personal life She is rarely completely calm - she is constantly in a relationship. Although at the same time she makes quite high demands on men.

Gulnara is an excellent hostess, she understands well what exactly to require in family life. She does not tolerate lies and betrayal, and therefore will never allow her husband to cheat in front of her eyes. Confidently does household chores and knows how to properly distribute the family budget. She loves family events and happily invites her best friends over. She adores children and tries to give them the best. The husband dotes on his Gulnara and tries to protect her from all troubles.

Health and energy

Health and talents: Gulnara’s health is excellent. She has good immunity, which allows her to practically not get sick, and if she does get sick, she can easily cope with it. Nevertheless, her tendency to be overweight forces her to go on a diet from time to time. Moreover, over the years, its activity decreases and this needs to be done more and more often.

The fate of Gulnara in history

What does the name Gulnara mean for a woman’s destiny?

  1. Gulnara Abikeeva is a Kazakh film critic and film scholar, author of 5 books about the cinema of Central Asia and Kazakhstan.
  2. Gulnara Karimova is the daughter of Islam Karimov (President of Uzbekistan), who has been the Ambassador of Uzbekistan to Japan since 2010.
  3. Gulnara Khasyanova – CEO the Sky Link company, which in 2010 took third place in the Communications category in the ranking of top executives according to the Kommersant newspaper.
  4. Gulnara Sarsenova is the producer of the feature film “Mongol”.
  5. Gulnara Zairova is a journalist at the Irbis television company, presenter and author of a program about women.

The name Gulnara is of Muslim origin. Translated, it means “pomegranate flower” or “decorated with flowers.” Gulnara is the Russian version of the name Gulnar. The Kazakhs have a similar name, Gulnar. In some sources there is a translation as “adonis”.

At the moment, philologists have not been able to find out the exact origin of the name Gulnara. There is an assumption that this sonorous and beautiful song has Persian roots. This name was usually given to girls who were born on the day the pomegranate blossomed.

The second version assumes the Kazakh origin of the name Gulnara. Perhaps other peoples have completely different information about this, but accurate information has not reached our days.


The meaning of the name Gulnara in most cases is influenced by the day and month of the girl’s birth. Each character type has its own advantages and disadvantages; it is impossible to say which one is bad and which one is good.

  • A woman named Gulnara, who born in winter, very smart and quick-witted. She always strives to learn something new, is very active, and has a choleric temperament. He always adheres to his principles, sometimes creating these problems for himself.
  • Representatives of the fair sex with the name Gulnara born in summer very calm and reasonable. These are mostly creative people who love to create something new and unusual.
  • Spring and autumn the girls absorbed both good and bad traits. They can be persistent and even cold-blooded, or they can become kind and gentle. Their mood is very changeable and fickle.


The name Gulnara has a romantic and original interpretation, so already in childhood the girl shows unsurpassed originality.

WITH early years a child named Gulnara sets goals for herself and persistently moves towards their implementation.

But this does not mean that the girl begins to be capricious if she does not get what she wants. She is looking for other ways to achieve her goal. For parents who have chosen the name Gulnara for their child, they should be prepared for the fact that the girl will be a little shy and withdrawn. This does not speak of her modesty, but of the fact that she likes to analyze the actions of others simply by observing.

Gulnara active and inquisitive since childhood. Such girls often turn out to be excellent students. She has a great sense of humor, but it is difficult to notice due to her unsociability. He reveals his talents only among friends and acquaintances.


Girls named Gulnara are usually beautiful, so they are rarely left without a gentleman. They pay attention to their boyfriend's character. If the relationship does not work out, Gulnara will not suffer for long. She always has fans, but not everyone can withstand her character. He makes strict demands on his soul mate. She prefers to be in charge in relationships and is jealous. The owner, loyalty is of great importance to her.

Family life

The meaning of the name Gulnara leaves an imprint on her entire life. Although she is “decorated with flowers,” it is not so easy to approach her, which is why Gulnars usually get married late.

In order to accept a marriage proposal, a girl must be completely confident in her partner’s fidelity and feelings.

The search for an ideal can take quite a long time, especially since it is not so easy to withstand her temperament. With age, Gulnara reconsiders the criteria for selecting a man and no longer reacts so sharply to the shortcomings of her other half. But even after getting married, a woman named Gulnara strives to be the head of the family.

Her character can only be changed birth of a child. She stops infringing on her husband’s rights and immerses herself in caring for the children. She is quite strict towards them, but also does not forget to pamper them.

On the farm She always has order. A husband next to such a wife is surrounded by care and attention. She will remain faithful to him all her life. She is ready to do anything for the sake of her family, she will try to save it by any means.


Gulnara always knows exactly what she wants to do, so choosing a profession is not difficult for her.

Gulnara Islamovna Karimova (daughter of the President of Uzbekistan, Ambassador of Uzbekistan to Spain from January 2010 to July 2012)

  • It is important for her that her work is interesting and exciting. Career growth will be a pleasant addition.
  • But you shouldn’t think that a woman named Gulnara is not interested in the material side. This is wrong. Although wage and does not come first, but it matters.
  • It is contraindicated for a woman to engage in boring work. If a place doesn't suit her, she won't stay there for long.
  • IN professional activity such a woman can achieve great success if no one pushes her into limits.

Often plans his actions many steps ahead. She is not interested in small matters.

Gulnara will succeed if she opens her own business. She always adheres to the rules and purposefully brings her ideas to life.

Value (description):

The meaning of the name Gulnara is detailed description origin and characteristics of the name, name day dates, famous people.
Short form of the name Gulnara. Gulya, Gelya, Narik, Nara.
Synonyms for the name Gulnara. Gulnaria, Gulnar, Gulanar, Anargul, Nargul, Narigul, Nargul, Gulnarida, Gelnara, Gulnar.
Origin of the name Gulnara. The name Gulnara is Tatar, Muslim, Kazakh.

The name Gulnara is a Russified form of the feminine Muslim name Gulnar. Very often the owner of this name is addressed by the abbreviation Gulya. The name Gulnar is identical to the names Gulnara, Gulnaria and Gulnar and is of Arabic origin. In Ancient Persia, this name was translated as “pomegranate flower.” Among the Kazakh people, the name Gulnara has a different meaning - “floral, flower-like”, and is literally translated as “pomegranate flower”.

There is also a version that the herbaceous plant adonis, which has bright yellow and red flowers, was called “pomegranate flower.” Therefore, the name Gulnara can be interpreted as “Adonis”. Various peoples have variations of this name - Gelnara, Gulanar, Nargul. There is a pair name Anar with a similar meaning.

The diminutive address Gul is also a short form for many female names, not only those starting with “gul” (Aigul, Galina, Gulmira, Gulnaz, Gulzira, Angel, Gulshat and others), as well as some male names(Georgy, Sergey, Igor). Although in relation to male names such treatment is now quite rare.

Gulnara is growing up as an active child; it is very difficult for her to sit in one place. She is very emotional, cheerful, with a developed sense of humor and prefers outdoor games. With age, Gulnara's emotionality smoothes out, and she becomes much calmer.

Gulnara has been very gifted with talents since childhood. The owners of this name are distinguished by their remarkable memory, and therefore they can easily memorize and recite poems by heart. They are excellent at dancing.

The work should correspond to the girl’s character and be to her liking. Gulnara is a diligent and diligent worker, although she does not always know how to show her initiative. Usually Gulnara becomes a good organizer.

Gulnara, born in winter, is characterized by mobility and intelligence. She is choleric by temperament. It is common for her to create difficulties for herself. Sometimes Gulnara shows persistence, adherence to principles and even authority. She needs a job where the girl can express herself. She is very hardworking and a real careerist. Once she has chosen a place of work, she, as a rule, does not change it again.

In their personal life, Gulnars do not like to be alone, although they need some time to be in silence. They are devoid of prejudices. Sometimes they can be capricious and, in general, have very high demands on men. But if someone is lucky enough to marry her, she will become an exemplary and affectionate wife.

Gulnars, born in spring, are distinguished by a calm temperament. They are very cheerful and always think about the future, but sometimes they can lose confidence in themselves. As a rule, they are very friendly, responsive and, if possible, try to support a good relationship with all my friends, both new and old. They always try to stick to the rules, because they really don’t like to break them. Perseverance and determination are more evident in adulthood.

Famous people with the name Gulnara

  • Gulnara Abikeeva (famous Kazakh film expert and film critic, art director of the Eurasia Film Festival, author of five books about the cinema of Kazakhstan and Central Asia)
  • Gulnara Samitova-Galkina (Russian athlete, the first ever Olympic champion in the 3000 m steeplechase; world record holder in the 3000 m steeplechase)
  • Gulnara Karimova (daughter of the President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov, Ambassador of Uzbekistan to Spain since 2010)
  • Gulnara Sultanova ((born 1975) Russian civil and LGBT activist, director of the International LGBT Film Festival "Side by Side", coordinator of the LGBT organization "Coming Out" and the "Russian-German Exchange". Known for her numerous appearances in the media in connection with human rights issues regarding gays and lesbians)
  • Gulnara Khasyanova (CEO of Sky Link, in the 2010 ranking of top executives by the Kommersant newspaper took third place in the Communications category)
  • Gulnara Dusmatova (film actress, People's Artist of Kazakhstan)
  • Gulnara Sarsenova (producer of the acclaimed film “Mongol”)
  • Gulnara Dusmatova (actress)
  • Gulnara Zairova (journalist for the Irbis television company, author and presenter of a program about women, author and presenter of a children's program)
  • Meaning: pomegranate flower

    The meaning of the name Gulnara - interpretation

    The melodious name Gulnara of Persian origin, meaning “pomegranate flower,” has a slightly different meaning in some Muslim countries – “blooming” or “flower-like.” It is curious that this name can be given another interpretation - “adonis”. In the latter case, we are talking about a herbaceous plant with bright yellow and red flowers. Shortened versions: Gulya or Gulnar.

    Name Gulnara in other languages

    Years later

    The baby is growing active and cheerful. He begins to recognize his family early, smiles and laughs a lot. Growing up, the girl cannot sit in one place for a long time; her parents send her to kindergarten early, to which she very quickly gets used to.

    Gulnara always has a lot of friends; her peers are attracted by her easy-going character. From early childhood he has an excellent memory, and this helps a lot in school and in the future - in professional activities. He has an ear for music and sings excellently.

    Gulnara constantly feels the need to communicate, so she values ​​family and friends very much. The girl is honest, open and wants to help those who need it. She loves animals and is always ready to shelter a stray kitten or puppy if necessary.

    Growing up, the girl becomes calmer and more balanced. She is talented and has an excellent memory, which helps a lot in her studies. Gulya is no different in perseverance. The girl shows diligence in everything, but does not like monotony.

    If she doesn’t like something, she will never do it, giving quite compelling arguments in her defense. It is not surprising that the opposite sex is crazy about Gulya. Guys are attracted to her cheerfulness and gentleness.

    Gulnara is active and tries to lead an active lifestyle. It is important for a young lady to constantly be surrounded by people who perceive her as she is. Gulya does not know how to pretend to please others and does not want to.

    The character of an adult woman directly depends on what time of year she was born. If Gulnara was born in winter or autumn, then until old age she retains her friendliness and ability to enjoy life. “Summer” and “spring” Ghouls are persistent and can show authority.

    They build their career methodically and achieve great success. All ladies with this melodious name enjoy the attention of men and know how to manipulate them. Therefore, representatives of the stronger sex very often find themselves at their feet.

    The woman is very conservative and tries to adhere to the established rules in everything. She does not like to conflict, she is not interested in intrigue. He does not like gossip and sharply suppresses it. If she finds out that someone has discussed her actions, she immediately stops communicating with these people.

    Gulnara's character

    He never intrigues and tries to maintain friendly relations with everyone. He often does charity work and loves animals. Very decent and scrupulous. Many consider Gulnara to be powerful and decisive, but she does not flaunt these qualities.

    If she has to occupy a leadership position, then she copes with it very well. Under her leadership, the kingdom of dignity and harmony will certainly triumph, and everyone will be completely satisfied and happy.

    She has a temper and power, a desire to manipulate people and excessive self-confidence. She can indulge in gluttony and is very resourceful. Capable of impudence, but usually does not cross the line.

    She is capable of cunning, especially if this applies to representatives of the stronger sex who are pining for her. Men willingly fall in love with her one by one and naively believe that Gulnara reciprocates their feelings.

    Gulnara's fate

    Numerology determines the meaning of this name by the number four. This means that its owner has an inquisitive mind and shows ability in different areas activities. Gulnara is honest and conscientious, she is careful in extreme situations, and she takes responsibility for carrying out any assignment. The woman quickly adapts to a new environment, gets along well with colleagues and is always ready to help loved ones.

    Gulnara builds her own life and always achieves her goals. She carefully plans her destiny, and possessing intuition, she knows how to calculate every step, so she rarely finds herself in difficult situations. A woman’s words never diverge from deeds, which is highly appreciated by those around her. She does not like quarrels and always tries to maintain excellent relationships with friends, who consider her the life of the party and a very open person.

    Gulnara is a strong personality, and this helps her remain optimistic. The woman does not share her problems, but is very worried that it could negatively affect her psyche.

    and money

    and family

    and love


    and hobbies

    Career, business and money

    The work should bring Gulnara pleasure and correspond to her unusual character. The range of professions that she can choose is very wide: from a teacher to a banker.

    The woman does not like to take initiative, but she is an excellent organizer who knows how to captivate her colleagues.

    Marriage and family

    Gulnara is practical, so she is in no hurry to connect her life with a man for whom she only feels sympathy. Her husband always becomes an intelligent and self-sufficient person, has good manners, is wealthy and is madly in love with her.

    Therefore, Gulya is in no hurry to get married, but takes a long time to choose. Having become a wife, she carefully takes care of her husband and children, Gulnara is an excellent cook and loves to receive guests. She is correct and polite with her husband's parents, which her mother-in-law greatly appreciates.

    Sex and love

    Energetic and cheerful, Gulnara is a success among men. The girl understands this perfectly well, but she simply doesn’t know how to flirt. She is looking for her ideal, sex for her is not just a pleasant pastime, but a real sacrament.

    She experiences her first intimate intimacy very emotionally and remembers her partner all her life. Many men consider a woman cold, but there are also those for whom she is an ideal and passionate lover. It all depends on Gulnara’s mood and how suitable the young man is for her as a permanent life partner.


    Little Gulya practically never gets sick, but her parents need to constantly support her immunity.

    The owners of this melodious name are prone to obesity, so they need to follow a diet and lead an active lifestyle throughout their lives. As you age, problems with your intestines and teeth may arise.

    Interests and hobbies

    Gulnara loves to travel and cannot imagine her life without visiting other cities and countries. For voyages, he chooses resorts with beautiful scenery and many attractions.

    Her hobbies may include cooking and some types of needlework that do not require perseverance and painstaking work.

    This female name, originating from hot Arab countries, translated means “pomegranate flower”, or “like a flower”. But meaning of the name Gulnara not at all as romantic as its sound. The interpretation of the name presupposes the presence of a clear consciousness, clear boundaries of behavior, cold-bloodedness and even some prudence.

    Already in childhood, little Gulechka shows unsurpassed resourcefulness, originality of thoughts, and the ability to build complex strategic plans. She goes towards her goal with fierce inflexibility, be it a toy she likes, or something that belongs to an adult.

    Parents, when choosing the meaning of the name Gulnara for a child, should prepare for the fact that the baby will be somewhat withdrawn and uncommunicative. But this does not mean that she has nothing to say or do, she just considers herself an order of magnitude higher than those around her, and prefers to observe and analyze what is happening from the outside.

    Nevertheless, Gulya is very active, she is bursting with energy, and if mom and dad direct her in the right direction, they will raise at least an excellent student, or even a genius.

    At school, the girl does not strive to prove herself and attaches importance to her independence, but teachers always notice her undoubted talent, especially in those areas where careful analysis is necessary.

    Gulnara is endowed with a good sense of humor, but her dislike of communicating with the absolute majority of those around her prevents her from demonstrating this ability. She becomes real - cheerful, emotional, active - only in the circle of close friends or relatives.

    Origin of the name Gulnara

    The name Gulnara is a Russified form of the name Gulnar; very often the owner of this name is also called Gulya for short. The name Gulnar is identical to the names Gulnara, Gulnaria and Gulnar and is of Arabic origin.

    In Ancient Persia, this name was translated as “pomegranate flower.” Among the Kazakh people, the name Gulnara has a different meaning - “floral, flower-like”, and is literally translated as “pomegranate flower”.

    There is also a version that the herbaceous plant adonis, which has bright yellow and red flowers, was called “pomegranate flower.” Therefore, the name Gulnara can be interpreted as “Adonis”.

    The diminutive address Gul is also a short form for many female names, not only starting with “gul” (Aigul, Galina, Gulmira, Gulnaz, Gulzira, Angel, Gulshat and others), as well as for some male names (George, Sergey, Igor).

    Gulnara is growing up as an active child; it is very difficult for her to sit in one place. She is very emotional, cheerful, with a developed sense of humor and prefers outdoor games. With age, Gulnar's emotionality smoothes out, and they become much calmer.

    Since childhood, the Gulnars have been very gifted with talents. They have a remarkable memory, and therefore have no difficulty in memorizing and reciting poetry. They are excellent at dancing.

    The work should match her character and be to her liking. Gulnara is a diligent and diligent worker, although she does not always know how to show her initiative. Usually, those with the name Gulnara make good organizers.


    Despite her poor communication skills, Gulya is rarely lonely. This means that her life is always full of new experiences from relationships with the opposite sex, she gives great importance characteristics of your partner.

    It rarely happens that she suffers for a long time after another unsuccessful romance. There will always be fans of her originality and attractive appearance, but not everyone will survive for a long time as her partner.

    Gulnara is very demanding of men, often takes the dominant position in relationships, and can easily throw a tantrum if she has any suspicions about a man’s fidelity. She attaches great importance to the complete absence of betrayal - her man should belong only to her.


    Most often, a girl gets married late. This means that she needs to be completely confident in her choice, and not every man can withstand an alliance with this temperamental and emotional person.

    Only with age, Gulnara’s utopian exaggerated demands come in the right direction, and she begins to be more tolerant of her partner’s shortcomings.

    But still, even having entered into a marriage, she will always stick to her line, prove that she is right, and persuade her husband to submit. Until the child arrives, her own primacy is of paramount importance in her life.

    Only children, to whose upbringing and education she attaches great importance, can change this woman. And even then, she will stop putting pressure on her husband, only because her attention has completely switched to her beloved children.

    When choosing a profession, Gulya almost never has any difficulties; she clearly understands what she wants to do. She attaches great importance to the interest and fascination of her activities, which means career, in addition to constant work, also includes a certain amount of pleasure.

    In professional activities, with the right choice of field, she can reach unprecedented heights: the main thing is not to force her consciousness into a framework. Her plans are always global, she does not waste time on trifles and penny increases in salary - she needs everything at once.

    Based on the above, an excellent prospect for Gulnara would be to create her own business. By translating her large-scale ideas into reality, she may well create something outstanding, since she simply will not settle for anything less.

    The secret of the name Gulnara

    Such children grow up mobile and active, they find it difficult to sit still, they are cheerful and emotional. With age, Gulnara becomes less emotional and acquires a calmer and more diligent character. She may have a talent for something and has a good memory.

    Gulnara chooses a job to her liking, one that will suit her character. Such a woman is a diligent employee, completes everything on time, and shows initiative in rare cases. Can be a good organizer.

    Winter Gulnars grow smart and agile. These are pronounced choleric people who create difficulties for themselves. They can be bossy, principled and persistent. They express themselves in their work and put it first.

    Spring Gulnars have a calmer character, are not always self-confident, but like to think about the future. These are helpful and friendly women who can maintain good relationships with everyone. They live by the chosen rules and try not to break them.

    Gulnara cannot stand loneliness. She is devoid of prejudices, sometimes becomes capricious, and makes high demands on men. In family life she will be affectionate and good.

    General description of the name Gulnara

    The name is of Persian origin - “blooming”, “pomegranate flower”.

    These girls are very mobile; it is difficult for them to sit in one place. They can react quite emotionally to everything that happens. They prefer active games. For such girls, the period of life from 7 to 14 years is especially important: at this time they begin to express themselves as independent individuals.

    It is during these years that a system of values ​​and character traits are formed. This period is fundamental for the formation of personality.

    Over the years they become calmer. Their memory is well developed and they can recite poetry well. But they dance no less beautifully, and they have a well-developed sense of humor. Most of all they do not like loneliness, but sometimes they also need to be at home, in silence.

    They are quite efficient and diligent in their work, but they cannot always show initiative. They try to choose a job to their liking. They can become good organizers.

    Willful, independent, with a non-standard way of thinking, living by their own rules. They are rarely lonely, since it is important for them to have many friends with whom they can argue or discuss some problem. They love nature and are interested in spiritual life.

    “Winter” are choleric by temperament. They are agile and think quite quickly. They like to create problems for themselves.

    Sometimes they become persistent, principled and even domineering. They try to choose a profession based on their character. They can be called careerists; they are hardworking. It is not their style to change jobs.

    “Spring” Gulnars are calmer. They are very responsive and kind. Quite often they think about the future. Sometimes they are not confident in themselves. They are friendly, try to maintain relationships with both new and old acquaintances.

    They don't like to break rules. In adulthood, they become more decisive and persistent. Sometimes capricious and in most cases very demanding of men. But they are affectionate and exemplary wives. Devoid of any prejudices.

    They do not get lost in extreme situations, in difficult conditions, when the qualities of their character and personality are revealed from the best side. Good and reliable comrades.

    They feel a great need for communication, so they often choose as a profession the path of translator, presenter, journalist, politician, trade worker, scientist, psychologist, director, cameraman.

    Analytical abilities, ability to persuade, developed logic, giftedness, law-abidingness, helpfulness, sociability, activity, strength, rationality.

    Light, mobile, active. There is an infantilism and sweetness in their appearance - these are eternally young women. The charming smile practically never leaves his face. She attracts people to herself and loves to communicate. Easily transforms the most complex ideas into accessible words, knows how to convey the essence of the task to others.

    Weaknesses of the name Gulnara

    Sluggishness, conformism, narcissism, isolation from reality, sophistication, gluttony, deceit, resourcefulness, aggressiveness, greed.

    Indulging in one's own weaknesses results in a sedentary slow-witted, completely disorganized person. Such a Gulnara is fussy and deceitful, she is often caught plagiarizing other people's ideas.

    Sexuality of the name Gulnara

    Her energy cannot but attract attention. Gulnara simply attracts with her magnetism and sexuality. At the same time, she is by no means a flirt and will not enter into a relationship for the sake of connection.

    She is looking for her ideal and will give preference to the admirer who can touch not so much her heart as her mind. Some men may consider her cold-blooded, for others she will be the personification of passion.

    Sometimes Gulnara uses her sexuality as a weapon, she has the necessary charm for it to work. This is a witch whose apparent innocence can lead to far-reaching consequences.

    In a man, he pays attention to his appearance, manners, and financial condition. Behaves seriously and with dignity. Able to be generous, attentive, patient. She doesn't get married very early, but she is a wonderful housewife and mother.

    For her husband she will become an interesting companion, a faithful adviser. As a rule, it retains its attractiveness for quite a long time.

    The influence of the name Gulnara on fate

    Gulnara is an activist whose words are consistent with deeds. This is a fiery speaker who can captivate a team. She usually lives in peace and friendship with everyone, as she has a sense of justice.

    She should refrain from gluttony, which can damage her figure. Otherwise, my health is quite good.

    Name forms

    • Full name: Gulnara.
    • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other variants - Gulnarchik, Gulnarka, Gulnarushka, Gulya, Gulka, Gulechka, Gulenka, Gulyushka.
    • Declension of the name - Gulnary, Gulnare.
    • The church name in Orthodoxy is not.