Astral Karate. Telepathic communication is communication over a distance

11.08.2019 Sport

“Egoist generation”, July - August 2008, section “The Other Me”

Astral Karate

Household vampirism is, of course, an unscientific phenomenon. But there is a practical grain in its study. It is possible to imagine that the ideal energy balance of a person is a consistently high self-esteem, and depression and loss of strength are always associated with a drop in self-esteem; the phenomenon of everyday vampirism can be considered from the point of view of science - psychology.

To explore vampirism, first of all, you need to get rid of your preconceptions about this word. Household vampirism is an everyday matter. We are vampired, we vampire, not always each other, sometimes by astral thought forms, often unconsciously and almost always without bad intentions. Simply because of mental discomfort, because of the imbalance between one’s own bodies: mental, astral and vital. There is no point in looking for another, more positive name for this phenomenon. After all, this phenomenon cannot be called positive. Maintaining balance and healthy energy exchange with the outside world is positive, but everyday vampirism, whether in the role of an aggressor or in the role of a victim, whether conscious or unconscious, is a negative phenomenon. Which it is advisable to eradicate in your life for the sake of better physical and mental health. The capitals are, in general, true.

Classical authors usually divide vampirism into solar and lunar. Solar vampirism is a big robbery. Lunar vampirism is silent theft. The solar vampire causes anger, resentment, fear, and any strong negative emotions in a person, and when the storm consumes all his strength, the person feels squeezed like a lemon. We all become solar vampires when something triggers aggression in us. We direct this aggression at the alleged culprit or at the scapegoat on duty, or at a random poor fellow who turns up. As an option - on an inanimate object, for example breaking dishes. More often than not, we, being cultured people, restrain aggression and, if we were unable to break it down into its component parts and neutralize it, we beat ourselves up. Few people know how to transform aggression into strength and use it to capture fortresses. However, this can be learned.

A typical model of solar vampirism is a chain. Someone has made us angry, we rush at another, he passes this fury on and so on until the castle, until the person who closes this chain on himself or his partner in a mutual energy fight. The impulse will be extinguished due to the depletion of energy resources, but the destruction caused may become the basis for energy imbalance and new vampiric abuses. If you imagine this picture from the outside, it becomes clear how a distortion in one link of an integral structure affects the entire structure. In order to avoid falling under its destructive influence when you find yourself on the path of a vampiric tornado, you must clearly understand the following. The normal state of a person is calm, self-confidence and optimism. Any deviation from this emotional norm is a violation in energy system. If anger or fear has a real and visible reason, then a sudden change in mood is a normal reaction of the system to force a person to act quickly. If the source of irritation cannot be immediately determined, it must be found through analysis. It is for this purpose that diet appeared in evolution. Analyze the reasons, find an effective behavioral scheme and implement it. Correct behavior leads to the fact that balance is restored and mood improves.

However, the above scheme does not apply to cases of vampirism, since vampirism is the intervention of someone else’s will, albeit not free, but caused by circumstances. Therefore, vampirism simply needs to be resisted like any attack, which is helped by knowledge of special techniques. These techniques are described in various esoteric systems as astral karate techniques, and come down to blocking and leaving. But to use the technique, you must keep the following in mind. The attacker is trying to hurt your ego: hurt your self-esteem (humiliate, insult) or your self-preservation instinct (scare, cause anxiety). To protect yourself, quickly remember that emotional aggression is vampirism, and most likely the impulse is transmitted to you along the chain. Remember and extinguish it with a calm reaction, it will be a block. Or transfer the attacker's attention to another object, this will be a block escape. Remember and divert your own attention to another object, this will be the disappearance of you as an object. If you do not have time to remember and take a defense, but become involved in an emotional reaction, feel resentment, anger or fear, your balance will change and restoring it will be as difficult as healing a bruise or fracture, depending on the severity of the astral damage inflicted on you.

We live in a society that is relatively peaceful in terms of physical attack, in the sense that hooligans are not waiting for us in every alley with a dagger in their hands, but in an astral sense our life resembles a gangster district. We can take some measures: be selective about our circle of close acquaintances, maintain a polite distance from strangers and employees. This will slightly protect our personal space from invasion, but does not guarantee our protection. It is more useful to use not the tactics of the wise minnow, but astral karate. If you hear an unfair offensive remark addressed to you, you should not take it as the interlocutor’s opinion of you, it is better to understand that this is just an attack. Does anyone have an opinion about you? Very vague. Depending on his mood and your participation in his own needs. No one draws a detailed psychological portrait of another for themselves in order to carry it with them and thoughtfully examine it. Everyone prefers to look exclusively in the mirror. Therefore, you need to react to any negative assessments in your direction as emotional outbursts. And you don’t have to think in terms of “how dare he vent to me here?” You don’t know how hard the previous link in the chain kicked him, plus you can’t assess his resistance nervous system to condemn for this outburst. Even if you decide not to deal with such a nervous person in the future, this is not a reason to let him eat away a piece of your energy now. Protect yourself.

An example of how one young man almost came to suicide by allowing his consciousness to be dominated by negative programming from the outside. Fortunately, I was able to help him, since my psychological defense turned out to be stronger than the evil forces that had settled in this unfortunate man...


1. Find quiet place and make yourself comfortable.

Turn off your phone.

2. Close your eyes, go to the main psychic level.

3. Build your body image.

4. Imagine a bright, powerful positive light completely surrounding your body.

5. Say: “This powerful positive light is my psychological shield.”

6. “This light will repel all negative energies and protect my consciousness from dangerous programming.”

7. “This light will allow my consciousness to be programmed only by positive energy sources.”

8. “This psychological shield will be with me from now and forever.”

9. “I perfectly understand and realize the danger posed by evil thoughts and intentions that may arise in me.”

10. “I will be able to suppress all my negative energies by mentally or out loud saying only: “No, I don’t want these thoughts!” Negative energy will be suppressed by positive energy. It will be hidden within me and will not be directed towards the mind of the Universe.”

If the image of your body appears immediately surrounded by light, this is a very good sign.

Be sure to say: “This is exactly what I wanted. Thank you".

After this, you will not need to program yourself again until you feel that your evil thoughts and intentions have weakened your psychological defenses.

In this case, when trying to visualize the body surrounded by protective light, the person notices that the light has become dimmer.

Then you will need to repeat the exercise to create a psychological defense program.

Try to make it a rule to immediately mentally say to yourself: “No!” if you notice that your thoughts have taken a negative direction. Try to immediately switch your consciousness to something positive.

A good way to switch your own consciousness to positive energies is short prayer or just continuously repeating to yourself a phrase like: “Every day I will try to be kinder and better.”

I have a whole set of such expressions, and I must say, they help me a lot. I advise you to resort to a similar technique.

Now I will give an example of how one young man almost came to suicide, allowing his consciousness to be at the mercy of negative programming from the outside. Fortunately, I was able to help him, since my psychological defense turned out to be stronger than the evil forces that had settled in this unfortunate man...

How to develop concentration and protect yourself from mental influences?

These exercises are presented here in direct connection with issues of mental confrontation and protection from manipulation or suggestion. The fact is that they belong to the category of techniques that discipline consciousness. This has been tested many times by experience and cannot be doubted... How to protect yourself from mental influences?

However, in the same way, there can be no doubt that a disciplined, trained consciousness is always more difficult to manipulate from the outside; It is also more difficult to hide the very attempt at influence.

Concentration is a basic skill for all systems of working with one’s own consciousness. Therefore, if you have mastered relaxation techniques, then the ability to concentrate is the next stage that you need to master in order to achieve real results.

What is concentration?

Concentration is an integral part of a disciplined consciousness and manifests itself as the ability to focus all attention by force of will and hold it on the desired object or process for a sufficiently long time.

The human body is designed in such a way that focusing attention on an object soon causes a merger with it at the level of consciousness, with all the ensuing consequences.

There are quite a lot of overlapping mechanisms responsible for the timely breaking of the established “organism-object” chain. With prolonged concentration, the mentioned mental mechanisms are activated and due to this, a person is distracted by other objects, scattering his attention. In addition, various thoughts appear that are directly or indirectly associated with the object of concentration. Sometimes the physical body gets involved in the process of mismatch and persistently asserts itself, disrupting the established state.


Let's look at this with an example. Remember what it looks like Entrance door your home, and concentrate on this image, without noticing anything around. Only an image. Most of you will be able to hold this image for 10-15 seconds, and then memories associated with the original image (or vice versa, not connected with it at a conscious level) will come flooding back, you will want to change your position or adjust your clothes. Inevitably, a mismatch of consciousness with the object of concentration occurs, attention is scattered, covering surrounding objects or memories.

Below are two effective exercises for developing this ability. The key to success for each of them is the psychological attitude “there is nowhere to rush, everything that happens around is not of decisive importance at the moment.”

Exercise one:

* Choose an evening time when your room begins to get dark.

* Place on the table mechanical watches with a second hand.

* Watch the second hand of the clock make its revolution, concentrating on its tip.

* You don’t need to think about anything - just look at the arrow, or, as a last resort, just think about the tip of the arrow.

* Achieve such a result that during the turn of the second hand not a single extraneous thought will interrupt your concentration.

* Never compromise: if you are distracted, it means the exercise does not count; but even in this case, finish it to the end.

Only such practice will allow you to get results and consolidate them as a lasting skill.

Exercise two:

* A dark room is required.

* Remove all audio sources.

* Take a thin wax candle (a church candle will do) and make a mark on it. Place it vertically and light it.

* Sit comfortably. Relax.

* Concentrate on the candle flame and do not be distracted by anything else.

* Your task is to wait until the candle burns down to the mark you made, concentrating on its flame without being distracted by anything else.

* Whenever you have extraneous thoughts that distract you from contemplating the flame, bend your finger.

* Ten, as a rule, is still not enough to count how many times you were distracted. Therefore, the first mark should not be made lower than one centimeter from the top edge - first, learn not to be distracted in a short area.

How is an astral energy attack carried out?

A person is surrounded by an aura - a protective energy biofield. The aura and biofield has the shape of an elongated egg, which is located 70-120 cm around the physical body. Our astral field is created using internal energy and transmitted externally from the solar plexus. The more subtle energy is concentrated in a person, the denser his protective aura and, accordingly, the more powerful his life potential. And the more power you have (especially if you engage in any mystical practices), the more unconscious harm you can cause to others by not knowing how to manage your internal energy...

Biofield Form

Dimensions and shape of the protective biofield different people may be completely different. It depends on the mental and emotional state of the person. The aura plays a protective role in Everyday life of people. She protects him from the energetic influence of others.

How do we have an energetic impact on other people?

Each individual, communicating with other people in society, unconsciously projects his energy and subtle astral influence onto them. This can be a positive or negative impact. For example, when you are angry with someone, you send a negatively charged energy pulse or an astral strike from your aura to him. As a result of such a blow, a person can get sick or get into trouble.

Popularly, such an unconscious influence is called the evil eye...

On the other hand, having experienced positive emotions towards a person or wishing him well, you send him a positive energy impulse, as a result of which he has a good mood, health, or something good happens. That is why acquaintances wish each other all the best when parting.

Why is this happening?

Such energetic influence is often carried out regardless of your intention - unconsciously. If a person’s biofield is too weak and cannot repel this blow, then it will penetrate his energy structure and, breaking through it, can cause his illness or misfortune.

Every day a person reflects and sends quite a lot of such negative and positive influences, especially if he lives in big city. In addition to brightly negative impulses, there are a huge number of others that have different emotional overtones. All of them affect the aura, and, penetrating into it, influence the energy structure, and consequently, the human body and his psyche.

A conscious negative energetic impact on another person is popularly called damage...

The law of balance of the Universe!

In the Cosmos, the law of equilibrium or causality operates everywhere. investigative connection. In the East, this law is called karma. In accordance with this law, you receive what you emit back into external reality in a multiplied form (energy, like a snowball attracts similar clots of energy). If you emit evil and send it to others, then this energy, like a boomerang, will return to you and multiply. Also, when you wish others well and happiness, this energy returns to you in an enhanced form from other people!

Therefore, decide for yourself what is more profitable for you...

That is why those who have advanced on the path understand the law of cause and effect and move away from so-called black magic, for their own good.

How to recognize an astral attack and a psychic attack?

People endowed with supersensible perception have always lived. Previously, this strange mysterious power was used by witches, sorcerers, and shamans. Influencing people's thoughts, controlling their desires, healing various diseases without drugs has always been the main work of magicians, priests, yogis...

Bioenergetic impact

The current level of knowledge makes it possible to evaluate with the help of what specific physical laws energy transfer occurs during bioenergetic influence.

Resonance state

The main physical principle here is the principle of resonance. To influence a person, it is enough to resonate with his internal energy. This is called telepathic communication. In the literature, the person sending the signal is called the “inductor”, and the person receiving the signal is the “perceiver”.

Telepathic communication

With telepathic communication, the inducer feels his client and can influence him. He not only “reads” thoughts, but also sees, hears what is happening around him, feels everything that a person feels, knows everything that he knows. An interesting point: he can associatively remember episodes from a person’s life that he has already forgotten about, does not remember at the moment and has no reason to remember.

How is telepathic communication carried out?

Man is characterized by both physical and wave nature. The wave characteristic appears to consist of two energy components. One of which is determined by the location of the planets at the time of birth and disappears after the death of a person. The second one carries information about past reincarnations.

Concentration on the image of the victim

A psychic, concentrating on someone's image, comes into contact with the first wave structure, the second is either completely inaccessible to him or is available in a very limited range.

How do they come into energetic contact with a person?

In order to make contact, the inductor tries to clearly imagine the image of the other person, but not only imagine. This process involves more than just presentation. During telepathic communication, the consciousness of two people is united. Moreover, the connection is one-way. If the inductor, being in touch with you, has all the information about you, then you do not know anything about it until the active influence begins. But even then you may not be aware of this, but attribute the incomprehensible sensations to changes in well-being, mood, weather, etc.

Telepathic communication is communication over a distance

It is not the person himself who is with the psychic, but his energetic IMAGE, which can be manipulated. The perceiver perceives the simulated energy as external, induced.

Natural defense mechanisms

The human body is an extraordinary, unique creation of nature, in the very essence of which lies a powerful defense mechanism that has not yet been fully studied by us. But, having enormous potential, a person is defenseless against the elements, chance, and disease. Confronting any illness, solving any problems, finding harmony with nature, with your inner world, learning to control emotions is the task that we are solving today.

Faith in miracles!

We all have a desire to believe in miracles. Unfortunately, the path to mastering energies is long and very difficult. Faced with problems for the first time own energy, we operate with the concepts of “disease of the body”, “disease of the psyche”, without thinking that these are problems of a weak level of mastery of our own energy.

Healing diseases

Whatever diseases can be treated with extrasensory methods. For a person encountering this for the first time, the results make a stunning impression. But the methods used in treatment and attack have the same physical nature. Of course, not everyone can heal, but everyone who has at least a little knowledge of it, everyone who is not too lazy, practices the techniques of extrasensory influence.

Energy attack

We deal with energy attacks, which are often carried out ineptly and without special knowledge, almost every day. It is unlikely that anyone managed to avoid this. But no one has serious protection.

You suddenly get sick...

Do you suspect that you have been jinxed? Or maybe they sent damage? If this is the case, then you cannot be called anything other than a victim. There is nowhere to wait for help for the target of the attack. The police do not engage in psychics, since it is impossible to prove who exactly is attacking and what they are really attacking. It cannot be proven, but we can assess the signs of an attack ourselves.

What is an astral attack?

Otherwise, this phenomenon is called an astral attack, since it has no physical basis. You can spin a potential victim in different ways. Often an attack occurs as a short-term deterioration in health, as incomprehensible physical and mental sensations. Sometimes such an impact can last for several months or years.

Signs of mental influence

A person usually gets used to this as his essence - poor health, somewhat excessive sensitivity, weakened nervous system. Of course, all this may have nothing to do with extrasensory influence. Must have great experience to distinguish induced states from their own.

Intense inner monologue

Characteristic of extrasensory influence is that the client usually conducts an intense internal monologue, talking to himself. This is a special mode in which the client is listened to, as if pulled into a conversation. This state differs from the usual one in that thoughts are very easily put into words and sound in the head. In a normal state, there is precisely this expression of thought in words.

If such communication lasts long enough and intensively, then the client, as a rule, is not very surprised when certain voices begin to talk to him (meaning telepathic communication).

At this time you can believe anything.

That God, the Supreme Teacher, a dead entity, an alien, etc. are talking to you. You believe in unlimited possibilities contactee.

A person's reaction to such influences may be different. It all depends on how much a person is able to perceive this method of communication.

Several options for astral attack:

  • mental attack
  • treatment of various diseases
  • attack in a dream
  • imposing a breathing rhythm
  • heart rhythm failure
  • reflex muscle contraction
  • induced voices and images
  • astral sex

The time of the attack is not limited - the nature of the attack is not regulated by anything...

Some begin to suspect that they have mental disorders.

How to distinguish an astral attack from a mental illness?

It is almost impossible to do this based on the victim’s words. Great importance has an analysis of his condition by the person himself. If he assumes he has mental disorders, then so it is. Because there is a feeling of bad health that cannot be relieved on your own. What is important here is your readiness to approach the mastery of the Higher Knowledge. Your cultural and evolutionary level is important, which will allow you to learn to master energies.

Man is given the right to free choice

And if you are sure that this is not a disease, try to choose a different path. It will require a certain amount of courage and constant work from you. But this will not be the path of the victim, this is the path of the magician.

We live in a world of energies and we cannot change its laws. We can only get to know them better.

If the most powerful weapon on Earth is thought, then the best defense is Knowledge.

Based on the book: Gezel Magic: Attack and Defense

People can strike each other not only physically, but also energetically, damaging the astral field. Some do this unconsciously, and those endowed with special knowledge can pierce the biofield in order to inflict as much damage on the enemy as possible.

The more subtle energy is concentrated in a person, the denser his protective aura and, accordingly, the more powerful his life potential. The more power you have, the more unconscious harm you can cause to others if you do not know how to control your internal energy... For example, when you are angry with someone, you send a negatively charged energy pulse or an astral blow to your opponent. As a result of such a blow, a person can get sick or get into trouble. On the other hand, by feeling positive emotions towards a person or wishing him well, you send him a positive impulse, as a result of which his mood rises, his health improves, or something joyful happens in his life.

Astral attack
Unfortunately, most often people try to hurt their opponent, including through an astral attack. You can spin a potential victim in different ways. Often someone’s astral attack manifests itself in the form of a short-term deterioration in health, incomprehensible physical and mental sensations. Sometimes such effects can last for several months or even years. A person usually gets used to an unpleasant state: poor health, somewhat excessive sensitivity, weakened nervous system. Of course, all this may have nothing to do with psychic attacks. It takes a lot of experience to distinguish induced conditions from physical or mental health problems.

Characteristic of extrasensory influence is that a person usually conducts an intense internal monologue, talking to himself. In this case, the victim is, as it were, drawn into conversation. This state differs from an ordinary monologue in that thoughts are very easily put into words and sound in the head. If such communication lasts long enough and intensively, then a person, as a rule, is not very surprised when certain voices begin to speak to him (meaning telepathic communication). At this time, the victim of astral influence can believe anything. That God, a higher teacher, a dead entity, an alien, etc. are talking to her. In addition, during an astral attack, ailments can be observed in the form of reflex muscle contraction, heart rhythm failure, and a person feels someone’s attacks in a dream.

Combat esoterics
In martial arts there are also techniques that can roughly be called astral karate. IN in this case a warrior fights not only thanks to his combat skills, but also calls on supernatural forces for help. He can introduce a certain essence into his body that helps enhance the fighter’s power. Far Eastern chronicles contain records of a warrior who called upon the spirit of an ancient martial arts master for help. The strength, speed and magical skills that emerged in the subsequent fight were completely unexpected for eyewitnesses who knew him before, and even more so for the enemy. The manner of fighting was fully consistent with the fighting manner of a master described in ancient books and legends, whose spirit entered the student’s body to help him win a guaranteed losing fight. In the same way, an adept of a martial arts school could infuse himself with the spirit of any animal - a tiger, a leopard, etc. In this state, the fighter did not experience pain, had super strength and reaction.

In our time, similar practices can be observed in Indonesia, where at the same time several dozen participants in mass martial arts demonstrations fall into a special trance, “turning” into the chosen animal. At the same time, muscle memory is preserved, but the person ceases to control himself and does not understand what he is doing and where he is. As a rule, such a transformation is carried out by a local sorcerer, who, through a short time leads the participants back to real world, to avoid injury, killing or permanent mental changes. Legends ancient japan They also describe similar examples of martial artists turning into tengu - half-human, half-crow demons capable of walking on water, turning into animals, walking through walls and flying. Such stories are certainly exaggerated, but they are based on real events.

Almost all ancient eastern martial arts schools have the practice of reciting special spells before a fight. These spells put the fighter into a special astral state of consciousness and, as a rule, are ancient Indian mantras, perhaps modified in each country according to the peculiarities of the local language. For example, a well-known spell used by some Thai boxing masters before a fight includes the traditional Buddhist mantra “Namah Buddhaya”, which in Sanskrit means “I worship Buddha,” broken down into separate elements. According to the masters, in this way the fighter calls upon Buddha and other deities similar to him for help.

Much attention is also paid to “objects of power”, which are the weapons of the great master, his clothes, painted magical symbols and texts and consecrated according to special magical rites. It is believed that even a part of the weapon of one of the great masters of the past, used as an element for a new weapon, enhances its capabilities. According to legend, such a weapon is able to warn its owner of danger, independently protect the owner from blows and hit the enemy with a light touch. In some schools in Malaysia, symbolic gifts and even sacrifices are offered to such weapons.

However, these techniques are secret, and masters are in no hurry to explain the intricacies of such rituals.

Fury Kata

Combat free standing, legs apart, light squat, arms extended forward to deliver and parry blows. For a short moment, relax the muscles of the whole body, feel how holes open in the body’s aura (skin pores) and through them sansa begins to flow into the body from space along thin radial straight rays 30-40 cm long (if a karateka is able to hold the sans field, the length of straight rays can reach several meters). The body should be felt as a homogeneous humming mass of corpuscles. Having relaxed, you should give a sharp contraction to all tissues of the body, as if reducing its volume everywhere. Sansa receives a reverse current pulse in the rays, and there is an instant release of energy into the surrounding space in all directions. The compression occurs while exhaling with the sound “HA”, the mouth and lips are tensely parted, the hands make a half-strike jerk, the legs change position with a jump. Then again a short relaxation and subsequent compression, repeat this for 2-3 minutes. While maintaining the general release of energy, strengthen the exercise with a rhythmic sequence of body compression with a predominant release of sansa along the axial channel of the body through ajna (the center of the forehead - the third eye). In this case, start the compression from the feet, move to the buttocks, lower abdomen, then the back, chest, shoulder girdle - neck, create a sans-block in the upper part of the skull, preferably a counterflow from sahasrara to ajna. With successive compression in the lower abdomen in the area of ​​manipura (navel), a concentrated column of sansa is created (feel or imagine), the column grows as it is compressed and flows through the neck into ajna, emerging from it as a monolithic beam, the thickness and length being the maximum for a karateka. The Ajna ray is sent to the Ajna chakra of the partner (enemy). Partial releases of sansa towards the partner can be done through manipura and anahata (chest center). The purpose of the kata: by active sans radiation along the entire perimeter of the body’s aura, alien sans-volitional influences on the karateka are destroyed, his sans system is cleansed. Through the radiation of ajna, it is possible to damage the enemy’s volitional center (astral breakdown), weaken it, and refuse to fight due to a feeling of fear. With a high concentration of ajna blow, supported along the spine by the muladhara field, the opponent’s general field of brain activity is crushed, and he faints. The general meditation for the rage kata is to generate within yourself a feeling of rage and implacable hatred for everything that interferes with you and your school. There is a mental statement like: “I am so terrible and merciless that no one dares to approach me! “Also, this kata, in addition to sharp contractions, can be performed using chain vibrating tremors during a long portioned exhalation.

Astral Strike Kata

It is performed sitting on the floor on your heels, in the lotus position, sitting on a chair, lying down and standing. Karatek relaxes extremely, goes into meditation (reflection) that now he will kill in himself all human emotional and intellectual principles: love and hatred, good and evil, attachments to parents and children, thirst for life and fear of death, Shiva and Christ, Buddha and Zeus, etc., etc. He concentrates on the idea - death to everything earthly in me, may only streams of pure primordial cosmic sansa, AUM, remain in me! - and makes a general sans blow to all chakras of the body. A sans strike is a selective compression of the abdominal and chest muscles, removing the sansa from the compressed areas and sending it in a concentrated beam to specified areas of the body. The first general sans blow, passing through the body, gives the karateka information about which sans channels and chakras in his body pass through the sans easily, which ones are weak, or completely obscured. Karatek begins to clean himself, makes sans-strikes in the direction of darkened, no-go areas. Each energy twist in the body or head of a karateka has its own information content; By forcefully destroying the twist, karateka is freed from unnecessary information. The first task is to reach the initial darkened level of interaction between the energy layers of the body; outwardly, this is when, during a sana strike, the sans flows evenly along the central axial channel from the head into the body to the feet and rises up along the sans channels. In Caratexa, the condition is called the establishment of the ACHARATE PILLAR. If the pillar is wide enough and the sansa flows quickly through it, the karatek can fearlessly enter into telecontact with any people, and with any astral entities. People and entities (egregors, etc.) act, saturated with energy on some ideas. When an advanced karatek comes into telecontact with someone else’s substance, his aharat pillar immediately or gradually annihilates the hostile field copulated with him, the field carrier accordingly loses the idea of ​​his initial existence and leaves the contact, because he “forgets” the reason why he made contact, and more precisely, it loses the volitional impulses of its early action. If an astro-karateka has an opponent with whom he is about to have a combat meeting, then the karateka brings the enemy into contact long before the meeting and makes sans-strikes to all the enemy’s strong-willed twists, since he feels them in his body and can hit them in a concentrated manner. After the destruction of the enemy’s strong-willed twists, the combat encounter with him disappears. It is not difficult to annihilate simple “home-grown” astral explorers ahead of time. But there are many large astro-warriors working in the world, representing different egregoric systems. Dealing with them head-on is very difficult, almost impossible. Here, astrokaratekas of the Aharata School are helped by the ability to renounce, that is, to abandon any personal volitional sans twist and pass someone else’s twist through themselves without interacting with it (to leave the fight), or, based on their same telepathic indifference, it is appropriate to take an astro-essence for additional contact , completely antagonistic to the first, i.e., to push two warring systems together in your personal biofield, for example, aggressive Christians can be given a Jewish field and vice versa, give them a channel of interaction through which they will cancel each other, ultimately playing the role of simple pawns in the face of the Aharat Karateka, because they have nothing resembling psychophysical mobility and function in the world through long-established channels, which today have little prospects, since they do not reflect the most recent urgent needs of the world.

Kata 1 (Meditation)

Say the mantra, linking the words with the chakras from top to bottom: AHARATA, SAMPO, GUATIRA, ILLA, TARA, HARI, HUM! The positions are performed with a sharp exhalation and the sound “HA”.

1 position (Self-isolation)

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, arms crosswise on your chest with your palms facing inward. Concentrate on the whole body, direct aura radiation inwards. Meditation: “I am an aharate karatek - I am detached from the world, from external influences, I am alone with the absolute.”

2nd position (Pass through the window)

Right hand, then left up, while simultaneously turning your heels, palms up and to the sides. Concentration - feeling the ocean of waves pressing on your hands from Higher Astral. Meditation: “I stretch out my hands into the superdimensional Lotus, I feel its greatness, power and limitlessness.”

3rd position (Creating a ball)

Heels and palms inward. Concentration - feeling the ball in the palms, the stream from the ball flows into the sahasrara (center of the crown) and further down the axis of the body. Meditation: “I rolled up the ball from the top field as much as I could, now it is my personal property.”

4th position (Ball release)

Lower your arms down, elbows near your navel, palms facing up at the top of your chest. Concentration - there is a ball on your palms, right in front of you, a feeling of the weight of the ball, a slight squat under it. The sans field flows from above into the sahasrara, from below along the legs into the muladhara (tailbone) and up the spine. Meditation: “I lowered a clot of the UPPER ASTRAL to the earthly level.”

5 position (Lightning strike)

We sharply cross our arms in front of our chests, palms facing forward. We exhale “HA” loudly and quickly. Concentration: the ball pours out its energy in a narrow stream forward, destroying everything that stands in the way of the School of Aharata Karateka. A field of sahasrara and muladhara flows into ajna, anahata and manipura, from above along the axis of the body, from below along the spine. Meditation: “Death to everything that tries to resist our system, I am cruel and merciless to the enemies, there is no mercy for them!”

6th position (Life Pose)

From the cross, arms up and to the sides, elbows to the sides, palms up. Concentration is an explosion of everything, a feeling of the flow of sansa from above on the palm and into the sahasrara. From below along the axis of the body through the perineum there is a field current from the Earth, both flows merge and condense in the manipura (near the umbilical chakra). Meditation: “I have the globe under my feet, my head rests on the stars. The energy of the Earth and Space feeds me, I have destroyed all foreign influences, i.e. I am immortal, just as the School is immortal. I openly look at the world and accept it completely, and he accepts me completely, we are one.”

7th position (Demonstration of personal vibration)

Bend your right arm at the elbow in front of you, extending one (two to five) fingers upward. The number of fingers indicates the level of fundamental karateka energy: 2 - sugar; 3 - Vishudha; 4 - anahate; 5 - muladharnaya; 1 - Ajna. Concentration on the corresponding chakra. Meditation: “I serve the School and the World on this level.”

8th position (Demonstration of belt width)

The left hand with the palm inward on the navel, from one to five fingers outward, the whole palm means the highest dan (rank) in the layer of earth of its vibration. Concentration on your chakra, the whole body and manipura as a point of life. Meditation: “There are five of us initiated on this vibration, we control this layer of the planet, we implement in it the goals and objectives of the School of Aharata.”

9th position (Killing by personal field)

A sharp blow with the right hand straight forward with a loud “HA” and a rotation of the shoulder and pelvis. Concentration - energy flows from the whole body into the hand and pours out onto the enemy from the fingers. Meditation: “I easily pierce the enemy’s aura protection, no matter how powerful it is. We, the Akharat, are the strongest, we have no equal in battle.”

10 and 11 positions (Creating sans rings)

Stretch your left hand forward, bend your right at the elbow, stretch it back, palms up, do it smoothly with a long “HA”. In position 11, hands change. Concentration - the field descends onto the front hand, spreads throughout the body and goes up from the back hand into the Primordial Cosmos, from where it returns to the front hand. Meditation: “I manipulate the higher energies in any direction.”

12th position (Isolation)

Starting stance, arms crosswise on the chest, palms inward. Concentration - a column of cosmic energy passes through the body without touching the earth's vibrational layers. Meditation: “No matter what I do, I can always calmly renounce the world, I am an arahat.” And at the end of the entire kata, the karateka moves his right hand to the side with his palm up and pronounces the sound “OM”, thereby sending a blessing to everyone living in the worlds. Note: performing a meditation kata is very important for young karatekas; experience at the School shows that through this kata, neophytes easily come into contact with the egregor of the Aharata School and, accordingly, easily progress in sans-energy realizations, since they immediately begin to receive cosmic nourishment if they, Of course, they go to school honestly and selflessly.

Bhantic or emotional kata

From the first days of life, it is common for a person to acquire stereotypes in thinking, movement, and emotions. This will make his life easier, but at the same time it will impoverish him. And in the health system, over the years of his life, some areas hypertrophy, others dry out. You can become a true karateka, an astral warrior, only on the path of optimal development of all the potentialities inherent in a person, that is, a karateka must liberate his mind in order to freely accept any new idea, liberate his body, open it to perform any pose, liberate his emotions: with complete dedication to everything that the world around us gives us.

Only by achieving the highest mobility of perception of the world, a karateka will be able to demonstrate the highest inflexibility of a warrior under the blows of the same world. Liberation is the flip side of the ability to concentrate. Having this goal in front of them, the mentors of the Aharata School prepare their students at a certain stage almost like actors, only they introduce an analysis of sans-energetic characteristics into this initial methodology. The karateka is given tasks to read poetry, sing songs, play etudes, depict joy, grief, concern, detachment, etc. At the same time, Sansei observes which chakras the karateka works on, recommends that he activate some sans channels, close others, change chakora concentration , issue sans impulses in one direction or another. This achieves not only external game, but also its internal objective sans foundation. Let us note that outstanding actors in their performances demonstrate the ability of strong sensual manifestations, i.e. they not only depict emotion, but also reinforce it with appropriate energy vibration.

The latter, at the subconscious level, is well perceived by the audience and they themselves reasonably fall into its rhythm; what is called “empathy from the audience” occurs, or in our opinion, the unity of the inductor and the recipients. The Aharata School pays great attention to dancing. Men and women dance alone, in pairs and in groups. Different music has a unique effect on different chakras, a karateka must feel and tune in, either himself or with the help of Sansei, to the corresponding chakora rhythm, dissolve his consciousness in the music and express its sane field energetically and physically. When an advanced karateka dances, meditatively attuned to the egregor of the school, she emits such powerful sans impulses with her whole body that they activate the chakras of everyone present, and seeing this dance is often equivalent in terms of sans effects to performing all 12 large and small katas at the same time.

Paired dances between men and women are ray wrestling, energy exchange and active recharging. They strive to emit and absorb sans energy from different parts of the body, merge their auras, and create a common egregor field. Ultimately, such a dance becomes a powerful sans-energetic training of the body, while simultaneously carrying a purely aesthetic charge through the beauty of the melody and the plasticity of movements. Karatek comes into life to play his role. But he plays it with such intensity of self-expression that not every person gives in real life. The karateka must experience and experience everything, but the main thing is that he always remains unattached to his role and easily moves from one situation to another. Because there can be many roles, but the goal is always the same - to serve through the School the World that embodied you.

Beam Strike Kata

They train while standing in pairs. The karatek alternately runs his hands along the partner’s body at a distance of 5-10 cm (that’s enough for a start, then they work on meters), emitting a sans flow from the middle of the palm or from the fingertips. Determines the seven most active sans clusters in the partner (in traditional Indian yoga - seven chakras) and influences them from the beginning by pumping sans energy into them from his hands (the partner must feel and recognize that his chakras are beginning to become more active). And then they pull the sansa from the partner’s chakras into their hand, activating the received energy in their identical chakra. The partner must realize the weakening of his biofield and provide the suction contact with different levels of influence possible for him. If the energy suction is carried out intensively, the area of ​​the body corresponding to the chakra may become de-energized below the vital threshold, muscles and organs begin to ache, they are cramped, they lose the ability to perform their functions - the person faints and falls to the ground. The partner also loses consciousness if you emit strong sans rays from your hands into his head (crown, forehead, back of the head), this means that the brain is saturated with energy more than it is used to consuming, and its coordination nerve centers is violated. To reach this level of work, karateka first needs to cause minor pain and dizziness in his partner. While training, the partner and the karateka change roles in order to learn not only how to use radiation on a person, but also to acquire skills in reflecting someone else’s sans-ray, aura closing it off from it, or intercepting a communication channel (ray) under one’s own will, volitional control. Karateka, who controls the work of his chakras, radiates energy directly from them into the corresponding chakras of his partner, turning them on or annihilating them. A couple sits or stands opposite each other at a distance of 2-3 meters, the karatek turns on his chakra and sends its beam to the partner, he must determine which chakra is struck, where it is affected and say about it so that the karatek can more accurately coordinate his sans manipulations. The karateka also expands the field with his aura to his partner, including his aura into his own, then he begins to read the energy information in the partner’s body, determines his high and low sans-energy areas (nodes) and selects effective places for radiation exposure. We must always remember that when delivering and reflecting beam blows, it is very important for a karateka to keep himself in meditative contact with the school of astrokarateka or other global psychoenergetic systems. Spiritual self-isolation: immersion in personal hatred, infatuation with the sans-ray technique, fear of the enemy - all this disrupts general meditation, deprives the karateka of active egregoric feeding and reduces his work to the level of bodily radiations. And it is always easy to de-energize and defeat such a person, unlike a karateka acting in the system of the school hierarchy - he is insurmountable, because he is a SCHOOL! Sometimes it is enough for a karateka to take over the egregor field of the school so that the telecontacting opponent, having slipped through the beam strike through the karateka into the system, begins to actively self-annihilate, even to the point of fainting. Contact with the system gives birth to a true karateka, which is why among us the first kata is meditation - in order to become a true warrior, you must, first of all, understand and unite with someone like you, only in correct reflection and awareness of your global duty can you achieve high personal realization. Everyone understands that on this path, only a living mentor, dedicated to the sansei of the school, can be a true guide. Any book can only outline the range of issues being developed by the school, but is not capable of introducing a person to the sansa of the school. AHASHAMBU MGAHAHUM! May there be peace to the warriors, OM!

Breathing Kata

A person absorbs sansa from the surrounding space through reflection, emotional reactions, sexual communication, nutrition and breathing. Moreover, the last way of gaining sansa is the only regular one in a person, which does not stop either day or night, which indicates its special importance and specificity. All major psychoenergetic schools pay great attention to teaching their adherents the ability to “breathe correctly.” And the main thing here is to breathe correctly not with air, which is a superficial aspect, but to breathe correctly with cosmic energy. In Indian yoga, a large section is devoted to this under the general name “Pranayama” - prana breathing. There you can find many subtle observations and interesting methodological tips on sans breathing, but since the general goals and objectives of traditional yogis and karatekas are far from identical, the Aharata schools do not practice pure pranayama, although we have exercises similar to this system. Like all katas, breathing kata must be learned under the guidance of a teacher. During training, Sansei takes karatekas into telepathic sans contact and observes all sans changes in the students’ bodies, which allows him to give the most specific and highly effective instructions. You need to start the kata with the classic “belly breathing”. It is performed standing, sitting, lying down, like all other types of breathing. The air is inhaled with a fixed consciousness on the expansion of first the upper chest, then the lower and then the protrusion of the abdomen. A short pause and exhalation in reverse muscular order: the stomach, diaphragm, chest, throat contract. Task: to feel that sansa is flowing into the body along with the air. Like a swarm of microparticles, this stream of particles goes through the throat into the lungs, penetrates the diaphragm and intestines, naturally, the air itself stops in the lungs, the flow should be directed either to the manipura (navel area) or muladhara (tailbone area), where it should be retained and concentrated . While holding your breath, the sans flow should be activated, and when exhaling, mentally close the channels to prevent the reverse outflow of sansa. Do this for two to three minutes. If you inhale through your mouth, then the sansa flows all the way down into the body, if you inhale through the nose, then the flow bifurcates: most of continues to go down, the smaller one from the top of the throat - into the back of the head and forehead. The same is true when exhaling, the remnants of sansa from the lungs come out through the mouth with almost no recoil, through the nose - a stream of particles swirls through the brain. That is, breathing through the nose is preferable for sensual nutrition of the brain. With such breathing and concentration of sansa in given areas, you can warm up these centers (chakras) and stimulate their internal work. The Japanese school of karate gives its adherents a similar breathing technique. It is described something like this: “We inhale a silvery mist and direct it from our mouth in a straight line to top part the back of the head, where we create its concentrated filling. While holding your breath, we lower a silvery mist (microparticles in the terminology of the Aharata school) in a narrow stream along the spine to the tailbone, from there in a beam to the Dan Tian point (manipura), we do this until the given point begins to burn and pulsate.” To this exercise we will add on our own that, in addition, the karateka can simultaneously release “silver fog” from the mouth with a second stream down also to the manipura, thereby squeezing the optimal effect from the inhalation by the general closure of the energy ring. "CLEANSING BREATH". Fast, rhythmic, sharp breathing through the mouth without pauses. The main sans flow hits the anahata (chest chakra), from there it goes down and up. The sansa of the body is associated with the rhythm of breathing and begins to quickly change movement, either from the center of the body to the periphery, or from external to internal areas. The longer such breathing is carried out, the denser the level of excited bodily sans, during this period the sans structure is cleansed from other people's sans contacts. Sometimes it is very effective to enhance the power of this breath by carrying out a general sansa blow. "BREATH HOLDING". It is better to do it while lying down and exhaling, so that there is no free sansa in the lungs in the body. We cover all parts of the body with our consciousness, relax, and observe how individual sans nodes and channels work in conditions of sans hunger. Which areas are de-energized naturally, which are excessively painfully active, giving their sanity to “more strong-willed” areas. One should consciously redistribute sans throughout the body, harmonize sans flows, and split sans structural obscurations. Note that when you hold your breath, something in this direction happens automatically. The emergence of a sans deficit leads, in its extreme deepening, to the disintegration of the introduced sans structures, due to which the natural sans system begins to feed. The therapeutic effect of holding your breath is based on this. However, you shouldn’t overexert yourself in this exercise, so as to leave strength for other activities. 2-3 maximum delays are sufficient. "BASIC BREATHING". We consider it as preparatory stage to mastering sans strikes. On a deep inhalation, the arms rise up to the sides, a short pause for the active recruitment of sansa into the body tissue, and we begin a long, strong exhalation through pursed lips, extremely tensing the muscles of the abdomen, chest, and shoulder girdle, slowly lowering the arms down to the ribs. Sansa, together with the air, comes up from the body, but in the Vishuddha (throat chakras) it is intercepted and does not flow out through the mouth, but goes concentrated into the head. As a result, “power breathing” well nourishes and cleanses the sans structure of the brain. Do 5-6 times. "BREATHING WITH THE BODY". It is known that a person breathes through his skin. This means that sansa can and should be gained from different parts of the body. The technique of the exercise is to take breaths, concentrating on the flow of sansa through the selected area of ​​the body. During the pause, the sans flow is activated, while exhaling, there is inhibition. Gradually, as the karateka inhales, he gains sansu with his whole body. Here you can use an “imaginary inhale” - make a purely muscular breathing movement without taking in air, but the sansa is drawn in everywhere. This inhalation can be translated by forceful tension to the level of a sans-strike. Through an “imaginary inhalation” you can also achieve bone breathing, when sansa is drawn through the bones of the arms and legs into the entire skeleton, filling and activating the life of the bone marrow, which is very important for achieving higher psi-energetic abilities. Performing all these “breathing kata” exercises awakens the karateka’s self-awareness and contributes to its implementation in other more serious, truly martial katas. The entire kata should take about 15 to 20 minutes.

Iron Shirt Kata

Performed lying down, sitting, standing. The right hand is moved to the side and slowly, alternately, palm forward, approaches different parts of the body. Consciousness concentrates on the palm and the area of ​​the body associated with it. In neutral meditation, the hand touches the body without encountering any resistance. The karateka must send a sans stream from the conjugate area to the hand. The neophyte imagines how a swarm of particles separates from the body and delays the forward movement of the hand. As the hand approaches the body, it should feel an increase in the resistance of the body’s aura to the penetration of a foreign body. At a certain high level energy output of the body, the hand stops at the approach to it. The exercise is performed slowly with the right and left hands, then quickly with both hands.

The second stage is working in pairs. Blows that do not reach the body 5-10 cm are applied slow and fast, with an edge and an open palm, elbows, knees, toes and heels. For each blow, the karatek sends a stream of sansa from the affected area of ​​the body. At first, he contracts the tissue locally, but gradually deepens the interaction of the affected area with other parts of the body until the whole body begins to respond to the blow in a single rhythm: a general bodily release of energy through the impulse zone, so the karateka can achieve a state where the blow of the partner (enemy) will be stopped by him sansic counteraction before physical counteraction.

The third stage is working blindfolded. Any blow with a hand or foot, even from an untrained person, carries an energy wave in front of it, which is not difficult (in the general method of training in astral karate) to learn to feel. Therefore, a blindfolded karateka can very accurately determine the strength and direction of an incoming blow and react to it in advance. A partner or several partners move around the karateka and inflict pseudo-blows on him; he must give a sans reaction to them and, for control, name which part of the body the blow landed on. Using this method, a karateka learns to put up a sans barrier (iron shirt) against a blow purely reflexively, at the subconscious level. Training brings the karateka's sensitivity to a state where he feels an impending blow to the opponent's swing, moreover, even when the opponent is just beginning to think that he is about to strike, i.e., a trained astra-karateka automatically puts out an iron shirt as soon as he receives Sans impulse to attack oneself. Even with an initial, low degree of impact from the shirt technique, karateka has serious advantages over an untrained person: the concentration of sansa in the affected area reduces the physical impact of the blow (if it is missed), plus the karateka begins to see his opponents with his whole body, which allows him to react faster and more accurately in a combat situation.

You already know how to direct energy to different parts of the body during a dive. Now try to bring your internal energy out - without lying down, from a sitting position. Place your hands on the knees of your crossed legs. Concentrate on your right hand and pump an energy flow into it. Smoothly raise your right hand and imagine that the energy leaves it through the palm and then in rays through the fingers into the air.
Do this at the same time: direct a powerful energy flow into your right hand and allow the energy to flow from your fingers into the air. Try to feel the warmth pouring from your hand: bring your fingers to your left hand. Slowly and smoothly move your right hand a few centimeters above the surface of the skin of your left - from your fingertips to your wrist and back. Catch and cherish this fantastic feeling of soft warm pressure right hand to the left. Happened? After five minutes, switch hands.
Now relax your hands, shake and vigorously rub your palms together. Cover your eyes. Place your hands in front of you at a distance of 15 cm and imagine how a stream of energy flows from your left palm to your right. Did you feel it? Try sending energy to your left palm with your right palm. Don't strain your fingers! Achieve the establishment of a stable energy exchange between the palms. Try to change the strength of these flows - increase them, decrease them...
Proceed to exercise "Ball". Stand in the horse stance you already know and imagine in your relaxed palms in front of you a ball with a diameter of about ten centimeters. Start sending energy simultaneously from your left hand to your right, and from your right to your left. Cultivate the feeling of an energy ball between your palms: you should feel its warmth and even density as if it were a physical body!
Increase and decrease the distance between your palms left and right, up and down. If you remember to send energy, you will soon feel how the elastic energy ball becomes longer and denser. The hands themselves will begin to move apart to the sides to hold it. You should feel like you are holding a rubber ball and someone is persistently inflating it with air.
It becomes larger and larger, reaching a diameter of 20.25 and even 30 centimeters." It looks like you are firmly “holding” your ball in your hands. Then it’s time to take it for a walk: start moving smoothly around the room with the ball. If you succeeded , complete the lesson with a clear conscience: for starters, that’s enough. Imagine how the energy from the ball is drawn back into your palms and the ball “deflates.” Finally, exhale slowly and press your palms to your stomach.
After a few days, when you perform the “Ball” exercise consistently, complicate it. Imagine that the energy in your palms comes from the Har chakram in the depths of your abdomen. If you succeed, then the energy ball is formed much faster, and also of a larger diameter. The effect will be even stronger if you begin to send energy from the Hara only while exhaling, in a concentrated manner.
So, you have mastered the very difficult skill of bringing the body’s internal energy out. Try it out in sparring with a partner. It is better if his level of advancement in astral karate approximately matches yours. This kind of sparring can be done both at home and on the street.
Decide which martial arts will serve as your starting point. Stand in the fighting stances you know in karate, boxing or fencing at a distance of 2-3 meters from each other. Keep your hands relaxed in front of you and concentrate on sending energy into them from the Hara center. Pump up the energy until you feel an energy ball with a diameter of 20-30 centimeters between your palms.
Now the task is to throw this ball at the enemy. This movement of yours will resemble a basketball pass - sharp and unexpected. Moving slowly around the enemy, choose the moment to attack. Remember that an energy ball can be shot at you at any moment. Ready? Take a full breath and, at the same time as you exhale forcefully, throw your arms out in front of you, sending the ball at your opponent.
If he gets ahead of you, instantly focus on the Hara with a short sharp exhalation. At the same time, tighten your lower abdomen and buttocks and send energy to the solar plexus to strengthen the aura. It is unlikely that you will be able to coordinate all the necessary actions at once, but in the future, try to meet blows as prepared as possible.
You may be able to see the ball flying towards you: a glow will flash in front of you. You will also most likely feel its impact on your aura, but this is not dangerous: you are just training, and the charges are not emotionally charged. In other words, your partner does not wish you harm - unlike an evil magician or other real enemy.
Remember that you can simply move away from a throw. Carry out 4-5 similar attacks against each other. You and your partner will observe a curious effect if you throw your energy balls at the same time and they collide. Energy fragments will scatter in all directions, and some of them will rain down on your aura.
For safety reasons, a real combat attack is practiced alone and only in the fresh air. Take the horse position. Focus on Hara and drive energy from there into the space between your palms until a ball of the highest possible energy concentration is formed. Now activate this energy: imagine that the ball suddenly ignites - bright and hot. “Blow” the flame for 2-3 seconds and with a sharp throw send your “flaming ball” forward.
In a combat situation, they act exactly like this, and besides, the activated energy there is also richly flavored with hatred. Such a “shot” is capable of penetrating the aura of even a trained fighter, not to mention an ordinary person. Under no circumstances should you charge the ball emotionally, so as not to harm a random passer-by or a curious boy. Your energy consumption for this exercise is quite large, so do not repeat it more than 1-2 times a month.
Regular energy kicks can be practiced every day and in any environment. Even while waiting for the bus. Imagine that one of the people decided to attack you energetically. Start a mental battle with him. Create vivid images:
Here the narrow sting of an energy sword is rushing at you, here it bumps into your impenetrable energy block, and now you are counterattacking, and a stream of energy rushes from your Hara chakram, crushing the aura of the “enemy” on its way... You will not cause anything. suspect the “enemy” of evil, if you treat him friendly, without hatred - the way you treat sparring partners.
Organize similar games in the crowd. Direct an energy blow at any person coming towards you. You can't swing a sword here, so use your arms and legs. Quickly, without hesitation, select an object to attack and - go! Imagine that 2-3 more people coming towards you are accomplices of the first one and are trying to come to his defense. React instantly: mentally block their blows and go on the attack. Don't stand still, move around: let someone else's energy uselessly sink into the ground. Shattering energy impulses should fly out from you in all directions, like lightning.
Let us remind you that the technique of strikes and blocks is similar to the one you practiced before studying astral karate. If you're a Muay Thai master, block attacks with devastating bursts of energy from your knees and elbows, and if you're a former swordsman, focus on your mental weapon hand and channel the energy through the "blade."