If you dreamed that your sister had died. Why dream of the death of a sister who is alive

28.08.2019 beauty

Why dream of the death of a sister in a dream

Such a dream can cause fear and even horror, but it does not carry any terrible omens. On the contrary, dreams of death usually promise a long life, and healing for the sick. Moreover, such an interpretation can apply both to the dreaming sister, and to you, and to one of your family members.

In addition, in some cases, dreams about death can be considered as a prediction of some cardinal changes in life. It is possible that they mean a new beginning, a new level of relations within the family - in a word, serious and important changes that will affect all relatives and close people without exception.

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Sister died interpretation of the dream book

The dream of the death of a sister leaves an unpleasant aftertaste. So it’s not surprising that the dream book interprets this plot negatively. In reality, a relative will face illness and trouble, and you will have financial losses. However, in some cases, seers, on the contrary, predict fun, an interesting journey, good luck in business. In a dream, an insignificant episode can radically change the hidden meaning of the vision.

Problems with a relative

Why dream that your sister died? This is an alarming symbol that warns of a serious illness. In reality, you value her very much, but have not heard from her for a long time? Call or write. Now she is in dire need of help.

If you are very close with your sister, Vanga deciphers her death as a difficult test, which may end in losses. The dream interpretation calls for pulling yourself together and steadfastly facing problems.

Miller's opinion

Miller interprets the plot as the incredible luck of a relative during the year. Started projects will be successfully completed, bring profit and satisfaction. The dream book of this author says that this is the optimal time for bold experiments and the realization of the creative side of the personality.

If a sister died in a dream, but in reality she is alive and well, then higher power were generous for her and other family members with longevity without illness.

To see in a dream a sister who is ill in reality, lying dead in a coffin, then in real life the disease will recede from her.

How did it happen

In order not to be mistaken in the interpretation, it is important to consider how she died.

  • If death occurred as a result of a bandit attack, the dream book promises an increase in income.
  • Hit by a car or had an accident - a loved one will bring danger to her.
  • Drowned - expects separation for a long time.
  • As a result of a stupid accident, life will turn out in an optimal way.
  • Why dream of the death of a relative if the causes of death could not be found? So she got into a difficult situation and is waiting for your help.

Don't rely on others

The dream book deciphers the death of a sister as a disaster in which it is useless to expect help from others. You will have to solve the difficulties on your own.

Some predictors interpret this event in a dream as losses and difficulties with money in reality.

Vanga interprets her dead sister as a call to take a critical look at her actions.

Freud gives an unusual prediction. The death of a relative means the end of intimate problems. They will dissolve as if by magic, and you will forget about them forever.

To learn about a tragic event from third parties means: soon your life will change dramatically. Will begin new stage relationships within the family - the dream book prophesies.

If in a dream a sister, dying in front of your eyes, sobs, in reality there will be a joint journey. You will get unforgettable emotions, new knowledge, additional opportunities - the Muslim dream book promises.

It's going to be a tough time, but you'll get through it.

Do you want to find out why you dream that your cousin died? Islamic dream book gives an unusual interpretation of the plot. Since this relative symbolizes trouble, disappointment, insult, her death in a dream means: having overpowered yourself and clenched your teeth, you will move towards your goal.

Other interpreters warn of family problems, and only by uniting can they be overcome.

Why dream of a message about the death of a cousin? Negative emotions are ahead. The actions and behavior of those around you will greatly upset and upset you.

Dream sister died

Did you dream at night that your sister died? The dream book interprets such a vision in a dream ambiguously. Often the plot warns of a sister's illness, her troubles, or the dreamer's financial difficulties. But sometimes, in order to understand what a sad event is dreaming of, one must interpret it the other way around: as a harbinger of a long life, travel, luck in business.

She's in trouble

The death of a beloved sister in a dream can often be considered an alarming sign. A dream warns of illness.

Did you dream that your sister died, whom you love very much, but have not received news for a long time? The dream interpretation explains: she has serious problems. Contact your sister and offer to help.

Longevity and excellent health of the sister

Seeing a dead sister who lies in a coffin - in reality she will delight her relatives with her excellent well-being.

Why dream: a sister who is alive and well has died? The dream book tells: the plot promises the sister longevity. Moreover: the meaning of the vision will spread to the sleeper and his immediate family.

How did it happen?

For a correct interpretation of sleep, you must also consider how it happened:

  • hit by a car - danger from the person he loves;
  • the robber killed - she will make a good profit;
  • drowned - ahead of a long parting;
  • some kind of ridiculous death - everything will turn out well in her life;
  • for no apparent reason - waiting for help from the dreamer.

Miller's dream book: test

Why dream that a sister with whom you are mentally very close has died? There is a test, perhaps a loss. You have to face adversity.

You have to rely only on yourself

Seeing in a dream: your beloved sister died means: in case of some difficulty, you will wait in vain for help. You will have to manage on your own.

Did you dream about the death of your own sister? Ahead of financial difficulties, the deterioration of the financial situation of the sleeper.

Did you receive sad news about your sister in a dream? Sometimes such a terrible event becomes a harbinger of cardinal life changes, indicates the beginning of a new stage, new family relationships.

She is going to be successful

The dream book often interprets the dream of her death the other way around: for the whole coming year, your close relative will be lucky in business. Undertakings will be crowned with success, business will be profitable.

Also, this sad story promises the sister a successful implementation of creative projects, an excellent embodiment of bold ideas.

In a dream, did you see how she, dying, cries? The Islamic dream book claims: the dreamer, along with a relative, has a road ahead, a journey. It will bring new experiences, open up additional opportunities.

Experiences ahead, but you will overcome them

Why dream that a cousin suddenly dies? The Islamic dream book informs: since this relative often symbolizes failures, resentments, disappointments, such a vision means: the sleeper will overcome his grievances, find the strength to move towards the goal, not paying attention to temporary troubles.

The dream of the death of a cousin portends: family strife is possible, but together you can overcome everything.

If you were told in a dream: your cousin died, then in reality get ready for strong negative emotions. Someone's behavior or some event will upset or greatly upset.

Why dream of the death of a sister?

If a person is healthy in real life, and seeing his death in a dream, this auspicious sign. He announces that he has many years of life ahead of him. However, the experiences of the sleeper in such dreams are serious. The interpretation of sleep largely depends on how death occurred. loved one.

What if you dream about the death of your sister?

Seeing your sister in a coffin in a dream means that in real life she will please the sleeping person with her excellent health for a long time to come. If there is no news from a relative for a long time and to see her in sleeping dead, this is a sign that in real life everything can turn out exactly as dreamed. Such dreams are called prophetic, and they often come to those who sincerely love their loved ones. It has been noticed that a loving heart always feels if trouble has happened to a person dear to him. If the relationship with the sister is very good, then the dream in which the misfortune happened to her cannot be considered empty.

To dream about how a sister was hit by a car means to receive a warning that she is in danger from the person she loves. The car is a symbol of personal relationships. Therefore, if he appeared in a dream, it directly indicates where trouble should be expected from.

If in a dream a sister dies at the hands of a robber, then in real life she is not in danger. On the contrary, she will soon make a good profit. If the sleeper has a hostile relationship with his sister, this does not mean that deep down he has stopped loving her. Therefore, if you dreamed that a misfortune happened to your sister, this sure sign that one should wonder if it actually happened. To see in a dream that a sister suddenly dies for no apparent reason means that her soul is very bad and she expects support from the sleeping person.

What portends?

If the sleeper tries to save his sister drowning in the river in a dream and he fails, this is a sign that they will soon have to part for a long time. To see that the sister was sentenced to death and the executioner is ready to carry it out means that an event will soon occur from which the sister will “lose her head”. Maybe. she loves someone very much. Such a dream can also indicate that the sister will commit an unforgivable stupidity, which she will regret for the rest of her life. Seeing in a dream the ridiculous death of a sister means that everything will be fine with her.

To understand why the death of a sister is dreaming, one should pay attention to the reason why it happened. This will tell you what to expect in the near future. To hear in a dream about misfortune with her sister, but not to see her death, means that good news will come from her soon.

If in a dream, in front of the dreamer, the sister is killed by some unknown creature that causes fear and horror, then such a dream indicates that in real life the relative of the sleeping person makes many mistakes, which causes aggression of those who suffered from this.

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Why dream of the death of a sister

I dreamed of the death of my sister - a promise of material well-being. It is possible to receive a bonus, an unexpected inheritance, or a profitable marriage with a wealthy partner. Promising events are ahead of you: career, participation in the celebration, receiving good news.

Properly dispose of the funds received, your well-being for the near future will depend on this.

Why dream of the death of a sister who is alive

See in a dream the death of a sister who is alive - both you and she will live happily ever after. There will be no special troubles on your way, problems will not create serious difficulties. However, if a sister dies in front of you, the financial situation will worsen in reality.

Tune in to a positive wave. You should not even think about the bad - it will bypass you.

I dreamed about the death of my sister

Dream Interpretation considers the death of a sister as good sign. She will be healthy and live long. If you have not seen her for a long time, but at the same time you are not in a quarrel, then the vision may indicate that she has problems.

Try to be close to your sister in sorrow and in joy. At any moment she may need your support.

  • friend's death
  • husband's death
  • grandmother's death
  • mother's death
  • father's death
  • girl death
  • guy's death
  • death of a loved one
  • brother's death
  • resurrection after death
  • Date of death
  • grandfather's death
  • daughter's death
  • wife's death
  • death of a living person
  • animal death
  • death of a friend
  • news of death
  • death of a loved one
  • baby death
  • death of a stranger
  • newborn death
  • image of death
  • girlfriend death
  • death prediction
  • death warning
  • death of a child
  • death of parents
  • death of relatives
  • death of a relative
  • own death
  • son's death
  • death of a deceased
  • human death

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Personal horoscope for 2018 will tell you in what areas of life you will find success in the new year.

I dreamed of my sister's death, but the right interpretation there is no sleep in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out what the Death of a sister is dreaming of in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

younger sister death

Hello! I dreamed of the death of my husband’s sister .. In a dream, I hid her from someone, hid her in an apartment at her address, but the apartment was not mine and not hers, it was on a high floor (I don’t know exactly which one). So, we went out to the balcony, to look at those who were chasing her, and then, I somehow carelessly stood behind her, and she suddenly fell out of the balcony window. Even in my dream I didn't understand how it happened. In life, my husband's sister and I are friends and I love her like my own.

Good day. i dreamed about how my younger sister and I went to work with my mother in a place next to which we were railways. at some point I did not look, and she, as if on purpose, not hearing my cries about not going to the rails, went there. the first time the train passed and she managed to stay in place, but the second time she fell, and the train carried her, after that she moved. I, not believing my eyes, did not know where to run: to her or for the phone. but at the end I sob wildly, I decide to pick up her body, or rather its parts, and it turns out to be the size of a cherry tomato. I am very sick of this dream. having read other Internet dream books, she seems to have calmed down a little, but still the picture of the knockdown itself does not go out of her head. I will be very grateful if you help me. Thank you.

The first half of this day will bring an increased desire for personal freedom and independence. You want to express yourself in an original way, to prove your uniqueness.

The magazine's website contains the largest online dream book, which contains 90 dream collections and over 450,000 dream interpretations. Regularly updated horoscopes for today, tomorrow, week, month and year, including love, compatibility and many others.

Dream interpretation of the death of a sister

Dream Interpretation Sister Died

A sister is a person who shares your religious understandings and views, moreover, lives according to them. For the Chinese, the elder sister is the personification of wisdom. And in the famous French folk tale, literary processed and recorded by Ch. Perrault "Bluebeard", the younger sister appears as the personification of the creative potential of the soul, a symbol of something approaching the time of life when violent, abundant flowering begins.

Symbolism of dreams

The image of death sometimes looks into our dreams, frightening and leaving heavy sediments in the soul. But in dreams, death has a symbolic meaning. It is the end of one phase of life and the beginning of another. This is a change of attitudes and habits. Find out what is dreaming deceased sister Let's turn to dream books for help.

Alternative interpretation

Classical dream books interpret this situation as an omen of a long life, and for those who are sick - recovery, healing.

Moreover, the hero of the dream is waiting for cardinal changes on the path of life.

Miller's dream book

If your sister died in your dream

The psychologist interprets the situation of the death of a sister in a dream as news of significant problems she has at the moment. But she will cope with these troubles without undue help.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

The seer believes that she dreamed of her sister's death as a call. Be self-critical about your actions, analyze the priorities in your life. You probably live according to not quite correct principles.

Freud's dream book

According to the psychoanalyst, if you dreamed that your sister had died, then all your problems in the intimate sphere had come to an end. They will leave you completely, you will forget about them forever.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

The predictor of past years gives more extended interpretations of such dream scenarios.

To see your sister sleeping in a sarcophagus, expect favorable changes in reality, perhaps a successful completion of the event.

She dreamed that she hanged herself, this is a signal for help that the dreamer's relatives need.

Modern interpretations

Current dream books indicate that dreams with such a plot often predict news of various kinds. And they are positive or negative, depending on how the death occurred.

Loff's dream book

If death was the result of a murder, then you will face a collapse associated with commercial activities. Disappointment in partners is not ruled out. Perhaps the reason for the collapse in them.

A dream tells about some important news, where this process was natural.

Dream Interpretation Grishina

The successor and heir to the records of her ancestors about the interpretation of dreams, she is sure that the repose of her sister sleeping in a dream predicts an unclear and uncertain future.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

The dream promises an acquaintance to the sister

The esoteric predicts a blood relative of the sleeping person to meet an extravagant person after this dream.

Muslim dream book

The dreamer, together with his blood relative, will have an interesting journey. That's what dreams come with such a plot.

Plots of dreams

Dream images reflect our thoughts, our fears and anxieties. Dreams about the death of relatives can serve as a call from committing unseemly, immoral acts, overcoming temptations. And they can promise success, victory over enemies. It all depends on the meaning of the plot itself. Consider the decoding of dreams where I dreamed:

  • death agony;
  • death, as a result of murder;
  • sister in a coffin;
  • death by rape;
  • drowned woman;
  • dead cousin;
  • funeral procession;
  • telegram, where the news of death;
  • the deceased appeared alive;
  • older or younger;
  • deceased pregnant woman;
  • dead is alive.

A dream where I had a chance to see a sister who was still alive, but fought in agony, signals a deterioration in her health. Soon she will need the dreamer's help.

If you had a dream where you personally killed your sister, then your pride is superfluous. She and your stupidity will do you a disservice. You will suffer big financial losses.

If you happen to see in a dream that your sister is lying in a coffin on the street, this is a warning about caution on the road, on roads and other dangerous places. There may be cases of severe injuries, diseases.

If the sister drowned

A dream, the script of which contained unpleasant scenes of rape, as a result of which the dreamer's sister died, warns of possible mental disorders. Their cause may be strained relationships with others, work colleagues, or a large load in professional activity. Take a break, if possible, temporarily change the situation. These are not joke things. Save yourself from serious consequences.

A dream where you happened to see how your blood relative drowned indicates excessive emotionality in the relationship between you and your close relatives. If you often do things with a passion, then the relationship will deteriorate completely.

A dream where I managed to see the dead cousin, you may be glad that all the unpleasant and complex chores have come to an end. You can rest easy.

It happened to see the funeral of a sister in a dream, you cannot avoid losses. This may be related to the financial sphere, or to the sphere of interpersonal communication. One important thing is that you yourself are to blame because of your stubbornness.

I was lucky to see a dream where you received news of the death of your own sister, who is alive in reality. Expect a huge legacy from close relative.

You can safely embody the conceived project in reality, because a dream promises good luck, where the deceased sister appeared alive.

If in a dream a deceased elder sister brings you some news, then this is a warning that your chosen one is cunning, enjoys your inexperience and trust. Take a closer look at it so as not to make mistakes that will break your life.

When a younger sister brings news in a dream, she is trying to point out to you the talents you have that you do not develop. Although the use of them in your business activities has made your business much more successful. Moreover, it would change your life radically. And you just forgot about them.

In a dream, it happens to see that a sister has died, but she was pregnant. Even though she's actually alive. Such dreams are often a reflection of anxiety about a real pregnancy.

If she is in a position in fact, then pregnancy and childbirth will go well. In the case when she is not pregnant in reality, a signal is sent to her in a dream that there are problems with gynecology. Tell her that she needs to get tested. Perhaps this is the reason that she cannot conceive a child.

If you dreamed that your sister died, but she is alive in life, this promises a long-awaited recovery of a close relative. The joy will be double, because after a serious illness there will be no complications.

Seeing a sister in a dream means unforeseen difficulties, troubles and worries. If in a dream you quarrel with your sister, this portends the collapse of all hopes for the future, the promise of an unrealizable one. If you dream that you are saying goodbye to your sister, this means that a period is coming in your life when you can rely solely on your own strength, without expecting help from outside. A dream in which you see a dying sister promises you a deterioration in your financial situation.

If in a dream you see a half-sister, then this means that in your life there comes a period when everyone has a desire to advise you and be interested in your affairs, to actively interfere in your affairs.

By the way, the famous archaeologist G. Gilprecht for a long time could not read the disparate ancient Sumerian text on two fragments of agate found during excavations. This find was mentioned in a book he had just written and which was to be delivered to the publisher the next day. However, without deciphering the ancient Sumerian inscription, the text of the book turned out to be incomplete. Therefore, Gilprecht sat in his office until late the night before, to no avail sorting out and comparing various versions of the translations of this inscription. The archaeologist did not notice how he dozed off in his chair. In a dream, he saw a middle-aged man wearing ancient Sumerian priestly robes standing next to him. At the sight of this man, Gilprecht was surprised, hastily got up, but not from the chair, but from some stone step on which he found himself sitting.

The man ordered the archaeologist to follow him, promising to help him. Although the stranger did not speak at all in the ancient Sumerian dialect, but in English, this did not at all surprise the sleeping Gilprecht. The scientist and the priest walked for a short time along some deserted street, passed several huge buildings located quite close to each other. In one of these massive houses, which seemed larger than the others, Gilprecht and his strange companion entered. They ended up in a dimly lit room. When asked by Gilprecht where they were, the guide replied that they were in Nipura, between the Tigris and Euphrates, in the temple of Bel, the father of the gods.

The archaeologist knew about this temple. During the excavations, it was not possible to find a treasury - a room that, as scientists knew, was located at the temple. When the scholar turned to his guide with a similar question, he silently took him to a small room at the back of the temple. In this room, in a wooden chest, there were several pieces of agate, among which were the two pieces found during the excavations. The priest said that these pieces were parts of a cylinder donated by the temple steward to Kurigalzu. The cylinder was sawn apart to make ear ornaments for the statue of the god, and one piece broke. On it, there were those inscriptions that were part of the whole text. At the request of the archaeologist, the priest read this text, dating back to 1300 BC. e. Awakened, Gilprecht wrote down his dream and the exact transcript of the text.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation for Women

Dream Interpretation - Sister

The images of brothers and sisters in your dream can be understood in two ways.

Firstly, it is often a simple reflection of kindred feelings and related unrest.

However, in a broad sense, the image of a brother and sister in a dream: this is a reflection of your own "I".

A conflict with a brother or sister in this sense means internal discord, fraught with failures and mistakes in reality.

Seeing your brothers and sisters full of energy and rejoicing in it portends you a successful course of affairs.

Seeing them sad is a sign of impending misfortune.

Cousins, sister - the uncertainty of relations with a person.

Interpretation of dreams from

If you are worried about what the dead sister is dreaming of, then first of all you should go to her cemetery and remember, and then interpret the dream. She usually speaks of uncertainty about your future and warns of receiving sad news from afar. But here it is worth considering all the details: what she did, what she said, how she looked.

Talking in a dream with a sister should be taken as fast attack illness or a warning to take care of yourself. It is worth paying attention to what exactly she said. Maybe this will help you find correct solution and get out of a difficult situation. Hearing her voice is a harbinger of news.

Seeing her in a coffin is very bad sign which will bring grief, tears and sadness into your life. Also, you will not be able to avoid very large losses. If you saw her sleeping peacefully, then this indicates that she has completely departed into another world.

After the dream in which you are, you need to think about your position and set life priorities. An inaccurate formulation of your goals, an indefinite attitude towards loved ones, all this, perhaps, prevents you from finding happiness in life and achieving a solid financial position.

Valuable reader comments

    Hello! My sister died 2 months ago from drugs. I often dream. at first I dreamed of being alive in a coffin, we talked with her, but I don’t remember what. and the last time I dreamed that she came alive, we were surprised how it could be, we buried her. and she seemed to have come from somewhere and not understanding what was happening with us, a photograph on the wall with a black tape. what do these dreams mean

    • Most likely, this dream says that you now have some problems that bother you and are a heavy burden on your soul. They will still last for some time, but then gradually resolve. And you dream about your sister, perhaps you had a grudge against her. We need to forgive and remember her.

    My mother had a dream, she is standing on the shore of a reservoir - which smoothly turns into a large pool with a very clean water. Her deceased (not yet a year old) sister swims in this pool. And he looks very good - young beautiful (she died in old age), swims completely naked and it is clear that she likes to swim. Then she swims up to some kind of niche and behind her sits a little unfamiliar boy - very very thin - you can already see the ribs. She points at this boy with her hand and says nothing. She didn’t have children… we can’t understand what this could mean.

    • Sleep indicates some kind of health problem. True, from a dream it is not entirely clear whose problems. Usually for a dreamer, but not a fact.
      I advise you to remember the deceased aunt and pay attention to your health and the health of loved ones.

    I see my cousin in a dream, she is my same age, I loved her very much, after her death I often see her.
    Recently I had a dream as if I called a psychic (I called her a vanga), she starts telling me about her father (he is alive), when she starts talking about me, I see my cousin in the window, she looks and smiles with a bright smile, runs away and spoils. What does this mean?

    • Usually the dead warn of some kind of danger or trouble. You probably have some worries or anxieties, they may well be associated with this dream.

    Help interpret the dream. My husband and I are swimming in the river, there are still people around. The river is very dirty, it is difficult to get out of it. We help others. Already on the shore my younger sister appears (she drowned in 2011, saving a girl of 14 years old). She comes to say hello to my husband, he kisses her on the cheek. She doesn't suit me. What does this kiss mean? I'm worried about my husband

    • I would say that the river and mud are more of a material symbol. As if a person is confused in matters related to money. See if there are any problems. Yet the very fact that you help and get out yourself indicates a positive outlook for the future.

      • Thanks for the answer. Indeed, there is some “mess” with money, we were recently hit by a car, and twice a month. Now we are waiting for large payments from insurance companies through the courts. But still, what does a kiss of a husband with an already deceased sister mean?

        • It does not bode well. Anxiety and trouble, most likely.

    • Dirt is always a disease

    My cousin died 4 months ago. My name is Victoria, 21 years old. She died on her mother's birthday. She was 10 days away from her birthday. At first I dreamed a lot. Now less often. She dreams that I am running after her, screaming, please take her with me. But she does not stop, she turns around and looks evilly with black eyes. Another dream was that she was being buried, she was in a coffin, and suddenly wakes up. I also had a dream that I was having a wedding, and my sister was coming to the wedding. And all the relatives come up and ask in surprise how she got here? She died. And she replies that they let her go one day. Joyful. I hug her and cry. What does all of this mean????

    • I sympathize with you, Emma.
      This dream says that it is very difficult for you to come to terms with her death. It is very difficult to accept the death of a loved one, besides at such a young age.
      Remember her and don't worry about these dreams. It must be added that an important event awaits you in the future, and crying in a dream is fortunate.

    My sister fell from the 7th floor 3 weeks ago, she was 5 years old and she died due to numerous fractures .... the other day I dreamed that my sister appeared near my room in a white dress in which she was buried when I saw her then I immediately ran up to her and began to hug and tell her how much I love her and miss her, but she did not say anything, after that I kissed her on the forehead and she disappeared ... what is it all about?

    • I sympathize with you, Dasha.
      But your dream is quite natural. No need to look for his interpretation, you miss this person ... it's hard without him. Change your sister. Let her go, don't beat yourself up...

    my mother had a dream that she was walking with me as a little girl (I am now 40 years old), and sees my mother’s dead uncle sitting on the path, and leaving him, she goes to her already deceased sister’s house (but in a dream she is alive) we go to her house on the veranda, she peeks out front door and potoi locks her up while we stay there on the veranda, and then she goes into the house itself and says to her mother “let's go Maria” and mother woke up.

    • This dream indicates problems. If you dreamed about him, then troublesome things await you. The house is a government institution where you will have to go in the future.

    Hello, lately my cousin has been dreaming of one and died of cancer. September 29 will be a year. So I dream that we are constantly marrying her) I saw her a couple of times in wedding dress.then they make an offer to her, then we walk at the wedding, you can’t see her.or briefly.but in the consciousness that her wedding.once talked. She told me everything will be fine

    • The dream, most likely, indicates that you have some difficulties in life. Perhaps unhealthy. Be sure to remember your sister.

      Are you married yourself? In my dreams, my sister is not good. Maybe your sister was single and would like to..

    Hello, I recently dreamed of a cousin of the deceased sister, she died of cancer 1.5 years ago. we argued with her, she cried, and demanded attention (my and her mother) she had a lot of soft toys, but she was not enough. In life, we didn’t communicate much, I always considered her arrogant and spoiled, although now I understand that she might actually have been lonely 🙁 before she left, we forgave all insults, then she dreamed of me, where I apologized to her and cried and everything became well, like a burden from the heart, she lived with a light soul, but now this dream .. what should I do for her?

    • Probably such a dream indicates problems and difficulties that will have to be faced in the future. Crying yourself in a dream - to happiness and well-being.

    Hello, my sister died 3 months ago, somewhere after 11 days I had a dream where I talked to her, but I understood that she was no more, she told me: “I feel good, I’m already resting here”, after which I left. Yesterday I had a dream that we were talking to her, I don’t remember what, after the conversation she gets into the car with my bag and leaves, saying that she will return, but after a while I begin to understand that she won’t come, and I don’t have any money phone to call, I start to worry, after a while a plane appears in the sky, which leaves the inscription: “I'm waiting for you here”. Why can all this be a dream?

    • Good afternoon. Most likely, the dream indicates difficult times that have been marked in your life lately. However, they will end, you need to be careful and strong. Everything will definitely work out.

    Hello. My sister died almost four months ago, got hit by a train. She was three years older than me, she was 25 years old. We are all still in shock, we see this picture every day before our eyes, she was a good girl, and she loved life very much. We often dream of her. Today I dreamed that we were going shopping with her and buying groceries, then our family determined that my sister had better groceries. What does it mean?

    • Marianne, I sympathize with you very much ... I think that you have these dreams because you constantly think about her. You cannot accept her death, such a death. There was a person, and no ... Be sure to remember her.

    I also dreamed yesterday that she was angry and called me names and we had a fight with her. Why is this dreaming? Maybe she's mad at me? Please tell me.

    • Perhaps this means that you are now very worried. No need. Did you give her things away? Leave only the most valuable and expensive, the rest is usually distributed to those in need.

      When the dead man dreams. Or swears. Then you are doing something wrong. If she hits you too. Then think about thoughts, actions

    Hello, my sister died a long time ago ... .. I dreamed that I was watching a video filming of her funeral, when we say goodbye to her, she opens her eyes and rolls over on her side, as if we prevented her from sleeping. Why is this? It became very scary.

    • Perhaps this dream promises some difficulties. Be sure to remember your sister. The article is written in in general terms what you can expect from such a dream, so just be careful. Don't worry, it's just a dream. He is warning of something.

    Hello! help me please. did not find a suitable section, my younger sister (cousin) is alive, she is 15 years old. Today I dreamed that she was running away from us with her grandmother from home to the bus station and from there she was leaving for other relatives

    • Maybe it symbolizes her separation from her family.

      • thanks for the interpretation)

    Hello, my grandmother's sister died, got hit by a train. I dreamed that she was sitting next to her grandmother and crying, saying that she needed to work
    why all this?

    • The dream, perhaps, warns of some kind of adversity. When a dead person cries in a dream, it does not indicate problems in the dreamer's life.

    Hello, my aunt had a dream where my wise mother asked me to wash her with a brush, but when my aunt brought the brush to her mother, she did not want to take it, she said that she was from me, tell me what such a dream could mean. I had problems with my mother.

    • Hello.
      Usually such a dream can talk about some kind of waste. Perhaps the dream is just trying to convey information about the futility of a particular purchase.

    My sister died 2 weeks ago, and today I dreamed that we were going to her funeral, and she was alive, but very sick, poorly thinking, she ate and was also going to her own funeral (as if she herself did not understand this)
    Help interpret the dream!?
    Thank you

    • Katerina, the dream is most likely inspired by emotions from her death. From Wednesday to Thursday, a dream means that if the dream was active (a lot of movement), then the consequences will be good.

    Hello. I dreamed as if we were driving home by car: me, my mother, my uncle, and my sister, who died more than 10 years ago. I dreamed that my sister was alive, she was somewhere far away all this time and decided to return home, matured and very beautiful. I looked dull against her background, although we are very similar. She dreams that we have arrived and she says “let me tell you where I will be, I decided to return to you.” I start showing her in the room and realizing that something is not right here, I tell her: “How can you return if you died?”

    • Valentina, a dream speaks of some kind of trouble, possibly health problems. In the future, you need to be especially careful not to allow stupid actions. The fact that you were driving a car with the whole family speaks of a difficult relationship within it. It is necessary to understand and resolve all omissions.

    Good afternoon.
    A little from afar: I have a pleasant voice, some vocal abilities, so I am at a crossroads: to learn to sing professionally or to develop my voice and be an announcer of works. Also, the nature is outwardly calm, but internally emotional, dreams are dreamed almost every day, more often two per night, I roughly remember the content, clearly - only if after sleep I reproduce what I dreamed in my head. Therefore, everything that somehow affects emotions can be reflected in the next dream.
    A cousin died of an illness about two years ago on September 11, during her lifetime the skin was always yellow color. We rarely saw each other, long before this date we visited her in the hospital (exacerbation), I read fairy tales to her, and she lay in a hospital bed and listened. Later I was told that she really liked it, and then I realized what I had not understood before: she loves me to some extent. I hardly remember her. On 10/24/14, a friend died. Then I connected them in my head a little.
    In a dream from Sun to Mon (on the morning of 11/24/14), I see my cousin on a light bed, her skin is light, but with some bluish spots on her face (I remember that she is no longer there. But there she seemed to come to life and this okay), she is happy, smiling. And I am glad that she is happy, I feel warmth for her, it seems, and I see the same in her eyes. She tells me something, what exactly, I don’t remember, but with a smile, she is pleased with what she is talking about. I went somewhere, she got up and kind of followed me too, but stopped at the door and looked at me with interest for a while, then left. Soon I had to go to visit singing lessons, I find myself in the same white room where my sister was lying, she is in it, but since I am busy with the teacher (a living acquaintance), she does not pay attention to me, as if before me and no case. And instead of singing, for some reason I read fairy tales, and the teacher says that I am very good at it.
    Before that (11/23/14 in the morning) I dreamed of a tornado that destroyed houses, and our basement, where we hid with many people, lifted into the air, circled upside down, and then, nevertheless, we fell more or less gently at the intersection of the roadway, without taking damage. But on the other hand, knowing what city I was in (there are relatives with whom I hid in the basement from a tornado in a dream), I was without a phone and did not know how to go to my relatives from this scene.
    It was scary immediately after sleeping with a tornado (I experienced natural sensations of falling, taking off, whirling, hitting ..), after sleeping with my sister, because of her kind, affectionate mood, it became easier. Now ready to fight, but still a little anxious.
    Thank you.

    • Irina, it is important to note that the dream had a dream from Sunday to Monday. This night, on which work dreams are dreamed, is heavy. They, as a rule, reflect everything that you have accumulated in your soul about work. I think that you really are now at a crossroads. This is evidenced by the second dream with a tornado. This symbol speaks of the seething of emotions, at the same time predicting that they may not result in what you originally planned. Therefore, all real ups and downs - in the end, will lead you to the only right decision, you yourself are aware of this, just do not make hasty conclusions.

      • Thank you.
        Yesterday they said that in the new year a shake-up of the staff is possible, and I am a new employee. Maybe this premonition turned into a dream with a tornado.

    Hello, I dreamed about my little sister, whom we buried a year ago. I see her in a dream and I’m afraid of something, I don’t know myself, it’s like I’m afraid to approach her, hug her, then at some point she overpowered herself and hugged her. in general, we we hug each other, kiss like sisters, tell each other that we miss each other and both cry a lot, she also tells me that she misses and loves ....

    • Alena, when the deceased cries in a dream and hugs - such a dream brings stress and anxiety for some short period of time. Then everything will be fine.

    Hello, I dreamed that my deceased relative-sister was coming to visit us. By the way, our whole family was in the former house of my grandparents, where I spent my childhood with this sister, with another sister and with my brother. We noticed her belly, she said she was pregnant. It turns out that she is pregnant with her third child. She had two sons in her life. She is very happy, smiling. We spend our time like before. Everyone else is also very happy. I still imagine a small child, I want to see the baby as soon as possible and babysit him. Light pleasant dream. In a dream, everyone, like me, did not even remember that she was no longer alive.

    • Lana, perhaps in your life there will be an event that you have been waiting for a long time. Also, a dream indicates a connection with your desires.

      • Thanks a lot!

    Hello, I dreamed of a sister who died 2 years ago, I’m looking for her in the hospital, the old hospital is dark everywhere, when I find the reception and I forgive the nurse, find her, she found her in an old notebook on the list and says the visit is forbidden, well she died and gives me her black bag and some book that she herself drew but the pictures were not clear, and I cried honey to me. sister gave a sedative,

    • Probably a dream for sad news. Also, a lot will become clear for you, this is evidenced by a dream with a book.

    Hello. At Christmas, a girl I knew for the first time dreamed of a deceased younger sister (24 years old) with a little boy in her arms, and she died 2 years ago and had an abortion two weeks before her death. Not everything is “clean” there, both with her death and with this abortion, but the truth is still not there. What could be this dream, please tell me. I'm very worried.

    • Eugene, this is a bad dream, promising some problems from the past.

    I dream of a sister who died 1.5 months ago. It so happened that I had to cremate her. I dream that I am looking for her, and I find her naked with men. They make love. I want to pick her up, but she won't come. And he is silent and says nothing. What is it for?

    • Irina, perhaps, to a feeling of insecurity in front of problems, the difficulty is to find a way out of the problem.

    My cousin got into an accident, lay in a coma for a couple of days, after which she died. I didn’t dream about her, but I had a dream last night and she was sitting next to me in a white dress and smiling, we were talking about something, but I don’t remember what. I haven't visited her since the funeral. What is it for?

    • Be sure to remember. Go to the cemetery if possible.
      It is unlikely that a dream promises something, since the death occurred recently, emotions and memories of this tragedy are still strong.

    I dreamed about my sister who died of cancer today. To dream that my boyfriend and I rented an apartment, and she was with us in it, she didn’t say anything, in general, she just walked in silence, watched TV. Nothing unusual. I commemorated her on Sunday at Krasnaya Gorka!

    • Alina, they did the right thing by mentioning it. There may be trouble after such a dream. Maybe even with an apartment, since in a dream there is an indication only of it.

    Hello. Please tell me my sister died 2 years ago. For the second time I already dream that we are talking in the river, and this time I was drowning, and asked her to help, but she did not answer and did not help, then I woke up, what is it for ???

    • Julia, this dream can predict troubles, in the solution of which you need to rely solely on yourself. Associated with the expression of emotions.

    Hello! Help decipher the dream. Today my sister had a dream, she was killed 18 days ago. The door opened, though not my house, my mother came in and said Lena came. She herself left. My sister is clean, well-groomed, made up like a living, calm village, and I let's cry and tell her what she did and how her daughter cried for her. She told me that he (her killer) was jealous of her. Said with such regret it seemed to me. And that's it, I don't remember anything else. This bastard, sorry, is now under investigation. Tell me what it could be Thank you!

    • Perhaps her image appeared to you as an omen that justice will prevail in the future. Be sure to remember it.

    Hello, help me understand the dream, a cousin died a month ago, and I have been dreaming 2 times already. For the first time in a dream, we talked to her. And she said that she herself was shocked by the fact that she died, because she had a 9-year-old daughter.
    And today I had a dream that I went to her, and she gave me money for her daughter and a bunch of other little things, but what exactly I don’t remember, the money was very well remembered, and I left her with a small suitcase.
    I can’t find anywhere in the dream books the meaning that if the deceased gives something, then what is it for?
    Thanks in advance for your reply.

    • Most likely, some troubles and worries will fall on you. Most likely, the emphasis of sleep is that after all the events that have happened, you do not forget your cousin niece, somehow take care of her.

    Almost a year ago, my cousin died, we didn’t really communicate with her, after her death I never dreamed, but today I had a dream, I was going home, and she is standing near my house, so beautiful, joyful, I start a conversation with her, I told her something for so long, I can’t remember what we talked about, and in the end she said don’t do it, she didn’t get angry, she calmly said so and most importantly, I didn’t remember what specifically I didn’t do, what would that mean?

    • Anna, perhaps the dream is related to your real intentions or what you are just about to do. In any case, a dream is a warning that you need to reconsider some point in your life.

    Hello, just recently my Aunt had a dream. In a dream, my aunt cursed, argued and fought with her father. Please help me understand this dream.

    • Maybe she makes mistakes in her life. You need to carefully analyze everything that happens in life and choose the right decision. It is possible that you will help her with this.

    Hello, my sister died more than three years ago, burned down in a fire, and she was 23 years old. I often see her in my dreams. So today I saw how I was lying in bed, I was standing next to her, changing into pajamas and telling me something. I lie silently listening. She lays down next to me, kisses me on the lips, but through the sheet, as I almost wrapped my head in a blanket. And she starts rocking me like a baby, slightly pumping from side to side with her hand. I even felt myself rocking in my sleep. And then they woke me up. What would that mean? Thank you.

    • Olga, you may dream of your dream as a reminder of some unresolved problems. Take a look at your life. It is possible that trouble is growing somewhere. Dreams with the dead are often about the problems of an old and unresolved nature and warn.

    Good afternoon Last night I had a dream that I had arrived in some unfamiliar area for me, and I was at some people’s house, and they were looking for my late sister (she died 8 years ago in a fire), and they couldn’t find it, then they asked through whom tell her that my sister (I) arrived, and at that moment of the conversation they spread on the floor, I don’t know why, either measure it or look at it, a white transparent beautiful fabric, large in size, all over the room. I don't remember anything further.

    • Perhaps the dream warns you that some kind of test is destined for you in the future, which will lead to some kind of spiritual cleansing, balance.

    Yes, I forgot to add, my sister seemed to be married.

    Hello, I often dream about my older sister, who died half a year ago. Today I had a dream again, a very strange dream. She was very beautiful, thinner, and she had very long beautiful hair She didn't have any, she was in a good mood. And in the same dream I was pregnant, but in reality this is not so. She told me: give birth.

    • A long life awaits you, changes for the better are possible in the future. It is also likely that you need to stop doubting and take happiness into your own hands.

    And I was pregnant with a girl in a dream. In reality, I have a 2 year old son. My sister has a 7 year old daughter.

    In a dream, I went through her hair and looked at her.

    Today I dreamed of my own deceased sister, who during her lifetime was a disabled child. She's been gone for over 15 years. From the day of her death to the present day, neither I nor my mother dreamed of her. I see that we are traveling with her on the bus, she asks to empty herself, I take her out, for me worries about her are not troublesome. She says she will be gone soon. I calm her down. We go to some museum full of foreigners. I see how she lies, I feel that she will soon be gone, then a bright spherical flash of light appears in the area of ​​​​her chest, this is the soul left the body. I'm desperate. A man of Hindu appearance leans towards me and says in Russian that “she does not blame you, and she did not die from vitamin A”. And at that moment I woke up. I am in the dark. Please help me clarify the meaning of the dream.

    • You may have a dream as a warning. The fact that you were on the bus indicates that you are thinking about an important decision. The sister asked to go out - your business is related to spending, so be very careful in the near future in deposits and transfers to someone Money. Another dream says that you will have a chance to visit some hitherto unfamiliar place and communicate with strangers. Foreign holidays are excluded.

    My aunt had a dream. They are standing on the platform, my aunt and the deceased cousin. Trains are standing and waiting, they waited, they went in. There were sleeping beds, they lay down, the deceased sister hugged her aunt. She felt uncomfortable, and the bed was uncomfortable! Aunt began to speak, they say I'll get up, I'm uncomfortable! Her sister answered her: “Come with me, come with me”, several times! After the aunt got up and left, the dream ended there! Thanks for your answer, we'll wait!

    • For your aunt, this dream can prophesy trouble in the future. The train generally indicates the presence of plans in the future, most likely, difficulties will be associated with it.
      Also, often dead people, and even considering what the sister said, dream of ill health. Be careful after sleep.

    Hello, today I had a dream that my cousin died 5 years ago, but I still can’t believe it! She lies completely naked on the couch, Her older sister and mother are dressing, and I stand aside and look and cry very much, and then the deceased turns to look at me and smiles! I'll wait for an answer, Thank you)

    • Svetlana, behind a series of problems and troubles, a white streak awaits you. A naked person in a dream is not protected from external troubles, openness to them. The dead man warns about them.
      Crying in a dream - fortunately, you can breathe easy.

    Good afternoon My sister died two years ago, today I dreamed that I was at her wedding, she was in a white dress. During her life, the sister was not married, she was buried in a wedding dress. Can you decipher my dream?

    • Anya, a dream may say that changes await you in life, but difficulties will also follow with them, which your deceased sister warns about.
      Be sure to remember it after this dream.

    Hello! I dream of my dead sister (hit by a car in 2005) as if she is alive and so beautiful, I go up to her and say, why don’t you let yourself know that you are alive? And she told me: it's you who don't know me, aren't you looking for me?! Then, I dictate my phone number to her, everything is so real that I didn’t want to wake up! Why is this a dream?! Thank you!

    • Lena, perhaps such a dream is a warning before some difficulties, the phone is mentioned - receiving news. Usually the dead warn us in everything that we need to be careful in the future so as not to make mistakes.

    Good afternoon,
    my mother dreamed of her older sister who died two years ago - she was 68 years old, her sister wanted to “talk enough” with her mother and was in the crown. Beside them was Small child(mother did not understand who it was) and my sister's husband.
    But my mother replied, “Let the children grow up, then we’ll talk enough so that no one distracts.” This is where my mom woke up.
    The dream was from Friday to Saturday. Mom is currently helping my younger sister with children - 12 and 3 years old. Help, please, with interpretation. A little worrisome...
    Thanks a lot

    Hello, almost 2 years ago my cousin died, she was 20. The first time I dreamed about her was still very young, as if she were 10 years old. She was silent, did not talk to me. Then, as if I was walking in my city and seeing her at the bus stop, I was so happy, I started hugging her. I took her by the hands and pulled her along, saying let's go and see how I live. And she told me: "Not now, I have to go already." She got on the bus with her father, he is alive. Then I dreamed. as we sit on the couch, I'm scared, I understand that she died. She tells me: “I didn’t want it to happen like this.” Then I stand in the hallway and look into that room, and there seems to be an abyss and it’s dark, I thought whether I should go there or not. I did not go. And today I saw her looking at me from the window, so beautiful: makeup, hair. She just looked at me. Why is this??????

    • Nastya, a dream can promise you making difficult decisions. Also in the future (gets on the bus) there may be difficulties for people who appeared in a dream. Often dreams with the dead are a warning, in this matter it helps to better understand where to look for your own intuition.

      • Thank you very much for the answer))

    Good evening. I can't figure out why I keep dreaming about my not born sister. My mother was pregnant 2 years ago, but at the 7th month there was a miscarriage, and after some time I start dreaming about this little girl. We don’t have her grave, we left it in the maternity hospital. Mom rarely sees her in a dream, and for some reason I do it more often. The child is healthy, smiles at me, looks like she is 2-3 years old. In a dream, she and my late beloved grandmother are together, she looks after her. I can’t understand one thing, why exactly she comes so often and precisely in a dream, what could this mean? Tonight I saw the girl again and I am babysitting her again. Tell me, please, what could this mean, because really, I don’t know her.

    • Veronica, in this case it is quite difficult to understand this dream because of such a tragic resolution of pregnancy. Judging by her age, this is her real age, which she would be now.
      One of the common interpretations of visions with dead people is a warning about some problems in life that occur repeatedly, but are repeated. On the other hand, your dream may be inspired by an experience, by the fact that you thought about your sister, you wanted her to be born. The event shocked you greatly.

    Hello, my name is Tatyana, my cousin, 22 years old, died two months ago. I would not say that during her lifetime we communicated very much, but still sometimes we communicated. After the funeral, she often began to dream of me, cheerful as she was in life, I don’t even understand in a dream that she is dead. Recently there was a fortieth dinner, and, as you write to everyone, we went to the grave, commemorated, made dinner, but today she again dreamed. Cheerful, as in the good old days, in the house of our common late grandmother. There were our brothers and sisters alive, we were celebrating something. Please tell me what it can mean, it is very important to me!

    • Tatyana, if you have read the comments above, then such dreams are difficult to decipher. Here it is impossible to say exactly what caused the dream - your strong feelings about the death of your cousin or something else, because the dream was a dream not so long ago from a tragic event. In particular cases, the images of deceased people in a dream portend trouble, a change in the weather and some ill health.

    Hello, 44 ​​days ago my older sister passed away, I'm very worried, I can't find a place for myself, it's very difficult. Today I dreamed about her, in the room where I used to live, a white ball appeared, I began to call all my relatives, then in my head I distinctly heard the voice of my sister and began to answer her, she asked if I could hear her well, then she appeared, as it was before death, we ended up in some room where she was, she said that she was waiting for some kind of queue, I really don’t remember, I told her that I really miss her, she was silent, said that she doesn’t take offense at anyone, but she doesn’t understand why she doesn’t have socks .. I said that I would buy them for her, then she asked if I would come to her again, I don’t remember what I answered and woke up, I can’t understand what this means..

    • Maria, a dream can be quite mystical and even otherworldly, as it seems. Yes, it is true, it may be true. According to another version, it is our subconscious that draws a picture in order to see our beloved sister again, to say goodbye to her again, at least through dreams. So we get used to new realities without this person in our life. Socks and their mention can talk about some kind of trip or road.

    Igor, hello!
    And I had a dream about a dead cousin. She died of cancer more than six months ago.
    In a dream, she is sick, weak and asks me to put socks on her, I put on her socks, there are galoshes nearby, and she says that others should wear them, which hurts her .... then she goes to the bathhouse, I look after her, and in the sky the full moon is huge.
    The day before, they talked about her with her mother, perhaps a dream is connected with this ...
    It's also her grown daughter's birthday today.
    Please tell me what do you think?

    • Lisa, for some reason your comment was lost, so the answer is only now.
      Your dream may well be inspired by talking about her. Socks are usually associated with the legs, i.e. movement or intentions. Shoes mean something new in life, it is possible that a dream is a kind of warning that before making any changes in life, taking risks is worth weighing everything carefully. It also concerns important decisions, including purchases and acquisitions.

    Hello! Today (from Friday to Saturday) I dreamed that my older sister's civil husband (with whom she no longer lives, but see each other, since they have common children) died. And he left us a letter asking for forgiveness.

    • According to the beliefs of a man who dies in his sleep, he waits long life, a kind of shifting dream. However, in reality, a person may experience a variety of problems caused by separation.

    In a dream, the late cousin took my things, 3-4 pieces. What does sleep mean, tell me, please, I beg you. First we looked at my things, then later that day, I found that they were gone. Turns out she took it. She came again, I asked her about the things, she answered very sternly: “Yes, I took them.” And that's it.

    • A dream may reflect the presence of difficulties in life. Things in terms of clothing usually indicate our health, if the deceased takes them, then in this case Special attention should be drawn to the field of health. Listen to your well-being.

    I dreamed of a dead sister, she died 10 years ago. She dreams that I am at her house. I go into her bedroom and tell her it's time to get up, you're late for work. She got up and left, and I started to make the bed. I rarely dream of her, what is all this for?

    • Galina, most likely, the dream indicates that a period of difficulties can be observed in life. Be especially careful with your health, as there is also a symbol of a bed in a dream. It means that ill health can unsettle you for a while. Instead of ill health, a bad mood can also be implied.

    Hello, help, please, 2 years ago my little sister died from bilateral pneumonia. She often dreamed of being cheerful and joyful, but today she dreamed of me being angry, she was ugly, took my hand and said: “Come with me”, I started to break free, she wanted to pick me up ((((?

    • Lily, sometimes dreams with dead people warn us to be attentive to our well-being, listen to our body, and not overwork.

    Hello, my sister died a little before the new year. Today I dreamed about her. The dream was like this:
    My girlfriend and I were sitting in my apartment, in the hall. We have a fairly large window there. And it was in this window that I saw my sister, she just soared! As always beautifully dressed, hair, but for some reason without makeup. The face is pale, hollows under the eyes, in general, which one lay in the coffin, this came. I waved my hand at her, she smiled at me in response and said: “They beat girls there” and points somewhere to the side. I called my father, told him, they went to look. And now I alone went to the garages, because everyone was already desperate. There I did not go far, I heard screams and went back, there someone hit me on the head, I fell. I only saw how my grandfather ran to my aid, then I woke up.
    In fact, in a dream, Julia (sister) predicted trouble. What is it for?

    • Polina, a dream can warn of trouble. It is likely that the dream is tied to some opportunities or plans that will have to be postponed or adjusted in the future. A blow to the head reflects the sudden nature of what is happening, so you should be prepared for the rapid development of events. It is possible that the dream allegorically indicates a family problem, namely some specific one, which worries not only you.

    Hello! On Saturday afternoon (05/28/2016.) My mother dreamed of her sister who died two years ago. My sister had health problems, could not walk, used wheelchair and lay almost all the time. She lived far away from us in another country (the country of the former Soviet Union). And when my mother came to visit her and her husband for the whole summer and look after her sister, at the end of the summer she went home, but everyone asked her to stay. Mom missed me and did not listen, she returned. She said she would be back soon. But by then, her sister had died. After a few months. And yesterday her sister dreamed of lying sideways on the bed, part of her face was not visible. She looked with one big eye at my mother and told her: EXPECT DEATH IN 20-30 DAYS. Mom examined the eye well, in all details, everything was very real, as during the life of her sister. Mom immediately woke up and when I came home from work, she told me about this dream. And she said that she did not have long to live, as her sister was calling to her. Help me figure this all out. I love my mother very much and am very worried about her. And I don't want her to leave me. Thank you in advance.

    • Sergey, the dream is really frightening at first glance. It could be based on some kind of guilt your mother had towards her sister for leaving her. Of course, in fact, there is nothing reprehensible here, and the feeling of guilt is caused artificially. On such grounds, such a dream could have been dreamed. After this dream, various difficulties can occur in life, including ill health.

    Hello! Please help me understand the dream. From Saturday to Sunday, the late cousin dreamed (she died suddenly of brain cancer 2 years ago). The dream was like this: it was as if I came to my cousin (they are relatives to each other), and there stands the deceased sister, very thin, smaller and with short haircut. I am surprised that I see her, some kind of uncertain conversation with her, she says: “I’m fine, we communicate with my mother every day via Skype via the Internet.” This surprised even more, because. their mother died a year before their cousin.

    • Natalia, it is likely that the dream warned you of difficulties.
      Most often, dead people dream of feeling unwell, adversity. The mention of relatives may indicate difficulties with them. In this case, there is an indication of a cousin, the fact that you came to his house.

    Today I had a dream about my dead sister, she died young, a year and a half ago from sarcoma. We talked peacefully with her about something, and then she says to me so sharply: “I’m actually offended by you and for a very long time, you have such a salary, but you didn’t even give me medicines ....” What could be such a dream? Even after it, my heart is restless.

    • Anastasia, the dream may turn out to be empty, however, a lot depends on the real relationship with the deceased sister. More often, dreams with the dead denote some kind of adversity in life, sometimes - poor health.

    My younger sister died a year ago, she was 31 years old. Yesterday I had a dream, she says that she has cancer and will die soon. (We lived 300 km apart, I loved her very much as a daughter). In a dream, she asks to go home, I say: “wait a year and I will sell housing and buy there.” Then she vomits and she feels bad, we hug, cry and say that we love each other very much. Then I scream very loudly: “Lord, why do I need all this.” (I wake up crying a lot).

    • Olga, a dream can be strongly tied to an emotional component. It is difficult for you to accept her departure so early, and besides, you had such a close relationship.
      If there was some kind of guilt in front of her, or you think that it was (although in reality this is not so, you did your best), then in a dream these sprouts made themselves felt.

    Hello. On Saturday afternoon, I had a dream about my late sister, who died almost 9 years ago. I rarely dream of her. I see in a dream how she is sitting as if at a table with our relatives. She was very thin, but she looked good. I decide to talk to her (I wanted to ask her forgiveness that I pay little attention and ask why she lost so much weight), at first she did not want to go (as if she was offended by me), I held out my hand to her, she took it and we went for a conversation. I began to ask for forgiveness from her, knelt down, hugged her, crying and saying: “Forgive me, you understand, when I thought that you were dead, I sat down.” In a dream, for some reason, I thought that she was alive, that her death was some kind of mistake. When I asked for forgiveness, I sobbed very hard. The dream ended abruptly.
    Please help me interpret the dream.

    • It is possible that the dream is a warning about some worries in life. Another dream could be inspired by experiences from life. Pay attention to health, it happens that dreams with the dead precede some kind of ailment.
      Also, a dream could dream of changes, including weather.

    Hello. We are twins in a family, and my sister saw in a dream how my husband and son and I had an accident. Only my son survived, and my husband and I died. Can you please tell me what this means? I'm so scared for my family...

    • Jeanne, a difficult dream. He can warn of some kind of shock, a strong emotional shake-up.

    Hello, please tell me, my husband dreamed of my dead sister, and she told him: “give them to me.” At first she was normal, and then she appeared in a different form, in which we found her hanged and she kept telling him in a dream: “give them to me.” Tell me what she wants and why did she come to him in a dream?

    • Catherine, perhaps this is some kind of warning. Usually, after such dreams, special attention should be paid to health, which is important in life. It is possible that information about what exactly needed to be given will help to understand the dream more.

    Hello. The sister was buried on December 23, 1616. Today I dreamed about her in some unfamiliar room. In an open-mouthed coffin with knees spread apart. And then she stands alive next to me at her coffin, touches her leg and says to herself: “Weakling.”
    What is it for?
    The sister died of an illness.

    • Catherine, it is possible that the dream is some kind of warning. Sometimes dead people warn of poor health, trouble.

    My older sister died at the age of 23, got hit by a train, then I was 14 years old. Now I am 42.
    My mother and I raised her two-year-old daughter, now she is doing well, she is married, has a one-year-old child. She knows that my mother is her grandmother, although she calls her mother.
    So here's the dream. Today I see my sister (by the way, if I dream about her, however, this rarely happens), then by all means in the same yellow light robe that she wore during her lifetime ... Some kind of room like a kitchen, she comes from somewhere in her yellow dressing gown. I see her eyes so clearly, just clearly (I don’t even remember her eyes in reality), we talk so kindly, hug, cry. I ask her, what do you think how many years have passed (I mean after her death), she says three? Me not. Is she six? Me not. We stopped at the number 15 ... for some reason I did not finish saying that almost 30 years have passed. Then I point to the girl (in a dream it seems that this is her daughter, but in fact this is my nephew by her husband, she now has some health problems), I ask: “what do you think, who is this?” My sister does not know, I say that this is her daughter.
    In a dream, my sister is so sincerely and even childishly surprised at everything that I say. But what she said, I don’t remember .... it seems that I said more.
    I woke up with great surprise and there was no fear, as usual, after dreams with the dead. Too many emotions of joy, surprise and experience were in a dream.
    Explain the dream, please.

    • Angela, a dream can be tied to your family and friends. Usually, the image of a deceased person in a dream warns of some difficulties in life, those moments where you need to be careful and cautious. In this case, there is an indication either of her daughter, or of your niece. It is likely that there are some difficulties in the life of these people. It is important not to lose sight of these moments, it is possible that they will seek advice or help.

    Good afternoon,

    Today, on the eve of Easter, I dreamed of a dead sister. She died a long time ago, she was 15 when her body was found in a forested area ..... We were not particularly close during life, very different characters.

    I dream that I choose a scarf, try it on, put it on my head (although I never wear it like that) and
    I like it very much, she is near, just near. I decided to buy this scarf, especially since it is the last one, it is no more, but when I find out the price, it is dear to me and in the end I never bought this scarf.

    Help me understand what this means?

    • Olga, in the image of a dead sister there may be some kind of warning.
      The scarf will dream of trips, changes, however, given the context of the dream with the refusal to buy it, it is likely that you will refuse them for some good reason for you.

    When I dream of a late grandmother, then, as a rule, everything that she said came true. I also have prophetic dreams. I want to say that, as for me, if the dead come off and this dream is very disturbing, even in the morning you have a burden from such a dream (this happens to me when something happens to relatives or very close to me people) in this case it is The sister of the deceased is dreaming, which means it is to death. But only if internal anxiety is felt, or this damage is directed at someone. I can hardly make contact with the dead person to talk. I asked my sister why she doesn’t help me, and she waves her hands through me and says, how can I help you. And I say verbally say what will happen. And then I began to have dreams that I would lose my husband. Everything I saw in my dreams came true. In two months I was ready for everything. Sometimes I was even afraid to sleep because of such dreams. My sister dreamed for about 40 days, as it turned out later there was damage. The damage was removed. Then they got another one on the grave of her husband. As my husband died and the first damage was taken out, I began to sleep peacefully. I even know who did the damage. So, if a sister or the dead persistently dream, then this may be damage.

    As for damage. Two weeks later, my husband received an SMS, and he called back to this number. I told him about the dream, what would happen to him, but after talking on the phone from whom the SMS came from, he sat and listened like he was retarded. I just heard that he was sent greetings from the deceased. The connection was lost. I immediately told him that it was a bug. I started having galloons that day, I see a spider crawling on the floor and I crush them on me, and then they are gone. And she began to pray and throw off on animals. So my rabbits died a day later, and then the dog vomited blood. A couple of weeks later, her husband passed away. By the way, whoever did the damage called on the night of the day of death and made sure of this. These were his daughters.

    • Svetlana, thanks for sharing! A very gloomy story, I sympathize with your loss ... Such events are strange, just some kind of mysticism.

      • This mysticism has haunted me since the age of 10, when my grandmother died, who tells me everything in a dream, everything that will be. She told me that everything will be fine with my husband, but I will live with him in marriage for 15 years. so it happened.

    Hello. My sister died four years ago. The first year she always dreamed of me young and beautiful. The dreams were joyful, I was calm for her, despite the irreparable loss. We were very close, I think it doesn't even need to be written. We were one. When she died, I was five months pregnant. The last time she woke me up before childbirth, the dream was very interesting and beautiful. Everything was in a golden light, she appeared before me in the form of an angel and someone's voice told me, “You now have a new guardian angel-Mary” is her name at baptism. And that's it, the dreams disappeared for many years. Today the dream was terrible. My Malika was drunk, dirty, without teeth and very drunk. She said something to me and kissed me, kissed me. hugged. I was uncomfortable, I dodged her kisses. What does this mean? I wouldn't do that in my life even if my blood was drunk.

    • Marem, most likely, the dream speaks of an unfavorable period in life. You have to be prepared for trouble. More often, a dream speaks of illness, poor health, and general difficulties are also possible. But this is only a period, it will pass.
      Write later, please, whether this dream had any interpretation in reality or whether it turned out to be empty, in your opinion.

    Hello. I dreamed about my cousin, she died almost a year ago unexpectedly for everyone, they didn’t really say the cause of death, it’s like her heart stopped in a dream. Three months did not live up to 40 years old, there were three girls left, the youngest was 5 years old. During this year, I never dreamed of her, but then a beautiful, well-groomed and pregnant woman appeared. I was delighted, I hug her, she smiles, but did not say anything. I have problems with my husband now, I understand what is connected with this, but I don’t understand what exactly. I will be waiting for your answer. Thank you!

    • Lena, you need to bring something new into your life that will help revive your relationship. Rest from routine.
      And so a dream can promise various troubles, if taken in a wider range.

    my sister is dreaming of Trinity on May 27, 2018, forty days have passed. She shows a two-story house where she will live and next to her is our deceased father and gives me black new peepholes, they stand on the floor and I look at them

    • Elena, you can get something from her. This can be understood both in material terms and in terms of a burden, some kind of responsibility. According to some dream books, galoshes promise an ailment.

    My sister died in 2011 from cancer and I dreamed that I was holding her pupils in my hands. It made me feel very bad. What would that mean. Thanks in advance for your comments

    • Most likely, this is a dream warning. Say, look into all eyes, be careful. You need to take a closer look at yourself, perhaps there are problems, but you don’t notice.

    Why dream. Me, dad and my sister went to the village. We all arrived, then someone knocks on the door. Dad opened the door, and there was my sister's boyfriend (who is now in jail) standing there, this guy went into the house and had a knife behind him. He saw my sister, who loves him very much, and he stabbed her with a knife .. Blood appeared, she held her stomach and then disappeared, that is, she died.

    • In fact, the dream could be partly a figment of your imagination, which may be related to the expectation of certain behavior from this person.
      A stab can talk about a quarrel in the family, a conflict. It is possible that the characters will be the same as in the dream.

    From Saturday to Sunday I had a dream in which I come to my sister (who died almost 30 years ago). I see her alive in the circle of her friends and kiss her. Allegedly, someone from her relatives gathered to celebrate a birthday there. But in fact, I didn’t know anyone there from those whom I saw in a dream, except for my sister. All those present in the apartment were in a good mood and I was welcomed with everyone, as if I had known them for a long time. Why this dream?

    • Natalia, often just a dead person in a dream without special actions on his part, speaks of ill health, changes in life.

    Why such a dream? My sister was a year older than me, she was very smart and beautiful, but she could not speak. I don't remember much about her and when she was 18 she died. And I didn’t attend her funeral because I live abroad. In a dream, she was allegedly my twin, we were like two drops, she was either operated on, she could speak and was very beautiful. I was glad that she was cured and she can talk. I woke up and could not help remembering whether she is now alive or dead. Because the dream was so real and for a minute I thought that she was still alive.

    • Yana, a dream may indicate a clarification of some situation in life. Something will come to the surface, it will become clear. Usually dreams with deceased people indicate some kind of negative news, so you should be careful about incoming information so as not to miss anything.

    Hello. Help explain: I have a dream that our mother (mother is alive) wants to buy herself a new suit and asks to help her choose. And then, in a dream, my sister, who died 4 years ago, appears and shows that she bought herself new clothes, a T-shirt, pants, tries on and I tell her: why didn’t she wait for me? We would go and buy together. And everything..

    • The dream had a dream tonight. From Monday to Tuesday.

      Anastasia, a dream with such a context can speak of ill health. Most likely your mom.

    Hello, my younger sister dreamed of our late older sister, in a dream the older one had a spider on her arm, and the younger one killed him and then the older one put him next to the younger one, what is it for?

    In the previous post, I entered the wrong email. Please reply here. Thank you

    • Natalya, may dream of less problems than they could be. Most often, the health sector is at risk.
      The killing of a spider is also interpreted as a quarrel in the family.

    Hello. September 27th will be exactly 4 years since my beloved twin has passed away. She comes to me in a dream every day and I don’t know what to do, because after that I get depressed. In a dream, we either fight or laugh. I go to cemeteries, I put candles and it's useless. On the one hand, of course, I like to communicate with her at least this way, but still it worries

    Wrong mail threw an apology.

    • Veronica, if every day comes, then the question already lies not in the plane of the interpretation of dreams. It is possible that the stress of losing her has affected your emotional health, it is possible that you need the help of a competent psychologist who will help you overcome the pain of losing her.

    Hello. In a dream I looked at photographs of a deceased sister, what is it for?

    • Tonya, some unpleasant memories of the past are not ruled out. It is better to remember a sister, to remember.

    I dreamed of a dead sister, held her hand near her stomach and said “it grows, it grows”, what is it for?

    • Mary, who died in a dream can be a harbinger of ill health, poor health.

    Two months ago, my elder sister died of cancer, she had been delirious for the last three days.
    I often dream about her, sometimes as if she were alive, but I understand that she is dead, but most often she dreams in her coffin, that she tosses and turns, and sometimes gets up and walks around as if delirious, and I kind of calm her down and say: “Vika , lie down, please lie down, ”because I understand that she is dead, she lies down in the coffin, but continues to toss and turn. I'm not scared in my sleep, but when I wake up, it's hard for me. Even though I am deeply saddened by her death.

    • Irina, I'm sorry for your loss. This is a terrible disease...
      Dreams of this nature seem to be talking about some unfinished business. It is possible that during her lifetime she asked you for something, to do something or to look after something / someone.

    Good evening, I dream of my sister that I bathe her in a clean pond, then she climbs further and calls me, then I wake up what does it mean

    • Larisa is probably an experience and stress in life.

    Hello, today I dreamed about my own sister, who died more than 10 years ago. I went into a room with some man, she looked good, I didn’t even recognize her right away. Then he says, you need to cook food. Some people around say, let's go, but she says no, I want you to cook us something to eat.

    • Love, a dream, most likely, speaks of ill health. It is possible that it is worth considering the hint - food, food. Somehow fix the food.

    Good afternoon. In a dream, I looked after my sick sister, took her in my arms and changed her bed. I asked if she was comfortable, she said yes, everything is fine.

    • Alena, the dream is likely to be a dream of unpleasant chores, feeling unwell and tired.

The sister who comes to you in a dream is identified with someone close or symbolizes very important events that will soon happen in your life. Great importance it also has a degree of relationship between the dreamer and the sister, because there is a big difference between cousins ​​​​and twins.
Combined dream book

  • Why is my sister dreaming - often such a dream reflects your attitude towards loved ones. Most likely, you are burdened by their excessive care and guardianship. For you, this is excessive anxiety, constant chores and even some irritability. All this eventually creates certain obstacles that prevent you from realizing your plans and ideas in reality. (cm. )
  • Why does a cousin dream - you will receive sad news, trouble, minor injuries are possible: abrasions, cuts, bruises.
  • sisters - be careful and observant. An important event will soon happen in your life, it cannot be ignored.
  • Why is the husband’s sister dreaming - a new acquaintance and an early romantic date await you. If you are married, then in a relationship with your spouse, only understanding, consent and mutual respect await you.
  • She dreams that her sister gave birth - to a big profit. (cm. )
  • Dream: two sisters - tells you that you need the help of friends, the support of a girlfriend or loved one.
  • Dream Interpretation: sisters - means getting rid of the heavy burden associated with the state of your sister's health.

American dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: what is the sister dreaming of - new worries and troubles await you, perhaps they will be associated with the appearance of a rival in your love relationships with a man.
  • sister is very interesting sign which gives us the subconscious. For someone who sees a dream, this means an increase in income, prosperity and wealth. If you own your business, then in the near future you will be able to conclude successful and profitable deals for yourself.
  • What is the dream of a dead sister - cold in relations with loved ones.
  • If the younger sister is dreaming, then the dream book interprets such a dream as a lack of care, affection, and a good attitude towards the dreamer.
  • Why does the older sister dream - you are too patronized by your parents or close relatives. Overprotection prevents you from developing and improving.
  • Why dream of a quarrel with your sister - in reality, troubles and scandals await you. A major quarrel is possible with a person to whom you treat with great love.

Children's dream book

  • Why is my sister dreaming in a dream - minor annoyances quarrels with relatives.
  • Why dream of arguing with your sister - in reality, unpleasant situations await you that will provoke a conflict with loved ones.
  • Why dream that your own sister has died - you will lose hope.

Small Velesov dream book
Seeing a sister in a dream is fortunate or receiving a gift that you have long dreamed of.
Dream: cousin - you will be greatly offended by a person dear to your heart, ahead of trouble, quarrels, betrayal and lies.
The latest dream book

  • What does it mean if a sister is dreaming - you will have troubles, you may have difficulties related to work and colleagues, a woman from your environment can provide all possible assistance to you.
  • Why dream of "sister crying" - you should be somewhat calmer and more restrained. Do not interfere in quarrels and conflicts of others that do not concern you, otherwise you will be to blame for everything.
  • with your sister - your relationship with loved ones is ideal, you have achieved complete understanding, mutual assistance and community.
  • Why is the late sister dreaming - you are neglecting some important information in your life. Such a dream should be considered a warning.

Psychoanalytic dream book

  • Why is the twin sister dreaming - a typical rivalry, a blood struggle, as between Cain and Abel. (cm. )
  • Why dream of a sister pierced her ear - such a dream can mean an ear disease, up to partial hearing loss or deception, a lie that your sister does not want to notice. (cm. )
  • A sister who died in a dream means getting rid of the heavy burden that you have been carrying in yourself for a long time.
  • Seeing a pregnant sister in a dream warns that you are too jealous of your sister in something.
  • Seeing your sister's wedding in a dream - big and pleasant changes will soon take place in your sister's life.
  • Dreams: a crushed vial in a dream by a sister can mean a complete collapse of your plans and hopes, relatives will interfere with you.

Family dream book

Modern dream book

  • Seeing a sister in a dream is a sign of good health and good health.
  • Seeing a dead sister in a dream - your financial situation will be shaken. Be careful not to invest your money in dubious scams and events.
  • Sister leaves in a dream - if you are hoping for someone's help in solving problems, these are vain expectations. You should rely only on your own strength.
  • Why dream of fighting with your sister - quarrels with loved ones, tense relationships.
  • Why is a drunk sister dreaming - you are too gullible and frivolous, take everything that happens in your life more seriously.
  • Why dream of a crying sister - conflicts are possible among your loved ones, you should adhere to a neutral position and stay away from quarrels. (cm. )
  • Dream Interpretation: a pregnant sister in a dream is financial profit.

Dream Interpretation 2012

  • What does it mean when a sister dreams? Such a dream speaks of the existing need to unite people close to you.
  • Dream: older sister - you need advice knowing person. Look for it among those people you trust. They will also give you support and protection.
  • Sleep: younger sister - you need the care of loved ones, or vice versa, you yourself are in dire need of the opportunity to take care of someone.
  • Sleep "dead sister" - expect important news.
  • The death of a sister in a dream - you will achieve your goal, get rid of uncertainty.
  • The dream “a pregnant sister had a dream” - your wealth will improve.

Dream Interpretation XXI

  • A dream about a sister suggests that you will experience anger and irritation towards your family members. But your negative emotions and nit-picking are groundless, you yourself will be to blame for the current situation.
  • Why dream when your younger sister is taken away - your future is in limbo, so far only complete uncertainty.
  • Why is my sister dreaming ex-husband- your relationship with family members is ideal. This is complete mutual understanding, peace and respect.
  • Seeing a cousin in a dream means discord in the family, swearing and quarrels over trifles.
  • The dream “the deceased sister had a dream” is unfortunately.

Dream Interpretation Grishina

  • Dream Interpretation: to see a sister in a dream - changes await you. In this regard, you will experience negative emotions from the fact that the usual way of life began to change. Get rid of irritation, accept the situation as it is.
  • Why dream of the death of a sister - trouble awaits you.
  • sisters - be careful, there may be injuries to the hands or feet or related diseases.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

  • Sleep: a sister had a dream - means that upcoming events will bring you a lot of trouble. You will be in constant worries, difficulties await you, be patient.
  • Dream: to look for a sister - a rather serious and difficult period in life awaits you. Here you should not rely on anyone but yourself. If you have patience, you will be able to solve all problems alone and emerge victorious from any situation.
  • Why is a dying sister dreaming - pay attention to your finances, control expenses, do not get involved in dubious activities. Your financial situation is in serious danger.
  • I had a dream that my sister died - financial losses await you.
  • Why is the half-sister dreaming - be patient, soon your relatives and friends will begin to think that you need their advice and help and will begin to actively interfere in your life. Be kind.

Dream interpretation bitch

  • Dream Interpretation: dear sister - the admirer whom you rejected will still remind you of yourself for a long time. There will be chance meetings, hot confessions, compliments, you will have to endure it for a long time.
  • Dream Interpretation “cousin, talk to sister” - there are people in your environment who are actively seeking your attention and friendship. But be careful with them. They want to be aware of everything that happens in your life, but only in order to use it for their own benefit.
  • Why dream that your sister died - sad, tragic events will occur in your life.
  • What the guy’s sister is dreaming of - get ready for gossip, gossip and rumors.
  • Why does the deceased sister dream - dead relatives come in dreams to convey some important information to the dreamer. Remember all the nuances of sleep. For example, if you dreamed that your late sister was pregnant, you have an unfinished business that you keep putting off for later, finish it to the end, and you will get closer to your goal; dream: sister in a coffin - warns of troubles and temporary stagnation in the development of affairs.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

  • Sister - the meaning of sleep according to the dream book is as follows: many small things await you, unpleasant family chores, tension in relations with close relatives.
  • Why is the sister of the former dreaming - you will receive news related to your past life.
  • Why dream that a sister is giving birth is a very auspicious sign, which means that you are lucky in some business and you will get a good benefit for yourself or profit.
  • What is the dream of a dead sister alive - if in general the dream caused favorable emotions, then just expect joyful events and good news, but if in a dream you experienced fear and horror, then in reality sad news awaits you.
  • Why dream of a sister in a wedding dress - global changes will soon take place in your sister's life.
  • dear sister - despite the unattractive plot, such a dream suggests that in reality you will experience joy from some kind of material acquisition.
  • Why is a pregnant cousin dreaming - soon endless worries, anxieties and worries about relatives and loved ones will fall on you.
  • Why dream of beating your sister - a conflict is brewing between you and a person from your environment, the reason for this is understatement, reticence and misunderstanding of each other. (cm. )

Ukrainian dream book

Miller's dream book

  • Miller's dream book: a sister who visited you in a dream is a symbol of news that is associated either with her or with one of her close relatives.
  • Dream Interpretation: half-sister - interprets given sign, as a person who will begin to overprotect you, advise you on what to do in a given situation and actively get into your personal affairs. In the future, such guardianship will greatly burden you. Such a dream should be interpreted as a warning. A dream gives you the opportunity to protect yourself from unnecessary and unnecessary guardianship and stop these actions in a timely manner.
  • Why does a brother dream of a sister - changes will occur in your sister's life. They concern only her.
  • Why dream of a sister's child - a sister's child symbolizes the changes that will affect you and your immediate family. These are good and favorable changes for the better. They can relate to both personal life and material well-being.
  • Why does a sister dream in a wedding dress - most often a wedding dress predicts significant changes in life. Considering that your sister dreamed about you in a dream, future events will affect either her or you.
  • Why dream of a cousin’s wedding - but such a dream predicts events that will happen to your distant relatives, perhaps you will receive long-awaited news from them.
  • Seeing the death of a sister in a dream - your sister will cope with all the problems and troubles on her own.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

  • Dream: sister - if in reality you and your sister a good relationship, then such a dream is considered a good omen, the onset of a wonderful period in life, a symbol of good luck. If you and your sister have a problematic, strained relationship, such a dream can be considered a warning about upcoming difficulties.
  • Dream Interpretation: scolding your sister - be restrained and patient, a period of difficult relationships with close relatives is coming.
  • Dream Interpretation: the birth of triplets from a sister is a very auspicious sign, symbolizing an increase in material terms, prosperity and well-being.
  • Wangi's Dream Interpretation: the sister you dreamed about may also reflect the state of your inner self, some hidden grievances or disagreements in relations with your sister.
  • Why dream about the death of a sister in a dream - think about how you live, determine your life priorities. Perhaps you are doing something wrong.

Freud's dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: to see a sister in a dream for a woman means the appearance of a sexual rival in reality, and for a man, the dreaming sister speaks of his hidden desire to change his partner.
  • Dream: rape of a sister - for a woman, such a dream suggests that for her partner she is only an object of sexual passion. Relationships are dominated by passion. A dream warns a man that in life there is a high probability of such a situation, the outcome is sad: a person will fall into slavery, become condemned.
  • A quarrel with a sister in a dream - your sister is to blame for something before you. Now is the time to pay for your transgressions. What exactly happened and what is your sister's fault you will soon find out and most likely from her.
  • Dream Interpretation: the death of a sister in a dream - says that soon everything will work out for you, problems in your sexual life will go away and stop bothering you.

Loff's dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: sister with children - symbolizes that you are well aware of your individuality.
  • Dream Interpretation: the murder of a sister and nephews or other relatives indicates that you will fail, you will be greatly disappointed.
  • Dream Interpretation: a sick grandmother turned into a sister - but such a dream indicates that you will still have a second chance to show and show yourself.
  • Seeing a dead sister in a dream means that you will receive some very important news for you and your relatives.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

  • Dream Interpretation: a twin sister who visited you in a dream is a symbol of very important news that you will soon receive, but they will concern only her.
  • Dream Interpretation: to see your sister offended - speaks of your hidden disappointments or warns that in the near future you will have troubles, worries and problems associated with relatives.
  • Dream Interpretation: to see a sister in a coffin - such an unpleasant dream means that in reality only changes for the better await you, a happy outcome of some business is possible. (cm. )
  • Dreams: a crushed vial in a dream by a sister or broken dishes indicate that in life you lack attention and care from loved ones.
  • A sister hung herself in a dream - your relatives need your help and support.

General dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: seeing a sister in a dream is a good sign confirming that your family has real and strong family relationships.
  • What is the wife’s sister dreaming of - perhaps you are moving away from the relatives of your other half or jealous of the fact that your spouse pays them a lot of attention.
  • Why dream of the birth of a sister - to good luck in family affairs and relationships.
  • Why a second cousin is dreaming is not a very favorable sign, meaning problems and troubles.
  • Why is a dead sister dreaming - soon global changes will take place in your life.
  • The sister of a loved one is dreaming - a person will soon appear in your life who will show you signs of attention, say compliments and persistently look after you.
  • and sister - your relatives need your help and support.
  • Why is a pregnant sister dreaming - if your sister is not yet married, then she will soon get married; a married pregnant sister in a dream is a symbol, meaning that serious changes await her husband. Which one depends on the sensations that you experienced in a dream.
  • Why is the little sister dreaming - you and your sister have some unfinished business or you promised her something, but you never kept your word; to see a little sister in a dream can also mean some kind of childhood grievances that it is high time to let go.
  • Why the dead sister is alive in a dream is a good change.
  • Why dream that the sister gave birth to a boy - this indicates serious changes in the life of the whole family.
  • Why dream that your sister drowned - you are having a difficult period in relations with your relatives, you are too emotional. It is vital for you to be more restrained and not succumb to emotions, otherwise they will completely take over you, and you can make many mistakes that will not be so easy to correct later.
  • Dream Interpretation: what a sister is dreaming of - your relationship with relatives will become stronger in the future.
  • What is the dream of the husband's cousin - reproaches, scandals and quarrels await you. It is possible that relations with her husband's relatives will become much worse. The conflict is based on intrigue, envy, false accusations.
  • What is the dream of a dead cousin - such a dream suggests that the period of scandals and quarrels will end soon, envious people and intriguers will leave you and yours alone. personal life.
  • This dream book the interpretation of dreams "sister" gives the following: changes await you. Which one depends on the general atmosphere of sleep.
  • Dream Interpretation: to beat a sister - in relations with relatives and other relatives, everything will soon change. The situation will be tense to the limit. Quarrels and swearing are possible, and this is due to misunderstanding and unwillingness to analyze the situation on the part of relatives.
  • Dream Interpretation: a sister is getting married - if you observe this action from the outside - expect material profits, but if you were directly involved in organizing the wedding - beware of losing money.
  • Dream Interpretation: sister's pregnancy is always a profit, and not only material. If your sister recently got married, then most likely her family will soon have replenishment.
  • Dream Interpretation: naked sister - your sister is expected to have serious health problems. Be sure to let her know.
  • Dream Interpretation: crying sister - try to be patient and not interfere in the personal lives of your relatives, let them sort out their problems on their own.
  • Dream Interpretation: beaten sister - for a dreamer this means happy outcome affairs. Your sister will be of great help in solving your problems.
  • Dream Interpretation: drunk sister - such a dream warns you to be more attentive to what is happening around you, otherwise you may soon regret your actions.
  • Dream Interpretation: mother, sister and other relatives dream of a showdown between you.
  • Dream Interpretation: she dreams that her sister has died - your sister will have a successful completion of all affairs and someone's patronage.
  • Why dream of seeing a pregnant sister - your dreams will come true.
  • What is the dream of a long-dead sister - dead relatives often try to convey some important information through a dream. If in a dream the sister was silent, then the upcoming events will be of great importance to you.
  • Sleep "husband's sister" - predicts your family complete peace, mutual respect and understanding of each other.
  • Dream "sister gave birth" - you are successful in achieving your goals, you will achieve everything that you have in mind.
  • The dream "sister in a wedding dress" is a good change.
  • Sister, I had a dream, with my brother - family chores.
  • The dream “sister gave birth to a girl” - global changes will occur in your life or in the life of your relatives, a major purchase that you have been planning for a long time is possible.
  • Kissing your sister in a dream is fortunate.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

  • Why is my elder sister dreaming - such a dream is just a reflection of your relationship with your sister or other relatives.
  • Why does a brother dream about a sister - if the dream caused you pleasant feelings, peace and tranquility - this is good luck: if a brother beats or scolds his sister in a dream - this means failure, conflicts and quarrels.
  • Why do my sister's tears dream - unfortunately.
  • Dream Interpretation: sick sister - warns of impending misfortune.
  • In a dream, seeing a “beautiful sister” and being happy for her promises you good luck in your affairs or business.
  • Dream: the late sister had a dream - to be in trouble.

Dream interpretation of medium Hasse
Seeing your own sister in a dream speaks of the good relations that have developed in your family.
Dream: second cousin - means that someone from your relatives wants to take custody of you, control your personal life and advise what and how to do.
Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Dream Interpretation Tarot
According to the dream book, the one who dreams of "sisters, sparrow" - says that soon you will receive a reward for your skillful work.
The dream “dead, sister” is a bad sign, a black streak, sad events.
Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

Medieval dream book

  • Dream interpretation: sister - always means some kind of loss or loss.
  • Dream: the sister's wedding, which you are helping to arrange, speaks of great losses.
  • Sleep "sister is crying" - your half-relatives will give you trouble.
  • Sleep "killed sister" - to trouble.
  • Swearing with your sister in a dream means quarreling with your sister's relatives or family in reality.
  • Sleep "dead sister" - troubles, injuries, illness of loved ones.

French dream book
Why does a sister dream in a dream - a dream speaks of a possible betrayal of your loved one.
Spring dream book

  • Why dream of a sister’s pregnancy - to replenishment in her family.
  • A friend's sister is dreaming - your friend will need your help.
  • Why dream of a dead sister - you will receive important news, unfortunately it is impossible to predict whether they will be good or bad.
  • Why dream that a cousin has died - troubles and sorrows will become a thing of the past. The streak of failures and bad luck is over for you.
  • Why dream of kissing your sister - such a dream means good luck and a peaceful course of affairs.
  • Why dream of a sister in a white dress that looks like a wedding - changes for the better are coming in your sister's life. These will be very important events that will completely change her life.
  • She dreams that her sister gave birth to a child - good luck in material matters.
  • Why dream of cheating on a guy with his sister - you have a serious rival.
  • Why dream of the news of the death of a sister - you will receive unpleasant news.
  • Why dream of swearing with your sister - you will lose something, the reason for this is your stupidity and not the ability to listen to the advice of relatives and friends.
  • deceased sister - beware of various financial frauds, you will not benefit from them, but only lose your savings.
  • The sister of the former in a dream can symbolize events that will remind you of the past or the appearance in your life of one of the relatives of your ex-husband.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Kananit
What does it mean to see a sister in a dream - good relations with relatives.
Fight in a dream with a sister - swear and conflict with relatives.
Dream Interpretation of Medea

  • This dream interpretation of dreams "sister" gives the following: ahead of you lies happiness and good luck in business.
  • Why dream of a drunken cousin - around you lies, gossip and resentment that your envious people spread.
  • Why dream of the death of a cousin - a streak of failures and troubles ends, only good moments lie ahead.
  • Why dream that a pregnant sister gave birth - your sister needs female participation, care and support.
  • Dream: why dream of raping a sister - such a dream warns of the danger that threatens you and your relatives. These can be injuries, serious illnesses or mental disorders.

Autumn dream book

  • Seeing a brother and sister in a dream is not very pleasant news about relatives.
  • Losing your sister in a dream means that you will have problems and you will need outside help.
  • Seeing a crying sister in a dream is a quarrel.
  • In a dream, a sister in a white dress - the richer and more beautiful the outfit, the greater success will accompany you in business.
  • Sleep "drowning sister" - your relationship with relatives is too emotional. If you constantly act in the heat of the moment, you can completely destroy your relationship with them.

Summer dream book

  • A sister was born in a dream - to memories of childhood.
  • Sleep "cousin died" - the chores, worries and difficulties that you have experienced recently will go away and you can have a good rest.
  • The dream of "sister's funeral" is a loss.
  • Seeing a dead sister alive in a dream is a favorable sign, this is good luck.

Dream Interpretation of a Housewife
Seeing an older sister in a dream means that you need the support and care of relatives or a friend.
Dream "cousin is getting married" new worries and chores await you.
Islamic dream book
Islamic dream book: a sister dreams of happiness or of receiving a gift from one of her relatives.
Beating your sister in a dream means that in real life you will have a good relationship with her. If before that you were in a quarrel with her, then soon you will make peace, harmony and understanding will prevail in your relationship.
Dream interpretation of A. Vasiliev

  • Dream Interpretation: cousins ​​​​always dream of great troubles and worries, perhaps some unpleasant events associated with these relatives are coming.
  • Dream Interpretation: Seeing a pregnant sister in a dream is always a good sign, meaning an increase in finances or pleasant surprises.
  • Dream Interpretation: admiring something with a cousin is a dream warning. Your relationships with loved ones will become more tense, quarrels and conflicts are possible. You will be annoyed and worried about the upcoming events.
  • Dream Interpretation: quarreled with her sister - in reality, problems and grief await you. Perhaps a person very close to you will offend you.
  • Dream Interpretation: cousin's wedding - upcoming events are related to your cousin and her relatives. It is possible that they will want to take a more active part in your life. Do not be angry and offended by their overprotection. They do it with the best of intentions. Leave your annoyance and anger.
  • sisters - very soon your sister will receive a tempting marriage proposal.
  • Dream Interpretation: the deceased sister is knocking on the window - be careful. Upcoming events, news and announcements are very important to you.
  • Dream Interpretation: sister's funeral - sad news will come to you from afar. There is uncertainty in your future, be attentive to the events taking place around you.
  • Dream Interpretation: the wedding of an unmarried sister - global changes for the better will take place in your life, and your sister will take an active part in them. It is she who will help you realize your plans, ideas and dreams.
  • Dream Interpretation: the ex-husband of the sister always dreams of troubles and news from the relatives of the ex-husband. The chores will be unpleasant and burdensome for you.
  • Dream Interpretation: hugging your sister means that your relationship with relatives will be good in the future: strong and harmonious.
  • Dream Interpretation: the sister of a loved one - if everything goes well with your sister, such a dream promises well-being and strong relationships, but if this is a cousin or half-sister, expect trouble, quarrels and conflicts with loved ones.

Dream Interpretation of Felomen
Dream Interpretation: a sister was born - a period of change is coming in your life. Ahead of you is prosperity and prosperity. This is a good dream.
Dream Interpretation: a quarrel with your own sister - expect problems in reality. Quarrels and conflicts are possible out of the blue, due to a misunderstanding, so try to be more restrained.
Chinese dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: quarreling with your sister - you feel envy or guilt in front of your sister and this does not give you peace of mind. Do not carry negative thoughts in yourself, they can develop into real hatred.
  • Dream Interpretation: a pregnant sister in a dream is a big change in your sister's life.
  • Dream Interpretation: wife's sister - relatives from the wife's side will begin to be more active in relation to your family.
  • Dream Interpretation: a sister in a wedding dress - such a dream portends material well-being and good luck in financial affairs.
  • Dream Interpretation: sister is crying - your sister will receive bad news and will urgently need your support and help.

Big home dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: the birth of a sister - everything will get better in your life soon, peace and tranquility will come. If you have been single, you will soon find a true friend.
  • Dream Interpretation: seeing a pregnant sister is a very good, auspicious sign. Changes for the better await you.
  • Dream Interpretation: they killed a sister - something will go wrong in your relationship with your sister, perhaps there will be a major quarrel, after which you will become strangers to each other.
  • Dream Interpretation: fight with your sister - you have a grudge against your relatives or your sister. You have hidden it so deeply in yourself that it poisons your life. Be more prudent, forgive insults, these are things of bygone days.
  • Dream Interpretation: the sister of a beloved man often dreams about the news that you receive from distant relatives.
  • Dream Interpretation: little sister - memories of childhood.
  • Dream Interpretation: sister gave birth to a girl - global changes are coming in the life of your family. They will be favorable. Only joy, peace and tranquility awaits you ahead.
  • sister, in which there is no one, means that your sister is terribly lonely, she lacks care and support. If there are any people or relatives in it, this means that your sister is lost among the overprotectiveness of her relatives.

Gypsy dream book

Dream Interpretation Longo

Russian dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: brother, sister - it is customary to identify such symbols in a dream with one's family ties.
  • Dream Interpretation: quarrel with sister - speaks of your hidden grievances.
  • Dream Interpretation: sister's wedding - such a dream always speaks of good events, but they only concern your sister.
  • Dream Interpretation: the deceased sister is a good dream, which means serious changes in your life.
  • Dream Interpretation: husband's sister - some gossip, discontent and squabbles will come from relatives from the husband's side.
  • Dream Interpretation: a pregnant sister - well-being and profit await you.

Dream Interpretation of Kopalinsky

Love dream book

  • husband and sister - you have a rival and most likely this is a person from your inner circle.
  • Why dream of a sister’s funeral - in fact, this is a good dream that predicts a long life and good health for you and your relatives.
  • Why is the dead sister dreaming - in your life are expected turning points. They are very important, your indecision can deprive you of the chance to prove yourself.
  • Why is the sister of a loved one dreaming - in your relationship there will be complete mutual understanding and idyll, everything goes on as usual.
  • What does it mean if a pregnant sister dreams - you will have new friend which will help you a lot.
  • It was a dream that the sister's husband killed her child - such an unpleasant dream may mean that your ideas, plans and plans will remain unfulfilled, perhaps relatives will interfere with you.
  • The sister of the guy who likes is dreaming - you will receive some news from your chosen one.
  • “I recaptured the guy from my sister” - what is the dream for? Such a dream says that you will interfere with your sister in some important matter for her. Try to stay out of her life.
  • Sleep "sister died" - pay attention to your health.
  • Dream "sister gives birth" - you are expected to have major changes, the purchase or acquisition of some large thing.
  • A sister drunk in a dream portends troubles and gossip to you, and this is due to your sloppy words and inability to keep your personal experiences in yourself.
  • The dream “sister is getting married” - your financial situation will improve, pleasant, joyful chores await you.
  • The dream of "kissing your sister" is good luck.
  • Seeing a sister in black in a dream warns that you will soon be upset and scared.
  • In a dream, she had a fight with her sister - perhaps your sister will make you reconsider some life positions and change your mind.
  • A pregnant cousin in a dream promises you unpleasant chores and worries.
  • A dream, why dream of raping a sister - one of the relatives or your sister takes care of you too much, it gives you inconvenience, burdens you and annoys you.
  • In an old house, seeing a sister in a dream is a memory associated with childhood or relatives.

Esoteric dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: sister, brother-in-law - relatives, which in a dream mean your relationship with loved ones and some important changes either in your life or in the life of your blood relatives.
  • Dream Interpretation: death of a sister in a dream - if your sister is alive in real life, then such a dream suggests that she will have a long life and a happy old age in the circle of people close to her.
  • Dream Interpretation: the husband is cheating with his sister - a bad sign, the collapse of hopes and plans, disappointment.
  • Dream Interpretation: a pregnant sister dreamed - a new beginning awaits you, great prospects in the very near future.
  • Seeing a pregnant cousin in a dream - your plans are not yet destined to come true, now the moment is extremely unfavorable for the implementation of new ideas.
  • Dream Interpretation: why dream of the death of a sister - prosperity and longevity.
  • According to the dream book, the ex-husband's sister means some kind of trouble that comes from your former relatives.
  • Dream Interpretation: sister gave birth - you will be able to realize your plans and dreams.
  • Dream Interpretation: a dead sister who visited you in a dream usually means some important events that will happen to you soon.
  • He quarreled in a dream with his wife's sister - such a dream may indicate that soon the care of relatives from that side will fall on your shoulders.
  • Seeing a dead sister's husband in a dream - important dream. He says that fateful changes will soon take place in your sister's life.
  • The dream "sister's kiss" is a good omen.
  • To dream about the wedding of a sister who is not married means that she will soon be proposed.
  • Seeing a sister with a child in a dream means the full implementation of the plan.
  • Seeing a naked sister in a dream is a disease.
  • Seeing a drunken sister in a dream is gossip.

Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Assyrian dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: what a sister is dreaming of - such dreams can reveal not only relationships with your relatives, but also be identified with your inner self.
  • Dream Interpretation: sister died - warns of impending misfortune.
  • Seeing a dead sister alive in a dream - to well-being.
  • In a dream, the guy's sister saw - an uncertain relationship.
  • Seeing in a dream how a sister dies - to illness and physical pain.
  • Sister ex boyfriend in a dream - says that memories of the past do not let you go.
  • The dream "sister gave birth to a child" - predicts a successful course of affairs for you.
  • Seeing a mother's sister in a dream is news from afar.
  • Seeing in a dream “sister is getting married” - such a dream suggests that, thanks to your courage and determination, you will achieve your goals.
  • The dream “sister's pregnancy” is a bargain, a good purchase.
  • The dream "sister of the beloved" - promises you a long and harmonious relationship.
  • Seeing a husband's sister in a dream means pleasant family chores.
  • It is a dream that a guy marries his sister - you are not sure about your relationship, you either do not trust your partner, or you yourself are thinking about ending your relationship with him.

Vedic dream book

  • What is the dream of the deceased sister - the dead are always trying to warn us of danger or give good advice. Analyze the dream, be attentive to the events taking place around you.
  • Why dream of a late brother sister - this is also prophetic dream, which hides important information or a warning.
  • Why is the sister of a beloved man dreaming - such a dream suggests that you will soon become a member of their family. And if you are already married to your beloved man, wait for replenishment in the family.
  • Why is my sister dreaming ex girlfriend- Rumors are being spread about you.
  • Why dream of the death of a sister - your sister is in danger, she can become seriously ill. But do not experience "death" in a dream - this is a kind of deliverance, so your sister will be able to overcome the disease.

Witching dream book

Each dream book has its own interpretation of the "sister" dream. But in most cases, such dreams tell about events that will soon occur in the family. For more accurate interpretation it is necessary to remember as many different nuances from the dream as possible.

Dream Interpretation Sister Died

A sister is a person who shares your religious understandings and views, moreover, lives according to them. For the Chinese, the elder sister is the personification of wisdom. And in the famous French folk tale, literary processed and recorded by Ch. Perrault "Bluebeard", the younger sister appears as the personification of the creative potential of the soul, a symbol of something approaching the time of life when violent, abundant flowering begins.

Symbolism of dreams

The image of death sometimes looks into our dreams, frightening and leaving heavy sediments in the soul. But in dreams, death has a symbolic meaning. It is the end of one phase of life and the beginning of another. This is a change of attitudes and habits. To find out what the dead sister is dreaming of, Let's turn to dream books for help.

Alternative interpretation

Classical dream books interpret this situation as an omen of a long life, and for those who are sick - recovery, healing.

Moreover, the hero of the dream is waiting for cardinal changes on the path of life.

Miller's dream book

If your sister died in your dream

The psychologist interprets the situation of the death of a sister in a dream as news of significant problems she has at the moment. But she will cope with these troubles without undue help.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

The seer believes that she dreamed of her sister's death as a call. Be self-critical about your actions, analyze the priorities in your life. You probably live according to not quite correct principles.

Freud's dream book

According to the psychoanalyst, if you dreamed that your sister had died, then all your problems in the intimate sphere had come to an end. They will leave you completely, you will forget about them forever.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

The predictor of past years gives more extended interpretations of such dream scenarios.

To see your sister sleeping in a sarcophagus, expect favorable changes in reality, perhaps a successful completion of the event.

She dreamed that she hanged herself, this is a signal for help that the dreamer's relatives need.

Modern interpretations

Current dream books indicate that dreams with such a plot often predict news of various kinds. And they are positive or negative, depending on how the death occurred.

Loff's dream book

If death was the result of a murder, then you will face a collapse associated with commercial activities. Disappointment in partners is not ruled out. Perhaps the reason for the collapse in them.

A dream tells about some important news, where this process was natural.

Dream Interpretation Grishina

The successor and heir to the records of her ancestors about the interpretation of dreams, she is sure that the repose of her sister sleeping in a dream predicts an unclear and uncertain future.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

The dream promises an acquaintance to the sister

The esoteric predicts a blood relative of the sleeping person to meet an extravagant person after this dream.

Muslim dream book

The dreamer, together with his blood relative, will have an interesting journey. That's what dreams come with such a plot.

Plots of dreams

Dream images reflect our thoughts, our fears and anxieties. Dreams about the death of relatives can serve as a call from committing unseemly, immoral acts, overcoming temptations. And they can promise success, victory over enemies. It all depends on the meaning of the plot itself. Consider the decoding of dreams where I dreamed:

  • death agony;
  • death, as a result of murder;
  • sister in a coffin;
  • death by rape;
  • drowned woman;
  • dead cousin;
  • funeral procession;
  • telegram, where the news of death;
  • the deceased appeared alive;
  • older or younger;
  • deceased pregnant woman;
  • dead is alive.

A dream where I had a chance to see a sister who was still alive, but fought in agony, signals a deterioration in her health. Soon she will need the dreamer's help.

If you had a dream where you personally killed your sister, then your pride is superfluous. She and your stupidity will do you a disservice. You will suffer big financial losses.

If you had a chance to see in a dream that your sister is lying in a coffin on the street, this is a warning about caution on the road, on roads and other dangerous places. There may be cases of severe injuries, diseases.

If the sister drowned

A dream, the script of which contained unpleasant scenes of rape, as a result of which the dreamer's sister died, warns of possible mental disorders. Their cause may be strained relationships with others, work colleagues, or a large load in professional activities. Take a break, if possible, temporarily change the situation. These are not joke things. Save yourself from serious consequences.

A dream where you happened to see how your blood relative drowned indicates excessive emotionality in the relationship between you and your close relatives. If you often do things with a passion, then the relationship will deteriorate completely.

A dream where you managed to see a dead cousin can please you that all the unpleasant and difficult chores have come to an end. You can rest easy.

It happened to see the funeral of a sister in a dream, you cannot avoid losses. This may be related to the financial sphere, or to the sphere of interpersonal communication. One important thing is that you yourself are to blame because of your stubbornness.

I was lucky to see a dream where you received news of the death of your own sister, who is alive in reality. Expect a huge inheritance from a close relative in the near future.

You can safely embody the conceived project in reality, because a dream promises good luck, where the deceased sister appeared alive.

If in a dream a deceased elder sister brings you some news, then this is a warning that your chosen one is cunning, enjoys your inexperience and trust. Take a closer look at it so as not to make mistakes that will break your life.

When a younger sister brings news in a dream, she is trying to point out to you the talents you have that you do not develop. Although the use of them in your business activities has made your business much more successful. Moreover, it would change your life radically. And you just forgot about them.

In a dream, it happens to see that a sister has died, but she was pregnant. Even though she's actually alive. Such dreams are often a reflection of anxiety about a real pregnancy.

If she is in a position in fact, then pregnancy and childbirth will go well. In the case when she is not pregnant in reality, a signal is sent to her in a dream that there are problems with gynecology. Tell her that she needs to get tested. Perhaps this is the reason that she cannot conceive a child.

If you dreamed that your sister died, but she is alive in life, this promises a long-awaited recovery of a close relative. The joy will be double, because after a serious illness there will be no complications.

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