Dream about a monster wanting to kill me. Dream Interpretation: monster in a dream

The meaning of a dream about a Fiend (Mythological dream book)

Interpretation of the dream: Monster - (In general) empty doubts, anxiety, worry, vain fears.

Great dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why does a woman dream about the Beast?

Monster - If you are being chased by a monster in a dream, a long streak of sorrow and misfortune will soon await you. Killing a monster means successfully solving problems, this is how you interpret what you are dreaming about.

Seeing a Beast, how to unravel the symbolism of a dream (according to the Family Dream Book)

Seeing a Monster - If you dreamed of a monster, expect in reality an unsuccessful acquaintance, due to which you will find yourself in a number of unpleasant and even dangerous situations.

Intimate dream book / E. Danilova

If you had a dream about a Beast

Monster - You saw a terrible monster, the dream symbolizes your hidden fears and doubts in your abilities. If a monster was chasing you, you are suffering because of your complexes and are afraid to open up to anyone. If you saw a monster chasing another person, the dream warns you that a hidden danger threatens you.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream of a Beast in a dream?

Monster - Seeing that you are being pursued by a monster means that sorrows and misfortunes will soon take a large place in your life. Killing a monster in a dream is a harbinger that you will successfully deal with your enemies and take a prominent position in society, this is how you decipher what your dream means.

The meaning of a dream about Monsters ( Modern dream book)

Monster - Unexpected trouble.

The ABC of Dream Interpretation

To dream about Monsters, what does it mean?

Monster (freak) – Symbolizes the frightening truth that you are avoiding. Seeing a monster and running away from it - your worst fears will come true. Kill the monster - you will cope with the circumstances and your situation will improve.

Ghoul – You might have a nightmare about him, and nightmares usually don’t mean anything bad.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

What does a monster mean in a dream?

Monster - Fear, doubt.

The meaning of a dream about a Monster (Star Dream Book)

I dreamed of a Monster - insanity. For women - harassment, Uranus.

Great modern dream book / Zaitsev S., Kuzmin S.

Interpretation of 7777 dreams: Monster

Monster - You saw a monster in a dream - you will soon become a witness and participant in unpleasant events. The monster seems to be chasing you - the dream warns you from some kind of danger; spend time in sadness. It’s as if you killed a monster - you don’t have to fear enemies; you can easily cope with any of them.

New family dream book Nadezhda Soboleva

How to understand why the Beast was seen in a dream?

I dreamed of a Monster - doubts; fear. Chased by a monster - restless experiences; killing a monster means coping with your negative emotions.

Erickson's Dream Book

If you see Monsters, what is it for?

Monster - to be afraid of a monster in a dream - fears in reality, various phobias, troubling times. Defeating the monster means taking control of all problems and the ability to quickly solve them. Hiding from a monster means fear or a premonition of trouble.

Dream book of Simeon Prozorov

Meet the Beast in a dream

I dreamed of a Monster - a dream foreshadows sorrows and misfortunes, the tragic death of a friend. The only way to work through this dream is to imagine that you are boldly rushing at the monster and killing it.

Dream Interpretation Taylor Joules

Interpretation of dreams. Interpretation of more than 1000 characters: Monster

Beast - Monsters can take any form, but most often come in the form of a monster with everything we fear most: spider legs, tentacles, dripping venom, fangs or claws, or something less obvious like a shadow , barely noticeable and threatening, creating a feeling of impending doom. Learning to deal with your personal monster can be very empowering - the feeling of triumph carries over into real life and can help you cope with daily problems. You need to think about how to best resolve the situation. Hunt a monster? Challenge him? Make up a series of rules that he will have to obey? Entrust it to someone else? Or The best way- talk to him?

Hidden childhood fears can manifest themselves in the forms of monsters.

Is there some unrecognized part of your soul that you fear? Explore your inner monster(s): There is nothing scarier than the unknown.

Get to know your inner demons.

You can even imagine monsters and ask them what part of your personality they represent? Face the monster that frightens you, fight it or befriend it, but do not become its victim.

Interpretation of dreams from the American Dream Book

Dream Interpretation - Monster

Seeing a vampire in a dream is a warning: you may be drawn into a dirty business or adventure; For patients, such a dream promises recovery.

You dreamed about ghouls and ghouls - worries, ambitions, and claims await you.

A frightening monster warns of danger and doubt - rewards and encouragement await you, you just need to eliminate your enemies.

Kill a monster - a reward or encouragement awaits you.

Interpretation of dreams from

according to Miller's dream book

To dream that you are being chased by a monster means that sorrows and misfortunes will soon take a large place in your life. Killing a monster in a dream is a harbinger that you will successfully defeat your enemies and take a prominent position in society.

Seeing a dragon in a dream

according to the dream book of Mythical animals

A universal and very complex symbol. The dragon, or winged serpent, combines snake and bird, spirit and matter. At first, its symbolism was entirely favorable and meant the waters carrying the life of the serpent, and the breath of life of the bird. He identified with the heavenly gods and their earthly representatives - emperors and kings. Subsequently, its symbolism became ambivalent, denoting the beneficial rains that follow thunderstorms, and, at the same time, the destructive forces of lightning and flooding. In the East, the dragon, as a rule, is the Heavenly Power that brings good, while in the West it becomes chthonic, destructive and evil. The dragon can be solar and lunar, male and female, good and evil. On Far East it symbolizes supernatural power, wisdom, strength, hidden knowledge, the power of waters that bring life. This is the emblem of the emperor as the Son of Heaven and, after him, a wise and noble man. Monotheistic religions portray the dragon as an evil force, except in certain cases where it may represent the Logos, the animating spirit, or an omnipotent deity, the Pleroma. The dragon and serpent are usually used interchangeably in symbolism representing the implicit, the undifferentiated, the chaos, the latent, the untamed nature, as well as the vital force of water. When he spews out thunder and lightning, a transition occurs from the world of the unmanifested to the created world of form and matter. And here the dragon has dual symbolism: it can act both as the god of rain and as his opponent, who prevents the rain from falling. It is associated, on the one hand, with the sea and the depths of the sea, on the other, with mountain peaks, clouds and solar eastern regions. Acting as monsters, dragons are the autochthonous rulers of the earth, with whom heroes, conquerors and creators have to fight in order to capture or develop the earth. They are also the guardians of treasures and access to secret knowledge . The battle with the dragon symbolizes the difficulties that must be overcome in order to master the treasures of inner knowledge. Victory over the dragon represents the resolution of the conflict between light and darkness, the destruction of the destructive forces of evil, or the victory over a person’s own dark nature and the achievement of self-control. To save an immaculate maiden from the clutches of a dragon means to release pure forces, crushing evil ones. The dragon often confronts the dying god. In alchemy, the winged dragon personifies the “flying”, and having lost its wings it is “fixed”, caught. In Chinese alchemy, the dragon is mercury, blood and seed. Among the Celts it is a symbol of supreme power, the master. The red dragon is the emblem of Wales. The dragon and snake are inseparable in Chinese symbolism. The dragon represents the highest spiritual power, the supernatural, infinity, the spirit of change, the divine power of change and transformation, the rhythms of nature, the law of becoming, supernatural wisdom, strength. He is the “Heavenly Deer”, the Sun, light and life. Heaven, supreme power, yang male power. The cloudy dragon also means a thunderstorm and life-giving rain, deep waters and Spring. Blue Dragon “Lun” - the highest lives in heaven and is a life-giving spirit, heavenly power, supernatural and infinite power. On earth, the blue dragon is a sign of delegated imperial power, the sign of the emperor. In the imperial dragon it is also called "harrier"; five claws, its head is directed to the South, and its tail is directed to the North. He represents the East and life-giving rain. The ordinary dragon "mang" has four claws on its paws and represents temporary power. An earlier form of the Chinese dragon was the three-clawed dragon. This form of dragon was subsequently adopted in Japan. The hornless dragon “li” lives in the sea and controls the depths of the sea; it also symbolizes the scientist. The chiyao dragon lives in the mountains or on the ground and represents a statesman. According to Wang Fu, the dragon has “nine correspondences”: “Its horns are like those of a deer, its head is like that of a camel, its eyes are like those of a demon, its neck is like that of a snake, its belly is like that of a snail, its scales are like those of a carp, its claws are like those of an eagle, its soles are like those of a tiger, and its ears are like those of a cow.” Two “fighting”, competing dragons looking at each other represent the dualism of the yin-yang forces, all opposing and complementary forces, the forces of heaven and earth; usually between them either the Sun or the “pearl of heaven”, the Moon, is depicted. The dragons turning their backs to each other represent the principles of yin-yang. When they are depicted chasing each other's tails, it is a symbol of the mutual creative action of the yin-yang forces. Often the dragon is depicted with a "dragon ball" or a "flaming pearl". Available different interpretations these images: these are either thunderclaps, or it means that when the Moon, the bearer of rain, wanes, the dragon swallows it, and when it arrives, this is a sign that he gradually spits it out. In Taoism and Buddhism, it is the “pearl that fulfills all desires,” the pearl of perfection, in other words, wisdom, the torch and the spiritual essence of the universe. She may represent a Boddhisattva in the process of continuous enlightenment. The dragon, depicted together with the Phoenix, is a symbol of the union of Heaven and Earth, the emperor and the empress, the divine potentiality that contains all opposites, the interaction of the macrocosm and the microcosm, the two aspects of the androgyne, the rhythms of evolution and involution, birth and death. Their symbol is also a double spiral. A dragon depicted with a tiger can mean voluptuousness, while the tiger in this case will symbolize anger and hostility. In Christianity, the dragon is considered a serpent, “that old serpent,” a force of evil, the devil, the tempter, the enemy of God. He represents, in addition, death, darkness, paganism and heresy. IN Old Testament“the abode of dragons” is associated with the “canopy of death”, Psalms 44:19 and the depths of the waters. The “abode of dragons” was considered a place of desolation and death. Dragon slayers are portrayed as triumphers over the forces of evil and heresy. A dragon with a tied tail represents defeated evil, since it was believed that the strength of a dragon is in its tail, like that of a scorpion. Archangel Michael, slaying the dragon, represents the victory of the sun god over darkness, which in Christianity was transformed into a version of the defeat of Satan. Dragons are attributes of Saints Cado, Clement of Metz, George, Kane, Margaret, Martha, Samson, Sylvester and the Apostle Philip. Among the Egyptians, the dragon is the emblem of Osiris, the god of the dead. Apep, the dragon of darkness and chaos, is defeated every morning by the Sun God Ra. In Greco-Roman culture, this is an attribute of Hercules, the conqueror of monsters. Sometimes dragons are depicted harnessed to the chariot of Ceres. Among the Jews it is considered a symbol of desolation; desert dweller. In Hinduism, the dragon is a manifest force, a spoken word, an attribute of Soma and Varuna. Indra killed the dragon. In Iranian culture - an attribute of Haoma. For the Japanese, a dragon with three claws on its paws represents the Mikado, imperial and spiritual power. In Sumerian-Semitic mythology - “adversary”, the force of evil.

Monster- symbolizes the frightening truth that you are avoiding.

See a monster, run from it- your worst fears will come true.

Kill the monster- you will cope with the circumstances and your situation will improve.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

The image of a monster in a dream- this is a reflection of your own bitterness. Such dreams suggest that there are people in your life whom you hate. This hatred creates a dangerous nervous tension in the soul, which manifests itself at night in the form of frightening monsters. Try to get rid of evil thoughts and negative feelings, or even better, try to internally reconcile with your enemies, and then the monsters will disappear from your dreams. And, in addition to terrible dreams, negative stress can from time to time lead you to involuntary and absurd mistakes, dooming your business to failure. Think about it - do you need it?

Dream book for the whole family

If you dreamed of a monster in a dream- expect an unsuccessful acquaintance in real life, because of which you will find yourself in a number of unpleasant and even dangerous situations.

Dream book for a bitch

Monster- unexpected trouble.

Women's dream book

If you are being chased by a monster in a dream- a long streak of sorrows and unhappiness awaits you soon.

Kill the monster- to successful problem solving.

General dream book

Seeing a monster in a dream- to failures in business.

If you dreamed that you killed a monster- in the near future you will successfully cope with all troubles.

You watched someone kill a monster- know that true friends will always come to your aid.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Monster- hidden children's fears can manifest themselves in the images of monsters. Is there some unrecognized part of your soul that you fear?

Explore your inner monster (your inner monsters)- There is nothing worse than the unknown. Get to know your inner demons. You can even imagine monsters and ask them what part of your personality they represent? Face the monster that frightens you, fight it or befriend it, but do not become its victim.

Mythological dream book

Monster- empty doubts, anxiety, worry, vain fears.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Fantastic monster scares you- attack on you, danger.

Danilova's erotic dream book

If in a dream you saw a terrible monster- such a dream symbolizes your hidden fears and doubts in your abilities.

If a monster was chasing you- you suffer because of your complexes and are afraid to open up to someone.

If you saw a monster chasing another person- the dream warns that a hidden danger threatens you.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

monster- fear, doubt.

Collection of dream books

Monster- some unrecognized part of your inner world that you are afraid of. Hidden fears in manifest form. Take a good look at your monster, get to know it better, study it, because only the unknown scares. You can even ask the monster what part of you it represents.

The monster is a symbol of doubt and anxiety. However, these anxieties may be the cause of your childhood fears, which take the form of a monster in your dreams. That is why it is worth not only looking for meaning in what you see, but also for the essence of the problem itself; perhaps this dream is not a prediction, but something is bothering you, that is, something that you were so afraid of in childhood.

If the cause of such a dream is precisely fears, then it is worth studying your own internal monster, which has been living with you for many, many years and only sometimes appears to you in your dreams.

You can not only try to overcome it, but also make friends, because sometimes quite cute creatures are hidden on the surface, just as quite harmless things are hidden behind fears.

What if you dream about a monster?

However, a monstrous dream can be some kind of warning and sign that something might happen in reality. Perhaps you are overcome by fears and anxieties about a special event or before making an important decision. It is worth saying that there is no need to be afraid, since it is fear that can drive luck away from you.

If in a dream you fight a monster, then perhaps a struggle awaits you in life: a struggle for your place or a struggle with opponents.

The outcome of such a battle can also be predicted, just remember the outcome of the fight in a dream, and everything will fall into place. If you are left amazed, then in real life you should not “get into trouble.” It’s better to act wisely and concede this battle, since the outcome still promises to be in your favor.

What does it portend?

If you dreamed of a monster that looks at you from the side, this may be a sign that you are rejecting yourself. You shouldn’t treat your existence this way; it’s time to love your incarnation for what it is.

By rejecting yourself as a person and as a person, you kill any possibility of happiness, since a person who does not love himself cannot be truly happy. And having money and a handsome and wealthy spouse cannot bring what every person deserves.

Why do you dream of a monster that is afraid of you? Of course, this means that those people whom you are afraid of in life are actually afraid of you. Perhaps we are even talking about your boss.

Think about it, maybe you should stop being afraid and start acting thoroughly and boldly making decisions.

Each of us has hidden fears and phobias, which in dreams take on the form of various and incredible monsters. And what these monsters dream of is interpreted by dream books as an expression of anxiety and excitement of a sleeping person.

The monster in Miller's dream book is a symbol of frightening truth

Dreamed monsters, according to Mr. Miller, indicate the dreamer’s reluctance to face the prickly truth. Probably, your far-fetched phobias live exclusively in your head, but the time has come to fight them. Seeing a monster in a dream and running away from it - the fears of a sleeping person will become a reality.

Sea monster in a dream or fear of the water element

According to the Modern Dream Book, what you dream of about a sea monster in the water signals a hidden, often unconscious, fear water element. But fighting a sea monster in the water is considered a good omen, indicating deliverance from haunting anxieties.

A dream about a mythical levithan or an underwater monster warns of misfortune, a serious danger to the dreamer’s life. You may need to postpone a planned event or trip for a while.

Seeing the Loch Ness monster in a dream means that the personality of the sleeping person has its own hidden, secret forms, which the person himself cannot understand, accept and use.

Chasing in a dream or fear of the unknown in reality

Denise Lynn's dream book interprets why you dream of running away from scary monsters as a subconscious rejection of your own inner world. Thus, according to the interpreter, the dreamer’s fears accumulated inside take on a vile and repulsive form, do not submit to reason and last from childhood.

According to Islamic dream book, a dreamed monster is considered a reflection of one’s own cruelty, rejection and hatred of other people. To run away from him means to admit his own powerlessness in a relationship with an unpleasant person. To catch means to find the strength to cope with a vile situation.

A dream in which a monster is chasing you foreshadows sadness and troubles associated with the personal characteristics of the dreamer. Killing a creature in a dream predicts the end of troubles.

An attack by a monster promises communication with an obsessive person

The universal modern dream book describes why a monster dreams of attacking the dreamer, a harbinger of troubles with an influential person due to its rash and inconsistent actions.

According to the Eastern women's interpreter, dreaming of a miracle Yudo that attacks in a dream foreshadows the appearance of an obsessive and unpleasant person, getting rid of which will be extremely tiring. Killing such a creature in a dream indicates the need to show tact and patience towards an intrusive person.

Freud's dream book offers his own interpretation of why you dream of fighting a monster. So, according to the doctor, such an image speaks of a person’s desire to expose his true feelings and surrender to sexual pleasure.

Other interpretations of dreams with monsters

Seeing a kind, nice miracle Yudo indicates the absence of obstacles in achieving the planned event. You happened to be scared of a good black horror movie and were preparing to kill it, which means that any troubles can put you into a state of stupor and uncertainty.

Seeing a monster in the mirror instead of your reflection reminds you of the need to be honest with yourself and loved ones. A labyrinth with a minotaur indicates the need to take matters into your own hands and overcome the obstacles that arise.

For women, a vision in which they happened to give birth to an incomprehensible creature promises disappointment in the dream book. The horror movie that eats your hand warns about being too trusting and open to unworthy people.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

  • Negative program.

New family dream book

  • If you were chased by a monster in a dream, then in reality there will be a lot of sadness in your life in the near future.

New family dream book

  • If you were chased by a monster in a dream- in reality there will be a lot of sadness in your life in the near future.

Eastern women's dream book

  • A dream in which you are being chased by a monster foretells failure in the near future. If you kill a monster, it means that you will successfully deal with your enemies and take your rightful place in life.

Eastern women's dream book

  • A dream in which you are being chased by a monster- portends failures in the near future.
  • If you kill a monster- this means that you will successfully cope with your enemies and take your rightful place in life.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

  • monster- fear, doubt.

Modern dream book

  • If you dreamed that you were being chased by a monster, then failure awaits you in the near future. If in a dream you kill a monster, then in reality you will successfully deal with your enemies and take a worthy position in life.

  • If you saw a terrible monster in a dream, such a dream symbolizes your hidden fears and doubts in your abilities. If a monster was chasing you, you are suffering because of your complexes and are afraid to open up to someone.
  • If you saw a monster chasing another person, the dream warns you that a hidden danger threatens you.

Danilova's Dream Interpretation (Erotic)

  • If in a dream you saw a terrible monster- such a dream symbolizes your hidden fears and doubts in your abilities.
  • If a monster was chasing you- you suffer because of your complexes and are afraid to open up to someone.
  • If you saw a monster chasing another person- the dream warns that a hidden danger threatens you.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

  • Fantastic monster scares you- attack on you, danger.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

  • A fantastic monster scares you - an attack on you, danger.

Dream Book of Schiller-Schoolboy

  • recovery of the patient; killing a monster means victory over a dangerous enemy, but being bitten by a monster means a serious illness or loss of fortune.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn (detailed)

  • Hidden childhood fears can manifest themselves in the forms of monsters. Is there some unrecognized part of your soul that you fear?
  • Explore your inner monster(s). There is nothing scarier than the unknown. Get to know your inner demons. You can even imagine monsters and ask them what part of your personality they represent? Face the monster that frightens you, fight it or befriend it, but do not become its victim.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn (brief)

  • Some unrecognized part of your inner world that you are afraid of. Hidden fears in manifest form. Take a good look at your monster, get to know it better, study it, because only the unknown scares. You can even ask the monster what part of you it represents. Fight the monster, even if you have to go back to the dream. Having won, you have the right to demand gifts and untold riches from the monster.

Women's dream book

  • If you are being chased by a monster in a dream- a long streak of sorrows and unhappiness awaits you soon.
  • Kill the monster- to successful problem solving.

Dream book for women

  • If you dreamed of a monster, expect an unsuccessful acquaintance in real life, due to which you will find yourself in a number of unpleasant and even dangerous situations.

Fairytale-mythological dream book

  • MONSTER - (in general) empty doubts, anxiety, worry, vain fears.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

  • Monster- symbolizes the frightening truth that you are avoiding.
  • See a monster, run from it- your worst fears will come true.
  • Kill the monster- you will cope with the circumstances and your situation will improve.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

  • The image of a monster in a dream- this is a reflection of your own bitterness. Such dreams suggest that there are people in your life whom you hate. This hatred creates a dangerous nervous tension in the soul, which manifests itself at night in the form of frightening monsters. Try to get rid of evil thoughts and negative feelings, or even better, try to internally reconcile with your enemies, and then the monsters will disappear from your dreams. And, in addition to terrible dreams, negative stress can from time to time lead you to involuntary and absurd mistakes, dooming your business to failure. Think about it - do you need it?

Complete dream book of the New Era

  • Monster- reflection of hidden, suppressed fears (including children's). Reflecting fears of the unknown. The need to understand your inner “monsters” and transform them.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

  • Monster- to pregnancy or a rumor about someone’s pregnancy.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

  • Monster- receive an undeserved reproach from children.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

  • Monster- to fear; fear of trouble.

Collection of dream books

  • Monster- some unrecognized part of your inner world that you are afraid of. Hidden fears in manifest form. Take a good look at your monster, get to know it better, study it, because only the unknown scares. You can even ask the monster what part of you it represents.
  • Fight the monster, even if you have to go back to the dream- Having won, you have the right to demand gifts and untold riches from the monster.