Dream Interpretation exposing deception. Miller's interpretation

21.09.2019 Trips

Why do you dream about deception? This means that in reality you will unexpectedly gain independence or certain privileges. Cheating yourself in a dream is worse. You will experience shame and humiliation. Dream books and specific examples will tell you how to correctly interpret a vision.

Miller's dream book claims that someone else's deception promises a clash with people who, in reality, are planning to block your path to your goal. Why do you dream about deception? card game? Alas, separation from your loved one is coming due to an unfortunate misunderstanding.

Did you dream about your own deception? Self-interest and thirst for profit will lead you to commit an extremely bad act, which will immediately affect your reputation. If in a dream you clearly realized the deception, then in reality your enemies will not be able to harm you.

If you are in love in real life, but in a dream you experienced the deception of scammers, then an absurd trick will lead to a complete break in the relationship.

What does dream deception mean? This is a sign that is intended to warn you of a fatal error. Moreover, this could be a banal miscalculation in calculations or a typo in documents.

Why do you dream about deception? If you are caught cheating, then the dream book guarantees success in business and prosperity.

If you dreamed that you clearly felt how you were being fooled, then in reality ill-wishers will not be able to harm you.

Interpretation from a combined dream book

Did you dream that you fooled someone? in reality, you can deceive your boss for personal gain. This same plot marks a period during which you will experience a number of dubious pleasures.

What if it turns out that you yourself have become a victim of blatant deception? Enemies will try to harm you, but they are unlikely to succeed. If in a dream you accused the dream character of deception, then the dream book guarantees you will receive a high and honorable position.

Did you dream that you were deceived out of small money? This means that a biased attitude towards others will cause annoying misunderstandings. If the amount in the dream was significant, then troubles at work will be aggravated by the misfortune that will come to the family.

In a dream, deception with an apartment or documents for other real estate means that you have started a business that is doomed in advance. Someone took the car by deceit? A very important plan will be disrupted due to external circumstances.

What does deception mean in a store or at work?

Why do you dream that you are hung up in a store? Be careful - the same thing can happen in real life. If in a dream you were not given change in a store, then get ready for real significant losses. Any deception in a store warns of the beginning of a rather difficult stage in life.

I dreamed of an optical illusion

Why dream of an optical illusion or simply a mirage? Seeing him is a sign of a task that will seem difficult and almost hopeless to you. But if you concentrate and carry it out, you will certainly earn respect and honor.

Why do you dream about deception? To give an accurate interpretation of this image, you need to remember the details: who exactly deceived, how you reacted to it, how you felt, how it ended, etc.

Did you dream that you experienced real bitterness after learning about the dream deception? No one will be able to harm you in the near future, so take on the most difficult cases.

according to Miller's dream book

To dream that you are being deceived in business means that you will encounter people who will strive to block your path to success. For young people to dream that they are being beaten by cheaters, foretells that they will part with their lovers due to absurd misunderstandings. In a dream, trying to deceive someone yourself is a harbinger that selfish aspirations will push you to unworthy and frivolous actions that can tarnish your name. In a dream, realizing with bitterness that you have been deceived is a sign that your opponents will be powerless to harm you.

Why do you dream of deceiving?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

you - jealousy; unnecessary suspicions; you - job change;

I dreamed of a conspiracy

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing yourself as the object of a conspiracy in a dream foretells that you will take the wrong steps in managing your affairs.

I dreamed of a liar

according to Miller's dream book

To dream of people whom you consider to be liars foretells that you will lose faith in a business project that you have been persistently promoting. For a woman to think that her lover is a liar is a warning that her indecent behavior may be contributing to the loss of a good friend. If you dreamed that someone called you a liar, this is a sign of troubles awaiting you caused by the betrayal of deceitful friends.

Seeing a lie in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

A lie counts negative experience, a taboo experience. Humanity at the initial stages of its history considered lying a sacred act of sin, which, although committed at the interpersonal level, was directed against the gods, providence, and the cosmos. However, according to recent sociological research, lies are losing their taboo energy. Many people begin to have a more free and frivolous attitude towards the truth, which helps to complement or protect the self-image they have created. Thus, when interpreting a dream in which there is a lie, it is necessary to take into account your attitude towards lies in real life. If you think that lying is shameful, such a dream may indicate the insincerity that you show in certain life situations. Such a dream may indicate some dishonesty in a transaction that is most likely forgotten but not disclosed. If you are completely calm about lies in life, then the dream probably indicates your weak sides, which manifest themselves in certain areas of life and which need to be paid attention to. How to do this is entirely up to you. It is likely that you are much more concerned about how others perceive you than the actual assessment of your personality. This is certainly true if in a dream your lie was exposed. Do you often lie to the same person in real life? Could you find yourself in a situation where you exaggerate the truth or deliberately lie in order to improve your reputation in the eyes of others? Do you feel like others are deliberately misleading you about their actions or intentions? Will your inner self be confused if others get to know you too closely?

I dreamed about a lie

according to Miller's dream book

To dream that you are lying to avoid punishment means that you will act dishonorably towards an innocent person. Lying to protect a friend from undeserved punishment foretells that you will attract a lot of undeserved criticism, but will be able to rise above and even rejoice at it. Hearing in a dream that others are lying means that your enemies are looking for a way to lure you into a trap.

Dream interpretation deception

When deciphering what deception means in a dream, you want to quickly find the correct wording. Some dreams, no matter how complex they may seem, hide simple and understandable information. The main thing is to create the correct algorithm and use a proven dream interpreter.

General information

As the dream book says, deception is an ambiguous symbol to which you need to find the right approach. Great importance have details, and therefore it is better to write them down immediately after waking up. You may have deceived someone yourself or become a victim - everything matters.

Who initiated it?

At the initial stage, try to remember who tried to commit the deception.


I had a dream in which the sleeper deceived someone - to commit unseemly acts related to mercantile considerations. The dreamer is in danger of losing his business reputation, and therefore it is better for him to weigh his every step.

Cheating in a dream

Before you deceive someone, try to think about the possible consequences. Why dream of deceiving a loved one? Despite its best intentions, such a dream serves as a warning about mistakes that will have to be made very soon. The main thing is to learn to correctly perceive your imperfections, using them to improve yourself. As the dream book predicts, deceiving a loved one will help not only think more constructively, but also preserve nerve cells.


You were deceived in a dream - this means a possible robbery, so try to remain extremely attentive. Criminals are trying to find a weak spot, but you shouldn't give them a chance.

Soon the guy will find out that his wife is not being faithful or is leading to financial ruin. His straightforward and honest nature is highly appreciated by other people, but this does not stop other people from showing their dark sides.

As the dream book suggests, being deceived with money means possible difficulties, so try to remember the amount of the loss:

Dream about money fraud

  • minor – to a quick solution to a problem situation;
  • impressive - to the appearance of obstacles on the way to achieving financial goals.

Dream interpreters advise remaining cautious in dubious matters, as they will lead to losses.
Answering the question of why one dreams of deception in a night dream, one can see interpretations regarding the improvement of one’s material condition or the emergence of new opportunities.

If you were able to understand that your husband or wife is being deceived, then such a symbol is considered favorable. In reality, enemies will not be able to harm.

Expert opinion

If you were able to get a first idea of ​​what to expect in the future, then try to analyze the different options.

According to the dream book, not every dreamer can reveal a deception, but if this was done, then such a dream reflects people who want to get on the path to their goal. A young guy who has become a victim of cheaters can prepare for a quick separation from his other half due to a ridiculous misunderstanding.

Lying to your wife in a dream

If the relationship is really dear to him, then it is better to consider the current situation in detail, and only then draw conclusions.

If you deceived your husband or wife in a dream, your selfish aspirations may get in the way of your goal. Your unworthy behavior will affect the future, so try to weigh every step.

A dreamer who realizes a scam in a dream can count on the protection of influential people.

Dream book of lovers

Deceiving a husband or wife with card scammers is a sign of a future cooling of feelings, so try to prevent this annoying misunderstanding.

Decided to deceive your boyfriend or close friend - betrayal loved one, which will be justified by selfish interests.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Dreaming of lies told to friends

If you were misled in a dream, and you can’t get out of this situation, this means a possible mistake that can easily be prevented. The problem is that in reality the mistake will be in your own miscalculations, and therefore try to approach any issue carefully.

Trying to deceive friends in a dream means serious problems in real life that will remind you of themselves for a long time. The main thing is to correctly perceive the life lesson and continue on your path. By trusting your own feelings and mood, you can understand the potential outcome of the situation.

Dream book for a bitch

Many people like to manage other people, but few are interested in the other side of this unseemly activity.

A dreamer who decides to steal a gentleman or money from a friend risks losing her honesty and decency. To become a victim of professional swindlers means that someone will want to do harm, but all attempts will be in vain.

Dream about cheating in the office

In what area?

No matter how strange it may sound, the deception experienced must also be correctly classified, and this is not so easy to do.

Business sphere

As written in the interpretations of psychologist Gustav Miller, possible fraud in the business field can result in big problems in real life.

A dreamer who cheats a buyer in a dream means big losses that are unlikely to be prevented. If a sleeping person was set up by a business partner, then success in business will begin to decline, but you should not be upset ahead of time. If you manage to correctly perceive the information received, then you will not be afraid of any difficulties in the future.

IN modern interpreter In dreams, you can see a transcript regarding the deception experienced: the dreamer made a minor mistake, and now he will have to pay for it.

If he wants to prevent it, then it is better to check in advance the documentation that outsiders could have worked with.

We decided to trick our companion - to the beginning of a risky but pleasant period in life. The subconscious is trying to warn that such actions will harm the status.

If you managed to independently uncover a criminal adventure, the plans of your enemies are not destined to come true. According to another transcript, a rapid ascent up the career ladder awaits you.

Deceiving a loved one in a dream

Love sphere Why do you dream of deceiving your significant other? Night dream

with a similar plot promises to reveal the plans of a rival who wants to destroy a harmonious relationship. The beloved has become a victim of cheaters - to a possible separation associated with his own infidelity.

The dream book advises you to trust your partner and give up any extraneous connections. You must understand that feelings are serious, and therefore even a small trifle can offend.

If a representative of the fair sex was able to convict her betrothed of treason, then such a dream reflects excessive pickiness. Your task is to learn to tolerate shortcomings and forgive weaknesses, of which everyone has a large number.

A young girl, disappointed in her boyfriend, must understand that envious people have begun to weave intrigues behind her back against her.

It is important not to forget about further events in the dream, as they will help maintain and strengthen the current relationship.

Other wording Why do you dream of cheating with money? Such dreams often attract the attention of dreamers, since no one wants to lose their earned wealth. If enemies begin to appear in life, then do not try to pay any attention to them. Dreaming of a sharpie - to

As the dream book writes, someone was deceived with money - personal gain will lead to the fact that the boss will be deceived. The whirlpool of dubious pleasures that seems so attractive will leave a negative mark on your business reputation.

If you are left with money, and no scams could deprive you of it, then all the attempts of your enemies will be in vain. Accusing someone of illegal actions means receiving a high honorary post.

  • To see that you have been caught and caught in deception - count on good material security in the near future and successful advancement in business.
  • Finding a deceiver during the game - you will have the opportunity to take revenge for the grievances caused.
  • To encounter a woman who is a deceiver - expect a fun love adventure.
  • Face scammers - someone will actively try to prevent you from succeeding.
  • Trying to deceive someone - you are ready to decide on an unworthy act, obeying selfish aspirations; Beware - you risk irreparably damaging your reputation.
  • To realize that you have been deceived means that your enemies will not be able to harm you.

Eastern women's dream book

  • If you dreamed that you deceived someone - beware of dubious acquaintances that could ruin your reputation. A dream in which you became a victim of deception warns: ill-wishers will try to disgrace you. If you uncovered the deception, career growth awaits you.

Vanga's Dream Book

  • If you dreamed that you deceived someone, then you may have to deceive your boss in order to get a promotion or increase in salary. In addition, beware of dubious connections that could tarnish your reputation. A dream in which you became a victim of deception means that your ill-wishers will try to disgrace you. If in a dream you uncovered a deception, then in reality career growth awaits you.

Family dream book

  • If in a dream you were deceived in business, then in real life you will encounter people who will strive to block your path to success. If in a dream you realize that you have been deceived, your opponents will be powerless to harm you.
  • A young man who dreams that he is being beaten by a sharper will part with his beloved because of an absurd misunderstanding.
  • A dream in which you yourself tried to deceive someone is a kind of warning. Be careful that selfish aspirations do not push you to unworthy and frivolous actions.

Modern dream book

  • It portends the receipt of some privileges or the acquisition of material independence.

Ancient Russian dream book

  • If in a dream you accuse someone of deception, in reality you will find that you have been robbed, and very soon you will learn the names of the robbers.
  • If in a dream you yourself commit deception, this dream has the opposite meaning: in reality, you are very highly valued in society for your character, direct and honest. In love, you will unravel the secret plans of your opponent and defeat him.

Erotic dream book

  • If in a dream you are faced with deception, such a dream warns that in reality someone is actively trying to prevent you from being happy.
  • If a young man dreams that he has fallen into a trap set by a cheating swindler, he will be separated from his beloved due to a stupid misunderstanding.
  • If in a dream you are trying to deceive someone, it means that in the near future you will have to play the role of a seducer pursuing selfish goals.

Miller's Dream Book

  • Why do you dream of Deception in a dream: Deception, fraud - To dream that you are being deceived in business means that you will encounter people who will strive to block your path to success. For young people to dream that they are being beaten by cheaters, foretells that they will part with their lovers due to ridiculous misunderstandings. Why dream of deception - In a dream, trying to deceive someone yourself is a harbinger that selfish aspirations will push you to unworthy and frivolous actions that can tarnish your name. In a dream, realizing with bitterness that you have been deceived is a sign that your opponents will be powerless to harm you.

Wanderer's Dream Book

  • Deception - portends the receipt of some privileges or the acquisition of material independence, this is how this dream is interpreted according to the dream book. WOMEN'S DREAM BOOK Why you dream of Deception according to the dream book: Deception, fraud - If you were deceived in a dream, you will soon encounter people who will try to block your path to success. If you feel strong bitterness about this, your opponents will be powerless to harm you. Deceiving someone else is a sign of unworthy and frivolous actions that can compromise you.


I dreamed of a poem... Never happened before. Not the worst poem. While recording, something slipped through my fingers... I'm 20, a journalist... I don't know. Yes, it would not be at all easy to lie in response to my question: “I love you! hall where - what fun! - I will lie under oath. “I’m ready to admit: all misfortunes were initiated by me. In my godless, wild passion, I lived for centuries, not myself: But the day has come, and it’s time to reveal this secret: the hour is uneven, I will destroy the entire planet!..” I will lie, saving you! : They will hang me right there: it is clear that the verse flowed too boldly. Your efforts will be in vain, you’ll wave your hand: “What a crazy person!..” But I enjoy your speeches. I swear that I really am crazy, that where I no longer meet you, I will lie for the two of us!


Analyzing your literary prowess is not my task. That is, I am in no way touching on the social and cultural significance of your work. Let's focus only on the content of the poem, on the presentation of a fact of life, and nothing more.

Lying is a means of defense when a person cannot otherwise defend himself in a social context. Your lyrical hero calls for lies in order to crush the stereotypes that are both inside him and outside. I once counseled a woman who reported that the day before she had sex with an acquaintance “for the sake of her own health,” but did not receive any pleasure from it. Several years ago, she was advised by a professor. Then he recommended that she learn to “close her eyes” and “take sex like a bitter medicine,” as a means of survival. At that time, she was very attached in her memories to her late husband, so a lie was absolutely necessary to crush the stereotype." ideal man” to break the rigid masturbatory image and touch life.

Your hero encourages his girlfriend to lie: let’s close our eyes and surrender to “wild passion” in order to bypass all internal complexes. “Lies are beautiful,” he says, “Do you want me to lie forever?” But there are no eternal lies. There are no lies in the depths of life itself. If a person is really good, then he does not need to persuade a potential lover for a long time. Any girl herself knows that within her there are certain obstacles on the way to a man. From childhood they are taught that sex is not a sin only if your chosen one has a high social status. This is the shortest way to a woman's heart. And, in a way, more honest.


The corresponding mental program is responsible for any creativity. Any person has all possible creative programs in his psyche, some of them are active spontaneously, others can be developed. There are also additionally blocked ones - energy is needed to overcome such a block (a fairytale motif of a witchcraft spell and its overcoming).
When a person dreams of creativity (poetry, dancing, modeling, drawing, etc.), then it is logical that in the Psychic there is a mental program responsible for this activity. And its activity is sufficient to spontaneously penetrate into the tissue of sleep. In principle, if you engage in this particular creativity (which you dreamed of), you can get a very good result. The psyche confirms with creative dreams that I have the ability for this.
Well, in other words, if you constantly dream of poems, and you do, then you are wasting energy both on stimulating underdeveloped creative potential and ignoring signals.
As for the verse itself, it is very good, however, like everything born without the intervention of the conscious part.