How to play the art card robin. Anti-tank self-propelled artillery mounts

24.07.2019 Finance

The starting positions of the teams are separated by a flat, well-crossed field. The map is convenient for defense and destruction of the enemy with artillery forces. Deep detours using shelters - copses, folds of terrain and village houses can decide the outcome of the battle.

A well-coordinated attack across the field at high speed, with artillery support, can also be successful, but is quite risky. Name in the battle recording file: malinovka.

Tactics in a standard battle

The map is divided into two parts by the lake. One part is an open field, on both sides of which there are well-fortified team positions. For the northern base, this is a ditch, boulders and damaged equipment, and for the southern base, these are cowsheds (also called “barracks” or “sheds”).

Traveling onto the field is, in most cases, extremely risky, so players are looking for alternative ways to attack. Between the field and the lake there is a swamp. It is not suitable for a rapid attack, but the abundant vegetation provides excellent camouflage.

The key position in the eastern part of the map is the mountain, where the mill and two huts are located. Occupying the mountain provides control of the eastern part of the location, but remember that the climb up the mountain is open and very steep.

In this regard, tanks storming a mountain are an excellent target. For this reason, heavy tanks prefer not to go straight to the mountain, but to stay below.

Their traditional location is a forest and a church in the area of ​​the northern base. There are several on the map convenient places to organize an ambush. As a rule, these are shrubs and copses (see “def” in the legend).

Light tanks

Malinovka is an open map, and therefore the importance of light tanks increases on it. You can detect the enemy already in the first seconds of the battle. To do this, light tanks make a so-called “lap of honor” or organize a “shooting gallery”.

This means that from the very start of the battle they drive out onto the field at full speed and either move to the enemy’s base, or, after making a small circle, return to their own.

A light tank can also walk through a swamp, in the center of which there is a so-called “magic bush”, hiding behind which you can detect almost all enemies leaving the base. In addition, light tanks can pass through a village or drive up a mountain.

Medium tanks

In most cases, the task of medium tanks on the Malinovka map comes down to capturing the mountain. Best suited for this purpose fast tanks close combat, such as the T-54 and Bat Chatillon 25 t.

Medium tanks with accurate guns, such as the PzKpfw V Panther, are more efficient to use as snipers than to trade them on the mountain. As a rule, after capturing a mountain, medium tanks coordinate with heavy tanks located in the forest and launch a joint attack on enemy positions.

At the same time, medium tanks tend not to get involved in battle with TTs, but to move at full speed as far as possible to detect artillery.

Heavy tanks

Heavy tanks are the striking force and defense of the team. The ability to maintain strength and remain combat-ready for as long as possible is extremely important. Therefore, players with heavy tanks prefer not to take risks, but to take up defensive positions at the base and in the forest.

Tanks from the northern base are distributed behind shelters at the base, most of, as a rule, goes behind the church and up the mountain. Tanks with a strong turret can go down into the ditch. From there they can fire, exposing the enemy only to an impenetrable tower.

But it should be remembered that in this place tanks are very vulnerable to overhead fire. The TTs of the southern base take cover behind the cowsheds and follow into the forest. If medium tanks occupy a mountain, then TTs can continue their advance through the village.

The robin is favorable for organizing ambushes, therefore, fans of tank destroyers will be able to fully realize the advantages of this type of equipment. Their main task is to keep enemies away from the base.

To do this, they take up positions at the base or camouflage themselves behind bushes and copses (marked as “def”). The main threat to tank destroyers is artillery fire. A sudden rush of medium tanks from the mountain or exposure when changing position will also be a big nuisance.

The map is excellent for self-propelled gun operations. In the entire location there are only a few places that provide guaranteed protection from overhead fire: cowsheds, a church, a mill.

However, if several self-propelled guns get into battle at once, they can be distributed across the map in such a way that there are practically no dead zones left for their fire. For this reason, players in high-level battles do not strive to move forward, and draws on Malinovka happen more often than in other game locations.

Tactics in Assault mode

The tactics on Malinovka in the “Assault” mode are radically different from those in a standard battle. The defending team begins the battle on the mountain. Its goal: to protect the base located below, or to destroy the attackers, whose starting positions are in the field.

The teams are separated by a lake, so the main fighting They go on the flanks, in most cases, this is the area of ​​​​the church and the southeastern forest. Staying on the mountain is the wrong tactic.

It implies a complete transfer of initiative into the hands of the opponent, who will not have much difficulty moving artillery and killing defenders with crossfire. That is why the defenders are trying to move the battle as far as possible from the base, but so that the tanks and self-propelled guns remaining on the mountain can provide support.

The key positions are the church and the forest at the foot of the mountain. The defenders are very constrained in maneuver, unlike the attackers, who can freely move around the map and knock out the enemy with artillery.

Light tanks

The assaulters begin the battle in open areas and are very vulnerable to detection and artillery fire. Therefore, light tanks of the defenders have every chance to decide the outcome of the battle in the first minutes. At the same time, if they fail, the defenders will be left practically blind and their position will be seriously complicated.

Medium tanks

In the event of the absence or destruction of light tanks, medium tanks take over their role. Medium tanks can also concentrate and deliver powerful strikes and counterstrikes, followed by a breakthrough to the artillery.

Heavy tanks

Heavy tanks are the main driving force of the attack and the mainstay of the defense. The outcome of the battle largely depends on how the assault tanks are distributed across the map.

Anti-tank self-propelled artillery units

Tank destroyers of defenders usually remain on the mountain and fire from long and medium distances. Tank destroyers of the attackers, as a rule, conduct sniper fire on the mountain from the forest and other shelters in the presence of someone else's light.

Self-Propelled Artillery Mounts

Self-propelled guns of the defenders rarely leave the mountain. There they have an excellent field of fire, but can be easily calculated using tracers. The attacking team has very high hopes for the self-propelled guns.

The ability to correctly select a target and concentrate fire can help break down even the toughest defenses. However, it should be remembered: players often get carried away with the assault and forget about artillery cover, so even a single light or medium tank, breaking through the advancing ranks can bring a lot of trouble.

Hello, dear tankers! Today we, the gaming portal website, brings to your attention a review World maps Of tanks Robin. The legendary map of our favorite game. However, they do not always respond positively to it. Perhaps Malinovka wot is a card that symbolizes hatred of artillery. This is understandable, any battle on this map in which there are three or more self-propelled guns turns into a long standstill. On the other hand, Malinovka is the love of all LT-waters. This is such a contradictory and ambiguous map before us today.

General information.

Picture 1. Minimap of a standard battle.

wot Malinovka is a large and spacious summer map, available for battles of levels 4 - 11, it was added to the game during the alpha test. The map has practically no shelters, but instead there are a huge number of bushes, which naturally negatively affects active gameplay. In general, standing in the bushes thrives here, and fights often end in draws.

Picture 2. Minimap of the oncoming battle.

There are two random battle modes available on Malinovka: standard and counter. Despite the fact that the map remains the same for both modes (the only difference is that the teams respawn differently: in the oncoming battle mode they are closer to the hill), it plays differently. We'll talk about this below.

Key elements of the Malinovka wot map.

Picture 3. Legend.

There are a lot of objects on the map that every player needs to know, which means you should now read the points listed below more carefully.

  1. Building, where one strong heavy tank can hide and highlight enemies on the hill for its allies hidden in the forest behind. It is extremely problematic to smoke out a really strong tank from here, since artillery and typical tank destroyers cannot be thrown here. All enemies trying to attack this position are in direct line of sight in any case and, naturally, receive a lot of damage.
  2. Slide. A typical slide of our game. An extremely important position that every team must try to capture. The hill allows you to control a huge territory of the map, and is also a successful springboard for developing an attack. However, you should know that there are no obvious shelters from artillery.
  3. Lower team stone. It is a symmetrical position for the lower base team, as is position No. 2 for the upper base. Provides the same benefits.
  4. Lower forest. As dense as the upper forest. Perfectly camouflages tanks. Serves the same purpose as the top jungle, but this one is for the bottom team.
  5. Central field or field of death. Every tank that enters this field is instantly shot by enemies using invisibility. It's not even recommended to go here light tanks. Of the entire central field, only its edges are playable: the right edge - suitable for quickly pushing medium tanks towards the positions of the enemy team; the left edge is suitable for fireflies due to the abundance of bushes (light tanks from these positions can easily carry out the LT-15 LBZ).
  6. Upper base positions for shooting enemies. There are also bushes and stones here that can protect you from enemy fire if you are illuminated. Recently they have lost their relevance (after the robin was remade), now it is better to leave these positions and go closer to the mountain. From there, you can bring more value to the team and break tackles if needed.
  7. Cowsheds- positions of the lower base for shooting enemies. Similar to point No. 7.
  8. Several buildings near the upper base. They don't have much use, but in a critical situation you can take refuge here.
  9. Several buildings near the lower base. They are absolutely the same as houses number 9.
  10. Balcony for the upper team. Excellent position for firing. Due to its location (closer to the center of the map), this position allows you to cover the maximum part of the map. The most ideal position for those who like to snipe.
  11. Driving along the coast. This path allows fast tanks to squeeze under enemy balconies and shine on them and more. These are counter positions that allow you to remove opponents on the balconies from the battle.
  12. Balcony for the lower team. Similar to the opposite balcony.
  13. Village. This is a practically unplayable part of the Malinovka map, since all the houses here are destructible, and they will be shot from all sides. It's not worth going here under any circumstances. But in a difficult situation, you can take refuge here for a while.

How to play Malinovka in standard battle.

The Malinovka map is extremely difficult for players to perceive; at first glance, it is just a huge, flat, green space. However, every experienced player perfectly understands the tactics on Malinovka and I will now try to tell you this.

So, on this map there is only one clear direction - this is a hill (red arrows). Where active tank operations take place. The rest of the map space is just positions for “standing”, shooting from the bushes and nothing more:

  • Positions located on the borders of the central field.
  • Items marked in purple.

There are also excellent bushes for fireflies, shown with yellow dots: passive bushes near the central field and more active positions, shown with yellow arrows.

In addition, there is a more risky and not obvious direction, highlighted by blue arrows. This direction is extremely dangerous, but allows you to gradually push through the enemy base.

How to play Malinovka in a counter battle.

The counter battle on this map is practically no different from the standard one, with the exception of the location of the sides' respawns directly under the hill. Because of this, the central field and the positions around it lose relevance. There you can only arrange a quick rush with medium tanks in order to squeeze the opponents into pincers. But such tactics do not always bear fruit. The main collisions occur on and around the slide. Thus, it can be argued that in this mode, victory will depend on the collision in and around the hill. Capturing a base on this map is possible, but only in extreme situations, since the base is clearly visible and can be shot through the bushes from the balconies. You should stand up to capture a base only in extreme situations, when there are few enemies left, they are weakly mobile and blind.

Patch has been released. Now mods need to be installed in the folders "res_mods\1.4.0\" and "mods\1.4.0.\". If after the update the mod stops working for you, then simply move it to the “1.4.0” folder. Some mods and mod assemblies may not work or may have bugs. In the very near future, all non-working mods and assemblies will be updated. Please be patient and stay tuned for updates. If after updating the mod/build your client freezes or crashes for no reason, download the game cache clearing script and run it, the problem should be solved.

Malinovka is an open plain map that is an imitation of a traditional Ukrainian village in World of Tanks. The respawns of the opposing teams are separated by a completely open, well-crossed field. The map is approximately equally divided in half by a large lake, on one side of which there is a ford, and on the other there is a quagmire with a lot of bushy vegetation. To the right of the lake there is a village and a mountain with a mill located on a hill. The map is perfect for self-propelled guns and tank destroyers - flat terrain and a large number of convenient, well-camouflaged firing positions allow these classes of equipment to roam to the fullest. There are 3 main and 3 auxiliary directions on the map.

The main areas include:

- field;
- village.

Auxiliary directions:
- passage to the left of the field;
- driving through a quagmire;
- ford to the right of the lake.

Let us now take a closer look at the tactics of combat in all directions on the Malinovka map in World of Tanks.

Main directions


The mountain on the robin plays the same role as all “mountains” in World of Tanks. It is occupied by fast tanks, and then they organize a strike on the enemy’s flank. The climbs and the village are perfectly visible from the mountain. In the “counter battle” mode, the mountain plays a key role - respawns are located at the very tops, and it is the team that manages to occupy the mountain that wins in most cases. However, this does not mean that in an oncoming battle everyone should definitely move up the mountain!


This part of the map is ideal for LT: in the first minute of the battle, you can illuminate more than half of the enemy team and thereby give your allies the opportunity to shoot in the light. However, be careful: if you move too straight or get too close to the enemy spawn, you will quickly be destroyed.


In a “standard battle” it does not play any key role. Only sometimes the village is used as a springboard for organizing a strike in the rear of opponents occupying the mountain.

In the “meeting battle” mode, the village is much more important - it can be used by light or medium tanks to spot enemy forces on the way up the mountain, or for the same blow to the enemy’s rear.

Auxiliary directions

Passage to the left of the field

This passage is most often used by middle and light tanks for active illumination of enemy forces at the beginning of the battle. Hiding in a hollow, the “scout” is protected from constant enemy fire and can safely highlight them remaining in the defensive zone. Speed ​​is essential to successfully realize the intelligence potential of this position. You must get to the hollow as quickly as possible, because... if you are exposed too early, you will simply be destroyed even before you take the required position. This direction is relevant only for the standard battle mode.

Driving through a quagmire

This direction can be used by any tank for passive reconnaissance. The quagmire is replete with bushes, in which it will not be difficult to hide a tank and from which part of the enemy respawn and movement to the second half of the map can be clearly seen. This direction is also more relevant for the standard battle mode.

Ford to the right of the lake

This direction, unlike the previous two, is relevant for both standard and counter combat. Having crossed the ford to the enemy half of the map, an LT or fast ST can either highlight opponents climbing a mountain or occupying a forest. If you wish, you can try to break through to the artillery, but you should do this no earlier than the middle of the battle, when the concentration of enemies on your trajectory becomes minimal.

Let's sum it up

Malinovka is a fairly simple, but very interesting and creative map in World of Tanks. In any class of vehicle, you can come up with something new in every battle, plan and organize more and more unexpected and quick attacks on the enemy’s flank or rear, etc. After the global nerf to self-propelled guns, this map really blossomed. Take advantage of this and have maximum fun!

This concludes the guide to the Malinovka map in World of Tanks.


Standard fight

Meeting engagement



The starting positions of the teams are separated by a flat, well-crossed field. The map is convenient for defense and destruction of the enemy with artillery forces. Deep detours using shelters - copses, folds of terrain and village houses can decide the outcome of the battle. A well-coordinated attack across the field at high speed, with artillery support, can also be successful, but is quite risky. Name in the battle recording file: malinovka.

Tactics in a standard battle

The map is divided into two parts by the lake. One part is an open field, on both sides of which there are well-fortified team positions. For the northern base, this is a ditch, boulders and damaged equipment, and for the southern base, these are cowsheds (also called “barracks” or “sheds”). Traveling onto the field is, in most cases, extremely risky, so players are looking for alternative ways to attack. Between the field and the lake there is a swamp. It is not suitable for a rapid attack, but the abundant vegetation provides excellent camouflage. The key position in the eastern part of the map is the mountain, where the mill and two huts are located. Occupying the mountain provides control of the eastern part of the location, but remember that the climb up the mountain is open and very steep. In this regard, tanks storming a mountain are an excellent target. For this reason, heavy tanks prefer not to go straight to the mountain, but to stay below. Their traditional location is a forest and a church in the area of ​​the northern base. There are several convenient places on the map to organize an ambush. As a rule, these are shrubs and copses (see “def” in the legend).

Light tanks

Malinovka is an open map, and therefore the importance of light tanks increases on it. You can detect the enemy already in the first seconds of the battle. To do this, light tanks make a so-called “lap of honor” or organize a “shooting gallery”. This means that from the very start of the battle they drive out onto the field at full speed and either move to the enemy’s base, or, after making a small circle, return to their own. A light tank can also walk through a swamp, in the center of which there is a so-called “magic bush”, hiding behind which you can detect almost all enemies leaving the base. In addition, light tanks can pass through a village or drive up a mountain.

Medium tanks

In most cases, the task of medium tanks on the Malinovka map comes down to capturing the mountain. Fast melee tanks such as the T-54 and Bat.-Châtillon 25 t are best suited for this purpose. Medium tanks with accurate guns, such as the Panther, are more effective to use as snipers than to trade them on the mountain. As a rule, after capturing a mountain, medium tanks coordinate with heavy tanks located in the forest and launch a joint attack on enemy positions. At the same time, medium tanks tend not to get involved in battle with TTs, but to move at full speed as far as possible to detect artillery.

Heavy tanks

Heavy tanks are the striking force and defense of the team. The ability to maintain strength and remain combat-ready for as long as possible is extremely important. Therefore, players with heavy tanks prefer not to take risks, but to take up defensive positions at the base and in the forest. Tanks from the northern base are distributed behind shelters at the base, most of them, as a rule, go behind the church and up the mountain. Tanks with a strong turret can go down into the ditch. From there they can fire, exposing the enemy only to an impenetrable tower. But it should be remembered that in this place tanks are very vulnerable to overhead fire. The TTs of the southern base take cover behind the cowsheds and follow into the forest. If medium tanks occupy a mountain, then TTs can continue their advance through the village.

Anti-tank self-propelled artillery mounts

The robin is favorable for organizing ambushes, therefore, fans of tank destroyers will be able to fully realize the advantages of this type of equipment. Their main task is to keep enemies away from the base. To do this, they take up positions at the base or camouflage themselves behind bushes and copses (marked as “def”). The main threat to tank destroyers is artillery fire. A sudden rush of medium tanks from the mountain or exposure when changing position will also be a big nuisance.

Self-propelled artillery units

The map is excellent for self-propelled gun operations. In the entire location there are only a few places that provide guaranteed protection from overhead fire: cowsheds, a church, a mill. However, if several self-propelled guns get into battle at once, they can be distributed across the map in such a way that there are practically no dead zones left for their fire. For this reason, players in high-level battles do not strive to move forward, and draws on Malinovka happen more often than in other game locations.

Screenshot gallery

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History of changes



Karelia Robin Prokhorovka Lasville Ensk Murovanka Mines Cliff Steppe Monastery Pass Fjords Redshire Fisherman's Bay Ruinberg Siegfried Line Westfield Widepark Live Oaks Highway Quiet Coast Border of the Empire Tundra Overlord Industrial Zone Paris

Square F8 (lower rep)

This is a risky point, you should only go here if you want to effectively support the mountain and are not afraid of enemy light. You should stand in the woods in such a way that the bushes and trees cover you from light and from the center too. The point is located almost in the center of the map, so working on targets from here is very easy. However, keep in mind that you are on the path of the hunters to the artillery location. And also, think ahead, there is a long, steep climb coming straight from the hill towards you. From there, even a slop will reach you very quickly, but you will have to retreat across an open field. If you see that enemies have taken the mountain, retreat immediately. You shouldn’t rely on team members holed up under a mountain in the forest - they will be knocked down very quickly.

Position yourself so that the bushes cover you from the center.

The mountain is only 570 meters away - even light tank can be knocked down with proper skill.

PROS: short fire distance, hill and bushes.

MINUSES: you depend on the team, the position is under fire from the center, the escape routes are uncovered.

Squares K7 and C2

I choose these points when I am not confident in my team. Here increased security from exposure and good opportunities for retreat. However, this comes at the cost of having to fire at a maximum distance of 1 kilometer. It doesn’t matter which team you play for, stand in these squares near the houses so that they protect you from the direction in which you are not firing. And one more thing - if you see that there is weak defense on the field, get ready to meet hunters.

On the lower spawn, the house is not destroyed by shells, which is good news.

But at the top it is smaller and you can break it, although this point is closer to the mountain - 880 meters versus 960 on the other side.

PROS: a reliable point, covered escape routes.

MINUSES: you depend on the team, the maximum firing distance.

General advice

When you play this map in standard battle mode, the artillery spawns away from everyone else. This puts her in a vulnerable position. I recommend immediately retreating to the west. In this case, you will find yourself behind the wide backs of the snipers sitting on the field and away from the hunters looking for you. The joke of this position is that even if the field is empty, no fool would dare to go and check it out, the risk of catching the projectile is too great. This will give us extra time if something happens.