Disable Windows 7 User Account Control. What is User Account Control (UAC)? Why it's important not to disable UAC

28.06.2020 Trips

The user interface of the User Account Control (UAC) settings in Windows 7 has been significantly improved and changed, as a result, using UAC has become less annoying and more convenient. Windows 7 introduced a slider in UAC settings that allows users to configure and select what level of notification (and therefore tamper and malware protection) they want to use. With the advent of fine-tuning UAC, the wording “disable” UAC has now disappeared. So how can you still disable UAC? Or at least how you can turn off notifications and pop-ups so they're less annoying.

In Windows 7, there are several ways to disable User Account Control, let's look at all of them in more detail:

Method 1: About turn offUAC(UserAccountControl) in the control panel

1. In Windows 7, there are several ways to open the UAC settings page:

    • Go to Start menu -> Control Panel -> User Accounts and Family Safety -> User Account.
    • Go to Start menu -> Control Panel -> System and Security -> Action Center.
    • Right-click on the flag in the notification area (system tray), and then select Open Action Center.
    • Dial " MsConfig" in the search bar to launch the system setup module, then go to the Tools tab, find the Change UAC Settings item, select it and click the "Launch" button.

3. Lower the slider to the lowest value labeled Never notify me.

4. Click OK to save.

5. Reboot your computer to completely disable user access control.

Method 2: ShutdownUACusing the registry editor

1. Launch the registry editor (Regedit).

2. Go to the following registry key:


3. Find the following REG_DWORD type parameter:

4. Set the EnableLUA value to 0.

5. Exit Registry Editor and restart your computer to permanently disable UAC.

Method 3:disable UACgroups using group policy

In versions of Windows 7 Ultimate, Business, and Enterprise that can be included in an Active Directory domain, it is possible to use domain-based Group Policy to disable UAC control on multiple computers on the network at the same time.

1. Type gpedit.msc in the search bar to launch the Local Group Policy Editor (or gpmc.msc to launch the Group Policy Management Console in an AD domain).

2. Go to the next branch of the Group Policy tree:

Computer Configuration -> Windows Settings -> Security Settings -> Local Policies -> Security Options

In GPMC, first select the Group Policy you want to edit.

3. On the right side of the window, find the following policy:

User Account Control: Behavior of the elevation prompt for administrators in Admin Approval Mode

Set this policy to " Elevatewithoutprompt"(without request).

4. Find the following policy on the right side of the editor window:

User Account Control: Detect application installations and prompt for elevation

Set its value to Disabled.

5. Find another policy on the right side of the screen:

User Account Control: Run all administrators in Admin Approval ModeAccount Control

Set this option to Disabled.

6. Find the following policy:

User Account Control: Only elevate UIAccess applications that are installed in secure locations

Set its value Disabled.

7. Restart your computer when you have edited all the specified settings

Method 4:Using the Command Line for UserAccountControl

Using the ability to disable UAC control using the command line can be useful in various scripting scenarios, such as .bat and .cmd files. This approach can be useful for professional administrators and technical specialists. In fact, the above commands do nothing more than edit the registry setting specified in method 2.

1. Open a command prompt with administrator rights.

2. To disable UAC, run the following commands:

%windir%\System32\cmd.exe /k %windir%\System32\reg.exe ADD HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v EnableLUA /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f

Optionally, you can disable all pop-up warnings and notifications:

%windir%\System32\cmd.exe /k %windir%\System32\reg.exe ADD HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f

Tip: To enable UAC again, use the command:

%windir%\System32\cmd.exe /k %windir%\System32\reg.exe ADD HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v EnableLUA /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f

To return pop-up notifications, type:

%windir%\System32\cmd.exe /k %windir%\System32\reg.exe ADD HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin /t REG_DWORD /d 2 /f

Please note that if you have disabled UAC in Windows 7, your desktop gadgets may stop working. If you are interested, read the following article.

To gain access to confidential information, you need control accounts users.

What is it and how to use it correctly?

What is User Account Control

Sooner or later the user personal computer or laptop is faced with a situation in which it is necessary to edit or even delete system files, and access to them is denied.

On the network, and in the system itself, you can find mention of some mysterious UAC.

So, this same UAC is User Account Control. That is, control over the user account.

It is this infection that every time prohibits you from deleting Internet Explorer or another system file that has long been boring and is wasting space; it is this type of control that does not give you the opportunity to edit system folders or change settings.

Of course, on the one hand, this is convenient, because this way no one can harm you. But you can’t do anything about it either!

In fact, it appeared not so long ago, starting only with Vista, and was created solely to protect the computer from malware or intrusions.

For example, it is automatically turned on with the following actions:

  • Changes in system catalogs;
  • Reconfiguring the system, parental controls, firewall;
  • Restoring files (especially system files) from a backup;
  • Working with accounts;
  • Installation of various programs, etc.

That is, it is very simple to call him, but it's much more difficult to turn off.

Simply because many people don't know how to do it.

But it is not always necessary to turn it off. Why was it even created?

What is it for?

Despite the fact that sometimes UserAccountControl does nonsense and prohibits the simplest actions in system folders or the computer in general, it was not developed in vain.

Disable in Windows 10

The control system, which appeared in the infamous version of Windows Vista, was preserved until the latest incarnation of the operating system.

By the way, practically unchanged.

In the updated version of the operating system, such a control system is still designed to do good and protect the system from intrusions and viruses, as well as malware and potentially dangerous ones.

But at the same time, the attitude towards it has not changed, and many users still want to change or disable this function.

Therefore, the problem of disconnecting in the “ten” is solved in the same way as in previous versions.

True, in this case the names of the items that the slider moves through have changed, but their meaning remains approximately the same.

As well as a method for suspending, correcting and completely disabling User Account Control:

  • To get started, open the search window. It is marked with a magnifying glass icon and is located next to the Start menu.
  • As in all previous cases, enter the control abbreviation, that is, the letters "UAC".
  • In the search results, select the menu called “Changing User Account Control settings.”
  • A window will open in which all you have to do is move the slider to the desired position.

Now all that remains is to confirm the selected parameters with the “OK” button and reboot, which will take quite a bit of time.

The most important thing here is not to get confused, since the names of the settings items in this version of Windows have been changed.

So, the user can see "Always notify", "Never notify", "Don't notify me when I change settings" etc.

And to disable control completely, you need to leave the slider in the “Never notify” mode. Thus, the control will be completely disabled.

But this is not the only way to change settings in UAC. You can also do this using the registry and command line.

Disabling using the registry

This method is a little more complicated than the previous ones, and is suitable for those who for some reason were unable to log in as an administrator or find what they needed in the “search”.

But this does not mean that it will be too heavy, no. You just have to put in a little more effort here. And more attentiveness, since this will not be limited to just one slider.

  • First, you need to open the search window, and this is done, as readers have already understood, using “Start” or a key combination that remains the same in both “eight” and “ten”.
  • The registry is called regedit, and this is the word you need to enter in the search window that opens.
  • Let's launch regedit from search results.
  • On the left side you can see various folders. You need to open them one by one, in this order: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System.
  • In the last of these folders, in the menu on the right, you will see a display of its contents. All that remains is to choose from the proposed files “EnableUA”.
  • Run this file.

    Disabling User Account Control via the command line

    Perhaps this is the last way to regulate accounts, or rather control them, from a distance. That is, without directly affecting the system settings.

    In general, the command line will be convenient for more experienced users, but if you delve into the principle of its operation, you will see that even a child can adjust the control settings.

    And this is how it is done:

    • Run "Search".
    • In the window that opens, enter only three letters: "cmd".
    • Press "Enter". This will automatically launch command line.
    • In the window that opens (and it will be black, with the ability to edit), you will need to enter the following command:
    C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /k C:\Windows\System32\reg.exe ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v EnableLUA /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f


    In order not to suffer with codes and commands, just copy this line and paste the command in the window that opens. It will work.

    • Restart your computer.

    Of course, not without the possibility of recovery, but you can turn it back on only using another command, entered in the same way in .

    It will be enough just to replace the number “0” with “1” at the very end of the code and repeat the entire operation.

    Then the control will be turned on again.


    UAC, aka “User Account Control”, aka “user account control”, was originally created in order to store data and protect it from attacks by viruses and hackers.

    That is, as support for antivirus, as a means of protecting your computer from unwanted intrusions, and simply as additional security that prevents just anyone from changing the settings and data on your .

    But at the same time, such security is very often unnecessary, and does not give the user the opportunity to either change settings on their own or delete unnecessary, but still system and pre-installed, programs and files.

    In this case, it is important to know how to properly disable User Account Control, which sometimes exceeds its responsibilities.

    At the same time, it is equally important to remember that it is advisable to turn it on immediately after you have completed all the necessary steps, and, of course, support its operation with a reliable antivirus and proxy server.

    After all, no matter how reliable this method of protection may be, it, like , without support, is not able to completely protect the hardware from troubles.

    Therefore, disabling control should be done only in extreme cases; it would be much more reliable and convenient to simply reduce its powers, that is, remove most of the prohibitions for the user, leaving the function of tracking malware, viruses and hacks.

    And although different versions of the operating system have different settings, there are different ways to change them and different names However, if necessary, it will be very, very easy to disable such control. All it takes is a few clicks and a little patience.

    Well, which of these methods to disable User Account Control to choose is up to the reader to decide.

User Account Control is probably the most underrated and perhaps even the most hated feature that debuted in Vista and has been part of all subsequent versions of Windows. Much of the hate that users throw at User Account Control is, in my opinion, undeserved, since the feature provides real benefits. I completely agree that User Account Control (UAC) can be quite annoying at times, but it was introduced into Windows for a purpose. No, not to interfere with users, but to facilitate a smooth transition from a standard (restricted) account to an administrator account.

In this article, I'll explain what UAC is, how it works, why it's necessary, and how to configure it. I have no intention of telling you why you should use UAC, but rather informing you of what you're missing out on by disabling it.

A little background and account information

As you should know, Windows works with so-called accounts. They come in two types: administrator and standard (limited).

The administrator account gives the user full access to all functions of the operating system, i.e. the user can do whatever he wants. A standard account user has reduced rights and is therefore only allowed to do certain things. This, as a rule, is all that affects only the current user. For example: changing the wallpaper on the desktop, mouse settings, changing the sound scheme, etc. In general, everything that is specific to a specific user and does not apply to the entire system is available in the standard account. Anything that can affect the system as a whole requires administrator access.

One of the tasks assigned to these accounts is to protect against malicious code. The general idea here is that the user performs normal work under a limited account and switches to the administrator account only when an action requires it. Paradoxically, malware receives the same level of rights with which the user logged in.

In Windows 2000 and Windows XP, performing actions as an administrator is not implemented flexible enough, and therefore working under a limited account was not very convenient. One of the ways to perform an administrative action in these versions of the system looks like this: logging out of a limited account (or quick switching if you were using Windows XP) -> logging into the administrator account -> performing an action -> logging out of the administrator account (or quick switching if Windows XP was used) -> return to a limited account.

Another option is to use the context menu and the "Run as another user" option, which opens a window in which you must specify the appropriate administrator account and password to run the file as an administrator. This is a fairly quick way to switch from one account to another, but it does not apply to any situation that requires administrative privileges. Another problem with this method is that the administrator account must have a password, otherwise execution will fail.

That's why User Account Control was introduced in Windows Vista and brought to near perfection in Windows 7.

What is UAC

UAC is a feature in Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 and 10 that aims to make the transition from a restricted environment to an administrator environment as smooth and hassle-free as possible, eliminating the need to manually run files as an administrator or switch between accounts. In addition, UAC is an additional layer of protection that requires little effort on the part of the user, but can prevent serious damage.

How UAC works

When a user logs into their account, Windows creates a so-called user access token, which contains certain information about that account and mainly various security identifiers that the operating system uses to control the access capabilities of that account. In other words, this token is a kind of personal document (like a passport, for example). This applies to everyone Windows versions based on the NT kernel: NT, 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 8 and 10.

When a user logs into a standard (limited) account, a standard user token with limited rights is generated. When a user logs into an administrator account, a so-called. administrator token with full access. Logical.

However, in Windows Vista, 7, 8 and 10, if UAC is enabled and the user is logged into an administrator account, Windows creates two tokens. The Administrator one remains in the background, and the Standard one is used to launch Explorer.exe. That is, Explorer.exe runs with limited rights. In this case, all processes launched after this become subprocesses of Explorer.exe with inherited limited privileges of the main process. If a process requires administrative rights, it requests an administrator token, and Windows in turn asks the user for permission to provide the process with this token in the form of a special dialog box.

This dialog box contains the so-called secure desktop, which can only be accessed by the operating system. It looks like a darkened snapshot of the actual desktop and only contains an administrator confirmation window and possibly a language bar (if more than one language is activated).

If the user does not agree and clicks “No,” Windows will deny the process an administrator token. And if he agrees and selects “Yes,” the operating system will grant the process the privileges it needs, namely, an administrator token.

If the process is already running with reduced rights, it will be restarted with elevated (administrator) rights. A process cannot be demoted or promoted directly. Once a process has been launched with one token, it will not be able to obtain other rights until it is launched again with new rights. An example is the Task Manager, which always runs with limited rights. If you click the "Show processes of all users" button, Task Manager will be closed and launched again, but with administrator rights.

When using a standard account, UAC asks you to specify a specific administrator account and enter a password:

How UAC protects the user

UAC by itself does not provide much security. It just makes it easier to transition from a restricted environment to an administrative one. So a better way of asking the question is therefore how a restricted account hinders the user. Under a restricted user profile, processes cannot access certain system areas:

  • main disk partition;
  • other users' user folders in the \Users\ folder;
  • Program Files folder;
  • Windows folder and all its subfolders;
  • sections of other accounts in system registry
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE section in the system registry.

Any process (or malicious code) without administrator rights cannot penetrate deep into the system, without access to the necessary folders and registry keys, and therefore cannot cause serious damage to the system.

Can UAC interfere with older programs that are not officially compatible with Vista/7/8/10

Should not. When UAC is enabled, virtualization is also enabled. Some old and/or simply poorly written programs do not use the correct folders to store their files (settings, logs, etc.). The correct folders are the folders in the AppData directory that each account has and where each program can create a folder to store whatever it wants.

Some programs try to save their files to Program Files and/or Windows. If the program is run with administrator rights, this will not be a problem. However, if the program is running with limited permissions, it will not be able to make changes to files/folders in Program Files and/or Windows. The operating system simply won't allow it.

In order to prevent problems with such programs, Windows offers virtualization of folders and registry keys that programs with limited rights cannot access in principle. When such a program tries to create a file in a protected folder, the operating system redirects it to a special VirtualStore folder, which is located in X:\Users\<имя-вашего-профиля>\AppData\Local\(where X: is the system partition, usually C:). Those. Through the eyes of the program itself, everything is fine. She faces no obstacles and feels like she creates files/folders exactly where she wants them. VirtualStore typically contains Program Files and Windows subfolders. Here is a screenshot of Program Files in my VirtualStore folder:

And here is what is in the SopCast folder, for example:

Those. if UAC was stopped, or the program was always run as administrator, these files/folders would be created in C:\Program Files\SopCast. In Windows XP, these files and folders would be created without problems, because all programs in it have administrator rights by default.

This, of course, should not be considered by developers as a permanent solution. The responsibility of each author is to create software that is fully compatible with current operating systems.

UAC Dialog Boxes

You may have noticed that there are only three different UAC dialog boxes. Here we will look at those in Windows 7, 8.x and 10. In Vista, the dialogs are somewhat different, but we will not dwell on them.

The first type of window has a dark blue stripe at the top and a shield icon in the upper left corner, which is divided into 2 blue and 2 yellow sections. This window appears when confirmation is required for a process with a digital signature that belongs to the operating system - the so-called. Windows binaries. We'll talk about them below.

The second type of window also has a dark blue ribbon, but the shield icon is completely blue and has a question mark. This window appears when confirmation is required for a digitally signed process, but the process/file is not owned by the operating system.

The third window is decorated with an orange stripe, the shield is also orange, but with an exclamation mark. This dialog appears when confirmation is required for a process without digital signature.

UAC Settings

User Account Control settings (operating modes) are located in Control Panel -> System and Security -> Change User Account Control settings. There are only 4 of them:

Always notify is the most high level. This mode is equivalent to the way UAC works in Windows Vista. In this mode, the system always requires confirmation of administrator rights, regardless of the process and what it requires.

The second level is the default in Windows 7, 8.x and 10. In this mode, Windows does not display the UAC window when it comes to the so-called Windows binaries. Those. If a file/process that requires administrator rights meets the following 3 conditions, the operating system will grant them to it automatically, without confirmation from the user:

  • the file has a manifest built-in or as a separate file, which indicates automatic elevation of rights;
  • the file is located in the Windows folder (or in any of its subfolders);
  • the file is signed with a valid Windows digital signature.

The third mode is the same as the second (previous), but with the difference that it does not use a secure desktop. That is, the screen does not darken, and the UAC dialog box appears like any other. Microsoft does not recommend using this option, and I will explain why later.

Do not notify me - fourth and last level. This essentially means disabling UAC completely.

Two remarks are in order here:

  • The Windows digital signature refers specifically to the operating system. I say this because there are also files that have been digitally signed by Microsoft. These are two separate signatures, with UAC only recognizing the Windows digital signature as it acts as proof that the file is not only from Microsoft, but is part of the operating system.
  • Not all Windows files have a manifest for automatic elevation of rights. There are files that deliberately lack this. For example, regedit.exe and cmd.exe. It is clear that the second one is deprived of automatic promotion, because it is very often used to launch other processes, and as already mentioned, each new process inherits the rights of the process that launched it. This means that anyone could use the Command Prompt to run any processes seamlessly with administrator rights. Fortunately, Microsoft is not stupid.

Why is it important to use a secure desktop?

A secure desktop prevents any possible interference and influence from other processes. As mentioned above, only the operating system has access to it and with it it only accepts basic commands from the user, that is, pressing the “Yes” or “No” button.

If you are not using a secure desktop, an attacker could spoof a UAC window to fool you into running their malicious file with administrator rights.

When are administrator rights needed? When does the UAC window appear?

In general, there are three cases in which UAC addresses the user:

  • when changing system (not user) settings, although in fact this only applies to maximum level UAC;
  • when installing or uninstalling a program/driver;
  • when an application/process requires administrator privileges to make changes to system files/folders or system registry keys.

Why it's important not to disable UAC

User Account Control provides a high level of protection, and requires virtually nothing in return. That is, the UAC efficiency is very high. I don't understand why he annoys people so much. In everyday work, the average user sees the UAC window 1-2 times a day. Maybe even 0. Is it that much?

The average user rarely changes system settings, and when they do, UAC does not bother with its questions if it works with the default settings.

The average user does not install drivers and programs every day. All drivers and most of the necessary programs are installed once - after installing Windows. That is, this is the main percentage of UAC requests. After this, UAC intervenes only when updating, but new versions of programs are not released every day, not to mention drivers. Moreover, many do not update either programs or drivers at all, which further reduces UAC issues.

Very few programs need administrator rights to do their job. These are mainly defragmenters, cleaning and optimization tools, some programs for diagnostics (AIDA64, HWMonitor, SpeedFan, etc.) and system settings (Process Explorer and Autoruns, for example, but only if you need to do something specific - say, disable a driver /service or program starting from Windows). And all these are programs that either need not be used at all, or in rare cases. All frequently used applications work absolutely fine with UAC and do not ask any questions:

  • multimedia players (audio and/or video);
  • video/audio converters;
  • programs for image/video/audio processing;
  • programs for capturing screenshots of your desktop or video recordings on it;
  • image viewing programs;
  • web browsers;
  • file downloaders (download managers and clients of P2P networks);
  • FTP clients;
  • instant messengers or programs for voice/video communication;
  • disc burning programs;
  • archivers;
  • text editors;
  • PDF readers;
  • virtual machines;
  • and etc.

Even installing Windows updates does not use the UAC window.

There are people who are willing to sacrifice 1-2 or more minutes a day to "optimize" the system with some crookedly written programs that do nothing useful, but are not willing to spend a few seconds a day to respond to UAC requests.

Various statements like “I am an experienced user and I know how to protect myself” are not enough, because no one is immune and the outcome of certain situations does not always depend on the user. Moreover, people tend to make mistakes; it happens to everyone.

Let me give you one example: let's say you are using a program that has vulnerabilities, and one day you find yourself on a site that exploits those vulnerabilities. If User Account Control is enabled and the program runs with limited rights, an attacker will not be able to cause much trouble. Otherwise, the damage to the system can be colossal.

And this is just one of many examples.

Running applications alongside Windows with administrator rights

I admit that there may be users who turn off UAC simply to be able to run programs along with Windows and with administrator rights. In the usual way this is not possible because UAC cannot send a request to the user until the desktop is loaded. However, there is a way through which you can leave UAC enabled. Here he is:

  • open Task Scheduler;
  • click Create a task;
  • in field Name enter something of your choice, and at the bottom of the window turn on the option Run with highest rights;
  • go to the tab Triggers and press Create;
  • Select from the drop-down menu at the top When you log in; if you want to create a task for a specific user, select the option User and then click Change user; enter your username and confirm by pressing the button OK;
  • go to the tab Actions and press Create;
  • click Review, indicate the appropriate application and confirm your choice;
  • go to the tab Conditions and disable the option Run only on mains power;
  • on the tab Options disable the Stop task that takes longer to complete option;
  • confirm by pressing OK.

Ready. The task has been added so that the application will now load automatically with administrator rights. There is, however, one small catch here: all such tasks are performed with a priority lower than normal - below normal (below normal). If you're okay with that, then it's okay. If not, then you'll have to work a little harder:

  • run Task Scheduler if you have already closed it;
  • select Job Scheduler Library;
  • mark your task, click Export and save it in .xml format;
  • open the .xml file in a text editor;
  • find the section 7 , which should be at the end of the file and change the seven (7) between the opening and closing tags to a five (5);
  • save the file;
  • In the Task Scheduler, highlight your task again, click Delete and confirm the deletion;
  • now click Import task, select the file you just saved and click the button OK.

That's all. Whether you use UAC or not is up to you, but it's important to know what you're losing when you disable it, as well as being aware of the risks. Thank you for your attention!

Have a great day!

User Account Control (UAC) is a component (first introduced in Windows Vista) that asks for confirmation of actions that require administrator rights, used to protect against unauthorized use of the computer.

Everyone after installing Windows 7 at startup, installing programs was faced with a pop-up window asking permission to make changes to the computer - and this annoys many, in this article I want to describe step by step how to disable the annoying pop-up window.

First of all, I’ll say that by turning off User Account Control (UAC) you are reducing the level of your computer’s protection from various threats, so think twice about whether this is worth doing. It is described at the end of the article. If you are determined to turn it off, I suggest you consider several options on how to do this.

1 way to disable User Account Control (UAC)

Click "Start" in line Find programs and files write the word UAC Press "Changes to User Account Control settings."

In the window that opens, lower the slider to the very bottom and click "OK".

This way you will disable annoying windows from popping up.

2 way to disable User Account Control (UAC).

Go to the Control Panel, to do this, click “Start - Control Panel”

Select "Small Icons" and click on "User accounts".

After that click "Changes to User Account Control settings".

In the window that opens, lower the slider and click "OK".

UAC is disabled.

Table depending on the choice of parameter and its impact on computer security.

Parameter Safety Impact

Always notify

    This is the most secure option.

    When a notification appears, you must carefully review the contents of the dialog box before allowing or disabling changes.

Notify only when programs attempt to make changes to the computer

  • In most cases, you can allow changes to Windows settings without notification because doing so will not significantly reduce your security. However, some programs that come with Windows can send commands and data. Malicious programs can use such software to install files and change computer settings. Therefore, you should always be careful about which programs you can allow to run on your computer.

Notify only when programs attempt to make changes to the computer (do not dim the desktop)

    This setting is similar to the "Notify only when programs try to make changes to your computer" setting, but it does not display notifications on the secure desktop.

    Because the User Account Control dialog box is not present on the secure desktop when you use this setting, some programs may interfere with the User Account Control dialog box. If a malicious program is already running on the computer, the level of security in this case is practically not reduced.

Never notify

    This is the least secure option. Disabling User Account Control puts your computer's security at risk.

    In this case, you should be careful about the programs you run, as they are granted similar access permissions to your computer, including permissions to read and change protected system partitions, personal data, saved files, and any other data stored on the computer. In addition, such programs will be able to exchange data with any devices connected to the computer (including via the Internet).

is a component of the Windows 10 operating system designed to protect your computer from malware. UAC opens pop-up windows asking you to confirm an action every time you launch unknown programs or make changes to operating system settings.

UAC pop-ups can be quite annoying, but disabling UAC is not recommended. Because it really increases the level of protection of your computer. But, if you still decide to disable UAC in Windows 10, then this article should help you.

In order to disable UAC in Windows 10 you need to first. To do this, right-click on the “Start” button and select “Control Panel” from the menu that appears.

After opening the Control Panel, go to the User Accounts section.

And then open the subsection with the same name.

You should then be taken to your account management page. Here you need to click on the “Change User Account Control settings” link.

As a result, a window with UAC settings will open in front of you. In order to completely disable UAC in Windows 10, you need to move the slider to the very bottom and click on the “OK” button. You can also lower the level of protection; to do this, simply move the slider down one notch. If you lower your security, UAC will continue to work, but you will be less bothered by pop-ups.

After clicking the “Ok” button, UAC will ask you to confirm the change in settings, in this window just click “OK”.

How to disable UAC through the Windows 10 registry

You can also disable UAC in Windows 10 using the registry. To do this, go to the section:

  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System

In this section you need to find and open the parameter called “EnableLUA”.

After this, a window for editing the parameter will appear. To disable UAC, enter zero and save.

After editing the registry, restart your computer to disable UAC.

Many users, after installing the new dozen, are wondering: How to disable User Account Control (UAC) in the OS. In this article we will describe various options for disabling UAC in Windows 10, which sometimes makes it very difficult to configure the OS. You can disable it using the usual dozens of management tools, or using the CMD console and the registry file.

Disabling UAC in Windows 10 using standard controls

In this chapter, we will describe a method to disable UAC using the standard settings of Windows 10. For this method, we will use a PC with a freshly installed Windows 10. For UAC to work, we will download the executable file to install the video player VLC Media Player. After opening the file, we will see a message on the darkened screen as shown below.

If we click the Yes button, the installation file with the program will launch. We need to get rid of the appearance of this message. So let’s click on the link “ Configuring the issuance of such notifications" located at the bottom of the message window. After this action, a window will appear where you can edit UAC settings.

To completely turn off User Account Control, you need to lower the left slider to the very bottom and save these settings with the OK button. You can also see from the window that the slider can be set in four positions:

  1. The first option is completely activates UAC to protect tens. In this option, a message is issued for any changes in the OS.
  2. In the second option, the message is triggered only when trying to make changes using third-party programs into the system.
  3. The third option differs from the second only in that The user's screen does not dim.
  4. Fourth option completely disables UAC and no messages are displayed.

You can also get to the User Account Control settings window through the control panel.

In the panel itself, you can find the shutdown settings in the “ user accounts».

In this section, we fully answered the question of how to disable UAC in Windows 10.

We solve the problem using the registry file

To disable UAC, we will create a special file with registry data. This file has the extension "*reg". Below is a file open in Notepad with the registry settings we need.

In the file line ""EnableLUA"=dword:00000000" hexadecimal value " 00000000 " means that UAC should be disabled. At UAC enabled this value will be " 00000001 " Next, let’s run the registry file we created and update the data in the registry.

After updating the registry, the PC must be restarted, after which User Account Control will be disabled. You can enable UAC in the same way by changing the value from “00000000” to “00000001”. In addition to the registry file, you can solve our problem in the registry editor itself.

Using a registry file, you will be able to complete the task faster, and also use this file on other computers.

We solve the problem using the command line

For this example, we will need a console running as administrator. Thus, you can launch the console through the context menu, called up by the key combination WIN + X. In the running console, we need to execute the command shown below.

After typing the command, execute it, and then restart the computer. This command will completely disable UAC. To re-enable it via the console, you need to type the same command again and change its parameter from /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f to /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f

We solve the problem using the PowerShell console

To disable UAC, first launch the console PowerShell on behalf of the administrator. This can be done using the built-in Windows 10 search. Below is how to open PowerShell as an administrator.

In a running console PowerShell you need to type the command shown below.

After executing this command, you need to enter the Restart-Computer command which will restart the PC

You can turn UAC back on in PowerShell using the same command, only you need to change the zero to one.

This example will be of particular interest to novice system administrators and advanced PC users.


In this article, we talked about all the possible ways to disable User Account Control. It is also worth paying attention to the safety of turning off UAC, because it was initially activated to protect against malware. We hope that our readers will appreciate this material and after reading it they will be able to disable UAC.

Video on the topic

User Account Control in "Ten" is needed to inform us that any program or process is trying to access system files. Naturally, this is necessary in order to protect the PC from the activities of malicious software. Initially, UAC works and requests confirmation of any software actions that may disrupt the operation of the operating system. But not all users like such control, and here the question arises - how to disable UAC in Windows 10? This is exactly what we will talk about in the article, and a little lower you will find a video on the topic.

ShutdownUACWindows 10 via control panel

This is the simplest option, which is suitable even for a beginner, which is why we will describe it first. If things don't work out, try one of the options below.

To use this method, you must have administrator rights.

  1. To get started, launch the Control Panel. This can be done by typing its name into the search bar. To launch it, click on the magnifying glass icon, marked with the number “1” in the screenshot. Then we write a request and click on the desired delivery point.

  1. In the window that opens, click on the entry that we marked in the picture with a red frame.

  1. Press again on the inscription circled in the picture.

  1. Next, select the item that we have highlighted with a red rectangle.

There is a much easier way to get to the desired menu. To do this, press the buttons simultaneously [ knopka]Win+R and enter the command: UserAccountControlSettings , and then press Enter.

Here you can adjust the functioning of User Account Control, or deactivate UAC (in this case, notifications will no longer be displayed). You can choose from 4 profiles described below:

  1. Notifying about all attempts to install third-party software of any software or making changes to the operating system is the most safe option, you will be notified of any attempts to make changes to the system. If you are not an administrator you will also be required to enter a password.
  2. This profile is installed by default. Notifications here appear only when the software tries to make changes to the system itself. User actions are not checked.
  3. The same option as in point “2”, however, when notifications appear, the desktop does not darken. This approach is less secure and in some cases a virus may enter the PC.
  4. Notifications from the User Account Control Center (UAC) completely disabled. It is not recommended to use this option, otherwise the security of your PC will be at risk.

If you decide to remove UAC in Ten only because of annoying notifications, we advise you to immediately turn it back on. Before you remove parental controls in Windows 10 With You should think twice before making your OS an easy target for attackers.

How to disable UACWindows 10 in the registry editor

You can also deactivate UAC in Windows 10 through the registry. Let's take a closer look at how this is done:

  1. We launch the registry editor itself (use the key combination Win + R, when the Run utility starts, enter the word regedit in the line).

  1. When the Registry Editor opens, we need to navigate to the path that is marked with a red frame.

  1. All notifications work - 1, 1, 2.
  2. Notifications when the software tries to influence system parameters (used by default) - 1, 1, 5.
  3. The same as in point “2” but without dimming the screen - 0, 1, 5.
  4. Completely disabling UAC (not recommended) - 0, 1, 0.

It’s not difficult to understand how to use the list, just write down the values ​​​​indicated in it for all the keys responsible for the operation of the user account control system, also known as UAC.

Additional Information

In the article, we looked at how to disable User Account Control in Windows 10. But we do not recommend deactivating them under any circumstances, because by doing this, you make your computer vulnerable to virus attacks.

In any case, if after reading you still have any questions, ask us in the comments, and we will try to give the correct answer as quickly as possible.

User Account Control (UAC) allows you to protect your computer from intruders and malware. First appeared in Windows Vista. This component prompts you to confirm actions that require administrator rights to help protect against unauthorized use of your computer.
In Windows, the main danger of working with an administrator account is that the malware, having penetrated the system, runs with full rights, which allows it to take over and deprive the user of control over the system. In Windows XP, switching to a regular account was not so easy, since many system settings and, even more importantly, applications were designed only to work with administrator rights.

UAC notifies you of every significant change to your computer and asks for permission. For example, prompts are issued when you try to change the system time, install a program, edit the registry, or change the Start menu.

User Account Control in Windows 7/Vista is enabled by default. When UAC is running, you must run the program as an administrator to gain full rights, even if you are running with an administrative account.

This is due to the fact that when User Account Control is enabled, the administrator and the user come in one package. The administrative account has all the necessary rights, but when UAC is enabled, absolutely all tasks are launched with the rights of a standard user. And this happens until full administrator rights are required to continue working. It is at this moment that the User Account Control prompt appears, which serves as a signal that the program requires administrative rights.
UAC allows users to perform common tasks as non-administrators and administrators without having to switch accounts, log off, or use the Run As feature.

User Account Control is based on applying different levels of permissions to a user account. When User Account Control is turned on, before you run a program or task that requires an administrator token, Windows prompts you to either continue the operation or to enter the credentials of a valid administrator account. This request eliminates the possibility of any malicious application being installed unnoticed. The whole difference between working as an administrator and a regular user comes down to the fact that in the first case, to continue working, you just need to click the “Yes” button, and in the second, you will need to enter the password of any administrator available in the system.

The UAC message that appears should be read carefully and checked whether the name of the action (program) being performed matches the one that is actually being performed (launched). By checking these actions before startup, UAC helps prevent malware from being installed. software and spyware, as well as attempts by these programs to make unauthorized changes to the OS.

If permission or a password is required to complete the job, UAC will display a warning in the form of one of the following messages:

"Windows requires your permission to continue" - A feature or Windows program that may affect other users of this PC requires your permission to run. This icon means that the program or component is part of Windows, i.e. The item has a valid digital signature that verifies that it was issued by Microsoft. If this dialog box appears, you can usually continue working without worry. If you are unsure, check the name of the program or feature and decide whether you should run it.

“The program requires permission to continue working” - a program that is not part of Windows requires permission to run; This program has a valid digital signature that verifies its authenticity and that of its publisher. When this dialog box appears, make sure that you are running the correct program whose publisher you trust.

"An unidentified program is trying to access this computer" - an unidentified program is a program that does not have a valid digital signature from the publisher to verify the authenticity of the program; This doesn't necessarily mean it's dangerous, since many older, legitimate programs lack signatures. However, you should review the program carefully and only allow it to run if it comes from a trusted source, such as the original CD or the publisher's website. If you are unsure, search the program's name online to determine whether it is a known program or malware.

"The program has been blocked" - a program that is specifically blocked from running on this computer by the administrator because it is not trusted. To run this program, you must contact your system administrator directly.


IN Windows Vista User Account Control can be turned on or off in the User Accounts Control Panel applet.

IN Windows 7 User Account Control has been improved, in particular, in the control panel, instead of a single setting that either turned it on or off, four operating modes appeared:

  • "Always notify."
  • “Notify only when programs try to make changes to your computer.”
  • “Notify only when programs attempt to make changes to the computer (do not dim the desktop).”
  • "Never notify."

Why is UAC disabled?

User account control has a very significant drawback - annoying "intrusiveness". User Account Control “triggers” for any reason and does not allow you to work in peace, so many users prefer to disable UAC.

The fact is that many drivers, programs, games were released long before the creation of Windows Vista or Windows Seven. As a result, there is incompatibility with this operating system service. The installation either stops completely, or proceeds with errors (many important files are simply not copied to the system), or during installation you constantly have to answer annoying requests UAC and reboot. In addition, when a window with a request from the Windows Control Service appears, the user is provided with extremely scant information about the error.

How to disable User Account Control

There are several ways to disable the UAC feature. The easiest way to disable UAC is through the Control Panel.

To disable User Account Control (UAC) , follow these steps:

For Windows 7

1. In the lower left corner of the screen, click on the button Start (Start) .

2. Select a menu item Control Panel (Control Panel) .

3. In the window Control Panel Choose a section ( User Accounts and Family Safety) .

4. In the window, click on the link User accounts (User Accounts) .

5. In the window user accounts Windows 7(For example, user).

If the UAC function is currently active, a dialog box will appear on the screen Account Control. You just have to press a button OK(if required, enter the Administrator password).

7. In the window to turn off User Account Control) the slider must be lowered to the lowest position " Never notify»

8. Click on the button OK.

9. A message will appear at the bottom right of the screen: "To turn off User Account Control, you must restart your computer". Left-click on the message to restart your computer.

In the window Support Center click on the button Reboot now to apply the changes made.

For Windows Vista

1. In the lower left corner of the screen, click on menu Start (Start) and then openControl Panel( Control Panel) .

2. In the window Control Panel left mouse button double click on the icon user accounts (

It happens icon User Accounts and Family Safety (User Accounts and Family Safety you are taking User accounts ( User Accounts) ).

3. In the window user accounts select the account under which you are running in the operating system Windows Vista(For example, User (User ).

Disabling UAC Using the System Configuration Tool (via command line)

Login as administrator

Launch the command line: Start --> Execute(or press the logo key Windows + R);

In the window Execute in field Open enter msconfig - OK;

In the dialog box that appears system configuration go to the tab Service.;

Find the name of the tool in the scrollable list Disable User Account Control (UAC) - Launch.
Use the mouse to select an item in the list Setting up User Account Control and press the button Launch.

Then a window will open Account Management Settings, in which you need to do the same actions as in the first method (just lower the slider). Be sure to reboot the system.

After rebooting the PC, UAC will be disabled.

Disabling UAC Using Registry Editor

- Start - in line Find programs and files/ To start searching enter regedit;

Under the heading Programs right click regedit.exe ;

From the context menu, select Run as administrator;

In the window that opens Registry Editor find the section ;

Find REG_DWORD-parameter EnableLUA;

Set its value to 0 .

How to enable UAC

Click Start -> Control Panel -> User Accounts -> Turn User Account Control (UAC) on or off

Enter the administrator password if prompted;

Check the box Use User Account Control (UAC) to protect your computer - OK(for Windows Vista);

In the window User Account Control Settings set the lever to one of the operating modes: “Always notify”, “Notify only when programs try to make changes to the computer”, “Notify only when programs try to make changes to the computer (do not dim the desktop)” (for Windows 7) .

After rebooting the PC, UAC will be enabled.

PS. If you disable the User Account Control feature, the level of confidentiality and integrity of programs and data will be significantly reduced. To improve the security of your computer, Microsoft does not recommend disabling UAC.