Making love with your loved one in a dream. What does dreaming about sex mean? Experience love according to the English dream book

12.07.2019 This is interesting

What is the meaning of dreams about love?

Love in a dream

The meaning of a dream about love according to the Meridian

If in a dream you see a loved one, he confesses his love to you, then his intentions are sincere. Such dreams reproduce reality in the mind.

If in a dream you see a loved one, but he rejects you, cheats on you with another woman, then you should not trust him in reality, he can betray you. If in a dream you say goodbye to your lover, then you can really break up. If nothing foreshadows separation, then your loved one will still say goodbye to you, and this process can be very painful.

If in a dream your lover gives you a flower or a whole bouquet, then this indicates his disposition towards you. A flower arrangement speaks of great love for you. If your lover cultivates a flower bed, then this person will love you for life. Flower buds or flowers that have not yet bloomed are messengers of feelings that are not fully expressed, however, they are true. If the flowers have faded or dried out, then the feeling of falling in love has also exhausted itself. Artificial flowers are messengers of hypocrisy and lies in intimate relationships.

Why do you dream about ex-love? This dream indicates that your emotions towards your past relationship have not subsided. You are still troubled by nostalgia and there is a growing readiness inside you to return to your beloved person in the past.

What does a dream about a past love mean? Whatever the events in your dream, they will allow you to correctly interpret what is happening and suggest the actions that you need to decide on. The beloved you left in the past is friendly with you in a dream, speaks excitedly to you - pleasant events and funny adventures await you in the future. If your former lover treats you rudely or pretends not to notice, quarrels and unpleasant conversations with loved ones await you. If your former lover wants to return your feelings, then be prepared for quick changes in your life. If you are making love with a former partner with whom you did not have a close relationship, then the dream predicts a successful outcome for you and victory in the dispute.

Why do you dream about the love of youth - you do not want to get rid of past feelings, you live in the past. This dream should be a signal for you: forget past grievances and misunderstandings, start living in real time.

Seeing loving parents in a dream is a prediction about your well-being and imminent financial well-being.

What does love mean to spiritual seekers?

A dream about love is a reflection of prayer practice, your heart is open to feelings, ready to give it to others. Such a dream is a sign of family happiness and prosperity.

French dream interpreter

A dream about love is an expectation of complete happiness. If the feelings are fleeting, success in business awaits. If you see people in love from the outside whom you are not familiar with, expect defeat in your endeavors. If you dream of a loved one with whom you do not have a close relationship, you will be tormented by anxiety and worry about relatives and business partners. If your lover has rejected your feelings, success in business awaits you in reality. Making love in a dream - you are satisfied with the environment of friends, you feel protected and confident in sincere relationships with loved ones.

Dream book for women

Making love in a dream. Seeing a loved one in a dream is a sign that you are safe, you feel the care and attention of other people, and enjoy everything that happens to you. If you dream of a love that has already passed or does not reciprocate, you are faced with a choice: completely change your attitude to the issue before you or accept the state of affairs as it is. If in a dream love feelings are manifested between a husband and wife, then the dream book about love says that a replenishment is expected soon. If in a dream you experience intense passion, love for your lover, then in reality you will experience cheerful feelings, inspiration and contentment with your position.

Dream interpretation according to Ukrainian traditions

A dream about self-love means illness. Showing loving feelings towards a loved one means deception or misfortune. A loving relationship between husband and wife - sincere mutual understanding and prosperity awaits them. Showing love for animals means you will be disappointed in life, relationships with loved ones will deteriorate for the worse.

Dream Interpretation about Love in the 21st Century

Showing love to another person is a sign that you are happy with your current position, you do not want to change anything. If in a dream you fall in love with someone and show passion, then the dream book about love clearly says that in reality you need to make enormous efforts to achieve your goal. To be loved is to mutual happiness. Seeing a rival or lover in a dream means a conflict in reality.

Dream Interpretation about love from a psychological point of view

Seeing your lover in a dream means you are satisfied with your relationship with your loved one, with your environment in general. If in a dream you break up with your lover, then in reality you need to make a choice: either legalize your relationship or break it off forever. If in a dream a husband and wife share their love feelings, this is a sign of family harmony and mutual understanding. If you dream of love for a woman, lesbian relationships are an insufficient reflection of femininity, there is a fear of competition. If you are watching love relationship from the outside and feel joy, then in reality you will get rid of many troubles.

Love is perhaps the most wonderful feeling in the life of every person, and when it comes to us in a dream, it is doubly pleasant; we want the dream to never end. But why do we dream about love and what can such dreams tell us about what awaits us in reality?
If you dream of love

  • Dream Interpretation: love in a dream is always a dream of happiness. And you are a truly happy person who should not grumble about fate, because now you are surrounded by care, your life is generally prosperous, there are people around you loving people. Very good sign is a dream in which spouses dream of this feeling towards each other. This is a symbol of a long and strong relationship, a happy marriage until old age. But when in a dream there is a feeling that love has passed, this may indicate that in real life you have begun to be overcome by doubts about the sincerity of the feelings of your loved ones and you are seriously thinking that the time has come to change something.
  • Seeing your old love in a dream means a quarrel and a showdown with a partner or minor problems and troubles regarding financial issues.
  • Dream Interpretation: love with a friend - in your life there are real and congenial people to whom you are strongly attached. (cm. )

If you dream about sex

  • Many dreamers are interested in the question: why dream of making love in a dream - this is very auspicious sign, meaning success in business and business. This may also mean that you will soon meet a new person who will have a strong influence on you, and your feelings for him will only intensify and grow stronger over time.
  • Making love with my husband - good sign, harmony and complete mutual understanding reign in your relationship with your spouse. (cm. )
  • Dream Interpretation: making love with an ex means trouble and a showdown.
  • Dream Interpretation: making love with a man who is unfamiliar to you speaks of your self-confidence and determination.
  • Dream Interpretation: making love with your mother - such a dream should not be perceived by you as immoral. These dreams are just evidence of your strong attachment to certain people. (cm. )
  • “Making love to a dead person” - the dream speaks of your nostalgia, memories of a person you know. But be careful, if the dream is repeated very often, this may be a signal of serious health problems.

If you dream of a declaration of love
Declaration of love in a dream - good changes await you personal life. If in a dream you are very happy, then in reality you, alas, are in danger of trouble, and if in a dream everything goes badly, then in reality, on the contrary, good luck awaits you. But if you witnessed a conversation in which a declaration of love was made, then in reality you will find yourself entangled in a love triangle.
Dream Interpretation: a declaration of love from your ex-husband means that some changes await you. Future events will be both positive and negative.
Miller's Dream Book

  • Miller's Dream Book: love - changes await you in your personal life. Take into account the details of the dream, and you will understand whether a new acquaintance, marriage, or, on the contrary, separation awaits you.
  • Miller's dream book: a declaration of love that is made to you promises big changes in the usual way of life.
  • Miller's Dream Book: making love in a dream - in reality you lack vivid impressions, you are overcome by routine and boredom.
  • Dream Interpretation: new love - indicates that your relationship with your partner has lost its novelty. They lack brightness. If you want to continue this relationship, take immediate action, otherwise your partner will leave you.
  • Dream Interpretation: what does love for animals mean in a dream - a wonderful symbol, identified with the appearance in your life of real feelings, true love, Serious relationships and official marriage.
  • Dream Interpretation: meeting love and parting with it in a dream means that your fate will not meet you very soon.
  • Dream Interpretation: a rival in love - such a sign does not at all indicate betrayal in reality. This symbol warns you that your relationship with your partner has suffered a serious crack. While you can still fix everything, if you do nothing, your love will leave you forever.
  • Declaring your love in a dream - the dream warns that your relationship is not as serious as it might seem at first glance. Perhaps your partner is taking advantage of your kindness, but you don’t want to notice it. In any case, new notes will soon appear in your relationship.
  • Dream “first love” - it seems that everything has passed a long time ago and remains in the past, feelings are forgotten and suddenly you have a dream about first love. This suggests that you are missing something in your new relationship; if you are married, it means that your spouse is not paying you enough attention.
  • What dreams do you have about love - changes in your personal life and the appearance of your soulmate on the horizon are foreshadowed by a full moon in a clear night sky, surrounded by bright stars.

Dream Interpretation Maya

  • What does it mean to confess your love in a dream - if the confession comes from you, it means that there is a person in your life who uses you for his own purposes, he feels comfortable and good next to you, but he thinks little about how you feel, oh your experiences and problems.
  • Love, happiness - the dream book interprets it as global changes to better life. This applies to relationships and work.
  • If in a dream a person confessed his love for you, this promises you a wonderful time. In the near future you will be invited to visit or to a party, and you must agree. It is quite possible that the festive evening will turn into a fateful meeting with the person you have been looking for for a long time.
  • Why do you dream about your first love - your memories distract you from the present, you risk missing the chance to meet your love.
  • Dreams to happy love- sees the one who is given bouquets of white flowers in a dream.

Dream Interpretation of Meridian

  • If a guy confesses his love in a dream and you share his feelings, then in reality you have a really good relationship, strong love, in which there is a place for passion, understanding and respect for each other.
  • Dream Interpretation: making love - self-confidence, fulfillment of innermost desires.
  • The dream “my husband makes love to someone else” indicates that you should treat loved ones with caution. There is a high probability of deception on their part.
  • Dream “new love” - your feelings in a dream are very important. If this is peace and tranquility, it means that in reality nothing threatens your love, but if you experienced anxiety, fear or aggression in a dream, then in reality your love will face trials.
  • The dream “a husband declares his love” is a very good dream, indicating that in reality your husband is honest with you. He really loves you very much and your marriage is very important to him.
  • Dream Interpretation: declaring your love to friends - a pleasant acquaintance awaits you, which can turn into long and strong relationships.
  • Dream "love with" ex-boyfriend“- echoes of the past, you are lying to yourself, past feelings still bother you. You are overcome by nostalgia and memories, and hidden in the depths of your subconscious desire about the revival of former feelings and relationships.
  • Beautiful dreams about love, in which you see excerpts from your personal life, where everything is fine, predict that your soulmate is very close to you.

French dream book

  • A dream at night about love portends changes in your personal life. What they will be depends on the details of the dream.
  • In a dream, making love with your husband is considered a good sign. Your feelings are alive, there is passion, understanding, respect and love. Your marriage is not in danger and that's great.
  • If in a dream a guy confessed his love to you, it means changes in the relationship. If in reality you suffer a lot or worry about it young man, then the dream tells you that in fact this person does not deserve it.
  • Dreams that speak of love can also come to you in the form of animals. The stork promises fast, but long marriage and a big family. Dolphins - speak of a partner’s fidelity. And if you saw a nest in a dream, then it’s yours family life will be harmonious and calm. It will match your desires and dreams.
  • Dream Interpretation: ex-love - most often such a dream foreshadows a major quarrel between lovers, which will occur because of your offensive words.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

  • Dreams about love predict happiness in your personal life and good, favorable changes.
  • "Love" - nap and an equally fleeting feeling in a dream predicts success in business and in any endeavor.
  • If your ex confesses his love in a dream, the past will still bother you. Memories of days gone by are still fresh in your subconscious. And if you don't mind returning past relationships, but don’t know how to do it, remember what exactly happened in the dream. Scenes in a dream are the key to actions that should be taken in reality.
  • In a dream, a man declares his love - if the person is not familiar to you, this indicates that in reality you lack the care and attention of those who are next to you.
  • The dream “old love” - in reality, your past will remind you of itself again. We are not talking about renewing old feelings; perhaps some problems will arise related to old feelings and events of past days.
  • Seeing your ex-love in a dream and happily spending time with her in a dream means that in reality good news and great prospects await you, good luck in love affairs and your personal life.

Slavic dream book

  • Why do you dream of love in a dream - changes will soon occur in your personal life. And it doesn’t matter whether you are in a relationship now or not. What they will be depends on the plot of the dream. This could be either a break in an existing relationship, a renewal of past relationships, or a long-awaited marriage.
  • The dream “feeling of love” towards another person warns you that in your existing relationship, both of you are not sincere with each other, you are not telling and hiding a lot.
  • The dream of “love with a man” with whom you are unfamiliar promises you a new feeling of all-consuming love. This will be a very passionate romance, not without prospects for marriage and a happy married life.
  • Dream Interpretation: a guy declares his love - if you experience joy in a dream, it means in reality you will be disappointed in your relationship with this young man.
  • Dream Interpretation: an ex declares his love - leave past grievances in the past.
  • Why do you dream about making love in a dream - secret desires, joyful meetings, nice meeting you and a sea of ​​compliments.
  • Making love in a dream with an ex - memories of past feelings are still fresh in the depths of your mind. Such a dream is a kind of proof that your physical body still remembers the touches and sensations once caused by a loved one. You might even be comparing him to your new partner right now.
  • The dream of “making love with a man” - if this person is not familiar to you, this indicates that in reality you are not satisfied in your sexual relationship.

Dream Interpretation of the World

  • What does love mean in a dream? To experience this feeling in a dream means to feel fun and good mood in reality. This also means that in reality you are satisfied with everything, you feel comfort and security.
  • In a dream I dreamed of love for my husband and children - in reality your family relationships will only get stronger, and family life improve. Your home is your castle.
  • Passionate love came in a dream - this is a sign of success in life, goals achieved, your satisfaction with the ongoing progress of affairs and even more plans and plans for the future.
  • Dream Interpretation: first love - they are waiting for you minor troubles related to past mistakes.
  • Dream Interpretation: a man declares his love - if he is not familiar to you, it means that a new stage of life awaits you with its own trials and exams.
  • Dream Interpretation: a declaration of love from a friend predicts difficulties and troubles for you. Postpone your plans to a later date.
  • Dream Interpretation: love with a deceased person - warns of serious health problems.
  • Dreams that mean love often manifest themselves in dreams as kind, reverent feelings for animals, and care for them. This indicates your peace of mind and that you are ready to meet true love, which will make itself felt very soon.
  • Dream Interpretation: making love in a dream means that quite dramatic events related to your personal life await you.
  • Dream Interpretation: making love with a girl - for men, such a dream promises a new acquaintance, passion and a non-binding relationship.
  • Dream Interpretation: making love with a guy - for women, a dream predicts a new relationship that will not be able to develop into something more, but will remain in the memory as a pleasant memory.

Psychological dream book

  • This dream book the interpretation of the dream “love” gives the following - you are satisfied with your life, your environment and relationships with loved ones.
  • The dream “a loved one declares his love” means that in reality he lacks mutual understanding, your care and warmth. You should reconsider your relationship.
  • Mutual love in a dream always prophesies family happiness, prosperity, a large family and a happy old age surrounded by loved ones.
  • The dream “door, love” is a very good dream, meaning that your true love, your soulmate, is already at your doorstep. Look forward to new meetings and truly fateful acquaintances.
  • If in a dream a friend confessed his love, then such a dream can be interpreted as a secret admirer, secret feelings towards you.
  • Dream meaning love stranger, portends big changes in your personal life. If you experienced the joy of feeling love in a dream, then in reality the changes will be negative and vice versa.
  • The dream “an ex-boyfriend confesses his love” should be interpreted as a reminder of some important affairs or promises that you abandoned.
  • Seeing your first love in a dream means that something from the past is weighing on you. If in reality you often remember your first feeling, then such a dream is just a reflection of your state in real life.
  • Dream Interpretation: love with a stranger promises you new challenges and overcoming obstacles on your way. Whether you have enough strength depends on how you felt in your dream.
  • Dream Interpretation: declaration of love in verse - predicts you a beautiful and extraordinary journey to places you have never been to.
  • Dream Interpretation: love for a man and wild passion - suggests that in real life you lack bright emotions in relationships.
  • Making love with your dead father in a dream means that you have psychological trauma, you are very worried about the loss loved one, because they were strongly attached to him psychologically or even dependent on him in some way.

Dream Interpretation of Felomena

  • “I had a dream about love” means that in reality you are surrounded by those who are truly dear to you. You feel protected.
  • Dream Interpretation: why love is dreamed of - it is always changes, but most often minor ones. Love in dreams suggests which aspects of life you should pay close attention to in order to improve your relationship with your partner or your situation.
  • Dream Interpretation: love has passed - unlike a not very good dream, in reality everything will turn out great for you.
  • Dream Interpretation: a stranger declares his love - good luck awaits you. This applies to your personal life and career.
  • Dream Interpretation: a girl declared her love - for men a new passion, for women - a short romance.
  • Dream Interpretation: mutual love - predicts the acquisition of true friends on whom you can count in both sorrow and joy.
  • The dream “unrequited love” - such a dream characterizes you as a person with low self-esteem, and also predicts problems in personal affairs. You should raise your self-esteem and change your behavior tactics in relationships with the opposite sex.
  • Hearing a declaration of love in a dream means after a while you will realize that the one who previously seemed like the closest person to you is not at all suitable for you. It’s as if you look at your relationship from the outside and realize that you shouldn’t feel sorry for a callous and selfish person.
  • Dream Interpretation: dreaming of a former love means quarrels with a new partner or an unsuccessful acquaintance.
  • Dream Interpretation: making love is a reflection of your emotional state on a subconscious level: a thirst for new acquaintances and emotions.

English dream book

  • The meaning of the dream is “love” - if in a dream you were struck by love, then in reality there is a person who has tender feelings for you, and very soon he will let you know about them.
  • The dream of “making love with a guy” does not have a very good meaning. The dreamer will face great disappointments and great shocks. It is also possible that on the path to success and achieving goals, obstacles and obstacles will arise that will be very, very difficult to overcome.
  • The dream of “making love to a dead person” is a negative sign, promising a major loss of money, fraud and financial scams. Therefore, if you are the owner of a large business, refrain from dubious partnership agreements and transactions that promise you illusory benefits.
  • Experiencing love in a dream means a great reward awaits you for your good deeds, noble deeds, kind attitude towards others and the ability to love without selfishness or any benefit for yourself.
  • Seeing your first love in a dream means that if not universal luck awaits you, then certainly some joyful and pleasant events await you. If your feelings have long passed and the memories have almost been erased from your memory, such a dream indicates that now everything is fine with you: you are surrounded by people who are truly close and dear to you. Your life is wealth and love from those around you, and your happiness will only continue.
  • Good dreams about love - in dreams promising new love, a stranger often appears, who in reality could meet you anywhere. Also, harbingers of love are red and even ripe ones, promising a happy married life.
  • Dream Interpretation: declaration of love from an ex - there are actions that you regret. There is an opportunity to correct everything: analyze your mistakes and don’t repeat them again.
  • “Making love” - the interpretation according to the dream book is as follows: your relationship with your partner has reached a dead end. You want novelty and vivid sensations.

Loff's Dream Book

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

  • A beautiful dream about love reflects the reality existing in your life. You are satisfied with your own life, everything is fine with you, there are those people nearby whom you really want to see.
  • Dream Interpretation: the feeling of love that you experience towards another person means that now you are in the most favorable period in your life. And if you have some ideas and plans, then it’s time to turn them into reality.
  • The dream book interprets “Love with a girl” as meaning that very pleasant surprises await you.
  • Dream Interpretation: I dreamed about my first love - to memories and nostalgia about past feelings.
  • Dream Interpretation: an ex-boyfriend declares his love - to discord and quarrels with a partner.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti
Seeing strong love in a dream means that soon in reality you will meet a person whose acquaintance will develop into a whirlwind romance, and then into an equally strong and strong feeling.
Russian dream book

  • The dream “a feeling of happiness and love” that overwhelms you in a dream is a very good sign, symbolizing success and good luck in all endeavors and in your personal life.
  • Dream Interpretation: love with your husband promises you a long and strong relationship, a happy married life and no trials.
  • Dream Interpretation: first love, guy – harmony in relationships and complete satisfaction with life.

American dream book
This dream book interpretation of dreams “love” gives the following: if you give your love to others in a dream - in reality, fortune will be next to you, if in a dream you are surrounded by love from others - in reality, get ready for trouble.
French dream book
Dream Interpretation: you dreamed of love - a dream with a wonderful plot promises you good luck in business and endeavors; if you felt discomfort from love experiences in a dream, it means that a streak of failures awaits you in life.
Vanga's Dream Book
Vanga's dream book: love - indicates that you are satisfied with your situation.
Assyrian dream book
Dream Interpretation: love in a dream - in relation to you, means the onset of an unfavorable period in your life. But you shouldn’t worry about all the difficulties and failures will be temporary.
Dream Interpretation Tarot
This dream book interprets the “tarot for love” dream as follows: happiness and complete harmony await you in your relationships with your partner and loved ones. If you are still single, do not despair; your love is already on its way to you.
Vedic dream book

  • “In a dream I felt a feeling of love for a stranger” - your life now is peace and complete satisfaction with the current course of affairs. No bad changes or unexpected events are expected in the future.
  • The meaning of dreams by day of the week about love - many factors influence the interpretation of dreams and the possibility of their implementation in reality. One of the main ones is the day of the week on which you had a dream about love.
  • Dreams from Monday to Tuesday about love tell you that your relationship requires something new. Perhaps you yourself have begun to show less attention and participation to your significant other. If you value this relationship, hurry up to correct the situation and become more sympathetic and attentive to your partner.
  • A dream from Wednesday to Thursday about love is a period of protection of the planet Jupiter, which is responsible for a person’s social position in society. Accordingly, dreams are subject to its influence. Dreams on this day predict changes and further development of relationships. Dreams on this day are very informative. And if you have any problems in your personal life or relationships with your significant other, be sure to remember all the details of the dream. And keep in mind that dreams of love during this period do not indicate new feelings, but that you are spending your energy in the wrong direction.
  • A dream from Thursday to Friday about love - dreams come true most often during this period. Therefore, it is important to remember exactly what you felt in your dream. If you felt good, you felt love and peace, it means that in real life everything will turn out well for you. But if you lost something in a dream, then in reality you will face troubles and losses.
  • A dream from Friday to Saturday about love - dreams on this day speak of serious trials that will leave an imprint on your future destiny. During this period, Saturn rules, so you should not give in to emotions, but act judiciously. There should be no hasty conclusions, decisions or rash actions. The dreams that visited you this night are very important and informative. So, seeing an old love in a dream means that you continue to return to the past from time to time, comparing your current partner, you are doing this in vain, you need to live in the present; if a lover declares his love in a dream, this is a good sign; the future promises you a strong relationship; If you dream of hearing a declaration of love from your husband in a dream, it means that you managed to avoid serious mistakes, you were wise and fair, and in the future family benefits and universal happiness await you.
  • Dreams from Sunday to Monday about love are prophetic for those who have not yet tied the knot. Yes, a new acquaintance will soon take place in your life, but whether it will be positive and whether it will lead to official marriage remains in question. Monday is ruled by the unpredictable and changeable Moon, and it is unknown what kind of relationship it will give you. It is worth adding that dreams that visit us during the period of the patronage of the Moon rarely promise serious relationships and official marriage.

Eastern dream book
What does a dream about love mean - such a dream promises you great happiness. And if you are married, then in the future your union will only become stronger: the house is a full cup, in later life you will find prosperity and sincere support from loved ones.
Love dream book

  • The dream “love with a stranger” promises you some strange event in life that will leave a mark on your soul for a long time. What character this event will have depends on the details in the dream and the general atmosphere of the dream.
  • If you have dreams about love, in which they love you or confess their feelings to you, this means that in reality you are surrounded by truly devoted people whom you can always count on.
  • Seeing “making love” in a dream means that in reality you lack bright emotions, and your feelings towards your partner have cooled down somewhat, the passion has gone.
  • Making love with a girl in a dream - for men, such a dream is a harbinger of new meetings, acquaintances, violent passion and new beginnings.
  • A girl confessed her love in a dream - for representatives of the stronger sex, such a dream is a warning that among your circle there are people who use their friendship with you for selfish purposes. They are insincere and deceitful. There is a high probability of deception and betrayal on their part.
  • Dream "love with" ex-man“- your current relationship with your partner does not satisfy you.
  • The dream of “making love with a dead person” - you are close to the border with other world. It's very informative and important dream, in which you can glean important information for yourself by remembering all the details of the dream: the setting, the atmosphere in the dream, your feelings, etc.
  • Confessing your love to a friend in a dream means that in real life you value your relationship with this person very much. And you are not mistaken, this is truly a person you can trust.
  • A dream of making love with your loved one means that you have a good relationship, in which there is a place for both passion and mutual respect.
  • Dreams foreshadowing love - many dreamers dream of seeing in their dreams signs that predict a fateful meeting with their soulmate. If in a dream there are ripe grapes, an orange or a juicy pomegranate, red candles burning with a bright flame, or you saw sparkling wedding rings, this means that your love is already near you and you will soon recognize it.

Family dream book

  • Feeling love for a stranger in a dream - such a dream is identified with your inner harmony and complete satisfaction with your life today.
  • Dreams of great love sometimes contain very strange, even frightening symbols. So, if you are young, unmarried girl sees himself from the side in a coffin and is present in a dream on own funeral- this suggests that very soon she will meet a wonderful young man, marry him and live a long and happy life.
  • Dream Interpretation: making love in a dream and not experiencing pleasure at the same time warns that in reality you will begin to have various problems and troubles that will affect your intimate life.
  • In a dream, making love with a woman - for men, such a dream promises a new passion and a whirlwind romance.
  • Making love with ex-husband in a dream - suggests that you are yearning for a past relationship, but perhaps you are afraid to admit it to yourself. In reality, an unexpected meeting may await you.
  • Making love in a dream with a friend means fruitful and profitable cooperation with business or work partners.
  • In a dream, making love with a stranger means that you are not satisfied with your sex life at the moment.
  • Making love with your wife in a dream means that you only have happiness and great success, health and sexual harmony ahead of you.
  • People make love in a dream - observing such scenes from the outside indicates that in reality you lack vivid emotions and impressions. If you know someone from those people whom you saw in a dream, this indicates that in life you envy them in some way.
  • Making love with a dead person in a dream - be careful. A serious illness and severe emotional trauma await you.
  • The dream of “making love to your dead husband” means that in the near future you will receive information that is very important to you, do not ignore it.
  • The dream of “making love with your father” - in fact, there is nothing reprehensible or shameful in such a dream. This is just evidence of your strong emotional attachment.

Dream Interpretation Veles

  • Dreams of love and happiness are rich in the most unpredictable symbols. Thus, the most common symbol in dreams of future happiness, peace, mutual love and complete peace is a large garden with fruit-bearing trees growing in it.
  • The dream “love with the boss” means that you are simply obsessed with your work. But in reality, you shouldn't expect to move up the career ladder just yet.
  • Mutual love in a dream and in reality means that a strong and long-lasting union or marriage awaits you and your partner.
  • What does it mean to make love in a dream - the sexual overtones of the dream can indicate both strong disappointment and new romantic relationships. It all depends on your emotions during and after sleep.
  • In a dream, the love of a stranger towards you indicates that a pleasant meeting awaits you in life, which will be the beginning of a serious and long-term relationship.
  • The dream “ex-husband confesses his love” - you still cannot let go of the past. Unfortunately, you do not understand that the insult once caused to you is now preventing only you from living.
  • Making love to someone else's husband in a dream speaks of your hidden sexual attraction to this object.
  • Exercise in your sleep with by a stranger- promises you success at work and very fruitful cooperation with one of your colleagues.
  • The dream “school love” promises you joyful meetings with people from the past or pleasant news related to them.
  • Dream “declaration of love” - if in a dream you yourself are trying to declare your love to someone, but cannot do it, consider this dream a warning that in reality you should not rush to open your feelings either.
  • The dream “a stranger confesses his love to you” means that very soon your usual way of life will change and these changes will be unfavorable for you.
  • The dream of “hearing a declaration of love” - if it is addressed to another person in reality, you will find yourself entangled in a love triangle.
  • The dream “the boss confesses his love” warns you that problems will begin at work. Perhaps one of your colleagues is aiming for your place or is trying in every possible way to interfere with your career advancement.
  • Suffering from love in a dream means that in reality everything will turn out well for you. If you are single, it means that you will meet your soulmate and your feelings will be mutual. If you are already in a relationship, then day by day it will only become stronger, and your feelings will become stronger.

Ukrainian dream book

  • Prophetic dreams “love” - dreams that predict a fateful meeting with a soulmate most often visit us on the day from Sunday to Monday. They can be filled with a variety of symbols: bright sun, crystal pure water, a nest with chicks and even doors, provided that they are open for you.
  • What does it mean to “make love in a dream” - you shouldn’t give great importance what you saw in the dream. This is just a reflection of your emotions. If you don't have a partner, this may indicate that you are too reserved among those around you. You are too hard on yourself.
  • If a man said in a dream: “You are my love,” expect trouble in your relationship with your soulmate.
  • Declaration of love in a dream, what does it mean? If in a dream you confess your love to others, then in reality boundless happiness and joyful days await you.
  • Love with your late husband in a dream - in reality you will get rid of the fears and bad thoughts that have tormented you for a long time.
  • Seeing your ex-love in a dream means nostalgia for the past, memories of past joys.

Modern dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: about love - these dreams always indicate that you are completely satisfied with the way your life is going now.
  • Dream Interpretation: words of love addressed to you warn you of impending troubles.
  • Dream Interpretation: making love with your deceased husband warns of a sharp deterioration in your well-being. Get examined, there is a risk of developing a serious illness.
  • Dream Interpretation: making love with an acquaintance - this may mean both your hidden desire to be closer to this person physically, and a partnership that is beneficial for you.
  • Making love with a stranger means you are not satisfied with your sex life, you lack vivid emotions and experiences.
  • Dream Interpretation: making love with your lover - you have succumbed to passion so much that the storm of feelings does not let you go even in your sleep, you are blinded by them.
  • Dream Interpretation: a man you know pesters you with love - unpleasant events await you and the reason for this is you yourself.
  • Dream Interpretation: a stranger confesses his love - loneliness awaits you or you have some secret admirer who most likely will not find the courage to reveal his feelings to you.
  • Dream Interpretation: the boss declares his love - difficulties at work and the machinations of your colleagues await you.
  • Dream Interpretation: seeing your first love - if at the same time you have not remembered a person who was once close to you for a long time, this means that he (she) is still tormented by the events of the past, he (she) regrets that you broke up.
  • To marry not for love - the dream book interprets such a dream as a relationship that burdens you in reality. This applies to both personal life and friendship.
  • Dream Interpretation: refusal of love - you will experience pain and disappointment.
  • Dream Interpretation: declaring your love to each other means that everything is serious between you and your partner, you really truly love and respect each other.
  • Dream Interpretation: hearing a declaration of love from a stranger promises you a lot of trouble in the very near future.
  • Dream Interpretation: a declaration of love from an ex-boyfriend promises you an unexpected meeting and unexpected news related to your former fan.
  • Dream Interpretation: a dead man declares his love - you have a business that you have not completed. And perhaps this is the reason for your failures now.

Islamic dream book
In a dream, feeling a lack of love - Islamic dream book believes that such a dream promises in real life the care and love of loved ones, their help in solving problems.
Dream Interpretation of Kopalinsky
Dream Interpretation: a declaration of love in a dream portends insincerity and grief in relationships with a partner or with loved ones.
Dream Interpretation: an ex-husband declares his love - you are free from past relationships and if you sometimes remember them, it is only with slight nostalgia.
Freud's Dream Book

  • This dream book interpretation of dreams “declaration of love” gives the following - in reality you lack attention, compliments and passion, which is always filled with relationships that are just beginning to emerge.
  • Dream Interpretation: making love with a dead person means you are too withdrawn and unsure of yourself. You are afraid of failure in sexual pleasures. You should improve your own self-esteem.
  • Dream Interpretation: I dreamed about my ex-love - be more careful and careful in your statements. Such a dream indicates that on a subconscious level you often compare your new partner with your ex. A careless word can provoke a very serious conflict.
  • Dream Interpretation: making love with your ex-husband - you are not satisfied with your existing sex life. But here everything is in your hands, it is quite possible that your dissatisfaction is caused by past grievances that you cannot forgive your partner.

Azar's Dream Book

  • Dream Interpretation: a person confesses his love to someone, and you are a third-party witness - in reality you will be drawn into a conflict between friends.
  • Dream Interpretation: kiss, love - a sign of imminent changes in your destiny.
  • Dream Interpretation: unrequited love - there is a person in your life who causes you a lot of trouble. You are worried and tormented by resentment and misunderstanding. Throw away your prejudices, this person is not worth your attention, you overestimate his role in your life.
  • Dream Interpretation: old love promises you an unexpected meeting with a person from your past.
  • Dream Interpretation: a husband declares his love - such a dream is a confirmation of his feelings to you in reality.

Esoteric dream book

  • Food, sleep, love - all these are symbols in dreams that promise you favorable changes, fateful meetings and pleasant events.
  • This dream book gives the following interpretation of dreams of “making love”: pleasant events await you: good meetings, good news, compliments, everyone’s attention.
  • If in a dream they declared their love to you, this indicates that there is a person among your circle who has far from platonic feelings for you.
  • The dream “making love with your ex-boyfriend” indicates that you still cannot let go of your past. Your body and your subconscious still remember the touch of a person once close to you.
  • Making love with your late husband in a dream threatens serious emotional breakdowns and depression.
  • In a dream, making love with a strange man - you lack passion in your existing relationship.
  • In a dream, to see “making love with your husband” means you have a wonderful relationship. You and your partner are happy with everything, you have managed to maintain mutual attraction and passion for each other.
  • “Making love to a friend in a dream” - such a dream may indicate that your feelings for this person are much more than just friendship. If you are sure that your friend does not arouse passion in you and that any rapprochement with her is out of the question, then the dream should be interpreted as a successful collaboration or partnership with one of your work colleagues.
  • If you are asked about love in a dream, you are lost and don’t know what to say, you experience conflicting and even unpleasant feelings; in real life, great success awaits you.
  • If a stranger declares his love in a dream, this can indicate both a new acquaintance and unpleasant events that will come from outside.

Dream book of the 21st century

  • What kind of dreams do you have for love? - a question that worries many dreamers. It is believed that pearls and pearl jewelry, which you often see in dreams, are a sure sign that a successful marriage awaits you soon. And if those who are married have such dreams, this indicates that cloudless family happiness lies ahead.
  • Making love in a dream - if at the moment you do not have a permanent partner, then such a dream is just a reflection of your desire, the dream of meeting your soul mate. For those who are in a relationship, such a dream foreshadows quick and rapid changes in fate for the better.
  • Dream “declaration of love from a man” - if this person is dear to you, the most favorable events await you.
  • Dream Interpretation: they confess their love in a dream strangers- means that you should prepare for a new stage of life. And here you will have to work hard. But you have enough strength for this, and your reward will be the fulfillment of your deepest desires.
  • The dream “declaration of love from an ex” promises you unexpected and unpleasant surprises.
  • The dream was about “first love” - chores and problems related to finances.
  • Seeing a declaration of love in a dream and feeling the falseness in the words awaits you wonderful holiday with friends.
  • The dream “declaration of love to a guy” - you will have to defend your life positions and opinions in front of your friends.
  • The dream was “your beloved sings love songs” - this indicates that your chosen one has the most serious intentions for you. He is absolutely sure that you are exactly the person with whom he wants to go through life next to.
  • The dream “a dead person confesses his love” - the dream warns you of future problems that can cause serious emotional disturbances, in other words depression or a nervous disorder.
  • What does the dream “declaration of love” mean - if in a dream you responded to a sincere declaration with a refusal, then in reality you will make peace with those with whom you quarreled.
  • Dream Interpretation: a declaration of love for your husband in a dream means that in reality he experiences strong jealousy towards you and suspects you of insincerity.
  • The meaning of the dream “declaration of love to an ex-friend” means that you will have a wonderful time with friends in nature.
  • To dream of declaring your love to another person - you will witness the betrayal of one of your friends and find yourself drawn into a general conflict.
  • The dream “declaration of love from a friend” - you will receive an answer to a question that worries you.

Dream Interpretation of Yuri Longo

  • This dream book interpretation of dreams “declaration of love” gives the following - fateful changes definitely await you. The details and plot of the dream will tell you what they will be like.
  • Dream Interpretation: a love song dedicated to you indicates that your chosen one has the most serious intentions towards you.
  • Dream Interpretation: School love - always dreams of meeting friends, relaxing, going on a visit.
  • Dream Interpretation: Why dream of a declaration of love - if you confess your feelings to a man, this means that in reality you will be greatly disappointed when communicating with the opposite sex.
  • Dream Interpretation: a declaration of love from a man you like means that big changes of a negative nature await you.
  • Dream Interpretation: declaration of love from a loved one - a short declaration consisting of simple words“I love you” promises you a lasting marriage and complete prosperity.
  • Dream Interpretation: a friend declared his love - predicts friendly gatherings and a wonderful vacation for you.
  • Dream Interpretation: a declaration of love from a stranger promises you serious problems on the personal front and unpleasant surprises.
  • Dreams of marriage and love often come in dreams as bright and memorable holidays. For example, a festive procession promises the dreamer a meeting with true love and a happy marriage, and the longer the procession, the longer the happiness and cloudless family life will last.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Canonite
Dreams about future love– these are not always new meetings and acquaintances in dreams. Predictions about a fateful meeting and a long-awaited marriage are often hidden in seemingly insignificant things: burning candles, candlesticks, vineyards strewn with bunches of ripe grapes. Wedding rings promise the dreamer a quick marriage only if they look new and sparkling.
The dream “declaration of love to a girl” - most often such dreams reflect the internal emotional state of the dreamer. This dream can be interpreted as meaning that you have enough strength to achieve your goals.
Women's dream book

Dream book of a real bitch

  • Love, sleep, sex are symbols that predict fateful changes for you that will affect either your career or your personal life.
  • The dream “declaration of love to a girl” - for men a new acquaintance and a whirlwind romance, for women - help from a friend in solving personal problems.
  • Seeing your first love in a dream, a man with whom you were once in a close relationship, means that an old conflict will reassert itself with renewed vigor.
  • A dream about first love can also reflect your emotional state, regret about a breakup and past grievances.
  • In a dream, a dead man declares his love - a dream that does not predict any negative events. These are just your memories and regrets about the person who left this world. But the dream book warns that repeating the same dream plot may carry information about serious problems with your health.
  • This dream book interpretation of dreams “declaration of love” gives the following: if in a dream words of love were addressed to you, then expect trouble. New acquaintances and meetings are possible - but this will only be wasted time.
  • If you had a dream about your ex-love, with whom you quarreled in the dream, then expect a major scandal and a showdown with your partner in reality.
  • The meaning of the dream “making love” is that you are a strong and confident person. Perhaps now you lack bright emotions and novelty in life, but you will easily achieve your goals.
  • If you had a dream where “an angel made love to me in a dream,” this is a very favorable sign. You clearly know your goals, follow this path, and you are protected and protected from above. (cm. )
  • What do you dream about mutual love in a dream - dreams in which you dream of beautiful children, your care towards them promise you mutual feelings, long-term relationships and a favorable marriage union.
  • If an acquaintance often declares his love in a dream, global changes await you in your personal life. If in a dream you experienced negative emotions, then in reality happy events await you and vice versa.

What dreams portend happiness, love and good changes in your personal life?

Dreams about love and relationships do not always promise the prospect of finding a soul mate. Most often they carry information about changes in your personal life and nuances that are worth paying attention to. Special attention to maintain existing relationships.

Of course, it’s nice, when plunging into sleep, to see pictures of a joyful and cloudless future. It's even nicer to see you making love. Why dream of making love with your ex?

Why dream of making love - basic interpretation

A dream in which you make love is definitely an omen of positive changes in life. It can promise you both new acquaintances and the development of new connections, as well as the transition of existing ones to more high level.

A dream in which you have several promises you the opportunity, when solving a difficult life situation, to choose from several options for the development of events. If in a dream you experience fear of a future relationship, you should not force yourself to do anything in reality, because most likely such a dream indicates that through force, guided only by reason, you enter into a relationship with a person.

If in a dream you don’t recognize your gentleman at all and decide to make love to him spontaneously - you will experience unexpected changes in life, which will ultimately turn out to be a favorable combination of circumstances for you. But it’s too early to relax, because at any moment life can change the direction of events.

If in a dream you are devoted to your loved one and make love with him, but in a new place, then such a dream means that you are destined to breathe new strength into the relationship and give them some zest, enrich them with experience and originality.

If you make love to a stranger in a dream, and you like it - you are bored with everyday life, and you have long wanted to change something in yourself and in your chosen one. Many dream books claim that to do this, it will be enough to simply take a closer look at what exactly you liked about making love with a stranger - this is exactly what you lack in an intimate relationship with your loved one.

You should be especially attentive to those dreams in which you have sex with your boss. These dreams promise you not only pleasant moments at work, but also unexpected troubles and losses. It is important to remember all the dialogues that you had in a dream; they may contain information that you so lacked to accept the right decision.

If you dream that you are making love with a friend, such a dream indicates that you have possible travel, change of residence, change of priorities thanks to the person who appeared in your dream.

Why dream of making love with your ex? Such a dream says that you often return to the past in your thoughts and delve into it, look for a way out of the current situation and look for opportunities to improve your current intimate life through the experience of past relationships.

Why dream of making love according to Freud’s dream book

Freud's dream book says that dreams in which you make love often indicate that Are you ready to change your partner? and until this moment there is very little left. Even if in a dream you make love with him, then such a dream indicates that you are fundamentally dissatisfied with sex with your partner. You would like him to be more active and varied.

If you make love in a place unfamiliar to you, such a dream suggests that you lack the intensity of sensations in relationships. If you change several partners in one dream, such a dream states that you lack not only intimacy with them, but also banal communication. This is also important in your case and if you do not ultimately get this need satisfied from your partner, you will no longer enjoy him.

Why dream of making love with your ex? Such a dream often indicates that past relationships are deeply rooted in a person’s subconscious. If a girl was unable to build a new relationship and she has such a dream, she will not be able to improve her intimate life for a long time precisely because she is too demanding of candidates and expects them to conform to the stereotypes of the past.

If her relationship is formed and she still had such a dream - you need to be careful with your desires. She needs to try to develop existing relationships and not run after illusory futures or return to forgotten pasts. It’s worth discussing with your partner everything that she lacks in her current relationship, everything that she dreams about intimately and it’s worth realizing it.

Why do you dream about sex with a man? Such a dream may indicate a girl’s complexes in terms of sex. Perhaps she considers herself not so attractive and is even embarrassed about her appearance. But this only makes the problem worse. Perhaps in a dream she saw herself with ideal forms and in chic underwear that she couldn’t afford in reality. Such a dream says that she It is necessary, at all costs, to change your perception of your body and your appearance. Otherwise, she will not be able to improve her intimate life for a long time.

Why dream of making love according to the esoteric dream book

The esoteric dream book says that it is important to listen to the clues of a dream in which you made love with a stranger. Such a dream suggests that They envy your relationship and want it to end soon.

Why dream of making love with your husband? Such a dream esoteric dream book is interpreted as a warning against telling anyone else about what is going on in your home and relationships. You shouldn’t trust everyone so meekly and listen to tips from friends and loved ones. Your relationship with your husband has been on display for a long time and too many outsiders are aware of everything that happens in it.

In order to change the situation, you just need to reconsider your social circle and explain to your close people that you temporarily do not need their support in this issue. If love with your husband in a dream does not bring you pleasure but only brings disappointment, such a dream may even warn you against the possibility of having an affair on the side. You won’t experience any pleasure from it, but it can already cause harm. existing relations.

If you dream that you are making love with a work colleague, and at the same time you are satisfied with everything, you should pay special attention to the professional sphere, since significant changes are coming in it, not for the better. If making love in a dream with a colleague even develops into a wedding, you are spending too much time on work, you are hiding behind professional affairs from problems on the personal front. It's time to face the truth and start developing relationships.

Why do you dream of making love according to other dream books?

IN family dream book it is said that if a man dreams that he is making love to his wife, such a dream promises him discord in his relationship with her and it is worth taking action now. If a woman has such a dream, she is faithful to her beloved and will maintain this loyalty for a long time. If a man dreams that he is making love to an unfamiliar woman, joy and happiness will come to him, he will receive additional profit and will be able to establish a wonderful relationship with the woman he loves.

In Grishina's dream book it is said that if a girl dreams of making love with an unfamiliar man, such a dream promises her disappointment in opposite field and in love.

  • For a woman to make love with a stranger in a dream - to fidelity to her partner and passion in their relationship;
  • For a man, sex with a stranger in a dream promises success;
  • For a man, sex with his wife in a dream promises trouble and betrayal;
  • A man sees love in a dream married woman– to profit;
  • For a woman to make love to a married man in a dream - to disappointment in her partner and losses.

Seeing many partners in a dream - such a dream promises a woman uncertainty in everyday matters and many minor quarrels with her lover. If a man has a dream in which he has several partners, he must direct all his attention to the professional sphere, otherwise he will lose a lot of money due to his negligence.

It is important to remember all the details of the dream and all the characters. Perhaps someone you have known for a long time will appear in it, but with whom you would not want to maintain a relationship in the future - then you should reconsider your emotions towards this particular person. Perhaps in the past you made hasty conclusions regarding his person and now they are preventing you from building at least a friendship. In any case, trust yourself and your dreams, they always come to the rescue in difficult times.

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It is known that in the country of Morpheus there are no secrets or prohibitions. There you can encounter the most incredible situation. However most of plots are still connected to reality. But beautiful visions do not always portend goodness and joy. For example, making love in a dream is extremely undesirable. This is a very bad sign - most sources say so. Let's figure out what follows this night's plot.

Who is not affected by predictions?

Not all people need to understand what this dream promises. A girl who misses affection can make love to a guy in the land of Morpheus. Agree, if for a certain period a woman had a love story, and then the relationship for some reason sunk into oblivion, then such a vision only reflects her melancholy. In this case, the dream is not prophetic. It only reflects the needs of the body and soul. In addition, it is also quite permissible for a lady to make love with her husband in a dream. This is part of reality, therefore, there is no need to delve into sources and look for secret meaning where there is none. Although such dreamers should be approached thoughtfully and individually. Sometimes the plot is prophetic for them too. It is not recommended to dismiss it thoughtlessly. Let us repeat, the dream can only be ignored by those who have not received affection from a partner for a long time. We begin to describe the interpretations, collecting them according to subject groups.

We saw a sex scene involving a friend

Making love to a certain person in a dream means that someone has prepared a trap for you. This is a bad sign. Behind your back they are no longer just gossiping, but creating a whole network of gossip. All of them are extremely negative. Soon you will hear about this and you will be very upset. However, you should not blame everything on the one who turned out to be your partner in the country of Morpheus. This person simply acted as a tool in the hands of the subconscious. In reality, he is not involved in bad affairs. For a young man to make love in a dream with the one he dreams of is a good sign. It is necessary to show more persistence and creativity. The girl will favorably accept advances, so feel free to embark on the path of winning her heart. But if there is a girl in bed who does not evoke passionate feelings, then expect messages about dirty gossip.

Sleep advice for everyone is this: change your behavior, sit in silence for a while, try not to excite the public imagination with shocking and extravagant actions. This will benefit your reputation.

If the partner turns out to be a stranger

This plot is also considered not very favorable. Expect sudden turns in business, unexpected surprises at work, if you had to see erotic scenes in a dream. Making love with a stranger means that you have to spin like a squirrel in a wheel. All plans will be disrupted. New circumstances or personalities will interfere with the logic of events, disrupting its harmony and harmony. However, there is no need to fall into despair. You can fix everything, get around obstacles, remove obstacles if you try. The result will be very favorable.

Girls should take this plot as a stern warning. Their behavior is such that the surrounding men look at him condemningly and disgustedly. You need to analyze your words and actions, reconsider your wardrobe, and make serious adjustments to your image. Otherwise you will have to suffer from loneliness. Nobody wants to mess with a vulgar beauty. Married ladies also need to remember their duty after such an adventure in the country of Morphe. Frivolity does not suit them. Return, as they say, to the path of virtue, so as not to cry later.

In a dream, make love with your husband

As already said, this plot is not always prophetic. However, it should be taken as a warning. Relationships may be upset. Scandals and quarrels will break into the family. There is some time of turbulence ahead. Try to calm down your irritability. Arm yourself with patience and wisdom, do not respond to your spouse’s barbs. Soon everything will calm down and return to normal. But for a girl to be married in a dream and see a sex scene is not very good. This is a harbinger of long loneliness. If such a plot often appears in a beauty’s dreams, she needs to take off her “crown of celibacy.” She will not be able to start a family without a special ceremony.

Making love to your ex in a dream

This is perhaps the most optimistic story. If a former admirer happens to be in bed with you in the land of Morpheus, then expect good changes. Perhaps some new admirer is already preparing to take decisive steps. That is, fate will give the dreamer mutual feelings and happiness. However, you should analyze your own feelings from astral contact. If they were pleasant and nothing caused negativity, then the new acquaintance will be smooth and quick. When a dream is remembered with disgust, there will be many obstacles on the path to happiness. Prepare to overcome them. Everything will work out, but you will have to take an active position and boldly defend your own interests. Such a plot conveys negative information only to married ladies. They will most likely have to separate from their current spouse. The reasons for such a gap can be any. The consequence will be the same for everyone. The lady, after a period of worries and tears, will marry again. The marriage will turn out to be extremely wonderful and strong.

Experienced feelings in a dream

Not only plots should be analyzed when trying to get to the bottom of the truth, but also emotions. If in the land of Morpheus you were satisfied with the contact and experienced pleasure, then you divide all negative forecasts in two. They will smooth out in reality and will not cause either fear or tears. When an erotic plot leaves only negative memories, do not expect good things. Strengthen your will, pull yourself together and face troubles head on. They will be serious, but not critical. That is, there will still be a chance to overcome everything and win. But you'll have to try hard. Neutral feelings in a dream indicate the same emotions in reality. That is, nothing will happen that will unsettle you. However, the events will be negative, although they will not cause an emotional explosion. Finally, it must be said that some sources interpret this plot completely differently. Many consider it a sign of betrayal. Moreover, it is the dreamer who will commit adultery. It is recommended to take this interpretation into account in life. Do not engage in behavior that is worthy of condemnation. Good luck!

A dream in which you made love, according to psychologists, speaks of an internal need for attention from the stronger sex. Several dream books give a description of why such a plot is dreamed of. A young woman who sees herself in a man’s arms in a dream will soon face disappointment in her chosen one in reality.

For a man, such a piquant plot promises well-being in real life. But there is one subtle point here: things will go well only if his sexual partner in his dreams was an unfamiliar woman. If the dreamer made love to his wife, then a quick divorce is likely. Watch from the side as a certain couple merges in a passionate embrace towards success.

Various interpretations of dreams involving lovemaking

The noble dream book of N. Grishina says that making love in a dream means disappointment. The same interpreter explains why such a plot is dreamed of, depending on the personality of the partner. If a woman saw the plot, then her life will be filled with significant and happy events. Coitus with a brother predicts receiving help from relatives in real life.

In a dream, a girl makes love with a woman, according to N. Grishina’s dream book, to participate in some mysterious business. If a girl dreams that she has become a victim of violence, then in reality she will be able to achieve her goal. A sexual relationship with one’s own father promises special treatment from fortune. For some time after such a dream, you will be lucky in all matters.

A representative of the stronger sex in a dream has a sexual relationship with beautiful woman also to great success and luck. If in place of the partner there was a legal spouse, then in reality it will not be possible to avoid a big quarrel with her. Sex with a married woman will make all your desires come true.

According to the same dream book, making love with a guy you know means successful completion of the business you have started. The interpreter also explains why you dream of making love with a prostitute. Expect happiness in reality, which will ultimately be destroyed by a serious illness. Sleep with sister to a powerful influx of vitality. If your partner had an unmarried daughter, then in real life you can prepare for her wedding.

To have a sexual relationship with any animal in a dream means wealth. Making love with a deceased person, according to the dream book, means acquiring quite valuable property. Seeing your own mother as a partner is an unkind sign. Probably, in reality you will not follow the right path, which will negatively affect your entire life.

Why dream of making love according to the modern dream book

To dream of yourself having sex in the air means the onset of an ambiguous period in life. Some uncertainty will worry you a lot, but your own hard work and optimism will help you overcome this difficult time. According to the dream book, making love with your loved one in front of the mirror means you want to receive approval for your actions. If during such sexual intercourse you feel that you cannot achieve orgasm, you should think about your own self-esteem. It is quite possible that it is overestimated.

The modern dream book explains why one dreams of virtual sex in a dream. It turns out that he is a symbol misrepresentation about the current situation. The dreamer may be mistaken about the attitude of the people around him and about his own appearance, and abilities as a lover.

According to the dream book, making love with your husband leads to complete harmony in family relationships. All misunderstandings will disappear and you will enjoy good attitude from the spouse's side. Take advantage of the right moment and discuss with your husband everything that has already worried you. long time questions. This time is perfect for such a difficult conversation.

Sexual intercourse in plain sight public place symbolizes the dreamer’s desire to put his thoughts and relationships on public display. Most likely, this desire is caused by the need to receive wise advice. According to the dream book, making love to a young and very seductive girl in a dream means success with the opposite sex. If you are still single, then don’t worry, a fateful meeting will take place very soon.

The modern dream book says that making love with a man while wearing clothes means that an obstacle will appear in real life. There may also be futile attempts to complete the work started. Have sexual intercourse with someone in a dream famous people, to attempts to join the fame and popularity of another person. For a young man, this plot promises successful career advancement.

Making love with an ex, according to the dream book, means longing for a departed relationship. You probably want to return your former feelings, but this will no longer be possible. Go forward. When you meet another person, you will forget about your past happiness. The dream book also explains why the lady dreams that she is having sex underwater. A similar plot speaks of the dreamer’s desire for motherhood.

Having sexual intercourse with a monster in a dream speaks of your reluctance to obey your superiors. Sex with a representative of the black race, accompanied by positive emotions, indicates an inability to think about the consequences and about the future. If in a dream such a connection caused you suffering, then now you are going through a period of mental tossing.