What is a combat post? Post and its equipment

22.09.2019 Documentation


a set of information and technical means serving their personnel and their locations during service. The BIP is designed to collect and process information about the air, underwater and surface situation, as well as to make calculations for the use of weapons and radio equipment, etc. The information on the BIP is displayed on indicators, screens, scoreboards and tablets. Usually the BIP turns on integral part to the operational duty service.

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  • - a set of a certain type of technical equipment serving their personnel, places for their location during service...

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  • - a club with a movable head connected to the handle via a chain. It was found among eastern peoples and the Germans in the 14th and 15th centuries. It was not used, since its operation required great skill...

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  • - see: Old combat...

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  • - Cm....

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  • - ...

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  • - BATTLE, oh, oh. 1. Related to the conduct of battle, war. Combat mission. Combat training of troops. B. order of troops. First b. departure. B. charter. B. cartridge. B. comrade. 2. Ready to fight, militant, determined...

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  • - ...

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Special training

Ticket No. 1

1. Define a combat post?

The combat post is the place ( workplace) with means of combat control, special systems, communications, alarms, with weapons and (or) equipment, the necessary documentation, on which the crew number is on combat duty. If, based on the nature of the tasks performed, the crew number cannot be determined as a combat post, then it is assigned places of combat duty.

2. Measures to ensure safety when controlling aircraft crews (groups)?

Measures to ensure safety when controlling aircraft crews (groups) should be understood as a set of measures excluding:

loss of control of aircraft crews in the air;

loss of orientation by aircraft crews;

cases of dangerous approach and collision of aircraft in the air;

collisions of aircraft with the earth's (water) surface and obstacles on it;

aircraft entering the area affected by anti-aircraft guns, use of anti-aircraft guns inappropriately given goals(outside the range);

aircraft entering areas with hazardous weather conditions and difficult ornithological conditions;

aircraft entering dangerous and prohibited zones, unauthorized entry into the border strip and crossing the state border;

violation of the rules and procedures for the use of airspace and the procedure for performing flight missions;

landing of aircraft crews with emergency fuel remaining and forced landings of aircraft due to lack of fuel.

3. Define the state border?

State border Russian Federation- there is a line and a vertical surface passing along this line that defines the limits of the state territory (land, water, subsoil and airspace) of the Russian Federation, that is, the spatial limit of the action of the state sovereignty of the Russian Federation.

Ticket number 2

1. What components are used to monitor combat duty?

Answer: Control of combat duty by officials includes:

Testing the knowledge of the number of the duty combat crew (duty shift) of combat duty tasks and the main provisions of the instructions to the number of the duty combat crew (duty shift);

Testing the practical skills and abilities of the number of the combat crew on duty (duty shift) to perform their special duties (by practicing training tasks, introductory and standards);

Random check of compliance with the initial position of the combat post equipment;

Checking the availability of basic documentation at the combat post and its condition;

Checking the completeness and quality of keeping by the number of the duty combat crew (duty shift) the combat duty log (operational, equipment log);

Analysis of compliance by subordinate commanders (chiefs) with combat duty control standards, inspection results and measures taken to eliminate identified deficiencies (based on entries in the combat duty log and practical monitoring of the elimination of noted deficiencies).

2. What does counter-terrorism include?

prevention of terrorism, including the identification and subsequent elimination of the causes and conditions conducive to the commission of terrorist acts (prevention of terrorism); prevention and suppression of terrorist acts (fight against terrorism); liquidation of the consequences of terrorist acts.

3. Define a terrorist act?

Terrorist act- committing an explosion, arson or other actions that frighten the population and create a danger of human death, causing significant property damage or other grave consequences, in order to influence decision-making by authorities, as well as the threat of committing these actions for the same purposes;

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CHARTER OF THE INTERNAL SERVICE OF THE ARMED FORCES OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION (approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 12/14/93) (as amended on 12/18/2006) (2019) Relevant in 2018


359. Combat duty (combat service) is the fulfillment of a combat mission. It is carried out by duty forces and means assigned from military units and subunits of the Armed Forces and branches of the armed forces. The composition of the forces and means on duty includes combat crews, ship crews and aircraft, duty shifts of control posts, forces and means of combat support and maintenance.

IN Navy combat service is the highest form of maintaining the combat readiness of naval forces in peacetime.

360. Combat duty is organized by the commander of the military unit. He is responsible for the implementation of tasks by the forces and means on duty.

Deputy commanders of a military unit, heads of military branches and services are responsible for combat readiness, provision and training of on-duty forces and equipment as they relate to them.

361. The composition of duty forces and equipment, the degree of their combat readiness, the duration, the order of combat duty, the preparation of personnel, weapons and military equipment for taking up combat duty (combat service) and their shifts are determined by order of the commander of the military unit in accordance with the requirements of this Charter, orders and directives of the Minister of Defense, Chief of the General Staff and commanders-in-chief of the branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

362. It is prohibited to assign to combat duty (combat service) military personnel who have not taken the Military Oath, who have not completed the appropriate training program to the prescribed extent, who have committed offenses that are under investigation, and who are sick.

For weekends unused due to combat duty and holidays military personnel (except for military personnel undergoing military service upon conscription) rest is provided for a week.

363. The preparation of personnel for combat duty is carried out on the basis of a plan approved by the commander of the military unit, as part of units, combat crews, and duty shifts before each assignment to combat duty.

It is carried out under the leadership of the commander of a military unit or persons on his behalf, taking into account the nature and scope of tasks, the specifics of the military unit, unit, time and place of combat duty in training classes for combat duty or specially prepared places using training (combat training) equipment , equipment, simulators, mock-ups and teaching aids.

Weapons and military equipment are prepared for combat duty (combat service) in advance.

All activities for the preparation of duty forces and assets are completed by checking their readiness for combat duty. The results of the check are reflected in the logbook of preparation for combat duty. The commander of a military unit gives a combat order to go on combat duty.

364. The procedure for entering combat duty (combat service) is determined by orders of the commanders-in-chief of the branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

365. The commander of the forces and assets on duty (operational duty officer, shift supervisor, crew chief, command post duty officer) reports to his immediate superior and to the higher command post about taking up combat duty. The commander of forces and assets on duty (operational duty officer, shift supervisor, crew chief, command post duty officer) is obliged to know the situation in detail, act boldly and decisively, and take responsibility for decisions made and ensure the fulfillment of the combat mission.

366. During the period of combat duty, separate and complex trainings (some of which are control) are conducted with the duty shift under the leadership of commanders of duty forces and assets (operational duty officers, shift commanders, crews, duty command posts) and senior commanders.

In addition, training is conducted with the personnel of duty shifts, free from direct performance of combat duty tasks, according to the schedule approved by the chief of staff of the military unit.

367. The commander of forces and assets on duty (operational duty officer, shift supervisor, crew chief, command post duty officer) is prohibited from giving orders to personnel that distract him from performing his duties on combat duty and may lead to disruption of the combat mission.

When on combat duty, duty shift personnel are prohibited from:

Transfer to anyone, even temporarily, the performance of combat duty duties without the permission of the commander of duty forces and assets (operational duty officer, shift supervisor, crew, duty command post);

Be distracted, engage in activities not related to the performance of duties on combat duty;

To leave a combat post or other place of combat duty without permission;

Carry out work on weapons and military equipment that reduces their established readiness.

In the military unit (unit) from which duty forces and equipment are allocated, the dismissal of personnel from the unit's location, classes, sports and cultural events are carried out in such a way that, if necessary, the strengthening of duty shifts is ensured within the established time limits.

368. The frequency of inspection of combat duty (combat service) by officials is determined by the commanders-in-chief of the branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Verification of combat duty is carried out by the commander of a military unit, his direct superiors or persons on their behalf, for which a combat duty verification plan is developed.

After a change from combat duty, the performance of service by personnel is reviewed, its condition is noted in the order of the commander of the military unit.

A sentry is an armed guard who performs the combat mission of guarding and defending the post assigned to him.

Carrying out guard duty is the fulfillment of a combat mission and requires personnel to strictly comply with all provisions of the Charter of the garrison and guard services of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, and high vigilance.

Those guilty of violating the requirements of the guard service bear disciplinary or criminal liability.

Guards are appointed to perform guard duty.

A guard is an armed unit assigned to carry out the combat mission of guarding and defending combat flags, military and government facilities, as well as to protect persons held in the guardhouse and in the disciplinary battalion.

There are garrison and internal (ship) guards; they can be permanent or temporary.

Garrison guard appointed for the protection and defense of objects of army, district or central subordination that do not have their own security units, objects of general garrison importance, objects of formations or several military units located in close proximity to one another, as well as for the protection of persons held in the garrison guardhouse.

Internal (ship) guard assigned to guard and defend the facilities of one military unit (ship). Airplanes (helicopters) and other objects of the aviation unit at the airfield are guarded and defended by an internal guard appointed by the aviation technical unit.

The following are appointed to the guard: the chief of the guard, guards according to the number of posts and shifts, guards, and, if necessary, an assistant chief of the guard, an assistant chief of the guard (operator) for technical security equipment or a shift of operators (two or three people, one of whom can be appointed as an assistant chief of the guard for technical security equipment), assistant chief of the guard for the service of guard dogs and vehicle drivers.

For the immediate protection and defense of objects, sentries are posted from the guard.

The guards guard the posts by patrolling between the external and internal fences around the object or along the fence on the inside, if the object has one fence, as well as by observation from towers. Individual objects may be guarded by stationary sentries. The sentry is an inviolable person.

Sentinel immunity is:

In special protection by law of his rights and personal dignity;

He is subordinate to strictly defined persons - the chief of the guard, the assistant chief of the guard and his guard;

It is the duty of all persons to unquestioningly fulfill the requirements of the sentry determined by his service;

Granting him the right to use weapons in the cases specified in the Charter of the garrison and guard services of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Only the chief of the guard, the assistant chief of the guard and the guard to whom the sentry is subordinate have the right to change or remove the sentry.

In conditions of poor visibility, when from the distance indicated in the post report card it is impossible to see those approaching the post or the forbidden border, the sentry stops them by shouting: “Stop, who’s coming?” If there is no answer, the sentry warns: “Stop, I’ll shoot,” and detains the intruder. The sentry reports the detained violator to the guardhouse, monitors his behavior and, without weakening his attention, continues to guard the post assigned to him.

Hourly on duty at the Battle Banner performs his duties while in the “at-ease” position. When greeted by military personnel with the Battle Banner, the sentry takes a drill stance.

During the reception of the Battle Banner under guard, the guard is obliged to check the serviceability of the case (cabinet) and the seal on it. The sentry issues the Battle Banner only on the personal order of the chief of guard and in his presence.

If the post at the Battle Banner is in danger (fire or disaster), the sentry takes the Battle Banner to a safe place and calls the chief of the guard.

Post and its equipment. Methods of protecting objects

119. A post is everything entrusted to the guard for protection and defense, as well as the place or area of ​​the terrain where he performs his duties. The posts also include objects protected by guards using technical security means and areas of the area where these means are installed.

The boundaries of posts and the prohibited boundaries of posts (Appendix No. 5) are determined by the commander (chief), who organizes the security and defense of objects, depending on their importance, equipment with technical security means, fencing and location on the ground in such a way as to ensure reliable security of the post.

Guards guard objects by patrolling between the external and internal fences around the object or along the fence on the inside if the object has one fence, as well as by observing from towers. Individual objects may be guarded by stationary sentries.

The Charter of the Garrison and Guard Services of the RF Armed Forces was approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 10, 2007 N 1495

Fencing of objects and equipment of posts

1. The territory in which protected objects are located must be fenced with a fence (wooden, wire, etc.). The territory on which objects of the district (naval), central subordination and other important objects (warehouses with explosives, ammunition, fuel, etc.), must have external and internal fences no less than 2 meters high with a distance between wire threads of no more than 15 centimeters. The distance between external and internal fences is determined depending on local conditions, the type of installed perimeter security equipment and can be 10 meters or more. Between the fences there is a path (path) for the movement of sentries and a control strip with a width of at least 5 meters adjacent to the outside of the fence.

Entrance gates (gates) of storage facilities (warehouses, parks), parking lots with weapons, military equipment and other military property are equipped with technical security means. In places where weapons and ammunition for them are located on vehicles, object detection means are installed. Signals from detection means are output to the control room of the guard room to the console of the assistant chief of guard (operator) for technical security equipment.

At the sentry post, the guard must be provided with the greatest possible visibility and fire (at least 50 meters), and on the sentry’s route there should be no hidden approaches (buildings, structures, etc.) that could facilitate a surprise attack on the sentry. The territory of the post and around it must be cleared of bushes, trees thinned out, lower branches cut off to a height of 2.5 meters, grass mowed, unnecessary objects removed.

For the convenience of monitoring the approaches to a protected object, observation towers should be installed between fences (protected objects), equipped with communications equipment, an alarm system for emergency communication with the chief of guard, movable searchlights, lightning protection devices, a grenade net, a door locked from the inside, bulletproof shields, signal and lighting equipment, and, if necessary, night vision devices. A firing position for the sentry is set up under the observation tower. The requirements for the observation tower equipment are set out in paragraph 11 of this appendix.

At particularly important facilities, by decision of the commander of the military district, special engineering structures may be installed with the installation of technical means of warning and influence and surveillance devices.

2. Around objects located outside the territory of a military unit, in agreement with state authorities and local governments, prohibited zones or areas are determined in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The prohibited zone includes the territory immediately adjacent to the territory of a military installation. The width of the restricted zone from the external fence of a military facility is set depending on the type and purpose of the facility (arsenal, base, warehouse) and is 100 - 400 meters. A prohibited area at least 3 kilometers wide from the outer fence of the territory of a military facility is established only for military warehouses of missiles, ammunition, explosives and chemicals, flammable and combustible liquids.

The boundaries of the prohibited zone must be marked on the ground with clearly visible signs with an inscription in Russian and the language of the state (subject of the Russian Federation) on whose territory the object is located, for example: “Forbidden zone, passage is prohibited (closed).” The boundaries of the restricted area are not marked on the ground.

The head of the garrison (commander of a military unit, head of a protected facility) is obliged to promptly notify military personnel about the establishment of the boundaries of a restricted zone (area), and through state authorities and local governments - the population of nearby settlements. The boundaries of prohibited zones (areas) should not include existing public roads, residential and service buildings, cultivated fields, etc.

3. Forbidden borders of posts, indicating the distance closer to which the sentry is prohibited from allowing unauthorized persons to the post, are indicated by signs visible to the sentry and other persons during the day, at night and in conditions of poor visibility with the inscriptions on the inside of the post: “Forbidden border of the post”, on the outside post - “The forbidden border of the post. Passage (passage) is prohibited (closed).”

At the gates of the storage area for weapons and military equipment of combat and combat groups for operating the permanent park of a military unit, additional shields are installed with the inscription: “Stop! Passage (travel) without the permission of the guard commander is prohibited.”

Signs are placed along the perimeter of the fence every 100 - 150 meters, the size of the boards is 400x600 millimeters, the inscriptions and edging are done on a yellow background with red paint.

The boundaries of the posts, which define the place or area of ​​the terrain where the sentries perform their duties, are indicated by visible signs during the day, at night and in conditions of poor visibility with the inscription: “Post boundary.”

The boundaries of posts, as a rule, should coincide with their external fencing, and on the territory of objects that have several posts, the boundaries of each post are indicated on the ground with signs visible to sentries, for example: “Border of post No. 2” (inscriptions and borders are made on a yellow background with black paint).

4. For the defense of the most important objects and guardhouses located outside military camps, trenches are opened and equipped in such a way that the approaches to the post (guardhouse) are shot from them and, if possible, fire communication with neighboring posts is ensured. The trench is equipped with means of communication with the guardhouse.

5. At night, the approaches to the post and the protected object must be illuminated. The lighting is arranged so that the sentry, while on the observation tower or moving along the route, is always in the shade.

6. Each post is equipped with a two-way telephone (intercom) and, if possible, backup radio communications, and for emergency communication with the guardhouse - alarm systems along the sentry's route. Communication means must provide the sentry (except for stationary ones) from at least two points, and when protecting objects by patrolling - every 250 meters of movement, an immediate call to the guard chief or a reserve guard group.

7. Internal posts, especially near the Battle Banner, must have a fence 0.7 - 1 meter high and lighting. Posts at the guardhouse are equipped in such a way as to ensure reliable protection of military personnel on duty from attacks by persons held in the guardhouse.

At the checkpoint there should be a fence that protects the sentry from external attack, and at the entrance checkpoints there should also be a turnstile. Samples of passes must be in closed display cases, ensuring their secrecy for visitors, and sealed with the seal of the person organizing access control and security of the facility.

8. At each post, directly at the protected objects, there must be fire extinguishing means: fire extinguishers, boxes of sand, barrels of water, buckets and equipment (shovels, axes, crowbars, hooks).

9. At the outer post there must be a guard mushroom specially equipped for storing guard clothes; on the inner post there is a wardrobe or hanger for outerwear. The guard mushroom is painted to match the color of the protected object or the color of the surrounding area.

10. Instructions for equipping facilities with technical security means are set out in the subsection “Security of facilities using technical security means” of this Charter.

11. The observation tower is a sectional structure, where the lower sections provide overall structural rigidity and allow a protected cabin to be installed on them at a given height, even in areas with strong wind conditions and in earthquake-prone areas. The observation tower must be of a height that allows the sentry to inspect the protected area. Access to the cabin is via a ladder, which must be safe; the design of the steps and the upper platform must prevent the accumulation of water, falling through and sliding of the feet. The entrance door of the cabin must open outwards and close from the inside. The structures of the observation tower cabin and shelter must include loopholes, firing stops, as well as devices for placement, temporary storage and launching of signal flares, protective equipment and night vision devices.

The tower is equipped with communication means (telephone, device intercom, radio station) and an alarm system that provides communication both from the tower cabin and from the shelter-trench. The emergency escape hatch must open (retract) inside the observation tower.

The outer part of the observation tower is painted to match the color of the protected object or the color of the surrounding area.

The observation tower must have the following parameters:
- the installation height of the cabin from the ground surface is at least 5 meters;
- cabin dimensions: height - at least 250 centimeters, length and width - at least 250 centimeters, roof height - at least 40 centimeters;
- dimensions of the loopholes: height - at least 15 centimeters, width - at least 35 centimeters;
- dimensions front door: height - at least 180 centimeters, width - at least 60 centimeters;
- dimensions of the hatch for emergency evacuation: length and width - at least 80 centimeters.

The design of the observation tower must ensure:
- protection of the sentry from defeat small arms and grenade fragments;
- the possibility of all-round visibility of the approaches to protected objects in the daytime and at night and the fire destruction of the enemy, to exclude the presence of “dead zones”, the design (shape) of the loophole should exclude the ricochet of a bullet (fragments) into the cabin;
- the possibility and convenience of leaving the observation tower in an emergency;
- resistance to climatic conditions;
- compliance with electrical and fire safety requirements, ease of replacement of lamps in floodlights.

* If the territory allows, then the forbidden border of the post is moved beyond the outer fence to the distance indicated in the post report card

1 - tripod for launching flares; 2 - hatch for emergency exit from the tower; 3 - rest for firing from a machine gun and machine gun; 4 - loopholes; 5 - device for emergency escape from the tower; 6 - trench (shelter) for a sentry (lined with soil)

Appendix No. 5 to the Charter of the garrison and guard services of the RF Armed Forces (to articles 119, 128 and 301)