Fortune telling on the mirror for the betrothed. Corridor of mirrors

29.08.2019 Business

In villages, people use mirrors to tell fortunes in case of emergency. Because they know from great-grandmothers and healers that in the dim light of candles they will see a dead man in the mirrored corridor. Or rather, a messenger from the other world, a disembodied spirit in human form. He will show his betrothed and reveal the card of fate. And in return he will take your soul. Before the girl has time to cross herself and throw a towel over the mirror, she will collapse dead or lose her mind.

In the old days, only witches resorted to such divination. But they, too, in order not to die, strictly observed all the subtleties of the demonic ritual. Nowadays they treat him lightly. And some rules, out of ignorance, are not followed at all.

Preparing for fortune telling

Therefore, those who still decide to cast fortunes on mirrors need to study dangerous fortune-telling in detail. Prepare for it in advance. Buy two medium-sized mirrors, a white cotton towel, two church candles. Pour into a small basin or ladle, preferably enameled. cold water from an open source - river, well, spring. You will also need a piece of chalk (white) or a long birch splinter. By the way, it is customary to guess with mirrors in a new nightgown without buttons, ties or elastic bands.

The eve of Epiphany is also considered the most suitable for the mirror ritual. On these nights, aliens from the other world do not lie, which rarely happens to them. Moreover, the spirit deliberately deceives the gullible fortune teller and fools her. He might even play pranks to death. Therefore, he is asked only one, truly important, question about the future. After this, the seance is stopped. Disturbing the dead over trifles is very dangerous.

Rules for fortune telling on mirrors

In the old days, people used to read fortunes on mirrors in the bathhouse to prevent evil spirits from entering the house. Now the fortune-telling girl retires to the kitchen or empty room. Exactly at midnight she puts on her nightgown, takes off pectoral cross and lets down her hair. Places mirrors on the table, one opposite the other so that a kind of tunnel is formed. Place lighted candles along the edges of the mirror into which he will look. For additional protection, draw a circle around the chair with chalk or in the air with a burning torch. You can't leave it until it's finished.

If a girl wants to see her groom, she, looking carefully in the mirror in front of her, says three times: “My betrothed, dear, come talk to me.” When an answer to a pressing question is needed, she asks: “Spirit, come. Help me find out my fate." Of course, the demon will not appear immediately; usually such a spell lasts about three hours. There is no point in waiting longer, nor in repeating fortune telling. This means that the dark forces do not want to reveal the secret; the time has not yet come.

As soon as an approaching figure appears in the depths of the mirror corridor, you need to quickly ask your question. After receiving a mental answer, a mirror with a reflective surface is immediately placed on the table. They put on a cross and read a prayer. Then they change clothes, wash their face and hands with water from the basin, and wipe with a prepared towel. After fortune telling, they don’t talk to anyone and go straight to bed. The dream you have at night will be prophetic and will soon come true.

The mirrors are wrapped in a towel and put away in a secluded place until the next fortune telling. A mirror that is cracked or broken is disposed of. The fragments are collected using a plastic bag so as not to touch them with bare hands. They are washed under running water, destroying the information matrix, and only then thrown away.

Since ancient times, mirrors have been considered a magical object that opens the entrance to other world. Surely, you are familiar with the signs associated with this piece of furniture, which is found in every home. For example, it is customary to cover reflective surfaces in a house where a family member has died, so that his soul does not get lost in the mirrored corridor. Breaking a mirror counts bad omen, and you can bring even more serious trouble upon yourself by looking into its fragments. But, nevertheless, since ancient times, fortune telling on a mirror for one’s betrothed has been very popular. And today we will tell you about several ways to carry it out.

Why do they tell fortunes on mirrors?

As we have already said, mirrors have always been considered a magical object. They connect our reality with the other world. There is a belief that spirits and entities from the astral world can pass through a reflective surface into our world. That is why these items must be handled with extreme caution. People with extrasensory perception are able to read events of the past and future from mirrors, and black magicians and sorcerers often use them in their magical rituals, for example, when casting a love spell or casting spells. In most fortune telling, candles are used in addition to mirrors - they are also considered a magical element belonging to the element of fire. A candle flame absorbs negative energy and also “illuminates” entities and spirits, thereby giving them a visible form.

In ancient times, to tell fortunes using mirrors and candles, girls went to deserted, dark places, for example, locked themselves in a bathhouse or barn. Today it is not at all necessary to look for abandoned or separate buildings, because you can tell fortunes inside your own apartment when no one is home, or simply by locking yourself in the bathroom. But, be that as it may, “mirror” fortune-telling is considered a rather dangerous ritual, in which a person comes into contact with the other world, looks into it, so you need to have enough fearlessness to decide to find out your future in this way.

Traditional ancient fortune telling for a betrothed “Mirror Corridor”

This predictive ritual is considered the most terrible and mystical. Even in ancient times, not every girl dared to carry out such a fortune-telling, and those who found the courage sometimes asked their girlfriends to stand nearby, for example, near a bathhouse or barn, so that if something went wrong, they could call them for help.

Fortune telling on the mirror for the betrothed is carried out as follows. The fortuneteller must be alone. She needs to prepare two mirrors and two candles. When midnight comes, she needs to turn off the lights in the entire apartment, place one mirror opposite the other, light two candles on both sides of them so that the reflection looks like mirror corridor. If you have a large mirror hanging on the wall, you can put candles near it and simply approach it, holding a small one in your hands - you will get a large corridor illuminated with lights.

After the mirror passage is created, the girl must focus on its end, mentally or out loud call her betrothed three times, for example, “Betrothed-mummer, come and show yourself to me!” or “Betrothed-mummer, come to my place for dinner!”, and then silently and without moving contemplate the mirror space until the reflective surface begins to blur and become cloudy. After some time (it can take five minutes or half an hour), the fortuneteller will see the face or silhouette of her betrothed in the mirror. As soon as she quickly examines it, you need to cross yourself, say the phrase “mind me” or “mind this place” three times, then quickly put out the candles and turn on the light. It is believed that the devil himself actually comes along the mirrored corridor, taking on the image of the future groom, so you should not look at the image that appears for too long. And sometimes you can even see some strange or scary pictures, so such fortune telling is contraindicated for impressionable people.

This fortune-telling is carried out on the mirror for the betrothed at Christmas or Christmastide. It is, of course, less scary than the previous one, but it is also not for the faint of heart. On the night before Christmas or at any midnight of Christmastide, a girl should sit all alone at the table, placing a mirror and a candle in front of her, then peer into the reflective surface and invite her future lover to have dinner with the phrase “Mummer, come to me for dinner!” Next, you just need to look intently at the mirror, without being distracted by anything. After some time (after five or more minutes) she will see the face of the man who should become her husband. After this, as with the previous fortune telling, you need to cross yourself and say “out of this place!” three times.

However, if you are not afraid of the other world, you can wait a little and see what happens next. They say that the devil in the form of a lover can show brave girls some thing of their betrothed, for example, a ring, a handkerchief or a pocket knife. He will pull it out of the mirror and place it on the table in front of the fortuneteller. If you cross yourself and say a “dispelling” phrase after this, the devil will disappear, and the thing will remain in our world. It is believed that at this moment the man destined for the girl by fate actually loses this object, and when they meet, he will certainly recognize it.

Since ancient times, crossroads have been considered a mystical place. Standing at a crossroads, one could read conspiracies, carry out magical rituals and even summon the most unclean. At the crossroads you can see your future lover. To do this you need: on a clear night, when the Moon or the month is clearly visible in the sky, come to the crossroads of four roads with a small mirror in your pocket. Standing so that the crescent moon is behind you, you need to take out a mirror, look into it and say the phrase “My betrothed, show yourself in the mirror!” three times. They say that within a few minutes you can see the face of your future spouse.

The most suitable time for this prediction is Holy Week. One day you need to go into the forest and collect spruce branches. Before you go to bed, take out a small pocket mirror and write on it the name of the man you like or a question such as “Will I get married this year?” This is what fortune telling on a mirror for your betrothed looks like: place a mirror with an inscription under the pillow or under the bed, place fir branches around the sleeping bed and calmly go to bed. When you wake up in the morning, take out the mirror and look at it: if the inscription has disappeared, the answer to your question is “yes,” if it remains, “no.” If you simply wrote the man’s name, then the erased inscription will indicate that he is your future spouse, but if the letters remain, alas, this is not your chosen one.

You will need a candle, a mirror and regular salt. In the dead of night, turn off the lights, sit at the table, place a mirror and a flat plate in front of it. Place a handful of salt on a plate. Then light a candle, take it and start dripping melting wax onto the salt pile, while thinking about the person you feel sympathy for. Continue the procedure for about five minutes. Then look at the resulting reflection of the salt and wax. The shape of the shadow will tell you what to expect from this relationship.

The meaning of figures when divining on a mirror:

  • Ring - for marriage
  • Ship or boat - to parting
  • A flower or bouquet - to receive a gift from a loved one
  • Tree - you will become pregnant from this man
  • Clouds - your dreams of an affair with him will remain only dreams
  • Figure of a man - you will meet another
  • Female figure - he loves another woman
  • Dog - there will be only friendship between you
  • Snake - you have envious people who will interfere with the relationship

Other symbols can be read intuitively. Don't be afraid to use your own associations.
“Mirror” fortune telling has not lost its popularity for several centuries. Such a long period suggests that these predictions are indeed true. Try at least one of them to be sure!

In rural areas, they cast spells on mirrors only in rare cases. And all because everyone heard from grandmothers and great-grandmothers that in the evening flicker you can see the undead or any other evil spirits in a mirror portal. More precisely, a creature from the world of the dead, an entity in human form.

There are beliefs that he can show his future husband and his entire future life. But in return it can deprive you of your soul. And if the young lady who is doing fortune-telling fails to cross herself and throw something over the mirror, she may even fall dead.

In ancient times, only witches performed this kind of magic. But they were also under threat, and in order not to say goodbye to life, they unquestioningly followed all the subtleties and rules of the dangerous ritual. In the modern world, they began to treat him with a grin and fearlessly. Many rules, due to ignorance or stupidity, are not followed by girls at all.

Preparing for fortune telling

Those who are ready to cast spells on mirrors need to thoroughly understand all the intricacies of this complex spell. You need to prepare ahead of time:

1. Buy two medium-sized mirrors;

2. Buy a white towel;

3. Buy candles (two pieces) from the church.

4. Water must be poured into a small basin or other vessel (this could be a spring, river or well);

5. Prepare chalk (necessarily white) or a splinter, preferably birch.

On mirrors they usually cast a spell in a shirt that has no buttons, ties or rivets. Days that are suitable for fortune telling are Christmastide, baptism or another important ancient holiday. These days, souls from the other world do not lie. But the soul of a dead man can deliberately deceive a gullible fortune teller, play with her and cloud her head. Therefore, the entity is asked only one question, the most important, any exciting question. Afterwards, fortune telling must be stopped. In no case should you disturb spirits over trifles, because this is considered dangerous.

Rules for fortune telling on mirrors

In ancient times, they cast spells in the bathhouse in order not to accidentally let evil spirits into their home. Now you can tell fortunes in any room, but most often it is done in the kitchen or personal room. At 12:00, no later and no earlier, the fortuneteller must put on a nightgown, remove the cross and let down her hair. After this, it is necessary to install mirrors opposite each other, so that a corridor appears. It is necessary to place candles on the sides of the mirror into which they will look. To protect against evil spirits They draw a circle around the chair with white chalk or in the air with a burning torch. Under no circumstances should you leave the circle until the very end of the fortune telling.

If the fortuneteller wants to look at her betrothed, she must, looking intently in the mirror, say 3 times: “My betrothed, mummer, come and talk to me.” If an answer to an important question is needed, you need to say: “Spirit, come. Help me find out my fate." The creature may not appear right away; this type of fortune telling can last up to three hours. There is no need to continue waiting after three hours, and there is no need to carry out fortune telling again. This may mean that the spirits do not want to reveal secrets, or your time has not yet come.

If the spirit does come, then you will see an approaching figure appear in the mirror, after which you need to quickly ask a question that is important to you. After receiving the answer, the mirror is placed on the table with the mirror side. Immediately after this, you need to put on a cross and read a prayer. Afterwards you need to change clothes, wash (face and hands) clean water, you need to dry yourself with a prepared towel. After the end of the divination, you cannot have conversations with someone, you must immediately go to bed. The dream that you may have this night most often turns out to be prophetic.

The next day, both mirrors need to be wrapped in the purchased towel and put away in any place where no one except you has access, until the next spell. If the mirrors are cracked or broken, you need to get rid of it. The fragments from a broken mirror should be collected with a cloth so as not to touch them with open hands. After rinsing under the tap, only then can the mirror be thrown away.

The mirror corridor is a passage into the world of secrets and mysteries. This way you can find answers to any questions, find out your fate and try to change it in your favor.

Fortune telling on the mirror will be interesting primarily for girls. With its help, you can find yourself a betrothed or at least bring the meeting closer.


The very name “mirror corridor” contains the answer. This is truly a “corridor” of two worlds: the real and the parallel. During the ritual, you can see events that have occurred or will only occur. With the help of the knowledge gained, you can change the course of fate. For people who are at a dead end, a guide through a parallel world will show them the right path and help them understand their thoughts. In white magic, fortune telling will help change fate, and in black magic it can cause damage.


You need to take 2 mirrors and place them opposite each other. Thus, a “mirror corridor” is obtained. The mirror in which the fortuneteller will look must be surrounded by 5 candles. Two candles on each side of the mirror and one in the middle. This is how a “magic circle” turns out. It needs to be made large so that the things needed for the ceremony can fit there.

Fortune telling "for the betrothed"

Place a glass in a circle clean water. It is placed in it wedding ring one of the parents. The fortuneteller must peer into the ring - it will contain the face of her future lover.
Ritual to attract money
For this fortune telling you will need to take a wallet. You need to put all your available money into it. If there are a lot of them, then add up the largest bills. Prepare a 5 ruble coin in advance. You need to put a drop of wine or a drop on it own blood and let dry. Place this coin in your wallet next to the banknotes. After all the preparations, you should talk to money and thank them. This must be done while the candles are burning. It is advisable to take thin church candles for the ritual; they burn for 10-15 minutes. The coin should not be removed from the wallet and should always be kept next to the money.

No matter how simple the rituals may seem, they must be treated with caution. Approach fortune telling carefully and seriously;
Fortune telling is magic, a sacrament, so it’s better to guess alone;
It is best to tell fortunes at Christmas or baptism, then the visions will be more accurate;
Before fortune telling, it is better to rinse the mirrors with holy water - this will clear the passage along the “mirror corridor”.

This is probably the most common fortune telling. And we must remember that it is considered the most dangerous, since a mirror is a guide to the other world. Only the bravest and most fearless dare to do this fortune-telling.

It is intended for those girls whose desire to know their betrothed overpowers fear.

Corridor of mirrors.

Only when the clock strikes midnight can you find out who the groom will be. Or after midnight, but not before the appointed time. You need to prepare for the fact that you may have to spend the whole night in front of the mirror, trying to see the desired appearance of a stranger in it.

It is best to carry out the fortune telling procedure completely alone. But if it’s still a little scary, you can take your friends to help, but they must not utter a sound and under no circumstances look into the fortune-telling mirror. For fortune telling you need:

Two mirrors;

Two candles;

Matches or lighter.

Now, in order. First you need to lock yourself in a room, be sure to take all pets out of it: dogs, birds, hamsters - only the cat can be left, it will not be a hindrance. Turn off the sound on the phone, intercom, TV, music - complete silence must be maintained.

Mirrors must be clean, without cracks or scratches, since even the slightest defects can distort the results of fortune telling. The mirror should be placed on the table, and candles should be placed on the sides of it and lit.

Place a second one in front of this mirror so that you get a mirror corridor of reflections, illuminated by candle lights. It is there, at the very beginning of the corridor, that the groom should appear. Sometimes you have to wait quite a long time, so you should be patient.

When his appearance is clearly visible, you should definitely say loudly: “Out of this place!” - and then the image in the mirror will disappear. If this is not said, then a lot of troubles and misfortunes may befall the fortuneteller.

For extreme and desperate girls there is another way, more strict. You need to carry out fortune telling completely naked and alone. According to rumors, this option is the most truthful...

Fortune telling with fir branches and mirror

After waking up, see if there is a note left on your divination tool. If it is not there, wonderful, the desire will materialize; if the inscription is there, then the dream will remain a dream.

Fortune telling with a mirror

Draw with wax candle 13 crosses on the mirror, then place it on the table. Place candles on both sides (preferably wax ones too). Place a bowl in front of the mirror, add a pinch of salt and water. Say the spell 13 times:

“Mirror is a lake, salt is tears, fire is strength, tell me what awaits me in the future.”

Drink water with salt and contemplate the pictures in the mirror. Sometimes it may happen that you see nothing, then place the prediction tool on the table with the mirror surface down and go to sleep. In the arms of Morpheus you will be able to discern your destiny.

Invitation to dinner.

This fortune telling is also not suitable for gentle young ladies. When pitch darkness sets in, you need to lock yourself in a dark room, completely alone. Prepare in advance:



Napkin or tablecloth

Two cutlery

Here you can do without the rules of etiquette and not take knives and forks, it will be better.

So, a tablecloth or napkin should be laid in front of the mirror, cutlery, salt, spoons and bread should be placed at the edges, and a candle should be placed in the center. Draw a chalk outline of yourself and say out loud the phrase: “Mummer, come and have dinner with me.” And look intently into the mirror.

If the mirror becomes cloudy, and the candle begins to burn not as brightly as at the beginning, it means that the groom is already on the way. Experienced people say that it appears bad smell burning. Until three o'clock in the morning you can freely look at your betrothed, but in no case later. As soon as time runs out, you need to quickly grab a towel.

Wipe the mirror surface with it and say: “Get out of this place!” In order not to be late, the right decision will set an alarm clock that will notify you of the end of the allowed time. Previously, when there were no alarm clocks, they took a rooster for fortune telling.

After this phrase, the image in the mirror should dissolve. But anything can happen, so it’s best to learn the “Our Father” prayer before fortune telling so that it bounces off your teeth. To be able to read it even in an excited state. But this happens in extreme cases, usually everything goes smoothly and leaves only pleasant emotions.

Fortune telling at the crossroads for love

At night, go to the intersection with a mirror.) Concentrate on the question on the spot. Think about the things that concern you. Then draw a circle around yourself and send your focus to the mirror. Look into it. Say a spell:

“Betrothed-mummer, come to me along the path and along the white snowball.”

After this, you can contemplate various images and hear sounds. For negative visions, for example, if you see a coffin, be sure to say “Our Father”

Checking the chosen one

There is also a variant of fortune telling with a mirror, but not for the future groom, but for the present one. You can check how serious his feelings and intentions are and how long lasting the relationship will be. You need to sit in front of the mirror and place a saucer on the table in front of it. Take the paper, crumple it well, put it on a saucer and light it with a candle.

Now look at the behavior of the paper - the way it burns will characterize the feelings of the chosen one. The leaf immediately lit up brightly, without hesitation, which means that the groom loves passionately and his feelings are sincere and ardent. Of course, you shouldn’t expect a man to propose marriage soon; this is exactly the case when you can wait and not rush.

If the paper flares up slowly, slowly, then the development of the relationship will be gradual and thorough. Perhaps the young man does not want to force things and prefers to think things through carefully. A marriage with such a person will be strong, solid and long-lasting.

If the paper does not want to burn at all, but only smolders, then we must conclude that most likely the desired object does not experience mutual feelings. So don’t be upset and waste time on dreams, because you won’t be nice by force. It’s better to switch your attention - what if fate is walking very close by?