What are the fastest tanks in world of tanks? What are the fastest tanks in World of Tanks? Definition of "battle tank"

28.07.2019 Sport

There are several types of military equipment in the World of Tanks game. Each vehicle is endowed with its own technical parameters: some tanks have strong armor, others are very mobile or practically do not glow.

If you want to know what is the fastest tank in World of Tanks, then you will have to familiarize yourself with light vehicle models, their players call fireflies

As a rule, they do not have powerful weapons, and the armor of such equipment is not the strongest. But all these tanks have high speed, which completely compensates for all their shortcomings. Among the most mobile tanks participating in the World of Tanks game, there are clear favorites. They are the ones who hold the lead in the line of the fastest cars.

Rating of high-speed tanks, in addition to the advantage in speed, light tanks also have other features that are very important in battle

Among the machines offered to your attention are the following:

1.RU 251
This is a Tier 8 tank from the German series. This vehicle is given primacy in speed training, and the machine’s powerful engine allows it to develop exorbitant speeds that no other combat vehicle has. It is light and mobile, besides, the gun on the tank is excellent, it is capable of penetrating 190 mm of armor, and the camouflage of this firefly is at a high level.

2. Pz.Kpfv. 1 Ausf
This one ranks second in racing performance, and this despite the fact that it is a representative of second-level technology. In addition to high speed, the vehicle has an excellent weapon in its arsenal, characterized by a frantic rate of fire. And although the quality of the shots is not very high, the rate of fire can make a difference.

3. T-54
Another representative of high-speed vehicles is the lightweight T-54 model from the eighth level. Many consider this car to be the best, and this is not without reason; it is not only fast, but also a very reliable maneuverable car. According to these indicators, it surpasses the RU 251; the tank can change its trajectory on the fly. The vehicle's camouflage is also good, but the gun and visibility are a little weak.

5. LT 59-16
And the last in the nomination is the most fast tank in World of Tanks is a Chinese tank. He is not very popular among players, despite his good data. However, this car is worth getting to know better. The tank has excellent maneuverability, with game-record performance. Otherwise, the vehicle is at an average level, its weapons are not the best, however, the tank has the best camouflage.

Based on all of the above, it should be said that each tank from this rating has its own characteristics. Players who love fast cars should pay attention to these examples.

Welcome, Dear friends! In this article we will talk about the fastest tanks in World of Tanks. This information will be useful mainly for those who like to play light and medium tanks, but we think that TT owners will also read it, so to speak, for general development. Well, let's see what “supercars” are in the game...

First of all, of course, I would like to say about the German tank PZ Kpfw I Ausf (3rd level), this combat vehicle is simply unattainable in speed for other tanks, because it accelerates up to 79 km/h, and if you drive off any On any hill, you can accelerate to 90 km/h, excellent speed!

PZ Kpfw I Ausf is an ideal low-level “firefly”, it has light weight, excellent “agility” and excellent speed, you can easily break into enemy rear lines and destroy artillery, even if you are noticed, it is not a fact that they will hit you until the opponent is reduced, you may already find yourself in a different place.

Also, on this high-speed tank you can dash off your opponents' ST and TT tanks. The PZ Kpfw I Ausf also has excellent visibility and range of the radio, this allows not only active lighting, but also effective passive lighting. The gun on the tank is also very good - a rapid-fire cannon with damage of 320 units. (from the drum) allows you to fight enemy tanks quite comfortably. This vehicle also has a minus, it is very lightly armored, the tank is “sewn” in all places and feels insecure when meeting with an ST alone.

There are other fast tanks in World of Tanks, the French branch is especially famous for them: the Bat-Chatillion 25t (popularly “Bochat”), it can accelerate to 65 km/h, in addition to speed, it has excellent “agility” and a killer drum gun, which can “eat” about 2 thousand units of HP in a few seconds, the disadvantage of this vehicle is its weak armor; AMX 50b – excellent high-speed TT of the 10th level; the legendary AMX ELC (popularly “Yolka”) is a good Tier 5 LT that can accelerate to 65 km/h, having a good gun, this tank can ruin the nerves of more than one opponent on the battlefield, however, the rotation of the tank’s turret is limited. If you like dynamic tanks, then pay attention to the French nation, they have a lot of fast vehicles.

The German ST level 10 Leopard I is another fast vehicle in the game, accelerating up to 65 km/h, this tank also has a rapid-fire cannon (very accurate), excellent agility and maneuverability. Having learned to play the Leopard, you can create real miracles, the only disappointment is that the reserve of armor is not very large, the lack of armor reduces the chances when meeting with more powerful ST or TT.

The Soviet MT-25 is another fast tank in WoT; once upon a time it was replaced by the T50-2, an excellent fast tank tank, which was later removed in order to equalize the balance. The MT-25 can reach speeds of up to 72 km/h, has good maneuverability (but worse than its predecessor) and a powerful gun; the disadvantages include weak armor; the tank fits perfectly into any area. In capable hands, this combat vehicle brings results, but you need to get used to it.

The American Tier 2 tank T2 Light Tank can also boast a range of 72 km maximum speed, in general, this tank is somewhat similar in characteristics to the PZ Kpfw I Ausf, but has a weaker radio range and not the best visibility.

The A-20 is a light tank of the USSR that can accelerate to 72 km/h; the vehicle has good dynamics and maneuverability, as well as a powerful gun. This technique is great for active light, but has very weak armor.

These are the fastest tanks in World of Tanks. If you are a fan of speed, then be prepared for thoughtful battles with the enemy, because... all fast combat vehicles in the game they usually have rather weak armor. We wish you good luck, and see you soon on our website!

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Gamers first encountered World of Tanks in 2010. Since then, the “tanks” have gone through many updates and additions. Undoubtedly, the popularity of this online game continues to grow. WOT introduces players to the technology of the Second World War. Let's look at the fastest tanks in World of Tanks. Depending on the level.

The fastest tank in World of Tanks. The meaning of "fireflies" in combat

It is an undeniable fact that light tanks are the fastest vehicles in World of Tanks. By itself. The fastest tanks are a type of equipment that many players love precisely because of their speed and ability to influence the battle as a whole. The advantage of a lightweight device is not only dynamics and maneuverability; it is worth paying attention to other characteristics.

In World of Tanks, the fastest tank serves as light. That is, its main task is to “shine” (show) the players of the opposing team. Thanks to their speed, maneuverability and good visibility characteristics, LTs do their job perfectly.

Many vehicles are equipped with quite impressive weapons. Thus, a light tank can not only detect the enemy, but also inflict significant damage on him.

Don't forget about the weight of the car. In WOT you can get acquainted with “light” equipment capable of ramming.

Light tanks Tiers I-III

In World of Tanks, the fastest tanks are considered to be those of the lower levels. As a rule, they have a small mass, high speed and a weak weapon. But there are exceptions that cannot be matched in speed by any machine at these levels. Let's consider light tanks, which in their basic configuration have a speed above 55 km/h.

The undoubted leader in speed at the lower levels is the German Pz. I C. Features of this machine:

  • the lowest weight among analogues - 8 tons;
  • rapid-fire machine gun - 117 rounds/min;
  • rapid aiming of the gun - 1.6 seconds;
  • high visibility among classmates - 320 m.

You can purchase this car for a symbolic amount of game credits. And playing on it will bring pleasure to even the most demanding gamer.

The rest of the cars can also show excellent performance. For example, the M3 Stuart received the most hit points and the strongest armor.

Light tanks tiers IV-VII

The tanks of these levels are very diverse. Light vehicles confidently occupy a special position among them. Let's consider a vehicle whose speed exceeds 60 km/h. The fastest Tier 5 tank in WOT is the American Chaffee. Its speed reaches 62 km/h. At level 6, the fast car is the T37 with a speed of 65 km/h. And the first place at level 7 is occupied by the American T71, which reaches a speed of up to 64 km/h. The strongest armor was received by the USSR tank of the 7th level - LTG. Thanks to good turret armor and stealth characteristics, this vehicle can actively use the terrain to perform its functions.

The fastest LTs of levels 5-7 did not receive high-damage weapons. But they have a rate of fire of 20 rounds per minute. These vehicles do not differ in armor, but they received good characteristics stealth and surveillance. Also, the characteristics of each tank can be improved by purchasing equipment and developing the skills of crew members. Taking into account the speed, dynamics, visibility characteristics and weapons of these tanks, we can say that correct game on them will help you contribute to victory.

Top LT levels VIII-X

Before update 9.18, completing LT in the game was only possible up to level 8. But with the release of innovations in World of Tanks, the fastest tanks have risen to a whole new level. Now playing at the top has become much more interesting. All LT levels 8-10 are characterized by high speed. In stock condition it ranges from 65 km/h. Let's highlight and consider tanks with higher speeds - from 70 km/h.

Three cars distinguished themselves with this parameter:

  • T-100 LT;
  • Ru 251;
  • Rhm. Pzw.

German has the highest speed Rhm tank. Pzw. In addition to dynamics, it received a good weapon with high armor penetration and damage, but with a lower rate of fire than its analogues. The average damage per minute for all vehicles is approximately 2200 units. The German also features a powerful 1100 hp engine.

The Soviet T-100 LT outperformed the German in terms of survivability parameters. This tank has a low weight, but good hull and turret armor. Thanks to its high stealth and distinctive mobility characteristics, the vehicle performs the function of “light” perfectly.

The performance of top-end vehicles can also be improved with the help of equipment and additional crew skills. Each player independently chooses which indicators need improvement: visibility, reloading, ground permeability, vehicle mobility, or others.

Let's sum it up

So, the fastest tank in World of Tanks can be considered the German tier 3 tank Pz. I C. Its speed reaches 79 km/h. For more high levels The leaders were the American T37 level 6 and the German Rhm. Pzw level 10. Their speeds are 65 and 75 km/h respectively. In the game you can also find medium tanks, which are slightly inferior in speed to light ones, for example, the German Leopard 1 and the Frenchman with the Bat drum. Chat. 25t. Their speed reaches 65 km/h. But that's another review. We can safely say that with patch 9.18, light tanks became not just “fireflies”, but entered the game as real significant combat vehicles.

As you all know, there are several types of vehicles in World of Tanks, and each type has its own characteristics, some have stronger armor, some have less light, and some have excellent mobility. Naturally, light tanks, or as they are commonly called, fireflies, are rightfully considered the most mobile type of equipment. Yes, most of them have rather mediocre weapons, and there’s nothing to talk about armor, but all these shortcomings are compensated by one of the most important characteristics of the game - speed. So let's talk about the most mobile tanks in World of Tanks, highlight 5 favorites among them and find out which tank is the fastest.

Top 5 fast tanks

So, the fact that light tanks are the fastest and most mobile in the game is undeniable. However, speed is not the only feature that I want to talk about. Let's make the top 5 tanks, the main parameter of which will be maximum speed, but we will also pay attention to other features of the vehicles that are no less important in battle.

Among the five under consideration, let us pay attention to the following fireflies:
RU 251;
T-54 lightweight;
Pz. 1 C;
AMX ELC bis;

Each of the tanks listed has excellent mobility indicators, they are indeed very fast, but what else is special about them and what maximum speed they can develop, let’s talk in more detail.

This light tank, located at the eighth level in the German development tree, is not in vain in first place on our list. The fact is that it is capable of reaching a maximum speed when moving forward up to 80 km/h. No one has a higher figure than this. The specific engine power of this firefly is almost 20 horsepower per ton, and it weighs only 25.7 tons in the top configuration.

One of the notable things about this tank is also worth noting the gun, it is simply magnificent, because its damage per minute is 2323 units and this is the best indicator at the level among light tanks. Penetration here is also okay, the gun is capable of penetrating armor 190 mm thick, and if we load gold shells, then we won’t even care about a metal thickness of 250 mm.

Otherwise, all that remains to be said is that with camouflage this firefly is doing just fine, visibility of 400 meters without taking into account equipment is enough for the eyes, but in maneuverability it loses to the other eight, that is, the chassis of the RU 251 rotates at a speed of 38 degrees per second.

The Pz.Kpfv takes second place in the World of Tanks racer rankings. 1 Ausf. C, or simply Pz. 1 C. What does a tier 3 tank do on this list, you ask. The thing is that this German firefly accelerates to 79 km/h, and this figure is the second among all vehicles in the game.

Otherwise, it is worth noting that this machine is a lot of fun, because in addition to its speed, it received not a cannon, but an entire machine gun, spitting out shells one after another at breakneck speed. Yes, the damage of each shot is small, but the rate of fire is in this case decides a lot, especially if you are shooting at an enemy of your level.

This is where the fun and pleasant aspects of this machine end, because it throws it into battles of the 3rd, 4th and 5th levels, and the penetration of 33 mm is not enough against large opponents, so all that remains is to use the enormous speed, driving into the enemy stern, shine and hunt artillery.

T-54 lightweight

And again we return to a serious conversation, because now in front of you is a light tank of the 8th level of the USSR - the T-54 lightweight. Many will call this car the best firefly, and in some ways they will be right. The tank is capable of reaching a speed of 69 km/h. The indicator, of course, does not reach the top value, but the maneuverability of the T-54 region. significantly higher than the RU 251, as much as 48 degrees per second, the rotation speed of the chassis. This means that it will be much easier to spin the enemy, sharply change the direction of movement, practically without slowing down, which is very important for a real firefly.

This vehicle's camouflage is also very good, but the gun and visibility are a little less than perfect; the latter figure is 390 meters.

By the way, from the features and advantages, the T-54 region. got a very well armored firefly turret. The frontal armor of the turret is 160 mm, and this allows you to sometimes catch ricochets even from medium and heavy tanks of the 8th level.


Another bright representative of the light tank class, but from the French research tree, located at the fifth level. Yes, this car can reach a speed of 65 km/h, there are higher figures, but the AMX ELC bis, or just a Christmas tree, made it to this top not only because of its speed, the car is truly unique.

The visibility of the tree is 360 meters, the rotation speed of the chassis is 38 degrees per second, even the turret does not rotate, so what is special about this tank? And it’s all about incredible camouflage and a brilliant top gun, the average one-time damage of which is as much as 240 units, when penetrating 170 mm with a standard shell and 248 with a gold one.

Remembering camouflage, if you install a camouflage net on a tank and stand somewhere in the bushes, then you can shine without fear of being discovered, even if they approach you almost closely, just don’t even think about shooting. Thus, taking into account the indicators of speed, acceleration, camouflage and lethal weapon, we can safely say that the Christmas tree deservedly takes 4th place in this top.

And the last firefly in our top proudly wears the flag of China on its body. Light tank the sixth level called 59-16 is not very popular, like this entire branch of Chinese light vehicles, but there is something to see here. The fact is that this car has a maximum speed of 60 km/h, it picks it up quite quickly, but the main quality criterion is the maneuverability of the tank, since the turning speed of the 59-16 chassis is as much as 52 degrees per second. This figure is almost a record among all the equipment in the game, and this inspires respect.

Otherwise, the vehicle is not the best; the weapons installed here are rather mediocre, while the top gun is worse than the pre-top gun in terms of penetration and accuracy. But there is one more plus - camouflage, which the fast Chinese can also boast of.

We draw a conclusion

To summarize, I would like to say that the fastest tank in terms of maximum speed is the RU-251; this vehicle is really very interesting and comfortable in battle if you learn to take advantage of its advantages. However, each tank from our five has its own outstanding characteristics and features, so fans of fast driving and the light tank class are recommended to try out all of these vehicles; it will not be surprising if some of them remain in your hangar forever.

Game World of Tanks offers fans tank battles huge selection tanks, each of which has certain parameters. Some samples have powerful armor, others have minimal visibility, and others have high mobility.

You need to look for the fastest vehicle in the game in the section of light tanks, which players often call “”. Such vehicles have thin armor and light weapons, but have improved mobility, which compensates for the above weaknesses. They are used mainly as scouts. At the same time, even among them there are leaders who can claim the title of the fastest tank in World of Tanks.

It should be noted that the TOP 5 included not just very fast tanks, but vehicles with other advantages that increase the convenience and efficiency of the game. So, what is the fastest tank in the game?


This tank belongs to the German branch and is located on the eighth level. Due to the high engine power, this particular car is deservedly considered the fastest in the game. In terms of maximum speed, no other representative of the game can compare with it, because it is capable of accelerating to critical 80 km/h! With minimal weight and high mobility, the tank is equipped with an effective gun capable of penetrating up to 190mm armor. If we add to this the low visibility of the “German”, then his presence in this ranking becomes clear.


Another representative of the German school of tank building. This tank was the first-born of the Panzerwaffe and is classified as a second-tier vehicle. You can get it at the very beginning of the game. According to the maximum speed of the car ranks second among all World of Tanks participants. Its small-caliber gun does not have high armor penetration, but is effective against light tanks due to its very high rate of fire.

3 T-54 Lightweight

The vehicle belongs to the eighth level, and is a lightweight version of the famous tank. Many players are confident that it is the best representative of the class of light vehicles, demonstrating not only high speed, but also maneuverability. The tank is capable of changing direction even at full speed. The level of camouflage is also good, but the quality of the gun is a little weak, and there are certain problems with visibility.

4 “French” fifth level - AMX ELC BIS

This car is deservedly among the best representatives. High speed, excellent visibility, decent camouflage and an effective weapon, all this is harmoniously combined in one tank, turning it into a worthy opponent on the battlefield.

5 LT-59-16

The Chinese tank is far from the most popular model among players. Nevertheless, the car is really interesting, with excellent mobility indicators. The camouflage is also excellent. Of course, other indicators, including the power of the gun, are average, but overall the tank is very good.

If you prefer fast cars, you will definitely find an interesting tank among the presented samples.