What does it mean if you dreamed of 2 girls. Why does a girl dream

26.06.2019 Trips

Two girls in a dream mean caution and attentiveness in reality, regardless of their appearance. Such an image should not cause serious concern to the dreamer. The dream book says: the most important thing is to maintain a positive attitude and try to turn any matter for the better.

Miller's position

Miller’s dream book will explain why two girls dream. In his opinion, you should pay attention to their appearance.

In the dream, the girls were beautiful, which means that the dreamer will have a chance for successful advancement in life.

Thin, unsightly and emaciated girls predict illness for the dreamer, not only his own, but also the illness of his relatives, the interpreters explain.

Future Fortune

Pastor Loff's dream book says that beautiful girls predict an unmarried man will soon meet his future wife.

In a dream, a married man saw beautiful girls - a symbol of the fact that in real life he will have success in all endeavors and new, promising and great things.

What can you dream about? young man a pleasant pastime with beautiful girls of oriental appearance? Gypsy dream book explains: this is a sign of strong attraction and indomitable passion.

Bitterness and frustration

Why do you dream of having fun with two girls? Interprets it in your own way English dream book. In a dream, a person performs a dance with a couple of beautiful girls, which means that in reality he will be bitterly disappointed.

Girls in open and extravagant wedding dresses are not good. They are a symbol of infidelity and quarrels in the family. Decent wedding dresses, on the contrary, are a sign of harmony and complete mutual understanding.

When two girls and a young man kiss each other, this sign does not bode well. Eastern dream book warns that he will bring deception. Especially when all the participants in such a dream are friends of the dreamer.


Why do you dream of two girls, between whom the dreamer has a difficult choice, the dream book connects with the state of affairs in his real life. Delayed decision-making on certain issues can lead to serious difficulties.

The dream book emphasizes that a couple of familiar young girls with completely different appearances and characters speak of the dreamer’s confusion. Such a person should first of all “understand himself”, otherwise a very tense and uncomfortable situation will arise.

Pleasant surprises

If a couple of girls seen in a dream are in an interesting position, this is a sign of pleasant surprises in reality.

When in a dream two pregnant girls prove the dreamer’s involvement in their situation and his relationship with future children, this is even better. Such a dream predicts unexpected promotions and big money.

Why might you dream of having intimate relationships with several girls at the same time? This is a bad symbol, predicting unexpected difficulties and tension in contact with others. In the dream, these girls were also the dreamer’s former lovers - then he should be especially careful.

Two girls in an intimate relationship in a dream, one of whom ex-lover the dreamer, and the other - an unknown girl “in pregnancy” - the dream does not bode well. Such a dream predicts the discovery of a secret that will become a source of grief and torment.


In a dream, seeing the image of girls is interpreted differently by dream books depending on the details. Here are some explanations.

Why did the Girl dream (interpretation of AstroMeridian’s dream book)

The girl is the traditional personification of innocence, modesty, timidity, and passive principles in patriarchal societies. During this period of her life, when she is no longer a child, but also unmarried, she is considered virtuous, pure and close to divine providence, and can awaken the gods from sleep in ritual actions. However, the life of a girl is unenviable: if a guy goes through initiation, proving his strength, power and dexterity, then the girl must “die” in order to be reborn in a new form - as a Woman. Having become her, she will lose her purity and connection with higher powers. Seeing a young girl is an interesting image. To interpret it correctly, remember the details of the dream and your actions in it.

  • See married girl, young and beautiful - good news.
  • Offended married girl - your enemies will be defeated.
  • Why do you dream about a girl cheating? According to the dream book, the dream predicts you a strong family.
  • I dreamed of a young girl cooking - you may have problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Go somewhere with a beautiful girl - you will lose your money; if you go, a misfortune will happen.
  • Why does a man dream about a girl - sexual desires.
  • Seeing that a girl has cheated on you means family discord or problems at work.
  • Girl in clean and beautiful dress- for parties, a pleasant pastime.
  • A girl in a torn and dirty dress means trouble, deception, gossip.
  • Why does a girl dream about a wedding - changes await you, but it is not yet known how they will affect your life.
  • If you dreamed about an unfamiliar girl, if she is pretty and smiles at you, a favorable period in life will come.
  • Why does a pregnant girl dream - the dream means that you are nostalgic for past times.

Why did Girls dream (Psychiatric dream book)

  • Seeing a beautifully built and healthy girl in a dream means good luck will accompany you, and your household will not cause trouble.
  • An exhausted girl is a harbinger of the illness of a loved one.
  • A guy sees a lot of girls in his dreams because they fulfill his intimate dreams of intimacy.
  • When a man sees himself as a girl, in reality he has good acting talent. He should also show gentleness, romance, and come to agreements more often - otherwise he will experience depression due to suppressed feelings.
  • Why do representatives of the fairer sex dream of another girl - she is surrounded by rivals.
  • Seeing a girl you know - one of the sides of the personality has decided to make itself known.

Why do you dream about a Girl (Romantic dream book)

  • According to the dream book, do you see in a dream that a young girl is dancing? Love is already nearby, soon you will meet it and be happy.
  • Why does a guy or a man dream about a girl? He's trying to fix personal life. When you already have a friend, it means that you are bored with her and you are looking for a replacement.
  • Seeing a girl crying? You are threatened by deception and betrayal of a loved one.
  • Dream Interpretation, why does a virgin girl dream? The dreamer is modest and downplays her advantages, so her intimate contacts are very rare. For married people, the dream foreshadows reproaches of conscience for the past.
  • A thin and pale girl means that someone in your family will get sick.

Seeing a Girl, how to unravel the symbolism of a dream (according to the Family Dream Book)

  • Why does a guy dream about a girl - you need to be prepared for something amazing to happen in life, bringing with it a lot of joy.
  • According to the dream book, if you see a girl combing her hair, someone in your family will soon get married.
  • If you see yourself combing your own hair, you will soon receive an expensive gift.
  • If in a dream you dreamed of a girl sledding, this foreshadows separation from your loved one.
  • A girl walking through a blooming spring garden predicts well-being, success in personal and social life, and abundance.
  • Seeing a girl laying out napkins on the table means that you will become a target for the machinations of gossips and deceivers.
  • If you dreamed about a girl with rapidly growing hair, it means that your dream will never come true. However, a dream may foretell the receipt of small amounts of money, as well as the appearance of a stupid person on your way who will “put a spoke in your wheels.”

Interpretation of a dream (according to the French dream book)

  • What many girls dream about is always honor, profit, good society.
  • Seeing your beloved girl - fate will give you tender love.
  • According to the dream book, if you see a real beauty, then the dream is intended to remind you that small gifts support friendship.
  • If the girl you dreamed of is ugly, this is a sign of rare devotion that your loved ones will show to you.
  • Seeking marriage to a lovely young girl is an omen of prosperity in life.
  • In a dream, kidnapping a girl by cunning or force means tears and sadness.

Why do you dream of a Girl in a dream (Miller's Dream Book)

  • Seeing a beautiful and healthy girl, according to the dream book, portends pleasant prospects and domestic joys.
  • A thin and pale girl means that a sick person will appear in your family.
  • If a man sees himself as a girl in a dream, this is a bad sign for his mental health. But the dream foretells a career as a theater actor for a gifted young man.
  • A pretty girl is a big expense.
  • Why dream of kissing a girl - a joyful surprise.
  • Seeing a girl crying means they will cheat on you.
  • A dancing young girl is happiness in love.
  • Rural girl - you will have healthy children.
  • An ugly girl is a nuisance, deception, betrayal in love.
  • The brunette girl is a nuisance.
  • What does a girl with red hair dream about - discord.
  • A corrupt girl is a nuisance because of a dishonest person; to a woman: infidelity; benefit from your life experience, knowledge of people.

What does it mean to dream with a Girl (according to the Seasonal Dream Book)

  • In the spring, you dream of a luxurious, cheerful maiden - the corruption of the soul.
  • In the summer, what did a cheerful girl dream about at dinner - prosperity.
  • In the fall, seeing a cheerful girl means a modest life in reality.
  • In winter, why have fun in a pleasant company with a girl - in reality, good luck awaits you in business.

If the dream has a vivid emotional coloring, after waking up you remember it in detail, and there is some concern that you dreamed about it for a reason, then you need to try to decipher it. If dreamed of two girls, this means only one thing - troubles, but what exactly depends on the many nuances of the dream.

Two girls of the same age symbolize problems of the same weight. If in a dream there is a family connection between girls, it means that the root of the problems is the same, they are interconnected. At this stage, it is very important to understand what exactly we are talking about. What difficulties bother you so much that even the subconscious mind doesn’t let you forget about them during a night’s rest? The sooner the problem is understood, the easier and with less losses it will be resolved.

It is also necessary to remember what the children’s behavior was like in their sleep. Were they welcoming and friendly? The problems will be resolved in the very near future, without any effort. If there was aggression, and even assault, the decision will take a long time. long time, you need to mentally prepare for possible conflicts from both obvious and hidden ill-wishers.

The age of the girls matters; it indicates the time that will have to be spent to resolve matters. So capricious babies mean that everything will work out pretty quickly, but the nerves will suffer. Well-behaved teenagers symbolize a calm, conflict-free, but time-consuming adjustment to the situation.

What if you dream of two girls

If you dream about healthy, beautiful girls, this is a good sign, regardless of their age and mood. Even if the troubles ahead are lengthy and morally difficult, in any case everything will end well, it will be settled in the best possible way. In the process, you will not only be able to save face, but also subsequently receive many bonuses that will more than pay for all the inconveniences.

In the case when you see girls who are clearly unhealthy, you should prepare for sudden difficulties to arise, seemingly out of the blue. It is necessary to increase vigilance, behave as carefully as possible, and voice any information in a very dosed manner, because it is quite possible that they will try to use any word or action to harm.

Decrepit, torn, dirty clothes warn of possible financial losses. There is a high probability that the difficulties relate to professional activity, in which penalties are possible, such as deprivation of a bonus, a broken contract, or a long-awaited promotion will be postponed.

Beautiful, elegant dresses indicate that the problems in no way relate to work, we are talking about private life. There may be cooling in relations with the other half, or with one of the relatives. Having toys can mean arguing with friends.

What does two girls portend?

Despite the initially negative omen, everything is not so simple. If a woman saw two girls in a dream , this portends difficulties, but the difficulties are solvable. And it is quite likely that these are the very troubles that are the foundation of future success.

Playing and having fun with girls means lightness of character. Such a person perceives everything new with a positive attitude and is quite calm about his mistakes, perceiving them as invaluable experience. This time will be no exception.

Raising and punishing children in a dream indicates a tough, despotic nature, whose authoritarianism is undermined by lack of confidence in oneself and one’s capabilities. Such people need rest, preferably in nature. Being alone with yourself, analyzing the situation in a calm environment, gaining energy for new achievements is the best solution in such a situation.

A dream with girls foretells that it will not be boring, the usual routine will be stirred up by events. You should expect new acquaintances; there will probably be a revision of likes and dislikes among your usual environment. Many people will open up in unexpected ways and demonstrate qualities that previously could not have been suspected. You may have to use internal reserves, and previously hidden abilities and skills will awaken. With correct behavior and due care, the likelihood of damage is negligible; the main thing is to respond to new input data in a timely manner.

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

marvel for the better, wealth; dancing - love; kissing is a joyful surprise.

I dreamed about a girl

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing healthy and beautiful girls in a dream predicts pleasant prospects and domestic joys. If a girl is thin and pale, this means that a sick person will appear in your family. If a man sees himself as a girl in a dream, this is a bad sign for his mental health. But such a dream foreshadows a career as a theater actor for a gifted young man.

Why does a woman dream?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

Soul of the Sleeper; black-haired - gossip; old woman - squabbles; looking at a woman is deception on the part of friends; kissing a stranger means money; naked - grief, illness; old, ugly - quarrel, trouble; a young stranger - for a woman - a nuisance, for a man - a temptation in business; very beautiful - new opportunities; with long beautiful hair- health; stops - a fateful warning; to unsuccessful affairs; under a veil - to death; a woman hits (for men) - victory in love; (for women) - rival or illness; looking like a mother (for women) - early marriage, (for men) - dubious success in business.

Why do you dream of falling in love?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

an unexpected turn of affairs (depending on who you are in love with).

Why do you dream of falling in love?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

an unexpected turn of affairs (depending on who you are in love with).

I dreamed about love

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a loved one in a dream means satisfaction with your current surroundings. Seeing that the love of others fills you with happiness foretells that successful management of affairs will give you contentment and freedom from everyday worries. If you find in a dream that love has passed or no longer evokes a reciprocal feeling, this means that you will be faced with a difficult question: would it be better for you to change your lifestyle or get married and achieve success in order to secure your future. For a husband or wife to dream that they love each other means great family happiness and cheerful, smart children who will bring them joy. Seeing loving parents in a dream foretells that you will cultivate integrity of character and constancy in your desire to achieve prosperity and position in society. In a dream, loving animals indicates contentment, although perhaps you yourself don’t think so; but after some time, fate will reward you with everything that gives you this feeling.

Why do you dream about love?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

around to the sleeping person - fortunately; you love yourself - a great reward; happy, lucky time; to a celebrity - deception; disease.

The meaning of a dream about a mermaid

according to Freud's dream book

If you dreamed of a mermaid sitting on a stone, this suggests that in real life you tirelessly chase members of the opposite sex, turning it into a kind of game. This game is an attempt to find a person who would fit the ideal image you have come up with. But you don’t notice the one who is currently next to you and loves you devotedly. If you dreamed about how you caught a mermaid, this means that your relationship with the opposite sex has developed into a hunt. The more sexual victories you have, the more you want to win new hearts. This kind of consumerism will eventually lead to satiety. You harm yourself by wasting your time on trifles. Don't you think it's time to think about your behavior and settle down? If you are a woman and you dreamed that you were a mermaid, this indicates that in reality your behavior is characterized by extreme frivolity and imprudence. This is expressed in the fact that you flirt recklessly with everyone; this has become the norm for you. Do not forget that an excessive number of fans causes attacks of jealousy in your loved one, which often becomes the cause of quarrels.

Why does a lady dream?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

dressed up - squabbles and unexpected gossip.

The meaning of a dream about virginity

according to Freud's dream book

Seeing yourself as a virgin or virgin in a dream means that in real life you are too modest, so rarely does anyone have the intention of making love towards you. You deliberately downplay your merits, making them invisible.

I dreamed about youth

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing young people in a dream foretells the settlement of family disputes and a favorable time for planning new ventures. To dream that you are young again means that your powerful efforts to regain lost opportunities will not succeed. For a mother to see her son again as a baby or small child foretells that old wounds will heal and she will again have her youthful hopes and cheerfulness. If the child appears to be dying, then misfortune and suffering await her. Seeing a child at school foretells favorable opportunities for her to prosper at home and benefit from the circumstances opening up to her.

I dreamed of a maiden

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a virgin in a dream means that relative success awaits you in your affairs. For a married woman to see herself as a virgin in a dream, predicts that she will be tormented by remorse because of her past, but the future does not promise her good luck. If a young girl sees in a dream that she is no longer a virgin, then the dream foretells that she will be able to maintain her reputation and show prudence. For a man to see himself in company with a girl means that he will fail in doing something. Unfulfilled promises made to other people will bring him worries and upset his affairs.

Dream books interpret dreams in which you dreamed of a girl - from a favorable side, which bring happy changes in your future life. In Tsvetkov’s dream book, a girl means surprise in reality, wealth, improvement in material condition, change for the better. Each dream book interprets the request in its own way. If you want to clarify what exactly a dream portends, remember all the details of this dream.

A dream in which I was present ex-girlfriend, may mean an unexpected meeting with distant relatives or friends. Also, according to the dream book, it can be interpreted as your reluctance to admit that you are not together, perhaps you are not ready to let her go, to forget about your feelings for her.

According to Meneghetti’s dream book, a girl in a dream speaks of some kind of conflict, pressure, restraint, or denial of certain life principles.

Why is the girl dreaming? In Fred's dream book, this request is interpreted differently: for men - it is a symbol of his innermost erotic fantasies, this lady is his ideal; for a woman, this is a rival, or a sexual competitor. For other people, such a request foreshadows the achievement of joys and pleasures.

A pregnant girl in a dream, according to the dream book, promises success in business, as well as an increase in wealth. If a man saw a pregnant girl in a dream, some changes in the family will soon await him.

For a married woman, a dream in which she is pregnant is a sign of failure in family life, perhaps even betrayal on the part of the husband; According to the dream book, pregnancy for a girl means a great desire to have children in reality, or to become pregnant.

You dreamed of your beloved girl - expect a happy married life, or in the future you will have a close-knit family, where the relationship with your spouse will be full of tenderness and mutual respect. In Miller's dream book, this is a reflection of relationships with the betrothed and the surrounding world.

Why does a girl dream about another guy? The dream foreshadows that your plans are not being realized, and your hopes are crumbling. If a married man saw his wife with another man in a dream, the dream book warns of a fire.

A dream about a guy with a girl unfamiliar to you is, according to the dream book, a good dream, indicating that in reality your boyfriend is faithful to you and all your existing suspicions are absolutely groundless. On the other hand, the interpretation of such a dream according to the dream book may also foreshadow minor life troubles, and perhaps a loss of respect for you is possible.

You dreamed of a girl you know, a close friend; in reality, expect a fateful meeting that will not pass without a trace. You should remember all the circumstances and your emotions in a dream. If they were positive, then the future meeting will be good, if negative, it means bad.

Based on the dream book, a girl’s betrayal in a dream is a sign of her sincere love and loyalty to you. If a lady said in a dream that she wants to cheat on you, it means that quarrels and omissions will arise in your relationship, and the reasons for the quarrel can be any.

Why do you dream of a girl in a dress? You dreamed of a young lady in a clean, beautiful dress - the dream book foreshadows new acquaintances, noisy parties; if the girl was in a dirty and torn dress, the dream book warns that you are surrounded by lies, rumors and gossip. Remember the color of the dress: green dress is a symbol of hope, red is respect and honor, gold is happiness. A gray dress is hard work, a multi-colored one is your desire for sexual variety.

Kissing a girl in a dream, according to the dream book, means the appearance of joyful and unexpected events, dishonest profits; kissing a woman - anger, irritation; kiss a temperamental girl - new connection. A man who dreamed of kissing a lady in reality needs to show tenderness to his beloved, because she misses your care.

Seeing a girl you like in a dream, the dream book interprets the warmth of your feelings, attempts to get closer, to get to know her better. Here your grace is trying to see her reciprocal feelings, which she dreams of so much in life.

A dream where a girl cheated on her boyfriend says that the guy should not doubt her love and fidelity. A girl in a dream cheated on you secretly - you are not confident in any of the people around you.

Why do you dream about sex with a girl (virgin), the dream book warns of failure in business matters, it is even possible that the people around you judge you. If a man dreams of sex with a stranger, he is confused in his feelings; if a married man has such a dream, expect quarrels and scandals in the family, condemnation at work, or deals with dubious partners.

You dream of an ex-girlfriend with her new boyfriend, the dream book explains that you will soon be faced with a choice between a serious relationship and a bachelor life. In your vision, you accidentally met your ex-girlfriend - soon you will marry a girl who has always been only a friend to you.

Kissing a girl in a dark room in a dream, the dream book is trying to take you away from a wild life, kissing her in the light - you are noble towards women. Kissing a stranger in a dream - avoid indecent acts. According to Azar’s dream book, spouses kissing means achieving spiritual harmony.

I dreamed of an unfamiliar girl, the dream book talks about a wonderful prospect in family life and work, if she is unattractive - on the contrary, betrayal, deception in love awaits you.

What does a young girl dream about - a new upcoming hobby. For guys, such a dream is a harbinger of new emotions and feelings; and for men, such dreams prophesy memories of youth or the revival of love passion with renewed vigor. A young lady you dreamed of foreshadows a pleasant meeting with a nice person that will lift your spirits.

According to the dream book, a naked girl is an unfavorable sign for single men - a selfish woman prone to tyranny will appear in your life, who could become your wife. After many scandals in your family life, you will still get divorced. Married men this dream warns of adultery and financial difficulties. Such dreams may indicate problems with children.

You dreamed of a guy with another girl, and at the same time you do not feel any jealousy or anger, think about whether your relationship is strong and whether it is possible to continue it in real life? In a dream, your boyfriend lives with another young lady, but does not cheat on you; in reality, long loneliness awaits you.

You dreamed of a girl in wedding dress- the dream book promises wealth. For a young lady, such a dream according to the dream book means an early meeting with true love. Seeing a bride in a dream - lucky sign, foreshadowing a happy meeting or love marriage.

Why do you dream of a beautiful girl - the dream predicts new prospects for you, enjoying household chores, as well as family joys.

According to the dream book, a kiss with a girl promises a quarrel with your beloved or a conflict with your mother. A dream where you kissed your beloved means mutual understanding and agreement between partners.

Seeing a friend’s girlfriend in a dream, having a nice conversation with her about something, the dream book brings you success in the professional and family sphere. If in a dream you quarrel with a friend’s friend, conflicts and disagreements await you in reality. In a dream, your friend’s beloved was surrounded by other people - you are guaranteed success in business.

Why else do you dream about a girl in a dream?

You dreamed of a crying girl - the dream promises discord between lovers, or even may even foreshadow betrayal.

Hugging a girl in a dream means in reality readiness to serious relationship. You've been waiting for it for a long time and now your time has come. In a dream, your best friend hugs your lady - expect betrayal, unknown man– the threat comes from close people.

The dream book explains a fight with a girl as a loss of strength, trouble, illness, and minor everyday squabbles in reality. A man who sees a fight with a girl in a dream will experience his wife’s jealousy in reality. For women, such a dream will result in envy or gossip from others. On the other hand, such a dream prophesies the fidelity of a loved one.

Why do you dream about a pregnant girl you know? Such a dream is a warning against the gossip awaiting you. If your friend is expecting a son in a dream, most likely you will have an accident or get injured; if she is expecting a daughter, expect a pleasant surprise. A dream in which a man sees a pregnant lady, family changes are coming in his life. If he sees his girlfriend pregnant - such a dream is a reflection of his feelings for her.

A dream in which you see a girl in your arms is a symbol of perseverance and perseverance in achieving your goal. The dream is not favorable for entrepreneurs; it tells them that all their efforts are in vain, their plans will not come true, you should give preference to other plans. Sleep can predict illness close relative or a friend.

You dreamed of a girl in white - your cherished wish will soon come true. Seeing a girl in white clothes in a dream means that you have pure thoughts, but if her clothes are dirty - black thoughts, bad intentions.

In a dream, a girl left you - in reality you do not want to part with her, this dream suggests that you are connected by real feelings.

Your breakup with your girlfriend in a dream was scandalous; in reality, expect a showdown. On the other hand, a dream can be interpreted as the beginning of something new in life. If the dream was seen by a man who does not have a life partner, he predicts that you will separate or acquire something unknown.

Why do the girl’s parents dream, according to the dream book, these are successful events, perhaps a wedding or a happy marriage.

I dreamed of a girl leaving for another guy, such a dream promises your causeless jealousy and lack of trust. Perhaps these are difficult days in your relationship. A lady in a dream leaves, runs away - in reality there will be problems in relationships, separation. A runaway girlfriend dreams of a promotion; if she also cries at the same time, there may be discord in the family.

You dreamed of your loved one with another girl, an uncertain situation awaits you in life, even a quarrel with your loved one is possible. A dream where your boyfriend is dating another madam promises your lack of self-confidence.

Hitting a girl in a dream means that in reality your strength will run out and you will show your weakness in solving assigned tasks. If a young man beats his chosen one in a dream, such a dream promises you a happy life together.

I dreamed about my boyfriend’s ex-girlfriend, in reality you compare yourself with her, thanks to which you are trying to understand what happened in your relationship with your boyfriend. It is also possible that you are worried that your partner has not yet forgotten his former companion.

I dreamed about a red-haired girl - in life you need to make a certain choice. And in general, only witches and fortune tellers have red hair in dreams, so in such dreams there are a lot of lies, perhaps even betrayal on the part of a partner.

Seeing many girls in a dream foretells good news.

Why dream of meeting a girl is an excellent sign, indicating that in the future new prospects will open up in your life and it will be filled with wonderful emotional events.

In a dream, you dreamed of a girl giving birth; the dream book predicts minor difficulties for you at the end of an important task. According to Miller’s dream book, a dream in which a woman gives birth means a good sign, saying that a new stage in life awaits you soon, perhaps the birth of a small miracle, in general, a happy period in life.

I dreamed that a girl was getting married: for married woman this is a hopeless situation; For a single lady, a dream in which she gets married will bring sadness, melancholy and disappointment. Seeing a girl get married is a fulfillment of desires in work and personal life.

A dream about a girl in a white dress is a successful event in reality: if the atmosphere in the dream is positive - marriage, love. If the dream was disturbing, angry, then the lady in a white dress dreams of illness.

If a girl died in your dream, such a dream suggests that even among enemies and ill-wishers, you will remain unshakable and will be able to defend your good name by proving that all the rumors were false. Death in a dream, based on the dream book, is a prediction of a long life; the dream foreshadows your friend a lot of pleasant life surprises.

Why dream of a quarrel with a girl - in reality, unexpected wealth, success in love, business, a successful family life awaits you, despite the obstacles on your life path. On the other hand, a quarrel with a lady will bring you together in reality, you will become more tender to each other.

Killing a girl in a dream is in itself a strange sign; the dream book interprets it as follows: in reality you will hurt her with your words or your actions. It is even possible that you will leave your loved one, but you will be very worried about this.

According to the dream book, fighting with a girl in a dream is an unpleasant sign, which is interpreted by the one who is fighting with her: a dream where a young girl is fighting with her ex-boyfriend– pleasant changes await you in life. If you do not take part in a fight, then in reality you become a victim of envy and gossip. For men, such a dream means jealousy on the part of a partner.

In a dream you saw a girl with a child - in reality you will experience the joy of motherhood. If young girls, boys or men dream of a lady with a child, this is a good omen.

You dreamed of a dead girl, the dream book warns of the loss of a beloved guy, even the death of relatives or separation is possible.

Dream books interpret death as the completion of something old and a transition to something new. Seeing a girl die in a dream means a change in your relationship. This dream makes men think about their attitude towards their betrothed in reality. For women it is a symbol past life, memory and certain experience.

Having sex with a girl in a dream promises you new romantic relationship or renewing old contacts. Aggressive sex in a dream is a desire for power, for conquest. If you dreamed of another man having sex with a stranger, you may have problems in your family life, or a complete lack of mutual understanding with your companion.

Why do you dream about a girl in red? According to the dream book, red is a symbol of passion, physical strength, sexuality and sensitivity. In Tsvetkov’s dream book, a lady in red represents honor and passion; in reality, you will protect your dignity.

Why do you dream of a young lady in your arms? According to the dream book, carrying a girl in your arms is a manifestation of perseverance in achieving a goal. In a dream, carrying your beloved in your arms - expect affection and mutual understanding.

comments 23

  • I dreamed of a girl who recently burned down. We have many mutual acquaintances; we saw each other often, but never communicated. In this dream, I was in some hall with some guys I knew, standing near the tennis table, very sad, and she came up, started smiling and asked, “Are you okay?” I - yes, everything is fine and smiled, she - well, okay then, starts to walk away, turns around and asks - exactly? I - yes, yes, I definitely smiled, she left, and I started crying...

  • I dreamed that my girlfriend with whom I am now in a relationship came to me, but in the dream she was an ex. She comes with her things and complains about life, that her husband kicked her out, etc. But at the same time I have nothing from her! I don’t know what it is, but it was like my brain was turned off. In my dream there was still a lot of smoking mixtures and alcohol. And all this is interconnected. After all, this is why my girlfriend and I quarrel.

  • I dreamed that I was in some hotel, it was 1-2 am, I decided to call a girl (she usually always comes home from work at this time and sits at home) and there was some noise there, like in a club. In the end, I found out that she was sitting there with another guy. I started yelling at her, so loudly and harshly that the hotel security became alarmed. And she tried to calm me down. I remember the only thing she said: “This is a game, do you understand?” - to which I replied: “I’ll give you pussy, play with you bitch!!” - in my life I never yell at her in conversation, I remove it. I don't know if I dreamed of betrayal, a quarrel or whatever it was.