Rating of the most successful zodiac signs. What is the best zodiac sign? Characteristics of signs

26.08.2019 Jurisprudence

Success and financial well-being largely depend on your zodiac sign. The location of the stars at the time of birth determines how talented a person will be in the ability to set and achieve goals, whether he will be able to rise and move on after falls and failures, and whether he will be able to make success his constant life partner. Astrologers have compiled a rating of the most successful people by zodiac sign and revealed the areas of activity through which they will achieve success.


Successful Taurus is driven by the credo: “I see the goal, I see no obstacles.” Their inherent tenacity helps them reach heights that seem like a fantasy to others. As a rule, Taurus are very material, so status is a vital concept for them. They are ready to work with dedication, sacrifice sleep and rest, if only their well-being and success become the envy of others. Taurus have very well developed financial intuition, which allows them to have an excellent understanding of business and take on only promising matters. Most often, Taurus conquers business peaks in the field of design art, real estate, restaurant activities, as well as the beauty and health industry.


The success of Scorpios is facilitated by their indestructible will to win. They strive for leadership in everything and are ready to demonstrate to everyone their superiority in the financial field. Scorpios have a thorough approach to business. They explore profitable areas, identify the most promising ones and boldly enter into difficult battles with competitors, not even allowing the thought that someone could be better and more successful. Such unshakable confidence opens the door to the world of the richest and most successful people. Scorpios forge their financial happiness in the services sector, lending, insurance, industrial activity, and trade. Having gained vast experience in achieving success, they are ready to share their knowledge with the whole world, however, only for a lot of money.


Achieving success is one of the main life goals for many Aries. They are full of activity and enterprise. The bubbling energy allows representatives of the sign not just to earn money, but to literally make capital from their own business projects. They are full of new ideas, know how to make competent calculations, motivate, inspire and organize people. Aries succeeds in everything that is within the power of the human mind. However, in business you can’t do without the hints of intuition, and Aries just don’t get along with their instincts. Therefore, they often require more time and patience to achieve success. Aries find their well-being in activities related to active movement. For example, tourism projects or businesses focused on sports, cars and construction equipment.


Virgos are strong in analytics, patient, hardy, neat, well organized and responsible. With such qualities, the road is open to any activity, but Virgos are the kings of small business. Perhaps they simply do not have the courage to engage in battle with the toothy sharks, without which no big business can do. However, this does not in the least prevent them from taking first place in the ranking of the richest people on the planet. And everything big, as you know, starts small. Virgos are brought success and financial independence by politics, medicine, trade, Agriculture, Internet entrepreneurship, services to ensure a healthy lifestyle and everything related to beauty and health: SPA salons, fitness centers, health resorts and sports facilities, tourism.


What makes Capricorns successful and wealthy is their ability to be disciplined and purposeful. The driving force is the high ambitions of Capricorns. True, they lack healthy adventurism, where there is always room for justified risk, and they will never take the laurels of the pioneer of a new direction in business. However, competent business strategies, stubbornness and endurance will be enough for Capricorns in their chosen and proven field of activity to develop it to unprecedented proportions. Capricorns do not rush to success, because they are confident that it is impossible to achieve high results without a fundamental approach and high-quality execution. Great success awaits Capricorns in the field of finance, insurance, accounting, engineering services, restaurant business, construction and real estate sales.

The rich people of this world are individuals who were able to achieve success not because of their appearance or influential patrons, but because of their determination and business acumen. There is a phraseology “to be born under lucky star": this means that some zodiac signs have great potential for realization. To find out who turned out to be the richest zodiac sign in 2018, let's study the Forbes list.

TOP 3 richest zodiac signs

After analyzing the latest list of Forbes magazine, reflecting the names of the largest rich people, we can conclude who was lucky. The health of a business does not always depend on investments: it is important to be in the right place at the right time.

Aries are stubborn workaholics

Purposefulness and straightforwardness are the main features of this sign.

This first sign of the zodiac is ruled by Mars, the most militant planet. People born between March 21 and April 30 know how to achieve goals, despite difficulties and obstacles.

Aries have irrepressible energy, perseverance, they are able to quickly restore lost strength. People born under the sign are able-bodied and are accustomed to achieving success not thanks to artistry, but because of their innate stubbornness.

Aries, according to astrologers, cannot be called selfish: they spend money on loved ones, often do charity work, and dream of world peace.

They are good-natured, although others may think that this sign is too intrusive.

Taurus - philosophers and observers

Another “horned” rich man, Taurus is a real unbending hard worker

Individuals born between April 21 and May 20 are Taurus who work hard and accumulate acquired knowledge and material resources.

Taurus do not have as much energy as Aries, but they are able to rationally distribute resources and set priorities.

For Taurus, getting quick money is not the best the best option, however, they will never miss the opportunity to invest in a successful project.

Taurus have strong intuition, can appreciate everything beautiful, and love comfort very much. However, such a peaceful sign also has a feature that allows you to become rich: these individuals are very economical.

Scorpios are determined and resilient

Scorpio is considered the most mysterious sign of the zodiac; its representatives are very ambitious and intelligent

Like real Scorpios, representatives of this zodiac sign are able to survive in any conditions, be it the office jungle or the world's largest production facilities. Their qualities allow them to reach sky-high heights.

Scorpios are very fond of power and money, although the former turns out to be much more valuable than material resources.

These people are tireless, energetic, passionate, they are good at subjugating the team and rarely compromise.

Of course, such qualities are not very popular with subordinates, but for family and friends, Scorpio remains the main breadwinner.

His success lies in his talent to wait: when others rush to the embrasure, the representative of this sign remains on the sidelines. However, he will not miss the opportunity to grab a great deal when others are wasting their time on trifles.

If a person is a representative of any other sign, then he can also achieve success. The main thing is to make every effort to achieve results. The position of the planets changes from year to year, so today's aspiring businessmen can become fabulously rich tomorrow.

A successful child is the dream of any parent: mothers and fathers try to place their children in prestigious universities around the world, and all for the sake of the heir achieving success and living in luxury. You can take care of your child’s future even before his birth - just adjust to the horoscope.

We analyzed the birth dates of the first 50 people on the Forbes list and found out which zodiac signs can be considered the richest.

Maria Svetlakova

is in the top 3

Libra and Aries

Number of rich people: 7 for each sign.
Among them: Amancio Ortega ($70 billion), Larry Page ($48.8 billion) and Alice Walton ($46 billion).

Taurus and Leo

Number of rich people: 6 for each sign.
Among them: Mark Zuckerberg ($71 billion), David Koch ($60 billion) and Larry Ellison ($58.5 billion).

You can become a billionaire at an early age by being born under the sign of Taurus, like Mark Zuckerberg. Or at the end of summer under the constellation Leo, like Larry Ellison. It’s unlikely that a horoscope alone helped them make a huge fortune, but maybe you can do it.

Gemini and Scorpio

Number of rich people: 5 for each sign.
Among them: Bill Gates ($90 billion), Charles Koch ($60 billion) and Jim Walton ($46.4 billion).

Bill Gates recently topped the list of the richest people in the world, but now he has dropped one line down - this means that the sign of Scorpio can still be followed. And if you want your child to have a softer character, choose the sign of Gemini. They have equal chances for a comfortable existence.

Aquarius and Pisces

Number of rich people: 4 for each sign.
Among them: Bernard Arnault ($72 billion), Carlos Slim Helu ($67.1 billion) and Michael Bloomberg ($50 billion).

Bernard Arnault ranks fourth on the Forbes list, and his sign - Pisces - is fourth in our ranking. It so happened that two water sign took one place, but they didn’t make it into the top three. But they are one step away from the pedestal, so children born in these constellations will definitely not remain poor.

The zodiac sign can say a lot about a person's wealth. But sometimes signs lie, but actions never do.

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Number of rich people: 3.
Among them: Warren Buffett ($84 billion).


Number of rich people: 2.
Among them: Jeff Bezos ($112 billion).

Capricorns take quality, not quantity. The richest person in the world was born under this zodiac sign: at the time of this writing, the founder of Amazon leads the Forbes list with $112 billion. Think, maybe this sign is not such a bad option for an unborn child?


Number of rich people: 1.
Among them: Francoise Bettencourt-Myers ($42.2 billion).

The richest woman on the list of the top fifty rich people under the sign of Cancer is Francoise Bettencourt-Myers. In the general list she is in 18th place. This is a very good result for the global ranking, but take a closer look at the neighboring signs - maybe they will be more attractive.

Wealth and luck are closely related to each other because it is very difficult for a person to be happy without having a penny in his pocket. It is much easier for some Zodiac Signs to achieve success than for others, so there is a lot to learn from them.

Often successful people They become this way due to the power of their imagination and strong faith in themselves. The law of attraction of thoughts helps change life for the better, but representatives of not all Signs are able to use their imagination in the same way. Confidence is an innate character trait for only a few of us.

The richest people by Zodiac Sign

Calf. Taurus combines all the advantages of the Earth element. These people know how to save money, spend it wisely, and also earn money. In this regard, they surpassed their “brothers”: Virgos and Capricorns. Capricorns know how to work, they know how to get their way, but these people are often one-sided and do not have such highly developed global thinking as Taurus. Taurus people see the whole picture, not just one part of it. These are born businessmen. Virgos could also become like this, but they are prevented by the fear of losing everything that they already have. These people do not know how to take risks and are not ready to part with what was given to them through hard work. Both Capricorns and Virgos are natural workaholics who find it difficult to step outside their comfort zone. This is what holds them back.

Aquarius. Aquarians have absorbed all the best from Libra and Gemini, who are also representatives of the Air element. Aquarians are incredibly resourceful and intelligent, and also have an impressive amount of knowledge and erudition. These people are more likely than others to win in various intellectual games. Most of the greatest inventors and businessmen are born under the Sign of Aquarius. Libra and Gemini lack the perseverance that Aquarius has. Geminis are smart, but they spend their intellectual resources absolutely irrationally. Libras simply stew in their own juices, not trying to go beyond what is permitted.

Scorpion. Scorpios have absorbed all the best from Cancers and Pisces. Cancers are those who know how to gain trust and make friends faster than anyone else. Pisces is a Zodiac Sign that has everything in order with creative inclinations. Scorpios are wise and strong-willed like Cancers, and they also know how to think outside the box, just like Pisces. Scorpios are one of the richest people on Earth, because they can easily endure any kind of work and know how to find mutual language with people and have a phenomenal memory. It’s difficult to call them the most predisposed to wealth and success, but they have enormous potential.

Sagittarius. Sagittarius is a typical representative of the element of Fire. From stubborn and strong-willed Aries, these people have inflexibility and character. They do not give in to difficulties and cope well with any type of load. These are very optimistic people, so they manage to attract good luck and money with the power of thought. Leo is the third representative of the element of Fire. From Leo, Sagittarius inherited the ability to predict situations, win people over, and make the right first impression. Leos lack the perseverance that Sagittarius has, and Aries sometimes lack motivation and ambition.

The luckiest people by Zodiac Sign

There are many successful people, but the most successful are Taurus, Scorpio, Virgo, Pisces, Gemini. True, from this list only Taurus and Scorpio use luck as rationally as possible to obtain financial gain. Representatives of the other named Zodiac Signs are less able to take advantage of this advantage.

For Virgos, luck smiles only in the most critical situations, when one step can cause the whole business, on which a lot of time has been spent, to collapse. Pisces has a similar situation, but for Gemini, luck smiles on them all the time. These people often simply do not appreciate or do not see what is happening around them.

Scorpios very lucky, which goes well with their skills. Given their pragmatism and ability to retreat at the right moment, they have almost no need for Fortune. Their wisdom is their strength. However, sometimes situations arise in which everything depends on chance. It is at such moments that Scorpios turn to their intuition for help.

Taurus They also have random luck, which does not depend on circumstances. These people very often, or at least more often than others, almost have some money or opportunities fall from the sky. No one knows why these people are so loved by Lady Luck, who gives them a close connection with the center of abundance of the Universe.

Many people mistakenly think that the richest are the greediest Zodiac Signs, but this is not true. The richest people are often generous, or at least fair, people who never forget those who helped them climb the career ladder or make their dreams come true. Be as generous and attentive to those who support you to become richer. Good luck to you, and don't forget to press the buttons and

22.07.2018 06:11

Wealth in marriage and relationships is the result of coordinated work, mutual understanding and the ability to complement each other...

Astrologers claim that a person’s financial well-being depends entirely on the location of the stars. Let's find out which zodiac sign is recognized as the richest and most successful in making money. We will start the rating from the end.

12th place - Sagittarius

The very last place in the hit parade of rich people goes to Sagittarius. And not always because he has no money. He often has money, and a lot of it. But no matter how much Sagittarius earns, it’s not enough for him. He just can’t come to terms with the fact that with all his prosperity, there is someone who is richer than him and much. This is unfair! Even if Sagittarius takes fifth place on the Forbes list, he will consider himself a beggar. The fifth line is not the first!

11th place - Aquarius

Aquarians never strive to earn a lot of money, so they don't have any. Why does Aquarius need money? To tremble over every penny? This is not about him. Aquarius always relies on fate, and, to be honest, it has never let him down. Next to Aquarius there is always someone who is ready to provide our dreamer with everything necessary for a comfortable and even luxurious life.

10th place - Pisces

Pisces is in the honorable 10th place for one simple reason. They don't know how to make money at all. Life regularly throws them various “tasty” options, but Pisces a) either don’t see them point-blank, b) or waste what they’ve earned. Pisces prefer expensive ones and not always the right things, without thinking about whether there will be money left to buy “food”. Of course, they will earn food for themselves, but nothing more.

9th place - Libra

Libras despise money. They are sincerely convinced that there is nothing good in these beautiful pieces of paper. And trying to earn them is a nightmare, how base! With all this, Libra loves a luxurious life, although they themselves are silent about it. They convince others that a true artist must be hungry, but grateful fans can give a small gift. An apartment within the first ring, for example.

8th place - Gemini

The paradox is that Geminis are experts at making money, but not at saving it. As soon as some amount comes into their hands, Gemini literally begins to itch - they need to spend it quickly! And then suddenly something! These “what if something happens” include a lot - crisis, revolution, apocalypse, you never know what can happen! This may not happen for you, but for Gemini it definitely will!

7th place - Taurus

Taurus love to be poor with all their hearts. They try this way and that, but the evil universe supposedly does not allow them to get rich. It’s interesting that Taurus have money, but only enough for comfortable life and nothing more. And no matter how much Taurus fights, he won’t have enough to spare. Perhaps it's all about the empty anger of the universe?

6th place - Leo

Proud Leos need money in order to show off other people's eyes. In appearance, Leos are always successful and rich, dine in luxurious restaurants (and eat pasta at home), live in a prestigious area of ​​the city (in an apartment with bedbugs) and dress stylishly. As usual, for Leo it is more important to appear than to be. However, this skill can be useful for many Leos. By hanging out in the company of the rich, they manage to earn their first million.

5th place - Cancer

Cancer needs money. Not just needed, but NEEDED. Ask why, he will answer: “I need it!” In general, this is not a bad trait, because Cancer brings everything into the house. Whether it’s necessary or not, he’ll figure it out later. Buy some junk and you'll still have some money left over. But then this wealth can be given to poor relatives. They should know who is our most generous and noble!

4th place - Aries

Aries love risks from a young age and get involved in serious financial adventures in their youth. As a rule, a lot of money falls on them, with which Aries are inseparable until the end of their days. And the real fun begins after his death. Aries' heirs are a carriage and a small cart, but there is no will!

3rd place - Capricorn

From a young age, Capricorns master the art of filling their piggy bank: they either need to earn a lot or spend little. Capricorns achieve success in both areas. They spend little and save a lot. They see no point in wasting money on nonsense if they can spend it on self-development, for example, some courses, which, in turn, will help them earn even more in the future. Money for Capricorns is not a luxury, but a means.

2nd place - Scorpio

Scorpios take an honorable second place because they love money very much and do not like to lose. For the sake of financial well-being, they are ready to go over the heads of their rivals. Scorpios achieve financial independence at a fairly mature age, but they can provide for more than one generation of their descendants!

1st place - Virgo

In first place - ta-dam! - Virgo. AND financial well-being she owes it to her own asceticism and hard work. Virgo is that billionaire who wears $20 jeans and doesn't give a damn. “What difference does it make, normal jeans!”