Carrot islamic dream book. Why dream of a big carrot in the garden

17.07.2019 Animals

What a dream is about can be unraveled by interpreting the symbols in the dream book. By resolving this clue of the universe, a person can become part of the imaginary world of dreams. One of these mystical messages in a dream is the interpretation of the carrot symbol, which is associated with prosperity, wealth and good health.

If you dreamed of carrots in a dream, then in reality you will find tremendous success in business and great happiness. For a young girl, this sign symbolizes a noble family man and the imminent birth of children. For a guy - good luck in all endeavors, a love adventure with a beautiful stranger. Some interpretations of dream books regard this symbol as shame or disgrace.

Interpretation of sleep Carrots

To see carrots in a dream promises well-being in the family and good health not only to the sleeping person, but also to his relatives and friends. Success will literally fall on your head, and will manifest itself in all areas of life, both professional and personal.

Seeing carrots in a dream is a clear sign from above, which blesses for further active actions, boldly take risks, act, do not miss the chance to implement your long-planned plans, because everything you have planned will come true with great benefit for you, there is no need to even doubt. This is the time for decisive actions that will determine important events in the future - this is what carrots dream of.

Buying carrots in a dream - you will find unexpected profits, help from an unknown benefactor who will significantly improve the state of your affairs. Winning the lottery promises you a dream book.

Planting carrots in a dream symbolizes the successful undertaking of an important business that you have not dared to implement for a long time. You can’t hesitate - act, the forces from above tell you the way forward.

Seeing carrots in a garden in a dream portends that in the near future you will be able to achieve your desired goal, to collect the fruits of your labor. There are plenty of opportunities ahead of you to take advantage of.

Digging up carrots in a dream means reaping the fruits of your success. You have been working for a long time to bring your plans to life and now fate favors you, do not miss the unique chance to take advantage of the luck provided. Also, digging carrots in a dream can mean receiving an inheritance that will come from afar or a monetary gain.

Collecting carrots - a similar sign in a dream book can mean receiving a large amount of money. The discovery of a valuable thing, the successful completion of the project that has begun - this is what this symbol dreams of. Sometimes collecting carrots in a dream is interpreted by the dream book as the imminent birth of a long-awaited child.

Why do carrots dream in other dream books

Miller's dream book foreshadows that if you dreamed of carrots in a dream, then in reality you will have good news, for a young girl - a successful marriage, for a man it symbolizes prosperity and flourishing health, a dreaming carrot promises a patient a speedy recovery from ailments.

Why dream a lot of carrots - in gypsy dream book such a dream promises undoubted wealth that will cover you headlong in the near future. In addition, carrots are a sure sign of good health, so you can not worry about it in the near future. If the patient dreams of such a sign - to recovery. A young girl - to a rich and generous groom, married - to an expensive gift.

Why dream of fresh carrots - by women's dream book portends a profit that will not keep you waiting, the money invested in a risky business will pay off with interest, do not worry about problems on the personal front, a romantic adventure awaits you soon. A fresh carrot dreamed of by a young guy portends a profitable enterprise, boldly go towards your destiny.

Freud interprets in his own way what boiled carrots dream of - according to his dream book, this is a clear warning. For a girl, such a sign means that her lover has cooled off towards her and is looking to the side. For a man, a dream portends problems of an intimate nature. In other dream books, this symbol is interpreted as a warning about the impending punishment from the authorities, who, in last minute won't be as harsh. In addition, such a dream can mean an unforeseen hitch in business and undertakings, do not rush to risk money while it is worth stopping and thinking carefully about all aspects.

Peeling carrots in a dream - getting rid of unnecessary problems in reality, you are rapidly moving towards your intended goal and no one is allowed to prevent the further development of events. If a married woman peels carrots in a dream, then she has a rival that she needs to get rid of. For a young guy, this sign promises minor troubles at work, sometimes a small profit.

Cutting carrots in a dream - gaining valuable experience, activity in business can have a positive result. Sometimes a dream symbol means unforeseen expenses, or unplanned purchases. For a man, cutting a carrot in a dream means harming an opponent in reality, neutralizing the intrigues of an ill-wisher.

To dream of grated carrots for small money. If you yourself third - to financial troubles. For a girl to see in a dream a lot of grated carrots, to fertility, she will soon suffer from her lover. A man rubs a carrot - the partners' business proposal will turn out to be profitable, you can safely take a risky step, the business will be successful and the results will please you.

Rotten carrots are a bad sign; you should not start any risky business during this period. For a young person, such a symbol portends a quarrel with the groom or even a break in relations, for a married woman - betrayal of you or yours, exposure, everything secret will become clear, shame. Sometimes this sign in a dream book can mean loss, minor squabbles, unpleasant chores, illness, an unpleasant outcome.

The dream book of Nostradamus interprets in a slightly different way what dirty carrots dream of - such a dream does not promise good news to the dreamer, troubles at work, quarrels in the family are possible. For a woman - worries, for a man - health problems, chagrin. Beware of the machinations of enemies and ill-wishers.

What does a dream about carrots mean?

Often, simple dreams contain much more information than vivid, emotional dreams.

You will be able to determine how others treat you, and what awaits you in the near future, even if you dreamed of ordinary carrots.

Also, this useful orange vegetable, seen in a dream, will describe in detail your feelings and experiences. Why dream of carrots?

If you have eaten it

If in a dream you eat juicy, sweet carrots, then your thoughts are occupied by a person who is madly in love with you. And to eat green or bitter means to dream about someone you are not interested in.

If there is tops on the root crop, then soon you will hear the long-awaited recognition. A vegetable with hard veins indicates that you will have to take the first step in order to restore the former relationship.

  • There are carrots, cut into rings - to a promising acquaintance.
  • Collecting it in the garden and eating it right away is a romantic adventure.
  • Treating guests is a tempting but dubious offer.
  • Gnawing on a carrot public place- to the implementation of a grand plan.
  • Eat grated carrots - for a feast with your family.

According to the dream book, the carrots that you eat boiled dream of success at work, additional earnings. And fried means waiting for news from a loved one.

If in a dream you eat carrot salad, expect a surprise from colleagues. And to eat a rotten vegetable is to succeed in many areas of life, especially in love.

Only to see

A carrot bed in the garden warns of envy in your close circle. And if the roots are already harvested, but still lying on the ground, then you should think about your reputation at work.

A dream in which a thin and sluggish carrot says that he loves you good man. And thick, large root crops are harbingers of a romantic trip or outing into nature with a loved one.

  • Seeing dirt on carrots is big money.
  • Spoiled - to joy and fun.
  • The rabbit eats carrots - to an important message from an influential person.
  • To see root crops in the basement - to a festive feast.

According to the dream book, carrots on the table speak of your worries about the health of loved ones. And if she fell to the floor, then distant relatives will come to you soon.

Seeing her in the refrigerator - to jealousy or distrust. And when in a dream the carrot lies in a closet or on a bookshelf, then you can prepare for a long business trip.

Other carrot dreams

If you cut carrots in a dream, then be sure of the fidelity of your partner. And rubbing it on a grater means agreeing with the opinion of your loved one.

Collect root crops in the garden - to contention in family life. And to clean them from dirt - to a significant cash flow.

To see how a vegetable is boiled or fried means to regret a committed act. And throwing out fresh root crops means getting ready for a long journey.

Receive as a gift - change your place of residence. And juggling vegetables means achieving reciprocity in love.

Having correctly determined what carrots are dreaming of, you can better know your desires, as well as correctly plan your further actions.

Why dream of carrots?

If a dream, in which carrots act as the basis for a salad, was seen by a woman, then this portends her wealth and enviable health. If the dreamer trades carrots in a dream, then this promises him a good income in business, and speaks of his excellent business acumen.

He only needs to be more brisk and not be shy about giving instructions to his subordinates, then things will go even better, and there will be less gossip and intrigue in the company. When a person is thrown with carrots in a dream, this portends him a big win, so he must buy a lottery ticket or try his luck in a casino. Growing carrots is a huge income, so you should invest in stocks, they will definitely rise in price. Cooking soup from carrots is for family harmony, which will be difficult to destroy, since it will be built on love and respect.

Carrots are a very good sign, but its interpretation depends on various details, so they should also be taken into account when interpreting a dream. If you see in a dream carrots that have spots of rot - in reality you should pay attention to your health, since it is greatly undermined, and further delay can have more serious consequences, so you should go to the doctor. On the contrary, to see fresh carrots means that the dreamer is distinguished by enviable health, which nothing can break.

Buying carrots on the market is making a good deal that will provide a person for many years. A dream in which a young woman eats this healthy vegetable promises her a successful marriage, beautiful children will be born in marriage, who will be a support to their parents.

Therefore, she should not refuse the offer. young man, which he will do one of these days, since she simply cannot find a better party. If the carrot in a dream is red, then in reality you will have to experience shame or shame, so you should watch your words.

Reflecting on what carrots are dreaming of, you should look at the interpretation of this symbol in several dream books, then you will be able to find the optimal one. So, for example, according to Ukrainian belief, this sign does not bring anything good, and portends fruitless efforts.

The lunar dream book promises that after such a dream, failures and problems will begin in life. If you interpret carrots according to Lasse, then a person will be lucky in a gambling house, so you should not miss your chance.

To believe this or that interpretation is the business of every person, but still, it is worth listening to the signs that the non-local mind sends and do as it advises, because then it will be too late to correct everything and repent.

Dream Interpretation: What is the dream of carrots

Interpretation (meaning) of sleep Carrots

To see carrots in a dream - If you dream of a carrot, you will see a friend, there will be a pleasant and meaningful conversation; A simple acquaintance will develop into a strong friendship.

Collecting carrots in the garden - a dream promises you profit from a profitable business.

If you were treated to a carrot in a dream, and you eat it, it means that they will make you a profitable offer, if you agree, success and good luck await you.

Drinking carrot juice in a dream or eating carrot cake is a new acquaintance at work.

In our dream book you can learn not only about what dreams about carrots mean, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to see carrots in a dream in Miller's online dream book.

Lots of carrots

Dream Interpretation A lot of carrots dreamed of why in a dream a lot of carrots? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a lot of carrots in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Carrots

Dream Interpretation - Carrots

Dream Interpretation - Carrots

Dream Interpretation - Carrots

Dream Interpretation - Carrots

Dream Interpretation - Carrots

Dream Interpretation - Carrots

Dream Interpretation - Carrots

Dream Interpretation - Carrots

Dream Interpretation - Carrots

boiled carrots

Dream Interpretation Boiled Carrots dreamed of why Boiled Carrots dream in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see Boiled Carrots in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Carrots

Seeing a carrot in a garden in a dream means profit and success in all matters. Weeding, watering it portends prosperity and health. Plant carrots - you will cause discord among men, harvest carrots - you will not fight for a place that you could well take.

Eating a raw carrot in a dream promises an acquaintance with the next contender for your hand, which, like all the previous ones, will be rejected. Peeling carrots on a grater - to a successful marriage and a large family. Boil or stew carrots for some dish - to malaise, salt or pickle - you will lose something very dear to you.

Dream Interpretation - Carrots

Bright, ripe, strong carrots in a dream promise you prosperity and health. To make a supply of carrots - a dream portends you prosperity in the house and a well-established life.

Imagine that you are filling a cellar with carrots.

Dream Interpretation - Carrots

Seeing carrots in a dream portends prosperity and health. For a young woman, there is a carrot - it promises her an early and successful marriage, in which she will become the mother of several cheerful and courageous children.

Dream Interpretation - Carrots

Carrots - if you dream of carrots, then this is a bad omen, there will be any shame, vain efforts.

Dream Interpretation - Carrots

A dream about her portends worries about her health. Collecting carrots in a dream portends profit from a profitable business. There is a carrot that you were treated to in a dream - a sign that a profitable offer can be made to you. If you accept it, then success and happiness await you. See interpretation: fruits.

Dream Interpretation - Carrots

Carrots in a dream portend prosperity and health. For a young woman, there is a carrot - for an early and successful marriage, for a happy motherhood.

Dream Interpretation - Carrots

to see carrots in a dream - to sadness, and to hold it in your hand - to alleviate some difficult task. Eating carrots in a dream is a benefit and a favorable outcome.

Dream Interpretation - Carrots

Carrots dream of prosperity and health.

If a girl dreamed that she was eating a carrot, then she would marry early and successfully and become the mother of wonderful children.

They grew carrots - a big income and good health await you.

Dream Interpretation - Carrots

Ripe, strong carrots in a dream: a sign of good health and worldly pleasures.

At the same time, dirty, overripe or damaged carrots portend grief, family troubles and worries.

Dream Interpretation - Carrots

Seeing carrots is prosperity! Health.

The girl eats carrots - early marriage.

Well, put the carrot! What did you get into her? Eat meatballs!

A bed of carrots

Dream Interpretation Bed of carrots had a dream about why a bed of carrots is dreaming in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a garden of carrots in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Carrots

Seeing a carrot in a garden in a dream means profit and success in all matters. Weeding, watering it portends prosperity and health. Plant carrots - you will cause discord among men, harvest carrots - you will not fight for a place that you could well take.

Eating a raw carrot in a dream promises an acquaintance with the next contender for your hand, which, like all the previous ones, will be rejected. Peeling carrots on a grater - to a successful marriage and a large family. Boil or stew carrots for some dish - to malaise, salt or pickle - you will lose something very dear to you.

Dream Interpretation - Carrots

Bright, ripe, strong carrots in a dream promise you prosperity and health. To make a supply of carrots - a dream portends you prosperity in the house and a well-established life.

Imagine that you are filling a cellar with carrots.

Dream Interpretation - Bed

A garden bed seen in a dream means that soon you will have a reason to remember a person who has passed away, whom you knew well. Digging beds in a garden in a dream portends good business prospects. Weeding beds - to get, figuratively speaking, from rags to riches. To dream of beds with vegetables growing on them - to prosperity and wealth.

Dream Interpretation - Carrots

Seeing carrots in a dream portends prosperity and health. For a young woman, there is a carrot - it promises her an early and successful marriage, in which she will become the mother of several cheerful and courageous children.

Dream Interpretation - Carrots

Carrots - if you dream of carrots, then this is a bad omen, there will be any shame, vain efforts.

Dream Interpretation - Carrots

A dream about her portends worries about her health. Collecting carrots in a dream portends profit from a profitable business. There is a carrot that you were treated to in a dream - a sign that a profitable offer can be made to you. If you accept it, then success and happiness await you. See interpretation: fruits.

Dream Interpretation - Carrots

Carrots in a dream portend prosperity and health. For a young woman, there is a carrot - for an early and successful marriage, for a happy motherhood.

Dream Interpretation - Carrots

to see carrots in a dream - to sadness, and to hold it in your hand - to alleviate some difficult task. Eating carrots in a dream is a benefit and a favorable outcome.

Dream Interpretation - Carrots

Carrots dream of prosperity and health.

If a girl dreamed that she was eating a carrot, then she would marry early and successfully and become the mother of wonderful children.

They grew carrots - a big income and good health await you.

Dream Interpretation - Carrots

Ripe, strong carrots in a dream: a sign of good health and worldly pleasures.

At the same time, dirty, overripe or damaged carrots portend grief, family troubles and worries.

buy carrots

Dream Interpretation Buy carrots dreamed of why in a dream Buy carrots? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to dream of Buying carrots by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Carrots

Seeing a carrot in a garden in a dream means profit and success in all matters. Weeding, watering it portends prosperity and health. Plant carrots - you will cause discord among men, harvest carrots - you will not fight for a place that you could well take.

Eating a raw carrot in a dream promises an acquaintance with the next contender for your hand, which, like all the previous ones, will be rejected. Peeling carrots on a grater - to a successful marriage and a large family. Boil or stew carrots for some dish - to malaise, salt or pickle - you will lose something very dear to you.

Dream Interpretation - Carrots

Bright, ripe, strong carrots in a dream promise you prosperity and health. To make a supply of carrots - a dream portends you prosperity in the house and a well-established life.

Imagine that you are filling a cellar with carrots.

Dream Interpretation - Carrots

Seeing carrots in a dream portends prosperity and health. For a young woman, there is a carrot - it promises her an early and successful marriage, in which she will become the mother of several cheerful and courageous children.

Dream Interpretation - Carrots

Carrots - if you dream of carrots, then this is a bad omen, there will be any shame, vain efforts.

Dream Interpretation - Carrots

A dream about her portends worries about her health. Collecting carrots in a dream portends profit from a profitable business. There is a carrot that you were treated to in a dream - a sign that a profitable offer can be made to you. If you accept it, then success and happiness await you. See interpretation: fruits.

Dream Interpretation - Carrots

Carrots in a dream portend prosperity and health. For a young woman, there is a carrot - for an early and successful marriage, for a happy motherhood.

Dream Interpretation - Carrots

to see carrots in a dream - to sadness, and to hold it in your hand - to alleviate some difficult task. Eating carrots in a dream is a benefit and a favorable outcome.

Dream Interpretation - Carrots

Carrots dream of prosperity and health.

If a girl dreamed that she was eating a carrot, then she would marry early and successfully and become the mother of wonderful children.

They grew carrots - a big income and good health await you.

Dream Interpretation - Carrots

Ripe, strong carrots in a dream: a sign of good health and worldly pleasures.

At the same time, dirty, overripe or damaged carrots portend grief, family troubles and worries.

Dream Interpretation - Carrots

Seeing carrots is prosperity! Health.

The girl eats carrots - early marriage.

Well, put the carrot! What did you get into her? Eat meatballs!



Hello! today 04/06/14 I had a dream that I was walking down the street and saw a bag of clean fresh carrots and took one with me to eat, I really wanted to!!! I remember the dream in parts, and before that I seemed to still eat carrots! I also saw clean potatoes! apart from carrots. I saw my friends as I walked towards them, I saw my best friend as he passed by with his girlfriend, I wanted to come up but could not .. his girlfriend is just jealous. Please explain this dream!


I dreamed of a garden in which I collect, pull carrots out of the ground, and I think to myself, well, I planted it like more, but it’s not enough. Then she also collected beets. And turning her head to the garden with radishes, she saw that she had not started yet and also thought that she had been planting for a long time, but she did not grow.


I dreamed that I was pregnant, but there was no stomach. Something moved in me and I pulled out a huge carrot, very huge


I dreamed that my mother and I were picking carrots in some kind of garden, and I eat it beautiful, juicy, bright in color and eat it with pleasure and it is very tasty and young, large and even, not crooked, just beautiful and big


i dreamed that my relatives were digging carrots in the garden, and my beloved and I were standing near the garden and we saw it. I also dreamed that my sister died, and I shed tears for her, suffered and worried.


I was walking down the street and a man was following me who had been seeking me for a long time, I remember that I glanced at the house opposite, where they made a roof of carrots and, not understanding what was happening, ran to my father’s house where I closed ...


I was looking for carrots, which for some reason I needed in the house. The young woman held out three carrots, good, but with earth, unwashed. I rejoiced. She said that this is what I need, and took the carrots and put them in the bag. Before this event, I met this woman and her husband, they showed me their very rich house with huge amount children in it.


Good afternoon greedily ate Korean carrots in a dream. I remember the taste of spicy and juicy carrots. It was delicious. What is the dream of carrots in Korean.?


Hello. I broke up with my boyfriend on June 5 this year. it was very bad, but she did not show him tears. asked about my well-being, but I didn’t tell him anything about it either, because. I didn't want to show my weakness. then he left the kitchen, and returned several times, asking me to go to my room (we live in a hostel), but I did not obey. a day or two later, I had a dream. Everything was fine there, just like before. at one point, he hugged me tightly and asked, “Are you hurt?” I don’t remember exactly what I answered, like “Very”, he hugged me even more and I woke up. what is it for? I had never dreamed of him before ... And today (on the night of June 20-21, 2014), I saw as if we were already at my house, I was busy in the kitchen (cooking dinner), and he saw a carrot in the refrigerator and asked me to give him gave her. but, he asked not big and not small, such a medium. searched, freaked out, finally found. stood happy, ate this carrot. It also seemed like a very strange dream to me. what is he for? Tell me please.


I initially dreamed of a dress of some kind of party, and then as if I abruptly ended up in a garden and saw a carrot in the ground, about a quarter open. I don't remember what happened next, I woke up.
I will be grateful to you if you answer me and tell me a specific transcript of my dream.


I'm pulling out carrots in someone else's garden. It is long and large. It seems to be growing on top of the ground. Several beds of carrots. I go up and start pulling a little. And the owner tells me not to pull everything, but leave it to grow. And I answer that I won't do it all.


She baked pies according to an unusual recipe, wrapped in newspapers with apples and carrots. Potsm had to turn the bag over and bake again. From the beginning there were 4 feathers, then a lot.


Hello Tatiana! I dreamed that I was watering the beds clean water in the garden in the morning. there was a beautiful morning gentle sun (as if in reality). I saw how growing carrots and beets “sparkled” with droplets of water after watering.


My friends came to my village. In conversation, they mentioned that on the way home they need to buy carrots. I said that there was no need to buy, and began to pick carrots in the garden bed. Carrots were beautiful bright orange color and large in size.


i’m standing in the garden and digging carrots and the more I make a hole, the bigger it becomes straight one on one and all such a large one I chose which one I liked and dug the rest back.


I dug carrots, put them on the beds, then put them in buckets, quite a lot, everything is in color, orange carrots with green tops, carrots are not very large, but a lot


I dreamed that a carrot grows in a pot, a small round one, the child pulls it out and eats it, and I, along with him, and next to this child’s mother tells me what to do to make the carrot tastier.


I dreamed again a strange dream... As if I am in a room with a lot of people and we come to the table to eat, and on the tables there is rice with raisins and carrots, like pilaf without meat. I serve myself and try to take more carrots. While we ate, I lost sight of my bag with documents and some small money. When I finished eating, there was no one around me and the bag was gone too. I tried to look for her even on the street, but to no avail. At this time, the thought was spinning in my head that I was late for the plane. I walked between the panel five-story buildings and met an elderly man with a dog. They walked. The owner said that his dog had a head problem, but surprisingly, he was friendly to me. Together we went to an old football field, located on a hill. I left them there, and I myself went further along the deserted paved path, leaving the football field behind.
At some point in the dream, I see that I am in a room with several panzer beds. There was nothing in the room except for the beds. Suddenly, I see myself wildly frightened lying on the bed with some guy on his bed, and a huge black spider descends on me from above on a web. His body was the size of a tennis ball. I screamed in horror and squeezed into the guy lying already at the very wall. When the spider was already right over my face, I woke up.


hello, I'm pregnant for 11-12 weeks, I dreamed of carrots and a knife, what could this mean, please tell me thank you


I am in a hostel (where we currently live and live, 3 people in a room), there are two girls in the room with me, one of my boyfriend (Sergey) is Anya, and the other is my "real" neighbor - Vika (she doesn’t like Sergey), in this dream I rubbed 2 carrots for frying and put something else next to me ... at the same moment I look at Anya, and I’m surprised at myself that she doesn’t cling to me in any way and we are in a normal relationship with her, taking into account the fact that last week we swore and I was constantly jealous of her, then a failure ... And again, in some way, the carrot grated by me is only 1, and I am looking for the second with thoughts about whether I bought it at all ... Failure ... Then my classmate Katya bequeathed me and my neighbor Vika to the cinema (since she goes with our friend Nadia and her boyfriend, well, we, so that her friend feels more comfortable and doesn’t get bored), an hour and a half before the start of the session. But at the same time, we (Me and Vika) are still going to the shower ... after we got out of the shower, the time was somewhere around 7.45 pm, and the session had already started for about 40 minutes. Everyone forgot about the movie, and I keep asking whether we will go or not ... Then some kind of failure and I sit at a desk in a room or in a cuff with a guy and hold an orange, there is an incision along the orange, I start to eat an orange and be in a small slice a ring… a thought flies through my mind: “O ring! How did it get there?" I'm confused and I wake up..


my godfather held a young carrot in her hand, my sister and I unanimously said how tasty and sweet it must be. And we were going to eat it, and I don’t remember more. It was as soon as from the garden, but clean without land, with grass.


I dreamed of a big house and there were a lot of huge carrots in it! In the same dream, I saw a strange car interior of my friends - for some reason, the seats were covered with crocodile skin! I also saw a large pond next to this house ....


I dreamed that they give me a beautiful bright orange peeled carrot, cut into two halves and they say choose any half


Hello. I dreamed that it was as if I was dripping the earth, and there I was big hole, with large carrots. I collected them all. It was as if my brother and his friend were still with me.


saw amazing big carrot, very large, but in a dream it was not surprising, I was looking for a whole truck with carrots to buy for use ...


i dreamed of a lot of snow, the snowdrifts in which I hid were looking for me, but kind people found me. because I dig up carrots, beets, pick strawberries.


a lot of carrots in the garden and there was an attempt to collect two at once, since everything was very smooth and beautiful, the main thing is that without land, all on the surface, tell me why this is a dream


The mother-in-law holds a carrot and says put it in a bag. She was going to visit her youngest son. I wanted to take it with me.


Good afternoon I dreamed of a toilet (street), I wanted to go to the toilet. There was a five-liter bucket filled with boiled carrots in the toilet. I accidentally touched a bucket and boiled carrots crumbled to the floor. Why such a dream?


I dreamed that at work I was helping to lay carrots of two colors on a pallet, they were collected in one heap with the manager. But at the moment I no longer work at this job, I quit and so far at home.


i dreamed of a large dirty carrot and I threw it in the trash.


My boyfriend brought me a huge bag of brightly orange washed carrots.


I picked carrots in the garden, it was very long and lethargic, in a dream I had a dual that I would water less next year


I dreamed of bags of dirty carrots in mesh bags, I hid them in the cellar and then I saw my friend’s mother, who died a long time ago and I didn’t see her alive, she talked to me and talked about some kind of love spells and then we went somewhere together car


Hello Tatiana. I dreamed of carrots in the garden, a lot and very large. In a dream, I began to think that it was a mutated carrot. I didn’t eat it, but collected it from the garden and thought about why this was born. Only I had a dream not the day before yesterday, but rather December 20-21


A young man I like walked by and bought carrots (we are friends, and he lives with another). Then he came up and said that he had bought carrots on the card - and it seemed that it was not a “Natur Product” like that, but there was no real cash, I offered my help (why do I need friends) and went to buy him, where he is I bought everything was closed, and on the landing there were a lot of different goodies without supervision, I thought to myself, this is all later. and went to the market to buy carrots for him (this market is in our native city with him, and now we live and met in another city, that is, he is my countryman). I chose carefully, meticulously, for a long time so that he would like it, I bought a lot, I don’t even know how it happened, I didn’t buy so much, but it turned out to be a whole bag that I had to ask someone to help me carry, and he was waiting for me there. I brought him and woke up ... That's it.


Someone said that they give out carrots for free. And I went to the next street with my two daughters and saw how everyone was picking carrots. I told my daughters to bring bags. And they began to collect carrots and took them home. I don’t remember anything else


I dreamed of a large brightly red-bearded carrot, in the office, whole vases, and we were going to use it and were very happy about it. I immediately appreciated the quality - carrots of a very good variety and maturity. Thank you!


I dreamed of a lot of fresh grated carrots in different plates in the refrigerator


A woman I did not know cut off a carrot and gave half to me. I ate it with great pleasure. She was juicy and delicious.


An elderly grandmother, a grandmother, unfamiliar to me, came up and handed me a small carrot, straight from the garden. And she said, take it, plant it, you will have a good harvest


Hello Tatiana. Tonight, already in the morning, I had a dream, as if I was squatting and carrots were growing under my feet in the loose black earth. I take it by the green tops and pull it towards me, it effortlessly comes out of the loose black earth. Carrots are huge! And a beautiful orange color. I also thought: “How huge! I've never seen anything like this before!" Carrots are slightly soiled in the ground, as is usually the case in the garden. I even wiped one of the carrots with my hand. I have the impression that I am in a garden somewhere, I look around, but it turns out that I am sitting in some kind of deep furrow, or a ditch and black, very loose earth is above my head. I also thought that it was necessary, what a black and loose earth, it could fall asleep, we had to get out. I thought it was deep, but when I got up, it turned out that I could get out, and my shoulders and head were higher. I do not remember how I got out, but the earth did not crumble. I saw a desert area, some mountain in the distance, and some people in dark cloaks with hoods thrown over their heads and pulled down over their faces were walking towards me across the plain. It was not clear what kind of people they were. It was unsettling. But when they got close, they pulled back their hoods and threw off their cloaks. They had laughing faces, they came to help me. It seems we even hugged them. Then I woke up.

Why dream of eating potatoes Why dream of eating shrimp

A rare family dinner will do without a crispy bright orange vegetable - we are talking about carrots. Light salad, rich soup, mouth-watering roast - just some of the many dishes in which it is impossible to do without it. But what if you dealt with this root crop not in reality, but in a night vision, basking in a warm bed? What to expect if you dreamed of carrots?

Dream Interpretation gives a few common interpretations about what carrots dream of. So, if in sweet dreams you dreamed of a fresh, pure beauty of carrots, then this promises:

  • Excellent health.
  • Profit and financial prosperity.
  • Success in all endeavors.
  • Fun pastime.

If the carrot in a dream is dirty, cracked, irregular in shape, worries and troubles await you, and some troubles in the family are also possible. However, all these events are temporary, and you can easily deal with them. To dream of carrots slightly soiled with soil is to have envious people in your environment who are happy to discuss you at any opportunity. Nevertheless, you should not be upset: if they envy, then there is something - everything is fine with you.

If you wish to receive more full interpretation, with details of the upcoming changes, then you should pay attention to the details of the dream. Remember the place where you saw a crunchy root crop (in the garden as a cultivated crop or in the kitchen as a food product), as well as the actions that you happened to perform in relation to it (watering, digging, collecting, eating, etc.).

On the yard or on the table

If you dreamed about the carrots that you grow on your own, then in the future you will have big profits and good health. In addition, luck will be on your side in the near future. If the idea of ​​​​opening your own business or launching another business project has been brewing in your head for a long time, then it's time to start taking active steps to implement them.

What if in night vision you reap the fruits of your labors? So, picking carrots in a dream means not claiming the place you deserve. This may be a new position, or maybe the role of a life partner for an interesting man in all respects. The dream signals: prove yourself, do not go into the shadows and do not miss this opportunity.

What is the dream of carrots that the dreamer eats? If a young woman happened to eat a root crop in sweet dreams, then in reality she will soon have a wedding celebration. The marriage union will be prosperous, and wonderful kids will become its result. Also, this kind of vision can symbolize a new acquaintance. However, the next candidate, claiming the hand and heart of a beautiful lady, will be rejected.

As another dream book says, carrots that you have to eat in night vision portend the dreamer the onset of illness. Be more attentive to your health. It will not be superfluous to undergo an examination, because it is early diagnosis that is the most the right way disease prevention.

Some publications correlate the appearance of carrots in night vision with sexual needs and desires. So, a dream in which you had a chance to dig up and collect vegetables suggests that you take the choice of a partner with all seriousness, and do not exchange for nothing. Dreaming of carrots that you buy in a store or market means that you pay too much attention to your sexual problems.

Various interpretations have visions involving this root crop, depending on the gender of the dreamer. If a representative of the beautiful half of humanity rubs carrots in sweet dreams, then in real life she has a negative attitude towards men and sexual relations with them.

If the representative of the stronger sex dreams of grated carrots, then this man is forced to limit his desires in order to save his family. It is also worth noting that a large fresh carrot in a dream of a young girl is a harbinger of a new passionate relationship.

Other clarifications

Health portends a dream in which you clean the root crop. But if your birthday falls on the period from May to August inclusive, then peeling carrots in a dream is a sign of well-being in a marriage. If in night vision, in addition to carrots, there were beets, then this is a good sign. A bright streak will come in your life: you will succeed in the labor field without sacrificing the joys of communicating with friends.

As the dream book says, the carrots you buy portend a receipt Money. The source of funding will come as a surprise to you. It is possible that you will receive assistance in business from an influential person.

Summing up, it is worth noting that the appearance of an orange root crop in night vision, regardless of whether you see it from the side, grows on personal plot or eat a crispy vegetable, in most cases, portends positive changes in life. And indeed, who refuses good health, family happiness and financial prosperity!

Waking up and remembering that carrots were dreamed of in a dream at night, many will wonder what this could mean. Is this a certain sign for prompting action, or indicates the character traits of the dreamer. Each dream book gives its own interpretation of what carrots dream of.

Carrots - Miller's dream book

To see carrots in a dream - to be healthy and prosperous; for a young girl or woman who eats carrots, the dream indicates a successful early marriage in which she will become the mother of several good children.

Esoteric dream book - what does it mean to dream about carrots

The process of pulling carrot roots out of the ground indicates that the efforts made will soon yield positive results. Cooking or eating carrots promises profit, bonus, financial benefits.

Modern dream book - carrots in a dream

For a woman who dreamed of carrots, this is a sign of success in life, good health and the absence of financial problems. For unmarried girl carrots indicate marriage soon. Her marriage will be successful and long, and replenishment in the family will be more than once.

Dream Interpretation Hasse - why do carrots dream

Carrots in a dream promise, both to a man and a woman, success in all endeavors, good luck and big profits.

Carrots - Freud's dream book

Carrot root is one of those vegetables that often symbolize male sexual dignity (but sometimes there is an exception).

For example, a man who carefully chooses bright and even carrots for himself: in this case it is necessary to emphasize the excessive pickiness of the person who sees this dream when choosing sexual partners.

If you dream about the process of digging up carrots, then a person takes the definition of sexual partners quite seriously. Buying carrots means preoccupation with sexual issues and problems. A woman choosing a large carrot for herself means that she is inclined towards sexual self-satisfaction.

A man who chooses a large carrot shows pride in his masculine qualities and sexual organ. If in a dream a man is engaged in rubbing carrots, this means that in order to maintain a positive climate and well-being in the family, he restrains his temperament and character.

If a woman rubs carrots, this is a manifestation of her negative attitude towards the male sex and sexual relations with them.

Carrots, like any other vegetable, to see in dreams is not always a good sign. Often, the same dreams indicate low activity, lack of initiative, slowness and laziness. It is not for nothing that there are expressions “lies like a cucumber in a garden” or “leads a vegetative lifestyle”.

In many dream books, the interpretation of dreams about carrots is very different from each other. Therefore, you are free to choose exactly the interpretation that is closest to you.

Lunar dream book

Why do carrots dream - to great benefit. If in a dream you ate carrots, a disease will overtake you in the near future. If in a dream you peeled a carrot and put it in soup, this is a good omen. Love, peace, harmony and mutual understanding will reign in your family life.

Wanderer's Dream Interpretation

If a woman saw a carrot in a dream, then she does not find satisfaction in her personal life.

Autumn dream book

If you dreamed that you were peeling carrots, rejoice. It says that your health will get better.

Culinary dream book

If you dreamed that you were growing carrots in your garden, rejoice. You will not suffer from diseases. In material terms, you will also not feel the need.

Esoteric dream book

If in a dream you pulled out a carrot in the garden, then your efforts will not be in vain. Eat a carrot or cook food with it - expect a bonus.

Women's dream book

Carrots in a dream are a symbol of health and success in real life. If a young girl sees a dream in which she will feast on carrots, then she will have an early and successful marriage. She will become a happy mother, and her children will bring her joy.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

If a woman dreams of a carrot, she will have good health. Also, such a dream means that she will live in abundance and abundance.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

If in a dream you admired the carrots growing in your garden, expect success and profit in your business. If in a dream you watered it, pulled out weeds on a carrot bed, you will be distinguished by good health. Harvest carrots - accept the circumstances. Grind a root crop on a grater - you will have a happy family life and many children. If in a dream you boil a carrot to add it to a dish, be prepared for malaise. Pickle a vegetable - to loss.

Ukrainian dream book

In this dream book, the interpretation of such a dream is presented in a negative way. Seeing carrots in a dream is considered bad omen. You will have to be ashamed of your actions, or you will make a lot of efforts to achieve your goal, but they will be in vain.

Spring dream book

An interesting interpretation in spring dream book: so carrots in a dream means that you tend to show off your merits. Don't think so highly of yourself. Boasting does not lead to anything good.

This fruit can be called a kind of symbol of health. This is a very healthy vegetable, filled with a mass of vitamins. Often carrots can be seen in your dreams. Dream Interpretations interpret dreams in which this vegetable appears in different ways. It all depends on the form in which you saw this fruit in a dream.

Juicy and bright carrots.

The dream in which you see such a carrot promises prosperity and a prosperous life, as well as good health and health.

Boiled carrots in a dream.

Such a dream warns of problems, both in personal affairs and in matters related to business. Be careful, carefully consider all your actions and intentions.

Girls dream of carrots for meeting a good, trustworthy man, as well as for an early pregnancy and a successful birth.

For young men, a dream about carrots promises good luck in business and a possible acquaintance with a nice girl. The brighter the color of the carrot, the more beautiful the chosen one will be.

Sweet carrot.

It is a harbinger of material well-being and unexpected joyful event in life.

Bitter carrot.

This dream portends failure, disappointment and grief.

Rotten carrots in a dream.

Seeing such carrots in dreams bad sign, you should not take risks in personal matters and business-related matters.

If you dreamed of dirty carrots.

Seeing such a vegetable in a dream does not bode well, you should pay attention to your health. Problems and troubles are possible, and also in your environment there are envious people and people who wish you harm.

Plant carrots in a dream.

This dream is a dream for good profit, for order and good luck in business.

Buy carrots.

This dream is to unexpected wealth, possibly an inheritance.

A bed with carrots in a dream.

This dream means that soon you will achieve what you want, the results of your achievements will please you very much. All your hopes and wishes will come true.

Dig up carrots in a dream.

This dream is a harbinger of an inheritance from a distant relative, whose death will not cause you much grief.

Collect carrots in a dream.

This dream has a very good interpretation, profit awaits you. The larger the fruit you collect, the greater the material reward.


For a woman who does not have children - this dream will bring a long-awaited pregnancy.

Peel carrots in a dream.

For married men- sleep means getting rid of problems and worries.

For married woman- a dream is a harbinger of possible betrayal by the husband, betrayal and disappointment are possible.

For a young man, such a dream is a hassle and a lack of money.

Cut carrots in a dream.

A man who sees such a dream will get rid of ill-wishers and defeat his opponent.
For a woman, such a dream means that you need to carefully and deliberately spend money.

Rub carrots in a dream.

A girl who had such a dream is waiting for a possible pregnancy.

If a man had such a dream, then he will have success in business, profit, advantageous offers.
Interpretation of a dream about carrots according to Freud's dream book.

Rotten carrots - to see such a dream to troubles and discord in family life.
Eating carrots in a dream - to get a new experience.
Rubbing carrots in a dream for a woman means her negative attitude towards men and her unwillingness to have intimate relationships with them.

For a man, a large carrot in a dream means his pride in his manhood and masculinity in general.