Scorpio g wot. Buy Rhm

22.09.2019 beauty

A new Tier 7 premium self-propelled gun, the M56 Scorpion, has been added for testing, which will most likely have a preferential battle level. According to the latest data, the tank will appear in patch 0.9.6. Specifications not final.

How to get

From November 25, 9:00 (Moscow time), 2015 until December 1, 9:00 (Moscow time), 2015, a special package with the M56 Scorpion is available as part of the “Winter is Coming” promotion. The package includes the tank itself and a slot in the Hangar. Package cost: 1199 rubles (21.8 USD)

Premium tank destroyer M56 Scorpion appeared in the Premium store for the first time and for a limited time. Hurry up to become the owner of new equipment!


The M56 Scorpion is lightweight and miniature in size, as it was developed specifically for airborne troops.

The main advantage of the self-propelled gun is its 90 mm gun with excellent performance. Excellent accuracy and armor penetration allow you to cope with the armor of any enemy, including those of a higher level.

Good horizontal and vertical aiming angles, as well as low visibility, increase the comfort of the game and partially compensate for the lack of armor protection.

As mentioned above, there is no armor at all (with the exception of a 5 mm thick gun screen), but there are compact dimensions, high visibility and a good gun declination angle.

In terms of play style, the M56 Scorpion is an ambush tank destroyer with a good camouflage rating and a weapon balanced in all respects.


Level 7
Balance weight 32.4
Strength 820
Hull armor 1 / 1 / 1
Tower armor 1 / 1 / 1
Maximum speed 45 / 12
Armor penetration 219/275/45
Damage 240/240/320
Rate of fire 7.69
Accuracy 0.33
Aim Time 2
View radius 350
Communication range 500
Weight 6,894
Specific power 29.0
Price 5 150

Technical characteristics are indicated for equipment with a crew training level of 100%.

Historical reference

The M56 Scorpion was created in 1948-1953 and mass-produced from 1953 to 1959 as part of an order for a new mobile self-propelled anti-tank gun, which could be dropped from a parachute during the initial stages of an army landing operation and has the firepower of a tank gun.

Two samples were built. In 1953, these vehicles entered military testing. In 1955, the M56, also referred to as the Scorpion, was adopted by the US Army. The M56 could be transported by a number of then-current transport aircraft and gliders, and could also be dropped by parachute.

Together with the development of the Panther, there were studies on the possible preparation of combat models of tank destroyers on the Panther chassis, as well as with the larger dimensions of the Pz 3 and Pz 2, with the installation of a larger and more powerful gun. At the beginning of 1943, Rheinmetall began developing drawings and creating self-propelled gun, where, according to documents, the 12.8 cm Skorpion was described in 1943. A prototype of the vehicle was never released from the drawings.
At the end of 1944, the German higher command decided to reduce and abandon the possible development of the Skorpion tank destroyer on the Panther chassis, after which the companies were asked to take on other new projects.

Price Rheinmetall Skorpion G

Sales of Rheinmetall Skorpion G began on the European server (EU), the approximate period is stated from today until 09/02/2016. In three different variations for the EU server, where the minimum price is just under 40 euros. You can see European prices in the image below.
Scorpio G should go on sale on the Russian market from August 19 and most likely until the end of August 2016. The approximate minimum price will be 1,900 rubles for the tank itself and permanent sand camouflage with a scorpion image,

Various sales packages with Rheinmetall Skorpion G will likely be presented.

How to play Rheinmetall Skorpion G

Even if you look closely at single-tier tank destroyers, you can see that the dispersion per 100 meters is 0.3 m (like the Tier 10 medium tank E50 M); gun aiming speed is 2.1 seconds the best indicator at your level; DPM is also not maximum at the average level, but it is 2410 damage in a minute. The overview is small and amounts to only 360 meters, and single-level tank destroyers cannot particularly boast of this, with the exception of Ferdinand. German Scorpio stat values ​​are camouflage in motion 7,87 — 1.2% , on the spot 11.6 — 1.77% . German scorpion camouflage is included and adds a factor 4% to disguise. The sore point of Skorpion G is the gun stabilizer, which must be treated with the available additional world of tanks modules.

Perks Rheinmetall Skorpion G

The crew of the Rheinmetall Skorpion G consists of four tankers, all according to the standard: the tank commander, who is also the infector, the driver, the gunner and the radio operator. Due to lack of reservation the best option For leveling up, researching a skill is considered " Disguise"to all crew members with the exception of the commander, perk for him" Sixth Sense" is intended.

It’s probably best to go not according to the standard, but for a more active mode “ Coated optics"will increase the visibility of the tank regardless of its current state (stationary or on the move); for faster aiming of the gun we will need " Reinforced aiming drives", A " Gun rammer» will increase the DPM value of the tank's gun.

Brief summary of the Rheinmetall Skorpion G tank

The German Scorpion G shows itself on the positive side with quick changes of firing lines and fleeting support of allied tanks. The rotating turret will allow you to fire at the enemy regardless of the tank’s location on the terrain, eliminating the need to rotate the hull and without exposing yourself. Skorpion G has a mediocre visibility of 360 meters, but do not forget that this is a tank destroyer. The UVN guns were not particularly pleasing, which deprived the scorpion of advantageous positions on the maps.

Regarding farming the tank, it’s a difficult question depending on the amount of damage dealt to the enemy based on your own exposure. Read more in , who was directly involved in the development and implementation of the game.

Video Rheinmetall Skorpion G

German PT level eight Rheinmetall Scorpion G has many advantages, thanks to which many players in the WOT universe dream of buying Scorpio G in World of Tanks. The main and undeniable advantage of this representative of premium tanks is ideal profitability. This is the best choice for farming and a great gift for those who want to earn credits and mine silver. In many of its characteristics, this machine is similar to the pumpable analogue of the Rheinmetall-Borsig Waffentrager.


There are indeed many reasons to buy a Scorpio G. These include unique camouflage, good alpha strike and penetration, and excellent accuracy. All this, coupled with a small spread, will allow you to quickly hit your opponents and emerge victorious from a head-on collision. Plus, the car is quite maneuverable and dynamic. The maximum speed on the battlefield reaches 60 km/h forward and 20 km/h in reverse. The rotating tower will be an excellent help in any battle and will give you many chances to emerge victorious from a fight with the enemy. The advantages also include good specific power, which is 17 hp. per ton.


When planning to buy a Scorpio tank, do not forget about its disadvantages. It is necessary to constantly keep in mind all the shortcomings of this representative of German elite technology in order to compensate for them as much as possible by installing additional modules and equipment. This list includes such characteristics as almost completely absent armor. Don't expect this premium tank to withstand the onslaught of heavier opponents. In addition, the Rheinmetall Scorpion G has a rather modest overview and is not very comfortable UVNs. Don't forget that this premium tank has a full-fledged battle level. Get ready to fight opponents of a higher rank and actively resist their onslaught.

How to play?

Before you buy Scorpio G, familiarize yourself with the optimal tactics on the battlefield. This will allow you to understand whether this representative of elite equipment is suitable for you. Experienced players recommend staying on the second line on this tank. Try to be among the first to arrive at the scene, take an advantageous position in order to freely fire at the enemy while he is still moving away. Still, it’s not worth getting into trouble. If possible, do not get caught in the glare and leave yourself the opportunity to retreat. Thanks to its dynamism, you can easily change location. By wisely using all the features of this popular vehicle in the World of Tanks universe, you can greatly influence the outcome of the battle and make a significant contribution to the victory of your team.

Where can I buy?

To buy a Scorpio tank or any other representative of elite equipment, you can go to the official WOT store. However, the prices there are quite high and do not suit most players. What awaits you here is not a bonus code for Scorpio G, but goods in the form of gifts. We offer a huge range of luxury products. Our premium World of Tanks store will allow you to buy not only tanks, but also gold and premium accounts for the required number of days. We regularly arrange promotions and special offers, thanks to which you can buy the product you are interested in even cheaper. Buy elite products and win!

4 years and 3 months ago Comments: 17

Hello tankers.

I decided to write about the M56 Scorpion.
These are my personal impressions of the new Tier VII premium tank M56 Scorpion, which could be tried out in battle on the test server.

In battle chat, the most common question is: “How’s the tank?” I’ll try to answer it as a player with an average stat, playing at average levels.

Let's take the impressions in order.

"Scorpion" in the hangar with a 100% crew and without a single skill. I didn’t specifically plant it with perks in order to see the minimum capabilities of the tank. I install standard anti-tank equipment: Rammer, pipe, camouflage net. I grab a first aid kit, a repair kit, and a fire extinguisher. I divide the shells into 3 approximately equal parts and everything seems to be ready. TO BATTLE!
I look at the table of participants in the battle. I'm worried. I'm at the bottom of the list, another Scorpio, couple VIII, and the rest IX. This is very unpleasant news about the absence of a preferential level of battles.

IMPORTANT: The M56 Scorpion does not have a preferential combat level.

Next - The battle begins. I rush into the bushes closer to the front line and after 1 minute of battle in the hangar. But he managed to put the firefly on the harp. I decided to look at the performance characteristics in more detail.

Armor. There is no armor on the tank. It doesn't exist at all. There can be no hope of a rebound or that someone will not break through. 1mm armor is thinner than cardboard. This is foil.
Looking at the M56 Scorpion reservation model

we see that the maximum armor in the screens and mantlet reaches 5 mm, and for the gun and tracks as much as 10 mm.
The tank will suffer greatly from splash art.
Strength. 820 hp. Not ideal, but ok for level VII.
Review and communication. 350m and 500m are very little for PT.
Speed. 45km/h. For such a small person - not too much.
Weight. 8 tons. Everyone is ramming me.
Weapon. Armor penetration 164 – 274 and damage 180 – 300. Rate of fire and attack angle are acceptable. Now this is more interesting.

IMPORTANT: the M56 Scorpion has 1 (one) mm of armor. NO RESERVATION

After thinking about the topic: “how to play with 1mm armor,” I roll out of the hangar again. I find out from my own sad experience that it is generally impossible to play with such armor. Fighting 20 Scorpus caught everything he could from everyone who saw me. The crew is without a “light bulb”. Only a very oblique or very lazy enemy did not send him to the hangar. 2-3 hits – hangar. From art - 1 hit. If not the hangar, then one of the crew was shell-shocked, the ammunition rack was constantly damaged, and all other joys were in full swing. When hit in the forehead, it burned several times. It turned out that the Scorpio has a motor in the front. Not a tank - suffering. And even for gold? It can not be.

So that's not how I play it. We change the AT tactics from the usual “I’m in the middle” to the new “I’m in the tail”, we shoot at someone else’s light, we leave after the shot, we don’t even try to shine.
And here Scorpio showed himself in all his glory. Again, in order. The first thing I liked was the excellent dynamics and the ability to climb hills almost without losing speed. He didn't care about surfaces. It accelerated perfectly up to 45 km/h on asphalt and sticky soils. The only negative: when I felled trees or tried to drive through clay houses, I suddenly lost speed.

IMPORTANT: M56 Scorpion sharply loses speed on destructible objects

The second, and most important impression from his weapon. A very evil gun. From a distance of 400m, an ISU-152 pierces the forehead. The accuracy is beyond praise. From 350m you can shoot at your choice: psaltery, viewing slits at full aim. If the convergence is not complete, the shells will still land closer to the center of the circle. AP projectile damage is at least 220hp. The misses were mainly due to an incorrectly taken lead. On a stationary target, you don’t even have to worry about missing.

IMPORTANT: Very accurate weapon with excellent penetration and Alpha damage

Separately, it is necessary to say about the excellent UGN and UVN. Standing under the net and holding a pipe, you don’t need to jerk the body, moving the barrel left and right. A UGN of 60 degrees is more than enough for quiet control of space. The UVN allows you to shoot from behind a hillock, showing only the top of the gun shield to the enemy. By the 30th battle, the "MASTER" was obtained. This is provided that at least 4 Scorpions took part in almost every battle.

IMPORTANT: A gun with excellent UGN and UVN

Then I rode Scorpio without caring about his statistics, defeats and victories, who and how I sent to the hangar. It was interesting to see what you absolutely cannot do on it, and what you can and should do. You can immediately forget about reconnaissance and initial exposure. On city maps it is very useful if you stay strictly behind a group of TTs, or go behind enemy lines. Its speed, accuracy and UGN allow. In open spaces, as always. Hillock, stone, bushes. But only on the third line of attack. In general, this is a tank for the second half of the battle. He is 100% ambush.

And of course, since the tank is premium, what about FARM? As far as farming goes, everything is fine. For an average battle, the profit is 20,000 silver. If you don’t constantly shoot with gold, then even more.

Important: Very confident farming of 20,000 silver per battle

The article was prepared by VasML


There has been an addition to the German tank destroyer branch: the Tier VIII premium tank destroyer Rheinmetall Skorpion G has become available to players. This vehicle has impressive combat characteristics, as well as a unique appearance. In this material we will talk in detail about the German “Scorpio”, and also give several recommendations for its use.

Character traits

  • An impressive weapon. Skorpion G is armed with an excellent cannon, typical of the German branch: 128 mm in diameter, barrel length - 55 calibers. An accuracy of 0.3 meters and an aiming time of 2.1 seconds make this gun a truly formidable weapon.
  • Firepower. Scorpio has a comfortable ratio the amount of one-time damage and rate of fire. There is just enough time between shots to assess the situation and accept decision on further actions.
  • Rotate the gun 360 degrees. Having taken its position, Skorpion G freezes: the gun, mounted on a special carriage, makes a full revolution around its axis. Which means To guide the vehicle, you do not need to perform additional maneuvers.
  • Mobility. The maximum speed is 60 km/h - mobility is fine here, and moving around the map is easy for Scorpio.
  • Unique appearance. "Scorpio" comes complete with stylish sand camo that works on everyone three types kart, and also with personal emblem on the conning tower.

Tactical role in the battle

"Scorpion" does not tolerate close attention from the enemy. The not-so-reliable armor of this tank destroyer is unlikely to provide good protection against enemy shells, so it’s worth using vegetation to remain as inconspicuous as possible. Disguise skill in such circumstances it will definitely not be superfluous.

In the game, this vehicle is an active participant in combat events. For Skorpion G, it is vital to keep the situation under control and quickly make a decision on a lightning-fast attack on an unwary enemy. Mobility allows you to easily occupy suitable firing positions, which can be quickly changed if something happens. Such active tactics will be appreciated, for example, by allied medium tanks - in capable hands "Scorpion" for them support and support.

The gun's parameters are comfortable enough for firing at long distances - take this into account when calculating your actions and choose your firing position wisely. Your thoughtful actions, coupled with armor penetration, rate of fire and one-time damage of the gun “Scorpio” are capable of making a significant hole in the enemy’s ranks.

At the same time, try to avoid close contact with enemy vehicles: despite excellent mobility indicators, the Skorpion G’s maneuverability is not great, so any light tank can spin it without much harm.

Rheinmetall Skorpion G provides a wide range of options for use in combat. This could be active maneuvers and fire support for allies on the line of contact or methodical firing at long distances. However, the decision remains with the player. To battle!