Hitler in his youth: childhood, youth and turning points. Adolf Hitler - biography, photo, eva brown, personal life of the Fuhrer artist

The future Fuhrer of the German people, the leader of the most "civilized Aryan" race, was born in the center of Europe, in Austria, in the town of Braunau on the Inn River. His parents are 52-year-old Alois and 20-year-old Clara Giedler (née Pelzl). Both branches of his family hailed from the Waldviertel (Lower Austria), a remote hilly region where communities of small farmers worked hard. Alois, the son of a wealthy peasant, instead of following the beaten path, made a career as a customs official, moving up the career ladder quite well. Alois, being illegitimate, bore the surname Schicklgruber until 1876 - his mother's surname, until he officially changed it - as he was brought up in the house of his uncle Johann Nepomuk Hiedler - to Hitler. By April 1889, when his son was born, Alois was married for the third time. He was a rather wealthy burgher who received more than a decent salary. state pension and tried to live in an urban manner, strenuously copying the "master's" way of life. He even bought himself an estate near the town of Lambach, becoming, though not a large, but a landowner (later, Alois, however, was forced to sell it).

The neighbors unanimously recognized his authority (it was hard not to recognize the authority of the angry and noisy mustachioed man, who always walked in an official uniform). Adolf's mother was a quiet, hard-working, pious woman with a serious pale face and big watchful eyes. She was, as they write about her, some downtrodden. True, "downtrodden" here must be understood in two ways: as an argument in family quarrels Alois did not hesitate to give free rein to his fists. And the reason for quarrels could be anything. In particular, the dissatisfaction of the retired customs officer was caused by the fact that Clara could not give birth to his son in any way. The presence of a male descendant was a key moment for Alois. Adolf and his younger sister Paula were born weak, prone to a host of different diseases.

There is a version according to which Hitler's father was half Jewish, and Adolf Hitler himself was a quarter Jew, that is, Hitler has Jewish blood, and in this regard, he simply does not have the right to make anti-Semitic speeches. It should be noted that Adolf himself was born as a result of incest, since his father Alois Hitler married a woman (Hitler's future mother) for the third time, being related to her in the second degree. So, Adolf Hitler, one of the most often cursed historical characters of the last century, entered this world, having inherited from his parents not very good health, but instead a clear mind and the persistence inherent in the peasants in achieving the goal. It was this perseverance that caused his highest rise and deepest fall.

Having learned to read early, he quickly got used to his father's library and honed on his peers the ability to tell stories read from books. The oratory of the German Fuhrer is rooted in his distant childhood. However, not only oratory - comes from childhood and has become a world-famous symbol of the swastika. He first saw the swastika, or "Hang's cross", at the age of six, when he was a chorister in a boys' choir in Lambach, in eastern Austria. It was introduced by the former abbot Hang as the coat of arms of the monastery and in 1860 was carved on a stone slab above the bypass gallery of the monastery. A banner with a swastika designed personally by Hitler in 1920 became the banner of the NSDAP, and in 1935 - the state flag of Nazi Germany.

Adolf stood out among his comrades for his perseverance, turning out to be a leader in all children's games. Moreover, the love of storytelling and a penchant for leadership almost led the future leader of the German people to a church career. “In my free time from other activities, I studied singing at a choir school in Lambach,” he recalled in the pages of “My Struggle.” “This gave me the opportunity to often go to church and directly intoxicate with the splendor of the ritual and the solemn splendor of church festivities. It would be very natural if the position of abbot were now as ideal for me as the position of village pastor was for my father in his time. For some time it was so. But my father did not like either the oratorical talents of his fighter son, nor mine dreams of becoming an abbot." Thoughts about the clergy visited not only Hitler, Joseph Goebbels, Hitler's closest ally, dreamed of becoming a church hierarch in his time. If their dreams come true, the church would undoubtedly acquire wonderful, selflessly devoted servants, and the world - who knows! – would do without the Third Reich.

However, the dream of a future connected with the church soon left Adolf Hitler, replaced by the dream of becoming a soldier. Adolf overcame the junior classes of the basic "folk" school without difficulty. But, after graduating from the basic classes, it was necessary to choose a gymnasium or a real school in order to continue education. Naturally, Alois did not like the gymnasium. This, firstly, would have cost the family quite dearly, and secondly, at the gymnasium they taught a lot of humanitarian subjects that were completely unnecessary for an official in the public service. Therefore, Adolf began to attend a real school in Linz, where his success was very mediocre. The childhood dream of a military career faded slightly, and the desire to become an artist took its place. This idea, backed up by good taste, a firm hand and the skill of a draftsman, took possession of Hitler for a long time. But his father was against it. It's one thing to be able to draw, and another to give up everything for the unclear future that awaits the artist!

Alois Giedler was heavy on hand and quick to kill, and often used his fists when other arguments were over or he was too drunk to resort to them. So, contradicting his father, Adolf exposed himself to a very real danger: while drunk, Alois did not look where he was hitting, and did not measure his strength. A sensational discovery has been made in Germany: a diary written by Adolf Hitler's younger sister, Paula, has been discovered. The diary testifies that Paula's brother was an aggressive teenager and often beat her. Historians have also discovered memoirs written jointly by Hitler's half-brother Alois and half-sister Angela. One of the passages describes the cruelty of Hitler's father, also named Alois, and how Adolf's mother tried to protect her son from constant beatings; “In fear, seeing that her father could no longer contain his unbridled anger, she decided to end these tortures. She goes up to the attic and covers Adolf with her body. When Adolf Hitler was 13 years old, his father died suddenly of apoplexy.

Adolf somehow made it to graduation in a real school, and was already preparing for the matriculation exams. But then a misfortune happened to him: he came down with pneumonia and, at the insistence of doctors, for a long time was forced to avoid serious stress on nervous system. The year following his recovery, Hitler did not work or study. However, he went to Vienna to find out about the possibility of entering the Academy of Arts, enrolled in the library of the Public Education Society, read a lot, and took piano lessons. His life in that year would have been completely blissful, if not for the circumstance that overshadowed everything - the intensified illness of his mother, after the death of her husband. Fearing that, having left Linz, he would no longer find Clara alive, Adolf abandoned the idea of ​​entering the Academy of Arts in the fall and stayed with his mother. In January 1907, she underwent surgery, and although, according to the admission of the attending physician, this could only delay her death for a short time, Clara assured her son that her condition was steadily improving. Adolf, reassured by these assurances, again went to Vienna, cherishing the dream of finally becoming a real artist.

Hitler took exams at the Academy of Arts. “When they announced to me that I was not accepted, it acted on me like a bolt from the blue,” Adolf wrote in the pages of My Struggle. “Dejected, I left the beautiful building on Schiller Square and for the first time in my short life experienced a feeling of disharmony with what I now heard from the rector's lips regarding my abilities, immediately, like lightning, illuminated for me those internal contradictions that I had semiconsciously experienced before. A few days later it became quite clear to me and myself that I should become an architect. I wonder how subjective this assessment could be. When in 1919 the paintings of Adolf Hitler - watercolor landscapes and portraits painted in oils - were shown to a great connoisseur of painting, Professor Ferdinand Steger, he issued an unequivocal verdict: "A completely unique talent." And how would history have turned if the rector of the Academy had made such a conclusion?!

But soon Adolf was not up to architecture. He was forced to return to Linz: his mother was dying. In December 1908 she died, which was a huge shock in Hitler's life. After the death of his mother, Adolf again went to Vienna. Thus, the childhood of Adolf Hitler cannot be called a "golden time" - a heavy hand, a despotic father, a downtrodden, intimidated mother, a dream of a church career ... And the dreams inherent in weak, reserved, but smart children - about justice, oh a better life, about the correct laws, as well as the ability to adapt, combined with fanaticism in achieving a once set goal. The order which, after many years, he established in Germany has its roots in childhood.

Through a short time he managed to find a job “according to his profile”: “In 1909-1910, my personal situation changed somewhat. At this time, I began to work as a draftsman and watercolorist. my chosen profession. Now I no longer returned home in the evening dead tired and unable even to pick up a book. My present work went in parallel with my future profession. Now I was in a certain sense the master of my time and could distribute it better than before. I painted for a living and studied for my soul." It should be said that Hitler's watercolors were sold out very actively: he was still a good artist. Even those who considered themselves his political opponent and did not have to praise at least some of his manifestations, recognized the paintings of the young Austrian as a significant achievement in art.

One of the reasons for Hitler's desire to become an artist or architect was the desire to enter the class that rules the world, the elite and Bohemia, to continue and surpass the work of his father, who had risen from peasants to officials. In the Vienna period, Adolf's political preferences also began to take shape. Probably Adolf's anti-Semitism also comes from Vienna. On the one hand, the Jews in Austria-Hungary were not loved and despised. This anti-Semitism at the everyday level was familiar to Hitler from childhood, was for him an integral part of existing world. On the other hand, when Adolf moved to Vienna and tried to make a career as an artist, he could not help but notice how much influence and what financial opportunities were concentrated in the hands of unloved and despised Jews. This contradiction could, of course, be the source of his anti-Semitism.

A few years later, Hitler's Vienna period ended. The hopelessness of his position in the capital of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, multiplied by the ever-growing nationalism, pushed Adolf away from Austria, north to Germany, Hitler moved to Munich. Another of the reasons that prompted Adolf to leave Austria was that the time had come for him to be drafted into the army. But he did not want to serve Austria-Hungary. He did not want to fight for the Habsburgs, preferring the Hohenzollerns to them, did not want to serve along with the Slavs and Jews, considering the only worthy service for the good of Germany. By that time, Adolf felt himself no longer an Austrian, but a German. Be that as it may, the verdict of the Austrian commission about unfitness for service did not prevent him in the very first days of the First World War from appearing at the German recruiting station and volunteering for the Bavarian 16th Reserve Infantry Regiment. The artist's career ended for him on this, and the career of a soldier began.

Hitler's first baptism of fire (October 29, 1914) fell on the days of one of the bloodiest battles of the First World War. The German army rushed to the English Channel in order to later cover France from two sides, however, experienced British units stood in the way of the Germans, who put up stubborn and, as it turned out a little later, successful resistance. The death toll in the 16th Bavarian was hundreds of people. In this battle, the unit lost its commander and gained notoriety, but many of the survivors were presented with an award for bravery. He was awarded the Iron Cross of the second degree and Adolf Hitler.

This award, oddly enough, even before the presentation saved his life. When the list of those presented for the award was discussed, the soldiers were put out of the headquarters tent into the street - only the colonel and four company commanders remained there. In less than a few minutes, an artillery shell hit the tent. All who were there were killed or wounded, but Hitler and his three comrades remained unharmed. It must be said that in the war, Adolf was distinguished, among other things, by extraordinary luck. Several cases are described when, obeying an inner voice or a combination of circumstances, he avoided death. He described one of these cases in conversations with his comrades-in-arms. Dining on the front line, he seemed to hear an inner voice commanding him to move to another place. “I got up and walked 20 meters away, taking my lunch in a pot, sat down again and calmly continued my meal. As soon as I started eating, I heard an explosion in that part of the funnel that I had just left. A stray grenade hit exactly the place where I had just that he dined with his comrades. They all perished." The ability to feel danger on a subconscious level and effectively avoid it, Hitler demonstrated later, during numerous attempts on his life.

Having survived the first terrible battle, Adolf received the post of liaison between the headquarters of the regiment and the advanced positions - he became a scooter - a messenger on a bicycle. The commanders assessed him as a conscientious, solid and calm person, somewhat non-military in appearance, who did not differ much from his comrades. Fellow soldiers very soon pasted him a "label" crazy. Hitler's taciturnity seemed too unusual to them, his habit, when there was nothing to do, with an absent look to freeze in thought, from which he could not be torn out by any force. However, from time to time he became extremely talkative and burst into long tirades, almost speeches on the topic of his thoughts. Most of them were about his concern for victory, about the enemies on the other side of the front and the enemies in the rear. Hitler was strongly affected by the Kaiser's propaganda, which kept talking about an international conspiracy against Germany.

Hitler believed in the "Stab in the Back Theory" - in the assertion that at the same time as the enemies who openly oppose Germany, there are also conspirators who undermine its strength from within. He seemed like an exemplary zealous soldier, descended from the pages of a patriotic calendar or an agitator. Naturally, there was no question of the fervent love of fellow soldiers for him. They considered him a sick corporal in the head, dreaming of earning another stripe. He paid them the same: it was hard for the intelligent, puritanically educated Adolf to fit into their environment - he was shocked by the humor of the barracks, he was infuriated by conversations about women and brothels. Therefore, for a long time Adolf remained a loner, strong friendship did not connect him with practically anyone . However, this in no way detracts from his courage and merits. There are cases when he saved the regiment commander, literally pulling him out from under the fire of an enemy machine gun, managed to single-handedly capture an English patrol, dragged a company commander wounded by shrapnel to the German trenches, reached artillery positions under fire, preventing shelling of his infantry. True, you can not believe all the stories that have come down from those times. For example, the case included in the anthologies of the Third Reich, when Hitler single-handedly disarmed fifty Frenchmen - pure water fiction from the category of domestic textbook stories about Lenin and the inkwell.

But be that as it may, in August 1918 he was awarded a rare award for a soldier - the Iron Cross of the first degree. In the presentation to the award it was written: “In the conditions of positional and maneuver warfare, he was an example of composure and courage and was always called up as a volunteer in order to deliver the necessary orders in the most difficult situations with the greatest danger to life. When all lines of communication were cut off in heavy battles, the most important messages, despite all the obstacles, were delivered to their destination thanks to the tireless and courageous behavior of Hitler. During the four years of the war, he participated in 47 battles, often finding himself in the thick of it. By the way, over time, his courage and ability to instinctively avoid senseless danger earned him authority among the front-line brotherhood. He became something of a regimental talisman: fellow soldiers were sure that if Hitler was nearby, nothing would happen. It should be noted that this hit him in the head, reinforcing the idea that he had been smoldering since childhood about his chosenness, inherent in all overly developed and therefore lonely children and young people.

Similarly, during the war years, his confidence that an internal conspiracy still exists was strengthened. This happened during his stay in the rear in the autumn of 1916, when, after a slight wound in the thigh, he was sent to the infirmary near Berlin. Adolf spent almost five months in the rear, and, by his own admission, it was not best time. The fact is that by this moment the general enthusiasm for the war, which united all Germans, had somehow subsided, the war had turned into a purely familiar phenomenon and, frankly, already set on edge. As a result, which is very typical for wartime, a variety of human "foam" - impudent rear men, with contempt for those who rot in the trenches, playboys - the sons of wealthy parents, political agitators of a defeatist persuasion. The mood of a soldier who arrived for a short time from the front is perfectly described by Erich Maria Remarque in the novel "On Western front For a man like Hitler, who was completely and completely under the influence of front-line experiences and military propaganda, this picture should have been simply shocking. He was especially annoyed by the Social Democrats, who continued their revolutionary agitation, despite the difficult situation in Germany. They, and therefore the Jews, Hitler considered the main culprits of what was happening. However, soon the brave corporal with an untreated wound returned to the front; staying in the rear was a burden to him. In addition, the main thing he dreamed about at that time was victory.

At the beginning of 1918, Germany dictated its terms at Brest-Litovsk, and a little over a month later concluded the Treaty of Bucharest with Romania. The depleting power of the war on two fronts is over. Who knows what the victory in Germany in the First World War would have turned out to be? Could it be that the National Socialist Party would not have been founded at all, or, having been founded, would it have remained a small extremist circle?

But Germany's forces were already undermined. There were not enough resources, the front was choking with blood without reinforcements. The advance has stalled. If the imperial military machine were more flexible, this moment could have been chosen for the conclusion of a truce on no less favorable terms than in Brest-Litovsk. Or find additional reserves, carry out total mobilization and win the war, in which only a few steps remained before victory. However, the German command hesitated, and, realizing that this was the first and, perhaps, the only chance for a counterattack, the Entente went on the offensive in early August 1918. At the end of September, it became clear that if a truce was not concluded right now, the war would be lost. The transition from the expectation of an imminent victory to the doom of defeat hit hard all over Germany.

Adolf Hitler also came under attack: this situation was just a shock for him. Nevertheless, he did not give up and, with fanatical stubbornness, continued to hope for a miracle, that Germany would nevertheless be able to get out of the war with dignity. However, a combination of circumstances forced him to end the war: in the battle at Ypres, on the night of October 14, Hitler came under fire from gas shells. A few hours later, he was practically blind, experienced severe pain and pain in his eyes, and, naturally, was sent to the infirmary. In this infirmary, he met the news of the end of the war and the fall of the monarchy. On November 10, the infirmary priest informed the wounded that a revolution had taken place in Germany, a republic had been established, and a truce had been concluded. Heinz Guderian, an officer of the German General Staff, wrote in November 1918 to his wife from Munich: “Our beautiful German Empire is no more. Scoundrels trample everything into the ground. All concepts of justice and order, duty and decency seem to have been destroyed. I only regret that I have there is no civilian dress here so as not to show the crowd rushing to power the uniform that I wore with honor for twelve years.

The war ended in defeat. Together with her, that period of time during which Adolf Hitler remained a person, although politically oriented, but not striving to personally engage in political games, came to an end. The defeat of Germany crystallized in him - a small, untalented, but, in principle, a very average little man - those features and aspirations that made him the Fuhrer, the leader of the most famous in the world totalitarian state. But even this would not have been so important if fate had not provided him with the conditions in which he was able to apply these traits and realize his aspirations.

If the Allies had not been so frightened by the protracted war, if they had not strived to neutralize Germany forever, most likely, nothing much would have happened. There would be no chain of political crises that brought Hitler to power, no "black Reichswehr", no World War II. However, the members of the Entente, putting forward demands on the losing side, went too far, turning the completely legal punishment for the defeated enemy in the form of reparations and partial demilitarization into a shameful execution. Germany, already exhausted by the war, was robbed. The discrepancy between the volume of working capital and their provision gave rise to hyperinflation. The sharp, literally instantaneous closure of military factories, the reduction of the army and navy spilled such a volume of labor into the unprepared market for this that unemployment exceeded all limits. Announcements "I am looking for a job of any kind" have become commonplace, the criminogenic situation has escalated beyond measure. This, however, is understandable: on the street, with virtually no means of subsistence, hundreds of thousands of embittered healthy men found themselves professionally able to hold weapons in their hands. The country, until recently strong and rich, was plunged into poverty and lawlessness. Territorial losses gave strength to nationalist sentiments, which soon degenerated into hatred for all "non-Germans." Instead of a safe, emasculated country, the backyard of Europe, the allies have created an enemy, albeit still weak, but truly fierce, waiting in the wings.

In order for this hour to strike, Germany lacked quite a bit - a force capable of taking power and achieving its goal - revenge. It is in this situation that Adolf Hitler plunges headlong - a retired corporal with two "wounded" stripes, twice holder of the Iron Cross, holder of a diploma "For courage in the face of the enemy", a man who is not too lucky, quick-tempered and stubborn, well-read, possessing talent an artist and a good ear, having his own view of the world. To the world, which at that time he did not like at all. The war left a deep mark on his life. She finally gave him the goal to which he had always striven. After a humiliating defeat for Germany in the war, Hitler returned to Munich. Enraged by the revolution in Germany and the rise of the Weimar Republic, he turned to political activity to simultaneously oppose both the Versailles Treaty of 1919 and the new German democracy. Since he was still on the staff of his old regiment, he was assigned to spy on political parties.

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The rampant Nazism in the 30-40s of the last century is one of the most terrible and bloody events in history. Take a look at rare photos of the one who led the criminal acts against humanity.

The main person involved, the founder and executor of the embodiment of the bloody Nazi dream was Adolf Hitler, whose portrait became the face of fascism and Nazism all over the world.

In our article you will see a large selection of photographs from the life of this most terrible dictator. Many of the photographs are rare and appeared in the public domain quite recently, when they were sold under the hammer at one of the auctions in the spring.

When looking into the face of this person, the blood freezes and the horror of the realization that all the most terrible events - millions of deaths, hellish experiments and bullying of people and children - happened on our Earth precisely because of him.

root of evil

Hitler's parents, father - Alois (1837-1903) and mother - Clara (1860-1907) were formally relatives, so his father had to obtain permission to marry. Alois was a very difficult person with a tough character, he often arranged drunken brawls in the house and assaulted him. The unfortunate mother saw the light in the window only in her little son Adolf and completely gave him her love and hyper-care. He was her fourth child, the first three died at an early age from illness.

Adolf Hitler was born on April 20, 1889 in Austria in the small village of Ranshofen.

From an early age, the boy drew well, which his father was terribly dissatisfied with and forbade his son to do. The mother, on the contrary, tried to develop the boy's skills behind Alois's back and constantly inspired him that he was immensely talented and would become famous. When the father caught the eye of his son's drawings, he became furious and asked the two of them a beating, to which his wife screamed at him in despair that he was wrong, his son would still be famous all over the world. And she was right, but he became famous not for artistic drawings.

School years of Adolf Hitler

During his school years, Hitler was distinguished by good studies, leadership qualities, and also he had already begun to show the makings of nationalism and a desire to join the ranks of the Boer warriors. He colorfully demonstrated all this in drawings, showing them to his peers. According to experts, this behavior could be caused by an emotional protest in front of a despotic father, who demanded unquestioning obedience from his son.

According to the memoirs of Alois Jr., Hitler's half-brother, Adolf was distinguished by cruelty and could become furious from minor reasons, he did not love anyone except his mother, and was a narcissistic person. He was also overly spoiled - his mother indulged Adolf in everything, so he was all got out of hand.

The beginning of the path of the dictator

Munich 08/02/1914 Hitler at a rally at Odeonplatz during the mobilization of the German army to participate in the First World War.

Growing up, Hitler tried to enter an art school and was completely sure that he would succeed without difficulty. But what a blow it was for him when he was not enrolled, saying that his drawings were good, but not sufficient for an art school, with such skills he was recommended to go to the Faculty of Architecture. Adolf was furious, he believed that mediocrity was working in the school, who were not able to appreciate truly talented things.

For several years he tried to enter art schools, but everywhere he was refused. The feeling of an ideal artist nurtured by his mother haunted him, although in reality it turned out that he did not have the talent that Clara, blinded by maternal love, idealized.

After unsuccessful attempts to become an artist, the death of his mother, impoverishment and wandering, Hitler volunteered for the German army, which then unleashed the First World War. According to the recollections of fellow soldiers, Adolf was brave, quiet and executive, for which he quickly received the rank of corporal in the service, but Hitler was not given a leading rank, as he was considered an excellent performer who lacked leadership qualities. Fellow soldiers also noted his inexplicable luck: Hitler always returned from the battlefield alive and unharmed, even if his entire detachment was defeated, and when injuries occurred, they were light and did not threaten the life of the future Fuhrer.

Front photos of Hitler during World War I

During the First World War, the nationalist sentiments and beliefs of Adolf only grew and strengthened, and by leaps and bounds. When Germany began to lose and lose ground, then in the rear, in the meantime, due to poverty and hunger, protest moods began, which Hitler regarded as a betrayal.

What are the Jews guilty of?

The beginning of Hitler's ascent to the political Olympus in 1921

At the end of the war, Hitler left military service, which never became his career, but allowed him to have like-minded people, of whom there were only 7 people. With these people Hitler began his political career and later the realization of your dreams. He wanted little: "become the sole leader of Germany and start a fight against the hated Jews, and enslave the whole world." Hatred of the Jews kindled his sick imagination, Adolf believed that this nation wants to seize power over other nations and make them faceless.

Hitler was not always an anti-Semite, he had Jewish friends throughout his life who helped him to varying degrees. Anger and hatred began to grow after the death of her mother, who was ill with cancer, and her doctor was a Jew. Hitler repeatedly thanked this doctor for doing his best to cure his mother. But, most likely, Hitler had a subconscious resentment against the doctor because he did not save his mother, and she was the only person whom the Fuhrer was madly in love with, and after her death he grieved greatly. Therefore, over time, resentment grew into an obsessive hatred for the entire Jewish people.

First successes and the Beer putsch

Hitler's career grew rapidly in the political sphere, he was a great orator who could hold the attention of the crowd and captivate in his ideas.

In his speeches, the future chancellor played on the patriotic sentiments of the population that reigned in Germany after the war and the failed surrender, which led the country to huge external debts and economic decline.

When the audience of listeners who came to his speeches grew to 2,000 people, Hitler began to suppress by force everyone who shouted discontent: they were dragged out and beaten by his stormtroopers.

Having no significant obstacles from the authorities, Adolf became more aggressive and staged whole massacres with protesters against his actions and ideas with the help of entire self-defense units he created, for which he once spent 5 weeks in prison.

Hitler enlisted the experience and support of Mussolini, the Italian dictator who had successfully gained power in Italy in the 1920s through conquest and violent repression.

Beer Hall "Bürgerbräukeller" (1923), where the Beer Putsch began. Photo from the German Federal Archives

The capture of the building of the Ministry of War by the fighters of Rem during the Beer Putsch. With the banner - Himmler

In 1923, Hitler staged a putsch in Germany to seize power, which was called the "beer putsch." The seizure of power failed due to the betrayal of some of his supporters, although at first it was successful. During these events, 18 people died, including law enforcement officers and Nazis.

The birth of the famous Mein Kampf

Hitler was arrested and sentenced to five years in prison as a riot organizer, but was then released early in December 1924. In prison, he wrote his famous two-volume memoirs, consisting of an autobiography and political campaign, which he called "Mein Kampf", translated from German "My struggle". Also during the year of imprisonment, Hitler thought about the mistakes for a long time and realized that Mussolini's scenario of a violent seizure of power was not suitable for Germany, and built a new plan of action.

At Ludendorff's trial, from left to right: lawyer Holt, Weber, Roder, General Ludendorff and Adolf Hitler, 1923

After leaving the Landsberg prison in Landsberg an der Lech in Bavaria, December 1924.

In the German Federal Archives, two documents of Adolf Hitler have been preserved: the first is a permit to carry weapons, the second is confirming his membership in the National Socialist German Workers' Party, as the first person under No. 1.

Hitler's election speeches

German Nazis meeting in Munich 1929

Hitler is an excellent orator. Early 1930s, in the election race.

Photo portrait 1932.

At the construction site of the new building of the Reichsbank (the central bank of the German Empire) May 1932.

When Hitler got out of prison, he built a new plan, political, to achieve the goal. His calculation was to play on the national sentiments of the population and the middle class, which at that time was experiencing difficult financial difficulties, as well as to put pressure on the authorities. He now and then arranged various kinds of provocations.

At the pinnacle of power

After 14 years of ups and downs in the political arena through violent and political action, several rounds of elections and pressure on the German government, Hitler came to power as chancellor on January 30, 1933. The celebration of this event resulted in the famous torchlight procession through Berlin.

No one then could have imagined what kind of beast in human form was entrusted with power. After all last years in the election race, Hitler concealed and contained his anti-Semitic aspirations and desire to resort to radical measures to realize the idea of ​​purging Germany and the world of the Jewish race.

Mass Nazi rally in Bückeburg, 1934

Visiting his prison cell in Landsberg Prison 10 years later, where Hitler wrote his book "Mein Kampf" 1934.

1936 Olympic Games, German leaders signing autographs

Berlin 1936, Hitler's farewell at the New Year's banquet with the guests present

The wedding of the Nazi elite

All those in power who helped get Hitler such a high position in the government harbored the illusion that this "Nazi upstart" would become a cornered puppet in their hands, but they soon paid a bitter price for this and realized their irreparable mistake belatedly.

In the pursuit of power, Hitler decided to take care of his health in order to have time to bring his vile ideas to life and, as he believed, save Germany. Therefore, the Fuhrer became a true vegetarian, as a result of which he actively created laws for the protection of animals and toughened the punishment for their violations.

Communication with animals

Fuhrer's favorite German Shepherd Blondie

Hitler with his Scotch Terriers

Communication with children

Also, Hitler always showed concern for German children as the future of a pure nation.

Miscellaneous events during the reign of Hitler

The first statement that Hitler made as chancellor was to rearm the army and restore it to full combat capability, after which it would be possible to conquer the lands in the East with their full Germanization.

Bückeburg, 1937 Thanksgiving Day

Regular rallies

The Reichstag, a decision was made on the peaceful annexation of Austria in 1938.

Preparing for a performance by the Leopoldhall Orchestra Munich 1938.

Visit to the city of Graslitz, temporarily occupied Sudetenland, 1938.

Nazi rally in Czechoslovakia, the city of Eger 1938

Hitler with Austrian admirers in 1939.

Events leading up to World War II

Performance on the first of May at the stadium in 1939.

After Hitler came to power, the holiday received official status in 1933 - National Labor Day.

Hitler at the theater in Charlottenburg, May 1939.

The first voyage of the ship Robert Ley, Hitler on board the ship.

Tea drinking at his residence in Obersalzberg (Bavarian Alps) 1939.

The height of World War II

Hitler having lunch on the front line, 1940.

France 40th year

Hitler with Emmy and Edda Goering 1940

Emmy is a German theater and film actress, the second wife of Hermann Göring, who was secretly considered the first lady of Germany. Together with Magda Goebbels (wife of the German Minister of Education) led various kinds of charity events. Godfather Edda was Hitler himself.

Christmas celebration with German top military officials, 1941.

Adolf Hitler greets German soldiers at the airport in Uman.

In the photo, Hitler is in the Ukrainian city of Uman and welcomes his soldiers. Hitler flew here with an inspection of the German and Italian military in the summer of 1941.

Symbolic gift Hitler on the occasion of the capture of Sarajevo.

This tablet, hanging on the wall near the Latin Bridge, the soldiers hastened to remove and hand over to the Fuhrer, almost immediately after the capture of Sarajevo, as a symbol of their victory and the spread of Nazi power in these territories.

Visits to the hospital for wounded officers, 1944.

Hitler with Goebbels at a press conference in Berlin

Hitler's presentation to Marshal Goering - "Lady with a Falcon" (1880).

Both figures were collectors of paintings and other works of famous authors, by 1945 the collection of Adolf amounted to more than 6,000 paintings, Goering - more than 1,000. The paintings were acquired or confiscated by personal agents of political figures. The rights to these canvases are disputed to this day.

Hitler with Eva Braun

Hitler discussing the Ardennes operation with Göring and Guderian in October 1944

Inspection of the destruction after the bombing Soviet troops, spring 1945

The rarest recent footage

This is rare footage of Hitler last days his life, because after the massive offensives of the Soviet army on the fascist detachments of the German troops, Hitler preferred to sit out in his underground bunker.

Last photo in life

Photo courtesy of the FBI, USA. A possible change in Hitler's appearance during his attempt to escape.

According to the official version, on April 30, 1945, together with his wife Eva Braun, Adolf Hitler committed suicide. Eva died after taking a poison capsule with no visible violent signs, and Hitler first shot his beloved German Shepherd before putting a bullet in his head.

Death of Adolf Hitler

According to information from Hitler's staff, the day before they were ordered to prepare canisters of gasoline to burn the corpses. April 30, 1945 Hitler, shaking hands with people from his inner circle, went with his wife to his room, soon a shot rang out from her. After a while, the servants looked into their room, where they saw the corpse of the Fuhrer with a gunshot wound to the head and the corpse of Eva Braun with no visible injuries. After which they wrapped the bodies in army blankets, doused them with gasoline prepared earlier and burned them as ordered.

In the photo, a charred corpse is being examined by Soviet specialists.

But there is a version that Hitler, along with Brown, fled to South America, where they met their old age, and instead of themselves they left the corpses of twins. Even Stalin at one time put forward the version that Hitler was alive and hiding with the Allies.

In the photo, allegedly seventy-five-year-old Hitler on his deathbed.

"On the 124th anniversary of Adolf Hitler": Adolf Hitler ... Thousands of pages have been written about him, historians and political scientists, philosophers and writers turn to his personality, trying to understand the phenomenon of the Fuhrer. We will try to look at the life of this controversial person through the prism of a small selection of rare archival photographs arranged in chronological order.

(Total 61 photos)

1. "The grander the lie, the easier it is to believe in it." A. Hitler In the photo: Hitler in Landsberg prison during the visit of party comrades, including Rudolf Hess. 1924

2. Hitler's parents: Clara and Alois

3. Giler's birth certificate. 1989 Braunau, Austria

4. Little Hitler (third from left in the bottom row) with classmates. Fischlham, Austria. 1895

5. School photo 1901

7. Hitler in the crowd at Odeonplatz during the mobilization of the German army during the First World War. Munich, August 2, 1914

8. Volunteer Hitler (right) in the 2nd Bavarian Infantry Regiment of the Bavarian Army during the First World War. 1916

9. Hitler (back row, second from right) in a military hospital. 1918

10. Rising star of German politics. 1921

11. During the election campaign of 1923.

12. Hitler came out of Landsberg prison, where he wrote "Mein Kampf". December 1924

13. Hitler in shorts, 1924 “Some photos of Adolf Hitler look like a jester, but they prove that he experimented with his image. Those. Hitler for his time was very modern politician", - says in the preface of the book "Hitler Was My Friend" ("Hitler was my friend") Heinrich Hoffmann (Heinrich Hoffmann), who was Hitler's personal photographer.

14. "Apocalyptic, visionary, compelling." Staged photoset by Heinrich Hoffmann. 1925

15. The face of Nazism.

16. Portrait 1932

17. At the laying of the new building of the Reichsbank "a. May 1932

18. Speech at the trial in Leipzig 1933

19. Hitler during a visit to his prison cell in Landsberg prison, where he wrote "Mein Kampf" ten years ago. 1934

20. At a mass Nazi rally in Bückenburg, 1934

21. Hitler and Goebbels sign autographs for Olympic Games 1936

22. Hitler says goodbye to those present leaving the New Year's banquet. Berlin, 1936

23. At someone's wedding

24. Thanksgiving in Bückeburg. 1937

25. On the construction of the autobahn

26. Hitler takes a standing ovation in the Reichstag after the announcement of the "peaceful" accession of Austria. 1938

27. Speaker

28. Hitler in brown Nazi clothes during an outdoor performance in Austria. 1938

29. At a rehearsal of the Leopoldhall orchestra in Munich. 1938

30. During a visit to the occupied Sudetenland in the city of Graslitz. 1938

31. At a Nazi rally in Eger, Czechoslovakia. 1938

32. With Austrian fans. 1939

33. May Day rally at the stadium in 1939. With the coming to power of Hitler, May 1 received official status in 1933. The date was called "National Labor Day". A day after the introduction, the Nazis broke into the premises of the trade unions and banned them.

34. At a Nazi rally

35. At the theater in Charlottenburg. May 1939

37. On board the ship Robert Ley, which left on its maiden voyage.

38. Hitler with guests at the table in his residence in Obersalzberg. 1939

39. During lunch on the front line. 1940

40. In Paris. 1940

41. At a Christmas banquet with the German generals. 1941

42. "Friend of children".

46. ​​Hitler with Emmy and Edda Goering. 1940 Emmy Goering - German actress, second wife of Hermann Goering. Since the then Reich Chancellor and Reich President of Germany, Adolf Hitler, did not have a wife, Emmy Goering was tacitly considered the “first lady” of Germany and, in this capacity, along with Magda Goebbels, who tried to play the same role, led various charity events.

47. "Friend of animals."

48. Hitler and Eva Braun with their Scottish Terriers.

49. Also, Hitler had a shepherd named Blondie.

50. Reading the morning press.

51. Hitler and Eva Braun. 1943

53. Hitler, Goering and Guderian are discussing the Ardennes operation. October 1944

54. Hitler visits one of the officers, just like him, who suffered from an unsuccessful assassination attempt on him on July 20, 1944. After the assassination attempt, Hitler was unable to stay on his feet all day, as more than 100 fragments were removed from his legs. In addition, he had a dislocation right hand, the hair on the back of the head is scorched and the eardrums are damaged. I was temporarily deaf in my right ear. He ordered that the execution of the conspirators be turned into humiliating torment, filmed and photographed. Subsequently, he personally watched this film.

56. Hitler gives Reichsmarschall Goering a painting by Hans Makart "Lady with a Falcon" (1880). Both Hitler and Goering were passionate art collectors: by 1945, the Hitler collection consisted of 6755 paintings, the Goering collection - 1375. The paintings were acquired (including at reduced prices with the help of threats) by agents working for Hitler and Goering, donated , were confiscated from the museums of the countries occupied by Germany. Disputes over the legal status of some paintings from the former collections of the leaders of Nazi Germany are still going on.

57. One of the last photographs of Hitler. The Fuhrer in the garden of the Imperial Chancellery rewards the young members of the Hitler Youth brigade, mobilized to defend Berlin.

58. According to the official version, Hitler, along with his wife Eva Braun, committed suicide on April 30, after killing his beloved dog Blondie. In Russian historiography, the point of view was established that Hitler took poison (potassium cyanide, like most Nazis who committed suicide), however, according to eyewitnesses, he shot himself. There is also a version according to which Hitler, having taken an ampoule of poison into his mouth and bit through it, simultaneously shot himself with a pistol (thus using both instruments of death).

59. According to witnesses from among the attendants, even the day before, Hitler gave the order to deliver canisters of gasoline from the garage (for the destruction of bodies). On April 30, after dinner, Hitler said goodbye to people from his inner circle and, shaking hands with them, retired to his apartment with Eva Braun, from where the sound of a shot was soon heard. Shortly after 3:15 pm, Hitler's servant Heinz Linge, accompanied by his adjutant Otto Günsche, Goebbels, Bormann and Axmann, entered the Fuhrer's quarters. Dead Hitler sat on the couch; there was a blood stain on his temple. Eva Braun lay next to her, with no visible external injuries. Günsche and Linge wrapped Hitler's body in a soldier's blanket and carried it into the garden of the Reich Chancellery; Eve's body was carried out after him. The corpses were placed near the entrance to the bunker, doused with gasoline and burned. In the photo: the charred corpse of Hitler at the examination carried out by Soviet specialists.

60. An FBI montage taken in 1945 in case Hitler tried to hide by disguising himself.

61. There are a number of conspiracy theories claiming that Hitler did not commit suicide, but escaped. According to the most popular version, the Fuhrer and Eva Braun, leaving doubles in their place, hid in South America, where they lived safely under false names until old age. The photo allegedly depicts 75-year-old Hitler on his deathbed.

Adolf Hitler in 1924 at the Landsberg prison while being visited by party comrades, including Rudolf Hess.

Adolf Hitler's parents: Clara and Alois Hitler

Birth certificate of Adolf Giler. Braunau, Austria

Little Adolf in 1895 (bottom row, third from left) with classmates. Fischlham, Austria. 1895

School photo of Adolf Hitler. 1901

School photo. 1904

Mobilization of the German army in August 1914, Munich. Fragment with Hitler enlarged

1916 Volunteer soldier Adolf Hitler (right). Bavarian Army, 2nd Bavarian Infantry Regiment

1918, military hospital. Adolf Hitler is second from the right in the back row.

1923 Hitler during the election campaign.

December 1924. Adolf Hitler after his release from Landsberg Prison, where he wrote Mein Kampf.

1924 Adolf in shorts.

1925 year. Staged photoset by Heinrich Hoffmann. "Apocalyptic, visionary, compelling."

The face of National Socialism.

1932 portrait of Adolf Hitler

May 1932. Groundbreaking for the new branch of the Reichsbank.

1933, Hitler speaks in Leipzig at a court hearing.

1934, Adolf Hitler visits his prison cell 10 years later.

1934 rally in Bückenburg.

Olympic Games 1936. In the photo, Joseph Goebbels and Adolf Hitler are signing autographs.

1936 Hitler leaves the New Year's banquet in Berlin.

Hitler at someone's wedding

1937 Thanksgiving Day, Bückeburg.

Autobahn construction

1938 Hitler in the Reichstag after the announcement of the Anschluss of Austria.

Hitler's speech

Hitler in SA uniform. 1938

Munich, 1938 Rehearsal of the Leopoldhall Orchestra.

1938, Adolf Hitler in Graslitz, Sudetenland

1938, Eger, Czechoslovakia. Rally.

1939 Adolf Hitler with Austrian fans.

May Day rally at the stadium in 1939. With the coming to power of Hitler, May 1 received official status in 1933. The date was called "National Labor Day". A day after the introduction, the Nazis broke into the premises of the trade unions and banned them.

At a Nazi rally

at the theater in Charlottenburg. May 1939

On board the Robert Ley on its maiden voyage.

Hitler with guests at the table in his residence in Obersalzberg. 1939

During lunch on the front line. 1940

In Paris. 1940

At a Christmas banquet with German generals. 1941

"Children's Friend"

Hitler with Emmy and Edda Goering. 1940 Emmy Goering - German actress, second wife of Hermann Goering. Since the then Reich Chancellor and Reich President of Germany, Adolf Hitler, did not have a wife, Emmy Goering was tacitly considered the “first lady” of Germany and, in this capacity, along with Magda Goebbels, who tried to play the same role, led various charity events.

"Friend of the Animals"

Hitler and Eva Braun with Scottish Terriers.

Hitler with his Blondie Shepherd

Reading the morning press.

Hitler and Eva Braun. 1943

Hitler, Goering and Guderian are discussing the Ardennes operation. October 1944

Hitler visits one of the officers, just like him, who suffered from an unsuccessful assassination attempt on him on July 20, 1944. After the assassination attempt, Hitler was unable to stay on his feet all day, as more than 100 fragments were removed from his legs. In addition, he had a dislocation of his right arm, the hair on the back of his head was scorched, and his eardrums were damaged. I was temporarily deaf in my right ear. He ordered that the execution of the conspirators be turned into humiliating torment, filmed and photographed. Subsequently, he personally watched this film.

Hitler presents Reichsmarschall Göring with Hans Makart's Lady with a Falcon (1880). Both Hitler and Goering were passionate art collectors: by 1945, the Hitler collection consisted of 6,755 paintings, the Goering collection - 1,375. , were confiscated from the museums of the countries occupied by Germany. Disputes over the legal status of some paintings from the former collections of the leaders of Nazi Germany are still going on.

One of the last photos of Hitler. The Fuhrer in the garden of the Imperial Chancellery rewards the young members of the Hitler Youth brigade, mobilized to defend Berlin.

According to the official version, Hitler, along with his wife Eva Braun, committed suicide on April 30, after killing his beloved dog Blondie. In Russian historiography, the point of view was established that Hitler took poison (potassium cyanide, like most Nazis who committed suicide), however, according to eyewitnesses, he shot himself. There is also a version according to which Hitler, having taken an ampoule of poison into his mouth and bit through it, simultaneously shot himself with a pistol (thus using both instruments of death).

According to witnesses from among the attendants, even the day before, Hitler gave the order to deliver canisters of gasoline from the garage (to destroy the bodies). On April 30, after dinner, Hitler said goodbye to people from his inner circle and, shaking hands with them, retired to his apartment with Eva Braun, from where the sound of a shot was soon heard. Shortly after 3:15 pm, Hitler's servant Heinz Linge, accompanied by his adjutant Otto Günsche, Goebbels, Bormann and Axmann, entered the Fuhrer's quarters. Dead Hitler sat on the couch; there was a blood stain on his temple. Eva Braun lay next to her, with no visible external injuries. Günsche and Linge wrapped Hitler's body in a soldier's blanket and carried it into the garden of the Reich Chancellery; Eve's body was carried out after him. The corpses were placed near the entrance to the bunker, doused with gasoline and burned. In the photo: the charred corpse of Hitler at the examination carried out by Soviet specialists.

A 1945 FBI montage in case Hitler tried to hide by disguising himself.

There are a number of conspiracy theories claiming that Hitler did not commit suicide, but escaped. According to the most popular version, the Fuhrer and Eva Braun, leaving doubles in their place, hid in South America, where they lived safely under false names until old age. The photo allegedly depicts 75-year-old Hitler on his deathbed:

Name: Adolf Hitler

Age: 56 years old

Place of Birth: Braunau am Inn, Austria-Hungary

A place of death: Berlin

Activity: Fuhrer and Chancellor of Germany

Marital Status: Married to

Adolf Hitler - Biography

This name and surname are very hated by many people around the world for the atrocities that this man committed. How was the biography of the one who unleashed a war with many countries, how did he become like that?

Childhood, Hitler's family, how he appeared

Adolf's father was an illegitimate child, his mother remarried a man with the surname Gidler, and when Alois wanted to change his mother's surname, the priest made a mistake, and all the descendants began to bear the surname Hitler, and there were six of them, and Adolf was the third child. Hitler's ancestors were engaged in the peasantry, his father achieved a career as an official. Adolf, like all Germans, was very sentimental and often visited the places of his childhood and the graves of his parents.

Before the birth of Adolf, three children died. He was the only and beloved son, then brother Edmund was born, and Adolf began to devote less time, then Adolf's sister appeared in the family, he always had the most tender feelings for Paula. After all, this is a biography of the most ordinary child who loves his mother and sister, when and what went wrong?

Hitler's studies

In the first grade, Hitler studied only with excellent marks. In the old Catholic monastery, he went to the second grade, learned to sing in the church choir and helped during the mass. For the first time I noticed the sign of the swastika at Abbot Hagene on his coat of arms. Adolf changed schools several times due to parental problems. One of the brothers left home, the other died, Adolf was the only son. At school, he began to like not all the subjects, he stayed for the second year.

Growing up Adolf

As soon as the teenager was 13 years old, his father died, the son refused to fulfill the request of the parent. He did not want to become an official, he was attracted by painting and music. One of Hitler's teachers later recalled that the student was one-sidedly gifted, quick-tempered and wayward. Already in these years one could notice the features of a mentally unbalanced person. After the fourth grade in the document on education there were grades "5" only for physical education and drawing. He knew languages, exact sciences and shorthand to "two".

At the insistence of his mother, Adolf Hitler had to retake the exams, but he was diagnosed with a lung disease, he had to forget about school. When Hitler turned 18, he leaves for the capital of Austria, wants to enter an art school, but failed to pass the exams. The young man's mother underwent an operation, did not live long, Adolf took care of her until her death as the eldest and only man in the family.

Adolf Hitler - artist

Not enrolling the second time in the school of his dreams, Hitler hides and evades military service, he managed to get a job as an artist and writer. Hitler's paintings began to sell successfully. They mainly depicted buildings of old Vienna copied from postcards.

Adolf began to earn decently on this, takes up reading, is interested in politics. Leaves for Munich and again works as an artist. Finally, the Austrian police found out where Hitler was hiding, sent him for a medical examination, where he was given a "white" ticket.

The beginning of the combat biography of Adolf Hitler

This war was accepted by Hitler with joy, he himself asked to serve in the Bavarian army, participated in many battles, received the rank of corporal, was wounded, and had many military awards. Considered a brave and brave soldier. He was wounded again, even losing his sight. After the war, the authorities considered it necessary to take part in Hitler's agitators, where he showed himself to be a skilled wordsmith, he knew how to control the attention of people listening to him. Throughout this period of his life, anti-Semitic literature became Hitler's favorite reading material, which basically shaped his further Political Views.

Soon everyone was introduced to his program for the new Nazi Party. Later, he receives the post of chairman with unlimited power. Allowing himself too much, Hitler began to take advantage of his post to incite the overthrow of the existing government, was convicted and sent to prison. There he finally believed that the Communists and the Jews must be destroyed.

He declares that the whole world must be dominated by the nation of Germany. Hitler finds many supporters who unconditionally appoint him to lead the armed forces, founded personal protection by the ranks of the SS, created torture and death camps.

He dreamed of getting even for the fact that once, in World War I, Germany capitulated. He was sick, in a hurry to carry out his plan. The occupation of many territories began: Austria, Czechoslovakia, part of Lithuania, threatened Poland, France, Greece and Yugoslavia. In August 1939 Germany and Soviet Union agreed on peaceful coexistence, but, distraught with power and victories, Hitler violated this agreement. Fortunately, he stood at the helm of power, who did not give up his power to the crazy, brutalized egoist in the face of Hitler.

Adolf Hitler - biography of personal life

Hitler did not have an official wife, nor did he have children. He had a repulsive appearance, he could hardly attract women with anything. But do not forget the gift of eloquence and the position it created. From mistresses he had no end, basically, among them were married women. Since 1929, Adolf Hitler has been living with his common-law wife, Eva Braun. The husband was not at all shy about flirting with everyone, and Eva, out of jealousy, tried many times to commit suicide.

Dreaming of being Frau Hitler, living with him and enduring bullying and quirks, she patiently waited for a miracle to happen. This happened 36 hours before death. Adolf Hitler and got married. But the biography of a man who swung at the sovereignty of the Soviet Union ended ingloriously.

Documentary about Adolf Hitler