Online tarot reading for your birthday. Birthday fortune telling

10.07.2019 State

Birthday is a magical time for every person. It was on this day that you saw the light when you met real world face to face. On this date you can look into the future.

Fortune telling for the future on your birthday is the most correct and truthful; on this day, a person’s connection with the forces of the universe is especially strong.

We offer you some unusual fortune telling for your birthday.

Fortune telling before a birthday: a prophetic dream

To call prophetic dream you will need to know what exact time you were born. Ask your parents about this if you don't know. Around this time, you need to close your eyes and read the conspiracy: “I want to know the future, to know what mother fate has given me. Grant me insight, amen."

It's good if you were born at night, because you can fall asleep right away. The likelihood that the dream you see will be prophetic is very high. Before the conspiracy itself, psychics recommend washing your face cold water three times. If you were born during the day, then expect a prophetic dream next night. You can try to sleep during the day, but who wants to sleep on their birthday?

Fortune telling on the eve of a birthday: magic leaves

This wonderful and effective fortune telling before a birthday will bring a lot of positive emotions to the birthday person.

12 is the magic number, so this is the number of leaves you will need.

So, you need to write on them:

child, career, housing, work, home, health, love, ring, change, friends, travel. And leave one sheet blank.

The night before your birthday you need to put them under your pillow.

In the morning, the birthday boy takes out the first sheet he gets and sees what exactly he is lucky with.

Child- the period until the next birthday will pass in worries and troubles related to children. And expect joy from your loved ones too. By the way, if this leaf falls into the hands of the birthday boy who does not yet have children, then there is a high probability of an unexpected visit from his stork with a bundle.

Career- this year there is a high probability of getting a promotion or a larger salary.

Job- the birthday boy will spend the whole year in work and righteous labors.

House- during this period of life, many pleasant events will be associated specifically with home or family.

Love- unmarried and unmarried people will find a soul mate, and married people will remember past ardent feelings. Perhaps this will result in a romantic trip, or an unexpected declaration of love.

Health- the birthday boy will forget about all illnesses, as he will be cheerful and cheerful.

Ring- there will be a wedding, not necessarily a fortuneteller: he may be a guest at the wedding of friends or relatives, but there will be plenty of impressions.

Housing- well, it’s expected major renovation or buying a new home.

Friends– the year will pass cheerfully and cheerfully, surrounded by friends and acquaintances, with whom the birthday boy will spend a lot of time and enjoy life.

Luck– this inscription speaks for itself, the coming year will be very lucky.

Journey– the birthday boy should pack his bags, he will soon have a pleasant trip – relaxation and a whirlwind of positive emotions are guaranteed.

Blank sheet- a calm life without much change.

Fortune telling with playing cards for birthday

To find out the future, before your birthday, in the evening, shuffle a deck of 36 cards, then place them face down in a chaotic order under the bed. Lay them out so that you can stand on them exactly. It will be better if you forget about them, remembering only in the morning.

Pick up one of the cards you stepped on. Look at her. Her suit will mean what the next year will be like:

Cross: There will be a lot of quarrels, partings and new acquaintances. Changes await you.

Diamonds: Internal experiences will often interfere with you. Disappointments and failures await you, which will teach you a lot. By the end of the year, white stripes will begin.

Peaks: If you stepped on the peaks, then there will be a flurry of events in the future, and luck will come and go.

Hearts: fateful meetings will be repeated with some frequency throughout the year.

Comic fortune telling on your birthday: phone number of wishes

On this holiday, the phone is constantly ringing with calls with congratulations, so why not use it as an oracle. We offer you a cool fortune telling for your birthday by phone.

So, you should make a wish and wait for the call.

If the last digit of the caller's phone number ends with:

(1) unit- the plan will come true;

(2) deuce- No;

(3) three- will not be fulfilled soon;

(4) quarter– don’t worry, everything planned will come true soon;

(5) five- fortune telling warns that you should reduce your requests;

(6) six– what did you personally do to make it come true? We must try and apply our own strength;

(7) seven- wait for your wish to come true;

(8) eight- no and no again;

(9) nine– there will be obstacles, but it will be fulfilled;

A person has a birthday only once a year. Therefore, only once every 365 days you can perform this type of fortune telling. This can become a nice tradition, along with a birthday cake, gifts and wishes when blowing out the candles.

So, you and I have to determine your immediate future. You never know what fate has in store for us; even immediate events in most cases remain a mystery to us. But not everything is so sad! Fortune telling on cards on your birthday will help answer some questions. Everyone is the creator of their own destiny, and each year we try to live more productively than the previous one. But it’s always interesting to know at least approximately whether this path will be difficult or whether we will be lucky, whether we will be able to achieve success or whether we will have to delay.

We will guess using a simple deck of cards, which is described in detail in the article of the same name “ playing deck cards"

Birthday fortune telling is best done completely alone. You should be surrounded by peace and quiet. Recommended time before noon. Preferably early in the morning. So don't miss the moment!

Birthday fortune telling schedule

In birthday fortune telling one of the most simple layouts. Your intuition plays a big role.

So, take our 36 card deck and start shuffling. Gradually, without interrupting the mixing, take out cards one by one. That is, take out the first card from anywhere, continue shuffling, then take out the second. And so on until you get 7 cards. Place each card face down (face up) on the table in front of you.

At this point the alignment is completed, you can move on to interpretation.

Interpretation of fortune telling on birthday
Each card in this fortune telling has its own meaning. But different combinations of cards also matter. Here, like in poker, the most valuable thing is combinations!

Card meaning - Hearts

Ace is a symbol of happiness in marriage or strong relationships. Having received this card, know that next year you will either find your other half, or, if you have already found it, your union will be happy
King - those around you will pay attention to you and listen to you. This year is your moment of glory! Don't miss the chance.
Lady - time to start a family. If you already have a family, then you have a chance to strengthen the relationship within it.
Jack - increase your business activity, as good luck will accompany you!
Ten - you will have new friend, but his goal will be to join in your success.
Nine - bad sign. One of your life partners, girlfriend, boyfriend or close friend is not at all the kind of person you should do business with. Within a year, he or she will prove it. Be ready.
Eight - the problems of the last year of life are in the past, but their echoes may appear in the new year in the form of new problems.
Seven - your passion and love of risk will lead to losses, and serious ones at that
Six - luck smiles on you, very soon a pleasant surprise awaits you, which you deservedly receive.

Card meaning - Clubs

Ace - you will be susceptible to illness, so take care of yourself and your well-being. If you have any illnesses, do not put off going to a real doctor.
King - bad news about your relationship. A quarrel, conflict and even betrayal are possible.
The lady is external aggression that has a specific goal. Get ready to fight back.
Jack - few things will achieve success, it is better not to open new directions.
Ten - you will feel a charge of energy that can move mountains. It will all start with a little activity and end with serious things.
Nine - your jealousy has no reason, be smarter and wiser than empty accusations.
Eight - you have to communicate with a busy person. Possibly married or doing business with a competitor. Be attentive and careful when communicating with him.
Seven - weigh every decision, the price of every mistake is great.
Six - a change of activity and even a transition to another company is possible. But this update will only bring good things to you.

Card meaning - Diamonds

Ace is finally a bright spot in your life. The problems will noticeably subside; it’s time to take a breath. Relax.
King - success awaits you in every endeavor. If only I had the will to see it through to the end
Lady - in all your affairs this year you have one support - your friends and loved ones. Too much depends on them to ignore their help.
Jack - good health awaits you and your family this year.
Ten - your friends will be ungrateful even for the kindest deeds. Remember that you do not do good for the sake of words of gratitude!
Nine is your chance to rise in your career. Someone from management is already watching you, be extremely focused.
Eight - spend more time on business. There is no need for unnecessary holidays and celebrations.
Seven - bad news awaits you
Six - one small mistake can put an end to many years of work.

Card meaning - Spades

Ace - you worked hard last year, but this year it won’t get any easier. There will be many problems to solve.
King - envy of others will become your main enemy this year. The constant intrigues that envious people will weave can seriously affect you.
Lady - it looks like a serious illness awaits you. Possibly physical, perhaps spiritual. But the consequences cannot be avoided. Be strong.
Jack - troubles affect not only you, but also loved ones, children, friends and relatives.
Ten - the problems that this year has in store for you will be caused by external factors. For example, someone may bother you, someone wants to annoy you.
Nine - this card tells you about a serious quarrel with a person close to you. You may not speak for a long time.
Eight - a domestic conflict awaits you around the corner, in a dark alley, in a night park and similar places.
Seven - the affairs of the new year will bring you a lot of tears. This will include relationships with loved ones, work and creativity.
Six - this card tells you about the long and painful suffering associated with separation. You will miss your loved ones greatly.

Card combinations in birthday fortune telling

In addition to the individual meanings of each card, the meanings of card combinations can help in interpretation.

A combination of four aces indicates a very eventful year.
If all the cards are spades, then bad luck will haunt you all year. The consequences can be really scary. Caution alone is not enough here. You must be strong in spirit and be prepared for anything!
If you come across a pair of king + queen of spades, then a conspiracy is being prepared against you. If there is a six at the same time, then the plot is comic, possibly a prank.
The king + queen of hearts pair tells you about an imminent wedding. Yours or loved ones.
Four ladies - indicates a lot of attention from others. You will always be in the center of events.
The Four of Kings indicates serious competition in one of the areas of your life.
Three nines of any suit - to a possible pregnancy
Ten and nine of hearts - to the successful completion of the project
Queen and Jack of Diamonds - a new relationship, not necessarily serious, perhaps just flirting.
Three jacks - you will meet many like-minded people. If there is a peak among them, then it will pull you down.

Fortune telling

One of everyone’s favorite and anticipated dates will become unforgettable if it is brightened up by fortune telling on your birthday. In folk beliefs and various occult mystical teachings the date of birth appears as a central symbol influencing further human destiny.

Classification of predictions by birth number

The variety of fortune telling by birth number requires a certain distribution by type of fortune telling methods and their meaning. This sorting will help interested people learn how to tell fortunes by date of birth, and clarify what information each fortune-telling by date of birth can provide.

Fortune telling on a birthday wish. Any family celebrating their birthday loved one, solemnly presents the birthday boy with a cake with candles that determine his number of years. When blowing out the candles, the hero of the day makes sure to make a secret wish. All candles must be blown out one time. A miracle really happens if faith in fortune telling is strong enough.

Fortune telling on your birthday. Open energy flows help to predict the possible near future on a significant day using card layouts or simple fortune-telling using improvised means (matches, candles, coins, wax, coffee). It is better to do fortune telling in the morning, alone - in full concentration on thoughts about the future and the upcoming fortune telling. You can choose fortune telling by date of birth for free by contacting the global information network.

Date of birth is the number of fate. The desire of people to subordinate the world to mathematical laws led to the emergence of numerology. The science of Pythagoras itself is represented as the calculation of a person’s individual code based on the sum of the numbers of the day, the serial number of the month and the corresponding year of birth. Followers of the Pythagorean teachings and adherents of numerical interpretations in eastern countries developed several separate branches:

  • Feng Shui is the practice of distributing objects in space. Practitioners have identified Gua numbers - personal numbers that have different energy trigrams and favorable directions of the sides.
  • Teaching of the hand of fate - Ba Tzu. Ancient Chinese teaching about the four pillars of destiny, determined by the date of birth.
  • Astrology that promotes the distribution of the zodiac according to the constellations that determine the moment of birth.

Fortune telling by date of birth for compatibility. To modern man the opportunity is provided to carry out quick and accurate fortune telling by date of birth online, to determine the compatibility of partners, and all calculations and interpretations are performed automatically. These include maps, numerology, even fortune telling of the ancient Sumerians can be found. You can create a fortune telling schedule based on your date of birth and use different options every day.

Fortune telling jokes. Comic birthday fortune-telling will help diversify the festive atmosphere and amuse the invited audience. The birthday boy can become a fortune teller himself by preparing in advance pieces of paper with funny questions and separately funny answers. Or maybe invite each guest to predict something for the near future. For example: “In the evening, a long-awaited meeting with a warm, soft, gentle... pillow awaits you!” or “Tomorrow morning you will be incredibly thirsty!” Worth a start comic fortune telling to someone alone, everyone present will immediately support him. The celebration will be a fun and bright event, just like a name day should be!

Selecting a name by date of birth. In Orthodox and folk calendars contains information about names that correspond to a particular birthday. The significance of a name on fate is as great as the day on which a person is born, and the combination of these two powerful symbols undoubtedly has a colossal influence on the entire path of life. Therefore, when choosing a name for their child, parents rely on the proposed interpretations of the days of the calendar.

Fortune telling before a birthday. The energy of the Cosmos begins to reveal itself to the birthday person not on the very date of his birth, but a few days before it. Therefore, on the eve of a personal holiday, many turn to magic and fortune telling, wanting to know what fate will give them. Here it is possible to use all known fortune-telling, depending on what question the fortune-teller wants to find out for himself.

Let's consider a simple fortune telling by date of birth to determine the number of a person's internal harmonious essence. It is necessary to sum up all the numbers of your birth. If the number turns out to be binary, then sum its numbers together.

For example, Maxim Galkin was born on June 18, 1976. We add the numbers: 1+8+6+1+9+7+6=9+6+23=38, reduce them to one number: 3+8=11=1+1= 2.

The result is the number (one of nine) of the individual essence of a person corresponding to a specific planet.

1 – Sun
A few are clear leaders, bright and purposeful. These are people who can give warmth and illuminate the lives of everyone around them. They are like the sun, magnanimous and generous, responsible and a little vain. They go through life easily, achieve everything they want.

2 – Moon
These are emotional, creative people. They are talented and unique, indecisive and malleable. They have a natural intuition that allows them to avoid trouble. Twos are a little reserved, but not arrogant. They simply respect independence and are afraid of annoying others.

3 – Jupiter
Troika is smart and educated, always striving for self-improvement. Jupiter people are very active people; everything works out for them. They do not know how to be discouraged due to their natural optimism. They are responsible and value relationships.

4 – Uranus
Contradictory and capricious Fours are capable of causing confusion in any way of life. They are always right (for themselves) and will defend what is right with their characteristic stubbornness. At the same time, Fours are easy to make contacts with, their openness and independence can bribe anyone.

5 – Mercury
Witty fives are always one step ahead of others. Their vivid imagination and developed intuition allows you to solve the most complex problems. However, the slightest failure can plunge Mercury people into depression and despondency. Any new business and constant communication with people who love him will help him regain his former passion.

6 – Venus
The most sensual and charming planet. These people are magnetic, their essence is beautiful and they know it. Venus's arrogance can be off-putting at times. These are people of art, work is a burden for them. But activities that promise a lot of communication and meeting interesting people can give them satisfaction.

7 – Neptune
Touching and compassionate people who love to flaunt their complicity. They are very smart, but impractical, love to philosophize and are sometimes able to generate a brilliant idea. It’s a pity that someone else has to implement this idea; Neptune is unable to do this.

8 – Saturn
The people of this planet give the impression of cold narcissists who love only themselves. No one suspects that it is sometimes very difficult for Eights to survive their alienation and loneliness. In their work, Saturn people are careful, honest and pedantic, and they demand the same from those around them. Saturn people are not careerists; a comfortable existence is important to them.

9 – Mars
Representatives of the militant planet are ambitious and active individuals. They are not afraid of obstacles, they do not spare their opponents, and they do not take into account the claims and opinions of others. These people know how to work, show initiative, are able to protect the weak and achieve success.

Few people know how many interesting things fortune telling can tell on their birthday. For those who want to know the future in the future, cards and other magical attributes will help. On your birthday, you can find out what promises you in love, work, friendship, family.

Birthday is a unique date, shrouded in magic that allows you to know the future

The day on which you appeared in the world is unique in its energy, due to the fact that our birth is marked by the fact that we bring something completely new and unique. On your birthday, thanks to the magic of the holiday and witchcraft, you can find out your future.

Fortune telling on the eve of a birthday for love

If a girl wants to know about her future life partner and what awaits her in family life, then on her birthday she needs to put a ring, a coin, a peppercorn, a piece of fabric, a bill, lipstick, a crust of bread, a feather and a chain on the bottom of a bowl. All these objects are covered with cereals or peas and with closed eyes they pull out the first object they come across.

The meaning of elongated things in fortune telling:

  • ring - a quick marriage with a reliable, loving person;
  • coin - material problems are expected in family life, which can only be solved by the hard work of both spouses;
  • pepper - the husband will run around;
  • a piece of fabric - the spouse will spend a lot of time outside the home;
  • bill - marriage of convenience;
  • lipstick - the husband will “go to the side”;
  • a crust of bread is a full cup, a rich husband;
  • feather - the spouse will carry it in his arms;
  • chain – jealous husband, total control on his part.

Did you pull out a chain in fortune telling? You will have a very jealous husband!

You can also guess on your birthday using buttons. To do this you will need a photo of your lover and 12 buttons. They can be different color and shapes. In the evening or during the day, light 3 red candles, place a photo on the table and surround it with buttons. When fortune telling is being done on a birthday, you need to think about the person.

Buttons need to be taken in right hand and throw it up, and then count how many of them fell on the photo:

  • one - your feelings are mutual;
  • two - the person has sympathy for you, but you do not have a common future;
  • three - he has another;
  • four - you are unpleasant to the person depicted in the photo;
  • five - you will be friends;
  • six - you have no future due to different life priorities;
  • seven is the perfect match for you;
  • eight - a person will soon forget about you;
  • nine – warm relationships;
  • ten - a narcissistic person, he doesn’t need you;
  • eleven – a dangerous connection, it is better to interrupt any connections;
  • twelve - he really needs you, which could be the beginning of a strong bond.

Fortune telling on your birthday using money

In order to find out what awaits you next year in the material sphere, you need to throw dice. The sum of the rolled points on the two dice will tell you what to expect:

  • 2 – promises you financial stability at a level that is enough for a normal life, but you won’t achieve more this year;
  • 3 – you are too fixated on material well-being. You need to distract yourself and find a more interesting activity;
  • 4 – the influx of money is inconsistent and can improve if you change your attitude towards it;
  • 5 – to normalize well-being, you need to abandon false goals and find your way;
  • 6 – make attempts to return money to your debtors;
  • 7 – increasing your standard of living thanks to your perseverance;
  • 8 – you need to save, because very soon money matters will decline;
  • 9 – you live a carefree life and do not think about tomorrow at all. It is necessary to acquire a “cash airbag”;
  • 10 – stability in the financial sector, but don’t relax, everything can change at any second;
  • 11 – refuse spontaneous purchases, this way you will save a considerable amount of money;
  • 12 – finances leave much to be desired, look for an additional source of monetary energy.

The sum of the points dropped during fortune telling was 12? Financial problems await you. We will have to look for an additional source of income

One more no less effective way Birthday fortune telling is fortune telling with coins.

In this method of prediction, you need to lay out all the change that is in your wallet on the windowsill the night before the holiday, and in the morning, immediately after sleep, the fortuneteller needs to throw one of the coins and toss it. If it lands on tails, then the coming year will be rich, but on heads, you will spend the year with material disadvantages.

Fortune telling for the fulfillment of wishes on your birthday

In some parts of the world, it is customary to make a birthday wish by blowing out the candles. If the birthday person blows out the candles in one fell swoop, we say that the wish is destined to come true. Fortune telling for the future will help you find out exactly which month to expect this. For the procedure we will need 12 multi-colored beads or pieces of fabric.

Fortune telling by wish is that on the day before the holiday the birthday person takes one of the colored beads from a bag or container:

  • January – blue;
  • February – blue;
  • March – green;
  • April – yellow;
  • May – orange;
  • June – red;
  • July – purple;
  • August – turquoise;
  • September – brown;
  • October – gray;
  • November – raspberry;
  • December is white.

There is another way to find out whether your wish will come true in the future. A few days before the holiday, buy red underwear. On the morning of your birthday, put it on and mentally say your deepest desire three times, then go to the window. If you see a guy first, the answer is “Yes,” and a girl, the answer is “No.” A couple will pass - higher power They don’t know the answer yet.

Also tell fortunes on a candle. Early in the morning on your birthday, draw untouched water and light a scented candle.

A scented candle will help you find out if your wish will come true

Keep your desire in mind, tilt the candle over the water and count exactly the same number of droplets as your age. Pour out the water and count how many drops of wax come together.

If the number is even, then the wish will be fulfilled; if it is odd, then the answer is negative. After the ceremony, the wax must be carefully poured onto a napkin and burned after sunset, but no later than 12 o’clock at night, that is, before the start of a new day.

Fortune telling with cards on your birthday

Fortune telling on cards on a birthday is a separate topic. Using the layout for playing cards you can find out the overall picture of your future. First you need to bring the amount of your birthday to a common denominator. If you turn 22 on June 26, then 2+6+0+6+2+2=18=1+8=9. The birthday person needs to draw 9 cards from the deck. The meaning of the cards is:

  • 6 peak – adversity;
  • 6 diamonds - unexpected joy;
  • 6 of hearts – difficulties in the family and with relatives;
  • 6 clubs - treason, deception;
  • 7 peak – sadness;
  • 7 tambourine - breakup with lover;
  • 7 of hearts – quarrels with loved ones, friends;
  • 7 clubs – discord at work;
  • 8 peak – problems on the personal front;
  • 8 diamonds – difficult choice;
  • 8 of hearts - declaration of love;
  • 8 clubs – breaking of aggravating connections;
  • 9 peak – betrayal by friends;
  • 9 diamonds - the opportunity to believe in one’s own strength;
  • 9 of hearts - problems due to rash actions;
  • 9 clubs – workload;
  • 10 peak – the enemy is close;
  • 10 tambourines - pleasant surprises;
  • 10 of hearts – rely only on yourself;
  • 10 clubs – career growth;
  • jack of spades – difficulties;
  • jack of diamonds – addition to the family;
  • jack of hearts - mutual love;
  • jack of clubs - emergency at work;
  • queen of spades - gossip;
  • lady tambourine - pleasant acquaintances;
  • Queen of Hearts - meeting with relatives;
  • Queen of Clubs - promotion at work;
  • king of spades - delusion;
  • king of diamonds - a friend in need of help;
  • King of Hearts - peace in the family;
  • king of clubs - peace and prosperity;
  • ace of spades - moving, housewarming;
  • ace of diamonds - returning home;
  • ace of hearts - marriage, marriage;
  • ace of clubs - you will spend little time at home.

Birthday fortune telling is a very exciting activity, but you shouldn’t tell others about the results, because like any mystical action it should be a secret. The magic of fortune telling requires adherence to special rules and the sacrament of ritual is one of the most important laws of this subtle world.

A birthday is an ideal time when energy flows are open for the birthday person to accomplish magical ritual fortune telling. On this extraordinary day, you will be able to look into the future, get answers to burning questions about love, marriage, fulfillment of desires and much more that worries you at the moment.

It is advisable to carry out fortune telling on your birthday:

  • early in the morning (no later than 12 noon);
  • all alone,
  • in absolute peace and quiet.

There are many methods of fortune telling and rituals that are performed on a birthday, but there are very few that are most effective. Therefore, we recommend that you pay attention to the time-tested methods of fortune telling outlined in this article.

Birthday fortune telling on cards

Fortune telling on cards is considered a fairly truthful prediction. The process is very simple, so it won't take much time. We will carry out fortune telling in stages, and we will begin preparation in the evening, on the eve of the name day.

To do this, take a new deck of cards in the amount of 36 pieces, mix thoroughly and place near the bed front side up in a chaotic manner. In the morning, when you wake up and get out of bed, take the card you stepped on. Pay attention to her suit - this will be a prediction for the future of what awaits you in the coming year.

If the map shows:

  • Pika - a lot of events await you, both lucky and not so lucky;
  • Cross - expect changes, new acquaintances. Prepare yourself mentally for a lot of quarrels and separations.
  • Tambourine - warns of internal experiences, disappointments and failures that will not only upset you, but also teach you a valuable life lesson. By the end of the year, the black stripe will be replaced by a white stripe, crowned with happiness and joyful events.
  • Cherva - speaks of fateful meetings that will be repeated periodically throughout the year.

Fortune telling for love on your birthday

Go to the bathroom, wash your face with cold water and say the following words:

“Water, water!

Tell me, sister:

Where is my darling wandering?

Does it find its way to me?

Will we be together?

Should I be a bride?

Place sheets of paper with pre-prepared predictions on the table:

  • everything will remain the same;
  • your loved one will leave you;
  • there will be an offer of love and heart;
  • waiting for new ones love relationship, novel;
  • a rival will cross the road, etc.

The answer options may have a different explanation. You can write your own phrases, referring to your own life situation and possible ways of its culmination.

Put a ring on the red ribbon - it will be a pendulum. Keep it above the answer options. It will gradually begin to fluctuate. Where he points, it will come true in the near future.

Birthday fortune telling for marriage

If you are concerned about the issue of marriage, then there is an option for fortune telling on your birthday for marriage:

Take a gold and silver chain in your right palm and squeeze it into a fist.

Say the phrase: “Fate is destiny, don’t hide! Fate - destiny, show yourself!

With your left hand, pour milk into the glass.

Close your eyes and dip two chains into the milk.

Use a wooden stick to pull out the chains. Whatever you pull out first will happen in the near future. Namely:

  • the gold chain pulled out first, which means you will get married successfully in the near future;
  • the silver chain was the first, then there will be no marriage in the near future, or the marriage will not be happy;
  • the chains are stretched together - there are three possible endings: an unsuccessful marriage, a quick divorce or family life will consist of white and black stripes.

Birthday fortune telling by wish

If you have a cherished wish, then on your birthday you will be able to find out: “Will it come true or not?”

To do this you need to perform a certain ritual:

  • take a wax candle and a glass of clean running water;
  • sit at the table;
  • light a candle and hold it above the water so that drops of wax drip into one place; the number of drops should be equal to the number of your years;
  • pour the water out of the glass and place the frozen drops of wax on a saucer;
  • count the number of individual drops; if the drops have united, then count them as one;
  • summarize: if the number of wax drops is not even, then the desire will come true, if it is even, then it will not come true.

At the end of the fortune telling, wrap the wax in a napkin and throw it away.