Harmony in human life. What is harmony in life and how to find it

09.07.2019 Internet

- (Greek harmonia, from harmoso to put in order). 1) musical consonance, coordination, the study of the relationships between intervals, scales, chords, modulations, etc. 2) proportionality of parts with the whole and among themselves in works of art... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

HARMONY, harmony, women. (Greek: harmonia). 1. Part of music theory, the doctrine of the correct construction of harmonies in composition (music). “I tore apart the music like a corpse, I believed harmony with algebra.” Pushkin. 2. Euphony, harmony and pleasantness of sounds... ... Dictionary Ushakova

- (Harmonia, Αρμονία). Daughter of Ares and Aphrodite, wife of Cadmus. On her wedding day, she received from Cadmus a necklace that brought misfortune to everyone who received it. (Source: “A Brief Dictionary of Mythology and Antiquities.” M. Korsh. St. Petersburg, edition A ... Encyclopedia of Mythology

harmony- and, f. harmonie f., floor harmonia, lat. harmonia. 1. Exact order, proportionality, correlation, harmony of all parts of the whole. Sl. 18. Perhaps the only reason we do not comprehend moral harmony is that it is the highest,... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

- (Greek harmonia - connection, proportionality) consonance, agreement, consistency of parts in a dismembered whole corresponding to aesthetic laws. The idea of ​​harmony was still at the basis of the Pythagorean idea of ​​harmony of the spheres, it continues to exist in... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

1. HARMONY, and; and. [from Greek harmonia connection, consonance, proportionality] 1. Expressive means of music based on combining tones into consonances and on their relationship and sequence; section of music theory and academic subject studying these... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Harmony- Harmony ♦ Harmonie Benevolent or pleasant to perceive agreement of many elements existing simultaneously, but independently of one another. For example, a musical chord is an agreement of several sounds (as opposed to a melody,... ... Sponville's Philosophical Dictionary

Consonance, agreement, symphony, harmony. Wed. agreement … Synonym dictionary

Harmony- (Anapa, Russia) Hotel category: 2 star hotel Address: Krymskaya Street 170, Anapa, Russia ... Hotel catalog

HARMONY, the area of ​​expressive means of music based on the combination of tones into consonances and the connection of consonances in their sequential movement. Harmony is built according to certain laws of mode in polyphonic music of any kind of homophony,... ... Modern encyclopedia

- (Greek harmonia connection harmony, proportionality), proportionality of parts, merging of various components of an object into a single organic whole. In ancient Greek philosophy, the cosmos is organized, as opposed to chaos. In the history of aesthetics... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary


  • Harmony, Berkov V.O.. The book is addressed primarily to professional musicians and students of music universities, but will be of interest to all music lovers...

In music there is harmony. She emphasizes the expressiveness of the melody, “finishes the sentence”, and complements the thoughts contained in it. At the same time, harmony in music is one of the most complex sciences, therefore it is thoroughly studied in music secondary specialized and higher educational institutions. Some basics of harmony are included in the solfeggio course of children's music schools and children's art schools. What is harmony in music? The definition is something we'll try to get a handle on first.


Harmony is a multifaceted term. The concept of harmony in music includes various facets: it is a term meaning “euphony”, and the science of chords and consonances, and an academic discipline. Let's look at the definitions given in textbooks in more detail.

Harmony is an integral part of artistic thinking

Harmony is a pleasant coherence of sounds in a piece of music; same as "euphony"

Harmony is a word of Greek origin that means harmony, proportionality, proportionality, consonance.

Harmony can also be a designation for the composer's harmonic style.

Harmony - one or a group of consonances

Harmony - the doctrine of the sequence of consonances

Harmony in a narrow sense is the systemic principles of organizing pitch relationships

Harmony in a broad sense is any sound-pitch intonation conjugation, covering the space-time continuum vertically, horizontally, diagonally, having structure-forming significance and capable of acting as an element (or one of the levels) of the sound-pitch system.

Harmony - the combination of sounds into consonances and their coherent sequence

Harmony is a scientific and educational-practical discipline that covers one of the most important aspects of composition technique, studying consonances and systems of connections between them

Indeed, definitions of harmony are varied. But they all talk about the importance of this integral part of music. About its importance for composers. After all, in order to write beautiful music, you need to be able to competently construct a musical idea. The chaos of sounds is unlikely to be considered a masterpiece (although in modern art everything is possible...). The performer also needs to understand harmony, because it is one of the means by which a musical image is created.

IN modern meaning The term "harmony" began to be used around early XIX century, before that the concept of general bass was used.

Features of Harmony

As can be seen from the definitions, harmony is not an easy science. The main thing that is studied in harmony is the chord. Like harmony in music, a chord has several meanings; different textbook authors interpret it differently.

Chord - a consonance of three or more sounds arranged in thirds

This definition chord is the most common. It mainly relates to classical harmony, where tertian chords are the most common. There are also fourth, second and mixed chords.

A chord is a consonance of three or more sounds arranged according to a certain principle.

Each chord has a number of characteristics: structure, its function in harmony. In the course of teaching classical harmony, a lot of space is devoted to the study of the functions of chords, the sequence of their application, the peculiarities of the resolution of chords of a particular function, the correctness of voice guidance when connecting chords (transitioning one chord to another).

Types of harmony in music

Varieties of harmony are mainly associated with historical periods and musical styles in which harmony was modified.

The emergence of harmony is associated with polyphonic music. By the 11th century, a division into voices appeared in the Gregorian chant, and it became almost impossible to memorize all the chorales. The emergence of musical notation and the development of all musical theoretical disciplines are connected with this fact. In the 16th century, serious works on harmony appeared, the author of one of which was Zarlino.

As a result, we can distinguish 4 main types of harmony:

  • In the era of Viennese classicism, the basic rules of classical harmony were formed. All other types are based on these rules in one way or another.
  • Romantic harmony is characteristic of the 19th century and is associated with the era of romanticism.
  • Jazz harmony appeared in the 20th century along with the corresponding musical direction.
  • Modern harmony also emerged in the 20th century.

Classical harmony

Classical harmony with its rules and laws was finally formed in the works of the Viennese classics: Joseph Haydn, Christoph Kluck, Wolfgang Mozart, Ludwig van Beethoven.

In classical harmony there are 3 main functions: tonic - T, subdominant - S, dominant - D. The main functional turn is T-S-D-T. This is the order in which the functions are resolved. And, for example, if the options T-S-T combinations, T-D-T, S-D are possible, then the transition of D to S in classical harmony is not allowed. For example, connecting chords to form parallel fifths or octaves is not allowed. An important indicator is the stability of the chords, clarity of tonality and function. Consonant chords predominate - major and minor triads. The leading role is played by the melody; harmony mainly supports it.

A rather striking example is Diabelli's sonatina in G major.

If you look at the first 4 measures, you can see the following chord progression T 5 3 -II 6 -D 7 -T 5 3. The second degree belongs to the subdominant function, so classic sequence functions are completely preserved.

In general, the main indicator of classical harmony is strict adherence to the rules.

Romantic Harmony

Romantic harmony, which gradually replaces classical harmony, is much more complex. It first appeared in the works of such composers as Franz Schubert, Robert Schumann, Frederic Chopin, Hector Berlioz, Franz Liszt and Richard Wagner.

On the one hand, in the harmony of romantic composers much greater freedom in voicing is allowed; deviations from the strict rules of classical harmony are possible. On the other hand, the harmonies themselves, the chords become more complex. The role of dissonant chords is increasing: increased and decreased triads, seventh chords, non-chords. Altered chords are used (that is, chords with raised or lowered sounds). The number of non-chord sounds increases. Acquire great importance dissonances, overall tonal stability is lost. The term “extended tonality”, which has many more functions, is gaining meaning. According to Kholopov's definition, various harmony techniques appear. The harmonic language becomes very individual, until the advent of "nominal chords", the use of chords as leitharmony. For example, the work of F. Chopin is characterized by a dominant with a sixth, while F. Schubert is characterized by a sixth minor.

In R. Wagner's opera "Tristan and Isolde" the so-called "Tristan chord" appears, with which the work begins; it characterizes the entire harmonic style of the composer.

The overture to the opera "Tristan and Isolde" is especially indicative from the point of view of the features of romantic harmony: instability, dissonances (tritones are highlighted in color, sometimes there are even 3 tritones in a bar), an abundance of non-chord sounds (indicated by crosses above the notes), alterations, dissonant triads - everything this is found even in the small fragment given above, the music is simply mesmerizing!

These are the main features of romantic harmony. If we talk about the relationship in music: melody/harmony, then here more attention is paid to the colorfulness of harmony, it is this that begins to play a more significant role.

Jazz harmony

The seventh chord becomes the main harmony in jazz; the role of dissonance is very large. Voicing in this type of harmony is even more free. Probably, jazz harmony is one of the most democratic types.

One of the important developments of jazz harmony is the jazz chord notation system. To some extent, it is much easier to quickly master; it is often used by people who do not have a musical education.

Instead of the usual functions - T-S-D-T - the main tones of the chords are used, for example, in C major, the sequence consisting of the main triads will look like this: C-F-G-C. The letter designations generally correspond to the classic ones:

  • C - before;
  • D - re;
  • E - mi;
  • F - fa;
  • G - salt;
  • A - la.

Only the note B is found in two versions, and B does not always indicate B-flat, as in classical harmony.

  • H, B - si

Another special feature is that instead of the small letters used in classical harmony, the letter m is simply added to indicate minor triads in the jazz system. The designation of sixth chords is also unusual; the number 6 next to the letter denoting a triad means that a sixth is added to the triad. That is, C 6 is not mi-sol-do, but do-mi-sol-la. To indicate a sixth chord, a bass is written through a dash, for example, C/E - C major with bass E.

  • M, maj, maj7, Δ - major seventh (applies only to the seventh in the chord)
  • m, mi, min - minor (always refers only to the third in the chord)
  • °, dim, verm - diminished (diminished seventh chord)
  • Ø - small diminished (half-diminished seventh chord)
  • aug - increased
  • 7, x - minor major (dominant)
  • add - added stage
  • sus - retention (replacement of a step, usually a third, for example: Csus4- it turns out that instead of a third in C major there will be a quart or Csus2 - a major second)
  • omit - skip a step
  • - , ♭- lowering the chord degree
  • +, ♯ - increasing the chord degree (always applies only to the fifth or none)

The number of seventh chords can be seen in the work of E. Medvedsky - “Gamma Jazz”.

There are almost no triads in this work; it is especially surprising that dissonances only enhance the cheerfulness of this music.

Modern harmony

Modern harmony is a much less explored area due to its complexity and incredible freedom and individuality. This includes dodecaphony, artificial modes, and much more. Tonal stability is rare in modern music.

You can catch this by listening to Arnold Schoenberg's vocal cycle - "Pierrot Lunaire".

Harmony Tutorials

The main textbook that almost all musicians study in secondary specialized educational institutions is the brigade textbook on harmony. It was compiled by 4 authors: I. Dubovsky, S. Evseev, I. Sposobin and V. Sokolov. This textbook presents in detail, with examples, all the necessary rules in order of increasing complexity and importance of chord functions. First, the main triads of the mode are traversed (as well as the most used seventh chords), then secondary triads are added. Then larger themes begin.

An alternative is the textbook by A. Myasoedov. The logic of presentation in this textbook is different. If triads are studied, then all of them (main and secondary) are studied at once. Likewise - seventh chords. In general, the logic is interesting, however, you should be very careful about the text - sometimes there are inaccuracies.

There are also works by E. Abyzova, T. Muller.

A grandiose, thorough work on harmony was created by V. Berkov. Many topics are covered in the textbook in much more detail than in the previous two. But, nevertheless, it is better to first study the brigade textbook and then proceed to more complex manuals.

For the most courageous, daring people who study harmony, there are the works of Yu. Kholopov. It is better not to open this book without basic knowledge of harmony. How not to open it if you are afraid of many scary words. There are 2 textbooks by this author: a theoretical course, where Yuri Nikolaevich’s theory is presented in thematic blocks, and a practical one, where you can get acquainted with the harmony of different eras through practical tasks.

The textbook by L. Dyachkova is quite difficult to understand and, at the same time, very interesting. To fully understand what is being discussed, you will have to thoroughly study Yu. Kholopov’s textbook. The most interesting are 2 books: Harmony in Western European music of the 9th - early 20th centuries and Harmony of the 20th century.

Harmony is one of the most amazing areas of musical art, which is interesting to study despite all its complexity.

The next two articles will be devoted to a very important topic, namely, harmony in human life. Why harmony? Because true happiness does not lie in possessing anything, but in the harmonious balance of various aspects of a person’s life. The next two articles will be based on audio material from blog articles.

Even with a fortune of millions, it is difficult to feel happy if you are not healthy or are doing something for which you are not particularly enthusiastic.

Today’s article will be devoted to finding meaning in life, a meaning that would bring harmony to your life, thanks to which you could feel happiness every second of this life.

One can argue about the existence of an innate meaning in life with which each of us is born. In fact, the answer to this question is not so important, and it is hardly possible to prove with absolute certainty the presence or absence of such a concept as the originally intended meaning.

Therefore, from my point of view, it is much more interesting to find an answer to the following question: “How does your life change depending on whether you consciously endow it with some meaning or not?”

Let's first understand how we can find our meaning in life, and then talk about the benefits of living a meaningful life.

I have already posted several articles on the topic of finding the meaning of life on my blog, so I refer you to these articles to avoid repetition. The Meaning of Life

These articles explore how you can find a shared sense of meaning in your life, a shared understanding of it. But the downside to this meaning is that it is rather vague about how you should implement it in your life. Everyday life. We will continue to clarify this issue with you.

So, harmony in a person’s life appears if the four components of his life are balanced and mutually complement each other. It is very easy to remember these components if you associate them with the four manifestations human essence: body, mind, heart and soul.

Let's start in order.


"What should I do?"

The human physical body has certain needs; it must maintain its vital functions. For a happy and harmonious life, we must satisfy the minimum needs of the body, namely: the need for food, the need for clothing, the need for housing, the fulfillment of sexual needs, and health.

If you have given your life a certain meaning and set certain goals for yourself, but have forgotten to include the needs of your body in these goals, then sooner or later you will experience a shock and your life will no longer be harmonious.

On the path to success, many people forget about health. They spend whole days at the computer, in their offices, in their cars, etc. When I started writing this blog, I also became completely immersed in this activity, but soon I remembered that my health is the mechanism that helps me realize my ideas. I remembered that I shouldn't wait to exercise until I achieve success because it might be too late. Therefore, now every day I ride a bike trainer for 10 minutes with maximum load and manage to ride 4 km, plus my morning walks to work.

Material success is also part of the needs of your body, because it is thanks to it that you have the opportunity to dress well, eat well, live in a comfortable home, etc. If you have set a goal that brings you pleasure, and you feel that you are making a positive contribution in this life, but this goal does not provide you financially, then again there will be no harmony in your life.


“What am I capable of doing?”

This component of your life is responsible for your abilities, innate and acquired, your knowledge and skills. Your purpose, your meaning in life, must be consistent with your abilities.

For example, if you have decided that you are going to become a great musician, then you need to understand that for this you must have certain aptitudes for music. Playing music itself can bring you pleasure, performing on stage can make you rich, but if your talent is not developed enough, if you have insufficient skills in this area, then you will not achieve what you want.

Analyze your abilities, how you can translate the general meaning of life into specific activities that would use your mental abilities and skills. If the general meaning of life remains fairly constant throughout your life, then the way you realize this meaning has great flexibility, you can change the areas of activity and areas of application of your abilities.

Remember, however, one more thing: perhaps at the moment you do not have certain skills and knowledge to achieve your goal, this does not mean that the goal is set incorrectly. Every person has the ability to learn, this wonderful ability can help you on the path to your goal. Consider the acceptability and harmony of the goal based on your future opportunities in which you are confident.

For example, if you are sure that music is your calling, then you should not be stopped by the fact that at the moment you do not know how to play any musical instrument, you can learn it.

Your mind, your knowledge and skills must be part of your meaning in life, you must take them into account when determining a specific goal.


“What do I like to do?”
When we talk about the heart, we talk about love. When determining the specific realization of your meaning in life, think about what you really love to do. It is impossible to experience any happiness or harmony in life if you are doing something you hate.

You can make a lot of money by providing for your body's needs, you can use your intellect and everything will work out for you, but if you don't love what you do, then sooner or later there will come a critical moment when you won't be able to bear it anymore. situation.

Therefore, you should not ruin your life: they say, first I will earn a lot of money, and only then I will do what I love. Believe me, it will be much easier for you to succeed in life and fully realize yourself, while achieving material well-being, if you love what you do. You will have more strong motivation to action, you won't have to fight yourself.

You can ignore this part of your life, many people show their love through their hobbies. A hobby is a wonderful outlet, but now think about how much greater results you could achieve if you showed the same zeal in your main activity?

Many people consider it impossible for themselves to be in a position where they do what they love and get paid for it. Believe me, it's possible - you can find plenty of examples of it if you're only willing to look!

Don't settle for "half-heartedness" in your life.


"What should I do?"

When I talk about the soul, I mean your contribution, what you bring into this life with your existence, how you improve the lives of yourself and those around you. I've noticed that the concept of "service to others" is a bit misinterpreted. Service is not “serving,” it is fulfilling your purpose in life, which is consistent with your best intentions. By realizing the best in yourself and trying to help others in any area, you receive positive feedback - this is a very powerful motivational tool.

I've only been blogging for a couple of months and have already received several emails approving what I'm doing. These are very positive feelings and they motivate me to continue and invest even more.

Your life will be much more harmonious and happier if you feel that you are not just trying for yourself, but at the same time making a contribution to the development of our society, our country Russia, our world as a whole.


So, to find a concrete realization of your overall meaning in life, you must answer the following questions:

What should I do?
What can I do?
What do I like to do?
What should I do?

The lack of harmony between all four components may not immediately affect your life, but sooner or later it will happen. Therefore, strive to find harmony in your activities now, increase this harmony gradually, and you will be much happier.

Be aware of your every step and every decision, is the pursuit of money, to the detriment of all other areas of life: family, health, love, really worth it?

Think about these questions, take 4 pieces of paper and write on each of them the answers to one of the four questions. Next, look at your answers and try to find a harmonious balance between them. It may not be possible to do this right away - this is what life has given you, to find harmony in the process. What could be more wonderful than the feeling that every day you are moving towards greater harmony with yourself and others?

What is harmony in a person? For many, this is an attractive concept that is a beacon, a guiding star in life. However, very often those who seek it are faced with misconceptions about what it is and how to achieve it.

The search for inner harmony and harmony with the world was for me perpetual motion machine, which pushed to action. I understood that achieving this state required a lot of internal work, but none of the proposed methods of self-knowledge and spiritual development gave even an understanding of what harmony is, let alone touching this state.

During my search, I, of course, came across different models of building the world and man. For example, the well-known seven-center model of a person, when each center (chakra) is responsible for a certain area of ​​his life and psyche. Or for me, for a long time, a three-center model was working, where the bottom is responsible for physical stability, material well-being, the middle (heart) is for feelings and emotions, and the top (head) is for intellect and spiritual development.

Attempts to bring oneself into balance, relying on these models, for some reason did not want to end in success. Remembering Chekhov’s famous words that “everything in a person should be beautiful,” I tried my best to develop in myself what did not want to develop. For example, I went to public speaking courses to learn how to speak and perform on stage, but this did not help me at all with my problems - I still did not like to speak and felt uncomfortable in front of the public. Moreover, I did not enjoy it at all. But in my understanding, harmony is when there is integrity of all parts of a person, their coherence and development. And that's very good internal state. Why, then, does the development of the “lagging” parts not provide the experience of pleasure? What is harmony? This question remained unanswered.

What is harmony in human life? Self-sufficiency?

I must say that side effect My attempts to achieve internal balance became the idea that a harmonious person is completely self-sufficient, capable of being absolutely independent from other people. A kind of separate Universe, absolutely not in need of injections from the outside. “I myself!” - was actually the motto of my life. I took on everything, but it was an unbearable burden. I thought I could do anything, but how wrong I was! What fatigue this led to! And to the feeling that the walls of my cocoon, in which I was wrapping myself more and more, were becoming thicker and thicker, that life was going on somewhere out there, and I had nirvana and complete peace of mind. But is this life?

Later, when I attended a training course in system-vector psychology, Yuri Burlan very accurately defined this condition as “self-sufficient autistic.” And how far it is from the state of harmony, which only finally took shape at the training. What is harmony in human life, it has finally become clear, as well as how many myths are associated with this concept and what we need to strive for.

What is harmony? Wikipedia defines this concept this way.

The very definition of harmony does not give a clear answer to the question of how to achieve it.

But a person with systems thinking immediately understands what we are talking about. This is not an answer to the question at all. What is harmony in art?" It's about the world and people. The best model of harmony that exists today is the Hansen-Tolkachev matrix, the basis of the latest mental science - system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan. According to this model, the entire world can be described using four quartels - “Space”, “Time”, “Information” and “Energy”. In turn, each of the quartels is divided into two more parts - vectors. Four vectors are internal parts of quartels and four are external.

The entire integrity of the matrix, that is, the world, is precisely that reflection of harmony, which is characterized by “orderliness of diversity, integrity, which has the coherence of its parts and the balance of their tension.” Vectors and quartels are in different relationships with each other. Some are complementary to each other (close in properties, strengthen and support each other), others are contraries (opposite, conflict in properties). However, they are all combined into one whole, which can exist in balance only if each of the vectors takes its place in the community.

What is harmony in relationships? Harmony of the whole

If we proceed from the fact that not all eight vectors, but some of them, manifest themselves through a person, we can conclude that a person by himself cannot be a balanced, harmonious, self-sufficient system. Simply put, if the oral vector is not inherent in me by nature, no matter how much I develop my oratory skills, I will never be successful in it and will not enjoy speaking.

A person can achieve complete balance only through interaction with the whole and only together with the whole, only within the framework of the entire matrix. Two simple practical conclusions follow from this. Firstly, each person can be happy in his place, realizing his vectors, but will not be successful in the area in which nature has not endowed him with abilities. Secondly, the entire matrix will be successful if everyone plays their role in it. A person cannot be harmonious alone when the rest of the matrix is ​​not realized and suffers. Balance between internal and external is the basis of harmony. And therefore, only personal development, without a contribution to the development of the general, does not give a feeling of final harmony. We are all in the same boat, in the same matrix.

What is harmony in a person? Dominant core

If we talk about harmony within a person (or about a state close to it), then inner work, aimed at achieving it, should be focused on self-acceptance and awareness of your priorities. Inside a person, there may also be opposite vectors that give rise to contradictory desires that upset the balance and, due to their irreconcilability, give rise to bad states. But knowledge about the dominant vectors allows you to build that core within yourself, which is the basis of integrity. Such a person gives the impression of a harmonious person, although he is not a “jack of all trades,” as various esoteric teachings quite often present his portrait to us.

My search for harmony, fortunately, ended with a meeting with system-vector psychology, which provides very precise guidelines for achieving it. And although now there is an understanding that alone I will never achieve a state of complete harmony, that I bear my share of responsibility for everything that happens in this world, which means that my burden has become heavier, yet now I am much closer to this state . Understanding yourself, your potential, the ability to reconcile the inherent contradictions within yourself for the sake of the highest meaning of life gives a previously unattainable sense of balance, stability, strength, which are manifestations of true harmony in a person.

The article was written using training materials on systemic vector psychology by Yuri Burlan



1. Part of music theory, the study of the correct construction of harmonies in composition (music). “I tore apart the music like a corpse, I believed harmony with algebra.” Pushkin .

2. Euphony, harmony and pleasantness of sounds (book). A melody full of harmony. Harmony of poetic rhythm.

3. Consistency, mutual correspondence (book). Harmony of interests. There was complete harmony between us. Harmony of colors.

|| Coordinated combination, correspondence of elements within something whole, internal integrity, completeness, agreement (book). World harmony. Mental harmony. “His face expressed a reserve of strength, will, inner harmony and self-control.” Goncharov .

|| Slenderness, plasticity, dimensionality, completeness and completeness of external expression (book). “Every gesture of the actress is full of harmony. Everything in it is harmony, everything is marvelous, everything is above the world and passions.” Pushkin .

Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary.

D.N. Ushakov.:



    - (Greek harmonia, from harmoso to put in order). 1) musical consonance, coordination, the study of the relationships between intervals, scales, chords, modulations, etc. 2) proportionality of parts with the whole and among themselves in works of art... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    - (Harmonia, Αρμονία). Daughter of Ares and Aphrodite, wife of Cadmus. On her wedding day, she received from Cadmus a necklace that brought misfortune to everyone who received it. (Source: “A Brief Dictionary of Mythology and Antiquities.” M. Korsh. St. Petersburg, edition A ... Encyclopedia of Mythology

    harmony- and, f. harmonie f., floor harmonia, lat. harmonia. 1. Exact order, proportionality, correlation, harmony of all parts of the whole. Sl. 18. Perhaps the only reason we do not comprehend moral harmony is that it is the highest,... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    - (Greek harmonia - connection, proportionality) consonance, agreement, consistency of parts in a dismembered whole corresponding to aesthetic laws. The idea of ​​harmony was still at the basis of the Pythagorean idea of ​​harmony of the spheres, it continues to exist in... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

    1. HARMONY, and; and. [from Greek harmonia connection, consonance, proportionality] 1. Expressive means of music based on combining tones into consonances and on their relationship and sequence; section of music theory and academic subject studying these... ... Antonyms

    Harmony- Harmony ♦ Harmonie Benevolent or pleasant to perceive agreement of many elements existing simultaneously, but independently of one another. For example, a musical chord is an agreement of several sounds (as opposed to a melody,... ... Sponville's Philosophical Dictionary

    Consonance, agreement, symphony, harmony. Wed. agreement … Synonym dictionary

    Harmony- (Anapa, Russia) Hotel category: 2 star hotel Address: Krymskaya Street 170, Anapa, Russia ... Hotel catalog

    HARMONY, the area of ​​expressive means of music based on the combination of tones into consonances and the connection of consonances in their sequential movement. Harmony is built according to certain laws of mode in polyphonic music of any kind of homophony,... ... Modern encyclopedia

    - (Greek harmonia connection harmony, proportionality), proportionality of parts, merging of various components of an object into a single organic whole. In ancient Greek philosophy, the cosmos is organized, as opposed to chaos. In the history of aesthetics... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary


  • Harmony, Berkov V.O.. The book is addressed primarily to professional musicians and students of music universities, but will be of interest to all music lovers...