The most modern weapons. Military equipment

19.09.2019 Psychology

Unfortunately, one of the main impulses for the development of the existing and creation new technology become wars. Any military conflict gave a powerful impetus to the development of weapons, but the greatest contribution was made by the military conflicts of the 20th century. Many solutions first used in military equipment and weapons subsequently find application in civilian life.

Early 20th century

The first wars of the new century brought machine guns into the battle arena and created the new kind military equipment - a mortar, which first appeared during the Russo-Japanese War. The Japanese design school introduced a new type of high-explosive shells with increased power, thanks to which they won all the naval battles of that war.

During the interwar period, new war technology was created with an eye on the experience of the past. It was the experience of naval battles of the Russo-Japanese War that led to the creation of a new type of battleship - dreadnoughts.

First World War

The warring sides entered the First World War with rifles and horses. Just a few years later, completely new war techniques began to be used at the front - toxic substances, tanks, and aircraft for various purposes.

At the same time, means of combating new weapons began to appear - gas masks, anti-tank and anti-aircraft artillery.

As new types of weapons developed, tactics for their use were developed and perfected.

The First World War revealed to the world such types of equipment as are known today, such as high-power long-range artillery, anti-tank rifles, and various automatic weapons.

Motorized vehicles have been widely developed military equipment during the First World War. In addition to the already mentioned tanks, armored vehicles with cannon and machine gun armament, built on truck chassis, began to be used.

During the First World War, early examples of engineering equipment appeared, such as, for example, machines for digging trenches. Such installations significantly accelerated the preparation of defensive lines.

Interwar period and World War II

Already in the 20s, the active development of weapons developed during the First World War and the introduction of new solutions into their design began. Slow and lightly armored tanks radically changed in design and by the end of the 30s of the last century they became a means of lightning offensive operations.

The USSR, which created many new types of weapons in the pre-war decades, did not lag behind the global trends of those years.

Soviet designers created such weapons as the T-34 and KV-1 tanks, modern Yak-1 and MiG-3 fighters, Pe-2 bombers and much more. The new military equipment was practically not inferior to its German counterparts, and in some respects even surpassed them.

Domestic military equipment passed the test with honor in the Second World War, which went down in history as the “war of engines.” The development of Soviet military equipment during the war years proceeded at an increasing pace. Already in the first year, systems began to enter service volley fire"Katyusha", which had no analogues in any other army.

First post-war years there was not much interest in the technology and weapons of the Second World War. This was due to the general situation in the country and the impossibility of purchasing such equipment after being written off.

Many samples of equipment were irretrievably lost, but some of them were preserved in museums.

The largest collection of armored vehicles in Russia is located in the town of Kubinka near Moscow.

Interest began to awaken only in the early 70s, when collectors of old cars began to unite in various clubs. However, the sphere of interest of these clubs did not extend beyond automotive technology.

Nowadays, there is a growing interest in various equipment from the Second World War that took part in hostilities on the Soviet side or on the side of the Wehrmacht. Dozens of different search teams and workshops are engaged in the search and restoration of old military equipment.

One of the museums demonstrating weapons and military equipment of the ground forces is located on Poklonnaya Hill.

Post-war conflicts

After 1945, the creation and development of new war technology began, which was created taking into account the emerging nuclear weapons. All samples of tracked and wheeled vehicles were created taking into account possible action in conditions of contamination of the area with radioactive decay products.

For this purpose, various filtering devices were used to prevent radioactive dust from entering the machines. The first direct competition between military equipment of the USSR and the USA was the Korean War.

During this conflict, jet fighters of the latest models at that time - the MiG-15 and Saber - were massively used. During the Vietnam War, the brainchild of the American and Soviet design schools met again in the sky.

A little later, many famous examples of Soviet military equipment appeared - the T-55, T-62 and T-80 tanks. These vehicles were supplied to the armed forces of many countries and are still in service today. Another symbol of military conflicts of the second half of the 20th century was the Kalashnikov assault rifle.

The experience of operating US military equipment had a great influence on the development of the post-war industry of the USSR.

This was especially pronounced in the automotive industry. The experience of using Studebaker US6 army vehicles has shown the urgent need to create similar wheeled vehicles of domestic production.

Such vehicles under the designation ZiS-151 appeared immediately after the Second World War. Gradually, this technique began to be used in the civil service. Based on existing developments, Soviet designers were able to create a number of unique off-road army vehicles - GAZ-66 and ZIL-131.

In terms of cross-country ability, these vehicles will leave many developments of that time far behind. However, the price for such characteristics is a complete lack of comfort in the cabin.

Another important legacy of Lend-Lease was the two-stroke diesel engines that were used to equip post-war YAZ-200/210 (and later MAZ) trucks.

Initially, the American diesel GM was created to equip light army equipment. Domestic motors remained in production until the end of the 80s and were used to drive various mobile power plants.

Collapse of the USSR

After the breakup Soviet Union A fairly long period of stagnation began in the development of weapons and the army.

The troops of Russia and the CIS countries were content with the remnants of military equipment of the USSR, which large quantities remained in various warehouses. But the existing weapons fleet quickly became outdated and, without a stable supply of spare parts for military equipment, broke down.

Almost 10 years and two bloody wars in Chechnya had to pass before the need to modernize the army was realized.

Since the beginning of the 2000s, active decommissioning of military equipment that has exhausted its service life and the supply of new equipment, which was manufactured anew or came from long-term storage bases, began.


The Russian armed forces today are very different from the army equipment of the early 2000s. The existing arsenal of weapons and military equipment is constantly being updated with new and modernized models.

According to experts, by 2020 at least 70% of the existing arsenals should be updated, for which it is planned to spend at least 19 trillion rubles. However, existing difficulties with financing may shift the timetable for rearmament to the distant future.

Thus, in December 2017, a decision was made to temporarily suspend work on the promising Barguzin rail-mounted missile system. Further prospects for the development of this unique and paradoxical type of military equipment remain in question.

It is planned to create several dozen different types of aircraft (including the new fifth generation fighters) and helicopters.

The total supply of such equipment should exceed 1,500 pieces.

However, many helicopters are military equipment dual use, as they can be used for military or civilian purposes. At the beginning of December 2017, the new generation Su-57 fighter, equipped with a new promising turbojet engine, made a test flight.

Particular attention is paid to light military vehicles intended for the delivery of personnel and fire support for attacking units. One example of such equipment is the Kornet-D complex, installed on the chassis of the Tiger armored vehicle.

Another direction in the development of wheeled warfare vehicles are multi-axle vehicles used for the delivery and launch of intercontinental ballistic missiles.

To popularize various types of weapons, a permanent exhibition of military equipment has been organized at VDNKh. Everyone can freely visit this exhibition and get acquainted with the exhibits, among which there are anti-aircraft gun"Shilka"

This installation became the world's first complex capable of repelling attacks. aircraft moving at high speeds at low altitudes. Also among the exhibits are the Buk and Osa anti-aircraft systems.


The military equipment of the future is created not only on the basis of existing technical and technological solutions. One of the new directions is the use of an electromagnetic field for firing from artillery and small arms.

Such samples of US military equipment have already passed the first tests, which confirmed the viability of the idea. Another option for accelerating bullets is centrifugal force. Such technology can theoretically provide a rate of fire of over 100 thousand rounds per minute. At the same time, the weapon is absolutely silent and does not reveal its location by flashes of shots.

The disadvantage of the scheme is the very large dimensions and difficulties in controlling such installations.

Classic firearms are not lagging behind in development. Instead of all-metal bullets, the possibility of using products with a built-in guidance system is being considered.

At the moment, prototypes of 12.7 mm bullets with a trajectory correction system have been created.

Another way to hit targets is a laser beam. The US Navy conducted a demonstration of this type of weapon. According to American representatives, the army laser can cut a steel sheet up to 6 meters in length in a second.

In parallel, the development of small-sized lasers, adapted for placement on aircraft, is underway. Such weapons could theoretically be used to combat enemy aircraft and UAVs.

While the introduction of such weapons remains a matter of the future, various laser equipment is widely used in welding various metals, making it possible to obtain thin and strong seams.

Another direction in the development of military equipment is the use of unmanned systems. Small unmanned aerial vehicles are used for reconnaissance. There are prototypes of large drones capable of carrying various missile weapons.

The prospects for this type of weapon are quite high, especially considering the rapid introduction of such technologies on civilian equipment.
New concepts of warfare provide for the use of so-called non-lethal weapons. One type of such weapon is a sound vibration generator.

The operating principle is based on sound amplification through a resonator. The resulting shock waves temporarily disorient people. The principle of the influence of sound of a certain frequency, causing a feeling of fear and even panic in the enemy, has been studied. Psychological aspect very important, especially with modern warfare.

It is proposed to facilitate the movement of infantrymen of the future with the help of special exoskeletons. Parts of such equipment are made of titanium and titanium-based alloys. The use of an exoskeleton makes it possible to increase the weight of the load carried by a person for a long time to 100 kg.

Any development of weapons contributes to the progress of conventional technology. All possible advanced weapon technologies are gradually finding or will find application in civilian technology - just as it was 50 and 100 years ago.



Chapter 1. Types of weapons of the Russian army.................................................... ..

    1. Armament of ground forces.................................................................... .............

    1. Armament of the Navy.................................................... ......

    1. Armament of the Air Force.................................................... .......

Conclusion………………….......................................... ...................................

List of sources used…….................................................. ........


Armed forces Russian Federation(Russian Armed Forces), - a state military organization of the Russian Federation, designed to repel aggression directed against the Russian Federation, for the armed protection of the integrity and inviolability of its territory, as well as to carry out tasks in accordance with international treaties of the Russian Federation .

The Russian Armed Forces include the Ground Forces, the Air Force, and the Navy; individual branches of the military - Space, Airborne Forces and Strategic Missile Forces; central bodies of military command; The rear of the Armed Forces, as well as troops not included in the types and branches of the military.

The Russian Armed Forces were formed on May 7, 1992. These are one of the largest armed forces in the world, their personnel number is 1 million. The Russian Armed Forces are distinguished by having the world's largest arsenal of weapons mass destruction, including nuclear, and good developed system means of its delivery.

Relevance: Military affairs in Rus' has a rich history. And Russian warriors have always been loved and respected by their compatriots. One of the reasons for this high level spirituality of the Russian military. Over the centuries, a code of morality has been developed in the Russian army. His never-ending values ​​- loyalty to duty, military honor, dignity, pride in belonging to the profession of defender of the Fatherland - were preserved as shrines and passed on from generation to generation, tested for strength in battles and brought up through military labor in peacetime. Statesmen, commanders, military commanders, officers and generals of the Russian army tirelessly cared about increasing the glory and traditions of the troops, improving culture, and observing the rules of etiquette. Particularly great achievements in this area were Peter I, P., A. Rumyantsev, G. A. Potemkin, A. V. Suvorov, M. I. Kutuzov, F. F. Ushakov, V. A. Kornilov, P. S. Nakhimova, M. I. Dragomirova, S. O. Makarova, N. D. Skobeleva.

Purpose of the study: introduce students to the structure, purpose and weapons of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

Research objectives:

    1. Study the weapons of the ground forces

      Consider the weapons of the navy

      Analyze the weapons of the air force

Object of study: weapons of the Russian army.

Subject of study:

Chapter 1.

1.1. Armament of ground forces

Ground troopsare the most numerous species and form the basis of troop groupings in strategic directions. They are designed to provide and protection of our country from external aggression on land, as well as to protect Russia within the framework of its international obligations to ensure collective security.

In terms of their combat capabilities, the Ground Forces are capable, in cooperation with other branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, of conducting an offensive in order to defeat the enemy group and seize its territory, deliver fire strikes to great depths, repel the enemy’s invasion, its large airborne assault forces, and firmly hold occupied territories and areas and boundaries.

The ground forces organizationally consist of (Fig. 1) motorized rifle and tank troops, missile forces and artillery, air defense troops, which are branches of the military, as well as special troops (reconnaissance, communications, electronic warfare, engineering, chemical warfare protection, technical support, rear security, rear units and organizations). The basis of their combat strength consists of motorized rifle, tank divisions and brigades (including mountain ones), brigades (regiments) of military branches and special troops, organizationally consolidated in the army and front-line (district) groupings of troops (forces).

Associations and formations of the Ground Forces are the main component of the military districts: Moscow (MVO), Leningrad (LenVO), North Caucasus (SKVO), Volga-Ural (PUrVO), Siberian (SibVO), Far Eastern (FE).

Motorized rifle troops- the most numerous branch of the military, forming the basis of the Ground Forces and the core of their combat formations. They are equipped with powerful weapons to destroy ground and air targets, missile systems, tanks, artillery and mortars, anti-tank guided missiles, anti-aircraft missile systems and installations, effective means intelligence and control.

Rice. 1. Structure of the Ground Forces

Tank forces- branch of the military and the main striking force of the Ground Forces. They are used primarily in the main directions to deliver powerful cutting blows to great depths against the enemy.

Possessing great stability and firepower, high mobility and maneuverability, tank troops are able to make fullest use of the results of nuclear and fire strikes, in short time achieve the final results of the battle and operation.

Rocket Forces and Artillery- a branch of the Ground Forces, which is the main means of fire and nuclear destruction in front-line and army (corps) operations and in combined arms combat. Designed to destroy nuclear attack weapons, manpower, artillery, and other fire weapons and enemy targets.

Air defense troops- a branch of the Ground Forces designed to repel enemy air attacks and protect troop groups and rear facilities from air strikes.

The successful implementation by combined arms formations of the tasks facing them is ensured by special troops (engineering, radiation, chemical and biological protection, etc.) and services (weapons, logistics).

Special troops- military formations, institutions and organizations designed to support the combat activities of the Ground Forces and solve their inherent special tasks.

In addition to small arms (Fig. 2-5), the Ground Forces are armed with tanks (T-90 - Fig. 6, T-80U, T-72, T-64, T-62, T-54/55), armored personnel carriers ( BTR-60/70/80 - Fig. 7), infantry fighting vehicles (BMP-1/2/3 - Fig. 8), combat reconnaissance and patrol vehicles (BRDM), howitzers (Fig. 9) and 122-caliber guns 203 mm, mortars of caliber 82 (Fig. 10), 120, 160 and 240 mm, multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS of caliber 122, 140, 220, 240 and 300 mm - Fig. 11), anti-tank weapons (anti-tank hand grenade launchers, anti-tank missile systems, guns), military air defense systems (self-propelled anti-aircraft guns, anti-aircraft missile systems, man-portable anti-aircraft missile systems), Tochka-U operational-tactical missiles, Mi-8 helicopters (Fig. 12), Mi-24, Mi- 26.

Rice. 2. Makarov pistol (PM): caliber - 9 mm; barrel length - 93 mm; magazine capacity - 8 rounds; weight with loaded magazine - 810 g; sighting range - 25 m; combat rate of fire - 30 rounds/min; initial bullet speed - 315 m/s

Rice. 3. Dragunov sniper rifle (SVD): caliber 7.62 mm; length - 1220 mm: barrel length - 620 mm; initial bullet speed - 830 m/s; magazine capacity - 10 rounds; weight with loaded magazine - 4.51 kg; sighting range - 1300 m

Rice. 4. Kalashnikov assault rifle (LK-74M): caliber - 5.45 mm; magazine capacity - 30 rounds; weight without bayonet and cartridges - 2.71 kg; rate of fire - 600 rounds/min; sighting range - 1000 m

Rice. 5. Machine gun NSV-127 “Kord”: caliber - 12.7 mm; weight - 25 kg; tape capacity - 50 rounds; combat rate of fire 650-750 rounds/min; initial bullet speed - 820-860 m/s; sighting range - 2000 m

Rice. 6. Tank T-90 “Black Eagle”: length - 9.5 m; height - 2.225 m; width - 3.78 m; weight - 48 t; power - 840 l. e.; maximum speed - 70 km/h; range - 550-650 km; armament - 125 mm smoothbore gun, 12.7 mm anti-aircraft machine gun, 7.62 mm PKT machine gun, ATGM; ammunition - 43 shells, 300 rounds of 12.7 mm caliber, 2000 rounds of 7.62 mm caliber; crew - 3 people

Rice. 7. Armored personnel carrier BTR-80: combat weight - 13.6 g; length - 7.6 m; width - 2.9 m; height - 2.3 m; armament - 14.5 mm coaxial machine gun, 7.62 mm anti-aircraft machine gun; maximum speed on the highway (afloat) - 80 (9) km/h; Highway range - 600 km; engine power - 260 hp. e.; combat crew - 10 people (3 people - crew, 7 people - landing force)

Rice. 8. BMP-3 infantry fighting vehicle: combat weight - 18.7 tons; length - 6.7 m; width - 3.3 m; height - 2.65 m; engine power - 500 l. e.; maximum highway speed (afloat) - 70 (10) km/h; Highway range - 600 km; rate of fire - 300 rounds/min; firing range - 4000 m; armament - 100 mm cannon; ammunition - 40 ATGM rounds; combat crew - 10 people (3 people - crew, 7 people - landing force)

Rice. 9. Self-propelled howitzer "Acacia": caliber - 152 mm; combat weight - 27.5 tons; mass of high-explosive fragmentation projectile (cumulative) - 43.56 (27.4) kg; initial projectile speed - 655 m/s; armor penetration of a cumulative projectile - 250 mm; maximum firing range - 17400 m; rate of fire - 4 shots/min; ammunition - 46 rounds; engine power - 520 hp. e.; highway speed - 60 km/h; Power reserve - 500 km; crew (crew) - 6 (4) people

Rice. 10. Mortar 2B14-1 “Tray”: caliber - 82 mm; firing range - 4270 m; rate of fire - 24 rounds/min; calculation - 4 people; weight - 39 kg; ammunition - 120 rounds

Rice. 11. Multiple launch rocket system “Smerch”: caliber - 300 mm; number of guides - 12; projectile mass - 800 kg; firing range - 20-70 km; area affected by one salvo - 67.2 hectares; full salvo time - 40 s; Power reserve - 900 km; calculation - 4 people

Rice. 12. Transport combat helicopter Mi-8: length - 18.22 m; height - 5.65 m; main propeller diameter - 21.29 m; maximum take-off weight - 12200 kg; cruising speed - 225 km/h; range - 465 km; ceiling - 4500 m; crew - 2-3 people; payload - 4000 kg in the cabin or 3000 kg on the suspension; armament - 7.62 mm or 12.7 mm machine gun; combat load - 1000 kg (PU, bombs or ATGM)

1.2. Naval weapons

A warship is a ship belonging to the armed forces of a state, bearing the external markings of the state, under the command of an officer who is in the service of his state, and manned by a crew who are subject to regular discipline. A warship flying the flag of its state has sovereignty that guarantees against interference by officials of another state. Warships are the property of the country, and wherever they are located, they are subject only to its laws.

Each warship, as a rule, is equipped with several types of weapons, of which one is the main one, designed to solve the main tasks, and the rest are auxiliary, to perform additional tasks and self-defense. To control weapons, provide navigation, communications and monitor the situation, ships are equipped with radio-electronic and other technical means. The ships are driven by steam power, diesel, diesel-electric, gas turbine, combined or nuclear power plants. Depending on their purpose, displacement, armament and other qualities, ships are divided (classified) into classes, subclasses and types, and also in a number of fleets in order to determine seniority, in particular the Russian Navy and the Ukrainian Navy, ships are divided into ranks.



Aircraft-carrying ships - have airplanes and helicopters as their main weapons, used in solving combat missions, as well as for transporting goods and people, communication between ships of the formation. Equipped with means to ensure the basing and operation of aircraft.

Large warships designed to destroy enemy submarines, surface ships and ships at sea, provide amphibious landings, fire support for ground forces and solve other combat missions at sea.

Destroyers (destroyers) are warships designed to destroy enemy submarines and surface ships (vessels), conduct anti-submarine and air defense of their surface ships and vessels during sea passage and in battle, to ensure amphibious landings, sea transportation, fire supporting troops on the coast, mine laying and solving other problems.

Anti-submarine ships (large anti-submarine ships, small anti-submarine ships) - designed to combat submarines, provide anti-submarine defense for formations of ships, convoys and landing forces during sea crossings. Anti-submarine ships are capable of operating both in remote areas of the seas and oceans, and in the seas adjacent to the country’s territory. For this purpose, anti-submarine ships are equipped with hydroacoustic systems for searching and detecting submarines, classifying them, tracking them and issuing target designations for weapons. These ships are armed with anti-submarine missiles and torpedoes, and rocket launchers for throwing depth charges. As well as anti-aircraft missiles and artillery systems. As a rule, they have anti-submarine helicopters on board.

Designed to transport military equipment and personnel

Mine sweeping ships - designed for mine defense

Missile and artillery ships - have guided missile weapons and artillery as their main weapons

Patrol ships - designed for patrol duty, anti-submarine defense, air defense and anti-ship protection of formations and convoys

Special purpose ships (headquarters, reconnaissance)


long-distance ships maritime zone

coastal ships

ships of inland navigation (river) and mixed navigation


displacement ships

submarines (strategic missile submarines (SSBN), nuclear-powered with cruise missiles, multi-purpose nuclear-powered submarines with torpedo or torpedo-missile weapons, non-nuclear submarines with torpedo or torpedo-missile weapons)

with dynamic principles of support - hydrofoil ship, air cavity ship


with nuclear power plant

with gas turbine power plant

with diesel power plant



double-hulled ships

single-deck (multi-deck) ships

single-shaft (double-shaft) ships


Auxiliary military vessels or auxiliary fleet support vessels are vessels that are not warships, but belong to the armed forces or are under their exclusive control and have external identification marks of nationality. Auxiliary military vessels are not intended to perform combat missions. Their main purpose is combat or logistical support for fleet operations at sea and in roadsteads. Military support vessels can be equipped with both a military crew and civilian personnel (crew). Auxiliary vessels are military, regardless of whether the vessel is controlled by a commander (officer) or captain (civilian). Auxiliary military vessels have the same sovereign immunity as warships due to the fact that they are owned by the state, or temporarily operated on government non-commercial service. Like warships, auxiliary vessels have exclusive sovereignty over the actions of the crew and passengers on board.

Depending on their purpose and performance characteristics, auxiliary vessels, like warships, are divided into classes, and within classes into subclasses taking into account cruising range, tonnage or specialization.


Auxiliary ships are divided into training ships, mother ships, bulk ships, search and rescue ships, hospital ships, loader ships, torpedo boats, cable ships, hydrographic ships, transports and so on.


Support vessels include basic watercraft, which include tugs, barges, floating cranes and the like.

To summarize this publication, I would like to note that the maritime strategies of the leading states of the world, based on the geopolitical realities of the 21st century, have led to changes in the methods and techniques of conducting naval battles and organizing fleet forces. First of all, this is due to the creation in the USA, Great Britain, France, Italy, Germany and a number of other countries of rapid deployment forces, the core of which are aircraft carriers and universal landing ships. In this regard, one of the main trends in fleet development is new stage their "avianization". According to experts, in the 21st century, aircraft carriers will regain their role as the “backbone” of the navies of the great powers.

As you know, aircraft carriers form the basis of an aircraft carrier strike group, which includes modern warships of various classes. So destroyers, in turn, are approaching cruisers in combat capabilities, frigates are approaching frigates.

Patrol boats have become widespread. This publication shows a tendency towards the creation of multi-purpose boats built on a modular principle, on which, depending on the tasks, the set of weapons can quickly change.

Naval impacts of the 21st century, primarily in local conflicts, are characterized by the conduct of air-land-sea operations in coastal areas. For the amphibious forces, the decisive factor was the conduct of an “over-the-horizon” landing operation, the main means of delivering troops for which were transport-landing helicopters. All this led to an increase in the role of landing ships with the presence of aviation assets and a decrease in the role of landing ships that do not have regular group-based helicopters and tiltrotors.

Thus, the most promising ships of amphibious forces include universal landing ships and landing helicopter dock ships, while the production of tank landing ships with direct landing will be limited.

In addition to nuclear submarines, which are in service with the navies of some leading countries of the world, recently there has been an active development of non-nuclear submarines, which are characterized by low cost, and allow less wealthy countries to buy them. In addition, nuclear submarines prevail in such an important criterion as acoustic stealth. The creation of non-nuclear submarines with air-independent power plants provides significant advantages. It is believed that this particular class of submarines will become the basis of the submarine forces of non-nuclear states in the near future.future

1.3. Armament of the air force.

Air Force- the most mobile and maneuverable type , designed to protect centers, regions of the country (administrative, industrial and economic), troop groups and important facilities from enemy air and space attacks, support the actions of the Ground Forces and , striking at the enemy’s air, land and sea groups, its administrative, political and military-economic centers.

The main tasks of the Air Force in modern conditions are:

    revealing the beginning of an enemy air attack;

    notification of the main headquarters of the Armed Forces, headquarters of military districts, fleets, authorities civil defense about the beginning of an enemy air attack;

    gaining and maintaining air supremacy;

    covering troops and rear facilities from aerial reconnaissance, air and space strikes;

    air support for the Ground and Navy forces;

    defeat of enemy military-economic potential facilities;

    violation of enemy military and government control;

    defeat of enemy nuclear missile, anti-aircraft and aviation groups and their reserves, as well as air and sea landings;

    defeat of enemy naval groups at sea, ocean, naval bases, ports and bases;

    the release of military equipment and the landing of troops;

    air transportation of troops and military equipment;

    conducting strategic, operational and tactical air reconnaissance;

    control over the use of airspace in the border strip.

In peacetime, the Air Force performs tasks to protect the state border of Russia in the airspace and alerts about flights of foreign reconnaissance vehicles in the border zone.

The air force includes the air armies of the Supreme High Command for Strategic Purposes and the Supreme High Command of Military Transport Aviation; Moscow Air Force and Air Defense District; Air Force and Air Defense armies: separate Air Force and Air Defense corps.

The Air Force includes the following types of troops (Fig. 1):

    aviation (types of aviation - bomber, attack, fighter, air defense, reconnaissance, transport and special);

    anti-aircraft missile forces;

    radio technical troops;

    special troops;

    units and institutions of the rear.

Bomber aircrafthas long-range (strategic) and front-line (tactical) bombers in service various types. It is designed to defeat troop groups, destroy important military, energy facilities and communications centers primarily in the strategic and operational depth of enemy defenses. The bomber can carry bombs of various calibers, both conventional and nuclear, as well as air-to-surface guided missiles.

Attack aircraftdesigned for air support of troops, destruction of manpower and objects primarily at the front line, in the tactical and immediate operational depth of the enemy, as well as command of the fight against enemy aircraft in the air.

Rice. 1. Structure of the Air Force

One of the main requirements for an attack aircraft is high accuracy in hitting ground targets. Weapons: large-caliber guns, bombs, rockets.

Fighter aircraftair defense is the main maneuverable force of the air defense system and is designed to cover the most important directions and objects from enemy air attack. It is capable of destroying the enemy at maximum ranges from defended objects.

Air defense aviation is armed with air defense fighter aircraft, combat helicopters, special and transport aircraft and helicopters.

Reconnaissance aircraftdesigned for conducting aerial reconnaissance of the enemy, terrain and weather, and can destroy hidden enemy objects.

Reconnaissance flights can also be carried out by bomber, fighter-bomber, attack and fighter aircraft. For this purpose, they are specially equipped with day and night photography equipment at various scales, high-resolution radio and radar stations, heat direction finders, sound recording and television equipment, and magnetometers.

Reconnaissance aviation is divided into tactical, operational and strategic reconnaissance aviation.

Transport aviationdesigned for the transportation of troops, military equipment, weapons, ammunition, fuel, food, airborne landings, evacuation of the wounded, sick, etc.

Special aviationdesigned for long-range radar detection and guidance, refueling aircraft in the air, electronic warfare, radiation, chemical and biological protection, control and communications, meteorological and technical support, rescue of crews in distress, evacuation of the wounded and sick.

Anti-aircraft missile forcesdesigned to protect the country's most important facilities and troop groups from enemy air strikes.

They constitute the main firepower of the air defense system and are armed with anti-aircraft missile systems and anti-aircraft missile systems for various purposes, possessing great firepower and high accuracy in destroying enemy air attack weapons.

Radio technical troops- the main source of information about the air enemy and are intended for conducting radar reconnaissance, monitoring the flights of their aircraft and compliance by aircraft of all departments with the rules for the use of airspace.

They provide information about the beginning of an air attack, combat information for anti-aircraft missile forces and air defense aviation, as well as information for controlling formations, units and air defense units.

The radio technical troops are armed with radar stations and radar systems capable of detecting not only airborne but also surface targets at any time of the year and day, regardless of meteorological conditions and interference.

Communication units and subdivisionsdesigned for deployment and operation of communication systems in order to ensure command and control of troops in all types of combat activities.

Electronic warfare units and unitsdesigned to interfere with airborne radars, bomb sights, communications and radio navigation of enemy air attack systems.

Units and subdivisions of communications and radio engineering supportdesigned to provide control of aviation units and subunits, aircraft navigation, takeoff and landing of aircraft and helicopters.

Units and subdivisions of engineering troops,andunits and divisions of radiation, chemical and biological protectiondesigned to perform the most complex engineering and chemical support tasks, respectively.

The Air Force is armed with aircraft Tu-160 (Fig. 2), Tu-22MZ, Tu-95MS, Su-24, Su-34, MiG-29, MiG-27, MiG-31 of various modifications (Fig. 3), Su -25, Su-27, Su-39 (Fig. 4), MiG-25R, Su-24MP, A-50 (Fig. 5), An-12, An-22, An-26, An-124, Il -76, IL-78; helicopters Mi-8, Mi-24, Mi-17, Mi-26, Ka-31, Ka-52 (Fig. 6), Ka-62; anti-aircraft missile systems S-200, S-300, S-300PM (Fig. 7), S-400 "Triumph", radar stations and complexes "Protivnik-G", "Sky-U", "Gam-ma-DE" , "Gamma-S1", "Casta-2".

Rice. 2. Strategic supersonic missile carrier-bomber Tu-160: wingspan - 35.6/55.7 m; length - 54.1 m; height - 13.1 m; maximum take-off weight - 275 tons; maximum combat load - 45 tons; cruising speed - 960 km/h; range - 7300 km; ceiling - 18000 m; weapons - missiles, bombs (including nuclear); crew - 4 people

Rice. 3. Multi-role fighter MiG-31F/FZ: wingspan - 13.46 m; length - 22.67 m; height - 6.15 m; maximum take-off weight - 50,000 kg; cruising speed - 2450 km/h; range - 3000 km; combat radius - 650 km; ceiling - 20,000 m; armament - 23-mm six-barreled cannon (260 rounds, rate of fire - 8000 rounds/min); combat load - 9000 kg (UR, bombs); crew - 2 people

Rice. 4. Su-39 attack aircraft: wingspan - 14.52 m; length - 15.33 m; height - 5.2 m; maximum ground speed - 2450 km/h; range - 1850 km; ceiling - 18,000 m; armament - 30 mm cannon; combat load - 4500 kg (ATGM with ATGM, anti-ship missiles, NUR, U R. bombs - conventional, guided, cluster, nuclear)

Rice. 5. Long-range radar detection and control aircraft A-50: wingspan - 50.5 m; length - 46.59 m; height - 14.8 m; normal take-off weight - 190,000 kg; maximum cruising speed - 800 km/h; range - 7500 km; ceiling - 12000 m; target detection range: airborne - 240 km, surface - 380 km; crew - 5 people + 10 people tactical crew

Rice. 6. Combat attack helicopter Ka-52 “Alligator”: main rotor diameter - 14.50 m; length with rotating propellers - 15.90 m; maximum weight - 10,400 kg; ceiling - 5500 m; range - 520 km; armament - 30 mm cannon with 500 rounds of ammunition; combat load - 2000 kg on 4 hardpoints (ATGM, standardized containers with machine gun and cannon weapons, NUR, SD); crew - 2 people

Rice. 7. Anti-aircraft missile system S-300-PM: targets to be hit are aircraft, cruise and tactical missiles of all types; affected area - range 5-150 km, altitude 0.025-28 km; number of simultaneously hit targets - up to 6; number of simultaneously aimed missiles at the target - 12; readiness time for combat work from the march - 5 minutes


The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are the most important state organization for the protection of the population and territories from external and internal enemies, and also act as a means of political settlement of world conflicts

    Navy The Russian Federation is intended mainly for striking important enemy targets and defeating its naval forces in the oceanic (sea) theater of military operations.

    The modern Navy of the Russian Federation has nuclear missile power, great mobility of ships and aviation groups, great autonomy, and the ability to operate in any weather conditions in various areas of the World Ocean.

    The Navy of the Russian Federation consists of branches of forces: submarine, surface, naval aviation, coastal missile and artillery forces and marine corps.

    The Russian Navy consists of four fleets (Northern, Pacific, Baltic and Black Sea) and the Caspian flotilla and includes types of forces: submarine forces, surface forces, naval aviation, coastal troops (motorized rifle, tank formations and units, marine infantry and coastal missile and artillery troops ), support and service units and units.

    creating conditions for the security of economic activity of Russia or economic structures representing it;

    timely identification of threatening developments in the military-political situation or preparations for an armed attack on the Russian Federation and (or) its allies;

    use of military force.

List of sources used.

    Retired Major General Igor Pokhlopko: “There is no brotherhood holier than the army!” // February 23, 2012 No. 35 - Belarusian Military Newspaper ( .by/) - Russia: Long-range aviation". .2011 . ( English.)

    veinik/articles/0e/848/attach.docRussian army under fifth traders].// The Russian army is under the thumb of traders. Veynik V. A. Manuscript, October 11, 2013

    Drogovoz I. G. “Air Shield of the Land of Soviets” // Part 4. Sunset, Chapter 1 “Over the Abyss”. - Minsk: “Harvest”, 2002. - P. 441. - ISBN 985-13-1390-4

    Retired Major General Igor Pokhlopko: “There is no brotherhood holier than the army!” // February 23, 2013 No. 35 - Belarusian Military Newspaper ( .by/)

    Development of branches of the Armed Forces and branches of the armed forces - Combat training of units (

Explanatory note

The topic of my individual project is called : Types of weapons of the Russian army.

Relevance: Military affairs in Rus' has a rich history. And Russian warriors have always been loved and respected by their compatriots. One of the reasons for this is the high level of spirituality of the Russian military. Over the centuries, a code of morality has been developed in the Russian army. His never-ending values ​​- loyalty to duty, military honor, dignity, pride in belonging to the profession of defender of the Fatherland - were preserved as shrines and passed on from generation to generation, tested for strength in battles and brought up through military labor in peacetime. Statesmen, commanders, military commanders, officers and generals of the Russian army tirelessly cared about increasing the glory and traditions of the troops, improving culture, and observing the rules of etiquette. Particularly great achievements in this area were Peter I, P., A. Rumyantsev, G. A. Potemkin, A. V. Suvorov, M. I. Kutuzov, F. F. Ushakov, V. A. Kornilov, P. S. Nakhimova, M. I. Dragomirova, S. O. Makarova, N. D. Skobeleva.

Purpose of the study: introduce students to the structure, purpose and weapons of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Research objectives:

    Study the weapons of the ground forces.

    Consider the weapons of the navy.

    Analyze the weapons of the air force.

Object of study: weapons of the Russian army.

Subject of study: find out the role of weapons in political life countries.

As a result of the work done, we came to the following conclusions:

that the armed forces of the Russian Federation perform the following vital tasks:

    maintaining safe conditions for the life of Russian citizens in zones of armed conflicts and political or other instability;

    creating conditions for the security of Russian economic activity;

    protection of national interests in territorial waters, on the continental shelf and in the exclusive economic zone of Russia, as well as in the World Ocean;

    carrying out, by decision of the President of the Russian Federation, operations using the forces and means of the Armed Forces in regions that are the sphere of vital economic and political interests of the Russian Federation;

    organization and conduct of information warfare.

    maintaining the state of combat and mobilization readiness of the country, strategic nuclear forces, forces and means ensuring their operation and use, as well as control systems in order, if necessary, to inflict specified damage on the aggressor;

    maintaining the combat potential and mobilization readiness of groupings of general purpose troops (forces) at a level that ensures the reflection of aggression on a local scale;

    maintaining readiness for strategic deployment as the country transitions to wartime conditions;

    organization of territorial defense.

    deterring military and military-political threats to security or attacks on the interests of the Russian Federation;

    protection of economic and political interests of the Russian Federation;

    carrying out power operations in peacetime;

    use of military force.

You can see the list of literature sources used on the presented slide.

Over the past 6 years, Moscow has increased its military budget fourfold. After testing a vacuum superbomb and other developments of the Russian army, panic and rumors began in the world about the start of an arms race. “Vacuum bomb” is a phrase that came from nowhere, but has firmly taken root, denoting a volumetric explosion munition. In which the oxidizer for the main warhead is not located in the bomb, but air oxygen is used. Therefore, the explosion is three times more powerful with the same charge weight.

Vanga’s predictions say: 2010 - the beginning of the Third World War. "The war will begin in November 2010 and end in October 2014." Thus, the war is already underway, drawing in more and more countries. Who's next in line?
I won’t comment on the author’s passage about Vanga, but the war is already underway. If anyone remembers the story, then the Second World War also did not start in Europe. And with the Italian invasion of Abyssinia. (1936, I think?) And the Japanese invasion of China in 1937.


Construction of the new nuclear submarine Gepard has been completed at Sevmash.

Izvestia quoted the words of the head of the military representative office of the Ministry of Defense at Sevmash, Pavel Nychko: “Cheetah” compared to NATO submarines is like a “Mercedes” compared to “Volga”.

Even under the most favorable conditions, the American Los Angeles-class submarine, which has the most advanced hydroacoustics, will be able to detect the Cheetah no further than 10 kilometers away. This distance is critical. A nuclear submarine that has crept up unnoticed can already carry out its combat mission without hindrance.

The boat's hull has a hydroacoustic coating and is divided into seven main compartments. Comfortable conditions have been created for the crew: a rest room, Gym and even a small sauna with a swimming pool. The living quarters for four people are very similar to the compartments of a passenger train.

The new boat will replace the lost Kursk. The countdown of underwater submarines of the new century will begin with “Gepard”.


The Vega radio engineering concern begins supplying the Tipchak unmanned aerial reconnaissance systems to the Russian Armed Forces, Interfax reported.

The Tipchak complex is designed for reconnaissance at any time of the day in order to detect, recognize and determine the coordinates of targets in real time at a distance of up to 40 kilometers from the ground control point.

The complex includes 6 unmanned aerial vehicles, a transport and launch vehicle, an antenna and operator vehicle, as well as a technical support vehicle. The drones are launched using a pneumatic catapult and landed by parachute. The on-board equipment includes a camera high resolution, operating in the infrared and visible ranges.

Israeli drones are purely for copying. The Jews have world priority in this type of weapon.
These are all single batches of weapons for stealing technology. Like, the Chinese do this. Nobody will sell one copy. But stealing is somehow not comme il faut. So we have to buy a batch.
By the way, the USSR regularly purchased foreign weapons. And not just for copying. Do you remember revolvers and maxims? And Sherman tanks (bad). What about aircobras (the good ones)?
This is common practice. And the weapons purchased do not compete with the weapons described in the article. They have different purposes.


New fighting machine tank support (BMPT) was developed by Uralvagonzavod. According to the developers, it should move in one order of battle with tanks and suppress infantry, helicopters and low-flying enemy aircraft, which are the most dangerous opponents for tanks. In addition, the BMPT can hit tanks and concrete fortifications.

The BMPT is equipped with a V-92S diesel engine produced in Chelyabinsk. The frontal part of the hull is made of combined armor with built-in dynamic protection, the side armor is protected by hinged containers with dynamic protection, and lattice anti-cumulative screens are hung on the stern. The vehicle is equipped with a modern fire control system, a thermal imager, an automatic fire extinguishing system and protection against weapons of mass destruction.

According to the military, the combat effectiveness of one BMPT is superior to two motorized rifle platoons - 6 infantry fighting vehicles and about 40 personnel. This vehicle can fire simultaneously at three targets on the battlefield.

The vehicle is capable of overcoming 3 m long ditches and 1.5 meter walls at a speed of 60 km/h. It can equally easily “reach” an enemy tank at a distance of up to 5 thousand meters and clear a 3-kilometer square of terrain from any enemy personnel. In general, a real combine for mass murder and destruction - it will “pick up” everything that is ahead, clearing the way for tank columns.


The Raptor fighter, codenamed T-50, recently made its maiden flight.

A fifth-generation aircraft must carry appropriate strike weapons and have an intelligent computer system - an “electronic pilot”, capable of controlling the aircraft at extreme speeds and dynamic loads. The F-22 has it, and the newest Russian T-50 fighter has it. The characteristics of the latter are classified and their real, and not calculated, values ​​will only be established in test flights. But it is known that in terms of cruising speed it will not be inferior to the Raptor.

The T-50 can take off and land on runways 300-400 meters long, is capable of performing combat missions in any weather and time of day, and is characterized by unprecedented maneuverability.


During Operation Peace Enforcement in South Ossetia, the Russian Air Force used precision-guided weapons to destroy an aircraft factory and airport south of Tbilisi. The target was hit, but the military did not hit anything unnecessary. And all this thanks to the Kh-59 Gadfly guided missile. Its hit accuracy is 3-5 meters.

Recently, high-precision weapons are increasingly being developed with an eye on space positioning. In other words, a local war anywhere in the world can be waged from the Russian hinterland. Military satellites conduct reconnaissance and calculate the coordinates of enemy targets. Next, the Air Force launches a missile or bomb strike at a distance of 100-300 kilometers using a satellite navigation system.


The Iskander missile system turned out to be so successful that experts consider it the best in the world and a very promising ultra-precision weapon. Thanks in part to these new weapons, American plans to deploy missile defense in Europe have been revised.

The Iskander complex can hit the window of an enemy headquarters located 280 km away. Moreover, during flight, the rocket itself, after “thinking”, is able to select the most important one from all the targets. There are no equals to this high-precision weapon in the world.


The Russian corporation Uralvagonzavod has begun developing a new generation tank

Imagine, a shell flies towards a tank and explodes without ever reaching the armor. Science fiction that will become reality in the new Russian T-95 tank. Experts based on indirect information suggest that this tank is protected not by meter-thick steel, but by special active protection systems, multilayer composites and, possibly, an electromagnetic field.

In the T-95, everything will be fundamentally new: weapons, engine, chassis and electronics. Its calculated tactical and technical characteristics exceed those of all current tanks.

The T-95 crew will be in an armored capsule capable of withstanding an explosion of ammunition. Initially, it was planned to keep the number of tankers in the combat vehicle the same - three people. However, recently they are increasingly talking about one tanker, workplace which resembles the cockpit of a modern fighter and is fully automated.


NATO colleagues call their main weapons ultra-precision missiles. In response to their arguments, the Russian army placed the S-400 Triumph anti-aircraft missile systems on combat duty. This is an effective defense against “tomahawks” and other aircraft, with the help of which NATO so loves to resolve issues with all sorts of Milosevics, Husseins and other Kadafis. After all, this complex was created to destroy targets within a radius of 250 kilometers flying at speeds of up to 4.8 kilometers per second.

The S-400 complex can fire at 6 targets simultaneously - whether they fly at an altitude of 10 meters or 100 km. You can’t hide from this even in space!

The S-400 complex is equipped with a 9M96 missile, similar to the American missile for the Patriot PAC-3 complex. But the Russian model is twice as effective as the American one in terms of destruction, just like the French Aster.

The S-400 systems “are capable of effectively repelling massive raids by modern air attack weapons in conditions of intense electronic suppression and performing combat missions in various weather conditions.”

The first S-400 division entered combat duty on August 6, 2007 in Elektrostal near Moscow. The Leningrad region became the second region where the complex was based at the beginning of 2008. In August 2009, after tests of ballistic missiles by the North Korean armed forces, it was decided to place the S-400 on combat duty in Far East Russia. By 2015, it is planned to supply 23 S-400 divisions to the troops.


In the near future it is planned to change the type of standard weapons for all internal affairs officers. In particular, Makarov pistols (the makarka is good. At one time, some weapons organization recognized it as the best pocket pistol of the second half of the 20th century. But now it is outdated - it does not penetrate new body armor) will be replaced by Yarygin pistols, and Kalashnikov assault rifles by PP-2000 or Vityaz submachine guns.

The new weapon is different in that the bullet used in it has less rebound ability. (You can shoot indoors without the risk of getting hurt yourself) Russian police will also have stun devices, including remote ones, in their arsenal.

New armored personnel carrier

This vehicle is the first new Russian wheeled armored personnel carrier to be put into service since the creation of the new Russian Army.

In terms of the combination of basic combat properties, this vehicle has no analogues in the world in its class.

The main feature of the new armored personnel carrier BTR-90 is that it is made in a new armored hull and is equipped with a new Berezhok weapon system.

It should be noted that, despite the external similarity of the BTR-90 with its predecessors BTR-80 and BTR-80A, the “ninetieth” is a completely new vehicle, and not a modernization of the “eighty”.

The frontal armor of the new BTR-90 is capable of resisting armor-piercing shells from small-caliber automatic guns with a caliber of up to 30 mm inclusive. The side and rear projections of the vehicle's hull protect the crew, systems, components and assemblies from fire from small arms with a caliber of up to 12.7 mm inclusive. Inside, the habitable compartments of the vehicle are covered with a special anti-fragmentation material.

The BTR-90 is equipped with automatic fire extinguishing systems, collective protection against weapons of mass destruction, an onboard chassis information and control system and the Trona-1 topographic orientation system.

High mobility of the vehicle is ensured by a powerful multi-fuel diesel engine 2V-06-2M. The maximum speed of the BTR-90 on the highway is more than 100 km/h, and the range on paved roads is at least 800 km.

The vehicle remains mobile even if four of the eight wheels are completely destroyed (not on one side). Two water-jet propulsors provide the BTR-90 with a speed of 12 km/h on the water, while the vehicle confidently stays afloat even in a force three storm.


A new “superweapon” is already being prepared for adoption...

According to the latest information, after several unsuccessful launches, the last two launches were successful.

The Bulava sea-launched intercontinental ballistic missile is the latest Russian missile designed to equip the Boreev. Designed at the Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering, the missile can carry up to ten individually targeted hypersonic maneuvering nuclear units capable of changing the flight path in altitude and heading and hitting targets at a distance of up to 8 thousand km.

So far, only the submarine missile carrier Dmitry Donskoy serves as the launch platform for the Bulava. This is the largest submarine in world history.

However, the Yuri Dolgoruky submarine is currently undergoing sea trials at Sevmashpredpriyatie. In addition, construction of two more similar missile cruisers, Alexander Nevsky and Vladimir Monomakh, is underway. The submarines are designed to carry up to 12 Bulava missiles.


According to Air Force Commander-in-Chief General Alexander Zelin, the rearmament of army aviation will be completed by 2015, as a result of which its combat potential will increase by 2.5-3 times. Zelin said that tests of the Mi-28N, Ka-52 and Ansat-U helicopters have now been successfully completed. A decision was made to mass produce them.

The Mi-28N "Night Hunter" is designed to destroy enemy armored vehicles and manpower, lay minefields, and combat low-flying aircraft.

“There are no analogues to this helicopter in the world; all components of this machine are entirely Russian-made.”

A multifunctional radar station is installed in the spherical fairing above the main rotor hub, which provides information about obstacles, including separately standing trees and power line wires, making it possible to fly around the clock at an extremely low altitude of 5-15 meters, even in difficult weather conditions.

The Mi-28N has the latest weapons in its arsenal. This is a supersonic high-precision guided missile “Ataka”, which hits tanks with dynamic armor protection, as well as air targets; supersonic air-to-air Igla guided missile, used on a fire-and-forget basis. There is also a cannon installation on board with a 2A-42 cannon of 30 mm caliber. Thanks to the selective power supply of the gun, the crew can choose the type of projectile directly during the battle

The Russian Ministry of Defense intends to order 300 of these combat vehicles

And also dozens of such helicopters

The Ka-52 Alligator multi-purpose all-weather helicopter, which replaced the legendary Black Shark, is designed to provide an effective solution to the most important tasks on the organization and conduct of combat operations. (The Black Shark, by the way, turned out to be an unsuccessful project. It had only one person in the crew. He had to shoot accurately and conduct a vertical maneuver. And this is very difficult for a simple pilot in a real combat situation)


The Russian Air Force has adopted the first ten Pantsir-S anti-aircraft missile and gun systems.

The complex is designed to protect civilian and military point targets or to cover longer-range anti-aircraft missile systems - such as S-300, S-400.

"Pantsir-S" is the flagship of the domestic short-range air defense system. The complex of missile and cannon weapons implemented in it makes it possible to fire at air targets throughout the entire depth of the affected area, starting from distant high-altitude targets and ending with suddenly appearing small objects flying at extremely low altitudes.

Today, Pantsir-S embodies all the provisions of the concept of building a universal short-range anti-aircraft missile system, ensuring superiority over all foreign analogues and placing it among the most promising examples of highly intelligent weapons of the 21st century.

Control is carried out by two or three operators. Air defense is carried out by automatic cannons and radio-guided guided missiles. Aerial targets include all targets from 2-3 square centimeters and speeds up to 1000 meters per second and a maximum range of 20 thousand meters and an altitude of up to 15 thousand meters, including helicopters, unmanned aerial vehicles, cruise missiles and precision bombs.

It is assumed that in the future "Pantsir-S" will completely replace Russian army ZRPK "Tunguska".


So, Russia: resumed regular long-range flights of its strategic bombers; began to conduct military maneuvers three times more often; builds three nuclear and four diesel submarines at once; adopts new fighters, combat helicopters and anti-aircraft systems; successfully tested a hypersonic intercontinental missile as well as the world's largest vacuum bomb; commissioned a powerful radar station near St. Petersburg (and founded another one near Armavir); creates a new naval base in Kamchatka and designs the first aircraft carrier after the collapse of the USSR; regularly launches new military satellites.

Any technology becomes obsolete over time, and some mechanisms are replaced by more advanced units and devices. Traditionally, the army not only does not remain on the sidelines of innovation, but its modernization is one of the priority tasks modern Russia. International competition in the issue of technical equipment for troops forces the introduction of new technologies in the production of equipment for the armed forces. Today we'll talk about the current equipment and weapons of the Russian army, as well as about what combat units will be added to the military arsenal of our country in 2018.


It is known that, starting from 2017, Russia has been modernizing the technical equipment of the army. The prospect of the next three years is the replacement of at least 70 percent of the equipment and military equipment of the Russian Armed Forces with more advanced and powerful units

This year, part of the grandiose set of measures has been completed almost completely (several large deliveries of new army equipment are also expected in December). Since January, the Russian defense industry has produced and improved about 3,500 combat units for the ground forces and navy, including:

  • 16 new warships;
  • 190 modernized aircraft and helicopters;
  • about 800 tanks and armored vehicles built;
  • over 150 anti-aircraft missile systems;
  • about 2,000 units of multi-purpose automotive equipment.

Let's take a closer look at the sections of equipment that are currently in service and underwent modernization in 2017, and also get acquainted with the new products of the Russian army, which are planned to be released in 2018.

Tanks and armored vehicles

Among tank equipment, the T-90 model traditionally stands out, having undergone more than one degree of modernization and being a leader in combat characteristics. However, this year the state order included the improvement of T-72BZ tanks. Thanks to the work done to modernize the model (additional armor, a new fire control system and automatic transmission), these tanks received a “second life” and, in some respects, are able to compete with the famous T-90.

Find out: Russian Marines, black berets

In the category of armored vehicles, the Russian Armed Forces in 2017 received the improved BMP-3 (the model almost completely replaced the BMP-2 in service) and the BTR-82A (the modernized units were equipped with anti-fragmentation synthetic protection). Also, the ranks of airborne vehicles were replenished with several copies of BDM-4M and BTR-MDM ( distinctive feature of these vehicles is the fact that they can be landed immediately with the crew on board).

Aerospace Forces

The defense of the country's aerospace space is a priority and most pressing task, therefore the aerospace forces are given Special attention. Of course the main event recent years began the production and subsequent delivery to the troops of the new generation Su35S universal fighter (4++), which is today the most advanced aircraft in service with the Russian army.

In addition to the main “star,” the VKS continues to receive Su-30SM and Su-34 (modernized for “ground work”). The latter, by the way, are planned to be produced under government orders until 2020.

In addition, the arrival of improved models of MiG-31BM interceptors continues, on which colossal work has been done - the new aircraft have replaced the on-board equipment and systems responsible for controlling weapons equipment.

As for the modernization of the helicopter fleet, the production of Mi-28N attack vehicles is expected next year. These helicopters are distinguished by high stealth from enemy radars, improved armor and powerful weapons capable of delivering a targeted strike on ground targets. Also in 2018, it is planned to deliver unique Ka-52 vehicles - “Alligators” can hit enemy tanks, artillery and helicopters. The world's largest mass-produced helicopter, the Mi-26, also underwent modernization and was placed at the disposal of the Aerospace Forces updated.

In addition to the above-mentioned units of equipment, some military units of the Russian Aerospace Forces units were replenished with weapons in the form of special complexes equipped with drones of the “Pear”, “Granat” and “Forpost” types.

Find out: What financial liability is provided for military personnel?

Strategic missiles

In such an important and very relevant category of army equipment as nuclear weapon There is also a process of gradual modernization and updating of equipment. In particular, in 2018 it is planned to produce a completely new type of weapon - a railway missile system under the working name "Barguzin". Also, as part of the campaign to improve Russia’s nuclear military potential until 2020, the following pieces of equipment are being commissioned:

  • RS-24 Yars(created with the aim of replacing the RS-18 and RS-20 ICBM complexes in the country's arsenal);
  • RS-26 Rubezh(produced since 2014 and gradually adopted by the Strategic Missile Forces; in the future, this complex is planned to replace the famous “Topoli”);
  • RS-28 Sarmat(production of the first elements of the complex was launched in 2015; the project is currently under implementation).

Anti-tank weapons

The modernization also included elements of anti-tank weapons. This includes both automotive systems and individual means of destroying enemy tanks. Today, there is a gradual change in technical equipment with the commissioning of the following improved modules:

  • Kornet-D complex (anti-tank installation based on a car);
  • Hermes complex(produced for arming the Ka-52 and Mi-28N helicopters; in addition, the production of this complex is carried out jointly with the Pantsir S1 air defense system);
  • MGK BUR(individual anti-tank grenade launcher);
  • RPG-32 Hashim.

Small arms

While not all possible military battles are fought through aerospace, individual small arms are still relevant, and their improvement is taking place.

Weapons of the future of Russia 2020

Promising developments in Russia


Rearmament of the army and navy— this is not only the supply of existing modern equipment to the troops. In Russia, work is constantly underway to create fundamentally new types of weapons and appropriate decisions are made on their future development. Below is a short overview of the most modern weapons that are created in Russia. To view a sample, click on any blue panel.

New intercontinental strategic missiles

New Russian strategic missiles


The basis of Russia's missile shield The Voyevoda and Sotka heavy liquid-fuelled ICBMs make up the missiles. The service life of these ICBMs was tripled. Now they are being replaced by the promising heavy complex "Sarmat". is a 100-ton class missile carrying at least 10 multiple warheads in its warhead. The degree of its progress can be judged at least from the annual report of Safonovsky JSC Avangard, which began developing a transport and launch container for the rocket.

That is the main weight and dimensional characteristics of the Sarmat have already been determined. Serial production is planned at the famous Krasmash, for the reconstruction of which 7.5 billion rubles have been allocated from the federal budget. Work is also underway to create promising combat equipment, including individual breeding units with promising means of overcoming missile defense (R&D “Breakthrough” - “Inevitability”).

The Strategic Missile Forces command plans in 2013, conduct an experimental launch of the Avangard medium-class intercontinental ballistic missile. This is the fourth launch since 2011. The previous three were successful. In the upcoming test, the rocket will fly with a mock-up of a standard warhead, and not with ballast, as before.” Avangard is a fundamentally new missile and is not a continuation of the Topol family. According to the calculations of the Strategic Missile Forces command, the Topol-M can be hit by 1-2 anti-missiles of the type of the promising American SM-3, and each Avangard requires at least fifty anti-missiles. That is, the effectiveness of a missile defense breakthrough increases by an order of magnitude.

In "Vanguard" The usual missile with a multiple warhead (MIRV) is being replaced by a new system with a guided warhead (UBU). The warheads in the MIRV IN sit in one or two tiers (like those of the Voevoda) around the propulsion stage engine. At the command of its computer, the stage turns towards a particular target and with a short impulse of the engine sends the warhead, already freed from its fastenings, to the address. In this last flight, he flies along a ballistic curve, like a thrown stone: he cannot maneuver in course and altitude.

Unlike him the controlled unit is a completely independent rocket with its own control and guidance system, engine and rudders in the form of a conical “skirt” along the lower edge of the cone. The engine allows it to maneuver in space, and the “skirt” allows it to maneuver in the atmosphere. Thanks to such control, the warhead can fly 16 thousand km from an altitude of 250 km. That is, the range of the Avangard as a whole can exceed 25 thousand km!

Bottom missile systems

Bottom missile systems of Russia

Summer 2013 In the White Sea, it is planned to begin testing the new Skif ballistic missile, capable of being in standby mode on the sea and ocean floor and at the right time firing and hitting ground and sea targets. "Skif" uses the ocean as a kind of mining installation. And the deployment of such systems on the seabed will provide the necessary invulnerability of retaliatory weapons.

New mobile container missile systems

Club-K - New mobile container missile systems of Russia

Russia creates and produces combat (sea and rail) container missile systems. Various works are currently being actively carried out in this direction.

Successfully passed testing a missile fired from launchers located in a standard cargo container of the Club-K complex. One of the first launches was carried out on August 22, 2012 at a specialized test site.

Kh-35 anti-ship missile It is distinguished by its stealth and flight to the target at an altitude of no more than 15 meters, and at the final part of the trajectory - 4 meters. Combined homing system and powerful combat unit allow one missile to destroy a warship with a displacement of 5,000 tons. Now this RCC has become part of the Russian container complex - Club-K.

Russian container complex Club-K- designed to destroy surface and ground targets. The complex can be equipped with coastlines, ships of various classes, railway and automobile platforms. The complex is a modification of the well-known Caliber missile system.

First a prototype of a containerized missile system was shown at the military-technical salon in Malaysia in 2009. He immediately created a sensation. The fact is that Club-K is a standard 20- and 40-foot cargo containers that can be transported on ships, by rail or by trailers.

Shaitan container

The idea of ​​placing various combat systems in special mobile modules is not new. However, only we guessed to use standard 20/40-foot cargo containers as such modules.

Hidden inside containers command posts(reconnaissance and combat control systems) and launchers of 3M-14 missiles (for hitting ground targets) or launchers of multi-purpose anti-ship missiles such as X-35, 3M-54, capable of hitting both land and large surface targets. For example, the 3M-54 missile is capable of destroying even an aircraft carrier.

For reference— the flight range of the 3M14 cruise missile of the Caliber complex with nuclear warheads/fuel warheads is 2650 and 1600 km, respectively.

The Club-K complex can be used, both from ground launch positions and from railway, sea or road platforms. And it turns out that any container ship carrying Club-K essentially becomes a missile carrier with a crushing salvo. And any train with such containers or a convoy of heavy container vehicles is a powerful missile unit capable of appearing where the enemy is not waiting. Nothing like this has been developed either in the USA or in Western Europe.

The main element of the complex is the universal launch module (USM), designed in the form of a container. The basic composition of the Club-K complex includes up to four USMs, the ammunition load of one USM is 4 missiles, each USM is completely autonomous. Thus, placing only 4-8 Club-K complexes, for example, on board the landing ship Ivan Gren, will turn this large landing craft into a ship-arsenal of cruise missiles, which will be capable of delivering a crushing strategic long-range strike on any targets 16-32 KRBD at once.

Launches of Caliber from the Caspian Sea and successfully carried out throw and military tests of Club-K showed the whole world the real capabilities of this Russian mobile missile system. The complex has already begun to be exported. India became its first buyer.

5th generation strategic bomber

Russian new generation strategic bomber - PAK DA

The Tupolev company a promising long-range aviation complex (PAK DA) is being developed - a Russian strategic bomber-missile carrier of a new generation. The aircraft will not be a deep modernization of the Tu-160, but will be a fundamentally new aircraft based on fundamentally new solutions.

In August 2009, a contract was signed between the Russian Ministry of Defense and the Tupolev company to conduct R&D to create the PAK DA for a period of 3 years. In August 2012, it was announced that the preliminary design of the PAK DA had already been completed and signed, and development work on it was beginning.

In March 2013, the aircraft project was approved by the command of the Russian Air Force. PAK DA will replace modern nuclear missile carriers Tu-95MS and Tu-160. From several options, the military chose a subsonic stealth aircraft - with a “flying wing” design, which, due to the huge wingspan and design features, will not be able to overcome the speed of sound, but will be invisible to radars.

In the future, the PAK DA should replace the Tu-95 and Tu-160 long-range (strategic) aircraft currently in service with the Russian Air Force.

Russian 5th generation fighter

PAK FA T-50 vs F-22 and J-20

Ever since the Russian PAK FA (T-50) and the Chinese fifth-generation fighter Chengdu J-20 took wing, debate about their merits and demerits has not subsided.

However, the debriefing has already moved to a completely different qualitative level, since from that moment there was a real possibility of direct comparison of these fighters with their American serial analogue, the most expensive US Air Force fighter F-22 Raptor.

But in order to compare something with something, you must first provide comparison criteria, and in our case, answer the question:

What is a 5th generation fighter?

Characteristic features of the 5th generation:
- stealth - by using measures to reduce the ESR (effective scattering surface);
— use of powerful 5th generation engines;
— supersonic cruising flight in non-afterburning mode;
- super maneuverability;
— radar with AFAR;
- a modern weapons system.

Plus the integration of on-board systems of individual aircraft into a common network of computer command and control (ACS).

The comparison criteria are clear. Now let's use them and (for those who value their time) make a simple comparison table of Russian, American and Chinese fifth-generation fighters according to all the above criteria. Click on the blue panel to view the table.

Comparison table

And instead of a conclusion

The F-22 has already been discontinued, and the J-20 and F-35 have not been completed and are still far from perfect. Just like the Russian PAK FA.

Currently, the first stage of testing the T50 has been completed, and this spring, with 100% loading of fuel and weight-dimensional weapon mock-ups, the 4th aircraft took off from the 310-meter runway and reached maximum speed 2610 km/h and a cruising speed of 2135 km/h, while there was still potential for acceleration, and also climbed to 24,300 meters (higher was not allowed).

The T-50 is currently undergoing State tests. And in Bashkiria the production of new generation aircraft engines begins ( Ed.-129), which will be equipped with the T-50 multirole fighter at the second stage. Product-129 is an engine with increased power and rotary control of the jet nozzle. So the fight for the market and the sky v5.0 is just beginning...

Russian 6th generation fighter

What will the 6th generation fighter of the Russian Federation be like?

Russia is designing a 6th generation fighter. Deputy General Director of the KRET concern Vladimir Mikheev said this in an interview with TASS.

According to Mikheev, we are talking about 2 versions of the machine: manned and unmanned. Who exactly is creating the new fighter is not reported. Most likely - Sukhoi Design Bureau and/or MiG company.

Performance characteristics of the Russian 6th generation fighter

Armament of the Russian 6th generation fighter

The time of the sixth generation fighter has already come

The appearance of the Russian 6th generation fighter is just around the corner. UAC claims that the prototype aircraft will make its first flight in 2023-2025. And its full readiness can be achieved in 2030.

Missile defense of the future

Russian missile defense of the future

Work continues to create the S-500 missile defense system. In this new generation of Russian anti-aircraft missile systems, it is planned to use separate tasks to destroy ballistic and aerodynamic missiles. S-500, unlike the S-400, which is designed for air defense, is being created as a missile defense system, including it will be able to combat hypersonic weapons that the United States is actively developing. The S-500 aerospace defense system, which is promised to be constructed in 2015, will have to shoot down objects flying at an altitude of over 185 km and at a distance of more than 3.5 thousand km from the launcher.

Nowadays The preliminary design has already been completed and technical design is underway. The main purpose of this complex is to defeat the latest types of air attack weapons being developed in the world today. It is assumed that the system will be capable of solving problems not only in a stationary version: it will be deployed to the combat zone that is most relevant at a particular time. The destroyers that Russia is due to begin producing in 2016 will also be equipped with a ship-based version of the S-500 anti-missile system.

Combat lasers

Russian combat lasers

Russia began to engage developments in the field of tactical laser weapons before the United States and has in its arsenal prototypes of high-precision combat chemical lasers. We tested the first such installation back in 1972. Even then, the domestic mobile “laser gun” was capable of successfully hitting air targets. According to some experts: “Since then, Russia’s capabilities in this area have increased significantly, and the United States has to catch up with us.” Now significantly more funds are being allocated for this work, which will undoubtedly lead to further success.

So 2013 By order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, work continued on the creation of combat lasers capable of hitting aircraft, satellites and ballistic missiles. The development of lasers is carried out by the Almaz-Antey air defense concern, the Taganrog Aviation Scientific and Technical Concern named after Beriev and the Khimpromavtomatika company.

TANTK named after Beriev resumed work on modernizing the A-60 flying laboratory (based on the Il-76 transport aircraft), which was used to test new laser technologies. The flying laboratory is based at an airfield near Taganrog.

For promotion and development laser technologies Russia will build the world's most powerful laser. The superlaser in Sarov will occupy an area of ​​approximately two football fields, and at its highest point will reach the size of a 10-story building. The installation will have 192 laser channels and a huge laser pulse energy, for the American and French it is about two megajoules, for the Russian it is about 1.5-2 times more.

The superlaser will allow create enormous densities and temperatures in matter, close to those that occur on stars, for example, on the Sun. In the future, we may talk about obtaining thermonuclear fusion energy using a new principle - laser thermonuclear fusion. This will be a competitor to the ITER installation currently under construction in France, which is based on the tokamak system. In addition, the superlaser will simulate in laboratory conditions the processes that were observed during the testing of thermonuclear weapons. The construction cost is estimated at approximately 1.16 billion euros.

Promising armored vehicles

Promising armored vehicles of Russia

In 2014 The Russian Ministry of Defense intends to begin purchasing promising main battle tanks based on the Armata single heavy armored vehicle platform. According to Interfax, this was stated by Yuri Borisov, Deputy Minister of Defense of Russia. According to the deputy minister, an order will first be placed for the supply of a pilot batch of 16 new tanks.

Based on an experimental batch combat vehicles are planned to be carried out under controlled military operation. The deputy minister did not specify other details regarding the purchase of promising combat vehicles. The creation of the first prototype of a tank based on the Armata platform, according to the current schedule, should take place already in 2013, and the delivery of new combat vehicles to the troops is planned to begin in 2015.

Approval of technical design“Armata” by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation took place on March 23, 2012. As stated by the head of the Main Armored Directorate of the Russian Ministry of Defense, Major General Alexander Shevchenko, the project fully complies with all existing requirements of the military department. The development of a promising tank has been entrusted to Uralvagonzavod.

Another avenue Russian defense industry - “Terminator” (“Object 199″). This is a tank support combat vehicle designed to destroy manpower, armored vehicles, air targets, as well as various fortifications and shelters.

"Terminator" can be created both on the basis of the T-72 tank and on the T-90. The standard armament consists of two 30-mm cannons, a Kalashnikov machine gun, an Ataka laser-guided ATGM and two AGS-17 grenade launchers. The capabilities of the BMPT allow high-density fire to be fired at four targets simultaneously. On the very first day of the IDEX-2013 salon in Abu Dhabi, the modernized T-90S tank and the Terminator made it into the top ten.

Precision weapons

Russian precision weapons

The Russian Air Force will receive missiles for striking ground and surface targets with GLONASS guidance.

In July at the GLITs training ground. V.P. Chkalov in Akhtubinsk will test the S-24 and S-25 missiles, equipped with special kits with seekers and linings on the control surfaces. GLONASS guidance kits will begin to arrive en masse at air bases already in 2014, that is, Russian front-line and helicopter aviation will completely switch to high-precision weapons.”

S-24 and S-25 - became highly accurate

Unguided rockets(NUR) S-24 and S-25 remain the main weapons of Russian attack and bomber aircraft, but NURs hit areas, and in modern conditions this is an expensive and ineffective pleasure. GLONASS homing heads will transfer the S-24 and S-25 into the class of high-precision weapons capable of hitting small targets with an accuracy of up to 1 m.


Combat Robotics of Russia

Priorities in the creation of promising types of weapons and military equipment have actually been determined. The emphasis is on creating the most robotic combat systems in which a person is assigned the safe function of an operator.

In robotics A number of programs are planned: the creation of power armor, known as exoskeletons, the development of underwater robots for a wide variety of purposes, the design of a series of unmanned aerial vehicles. Intensified work on network technologies for military purposes fits into robotic innovations. It is planned to create technologies for wireless power transmission. Nikola Tesla carried out experiments in this direction a hundred years ago. New technologies will make it possible to implement his ideas on an industrial scale.

Russian specialists relatively recently (2011-2012) the SAR-400 robot was created. He is 163 cm tall and consists of a torso with two “hands”-manipulators, which are equipped with special sensors that allow the operator to feel the object touched by the iron hand.

SAR-400 can perform many functions - from space flights to remote surgical operations. But in military affairs he has no value at all. He can be a sapper, a scout, and a repairman. According to their own tactical and technical characteristics and the operating capabilities of the Android SAR-400 are either superior (for example, in hand compression) or not inferior to all foreign analogues, including American ones. The SAR-400 robot is scheduled to fly aboard the International Space Station (ISS) within the next two years, and will later be used on future missions to the Moon and Mars.

Fundamentally new small arms

New Russian small arms

Izhevsk gunsmiths began developing a new generation of automatic small arms weapons, fundamentally different from the most popular Kalashnikov system in the world. We are talking about a new platform that will allow us to compete with the most modern analogues of small arms in the world and will provide law enforcement agencies with fundamentally new weapons systems that are fully consistent with the rearmament program of the Russian army until 2020.

Small arms of the future will be of a modular type, which will simplify production and subsequent modernization. In this case, a scheme in which the firing mechanism and the weapon magazine are located in the butt behind the trigger will be used more often. To develop fundamentally new small arms systems, ammunition with a new ballistic solution will also be used - they will have increased accuracy, greater effective range, and higher penetration power.

Before the gunsmiths the task is to create new system“from scratch”, without relying on outdated principles. To achieve this goal, Izhmash will use new technologies. Nevertheless, Izhmash will not refuse work on modernizing Kalashnikov assault rifles of the 200 series, since the Russian special services have already become interested in the supply of AK-200.

Russian hypersonic weapons

Zircon - the hypersonic era is coming

Panic in Great Britain - the Russians have created a hypersonic Zircon missile.

“This missile threatens the entire Western world, it will change the balance of power. This missile can sink two of Britain's largest aircraft carriers, costing £600,000,000, in one hit. Its radius is 1000 km and its speed is Mach 8. No missile defense system is capable of shooting down a missile at such speed.”

Plus, Zircon is unique in that it can be launched both from land and from the sea or from under water. Zircon's speed is simply amazing. The unsuccessful American analogue has a speed almost 40% lower.

When the Zircon flies at maximum speed, its head part heats up, forming a cloud of plasma. This makes it difficult for radars to operate and makes the missile invisible. Hence Zircon received the name in the West - Horror in Plasma.

The adversaries also note that the Russians always underestimate the performance characteristics of their products. So after Zircon enters service, NATO will be in for an unpleasant surprise.

Speed ​​8 Mach and radius 1000 km is not the limit

For the flight of Zircons at hypersonic speeds, a special fuel was created - Decilin-M using aluminum nanoparticles. This increases the energy intensity and density of the fuel by almost 20%.

According to experts, the speed of Zircons using the new fuel will reach Mach 12, and the flight range will exceed 1,500 kilometers. According to Deputy Minister of Defense General Dmitry Bulgakov, the same fuel will be used to create engines for new strategic hypersonic cruise missiles, which will allow them to exceed speeds of Mach 5.

That is, Mach 8 is not the limit. Back in August 2011 CEO corporation Tactical missile weapons Boris Obnosov stated that the corporation was starting to develop hypersonic missiles, capable of reaching speeds of Mach 12-13! So, as in the case of underestimating the performance characteristics of Calibers, the matter will definitely not be limited to a speed of Mach 8.

On April 15, 2017, the new Russian hypersonic anti-ship cruise missile Zircon accelerated to a speed of Mach 8 (8500 km/h), TASS reports, citing a source in the Russian defense industry.

“During the tests of the rocket, it was confirmed that its speed on the march reaches eight Machs (a number that takes into account the dependence of the speed of sound on the flight altitude),” the agency’s interlocutor said.

According to him, 3S14 universal launchers can be used to launch these missiles. Now the ship complex launches Caliber and Onyx missiles.

Why is Zircon dangerous for the states?

The range of Russian Zircon anti-ship cruise missiles will force US Navy carrier strike groups to stay thousands of kilometers from our coast. Which will make attacks by their carrier-based aircraft on our ground targets either ineffective or completely impossible.

The logic here is simple. The main striking force of any modern US aircraft carrier is the F/A-18 Super Hornet carrier-based fighter-bombers. Their combat radius is 400 nautical miles. In order for the F/A-18 to be able to at least threaten missile and bomb attacks on targets on our shores, they must take off from the deck 740 kilometers from the targets of the future strike. At the same time, the declared range of the Zircon is 1000 km and they have no protection against it.

The Zircon should be put into service in 2018, replacing the Granit anti-ship missile in combat duty. Thus, not a single ship of the adversaries will henceforth feel safe, because the anti-missiles currently available in the West are physically unable to withstand the Russian Zircon missile.

Aircraft carrier Storm, BDK Priboy and destroyer Leader

Promising Russian aircraft carrier Storm, BDK Priboy and destroyer Leader

The defense industry announced the construction of 8 new universal landing ships of the Priboy project, developed by the Nevsky Design Bureau.

Prospective BDKs will have a displacement of about 14 thousand tons and an aviation group of eight Ka-27 and . Their construction is planned to begin in 2016.

The newest landing craft will be armed with Pantsir-M anti-aircraft missile and artillery systems. Surf will be able to transport up to 500 paratroopers and up to 40-60 units of equipment. The length of the ship will be 165 meters, width - 25 meters.

5th generation nuclear submarines

What will the 5th generation nuclear submarines be like?

The concept of creating 5th generation nuclear-powered ships involves the introduction of robotic systems, composite technologies and new types of cruise missiles.

Very little is known about the alleged performance characteristics of 5th generation nuclear submarines. According to data that is sometimes fragmentarily thrown into the media, the following image of future nuclear submarines is drawn:

Developer:St. Petersburg mechanical engineering design bureau Malachite
Platform:single, basic
Version 1:hunter boat (anti-submarine submarine)
Version 2:carrier of cruise missiles (killer of aircraft carriers, destruction of coastal and surface targets)
Frame:high strength steel
Use of rubber coatings:No
Use of composite materials:Yes
Using unified modular platforms:Yes
Use of robotic systems:Yes
Depth rudders:composite material
Rudders:composite material
Propellers and shaft lines:composite material
Low noise:Yes
Sonar camouflage:Yes
Communications power:increased
Weapons Integration:Yes
Automated reconnaissance and warning means:Yes
Weapons:hypersonic cruise missile Zircon (Mach 5-13) and/or CRBD Caliber
Crew:30 people

Design Bureau Malachite is a recognized brand of the Soviet and Russian nuclear submarine fleet. The Bureau developed such nuclear submarines as Anchar (project 661, the fastest nuclear submarine), Lira (project 705), Shchuka-B (project 971) and Yasen (project 885).

Hypersonic missile launchers Zircon (3M22) are being developed by the Tactical Missile Weapons Corporation as a replacement for heavy Granit anti-ship systems. In February 2016, they entered flight testing. Should be part of the armament of the updated Project 1144 Orlan nuclear cruisers and the newest Leader destroyers.

Construction of the first 5th generation nuclear submarine is planned to begin in 2017-2018. The 5th generation should replace the Project 949AM Antey submarines and multi-purpose submarines of Projects 971, 945 and 671RTM.

Megaton underwater drones

Russia's asymmetric response. We create megaton underwater drones

Russia is twice the size of the USA. Today, a third of the entire US population lives in three giant metropolitan areas. More than half of all American GDP is produced there. The areas of these megacities are relatively small (about 400 thousand sq. km) and are located mainly on the coast. From here, for the most part, all the asymmetrical retaliatory measures dance.

Russia is creating an unmanned submarine with a powerful nuclear warhead to destroy American submarine bases and other important facilities on the US coast, the Washington Times writes, citing sources in the Pentagon. In the US military department, the development was codenamed Kanyon.

According to the US military, it will be an uncrewed attack submarine, armed with a thermonuclear warhead with a yield of “tens of megatons”, capable of quickly and covertly moving over long distances.

Press Secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov confirmed that data on the classified Status-6 system was accidentally shown on Russian television, Interfax reports. On November 9, Channel One and NTV aired stories about a meeting with the participation of President Putin on defense issues.

Status-6 is the same underwater drone that the Washington Times wrote about.

On March 18, 2016, representatives of the United Shipbuilding Company, commenting on reports about Status-6, confirmed the development of an “unmanned underwater robot”.

From the wiki: Status-6 is a Russian ocean-going multi-purpose weapon system designed to destroy US Navy bases and important enemy economic facilities in the coastal area and cause guaranteed unacceptable damage to the country's territory. The same asymmetrical answer.

Modeling in Alex Veresteyn's NukeMap program shows that the size of the affected area from a 100 megaton explosion of a Status-6 nuclear warhead will be approximately 1,700 km by 300 km.

The second most powerful damaging factor is the creation of an artificial megatsunami with a wave height of 300-500 meters with the wave entering the mainland in flat terrain up to 500 km