A short prayer before bed. Prayers before bed

21.08.2019 Relationship

Communication with Higher Powers is appropriate at any time of the day. Getting started important matter, Orthodox man Be sure to pray to enlist the support of the patron saints. After this action, grace descends on the Christian, so any difficulties will not be a hindrance to him.

Very often we turn to the Lord before going to bed. This is how believers express their love and gratitude, cleanse their souls from sins, strengthen their connection with God and glorify him. Prayers, which have great power, help cope with insomnia and nightmares, give peace and restful sleep. You can read them every day. Ask not only for yourself, but also for your loved ones, so that Divine grace may also descend on them.

Prayers for the coming sleep

Conversions of this kind do not involve a ritual part. There is no need to light a candle or pick up a holy image every time. You don't even have to memorize the text. Read it from the paper, but do not forget to put meaning into these words.

A short prayer before bed

Despite their brevity, these lines have great power. Repeat the words before you fall asleep, remembering the people closest to you. Do not doubt, you will definitely be heard, even if you pray mentally.

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, prayers for the sake of Your Most Pure Mother, our Reverend and God-bearing Fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us. Amen.

Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee. To the King of Heaven: “Holy God.”

Prayer to help children fall asleep

Many parents are familiar with the situation when a child’s sleep is disturbed for one reason or another. If everything is fine with the baby’s health, but he is tormented by insomnia and night terrors, read a prayer over him to the Kazan Mother of God. Soon the nightmares will stop bothering him, and he will sleep peacefully throughout the night.

“Oh, Most Pure Lady Theotokos, Queen of heaven and earth, the highest angel and archangel and all creatures, the most honest, pure Virgin Mary, the Good Helper of the world, and affirmation for all people, and deliverance for all needs! You are our intercessor and representative, you are protection for the offended, joy for the grieving, refuge for the orphans, guardian for widows, glory for virgins, joy for those who cry, visitation for the sick, healing for the weak, salvation for sinners. Have mercy on us, Mother of God, and fulfill our request, for everything is possible through Your intercession: for glory befits You now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

The ninetieth psalm is a strong protection against nightmares

The ninetieth psalm from the Book of Psalms has great power. A believer who knows him will always be protected from troubles and misfortunes. If you feel worse in the evening and at night (anxiety and tension persist, irritability increases, bad premonitions torment you), say this miraculous prayer before going to bed. Already while reading the text, you will feel how your soul calms down. The same psalm is said before going to long journey to avoid trouble.

“He who lives in the help of the Most High will dwell in the shelter of the Heavenly God.

Says the Lord: Thou art my Protector and my Refuge, my God, and I trust in Him.

Yako Toy will deliver you from the snare of the trap, and from rebellious words.

His cloak will cover you and you will hope under His wing: His truth will surround you with weapons.

Do not be afraid from the fear of the night, from the arrow flying in the days.

From things that pass away in the darkness, from clots and the midday demon.

Thousands will fall from your country, and darkness will fall at your right hand; he won't come close to you.

Look at your eyes and see the reward of sinners.

For You, O Lord, are my hope. You have made the Most High your refuge.

Evil will not come to you. And the wound will not come close to your body.

As His Angel commanded you, keep you in all your ways.

They will take you in their arms, but not when you dash your foot against a stone.

Tread on the asp and the basilisk, and cross the lion and the serpent.

Because I have trusted in Me, I will deliver, and I will cover, because I have known My name.

He will call to Me, and I will hear him: I am with him in sorrow, I will destroy him, and I will glorify him.

I will fill him with long days, and show him My salvation.”

Prayers for the coming sleep are short and before bedtime

Prayers before bed

The Church blesses to read a number of specific prayers daily, morning and evening. It would seem - for what? Often we don’t have any special troubles, and we don’t have enough time: we want to relax, chat with loved ones and friends. However, 10-minute “prayers for the coming sleep”, in Russian, before going to bed is the protection of us and our loved ones from any evil, the calling of the Name of God, a request for help in our lives and protection for the future.

In addition, even in the works of psychologists and in sessions with psychotherapists, you can find out that nightly “affirmations”, repeated words to relax, are recommended for everyone modern people due to the active rhythm of life, information overload, stress. The Church has been offering people prayer as a means of calm, peaceful sleep and protection in the Name of the Lord for many millennia. Prayer is a dialogue with God, the Mother of God, saints, and it is much more useful than ordinary conversation with oneself.

A short prayer before bedtime

Many people who are under stress do not have time to pray long prayers - what can I say, during periods of emergency we do not even have time to take a shower. However, it is necessary to fight fatigue; the minimum is a short walk from work and an even shorter prayer before bed. Without this, sleep will be difficult, and the body’s recovery, which means performance, will be poor.

Here are the most short prayers from the vespers, which must be read daily, and which will protect you with the power of the Cross, give you the protection of the Lord - with them you entrust your life into the hands of God. You can read them by heart or online; the Church does not prohibit praying like this:

Protect me, Lord, by the power of Your Honest and Life-giving Cross and save me from any evil.

Into Your hands, Lord Jesus Christ, my God, I commend my spirit. Bless me, have mercy on me and give me eternal life. Amen

How to read prayers for the coming sleep

The Church blesses Orthodox Christians to read daily morning and evening prayers, which are in every prayer book. If you are just getting into church and cannot yet read long prayers, read the shortest ones in the text above or just the beginning of the prayers, from the prayer to the Holy Spirit “Heavenly King” to the prayer “Have mercy on us, Lord.”

You can replace evening and morning prayers with a prayer on the rosary: ​​“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner” (after one repetition of the prayer, move the bead on the rosary) for 10-15 minutes. When you can, prepare for Confession, and take a blessing from the priest for the scope of the rule. This is a responsibility, but it is also a technique for your spiritual safety.

You can come to Confession without preparation by prayer - it is only important to remember your sins from childhood, from the age of 7, if you have never confessed. But for the Sacrament of Communion you will need to prepare for two days by fasting (refusing meat, ideally meat, milk, eggs) and reading the canons to the Lord, the Mother of God, the Guardian Angel and prayers before Communion according to the prayer book, and then not eating or drinking before the morning Liturgy, come to the temple half an hour before the service for Confession. It is better to read in more detail about preparation for the Sacraments of Confession and Communion in Orthodox literature.

Read prayers in a prayer book or online consciously, without haste, with attention to every word and sincere faith in God. If you do not have time to fulfill the usual rule (that is, read the number of prayers that you have decided to read, or that the priest has blessed you with), replace them with the Jesus Prayer or shorten them: it is better not to mechanically, but to pray less carefully.

What do they pray for in evening prayers for the coming sleep?

    about the salvation of the soul and the health of the body;

    about protection in a dream from nightmares, sudden death;

    about forgiveness of sins;

    good sleep, getting rid of difficulties with falling asleep - so that sleep is for health and relaxation;

    getting rid of the influence of evil forces, dark spirits and witchcraft;

    about having a Guardian Angel next to you and protecting you from everything;

    about obedience to the will of God and the virtue of chastity, deliverance from lust and temptations;

    about deliverance from hellfire;

    about humility, patience, gratitude to God and repentance.
    Here is the first prayer to God the Father of Hosts from prayers for the coming sleep in Russian. You can read it online:
    Eternal God and King of all creatures, Who has given me to live to this day, forgive me the sins that I have committed today in thoughts, words and deeds, cleanse, Lord, my soul from all filth, physical and spiritual. And grant, Lord, that I may experience the time of sleep at night peacefully, so that, rising from my humble bed, I may please You and do good things for the glory of Your name all the days of my life and defeat the bodiless enemies who attack me and those living on earth. And deliver me, Lord, from vain and sinful thoughts that defile me, and evil lusts, and desires of the wicked. After all, You reign on Earth and in Heaven in power and glory, together with Your Son and the Divine Spirit, today and always, and forever. Amen

Prayer to the Mother of God before bed

Prayer is our protection during sleep, but scientists cannot fully study the sleepy state to this day. Many people even die in their sleep for unknown reasons. There is a belief that a bad dream means a premonition of trouble, and what is needed here is not conspiracies, amulets and talismans like a “dream catcher,” but spiritual help in prayer. Even if you believe in impending trouble, pray that the Lord Himself will help you.

Small children also often sleep restlessly. Often, poor sleep is the cause of fear and overexcitement: be more attentive to children and their needs.

If this happens constantly, follow the doctor’s recommendations, and then, without hesitation, entrust the baby’s sleep to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Thus, the Mother of God gives the special grace of protecting children through the Kazan Icon.

Here is a prayer in Russian to the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. It can be read online at the head of the crib. When your baby grows up, teach him to read the prayer rule himself:

O Great and Most Holy Lady of the whole world, Lady Theotokos! With faith, love and awe, standing before Your miraculous icon, we beg You: do not turn away from those who come to You, ask, Merciful Mother of God, Your Son and our God, the Lord Jesus Christ, to save us from all evil and give us happiness in family life, saved our country from wars and civil strife, established His Holy Church from religious wars, schisms and persecutions. We have no other help, we have no other hope, except You, Pure Virgin, Mother of God: You are the All-Powerful Helper and Intercessor to all Orthodox Christians , to all believers who pray to You. Save our child, give him peace, tranquility and sweet sleep. Help us correct our lives according to the commandments of God, so that we, with a pure heart and trembling soul, gratefully singing Your greatness, will be worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven, where, with all the holy saints of God, we rejoice and glorify You, Blessed Virgin, together with the Holy Trinity - Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Evening prayers with Archpriest Andrei Tkachev

Father Andrei Tkachev is a famous missionary; until 2014 he lived in Ukraine; with the beginning of the persecution of the Russian Orthodox Church there, he returned to Russia, where he serves in the Church of the Resurrection of the Word in Moscow.

Every day at 21:00 Moscow time in social network“Elitsa” Father Andrey reads a prayer by agreement. People from all over the world join him. Prayer by agreement is a conciliar appeal, that is, a meeting of people, to the Lord. Although those praying may be separated by thousands of kilometers, this prayer is very powerful, because Christ Himself said that if at least two people gather in His Name, He will be next to them. The live broadcast is turned on, and people repeat the words of the prayer after the priest: every day this is a request to the Lord for the important needs of the whole country, for example, for the strengthening of Orthodoxy, for the Patriarch and the President, for help for monks and the happiness of families, for health and help for children, for the sick.

Optina elders about prayers for the coming sleep

Over the past two centuries, the Holy Vvedenskaya Optina Hermitage has raised a whole host of holy elders. Special evening rules There is no Optina Hermitage, but there is a number of elders’ advice on prayer.
Reverend Joseph wrote that if you forget to read the evening prayers, come to the evening service at church and read the Jesus Prayer at home (or when returning home).
Reverend Anatoly said that after prayer you need to thank God in your own words: after all, we often only ask Him for our needs, but forget to thank Him.
If you find it difficult to read or your eyes get tired, play an audio recording.
Peaceful dreams to you and may God bless you!

Full collection and description: prayer at night I go to bed for the spiritual life of a believer.

Information site about icons, prayers, Orthodox traditions.

Prayers for the coming sleep are short and before bedtime

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Many people accumulate negativity and fatigue after the past day, commit imaginable and unimaginable sins, and fall under the influence of bad people. All this and more is reflected in your sleep. It will be anxious and intermittent. Or maybe you won’t be able to sleep at all under their weight. Short prayers for the coming sleep will help you sleep well.

You can read one or several, you can pray in your own words, addressing the saints and Kings of Heaven. If your sleep is completely disturbed due to various reasons, even stress, then it is recommended to read all the prayers for the coming sleep. Worth reading every evening. Nothing should distract or interrupt you. Contact the Mother of God, the Guardian Angels, the Kings of Heaven, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, the Mother of God Mary and other holy faces.

A short prayer before bedtime

What should you pray about before going to bed? What can you ask for? We will answer these questions for you. You can pray:

  • about the salvation of soul and body;
  • ask for intercession (protection);
  • ask for forgiveness of sins;
  • give blissful sleep;
  • get rid of enemies and harmful influences;
  • drive Satan away from you;
  • about the message of an angel of peace;
  • about chaste life and obedience;
  • about deliverance from eternal torment;
  • about deliverance from temptation and cowardice;
  • to give a good thought;
  • about patience and repentance;
  • to protect you from bad people and their influence on you.

Pray not only when you have problems and misfortunes, but every single day. In your prayers, give thanks for the day you have lived, because this is important. Ask for God's protection when you go to bed. The desired will come to a truly believing person.

Read prayers for the coming sleep

There is a Prayer Book that contains all the petitions, and these are the ones that need to be read before going to bed. For monks - Orthodox prayer book. You need to pray not only in the evenings, but also in the morning. Definitely every day. Take this with complete seriousness and responsibility.

If you have not prayed before, start with five prayers and add one more every ten days. Read intelligently, slowly, and think about every word. She must go sincerely and from the bottom of her heart. There are times when you don’t have the energy or time to read complete rule. Remember that it is better to pray briefly and thoughtfully than in a hurry, “for show.” Such speed reading would be a big mistake.

Here is one of the petitions to the Lord for a good dream:

“Eternal God and King of every creature, who has made me worthy even at this hour, forgive me the sins I have committed this day in deed, word and thought, and cleanse, O Lord, my humble soul from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit. And grant me, Lord, to pass through this dream in peace at night, so that, rising from my humble bed, I may please holy name To yours, all the days of my life, and will crush the enemies of the flesh and the incorporeal that fight me. And deliver me, Lord, from vain thoughts that defile me, and from evil lusts. For Yours is the kingdom, and the power and the glory, of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen."

Prayers for the coming sleep with Andrey Tkachev

Who is Andrey Tkachev? From one thousand nine hundred and ninety-three to two thousand and five he was a priest in the St. George Church. Since two thousand and six he has been the rector of the Kyiv temple of Agapit of the Pechersk; since two thousand and seven he has become the rector of the stone church of Luke of Crimea. In two thousand and fourteen he moved to Russia to serve in the Church of the Resurrection of the Word.

Some know him from videos on the Internet, where a man gives various lectures, including prayers that are read before bed. This program helps you find out Holy Bible. There are many prayers on the Internet that you can download for reference, including for the coming sleep. Read the petitions with Andrei Tkachev more than once and you will achieve a positive result.

A short prayer for the coming sleep

Prayer helps us in difficult times, whether we are awake or asleep. Often we sleep poorly because we anticipate a bad event or misfortune. Pray in your sleep too. It's possible. This way you can prevent trouble.

Small children often do not sleep soundly. The morning then begins with whims, and the parents are completely sleep-deprived. There is a way out in this situation. In order for the child to sleep peacefully and soundly, there is a prayer for the baby’s sleep to the Mother of God. She will save him from nightmares. After putting the baby to bed, the mother should read a petition to the Kazan Mother of God at the head of the crib:

“Oh, Most Pure Lady Theotokos, Queen of heaven and earth, the highest angel and archangel and all creatures, the most honest, pure Virgin Mary, the Good Helper of the world, and affirmation for all people, and deliverance for all needs! You are our intercessor and representative, you are protection for the offended, joy for the grieving, refuge for the orphans, guardian for widows, glory for virgins, joy for those who cry, visitation for the sick, healing for the weak, salvation for sinners. Have mercy on us, Mother of God, and fulfill our request, for everything is possible through Your intercession: for glory befits You now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Dear parents, poor sleep is often the cause of fear. Be kind, considerate and gentle. In case of fright, it is recommended to read a special plot for two to three weeks.

If the baby still sleeps restlessly, then most likely he has been jinxed. Then you should read a prayer against the evil eye.

After reading, you will see the result for yourself. The baby will wake up only once at night to eat. When your child grows up, teach him to pray on his own.

Prayer for the coming sleep Optina Pustyn

This is an appeal to To higher powers Optina elders from monastery. Reverend Joseph says that if you are not able to adhere to the rules of petition, then you should come to church for the service. At the same time, add five hundred. What it is? This is the same cell rule. Reverend Anatoly says that after prayer it is worth thanking God. Otherwise you will judge yourself. If you do not have the opportunity to read, play the audio recording, which you can hear below in the video.

Powerful prayers for the night before going to bed

According to Orthodox tradition, you should thank God for every day you live, morning and evening, before going to bed. Prayers help you feel the love of the Lord and protect you from nightmares and unhappiness.

It is known that one should turn to God not only in moments of mental unhappiness and grief, but also in free time. Morning prayers help you set yourself up for a happy and successful day. And the evening ones cry out to the Creator: through words we thank the Almighty for every day we live and protect our soul from evil.

Orthodox prayers for the coming sleep

Most people have lost the habit of such a wonderful tradition of praying at night. In the bustle of days, we forget to express love for God, but this is necessary. Prayer helps not only to praise the Creator and ask for help: it has a beneficial effect on our mood, soul and sleep.

A person who performs such actions every day has greater happiness and luck in life than one who turns to the Almighty only with a request to resolve his problems. However, for the prayer to be effective, it must be read at home correctly.

Turning to God greatly influences our lives and consciousness. With the help of holy words, we can drive away trouble, change the future and attract happiness. Not every person knows the Church Slavonic language, so difficulties may arise in reading powerful words. Especially for you, we have translated some prayers into Russian: they have not lost their power, but have become accessible and understandable.

Prayer to God before going to bed:

“Father of all living things, help me at this hour, forgive my sins that I (name) committed carelessly today. If I offended a person with an abusive word or an unacceptable act, I pray for forgiveness. Cleanse my soul from bad thoughts, and my flesh - from the desires of sinners. Deliver, O God, from earthly vanity and show Your grace in a dream. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen"

Prayer to the Lord and Jesus Christ for the coming sleep:

“Our Father and Jesus Christ, grant me (name) your mercy, do not separate from me on the path of life. I kneel and pray for help in tomorrow, save my sleep and sanctify my life. May your salvation and your love descend upon me on my bed.

Forgive my sins for the day and guide me along the path of repentance and light. Let all adversity pass as the day passed. My God and Your Son Jesus, I humbly believe in Your strength and power over evil. Protect Your servant (name). May your kingdom on earth be eternal. Amen".

Evening prayer to the Holy Spirit:

“Lord, comforter of my soul. Show Your mercy and protect Your servant (name) from misfortune. Through Your help, God, I want to cleanse my soul from the sins of the day. My thoughts and words are involuntary, and therefore sinful. Protect me from melancholy, sadness, despondency, grief and all evil intentions.

Replace my corrupt deeds with the mercy of God and allow me to repent of my deeds. Have mercy on me before going to bed and forgive my sins. Grant Your intercession against the evil force. I glorify you forever and ever. Amen".

Prayer to the Guardian Angel for the night:

“My guardian, my soul and body remain under Your protection. Forgive me (name) if I have sinned and neglected Your trust. For my daily deeds, I ask for forgiveness and pray for deliverance from sin. Not out of malice, but out of unwillingness, I anger the Lord God and you, my Defender. Show me your grace and mercy. For the glory of our Lord. Amen".

In order for God and his saints to hear your prayers, you should say them with pure thoughts and love in your heart. You can choose one prayer, memorize it and read it every day before going to bed, because it’s not about the quantity, but about your righteousness. With the help of prayers you can fulfill your desires; the most important thing is to know the sacred text and have faith in God.

Night prayer - the most powerful prayers read before bed

For believers, prayer is a way of communicating with God, during which they open their hearts to fill it with light and grace. Night prayer counts important ritual necessary to thank the Lord and reflect on the past day.

Orthodox prayers for the night

More often, people read prayers before going to bed, when they have time to devote themselves to the Lord. In order for the spoken text of the prayer to be heard, it is necessary to take this action seriously.

  1. You must not allow your imagination to go astray, be distracted by anything, or change words. All feelings and thoughts should be directed to the Lord.
  2. A prayer at night before going to bed can be read for yourself and for loved ones.
  3. Great importance has a pure heart and the absence of bad thoughts, for example, to harm someone.
  4. First you need to repent and ask the Lord for forgiveness not only for your actions, but also for your bad thoughts.
  5. You can say the Lord’s Prayer in the evening, but there are other prayer texts intended for a specific situation.

Good night prayer for love

It is difficult to meet a person who would not dream of true and sincere love. It’s rare that someone can boast that they met their soulmate without any problems. Evening prayers before going to bed help a person meet the person to whom the soul longs. They will help you not to give up, instill hope and lead you away from sin. Of great importance is the unshakable faith that the Lord will certainly hear and help you find true love.

  1. Lie down in bed and think for a while about what a lover should be like. You can visualize your relationship with him.
  2. After this, you should free yourself from all extraneous thoughts and read the prayer three times.

Night prayer to get pregnant

Many girls, in order to successfully conceive a child, seek help from a Higher Power. The best assistant in this matter is mother of God who gave the world Jesus Christ. It is important to know what prayer to read at night before going to bed in order to get pregnant, and how to pronounce it correctly. It is best to place an icon and a candle next to your bed before going to bed. Say the presented text several times, and then put out the candle and go to bed.

Night prayer for children

The task of parents is to protect and protect their children, who are a gift from the Lord. A child's prayer before bed should be said by the mother or father and is best done near the bed where the child sleeps. It is worth noting that parents can ask for their children no matter how old they are. You can ask for the gift of wisdom, reason and memory. A miraculous prayer will guide the child on the right path, help him avoid problems and find a place for himself.

  1. You need to take a regular sheet of paper and carefully write the text of the prayer in each corner so that you end up with four of them.
  2. Tear it into four pieces so that each contains text, and place it in each corner of the child’s bed. After this, stand next to a lit candle, read the prayer, putting your love into every word.
  3. A prayer at night will not only protect the child in his sleep, but throughout his life a guardian angel will be next to him.

Good night prayer for health

Although medicine has many advantages, in some situations doctors still remain powerless. The only thing that remains for people is to trust in the help of the Lord God. Exists great amount confirmations like strong prayer overnight helped people who had been diagnosed with a terminal illness. You can turn to the Higher Powers not only for your own healing, but also to help a loved one.

  1. The text must be pronounced over the person, placing icons and a lit candle nearby.
  2. You can recite the sacred text over holy water, and then give the patient a little to drink and sprinkle it on him.
  3. It is necessary to turn to the Lord every day.

Strong prayer for weight loss at night

A huge number of women dream of losing extra pounds, and to do this they use different methods. Eat miracle prayer at night for weight loss, which will help you lose weight, but only if you follow other recommendations important for weight loss.

  1. First you need to go to the temple and order yourself a prayer for health. After this, go to the icon of the Matrona of Moscow and turn to her for help by reading prayer No. 1.
  2. Cross yourself, take holy water from the church, buy nine candles and go home. If you don’t have a saint icon, be sure to buy one too.
  3. Before going to bed, light three candles in front of the image, placing a container of holy water next to it. Afterwards, repeat the prayer many times at night, and then you need to drink the water and you can go to bed.

Night prayer to calm the soul

IN modern world people face numerous problems that make them nervous and worried. All this leads to the loss of balance and harmony in the soul. In this case, prayers read before bed, which are intended to calm the soul, come to the rescue. If you read it daily, you can normalize your work nervous system, get rid of stress and improve your emotional background. The prayer can be repeated not only before bed, but also during the day when necessary. You can repeat the text as many times as you like, the main thing is to calm down.

Prayer for the night before an exam

Many students experience a lot of stress before taking exams, so they resort to various tricks. In such a situation, it will be useful to know what prayer to read before going to bed in order to successfully pass everything. Exists a large number of texts directed to the guardian angel, saints and God. One of the main assistants of believers is Nicholas the Wonderworker, to whom you can turn with various requests. Students who are afraid before the exam will also be able to find support from him. It is important to note that you should not rely on prayer alone, since it is not a magic wand.

Amulet prayer for the night

During the day a person may encounter various troubles and a lot of negativity. If energy protection is insufficient, then all this can cause illness. To avoid this, you need to know how to pray correctly at night in order to receive protection. You can turn to your guardian angel, saints, and directly to the Lord for help. If you say prayers every day, you can create an invisible shield around yourself that will protect you from all adversity.

  1. Before you go to bed, sit on your bed and say the first of the texts presented.
  2. The second prayer, read at night, is said after the person crosses himself and joins his palms at chest level.

Prayer before going to bed to the guardian angel

A prayer directed to a guardian angel, who was sent by the Lord to protect, help in difficult situations and provide daily support, has enormous power. You can turn to him with various requests so that he conveys them to the Almighty. A nighttime prayer to the guardian angel is intended to place your soul and consciousness under his protection. The clergy recommend contacting your personal protector before going to bed to thank him for the past day. It is recommended to teach the presented prayer to a child.

  1. You can recite the text while lying in bed just before going to bed.
  2. Another option is to sit at the table or in front of the images, if you have them in the house, light a candle and turn to your guardian angel.

Nighttime prayer before going to bed for fear

A huge number of people experience intense fear before falling asleep. In most cases, this is due to demons, who are frequent guests in dreams. Because of them, a person sees terrible, sinful and evil dreams. As a result, in the morning he may feel unwell, as if he had not slept at all. Short prayer at night is strong defense, which will help protect yourself from the action of demons and bad dreams. As a result, the coming morning will be bright and happy.

  1. Lie down in bed, try to relax as much as possible and get rid of extraneous thoughts.
  2. After this, read the prayer, you can repeat it several times. Immediately after this you should try to fall asleep.

Love love prayer to read at night

To improve your personal life and influence a specific person, many use magic, but often rituals have Negative consequences. In such a situation, it is best to know what prayers to read at night in order to bewitch a man. No additional attributes are needed, the main thing is a sincere desire to be happy with the chosen person, the absence of malice and evil intent, that is, you cannot turn to Higher powers to take a man away from the family.

Nighttime prayer can be used to restore lost relationships, strengthen a union, and generate love feelings in another person. It is worth noting that it can evoke both warm and disgusting feelings in the object of adoration, and it all depends on the mood of the reader, the purity of his thoughts and the sincerity of his feelings. There are several tips on how to pray before going to bed, and how to prepare for this action:

  1. First, you should cleanse yourself spiritually, for which you go to church and take communion. In the temple, be sure to light candles “for the health” of your beloved.
  2. You can't quarrel with anyone during the day. In the evening, before going to bed, be sure to read the “Our Father” first. This prayer has a beneficial effect on the human biofield.
  3. After this, a love spell is said for the night. It needs to be repeated many times. It is recommended to contact the Higher powers every day until the desired result is obtained.

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This article contains: a short Orthodox prayer before bed - information taken from all corners of the world, the electronic network and spiritual people.

We remember the most intimate and desirable things only before sleep, when worldly worries are abandoned and discarded. You can be alone with God, when the cry of your child and the presence of your husband do not disturb you, late in the evening. Although night time is associated more with witchcraft, prayers during this period are also effective. Prayer before going to bed will help you ask the Lord for protection for yourself and for your child.

With the help of prayers, only Orthodox Christians can achieve what they want. Read evening prayer words recommended regularly. Remember that you are not contacting us to cry about your bitter fate or complain about the people around you. In prayer, you first thank God for life. We recommend starting your evening ritual with the following words of gratitude:

After this, you can begin to think about your request and desires, and use other prayers to achieve your goal. As you go to bed, thank God again for the fact that you have a life and a family. If the Almighty appreciates your efforts, your wish will definitely come true. Also teach your child to open the prayer book with a text of gratitude.

A short prayer for the coming sleep

Short and simple prayer will help you quickly ask the Lord for what you desire. If there is no time to offer great honors, use this sacred text. It will protect you and your child from the evil eye and promote sound sleep. You can read it while lying in bed:

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Prayer strengthens a person's faith. It has enormous power despite its small volume. A short evening prayer, if repeated every night, can perform a real miracle. Difficulties will recede, and your faith in justice and God's Grace. Fate changes for the better if you take two minutes to read the text.

Evening prayer for insomnia

Many people are unsuccessfully looking for a spell to get a good night's sleep for themselves or their children. However, if you look in any prayer book, you will see there a sacred text for this illness. Difficulty falling asleep and the painful lack of vital rest can lead to nervous diseases. There may be several reasons at once, but the solution does not come immediately. Along with seeing a doctor, be sure to read prayers.

During this nightly ritual, you will attract good sleep and fall asleep sweetly. Ask your angel for peace and he will definitely come to the rescue. Such a miraculous deliverance is confirmed by the story of John of Damascus, a servant of the caliph. In the eighth century, iconoclasm reigned in the Byzantine Empire. John of Damascus, being a reasonable and educated man, convinced the public of the need to protect Orthodox icons.

The prayer to John is read not only at bedtime for those coming, but also for everyone whose loved ones have fallen into heresy and renounce Orthodoxy. This makes a lot of sense, because sleep problems are often observed in a restless family.

Text of the prayer to Saint John of Damascus:

How to get rid of nightmares

Prayer at night also helps get rid of nightmares. There is an effective prayer service for those going to bed, new settlers and those setting off on a journey. All these moments are interconnected by great emotional intensity. When we worry, foreign entities invade our dreams and ruin everything. If you, your loved ones or your child are tormented by nightmares, start reading short Orthodox prayers for bedtime.

The prayer of the holy righteous Joseph the Beautiful is dedicated to getting rid of fear in a dream. He died around 1700 before Christmas. His relatives envied him, and his brothers completely hated him. This is because Joseph saw prophetic dreams and accurately predicted the future. Joseph's elder brother sold Joseph into slavery to merchants. They resold him to Egypt, but there the Orthodox wise man managed to gain the favor of his master. The villains failed to desecrate Joseph’s gift, but the Egyptian master’s wife took up the task. For some reason she hated the young man and slandered him to her husband.

Joseph was thrown into prison, but even there he managed to become famous. The son of Pharaoh himself believed his prophetic dream. Joseph's dream foreshadowed the hungry Egyptian summers, which is exactly what happened. The Orthodox was released and made the first dignitary of the country. The prayer to St. Joseph for a peaceful sleep and night fears of a child is best read on the corresponding icon. Text:

Holy water also helps a child with nightmares. It is enough to sprinkle it on the suffering baby. Be sure to explain to him what you are doing so that hydrophobia is not added to the nightmare. During irrigation, you can read the “Our Father” or even sing the usual lullabies.

Church prayer for a restful sleep

Short and long prayers are read at night. They help a person relieve the stress of the day and end a difficult day with faith and gratitude to the Almighty. It’s never superfluous to worry about your soul, and this is simply shown in the future’s dreams. Late evening is a time when you can be alone with yourself. This is the perfect time for a Christian to thank his angel and the Lord. In the evening, spiritual channels open, the connection between heaven and earth opens, and you may even hear instructions and comfort from God.

Let the prayer book always be at your fingertips, on the nightstand near your bed. Teach your child to pray at night. This is as important an evening ritual as saying goodbye to your parents and wishing them Good night. Going to bed small man will thank God, and he will quickly hear his aspirations.

When is the best time to start reading? evening prayer? It is necessary that the evening be calm, there is no fear or negative emotions in the house. Do all your business so that no unnecessary thoughts distract you from communicating with God. Try to distract yourself from worldly worries. The presence of icons, posture, even the words you say are not as important as the strength of your faith in God, true sincerity. If you do not feel that you are ready to turn to the Almighty Himself, ask your Guardian Angel for a good dream. This can be done, for example, with the following words. You can add very personal facts to your prayer and thus repent.

The Apostle Paul spoke about the importance of nightly prayer in his letter to the Thessalonians. Open your prayer book more often, despite the fact that modern life is hectic. For a believer, prayer on the eve of sleep is not only gratitude and request, but also moments of sacred unity with God. IN Orthodox Church you can find a whole collection with various prayers for those going to bed. There are also texts for children that they can learn and read on their own.

A few words about the rules for reading prayers and their number

Those going to bed should not try to read maximum amount sacred texts. It is better to thoughtfully say and feel one prayer than to try to “please” a dozen holy individuals. God doesn't care how much time you spend communicating with him the night before bedtime. What's more important is that you do it regularly. At first glance it may seem easy to do, but maintaining discipline is not so easy. Just try to introduce the practice of daily prayer, at least for yourself, and then in your family. You will face challenges you never imagined. Human nature is lazy, and it is important to drive out this sinful vice from yourself.

All day long a person cares about his daily bread. In the evening, your mind must return to God, otherwise there is simply no opportunity to repent. We inevitably commit sins during the day, and when should we repent of them, if not before going to bed? As you begin and end your day, ask God for support. By doing this you will protect yourself and your loved ones, attract positive emotions and bring a sense of peace into your family.

Such simple thing, how nightly prayer relieves children from nightmares and adults from their everyday fears. Relaxing and thinking about high things is vital, do not ignore this Orthodox ritual and your life will become much easier.

Mom can help the little man if she learns and begins to read a prayer for calm before going to bed. Who should I pray for peaceful sleep for my children? At night, faith becomes stronger because nothing distracts you from spiritual life.

You can read a longer plot before going to bed. "On clean water I look and say a prayer. I conjure from fears, illnesses and anxiety, I call courage into my soul.

Evening prayer for the coming sleep

One must resort to prayers not only at the moment of grief or misfortune, but every day, thanking the Almighty for every day lived. Find out what prayer you need to read before going to bed so that your life improves and your state of mind returns to normal.

Prayer for the coming sleep

Every person desires something and keeps secret dreams in his heart. You can ask the Lord for support and protection before going to bed. Most importantly, remember that you cannot use a sacred text only to achieve a goal; you need to pronounce his words with all your soul, and only a truly believing person will achieve what he wants in this way. After reading the prayer once, you are unlikely to change anything. Turning to God should happen regularly, and when praying, first of all, thank you for the day you have lived:

Eternal God and King of every creature, who has vouchsafed me even at this hour to come, forgive me the sins I have committed this day in deed, word and thought, and cleanse, O Lord, my humble soul from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit. And grant me, Lord, to pass through this dream in peace at night, so that, rising from my humble bed, I will please Your most holy name all the days of my life, and will trample the fleshly and incorporeal enemies that fight me. And deliver me, Lord, from vain thoughts that defile me, and from evil lusts. For Yours is the kingdom, and the power and the glory, of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Before reading these words, you can make a secret request in simple language, or tell the Lord a spiritual secret. If you are haunted by a crime you have committed, or often have bad and evil thoughts, tell God about it before you fall asleep, and you will feel better.

By regularly praying at night, you will cleanse your soul of sins and gain strong spiritual protection. It is known that people who read an Orthodox text before bed sleep more soundly and avoid nightmares.

A short prayer before bed

Not everyone has the opportunity to spend a lot of time “talking” with God before going to bed. For this, there is a short prayer that you can say to yourself while lying in bed.

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, prayers for the sake of Your Most Pure Mother, our Reverend and God-bearing Fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us. Amen.

Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee. To the King of Heaven: “Holy God.”

Such a prayer is a prayer of thanksgiving, giving praise to God. And at the same time, it is capable of strengthening a person’s faith and creating real Orthodox miracles. If you read it every time you go to bed, life’s difficulties will gradually recede, and fate will greatly change for the better.

Also, the prayer for the coming sleep can be the text “Our Father” - the main Christian prayer, which is resorted to in all cases of life. This is the first prayer that Jesus Christ taught his disciples.

Even when life is going well, you must not forget about religion, because any of your victories are initially predetermined in Heaven. Before going to bed, regularly turn to God, and the next day will turn out as well as possible. We wish you good luck, and don't forget to press the buttons and

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The strongest prayer for health to Panteleimon the Healer

A prayer to the revered Christian saint, whom God has endowed with the gift of healing sick people, is considered one of the most powerful. .

Strong prayer for luck to Nicholas the Wonderworker

Nicholas the Wonderworker is one of the most significant and powerful Saints in the Orthodox Church. He is able to help a person in a critical situation.

Prayer for cleansing the house

Everyone wants to cleanse their home of negativity and protect themselves from illnesses and troubles in order to say with confidence: “my home is mine.

Prayer to the Mother of God

The Mother of God is considered the greatest, one of the most revered Saints in Christianity. Her image is capable of creating a true miracle and fulfilling the most.

Prayers to Matrona of Moscow for help, healing and happiness

Matrona of Moscow is one of the most revered saints in Russia. Thousands of people annually come to the relics of Saint Matrona.

A strong Orthodox prayer that is read at night before going to bed

Prayer for everyone Orthodox Christian– there is a moment of communication with Heavenly Father. Having cried out in prayerful humility to the Almighty, we open our hearts to Him, so that He fills it with His light and goodness. Prayer before going to bed is one of the most important rituals, which not only pays tribute to the Lord, but also allows us to analyze, look back on the past day and ask the Almighty for protection from a bad dream - to calm the soul for the coming sleep.

Testaments to Christians according to the Gospel

The Holy Scripture says that prayer is the duty of every Christian before God. Pray when you are awake, pray when going to bed or starting any business, and teach your child the same, for our life is a gift from the Creator, for which he asks only that small fraction. Morning and evening prayer is the duty of a pious layman - this is a rule in which there is a source of wisdom.

The wise elders of Optina commanded every baptized Orthodox Christian - prayer should not be tiresome and take a lot of time, but it is our duty before the Almighty and His Son Jesus. To a chapter from the Gospel, the Apostle, and one kathisma from the Psalter, add a prayer from the heart - and your duty as a Christian is fulfilled, and the Lord, being touched, will grant you his mercy and blessing.

  • Morning prayer serves to awaken the soul, so that it remembers throughout the day - God is near, He takes care of His children. Every business is conceived with the help of the Almighty and under his vigilant Eye. Nothing and no one can hide from the Lord, who is the essence of everything. By praising the Heavenly King in the morning, we show that we need His mercy and blessing all day long, we show our humility and zeal for His glory.
  • The bedtime prayer is a moment to look back. Admit your mistakes and ask for forgiveness for any sins. Ask God to remove the burden of what you have done from your soul, to calm your heart from melancholy, anxiety and torment - who, if not He, will listen to you and guide you on the path of truth. Only He has the power to free you from fear, give hope, guide and advise, restoring peace and serenity to sleep.

By opening the prayer book, you can glean a lot of wisdom, which was given by the Almighty and came down by the Holy Spirit to help us in troubles and torment. Including, there is a place for prayers that call on the Holy Saints as intercessors - they are given the power to ask God for you, begging for help. Involve your child in prayer every time you yourself pay tribute to the Almighty.

This small sacrifice from you will be enough to live under His protection, not knowing sorrow during the day and resting without fear at night. And if in the morning it is considered reasonable to devote a little more time to prayer, so that the blessing of the Lord accompanies the whole day, then, when going to bed, you can use short prayers. It is customary to say words of thanksgiving for the past day and mention your Guardian Angel for his protection, asking for guidance in life. The child is also introduced to the same thing, as a pure soul, so that the Lord always has a place in his heart.

Prayer is the antidote to nightmares

Of course, Orthodox Christians for the most part understand the power of the word of prayer. But it would not be amiss to remind you that prayer is also an excellent cure for any trouble. A nightmare is the machinations of demons who seek to torment the human soul, depriving it of peace. They force people to turn to sorcerers for salvation, covering their minds with a veil, directing them in a sinful direction.

However, there is no better medicine than prayer, which will restore peace and serenity to sleep. You just need to let Jesus and the Holy Spirit into your heart and read a few prayers for the future to sleep.

By turning to the Heavenly King for the salvation of our souls and the peace of our sleep, we will find peace and bliss that night. The Almighty, by his will, will protect his servant from the demons of fear that interfere with our rest at night.

  • Do not neglect a candle or lamp - this is a ray of burning hope. The light that breaks through the darkness to God.
  • “Our Father,” read before bedtime, will strengthen your faith in the Almighty and pay tribute to him from the Christian heart.
  • If nightmares bother you too much, then when going to bed, supplement your prayer reading with psalms for calm and protection from demons. Their healing power is great and is even recognized Holy Synod Holy Orthodox Church.
  • If nightmares torment a child, then prayer for his peaceful sleep is the duty of every parent. Do not leave your child alone with his fears - show him the way to salvation in the Almighty.
  • Keep a prayer book at hand - this is a storehouse of wisdom for every everyday occasion. He will reveal to you great universal love and mercy.
  • You can read a prayer for bedtime while in bed. The Lord is merciful and does not consider this sinful, for evening vigils take place after a day of work. However, try, if possible, to find strength and say the prayer in the appropriate way - in the humble posture of a good Christian.

“Lord, Heavenly King, Comforter, Soul of truth, be merciful and have mercy on me, Your sinful servant, and forgive me the unworthy, and forgive all that You have sinned today as a man, Why, not like a man, but also worse than cattle, my sins are free and involuntary, known and unknown: those who are evil from youth and science, and those who are evil from insolence and despondency. If I swear by Your name, or blaspheme in my thoughts; or reproach someone; or slandered someone with my anger, or made me sad, or became angry about something; either he lied, or he slept in vain, or he came to me as a beggar and despised him; or I made my brother sad, or I got married, or I condemned someone; or became proud, or became proud, or became angry; or I stand in prayer, my mind is moved by the wickedness of this world, or the corruption of my thoughts; or got too drunk, or got drunk, or laughed madly; either I had evil thoughts, or I saw someone else’s kindness, and my heart was wounded by it; or dissimilar to the verbs, or they laughed at my brother’s sin, but mine is a countless sin; Or I didn’t remember about prayer, or I don’t remember what other evil things I did, because I did everything and more than these. Have mercy on me, my Creator Master, Thy sad and unworthy servant, and leave me, and let me go, and forgive me, for I am Good and Lover of Mankind, so that I may lie down in peace, sleep and rest, O prodigal sinner, I am a terrible and accursed one, and I will worship and sing , and I will glorify Your most honorable name, with the Father and His Only Begotten Son, now and ever and unto ages. Amen"

Guardian Angel will protect your dreams

Prayer to the Guardian Angel has great power. He is our patron in all earthly affairs. The human soul was given to His care, so that he would instruct it in the love of God and take care of it on the path of life. By turning to him in prayer, going to sleep, we place our bodies and consciousness under his protection, so that he will be vigilant about our safety.

It is customary to mention the Guardian Angel every time before going to bed and thank him for the past day, which he arranged for us with his efforts. The text of the prayer to the Angel is quite simple and one of the very first in our lives. Every child is taught this prayer from a young age, so that the child knows that the Guardian always stands behind him and watches for good.

  • Don’t forget one condition - in order to appeal to the salvation of the child’s soul, he must be baptized. Otherwise, the child does not have his own Angel, who is given to us by God to serve.
  • Don’t be lazy and read the prayer-address to the Heavenly Guardian together with your child, wishing both of you a good sleep.

Prayer to the Holy Guardian Angel

“To the Angel of Christ, my holy guardian and protector of my soul and body, forgive me for all I have sinned this day, and deliver me from all the wickedness of the enemy who is against me, so that I may not sin in any way.” I praise my God; but pray for me, a sinful and unworthy servant, that you may show me worthy of the goodness and mercy of the All-Holy Trinity and the Mother of my Lord Jesus Christ and all the saints. Amen"

The Virgin Mary - patroness of mother and child

Every mother with a small child needs to take her responsibilities responsibly. In order to find a restful sleep for yourself and your baby, pray to the Mother of God - she is the protection and merciful patroness of the child and his mother.

When covering your child in the crib, read over him any short canonical prayers that the prayer book contains. Turning to the Queen of Heaven, call goodness into the child’s sleep, so that his uniform sniffling will not be overshadowed by anything and will be the subject of maternal tenderness, for the Mother of God will comfort him in the night. There is no better care from a mother for a child than a blessing for sleep.

  1. Rejoice, Virgin Mary.
  2. To the Deliverer.
  3. The good of the King Good Mother.

Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary

“Good Mother of the King, Most Pure and Blessed Mother of God Mary, pour out the mercy of Your Son and our God on my passionate soul and guide me with Your prayers to do good I will pass the rest of my life without blemish and through You I will find heaven, O Virgin Mary, one Pure and Blessed."

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos the Deliverer

“Oh, Mother of God, our help and protection, whenever we ask, be our deliverer, we trust in You and always call upon You with all our souls: have mercy and help, have pity and deliver, incline Your ear and accept our sorrowful and tearful prayers, and as you wish , calm and rejoice us, who love your Beginningless Son and our God. Amen"

Conspiracy against anxiety in a dream

The Orthodox Church rejects all pagan chants and whispers, as the work of demons. Looking for protection for your sleep from worries, it is customary to turn to the word of God in a prayer book. However, if dreams plague you with nightmares, or insomnia does not provide rest after hard work, then you can use a spell for sound sleep, in which there is a mention of the Name of the Almighty or His Holy Saints.

Such conspiracies do not occur from witchcraft or magic powers, but are born from a bright soul, given by God. Often, such conspiracies are words spoken in prayer to those who are pure in heart, and their prayer was heard by the Lord and received what they asked for as a reward.

This spell encourages blissful sleep and gives peace of mind at night. They read it three times and calmly go to bed, for the Lord will arrange everything and give you serene rest.

“In the name of our Most Holy Lord I call upon the Power of Heaven!

To me, saviors and holy Baptists,

Apply mercy to the soul, intercede for it!

Have mercy on me, and grant me a righteous sleep,

Take the tempters and seducers away from me,

Destroy the demonic tribe in the night.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen"

The Psalter is a storehouse of wisdom and a helper for the soul

Whenever mental anguish causes significant suffering, turn to the word of God. The Psalter is that part of the Bible that gives help in any everyday adversity or helps in healing from a heavy burden on the heart.

Psalms can be either an independent prayer or act in addition to other canonical prayers. For those who are looking for peace at night and respite from the worries of the day, the Psalter provides several saving songs.

  • Psalm 90 – protection from demons. To be read by those who are plagued by nightmares and fears.
  • Psalm 70 – for finding mercy and peace from the Holy Spirit.
  • Psalm 65 - in protection from suffering in the soul, so that at night a person is not tormented by insomnia.
  • Psalm 8 – from the fears of a child in a dream.
  • Psalm 116 is about keeping the Christian soul at night in peace and serenity.

May the Lord grant you tenderness and grace in your dreams, and may all fears go away. Communicating in prayer with By Heavenly Forces, you enlist their support when your soul and body rest. Angels and Cherubim will be favored from above to guard your sleep from the invasion of all evil spirits and the demonic tribe.

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All about religion and faith - “read the Orthodox prayer for the night” with detailed description and photographs.

According to the Orthodox tradition, you should thank God for every day you live, morning and evening, before going to bed. Prayers help you feel the love of the Lord and protect you from nightmares and unhappiness.

It is known that one should turn to God not only in moments of mental unhappiness and grief, but also in free time. Morning prayers help set the mood for a happy and successful day. And the evening ones cry out to the Creator: through words we thank the Almighty for every day we live and protect our soul from evil.

Orthodox prayers for the coming sleep

Most people have lost the habit of such a wonderful tradition of praying at night. In the bustle of days, we forget to express love for God, but this is necessary. Prayer helps not only to praise the Creator and ask for help: it has a beneficial effect on our mood, soul and sleep. A person who performs such actions every day has greater happiness and luck in life than one who turns to the Almighty only with a request to resolve his problems. However, for the prayer to be effective, it must be read at home correctly.

Turning to God greatly influences our lives and consciousness. With the help of holy words, we can drive away trouble, change the future and attract happiness. Not every person knows the Church Slavonic language, so difficulties may arise in reading powerful words. Especially for you, we have translated some prayers into Russian: they have not lost their power, but have become accessible and understandable.

Prayer to God before going to bed:

“Father of all living things, help me at this hour, forgive my sins that I (name) committed carelessly today. If I offended a person with an abusive word or an unacceptable act, I pray for forgiveness. Cleanse my soul from bad thoughts, and my flesh - from the desires of sinners. Deliver, O God, from earthly vanity and show Your grace in a dream. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen"

Prayer to the Lord and Jesus Christ for the coming sleep:

“Our Father and Jesus Christ, grant me (name) your mercy, do not separate from me on the path of life. I kneel and pray for help in tomorrow, save my sleep and sanctify my life. May your salvation and your love descend upon me on my bed. Forgive my sins for the day and guide me along the path of repentance and light. Let all adversity pass as the day passed. My God and Your Son Jesus, I humbly believe in Your strength and power over evil. Protect Your servant (name). May your kingdom on earth be eternal. Amen".

Evening prayer to the Holy Spirit:

“Lord, comforter of my soul. Show Your mercy and protect Your servant (name) from misfortune. Through Your help, God, I want to cleanse my soul from the sins of the day. My thoughts and words are involuntary, and therefore sinful. Protect me from melancholy, sadness, despondency, grief and all evil intentions. Replace my corrupt deeds with the mercy of God and allow me to repent of my deeds. Have mercy on me before going to bed and forgive my sins. Grant Your intercession against the evil force. I glorify you forever and ever. Amen".

Prayer to the Guardian Angel for the night:

“My guardian, my soul and body remain under Your protection. Forgive me (name) if I have sinned and neglected Your trust. For my daily deeds, I ask for forgiveness and pray for deliverance from sin. Not out of malice, but out of unwillingness, I anger the Lord God and you, my Defender. Show me your grace and mercy. For the glory of our Lord. Amen".

In order for God and his saints to hear your prayers, you should say them with pure thoughts and love in your heart. You can choose one prayer, memorize it and read it every day before going to bed, because it’s not about the quantity, but about your righteousness. With the help of prayers you can fulfill your desires; the most important thing is to know the sacred text and have faith in God. be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

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Night prayer - the most powerful prayers read before bed

For believers, prayer is a way of communicating with God, during which they open their hearts to fill it with light and grace. Prayer at night is considered an important ritual necessary to thank the Lord and reflect on the past day.

Orthodox prayers for the night

More often, people read prayers before going to bed, when they have time to devote themselves to the Lord. In order for the spoken text of the prayer to be heard, it is necessary to take this action seriously.

  1. You must not allow your imagination to go astray, be distracted by anything, or change words. All feelings and thoughts should be directed to the Lord.
  2. A prayer at night before going to bed can be read for yourself and for loved ones.
  3. A pure heart and the absence of bad thoughts, such as harming someone, are of great importance.
  4. First you need to repent and ask the Lord for forgiveness not only for your actions, but also for your bad thoughts.
  5. You can say the Lord’s Prayer in the evening, but there are other prayer texts intended for a specific situation.

Good night prayer for love

It is difficult to meet a person who would not dream of true and sincere love. It’s rare that someone can boast that they met their soulmate without any problems. Evening prayers before going to bed help a person meet the person to whom the soul longs. They will help you not to give up, instill hope and lead you away from sin. Of great importance is the unshakable faith that the Lord will certainly hear and help you find true love.

  1. Lie down in bed and think for a while about what a lover should be like. You can visualize your relationship with him.
  2. After this, you should free yourself from all extraneous thoughts and read the prayer three times.

Night prayer to get pregnant

Many girls, in order to successfully conceive a child, seek help from a Higher Power. The best helper in this matter is the Mother of God, who gave the world Jesus Christ. It is important to know what prayer to read at night before going to bed in order to get pregnant, and how to pronounce it correctly. It is best to place an icon and a candle next to your bed before going to bed. Say the presented text several times, and then put out the candle and go to bed.

Night prayer for children

The task of parents is to protect and protect their children, who are a gift from the Lord. A child's prayer before bed should be said by the mother or father and is best done near the bed where the child sleeps. It is worth noting that parents can ask for their children no matter how old they are. You can ask for the gift of wisdom, reason and memory. A miraculous prayer will guide the child on the right path, help him avoid problems and find a place for himself.

  1. You need to take a regular sheet of paper and carefully write the text of the prayer in each corner so that you end up with four of them.
  2. Tear it into four pieces so that each contains text, and place it in each corner of the child’s bed. After this, stand next to a lit candle, read the prayer, putting your love into every word.
  3. A prayer at night will not only protect the child in his sleep, but throughout his life a guardian angel will be next to him.

Good night prayer for health

Although medicine has many advantages, in some situations doctors still remain powerless. The only thing that remains for people is to trust in the help of the Lord God. There is a huge amount of evidence of how strong prayer at night has helped people who have been diagnosed with a fatal disease. You can turn to the Higher Powers not only for your own healing, but also to help a loved one.

  1. The text must be pronounced over the person, placing icons and a lit candle nearby.
  2. You can recite the sacred text over holy water, and then give the patient a little to drink and sprinkle it on him.
  3. It is necessary to turn to the Lord every day.

Strong prayer for weight loss at night

A huge number of women dream of losing extra pounds, and to do this they use different methods. There is a miraculous prayer for weight loss at night that will help you lose weight, but only if you follow other recommendations that are important for losing weight.

  1. First you need to go to the temple and order yourself a prayer for health. After this, go to the icon of the Matrona of Moscow and turn to her for help by reading prayer No. 1.
  2. Cross yourself, take holy water from the church, buy nine candles and go home. If you don’t have a saint icon, be sure to buy one too.
  3. Before going to bed, light three candles in front of the image, placing a container of holy water next to it. Afterwards, repeat the prayer many times at night, and then you need to drink the water and you can go to bed.

Night prayer to calm the soul

In the modern world, people are faced with numerous problems that make them nervous and worried. All this leads to the loss of balance and harmony in the soul. In this case, prayers read before bed, which are intended to calm the soul, come to the rescue. When read daily, you can normalize the functioning of the nervous system, get rid of stress and improve your emotional background. The prayer can be repeated not only before bed, but also during the day when necessary. You can repeat the text as many times as you like, the main thing is to calm down.

Prayer for the night before an exam

Many students experience a lot of stress before taking exams, so they resort to various tricks. In such a situation, it will be useful to know what prayer to read before going to bed in order to successfully pass everything. There are a large number of texts directed to the guardian angel, saints and God. One of the main assistants of believers is Nicholas the Wonderworker, to whom you can turn with various requests. Students who are afraid before the exam will also be able to find support from him. It is important to note that you should not rely on prayer alone, since it is not a magic wand.

Amulet prayer for the night

During the day, a person may encounter various troubles and numerous negativity. If energy protection is insufficient, then all this can cause illness. To avoid this, you need to know how to pray correctly at night in order to receive protection. You can turn to your guardian angel, saints, and directly to the Lord for help. If you say prayers every day, you can create an invisible shield around yourself that will protect you from all adversity.

  1. Before you go to bed, sit on your bed and say the first of the texts presented.
  2. The second prayer, read at night, is said after the person crosses himself and joins his palms at chest level.

Prayer before going to bed to the guardian angel

A prayer directed to a guardian angel, who was sent by the Lord to protect, help in difficult situations and provide daily support, has enormous power. You can turn to him with various requests so that he conveys them to the Almighty. A nighttime prayer to the guardian angel is intended to place your soul and consciousness under his protection. The clergy recommend contacting your personal protector before going to bed to thank him for the past day. It is recommended to teach the presented prayer to a child.

  1. You can recite the text while lying in bed just before going to bed.
  2. Another option is to sit at the table or in front of the images, if you have them in the house, light a candle and turn to your guardian angel.

Nighttime prayer before going to bed for fear

A huge number of people experience intense fear before falling asleep. In most cases, this is due to demons, who are frequent guests in dreams. Because of them, a person sees terrible, sinful and evil dreams. As a result, in the morning he may feel unwell, as if he had not slept at all. A short prayer at night is a strong protection that will help protect against the action of demons and bad dreams. As a result, the coming morning will be bright and happy.

  1. Lie down in bed, try to relax as much as possible and get rid of extraneous thoughts.
  2. After this, read the prayer, you can repeat it several times. Immediately after this you should try to fall asleep.

Love love prayer to read at night

To improve their personal life and influence a specific person, many use magic, but rituals often have negative consequences. In such a situation, it is best to know what prayers to read at night in order to bewitch a man. No additional attributes are needed, the main thing is a sincere desire to be happy with the chosen person, the absence of malice and evil intent, that is, you cannot turn to Higher powers to take a man away from the family.

Nighttime prayer can be used to restore lost relationships, strengthen a union, and generate love feelings in another person. It is worth noting that it can evoke both warm and disgusting feelings in the object of adoration, and it all depends on the mood of the reader, the purity of his thoughts and the sincerity of his feelings. There are several tips on how to pray before going to bed, and how to prepare for this action:

  1. First, you should cleanse yourself spiritually, for which you go to church and take communion. In the temple, be sure to light candles “for the health” of your beloved.
  2. You can't quarrel with anyone during the day. In the evening, before going to bed, be sure to read the “Our Father” first. This prayer has a beneficial effect on the human biofield.
  3. After this, a love spell is said for the night. It needs to be repeated many times. It is recommended to contact the Higher powers every day until the desired result is obtained.

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Reading prayers before bed

We remember the most intimate and desirable things only before sleep, when worldly worries are abandoned and discarded. You can be alone with God, when the cry of your child and the presence of your husband do not disturb you, late in the evening. Although night time is associated more with witchcraft, prayers during this period are also effective. Prayer before going to bed will help you ask the Lord for protection for yourself and for your child.

With the help of prayers, only Orthodox Christians can achieve what they want. It is recommended to read evening prayer words regularly. Remember that you are not contacting us to cry about your bitter fate or complain about the people around you. In prayer, you first thank God for life. We recommend starting your evening ritual with the following words of gratitude:

After this, you can begin to think about your request and desires, and use other prayers to achieve your goal. As you go to bed, thank God again for the fact that you have a life and a family. If the Almighty appreciates your efforts, your wish will definitely come true. Also teach your child to open the prayer book with a text of gratitude.

A short prayer for the coming sleep

A short and simple prayer will help you quickly ask the Lord for what you want. If there is no time to offer great honors, use this sacred text. It will protect you and your child from the evil eye and promote sound sleep. You can read it while lying in bed:

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, prayers for the sake of Your Most Pure Mother, our Reverend and God-bearing Fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us. Amen.

Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee. To the King of Heaven: “Holy God.”

Prayer strengthens a person's faith. It has enormous power despite its small volume. A short evening prayer, if repeated every night, can perform a real miracle. Difficulties will subside, and your faith in justice and God’s Grace will strengthen. Fate changes for the better if you take two minutes to read the text.

Evening prayer for insomnia

Many people are unsuccessfully looking for a spell to get a good night's sleep for themselves or their children. However, if you look in any prayer book, you will see there a sacred text for this illness. Difficulty falling asleep and the painful lack of vital rest can lead to nervous diseases. There may be several reasons at once, but the solution does not come immediately. Along with seeing a doctor, be sure to read prayers.

During this nightly ritual, you will attract good sleep and fall asleep sweetly. Ask your angel for peace and he will definitely come to the rescue. Such a miraculous deliverance is confirmed by the story of John of Damascus, a servant of the caliph. In the eighth century, iconoclasm reigned in the Byzantine Empire. John of Damascus, being a reasonable and educated man, convinced the public of the need to protect Orthodox icons.

The prayer to John is read not only at bedtime for those coming, but also for everyone whose loved ones have fallen into heresy and renounce Orthodoxy. This makes a lot of sense, because sleep problems are often observed in a restless family.

Text of the prayer to Saint John of Damascus:

How to get rid of nightmares

Prayer at night also helps get rid of nightmares. There is an effective prayer service for those going to bed, new settlers and those setting off on a journey. All these moments are interconnected by great emotional intensity. When we worry, foreign entities invade our dreams and ruin everything. If you, your loved ones or your child are tormented by nightmares, start reading short Orthodox prayers for bedtime.

The prayer of the holy righteous Joseph the Beautiful is dedicated to getting rid of fear in a dream. He died around 1700 before Christmas. His relatives envied him, and his brothers completely hated him. This is because Joseph saw prophetic dreams and accurately predicted the future. Joseph's elder brother sold Joseph into slavery to merchants. They resold him to Egypt, but there the Orthodox wise man managed to gain the favor of his master. The villains failed to desecrate Joseph’s gift, but the Egyptian master’s wife took up the task. For some reason she hated the young man and slandered him to her husband.

Joseph was thrown into prison, but even there he managed to become famous. The son of Pharaoh himself believed his prophetic dream. Joseph's dream foreshadowed the hungry Egyptian summers, which is exactly what happened. The Orthodox was released and made the first dignitary of the country. The prayer to St. Joseph for a peaceful sleep and night fears of a child is best read on the corresponding icon. Text:

Holy water also helps a child with nightmares. It is enough to sprinkle it on the suffering baby. Be sure to explain to him what you are doing so that hydrophobia is not added to the nightmare. During irrigation, you can read the “Our Father” or even sing the usual lullabies.

Church prayer for a restful sleep

Short and long prayers are read at night. They help a person relieve the stress of the day and end a difficult day with faith and gratitude to the Almighty. It’s never superfluous to worry about your soul, and this is simply shown in the future’s dreams. Late evening is a time when you can be alone with yourself. This is the perfect time for a Christian to thank his angel and the Lord. In the evening, spiritual channels open, the connection between heaven and earth opens, and you may even hear instructions and comfort from God.

Let the prayer book always be at your fingertips, on the nightstand near your bed. Teach your child to pray at night. This is as important an evening ritual as saying goodbye to your parents and wishing them good night. When going to bed, the little person will thank God, and he will quickly hear his aspirations.

When is the best time to start reading evening prayer? It is necessary that the evening be calm, there is no fear or negative emotions in the house. Do all your business so that no unnecessary thoughts distract you from communicating with God. Try to distract yourself from worldly worries. The presence of icons, posture, even the words you say are not as important as the strength of your faith in God, true sincerity. If you do not feel that you are ready to turn to the Almighty Himself, ask your Guardian Angel for a good dream. This can be done, for example, with the following words. You can add very personal facts to your prayer and thus repent.

The Apostle Paul spoke about the importance of nightly prayer in his letter to the Thessalonians. Open your prayer book more often, despite the fact that modern life is hectic. For a believer, prayer on the eve of sleep is not only gratitude and request, but also moments of sacred unity with God. In the Orthodox Church you can find a whole collection with various prayers for those going to bed. There are also texts for children that they can learn and read on their own.

A few words about the rules for reading prayers and their number

Those going to bed should not try to read the maximum number of sacred texts. It is better to thoughtfully say and feel one prayer than to try to “please” a dozen holy individuals. God doesn't care how much time you spend communicating with him the night before bedtime. What's more important is that you do it regularly. At first glance it may seem easy to do, but maintaining discipline is not so easy. Just try to introduce the practice of daily prayer, at least for yourself, and then in your family. You will face challenges you never imagined. Human nature is lazy, and it is important to drive out this sinful vice from yourself.

All day long a person cares about his daily bread. In the evening, your mind must return to God, otherwise there is simply no opportunity to repent. We inevitably commit sins during the day, and when should we repent of them, if not before going to bed? As you begin and end your day, ask God for support. By doing this you will protect yourself and your loved ones, attract positive emotions and bring a sense of peace into your family.