Pale arms and legs. Pale face, what to do

28.10.2017 beauty

If there are pathologies in the human body, this can affect the quality of blood microcirculation in the skin. It begins to enter the skin in insufficient quantities and because of this, the complexion changes - it becomes pale. What does a pale face mean? And does it happen that such a skin tone is a normal human reaction to external stimuli?

Why does my face turn pale?

If you have a pale face, there may be various reasons. Very often this symptom indicates. In this case, the patient’s blood pressure also drops significantly, fatigue and irritability appear.

Facial pallor can occur when:

  • low hemoglobin level;
  • kidney diseases (especially chronic);
  • glomerulonephritis;

A person also turns very pale during an attack of angina. At this time, he is worried about pain that radiates to the neck, arm and even back. The causes of facial pallor in women and men are severe stomach diseases or duodenum, since these diseases are often accompanied by severe internal bleeding. Hormonal imbalances can also negatively affect the condition of the skin. In addition, pallor can occur due to an infectious disease.

Non-dangerous causes of facial pallor

Of course, the causes of pale facial skin are not always serious diseases or pathologies. It happens that a person looks very pale after being outside for a long time in sub-zero temperatures or following a strict diet.

Physical activity also affects skin color. People who move little and rarely exercise look pale, because their heart muscle works with less intensity. The sudden appearance of pallor is observed in many people under severe stress and nervous diseases.

Majority business women They notice that after hard working days, dark circles appear under the eyes. Pale facial skin and blue discoloration around the eyes indicate decreased immunity and general fatigue. Special eyelid gymnastics and self-massage will help restore your facial skin to a healthy appearance and relieve fatigue from your eyes. You will learn about the causes of dark circles under the eyes and self-care methods at home in the following article.

Where do circles under the eyes come from?

At the beginning of the last century, interesting blue around the eyes on a pale female face was at a premium. It was this beauty, Vera Kholodnaya, that her contemporaries went crazy about. Today, a sickly look is not in fashion. In addition, bruises under the eyes can be a sign of serious health problems.

In a corner, on the nose, on an object

If during vacation and even on sick leave you look better than after a day of work, then you don’t need to guess what is the reason for the appearance of purple shadows under your lower eyelids. It's just simple fatigue.

Do exercises regularly for eyes. You can do it without leaving your office chair.

    Squeeze your eyes tight and open your eyes. After five seconds, repeat again.

    Taking a deep breath, begin to rotate your eyes clockwise and, exhaling, back. Repeat the same with closed eyelids.

    Focus on some distant object (no closer than ten meters), and then move your gaze to an object nearby. And so several times, for five to seven minutes a day.

    Blink frequently for a few seconds and periodically close your eyes for five seconds.

Good influence Massage stimulates blood circulation in and around the eyes.

    It is done with two fingers – index and middle. Draw figure eights around the eyes, like glasses converging on the bridge of the nose. Repeat this movement 8–16 times.

    Close your eyes, place the pads of your index, middle and ring finger, apply light pressure. Using gentle circular movements, massage your eyeballs, first clockwise and then counterclockwise.

    Position your fingers in the same way as in the previous exercise. Make circular movements with your eyes, overcoming the resistance of your hands. Make nine circles in one direction and the other.

But eye fatigue is not the only explanation for where the unhealthy blue color comes from. Here are just a few of them possible reasons their occurrence and the most appropriate ways to solve the problem.

Impaired lymphatic drainage

This is the most common cause of blue under eyes. The “panda effect” can occur after a rush at work or some unpleasant event. Or maybe, on the contrary, after something very pleasant: for example, after the birth of a child, who took away peace and sleep. Regular stress and lack of sleep lead to a rapid thinning of the subcutaneous layer of fatty tissue, causing blood vessels to become more visible.

What to do? Drink sedatives (valerian, motherwort). Try to go to bed earlier, drinking a glass of warm milk with honey (an excellent natural sleeping pill) at night. In the morning, wash your face with an ice cube (parsley, lemon or cucumber juice). Masks made from raw potatoes or tea bags over the eyes are useful. There is only one piece of advice for nursing mothers: use every convenient minute to sleep.

Chronic intoxication

Nicotine constricts blood vessels, causing tissues to suffocate without oxygen and literally turn blue. Smoking also reduces the level of vitamins in the body. Just like nicotine, alcohol and other harmful substances (including helminths that poison the body) affect the skin around the eyes.

Lots of water before bed

Do you like, like Frosya Burlakova, to drink six glasses of tea after a bath? Not every flimsy urban organism can withstand this. Excess fluid causes swelling, which accumulates, including under the eyes. Blueness and swelling of the eyelids occur due to dilation and engorgement of blood vessels.

What to do? Reduce the amount of liquid you drink at night to a maximum of 1 cup.

G hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism develops due to a lack of iodine in the body. The disease develops slowly and imperceptibly. In addition to the appearance of bruises under the eyes, symptoms may include: lethargy, drowsiness, deterioration of memory, attention, intolerance to cold and heat, weight loss (even with a good appetite), hair loss, etc.

What to do? Visit an endocrinologist, take a blood test for thyroid hormones, and possibly do an ultrasound of the organ. Prevention and treatment of minor iodine deficiency is the use of iodine preparations and foods enriched with this mineral (seaweed, meat and milk, eggs, sea fish, walnuts and seafood).

The best solution is to eat iodized salt daily. In addition, the reasons for the appearance of bruises under the eyes can be impaired kidney function and liver and gallbladder function, respiratory diseases and even heart failure.

By the way

Have dark circles under your eyes “decorated” your face since childhood? The culprit may be genetically large eye sockets, deep-set eyes, too thin skin around the eyes, or an excessively fragile membrane between the skin of the eyelids and the subcutaneous tissue, which causes blood vessels to show through. The skin around the eyes can become thinner with sudden weight loss, as well as with age.

What to do? Try not to aggravate the situation with poor nutrition, stress, physical inactivity and lack of fresh air. Sleep with the window open - access to oxygen stimulates metabolic processes.

In the summer heat, while relaxing at sea, the desire to relax and bask in the sun's rays, which arises in any adult or child, is quite natural. However, often as a result of tanning in the sun, the skin becomes covered with white spots, which significantly worsen it. appearance. Slightly pale and very pale skin should definitely be examined by a dermatologist, who will help establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe a set of treatment procedures.

Causes of pale face

The reasons why pale skin color appears may be different. Depending on these reasons, the dermatologist prescribes different ways treatment. The first reason is damage to the face of a child or adult as a result of prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays; not produced, or produced but very little melanin pigment in some skin areas.

Often the ability of areas of the skin to produce the pigment melanin is lost as a result of prolonged sun exposure in early life. This condition, where spots become more saturated in color during tanning, is called idiopathic guttate hypomelanosis. This condition does not respond to any treatment methods, and in a particular case, doctors advise treating the pallor of the skin of a child or adult by limiting the time spent in the open sun.

The second reason that can cause pale skin is the reaction of a child or adult’s body to taking certain medications, which include contraceptives and the antibiotic tetracycline. This reaction manifests itself in increased sensitivity to ultraviolet exposure. If you have a pale face and are taking the above medications, it is best to stop taking these medications.

The third reason is the strong pressure on various skin areas that occurs when tanning in a “tunnel” solarium. When a person is in a lying position, certain areas of his body are strongly pressed by the surfaces of the solarium, which ultimately reduces the blood flow to the pressed areas of an adult or child. This is especially true for the elbows, shoulder blades and pelvic area. IN in this case Pale skin can be avoided by frequently changing positions while tanning in a solarium.

The fourth reason is to prevent ultraviolet rays from reaching the skin of an adult or child in the process of tanning due to skin fungus or shingles. The reasons why fungus or lichen may appear are increased sweating, as well as non-compliance with personal hygiene rules.

A pleasant complexion gives you confidence and allows you to be proud of your appearance. In addition, a beautiful, radiant skin color is the first sign of health in an adult and a child. But what to do if the skin becomes pale and its color is no longer as luxurious as before? What measures should you take if you have pale skin?

About complexion and hypovitaminosis

Often, after a long, harsh winter, the skin loses its beautiful color, and all this is due to a lack of vitamins A, C, E in the body. Of course, fresh fruits and vegetables will help change a pale face. Eat kiwi, apples, pineapples, carrots, pomegranates, and then your skin color will improve and your face will shine again! Lost elasticity can also be restored with the help of multivitamins.

Moreover, vitamins must be taken not only internally, but also actively pamper your skin nourishing masks, prepared on the basis of homemade eggs, honey, yeast, sour cream, cream. Carrot juice, which is applied to the skin for literally 15 minutes, quickly restores the complexion of adults and children. Masks made from natural vegetables and fruits can give a light golden tan and thereby eliminate pale skin.

Skin color is the result of a combination of genetic traits that are unique to each person. Different complexions can be seen even among groups of people sharing the same racial category. Siblings may have different types epidermis. Even twins sometimes have different skin tones. At the same time, from time to time we all turn a little pale, sometimes without even noticing it.

Pale skin

What causes pale skin?

As it turns out, there are several causes of pale skin. Some are caused by everyday factors, while others are caused by medical, environmental, and other factors. Some of these reasons are temporary, others are long-term.

Everyday reasons

Going outside in extremely cold weather causes pale skin. This is due to the constriction of capillaries, which is part of the body's defense mechanism - an attempt to retain body heat so that a person can withstand the cold.

Attention! Low blood sugar also leads to vasoconstriction, which results in paleness. This constriction is caused by the release of adrenaline. As well as low level sugar in the blood, dehydration leads to the release of this hormone into the blood, causing spasm of the arteries and, in turn, paleness of the skin.

Sudden paleness of the skin

There are a number of reasons associated with health problems why skin color may suddenly become pale. They are cause for concern and require additional examinations and consultation with a doctor. In some cases it is required urgent Care, for example, when your lips go numb. These reasons may include:

  • vomiting;
  • orthostatic hypotension (temporary drop blood pressure with a sharp change in body position in space);
  • stomach upset due to poor quality food, alcohol or medications;
  • dehydration due to excessive alcohol consumption, sweating, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • early toxicosis during pregnancy;
  • acute infection;
  • fainting;
  • seasickness;
  • allergies to medications;
  • migraine;
  • heatstroke;
  • hypothermia;
  • heart failure due to a heart attack, arrhythmia, infective endocarditis, or other heart disorder (when the heart cannot pump blood effectively);
  • cardiovascular collapse (sudden drop in blood pressure due to severe trauma, poisoning, burns, severe infection and massive blood loss);
  • blood loss due to external or internal bleeding, heavy menstrual bleeding, surgery.

Important! A number of drugs have side effect, which is expressed in pale facial skin. Corticosteroids, aspirin, and antirheumatic drugs can cause paleness. An overdose of psychotropic substances, especially psychostimulants, also causes pale skin.

Children, like adults, often have a pale face. If your child has the following symptoms, we recommend that you contact your pediatrician immediately:

  • pallor or blue discoloration of the nasolabial triangle;
  • chills;
  • dizziness;
  • unsteadiness of gait;
  • numbness of lips.

Prolonged paleness of the skin

There are reasons that lead to prolonged pallor. In people suffering from anemia, low blood pressure, leukemia, hypertension and chronic heart problems, the pale skin tone persists throughout life. Pallor may disappear if the cause of its appearance is eliminated.

What symptoms coexist with pallor?

So, a number of causes of pallor are medical in nature and become a characteristic sign of disease. Anemia causes pallor, but the disease also causes a number of other health problems: rapid heartbeat, chest pain and shortness of breath. Weakness can also be a consequence of lack of blood circulation in the limbs. Therefore, if you have pale skin in combination with other symptoms, you should seek help from your doctor.

Symptoms of anemia

How are the causes of pallor diagnosed?

If your face becomes pale, it is recommended to visit your doctor. The first thing he will do is ask you about your medical history. This will help determine whether there is a medical reason for your paleness, or whether it is a genetic predisposition, the so-called aristocratic skin. If your doctor isn't sure what's causing your pallor based on your medical history, he'll order a series of tests to help find out.

Statistics of cardiovascular disorders

A blood test can help your doctor identify abnormal conditions such as anemia. Other tests are used to identify other causes: pregnancy, cancer, vitamin deficiency, heart abnormalities, etc.

How to remove facial pallor?

If there is a deviation in health, then the face will acquire a natural color after recovery. If there is a genetic predisposition to pale skin color, then practically nothing can be changed. However, some measures will help restore the color to your face.

  • Add foods containing vitamin B12 to your diet

Vitamin B12 is important for skin and its color. Taking it will help get rid of the aristocratic skin tone. You can increase the amount of meat and fish in your diet or take supplements containing B vitamins. Excessive intake can lead to an overdose, so check the recommended daily norm for an adult or consult your doctor.

B vitamins

  • Change your diet
    Skin color may be related to a lack of other vitamins and minerals. Pale skin can be corrected with simple dietary modifications. Add more vegetables, proteins and whole grains to your diet.
  • Wash your skin and face thoroughly
    Proper facial care will help bring out your natural complexion. But be careful: if the pallor is due to genes or something other than dirt, clear skin may become paler after such treatments. Be careful when exfoliating the skin, as rough handling can cause damage to epithelial tissue. In women, the cause of paleness is often excessive skin care.

Advice! Exposure to sunlight makes the epidermis darker due to ultraviolet rays, which stimulate the synthesis of melanin, a dark pigment. However, you should not get carried away, because excessive sun exposure to the skin can cause the opposite effect.

Some conditions that cause paleness can be corrected through surgery. After the cause is eliminated, the face regains its previous color. Again, your doctor can help you come up with the right treatment plan, and surgery will most likely be last step on this way.

The cause of a child's pale face may be a lag in the development of the cardiovascular system from the needs of a growing body. Therefore, attention should be paid Special attention diet of children and adolescents.

Once upon a time, a pale complexion was considered one of the signs of aristocracy. However, nowadays representatives of aristocratic blood prefer a healthy glow and tan. Since the fashion for an emaciated look has sunk into oblivion, it has become clear that pallor is rather a sign of an unhealthy state. Moreover, diseases affecting the skin of the face can be serious.

Pale face: internal reasons

All the reasons why the skin becomes pale can be divided into external and internal.

Internal causes that, if identified, require drug treatment:

  • Anemia. This is perhaps the most common reason. Lack of iron leads to pale skin, which sometimes takes on a grayish color. At the same time, pronounced bruises appear under the eyes. The person complains of irritability and severe fatigue. A decrease in blood pressure due to anemia leads to a constant feeling of cold in the feet and hands. By the way, anemia can be caused by an external reason - diets;
  • Heart failure. The disease is characterized by decreased blood circulation in the area of ​​the heart muscle. As a result, oxygen saturation of tissues deteriorates, which is manifested by pale skin. The main symptoms also include a feeling of tightness in the chest, pain radiating to the neck, left hand, back, bruises and swelling under the eyes. An angina attack occurs especially often after physical activity. But if the skin turns pale against the background of these symptoms without active movements, perhaps this is a warning about myocardial infarction;
  • Vegetovascular dystonia. Pale skin, high fatigue, dizziness, changes in pressure and temperature, increased sweating, cold feet and hands are the main signs of VSD, which is often diagnosed even in a teenage child. Most often, signs appear when the weather changes;
  • Hypothyroidism. Pale skin with a yellowish color is a symptom of a deficiency of hormones produced by the thyroid gland. With their deficiency, the absorption of iron in the intestine decreases, which provokes specific anemia;
  • Tuberculosis. A pale face, blue discoloration in the eye area, cough, often with blood, sudden weight loss, as well as sweating and fever in the evenings are symptoms by which the disease can be identified;
  • Leukemia. Unfortunately, oncology does not spare either a child or an adult. Pale skin that changes color to blue at any touch, lethargy, drowsiness - characteristic features accompanying blood cancer.

If you are concerned about pale skin and at the same time feel unwell, do not delay visiting a medical facility. There are times when it's better to play it safe. Surely, having found out that pale skin color has nothing to do with the listed pathologies, you will breathe more freely and, perhaps, your face will gain a long-awaited blush.

External reasons

Fortunately, the skin does not always become pale due to illness.

In most cases, the defect can be easily eliminated:

  • Fright. In both a child and an adult, a sharp release of adrenaline into the blood leads to vasoconstriction. In this case, the face acquires a pronounced white color. As soon as the fear passes, the concentration of the hormone returns to normal and the natural blush returns to the face;
  • Living in a metropolis and industrial areas is another factor that explains the pale complexion. Air saturated with gases provokes mild hypoxia. And lack of oxygen and constant stress have a negative impact on appearance;
  • Low physical activity. Alas, the rapid pace of life, lack of time to maintain excellent physical condition, reluctance to sweat in gyms– the reason why the skin loses its natural pleasant color;
  • Changes in complexion are a characteristic symptom of a person who spends too much time looking at the monitor. In addition to the radiation that negatively affects the entire body, there is also the lack of proper rest, which also does not add blush;
  • Pregnancy and the menstrual cycle are periods associated with hormonal changes, which in turn affect complexion;
  • Poor nutrition. Lack of vitamins and minerals, enthusiasm for diets often lead to an emaciated appearance, especially in the spring, when there is no opportunity to pamper yourself with cheap fruits and vegetables;
  • Smoking and alcoholism. Pale skin is one of the unpleasant, but not so significant signs of addictions. As soon as a person has a desire to return to a healthy lifestyle and quits his bad habits, the skin acquires a normal color.

By the way, there are people whose pale skin color is explained by natural causes. It’s just that their dermis contains much less melanin. Therefore, a white tint of the skin is the norm for them.

Among the irreversible causes are age-related changes. With age, any person's skin gradually begins to lose moisture. At the same time, collagen production decreases and the face becomes much more susceptible to external factors. That is why there is pallor and increased dryness of the previously ruddy face.

How to get rid of pallor

If your face or entire body is too pale, you can recommend cosmetics - blush, powder, self-tanning.

However, all these tricks will not help you maintain your blush all the time. It is necessary to solve the problem, not mask its consequences.

If there are no diseases that require treatment, you can correct the situation, so to speak, at home.

All you need to do for this is to adjust your diet, devote more time to rest, avoid stressful situations, get rid of bad habits, and do not forget about physical activity.

In this case, you will never again have to justify your paleness with an aristocratic origin!