What to guess on your birthday. Comic fortune telling on your birthday: phone number of wishes

10.08.2019 State

A birthday is an excellent occasion for those who are used to fortune telling with cards to find out their future. After all, this day comes once a year, which means that if you miss an opportunity, you will have to wait a long time for the next one. By folk beliefs, on your birthday higher power They treat a person favorably and can “reveal secrets.” There are also skeptics who deny these ideas, but some manage to truly predict their fate.

For fortune telling to produce results, you need to approach it responsibly. You will have to follow the recommendations in the field of esotericism.

  1. First of all, create the right environment. Get alone, get rid of all distractions, turn off your phone.
  2. Tune in, mentally scroll through the questions you want to find answers to in your head. No fortune telling will yield results if you take it lightly and don’t understand why you should do it.
  3. Take playing deck from 36 cards and mix thoroughly. Take out seven cards one by one, without ceasing to stir. Place them in front of you, picture side up.

Description of card meanings

To understand how the alignment will affect you, do not forget to use your intuition. The table shows all possible 36 results.

Ace1 10 19 28
King2 11 20 29
Lady3 12 21 30
Jack4 13 22 31
"10"5 14 23 32
"9"6 15 24 33
"8"7 16 25 34
"7"8 17 26 35
"6"9 18 27 36
  1. Happy streak in a love relationship. If they are not there yet, it is a sign that they will appear soon.
  2. Authority. People around you, even those who consider you an enemy, will listen.
  3. Possible creation of a family or improvement of relationships in an existing one.
  4. Good luck in the professional sphere, especially in your endeavors.
  5. Profitable professional acquaintances that can develop into friendship.
  6. Betrayal of someone close to you.
  7. Continuation of problems that started a long time ago and will never end.
  8. An unnecessary risk that can lead to serious problems.
  9. The pleasant surprise you dream of.
  10. Diseases. Chronic illnesses may be detected.
  11. Cheating on your life partner or strong quarrels.
  12. Sudden aggressiveness from someone close to you.
  13. Failure in professional endeavors, it is better to postpone them.
  14. A charge of energy and a desire to “create.”
  15. Reason for jealousy, but most likely unfounded.
  16. “Interesting” development with a married business partner or colleague.
  17. A costly career mistake.
  18. Change of type of activity.
  19. A bright streak in all areas of life.
  20. Success in professional endeavors.
  21. Timely help from loved ones, which you should not refuse.
  22. Excellent health.
  23. An opportunity to do good deeds, but don’t count on special gratitude in return.
  24. Career growth.
  25. The risk of spending an unreasonable amount of time on fun and entertainment.
  26. A series of unpleasant news.
  27. A small mistake can put an end to career growth.
  28. Many problems in all areas of life.
  29. Envy of others, gossip, slander and intrigue - be on your guard.
  30. Serious illness, possibly emotional.
  31. Troubles for loved ones.
  32. Feeling of a constant desire to annoy one of your friends.
  33. A protracted quarrel with a relative.
  34. Constant conflicts at work.
  35. Failure in creative endeavors.
  36. Separation from someone close, boredom and sadness.

Birthday fortune telling using tarot cards

If you guess at playing cards Well, everyone can do it, then with Tarot cards everything is different. There are a total of 78 cards in the deck, each of which has a personal meaning. The picture is already the answer to the question. Not everyone can examine it carefully and understand exactly how to interpret the meaning in a particular situation.

If you decide to do this yourself at home, prepare a deck and hold it in your hands. Focus on the questions that concern you and get ready to get answers to them. Choose one specific question and start fortune telling.

Place the significator card in front of you. For a man it is a Magician, and for a woman it is a Priestess. Then lay out 12 cards one by one and lay them out in front of you.

Tarot Card Meanings

To understand the meaning of what you see, you need to carefully examine the image. Look at all the details and think about how they relate to your question. For example, card number 12, which is called “The Hanged Man”. The general meaning is a state of uncertainty, doubt when making decisions.

If the questioner is guessing with the question of whether his chosen one/chosen one loves him/her, then “The Hanged Man” serves as a symbol that he himself has not yet figured out his feelings, and, therefore, it is too early to expect any actions. If the questioner asked about problems in career growth, this result encourages you to be more decisive and not be afraid to take responsibility.

When reading Tarot on your birthday, it is better to ask questions related only to yourself, and not to someone close to you. After all, on this day the Universe favors the birthday boy.

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  • Using regular cards, the deck must be new. No one should be given a Tarot deck.
  • If the interpretation is unclear, do not rush to switch to the next card, but think about it using intuitive thinking. You cannot cross your arms and legs, it is not recommended to lie down. The best thing is to sit right at the table.
  • If cards are drawn that are completely unrelated to the issue, this is a sign that you should not rush things. If your birthday falls on a big day religious holiday, it is better to postpone the idea of ​​fortune telling.
  • Don't overdo it. Esotericists say that cards also “get tired,” so it’s enough to limit yourself to 1-2 layouts.

Some do not believe in all kinds of magical predictions and fortune telling. Most often they act as birthday greetings from close friends and relatives. After all, everyone makes a wish when blowing out the candles on the cake.

Fortune telling on cards on your birthday

Card fortune telling occupies one of the first places in terms of the number of accomplishments. Finding a person who conducts fortune telling on cards is not difficult, but most do it on their own. Perhaps this method will show a less truthful result, but it will be absolutely free.

To find out the future using cards, you need to shuffle the deck before going to bed and place it face down in front of your bed. When you wake up, immediately stand on the cards and pull out one of them. Depending on the suit, your future will be clear. If these are worms, romance will surround you throughout the year, diamonds mean disappointments and difficulties, crosses mean big changes and quarrels, and peaks show a variable state. There will be ups and downs all year.

There is more global fortune telling on cards. First of all, for fortune telling you need to take a new deck of cards. Having taken it in your hands, hold it for a while to exchange energy with them. Next, pull out 7 cards, no matter which side. By laying them out in front of you, you can roughly understand what to expect next year. Typically, red aces mean well-being in family and business, and black aces mean illness and trouble. Red kings – relationships and successful cooperation, black kings – betrayal and enemies. Queens of diamonds and hearts are a faithful friend or a strong relationship, and spades and clubs are envious people and thieves. Black jacks represent minor troubles or illnesses of relatives, and red jacks represent success and pleasant incidents. Red tens and sixes - luck, gifts, love, job change. And black ones mean quarrels, partings, losses and grief. The main thing in this fortune telling is the combination of cards. Depending on the serial number and layout option, the prediction changes. Therefore, it is better to contact a specialist.

Comic birthday fortune telling

Usually this type of fortune-telling is performed to celebrate the occasion with a cheerful company. Mostly, such fortune-telling is conceived by friends to amuse the birthday boy and the whole company. This may be organized by the hero of the occasion himself, in order to diversify the annual celebration and add some zest. Comic fortune telling comes in different forms, but most often it is a fun game.

To find out how successful the year will be, you should go to your neighbors’ doors and eavesdrop on their conversation. If the conversation takes place in a calm direction, everything will be fine, if the owners quarrel, you will spend the whole year in disputes and trials, but if there is silence outside the door, you are not destined to know your fate.

For another fortune telling, you need to take a large basin or pan and put your hat, a piece of bread and a branch there. Now, blindfolded, you need to spin around and choose the first one. Whatever comes to hand. If this is bread, this year you will experience significant financial gains or a successful project. The cap "indicates" at least romantic relationship, and at most for a wedding. The branch portends poor health or troubles.

Fortune telling by numbers on your birthday

Fortune telling by numbers has been popular for decades. This is fortune telling, perhaps older than fortune telling with cards. The most basic thing is calculating your number. Why do you need to add all the numbers of your date of birth? For example, you were born on 05/04/1992, we get 4+5+1+9+9+2=30, then 3+0=3. Your number is 3. If you need a prediction for the current year, add that too, 3+2+1+8=14; 1+4= 5. After that, let’s look at what this mysterious number means:

  • Nine: Take care of your loved ones and loved ones. This year should be devoted to rethinking your actions and working on your mistakes. The perfect time to draw a line under all the uncertainties. If you are depressed by a dysfunctional relationship, say goodbye to your chosen one; if a bad job is the ideal time to look for a new one.
  • Eight: The year will be devoted to work and career advancement. Lots of deals and lucky wins await you. You can spend money left and right, but it will only keep coming. A successful year financially.
  • Seven: You will spend this year in harmony with yourself. There’s no need to figure out what to do, it’s better to have a good rest. It's time to go on vacation and have fun from the heart. And in general, live for your own pleasure all year. Attend excursions, concerts and all kinds of clubs more often.
  • Six: This year, most of all, will please you with an addition to the family. Maybe you will have a child, or perhaps a fateful meeting that will end in a wedding. Also, this is a good time for self-education, it will benefit you.
  • Five: This is a year of change and renewal. Everything will turn upside down. But don’t be afraid, in almost all areas this is for the better. You will be happy to go to work again, your new attitude will make your heart flutter, and only good luck will follow you.
  • Four: A very unpredictable and eventful year. Only one thing is clear, you will have to work until you sweat. Perhaps you will finally finish a long-standing project or have time to start a new one. IN family relationships everything will be smooth, even somehow ordinary. New acquaintances will instantly turn into best friends, and best friends will become enemies. Not a year, but complete confusion...
  • Troika: This year you will discover new talents at home. Develop them persistently, it is quite possible that this will be your future stable income. Spring is a very good time for you. Travel more, gain experience different nations. You won’t even notice how you will plunge headlong into a new business that will only bring benefits. In personal relationships, everything is quiet and calm, even a little boring. Don't worry, everything will change in the second half of the year.
  • Two: This is a year of peace and tranquility. You will reap the benefits of all the things you started in the previous year. Practice patience and willpower this year. For love relationship this year is perfect. If ever we could build a strong family, it would be this year. This year you will under no circumstances be left alone, if not your significant other, so a close friend will not let you get bored.
  • Unit: Ups and downs will alternate with enviable regularity. Now you are the center of attention, everyone loves and adores you, and in moments you are completely alone. A new position or even a job awaits you, but it is not a fact that you will stay there. All year long, contradictions will disturb your soul, you will not be able to relax. Nevertheless, the year is successful.

Birthday fortune telling by wish

There are a lot of wish fortune tellings and in almost every company or family circle someone knows at least one. The simplest thing is to retire and at the moment of birth, toss a coin, making a wish. If it’s heads, it will definitely come true, but if it’s tails, it won’t.

There is also fortune telling based on paper balls. Basically, it is spent together with guests. Paper sheets are prepared that are three times the number of guests. Each participant puts a cross on one of the leaves. All sheets are rolled into balls and thrown into a large container. Next, the balls are mixed, after which each of the guests takes out a ball for themselves. If in the first attempt you come across a ball with a cross drawn inside, your wish will definitely come true in the near future. If on the second or third attempt, you will have to wait for some time, but if all the pieces of paper are blank, your wish will not come true this year.

The most fun fortune telling involves choosing the appropriate underwear. If your desire is related to health, you should wear white underwear, for change - green, love will symbolize red and friendship - yellow. When putting on your underwear, make a wish. Then, near the window, you need to ask, will the wish come true? Then we look out the window: if we see a man first, then the wish will come true, if it’s a woman, it won’t, but if it’s a couple, the universe itself doesn’t yet know the answer.

Birthday fortune telling for love

Love fills us with joy and a feeling of being needed by someone. There must be a person for whose sake we want to improve our qualities. But not everyone is lucky, so they often guess about love. Usually this is fortune telling on cards, but there are a number of fun rituals. The most common one is similar to fortune telling in the first year of life. To do this, you need to take a basin or bowl with cereal, put an onion, a ring, coins, lipstick and a piece of bread inside. Then the birthday girl, without looking, pulls out the object: the ring signifies a wealthy spouse, the onion suggests that the chosen one will offend. A coin means a lover - a miser, lipstick means that a lover of a walk will win your heart, and a piece of bread - a lover of food.

Birthday fortune telling with money

Money is a very important, even integral part of our lives. It is not surprising that many people are interested in fortune telling with money on their birthday. To do this, you need to go outside in the evening, the birthday boy is promoted after he closes his eyes. When he stops, they ask him to look at the moon. If you look over your right shoulder, it means you will be rich; if you look over your left shoulder, you will be poor.

You can also tell fortunes on cereals. Place some millet, buckwheat and flour in different piles in the corner of the room. If a handful of millet is broken in the morning, you will be in poverty; if it is buckwheat, you will have average income; flour, expect a significant profit. If all the piles are intact, then nothing will change this year.

Fortune telling is fortune telling, but the main thing is to remember. What if you woke up on your birthday in a good mood - the year will be happy, full pleasant moments and joyful meetings. If you don’t have a good mood, you will spend the whole year in depression and quarrels. Everything depends on you!

In this article:

A person's birthday is a holiday that has been celebrated since ancient times in different cultures, on this date it was always customary to give gifts to the hero of the occasion and wish him well-being. Fortune telling performed on a birthday is a powerful magical means that allows you to receive truthful information about the future.

History and traditions of the holiday

Birthday has always been a joyful, festive date that is associated with positive emotions. This date is associated with a large number of traditions that originated a long time ago. The most common tradition on this holiday is a cake with candles, and the number of candles should correspond to the age of the birthday person.

It is believed that if a person makes a wish on his birthday, and then blows out all the candles on the birthday cake on the first try, then his dream will definitely come true.

It is impossible to say exactly when and where the tradition of celebrating a person’s birthday began. Scientists offer two most likely versions. The first opinion says that the Roman legionaries adopted the tradition of celebrating birthdays from the eastern peoples with whom they came into contact, more precisely, from the worshipers of the God Mithras, whose birthday was considered an important religious holiday.

According to the second version, we owe this tradition to adherents of black magic, who believed that on the day of their birth, a person is most vulnerable to witchcraft. That is why any wishes (with positive or negative connotations) received on your birthday are sure to come true, as they turn into powerful magic spells. It was because of this belief that a tradition could arise - to celebrate this holiday with friends, avoid enemies, and wish only the best.

The first mention of such a holiday dates back to four hundred years BC; the source describes the celebration of the birthday of the Roman emperor.

Fortune telling for the future

You can not only pleasantly celebrate your date of birth, but also spend it usefully; for this, you can use special techniques for predicting the future, which must be carried out only on such holidays.

Ritual with cards

This is a simple way of predicting the future, which can be done at any time, however, it is believed that the best results can be obtained if you make fortunes on your birthday.

Never let anyone take your cards, they should only know you

Take a new deck of playing cards that has never been used anywhere. Hold the cards in your hand for a while, try to feel the vibration of their energy. After this, the deck is carefully shuffled, and then 7 random cards are pulled out. Cards can be removed from above, below, or pulled out from the middle, the main thing is that there is the required number of cards on the table in front of you.

When the cards are selected, the prediction is interpreted. First of all, the performer must consider each card received separately and try to understand what exactly it means.

Card meaning:

    • Ace of Spades - next year will be difficult and will bring many trials and troubles.
    • Ace of diamonds – improvement of financial situation.
    • Ace of clubs - beware of diseases.
    • King of Spades - ill-wishers and enemies.
    • King of Diamonds - partnership, success.
    • Ace of hearts - wedding or a good relationship within the family.
    • King of Clubs - deterioration of family relationships, betrayal of a loved one.
    • The Queen of Spades is an illness or the appearance of a woman with bad intentions.
    • Queen of Diamonds - a friend will help you in a difficult situation.
    • Queen of Hearts - strong family ties.
    • The queen of clubs is theft, thief.
    • Jack of spades is a disease of children.
    • Jack of Diamonds – pleasant events in the family.
    • Jack of Hearts - success in work or study.
    • Jack of clubs - minor troubles.
    • The ten of spades is an obstacle.
    • The ten of diamonds is a betrayal.
    • The ten of hearts is self-interest.
    • Ten of clubs - friendship, unexpected joy.
    • Nine of Spades – health problems.
    • Nine of Diamonds – affection or love.
    • Nine of Hearts - a change in a relationship with a loved one.
    • Nine of clubs - troubles due to jealousy.
    • Eight of Spades – problems at night.
    • Eight of Diamonds - surprise, gift, celebration.
    • Eight of Hearts - problems and disappointments.
    • The eight of clubs is love that has no future.
    • Seven of Spades – tears.
    • Seven of diamonds - anxiety, sadness.
    • Seven of Hearts – monetary losses.
    • Seven of clubs - you will have to repent of your actions.
    • Six of Spades – parting with a friend or loved one.
  • Six of diamonds - big losses.
  • Six of hearts - luck, luck, winning.
  • Six of Clubs – change of place of work.

In addition to individual meanings, you also need to pay attention to combinations of adjacent cards. Location can make a big difference.

Amulet from trouble

On your birthday, first of all, you need to read the conspiracy-amulet from trouble and misfortune:

"Angel of my birth,
send me
Your blessing
Deliverance from trouble, grief,
From my enemies
Nine nine times
From a slander
And blasphemy in vain,
From a sudden and terrible illness,
From the edge in the dark,
From the poison in the cup,
From the beast in the thicket,
From the sight of Herod and his army,
From anger and punishment,
From bestial mauling,
From eternal cold and fire,
From hunger and a rainy day,
Save, save me.
And he will come
My hour is last
My angel, stay with me
Stand at the head of the bed
Make my care easier.
In the name of the Father and the Son
And the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever
And forever and ever.

Or read such a strong charm charm.

"I am the baptized bone,
My place is sacred. The cross is with me
The cross is in front of me
An angel is walking with me.
The dawn feeds on the sun,
Star with month
The dumb one gave birth to my enemies,
The blind woman has gathered my enemies,
She closed their eyes,
I forgot to open them
How God's River breaks the Sands,
How steep it is, the shores are eroding,
So wash away
Unravel the mind-mind
From my enemies
For now, for forever
On indefinitely.
In the name of the Father and the Son
And the Holy Spirit.

On the third day after your birthday, you can read a charm charm against voodoo witchcraft. They read it over the unfinished wine left by the last guest. The spell words are:

"Lord Jesus Christ,
IN Holy Scripture:
“Ask and it will be given to you.”
I ask you, Lord, for my protection in the house
And beyond
My threshold
From all evil
From the strongest
From soap
With which they washed the dead, From the word with which they destroyed,
From a wax doll
From a steel needle,
From the witchcraft schema,
From the black pentacle,
From the white pentacle,
From the yellow pentacle,
From the red pentacle,
From death
Through them in vain,
From a witch's spell,
From the lapel,
What they use to whip
What they cut with
What they inject with
What do they have to do with it?
I believe
In the One God Christ, In His indestructible power, Now and ever and unto ages of ages.


Conspiracy against energy vampirism

There are people who bring misfortune to others. without wanting it. As a rule, they suffer greatly from their “abilities”, but cannot do anything about them. However, on their birthday, they can reprimand themselves with the help of a special conspiracy and become the most ordinary people.

To do this, a person must go into an aspen forest and walk backwards, walking on his heels, around any aspen tree there. In this case, the following conspiracy should be read:

Cursed by God
Aspen root.
Like the blue sea
The fire has been conquered
So that I
That aspen submitted,
On whose branch
Judas' soul hanged itself.
Go my grief
Go my dashing way
Go to the aspen tree
Not fast, not quiet.
They're waiting for you here
Here you are accepted
Here my soul from everyone
Likha is released.
Be, my words, strong.
Be, my deeds, modeling:
For now, for forever,
On indefinitely.
In the name of the Father and the Son
And the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever
And forever and ever.

Conspiracy for a cherished wish on a birthday

A conspiracy for a cherished desire is read twelve times in a row on your birthday over three burning candles, which are then allowed to burn out completely. The spell words are as follows:

My God,
Bless and have mercy.
Olya-yaksh and the devil-knight himself,
Go through the gate
Through the window
Through the black pipe
To my oak table
Bring it to me
Dust gilded
Pounded hare lip
And three bones from a heifer.
Like the moon in its hour
Walking across the sky
So to me, God's Servant(Name),
From now on you'll be lucky.
Sand in the sea, word, deed -
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen.

I think it's no secret that people sometimes dream prophetic dreams, there are also those who constantly see prophetic dreams and build their lives based on the dreams they see. However, it happens that a person suffers, trying to remember his dream, but he fails. He is sure that he saw something important, on which his future life or the lives of those he loves may depend. Dont be upset. There is a special spell that helps you remember a dream.

A spell to remember a prophetic dream

They read it at three o’clock in the morning, on your birthday (for example, you were born on March 6, which means you can read the plot on the 6th of any month). The words of the conspiracy are as follows:

Remember, Lord,
My memory.
Let her wash your head
It won't deceive.
Like the holy fathers
Remember the name of Christ,
So be my memory
Strong and strong.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever
And forever and ever.

Birthday fortune telling

On your birthday, you can tell fortunes about what awaits you throughout the year. To do this in the morning, as soon as you get out of bed, look out the window: if a woman catches your eye first, then you won’t have to complain about your health; if it’s a man, you’ll be alone. A cat promises illness, and an empty street promises a quiet life without any changes.

Signs for your birthday

A lot of believers are interested in whether it is possible to celebrate a birthday during Lent. Of course you can. However, if you do not want to sin and want to do everything according to the rules, then you should remember: you can serve Lenten dishes and it is necessary to exclude alcohol. If your birthday falls on Easter or on one of the days of Holy Week (the last week before Easter), then it is still better to move it to next week. By the way, then you can serve not only lenten dishes on the table.

Now I would like to talk about the rules that should be followed when celebrating your birthday, so as not to make a mistake and not cause trouble.

You can't celebrate your birthday in advance. It’s also better not to do it later.

If someone wishes you happy birthday in advance, it is not good. In this case, you immediately need to say: God grant you to live and survive all your enemies.

There is no point in celebrating a birthday on a grand scale if a man is forty years old, a woman is fifty-three years old, and a child is thirteen years old.

Guests are never invited in numbers of nine, thirteen, eighteen, twenty-one, fifty, ninety-nine and one hundred people. These numbers negatively affect the birthday person, shortening his life.

You should not place three, nine, twelve or eighteen candles on the table. It’s better to completely abandon such decoration.

What to do if you gave an even number of flowers (2, 4, 6, etc.)

Counts bad omen, if you were given an even number of flowers for your birthday (especially bad if you are celebrating an anniversary). This may not be done on purpose, because modern bouquets can sometimes be very elaborate, and people don’t know all the signs. If something like this happens, break one flower and throw it into a bucket, saying:

"There are two dawns in the sky.
One dawn blooms
The other one is fading.
Without the morning dawn the sun does not rise,
Without the evening dawn it does not set.
The Lord of the apostles believed
And my flowers are countless.
Who's across
He will count my prayers,
That odd number
Key, lock, tongue.

If during the holiday a rice dish (any kind) is served, then guests cannot be treated to pancakes: either one or the other.

If you have a dog in your apartment, it is better to take it out of the house during the celebration. The fact is that guests can start singing songs, and the dog will sing along with them. On any other day there is nothing wrong with this, but if a dog howls on the birthday of one of the family members, then this promises misfortune for the birthday person.

The birthday person cannot borrow money on his birthday.

If dishes break during the holiday, then they cannot be thrown away until the last guest leaves.

It is considered a bad omen if the birthday person changes clothes twice during the celebration.

On your birthday, you shouldn’t cry, regretting the years gone by. Instead of being sad, think about it. what the Lord has given you all these years. How many good things did you have during this time, and there were definitely good things, how much did you have? loving relatives, friends and girlfriends, how many interesting things you saw and learned. Of course, it’s a pity for your lost youth, but what a blessing that you were born and lived in this wonderful world. and he is beautiful, no matter what anyone says. You were, are and will be people who love and appreciate you. - Isn't this a miracle? Therefore, do not cry on your birthday, because your tears may offend your Guardian Angel.

If you decide to celebrate a holiday in a cafe or restaurant, ask if a wake was celebrated there the day before after a funeral. If you did, look for another place or celebrate at home. If a mistake is nevertheless made, and the person gets sick, then he must be immediately reprimanded. To do this, read a special spell over the lamp oil and with this oil draw crosses on the person’s arms and legs, while reading the same spell:

"In an open field,
In pure expanse
There are four oak trees,
Four vortices.
Fuck you, four whirlwinds,
Spread the misfortune of the Servant of God (name),
So that the trouble goes away from her,
Rolled down
Fell, fell,
As the leaves fall
Frequent from four oaks,
From the four Vikhrovich Winds.
How do you shoot?
Winds, leaves from oak trees,
From their trunks,
Branches and twigs,
So remove all troubles,
From God's servant (name).
Be my word strong
Sculptural and tenacious
And inextricably.
In the name of the Father and the Son
And the Holy Spirit.

Under no circumstances should a wedding be celebrated on the birthday of the bride or groom. For example, if the bride was born on Tuesday, then the wedding is not celebrated on Tuesday.

It is forbidden to get married on your birthday.

Unfavorable numbers in the date of birth

Some numbers in the date of birth are considered unfavorable and need to be reprimanded with special spells. In the date of birth you need to count eight, six, zero and thirteen.

How to read the number 8 in your date of birth

To reprimand Negative influence number “eight” on Good Friday (the last Friday of Lent before Easter), walk around the temple, saying:

"In the name of the Eternal and Living God,
Eight mother
I order you to help me.
Spin, spin,
Come back to me with luck.
In the name of the Father and the Son
And the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever
And forever and ever.

How to read the number 6 in your date of birth

To reprimand the six, take an egg from a black chicken. It’s quite possible to get it, because many people in villages keep chickens, and in cities there is a private sector. Even if you live in big city, then you can always get to the nearest village. This egg must be boiled at midnight, while reading the following plot three times in a row:

"Black Bird-Richor"
With ten claws
With two wings
With troubles, with bad luck,
With dull melancholy,
With a dashing misfortune.
Unhook, fall off,
Curl up, curl up
Roll to your grave
From God's servant (name),
From the body, from her business,
Out of her way, out of her way,
From small paths
From her traces and from her bones, let loose from people
And animals.
Go to the grave
To the black earth
To the sleeping one
And to the blind dead man.
Go and put it in the grave
Bad luck shaking
And black bad luck.

This egg should be taken to a fresh grave. On the way there and back you can’t talk to anyone (until you cross the threshold of your house), and on the way back you can’t even look back.

How to report 0 in date of birth

Mother birch.
You give fire.
Fire produces smoke.
The smoke goes there.
Where the Angel counts the years.
Bright angel.
Holy angel.
With God's servant (name).
Count the servant of God
(name) zeros.
Help her!

In whose name
The power is given.
Martyrs of innocence.
Amen. Amen.

How to read the number 13 in your date of birth

This ritual will be especially useful for those parents whose children were born in 2013. The ritual to neutralize the negative impact of the devil's dozen is carried out on the night from the twelfth to the thirteenth of any month. Twelve minutes before midnight they take thirteen little church candles and place them on the table. They light only one, the thirteenth candle, read the spell over it and let it burn out. The remaining twelve are cleared from the table and hidden. The words of the conspiracy are:

"Thirteen are maddening.
Thirteen little devils.
Baker's dozen.
Demon's army.
You can't take me!
Go to the dark forests.
To the stone mountain.
At the devil's yard.
There are tables
The beds are plank.
You will live there forever.
And I'm twelve
The apostles will live to live.

This ritual must be performed every thirteen years. who is somehow associated with the number thirteen.

The negative impact of the devil's dozen can be reprimanded in another way. Go to church and ask the priest to name the twelve names of the apostles, without telling you why you need it. If he names all the names, then you will be freed from the influence of the number thirteen.

Fortune telling online Birthday can be held two weeks before your birthday, on the day of the celebration, and within two weeks after this event. The card layout will show your state at a given moment in time - who you are now, what life experience you have gained over the past year, what you will take with you in the next year of life, what you will leave in the past.

Divination Birthday will tell you what awaits you in the next year of your life, what new opportunities will appear for you, what will need to be done, what surprises will come, what will be most important to you. Tarot cards will also give you wise advice for the coming year.

Don’t think about problems and difficulties, be positive and choose cards from the deck.

Select 1st card

Card No. 1: You are at the present moment in your life. The map describes your general condition, mood, attitude, feelings and emotions.
Card No. 2. What did you receive last year. The card describes the experience, knowledge, life lessons that you received in the past year.
Card No. 3. What will you take with you into the future from the past year. The card may indicate people, events, actions that will continue to influence you and your life in the next year.
Card No. 4. What from last year will remain in the past and will not move into the future. The map may indicate people, events, actions, moods, the influence of which will not continue in the new year of life. The Arcanum can indicate what you will consciously refuse.
Card No. 5. General mood of the coming year of life. The card, if positive, will indicate new opportunities. If it’s negative, it points to difficulties and obstacles.
Card No. 6. What will be the most important in the coming year, what needs to be done, what to pay attention to.
Card No. 7. The main surprises of the coming year.
Card No. 8. Card advice for the coming year of life.