Find a person by the first digits of their IP. Unlimited possibilities. How to find a person by IP?

02.02.2019 Computers

A computer's IP address can provide information about the physical location of that computer. In our country it is very rare to find a truly real IP address. Basically, you can only calculate the address of the provider, that is, at least find out in which region of the country a person is located. Let's figure out how to do this, how to find a person by IP address.

Searching for a person via IP address

There are two scenarios for the development of events when searching for a person by IP address.

  1. The first option is the one when you find a person without any problems using resources on the Internet.
  2. The second option is a complicated search. If a person wants to hide his IP, then he can use special proxy servers that will allow him to remain in the shadows.

Let's look at the first option, since we have nothing to bet against the second outcome of events.

  • Open our Internet browser and enter RIPE Database Query in the search bar
  • Enter the person's IP address in the form provided.
  • After this you will find full information about a person's disposition.
  • You will find everything you need under the “person” field.

Here's how to find a person by IP address. Before you actively try to find someone, think carefully about whether you really want this person? However, one cannot deny situations when this person is really needed. These may be some kind of emergency involving a risk to life or health. Then you can use the IP address to find the person. Also, this opportunity can be used by law enforcement agencies that search for criminals or terrorists. If you want to settle scores with a person, then give up this stupid idea. The Internet should not become a field of disagreement. The Internet should be a fruitful environment for human development and his activities.


Each computer has its own digital address, and it has its own special name - IP, which means “Internet Protocol”. The appearance of the computer's IP address parameter is caused by the need to transfer data within the global and local networks.

That is, this parameter is needed for communication between computers, which allows it to be used for different purposes. Let's try to understand this using simple examples.

What I'm getting at is that there are more and more cases when pages and profiles on the Internet are stolen from Internet users. After a while, you can, of course, get your data back and restore the stolen pages. But offended users do not stop there and want to find the person who caused them so much moral and sometimes material damage.

Having watched enough films about hackers and read various forums, people begin the process of identifying a scammer on their own and are not embarrassed by the fact that they do not even have a minimum amount of knowledge in this area. They are simply offended and begin to fight from one extreme to another. And almost everyone shouts in unison, I’ve figured out the scammer’s IP address, now all that’s left is to catch him.

That is, you see, a person has a picture in his head that there is a certain resource on which he will now enter the IP address and they will immediately show him the name of the scammer. That's it, you can run to write a statement to the police. Well, this is just a collapse, now I will destroy your fantasies, it’s time to return to reality.

To convey to you information about reality, I will start the story with what an IP address is, why it is needed, and only then will we discuss how it is used to identify scammers.

Read the contents of the article to understand how much new information you will receive right now.

The work of the World Wide Web became possible thanks to IP protocols (i.e. Internet Protocol). It was these protocols that united all the computers in the world into a single network and assigned each connection its own IP address.

What is IP?

An IP address is a unique network address in computer network. An IP address cannot be considered the address of a specific computer, it is only the address of a network connection. But most often, each individual computer is assigned one or another IP address.

Typically, the IP address looks like this: “”. Instead of crosses in this entry there are numbers from one to nine.

All IP addresses can be divided into two types: static (or static) and dynamic. Static IP addresses do not change during device operation. This type of IP address cannot be assigned by another computer. Dynamic addresses change during operation. They are set by the computer only for a predetermined period of time.

How to calculate your IP?

In order to calculate the IP of your computer in different operating systems, you will need to perform various steps. Let's take an example with the Windows operating system, since it is perhaps the most popular today.

  • Anyone who wants to set their IP address should first of all open the command line: the user enters some command from the keyboard, and the system executes it;
  • The easiest way to open Command Prompt is to open Start and click Run. In the field that appears, you can type the required command and press “OK” or use the “Enter” keyboard button. You can also simply open the command line using the keyboard. To do this, you need to hold down the Win button (Windows checkbox) and press the button with Latin letter R. Further actions are the same;
  • Once you have opened the command prompt, you can enter the command “ipconfig”. And your computer will show your IP number on the screen. This number is unique and there is no other user on the network with the same number. Moreover, every time you visit a particular resource on the Internet, you leave your IP address on it. As a result, the owner of the computer can be determined using this address. But it's not that simple. The user, especially if he is a hacker, can hide his IP using a proxy server.

IP calculation algorithm

Let's imagine that no one hid the IP you are interested in. In this case, you have a chance to establish some information about the user.

  1. First of all, you need to establish the IP of the person you are interested in. There are several for this in various ways:
    • For example, if you email received any emails from this user, you can look at the header of one of the emails. The header is not the subject of the letter, but its service information, which is sent along with the letter. To view the header, for example, on a Rambler mailbox, you need to open the letter, select “Other actions” and click “Letter headers”;
    • Another way is to contact the person on Skype. During the call, open the command line and enter the “netstat” command. In the window that appears, you should find the connection channel and you will see the IP you are interested in;
    • Another method is suitable for cases when the person you are interested in is not a confident Internet user. In this case, you just need to, under some innocent pretext, ask him to go to the website and dictate large numbers through a dot, which are located in the center of the screen. This method is the least reliable, since your “victim” can guess your plans.
  2. Once the IP is established, you can easily calculate the location of a given user down to the locality. To do this, it will be enough to enter the IP address on the website or on another similar resource. There you can also set information about the provider that provides access to the Internet for the user you are interested in and, possibly, the browser that the person uses.
  3. More detailed information about the user can only be collected by penetrating into his computer. And these actions are illegal. If a user commits any harmful actions against you, you can turn to your provider for help, having with you data with the attacker’s IP address and specific information about his actions. In the future, you will be able to contact law enforcement authorities if the situation really requires their intervention.
115559 17.10.2016



We receive this question via email to our feedback address almost several times a day. People want to know how to find out a person’s IP address by his VKontakte ID or how to find out a user’s IP address by his VKontakte profile.

The reasons for such curiosity are different, some were deceived, others are blackmailed. Below we provide several examples of queries (styles and punctuation are preserved):

“The scammers from this ID address: ...... are threatening and extorting money from my father, if you have the opportunity to tell me their ip, I will be grateful to you, then I will contact the police. P.S. if you need my passport or my mobile phone I will provide everything for you.”
“An unfamiliar girl scammed me into virtual reality on Skype and is now demanding money under the threat of sending an intimate video to all my friends on VK. The police said that even if I wrote a statement, no one would seriously look into this matter.”
“Tonight someone created a page on VK, and they started insulting me and my relatives. We contacted the police, they told us that they could not do anything. Help us identify the IP of the hooligans. they are threatening the children in the photo.”
“Dear site administrators, help me find out the IP address of the person who is impersonating me. And writes to other people on my behalf. There is no way to fix this.”
“Hello, I read on one site that I need to contact support to calculate the IP using the VKontakte page ID. Can this be done? I fell for a scammer who blocked my phone in a strange way and now demands money, I can’t unlock the phone. Please, help."
“Dear site administration! I am contacting you with the hope that you will help me solve my problem. I need help finding out the IP of one VK profile/ The fact is that on July 17, 2016, I was robbed; all electronic equipment was taken out of the house. But the phone remained in touch for another day - the thief was using it on the Internet and there was a call to his friend - to the number ........ For this number from social networks, there is such a profile in VK ………. Please help me find the IP of this profile. There is almost no hope for the police.”
“Please help me identify the scammer’s IP so I can file a report with the police. Blackmails with intimate correspondence and photos, extorts money.“
“Good afternoon, Dear project administration, I am a widow with many children, I was advised to turn to you for help, since law enforcement agencies are inactive on their own. For three years, my family has been harassed by an unknown person: he threatens, insults, spreads false information discrediting honor and dignity, registers me on dating sites and distributes my number and address with offers of an intimate nature. Threats are backed up by actions, for example, on 5/08/15 an arson was set. I'm trying to figure out who is behind all this. Is it possible to find out the IP address by the profile ID in VK? I have suspicions about one person. Is it possible to report if the IP address of the user who is threatening me and the user I suspect is the same? If necessary, I can send screenshots of threats and replies from the police department. VK ID of unknown person……. ID of the suspect in VK……… HELP PLEASE!!!”

In this short article we will try to clarify the situation a little and answer this painful question.

Is the user's IP address useful in searching?

Let's start with the fact that even if you somehow manage to get the IP address of a VKontakte user, it will give you absolutely nothing. IN best case scenario you will recognize the city where this person is located and nothing else. And this is only if this subject did not use anonymization tools. As we see, in most cases people have problems of a rather serious nature: someone is blackmailed, someone is slandered, false information is spread, etc. In most cases, the attacker plays it safe and uses anonymization tools. Therefore, the received IP address will most likely turn out to be the IP address of some kind of VPN service.

What to do?

Option 1: Law Enforcement

As strange as it may sound, you need to contact law enforcement agencies. From the letters we see that in most cases this does not give anything, but only law enforcement agencies have the opportunity to make a request to the administration of the VKontakte network to obtain data about the user by his VKontakte ID. This is the only legal and reliable way to achieve something and find the attacker.

If you contact a local police officer who is trying to get rid of you and does not understand what is going on, we can advise you to find police department “K” in your city. It is this department that investigates Internet crime. But there is also not very good news: the likelihood that this department will take on your case is extremely low. They handle larger cases involving thefts in banking sector, hacking of banking systems, government websites, etc.

Why should you contact law enforcement? The answer is very simple. The IP address of a VKontakte user is known only to the administration of the VKontakte network and to no one else. By law, this information cannot be shared with anyone other than law enforcement agencies. If the latter contact, the social network may well give out not only the last IP address, but also the history of all visits as well as the history of IP addresses. Having this information, law enforcement agencies can make a request to whom the received IP addresses belong and thus obtain the real data of the person. Only law enforcement agencies have such powers, and only by receiving and linking information from the VKontakte network and the Internet provider can one find the real location of a person.

No site, no service can do this.

Option 2: Social Engineering Tools

If there is no hope of solving your problem and you still want to find out a person’s IP address, then there are several options that cannot be called honest. But in the fight against intruders, any method is probably good. Therefore, we will tell you what you can try, but you will do this at your own peril and risk.

That's all that can be done. It is impossible to determine the IP address of a VKontakte user by ID on your own or with the help of some services.

If in the end, one way or another, you received an IP address, then all the information that can be obtained by IP address can be found on the page

Bottom line

In conclusion, I would like to warn everyone against rash actions. The Internet has become an integral part of our lives and there are not only many interesting things and entertainment on the Internet, but also many dangers and dangerous people. Before you do, write, or undertake something, think carefully about whether you are doing it wrong, or whether your action could later be used against you.



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Hackers know very well that an IP address makes it possible to determine who visited a website or connected to a particular computer. That is why they take all measures to hide their real address. It is possible to determine a person by IP only if he was not hidden, for example, by connecting through a proxy server.

First, you will need to determine the IP address of the computer from which the person you are interested in accesses the network. It can be done different ways, a lot depends on the specific situation. For example, if you have been sent a letter, look at its header - it always contains information about the sender's IP address. The title here does not mean the subject of the letter, but the service information that comes along with the text. For example, in the Rambler mail service, to view the header, open the letter, select “Other actions” - “Letter headers” from the menu.

A properly configured computer will never “climb” into the network on its own. If you see that the connection icon in the tray becomes active every now and then, check your network connections by typing netstat –aon in the command line and pressing Enter. To open the command line (console), go to: “Start” - “All Programs” - “Accessories” - “ Command line" In the "External Address" column you will see all the connections on your computer.

A suspicious IP address should be checked on one of the network services that provides the who-is service. For example, here: You should know that, at best, you can determine the provider through which the owner of the IP you are interested in accesses the network. If any illegal actions were carried out against you from this address, you can report this to the provider by indicating exact time, your IP address and describing the situation. In any case, they will not provide you with any information about their client; such information is provided only to law enforcement agencies.

If you were able to determine the IP address of the person you are interested in, the only real way to collect any data about him is to hack his computer, which in itself is illegal. Such actions can be justified (from a moral point of view, but not from a legal point of view) only if this person deceived you or committed other illegal acts, while you were unable to achieve anything using legal methods. In this case, you have the right to defend yourself.

Find the Metasploit program on the Internet, read the available information on its use. There are versions of the program for both Windows and Linux, this is a completely legal application for testing the system. Using Metasploit, you can check a remote computer for vulnerabilities. If they are, you will have the opportunity to penetrate the attacker’s computer and collect the information you are interested in.

An IP address is a unique network identifier for a computer connected to the Internet. There cannot be two computers with the same IP on the network at the same time. Typically, a user does not have to track the IP address of his or someone else’s computer, but sometimes this becomes necessary.