How to protect your country property from intruders. How to protect yourself from thieves: high security doors.

17.10.2017 Home and life


Protecting a private home is the responsibility of the homeowner himself. About how to protect a private house No one will take care of thieves except you.


Protecting a private home is the responsibility of the homeowner himself. No one will take care of how to protect a private home from thieves except you. There are many methods to secure your home. Many people install security alarms on their windows, others install high-security doors - there are many options on how to protect your home.

On this page you will learn about home safety rules: protecting windows from penetration, burglar alarm at home, security sensors for windows and other ways to protect yourself from thieves.

How to protect yourself from thieves: high security doors

The most effective door locks are those in which the key unlocks the locking system rather than turning the component parts of the mechanism. A safe lock with pins that extend in four (90°) directions, or even better, a reinforced cylinder mortise lock with five pins and a steel escutcheon is the first level of relatively “safe” locks for wooden, steel, or aluminum sliding doors.

Of course, wooden doors in a house are more aesthetically pleasing; two are better, one opens outward, the other opens inward. Alas, aesthetics is an unreliable matter; high-security security doors made of alloy steel are the most various designs, commercially available, will protect the house more reliably.

These doors are not just hung on hinges, now everyone knows that steel pins (at least 10 cm in length, at least 1 cm in diameter) are driven into the frame (where it connects to the door) and holes are made in the door. If you close such a door, you can remove it from its hinges not only in case of robbery, but also if the lock is jammed or the key is lost, only with the help of special jacks or an angle grinder. In addition to the pins, the door should be equipped with an optical peephole with a 180° viewing angle so that you can inspect the entire landing.

Let's return to locks and list a few more systems recommended by experts:

  • rim lock with six-turn deadbolt;
  • a similar deadbolt lock with a chain, the body and receiver of which are made of alloy;
  • a lock with a double-sided bolt that closes on both sides of the door, the body and bolt are steel;
  • overhead lock with a limiter, the bolt is opened with a key from the outside, from the inside - with a round handle.

Electronic combination locks Various designs allow you to open the door by typing a specific code, or using magnetic cards (for you and your family members).

Factory-made serial locks are highly reliable; the keys to them are made automatically using the random number method. There are also keys with audible key fobs, which can be found by the response of an audio signal to a conventional sound, of course, if you have lost this key in a known place.

How to protect your home from burglars: protecting windows from intrusion

One of the main recommendations on how to protect your home from burglars is to strengthen the windows with steel frames, as well as install reliable window locks, metal shutters, and latches. In sash windows, install a frame stopper that leaves a small gap for ventilation.

The best way to protect windows, vents and balconies, just like hundreds of years ago, is metal bars. If you have the financial means, order forged grilles, which use durable rolled steel in combination with elegant blacksmith patterns. When protecting your windows, remember that at least one window should be equipped with an opening grill in case of fire.

Protecting windows from thieves: spatter layering

There is another modern way to protect windows from thieves, a kind of glass shield - spatter layering.

Spatter layering - applying a film of material to any surface; the combination of thick and thin layers makes up a complex multilayer structure. This process allows you to obtain a transparent film that does not distort the view from the window, and the high-quality alloys used make the film durable and wear-resistant.

After metallization, the film is glued to the glass using a special technology. Then additional layers are glued on: a transparent film to enhance strength, a tinted one to give the desired tone, or a protective anti-scratch film that can be cleaned with any glass detergent. Films are glued to the inner surface of the glass; the glued film is indistinguishable on the glass.

Spatter layering technology makes it possible to obtain increased impact resistance, imparting the properties of safety glass, thermal insulation, protection from ultraviolet radiation, increased fire resistance, noise protection, tinting; protects personal life residents, gives the glass one-way visibility.

Even the thinnest films make glass safe; broken glass does not crumble into fragments, but remains on the film. Such glass prevents dangerous fragments from scattering in interior spaces and from falling onto sidewalks when the glazing breaks.

How to protect the windows of a private house from thieves

Let us note one more “safe” property of glass coated with film. The metallized surface absorbs microwave radiation and, therefore, partially protects against interception of radiation containing information; for example, it is more difficult to eavesdrop on conversations indoors using special devices. Owners of individual houses of average income will be of little interest in this property of glass.

Metal-coated films, in addition to protecting windows from thieves, can reflect infrared radiation, which avoids overheating of rooms in hot weather and reduces heat loss in winter. Finally, solar control film filters out up to 99% of ultraviolet radiation, and ultraviolet rays are successfully absorbed not only by tinted films, but also by transparent films.

Security alarm in a private house

The simplest of all security alarm systems for a home is an alarm device that, when a stranger enters, turns on a siren or transmits a signal to a portable remote control. The systems register an intrusion (when the pressure in the room changes, when a door is opened, or when an infrared radiation zone is crossed).

Home security: door and window alarms

The Listener system reacts to changes in pressure. When a door or window is opened, the siren sounds after a warning signal.

The security alarm system in a private home, Digital Security Control, when a stranger enters, turns on the siren, and a recorded message is transmitted over the phone to two pre-selected phone numbers.

You can equip the doors with additional electronic light and sound alarm systems so that no one can take the owners by surprise.

Security alarm sensors for windows

The Ablou wireless system (Finland) generates an alarm if the infrared alarm sensor on the windows detects movement in the protected area.

Systems with automatic dialing contain several sensors - infrared sensors, smoke detectors, sound sirens and security alarm sensors for windows and doors that respond to opening.

Private home safety rules

In order to avoid becoming a victim of burglars, you must follow the following home safety rules:

  • do not bring strangers into your home;
  • do not open the door at the first bell, first look through the door peephole. If the callers are unknown to you, and there is no one in the apartment except you, do not open the door, even if it is on a chain;
  • if the callers identified themselves as police officers, gas service workers, electricity network representatives, housing office mechanics, etc., make a follow-up call to the relevant services and wait until one of the neighbors comes out;
  • often criminals try to get into a house under the pretext of selling cheap goods, providing services at home, soul-saving conversations with various missionaries, etc. - there are a variety of options. Warn your children and elderly parents about this;
  • with children and household members, you can set a special entrance password known only to them;
  • when leaving home, be sure (even if it’s hot outside) to close the windows and balcony doors;
  • when the lights are on, it is advisable to close the curtains (a “specialist” can determine the owner’s wealth based on the chandelier alone);
  • do not leave notes at the door like “I’ll be there in 5 minutes” - even three minutes is enough for a professional not to leave empty-handed;
  • When leaving home, do not turn off all the lights, leave the radio on;
  • when going on vacation or a business trip, even for a short time, warn your reliable neighbors so that they keep an eye on your apartment and visit you from time to time;
  • if you find a piece of a match or a thread in the door crack of your apartment, be careful: perhaps the apartment is being watched to find out if you are at home;
  • When leaving for a long time, it is better to take valuables to your relatives or hand them over to a bank or pawnshop. And if you decide to make a hiding place, keep in mind that an experienced burglar knows the traditional tricks of the owners: looking for money and valuables in the trash can, refrigerator freezer, drain tank, under baseboards, in books or a stack of fresh laundry;
  • if you advertise your intention to sell something valuable, it is better to act using the phone number of an intermediary;
  • do not leave expensive things in sight;
  • reduce the volume of the phone call so that it cannot be heard outside;
  • Do not trust the telephone answering machine with information about your departure and arrival day. Otherwise, he will become the best “guide” for thieves;
  • keep at hand a telephone directory with the numbers of emergency services - police, ambulance, fire department, as well as those who can come to your aid. It's even better to remember these numbers;
  • install an automatic machine that would periodically turn on the lights in the evening when you are away from the apartment;
  • do not leave the door open, even if you go down to the mailbox for a minute;
  • As soon as you return home and enter the apartment, look around. If you suspect that something happened during your absence, it is better to leave the house (apartment). Do not enter the home if you find the door is open. Contact your neighbors, call the police. If there is clearly someone there, close the door with the key and leave it in the lock. If there is no one, but the usual order is disrupted, do not touch things: the police will need to see the picture of the crime;
  • When returning home, keep your keys at hand so as not to stand for too long, rummaging through your bag;
  • be careful when entering the premises: the criminal may already be waiting for the victim in the elevator or nearby so that he can enter the house without witnesses, using threats; the victim’s reaction depends on her preparedness, courage and ability to react quickly in a critical situation; composure, the ability to compromise, and cunning play an important role;
  • try to remember the signs of the armed criminal to facilitate his identification.

Everyone knows folk wisdom that my home is my fortress, in modern world only partially true. Neither wealthy citizens nor ordinary people are insured against the penetration of a thief. In summer, houses whose owners vacation in foreign resorts fall into the high-risk zone; in winter - country houses and dachas where numerous equipment, clothing and gardening tools are stored. In this article we will try to figure out how to protect your home from thieves and keep your property safe and sound.

The most common way for a criminal to enter a home is by opening doors or windows. In order to avoid this fate, install a high-quality metal door and hang bars on the first floor windows. If you think that the grilles will spoil appearance your home - use metal roller shutters. Unlike gratings, they are much more convenient. The roller shutters are easily retracted into a special box located in their upper part, after which the window remains completely open. During your absence, simply lower the roller shutters down and secure them in this position using a special lock. It is better to entrust the installation of metal doors and roller shutters to specialists, since even the slightest inaccuracy in the work can lead to distortion of the installed structure and, as a result, to partial or complete disruption of its functioning. In our country, Forpost, Promet and Puertas Padilla products are very popular.

For added security, fence your area with a high metal fence with a gate. Stretch barbed wire or live wire along the top of the fence. This precaution will protect not only the residential building, but also all other buildings located on the territory of the land plot.

In addition to installing metal doors and security roller shutters, install an alarm system that will make a loud sound in case of unauthorized entry. This sound will not only wake you up at night, but will most likely make the thieves abandon their plan and hide. If the criminal attack takes place during the day, then your neighbors will be able to quickly call the police after they hear the sound of the alarm. In addition, some alarms, for example, GSM Guardian S500 PRO, UMDOM GSM 3424 or MEGA SX-150, can inform you about intrusion via SMS sent to a pre-programmed phone number. Installing such an alarm system will not require large investments from you, but it will serve you well.

The most reliable way to prevent criminal attacks on your home is to install high-quality security equipment and register your home with a security company. This method of security is the most expensive, since in addition to the costs of installing and purchasing equipment, you will pay a monthly subscription fee. However, your home will be completely safe: when any sensor is triggered, information about this will immediately be sent to the security post on duty, who will send a team to apprehend the thieves. By learning the basic ways to protect your home from intrusion, you can do everything to keep thieves or other unwanted visitors out of your home. When installing protective elements, do not forget about others, which will help keep your property safe and sound: close windows and doors at night, do not tell strangers about the time when your house will be empty, change all the locks if you lose the keys - all this will turn your home into a real fortress.

The house and the plot are quite a large area that needs to be protected. The protective measures that owners take will depend on many factors. For example, it is difficult to influence ungrateful neighbors, the criminal situation in the area, the moral principles of the population of your city, or even change the landscape of the site on which the house is located. But protect your home every owner should.

The first thing to do is survey your territory. Attackers can hide in an old drainage well, in a ravine, etc. Therefore, it is better to immediately get rid of old unused buildings and recesses. It’s good when the area is as smooth and well-lighted as possible.

Before you finally approve the project, you need to carefully consider the layout of the house again. To begin with, you should pay attention to the shape of the building. The safest is rectangular or square. In this case, the person who is trying to break into the house will be noticed by neighbors or random passers-by. If there are recesses, nooks and crannies, the likelihood of detecting an intruder is reduced to zero. In a large house, where there are many rooms, both residential and utility rooms, it is also difficult to detect an intruder. But a small house with a small area is much easier to secure. In any case, for safety it is worth using infrared sensors.

To increase the safety of your home, you need to properly plan and place windows relative to. They should have a view of not only the entrance area (entrance and entry to the site), but also the terrace and backyard. It is best if an unobstructed view is taken from the room where one of the owners is often located (for example, the living room). Don't neglect your window placement plan. If at least one of the facades is not controlled, you will have to spend money on them, and they are not cheap.

An intercom and an alarm system are installed at the entrance, which is directly connected to the security organization.

An additional danger is posed by tall and branchy trees, which an attacker can climb. It is necessary to check that access to the roof and balconies from the outside is as limited as possible. Long tree branches on the side of the house will have to be trimmed.

The project should also indicate the placement of caches and safes. They need to be installed in hidden, unpredictable places, and installation must be completed before finishing work. Otherwise, there may be certain inconsistencies in the interior of the room, which will give away the hiding place. The installation is carried out by the safe manufacturer, which guarantees complete safety of the data, so you don’t have to worry about publicity.

The project includes a small room in the house with a disguised entrance where you can hide and wait out the danger while waiting for the police to arrive.

For thieves, the first obstacle on the way to your home is. It should be installed around the perimeter of the entire site. To scare away uninvited guests, you can string barbed wire along the top of the fence or carefully scatter shards of glass. There are owners who decide to use electric voltage for protection, but, firstly, the residents themselves, their small children and pets may suffer from this, and secondly, this method can be regarded as an excess of self-defense measures if the case happens have a tragic ending.

When building fences, brick, wood, corrugated board, concrete, etc. are used. are able to protect the house from the views of curious passers-by. These fences are not very reliable, but they are relatively inexpensive. They are easy to saw, burn, break. More reliable fences include forged metal fences. They look respectable, very beautiful and difficult to break; the area enclosed by such a fence is clearly visible and reliably protected. They have only one drawback: forged parts are exposed to rust. The simplest option remains - to build one, which will have a galvanic zinc coating, but criminals can easily cut it with scissors.

It can withstand a serious attack, because the masonry of one brick can withstand a tangential blow from a passenger car. A fence made of two or more bricks will be even more reliable. Fences made from decorative concrete tiles are beautiful and strong. There are wall blocks vibropressed from Portland cement, as well as from stone chips and coarse sand. Such a block is equal to seven bricks. They often build it, because it costs the owner much less than a forged one, and its installation does not take much time. The only lengthy procedure is the installation of pillars, this is due to the fact that a certain period is needed for the mixture to set. In general, it usually takes about three days to build fences from this material.

To prevent a thief from getting into the area, you need to cut down all the trees along the perimeter of the fence and uproot the remaining stumps so that the criminal cannot climb the fence by standing on them. Overhanging tree branches located on the inside also need to be cut off. It is advisable to trim the dense foliage growing on trees so that no one can hide in it.

It is important to understand that there is no system that cannot be hacked. Whatever security systems are used, mechanical or electronic, everything can be hacked. Another question is how long it will take a thief to neutralize the security system when trying to enter a protected premises.

When planning constructive home security measures, you should first of all determine the ways through which a thief can enter the protected premises. As a rule, there are few of them - windows and doors. In case of protecting a piece of land, fences must be used. The fence should not be purely formal, but a real obstacle for a thief on the way to your territory. To do this, the fence is equipped with traumatic structures, such as barbed wire or metal rods, which can not only prevent penetration, but also cause harm to an uninvited guest.

Door protection

If a thief was able to enter the protected area, it should not be easy for him to get into the house. To achieve this, complex design protection measures are used. must be made of high quality steel and equipped with anti-removal pins and gaskets. It would be better if the doors were double, with different lock designs, so that the hacking method would be much more difficult. At least one lock must have high degree protection, with an armor plate that prevents drilling, hacking or copying of the key. Combination locks are often and appropriately used for this; with this method of protection, the main thing is to be able, if lost, to restore the code. Remember that even the strongest door without reliable locks with two types of security will not perform its protective function. It would be nice if a peephole with a large viewing angle (190-210°) is already built into the door. This will allow you to see the person who came to you, even if he sat down or stepped aside. The door peephole should not be unscrewed from the outside, but from the inside it must be closed with a curtain.

Basic requirements for an entrance door

The door must be armored and have the following characteristics:

— made from high-quality materials and have a durable and reliable design;
— the door leaf should not have external welds;
— protected from unauthorized entry;
— be resistant to hacking;
— be fire resistant;
— equipped with various levels of protection. For example, locks with different security and strength, special control devices, anti-removal pins and anti-cuts, durable armor plates, etc.;
- have sound and heat insulation properties and be airtight.

Window protection

Windows must be durable, made of high-quality structures. The most reliable window design is metal-plastic windows with double glazing. Breaking such a window is very labor-intensive, and even if it is broken, the thief will have to crawl through a narrow hole with many protruding shards of glass, in several rows, this can be very traumatic for the thief.

Sometimes, to strengthen the glass of metal-plastic windows, special films are used, which are applied from the inside of the glass unit. These films hold glass shards when you try to break it. Thanks to this film, glass is almost impossible to break. Anti-burglary is often used, which will additionally protect the window. At the same time, the fittings must ensure a tight fit of the window sashes in order to protect the window from breaking in without the use of special tools. Window handles must be locked with a key; this will prevent it from being turned manually when breaking glass or drilling into the frame.

For additional . Usually they are installed only on the first floor with the condition that on any one window the grille is easily removable. This requirement is necessary for the evacuation of people in case of fire. There are two types of gratings: forged and welded. In fact, the method of manufacturing the gratings does not affect their strength. The thickness of the grid rods must be at least 12 mm.

Another way to protect a window from burglars and thieves is with roller shutters or shutters. Modern roller shutters, unlike wooden shutters, have increased strength and burglary resistance. The design of protective roller shutters consists of a flexible fabric that is wound on a shaft hidden above the window opening in a protective box. The canvas consists of metal profiles, and the entire structure is made in such a way that it is very difficult to dismantle them when closed and from the outside. In addition, such a process is noisy, which means it will scare off potential thieves.

The most potentially dangerous windows, from the point of view of penetration, can be considered those that can be reached without the use of auxiliary means, such as stairs, extensions to the house, etc. Dormer and attic windows fall into the same risk group.

By purchasing a four-legged friend, you simultaneously acquire a reliable protector of your home and surrounding area. The dog will cope well with protection at night, as it has excellent hearing and an excellent sense of smell. When strangers invade, the owners will hear a loud bark, and this will become a significant obstacle for burglars.

To protect your home, you should not buy bull terriers and pit bulls. Such dogs, according to the advice of dog handlers, are not suitable for home protection and can attack both the owners themselves and their guests.

The size of the dog, by and large, does not matter at all, the main thing is that it barks loudly. Remember that the main function of your four-legged friend to warn you of impending trouble, and not to neutralize the villain. The dog will give a signal, warn the owners and scare away the thief. In order for the dog to react in time to the thief, it must be in the most poorly protected place of the site. Usually this is a place that is not visible from the windows.

For those who do not want to get a dog, there is a tricky way to do it. Attach a sign on the fence with the inscription: “Caution! Angry dog". And this will psychologically repel the villains.

Quite a lot has been developed against unauthorized intrusion. Among them there are quite expensive and quite “democratic” ones; they can protect both a small office or apartment, and huge areas of private mansions with adjacent territories.

The simplest systems are security alarm systems that include heat that respond to sound broken glass. CCTV cameras are also quite common. Sensors and cameras, as a rule, are connected to a control panel, which sends alarm signals to the remote control of a security company or directly to the phone of the home owners. It can also turn on alarm sirens and block locks on entrance doors.

Options for more expensive security systems can protect the premises not only from burglars, but also from gas leaks or leaking water pipes. To do this, in addition to the security sensors themselves, smoke detectors, gas analyzers, etc. are also connected to the system loops. The cameras in such systems are also quite expensive, equipped with infrared illumination, video recording, and a wide viewing angle. There are also cameras with photo storage devices that record what is happening in their control area, reacting to sound or movement. They are installed near the entrance doors. In this case, the received information is stored on the drive for a certain time. True, such a drive is triggered by any noise or movement, so among the photos there will probably be neighbors’ cars, animals, and people just passing by.

Installation requires considerable costs, for example, the cost of one camera can reach $400. In addition, their power supply requires a backup power line that is not connected to the main power supply of the house.

The “Vacation” program deserves special attention. Designed to protect a home during a long absence of its owners, it simulates vigorous activity in an empty room: it periodically turns on lights or music in the rooms, and plays voice recordings. Such a system is not cheap, but the result is worth it.

Still, you shouldn’t rely only on technology. If you install an alarm system, you must connect it to the security company's remote control. Security services will have to be paid additionally. It is worth remembering that the response to an alarm must be prompt: security must arrive at the site within 5 minutes after the signal is received.

Passive protection of residential premises is the creation of the appearance that a given house or apartment does not need to be broken into and robbed. There are two approaches to this: either decorate the housing “more modestly” in appearance, as if there is nothing to take here, or, conversely, scare away unwanted guests with signs about video surveillance and the presence of an angry dog.

Do not forget that, as a rule, empty houses are broken into when the owners are away or on work. Therefore, when leaving for a while, it is better to leave the light on in some room, or the radio. If you need to leave your home for a while, you should ask friends or neighbors to stop by and look after it, or rent it out. The last option will also bring profit, but you need to rent out housing to reliable and familiar people. A dog is not the most reliable, but still an effective method of protection, and a sign on the gate about its presence on the territory will make “guests” think twice before breaking into the house.

Video surveillance also deters burglars, so a sign that says “Video surveillance is in progress” can be a barrier in their path. In this case, it is not at all necessary to actually install it; in extreme cases, you can install a dummy camera.

But even if all precautions are taken, you shouldn’t tempt fate. It is better to store large sums of money, jewelry and securities in bank storage rooms; however, security there is more reliable. If expensive items or money are kept at home, they should be securely hidden in a safe that cannot be taken out or opened.

How to protect your home from intruders? Is it possible to protect yourself from property theft? Where to start taking security measures?

First of all, you should understand: there is no 100% protection against theft. Professional thieves can overcome the most complex locks, the latest security systems, and several security perimeters. This can be confirmed by the thefts of world-famous valuables from museums and private collections, as well as the sensational robberies of bank vaults.

But not everything is so hopeless. As you know, in 90 cases out of 100, attackers take something that is “bad.” Thefts are committed spontaneously, and are done mainly by socially disadvantaged people. In search of easy money, they inspect houses and dachas, looking for those where it is easier to get into and not be caught.

When thinking about ways to protect yourself from intruders, you should first put yourself in the shoes of the person trying to break into your home. Ask yourself questions:

  • Why would a thief choose your cottage or apartment, and not the one next door, for example?
  • What ways can an attacker get inside?
  • When is your home most vulnerable?

A separate question is what valuables and how much money can a thief quickly find and take away? It is advisable that the damage be small, if trouble does happen. But even if all personal money is kept in a bank, then the loss household appliances, favorite jewelry or clothes will upset any person. And the realization that your home is not a safe fortress at all, and that a stranger can easily break into it is doubly unpleasant!

Once you answer these questions, you can start looking the right ways protection.

The house should not seem empty and uninhabited

It is always easier to get into a house where there are no owners for a long time, no one will be taken by surprise and the theft will not soon be discovered. Nothing should indicate to outsiders that no one is present. In high-rise buildings it is easier to hide your absence; only a pile of correspondence in the mailbox can indicate a long absence.

While inspecting cottages or dachas, criminals notice uncleaned snow or autumn leaves paths, dried flowers and closed shutters.

The absence of light in the windows in the evening confirms the guess about the absence of the owners. The lighting problem, however, is the easiest to solve. There are special inexpensive timers that turn light bulbs on and off at the right time.

Windows and doors

Plastic windows are always a weak point. Even equipped with special locks, they do not provide security. For reliability, it is better to install gratings on the lower floor.

All entrance doors you need to choose durable ones. Install reliable locks, it is better to have several and different types. If there are two or more entrances (through a garage, for example), then there should be good locks everywhere. Balcony doors are also dangerous, especially if they are glass and sliding.

A door can be broken, a window can be broken, but there is always a risk that the neighbors will hear the rumble and clink of glass and have time to call the police.

Second floor or attic windows can also pose a potential hazard. The risk increases if the walls are covered with vines or the roof of a terrace or porch is located under the windows.

Yard and fence

A secure high fence with a strong gate and a locked gate increases security. Before entering the building, you have to overcome a strong fence. A solid solid fence hides the approaches to the house from prying eyes, but if a stranger has entered the yard, then he too cannot be seen from the street.

A house in a garden surrounded by fragrant flowers is the dream of many people. Properly organized site space helps ensure safety. It is better to plant trees and shrubs at some distance from the walls of the building so that the yard is clearly visible. Tree branches hanging over the fence should be trimmed in a timely manner.

Lighting the area in the dark plays an important role. On the one hand, illumination of paths and steps provides comfort, on the other, an illuminated courtyard indicates the presence of the owners of the house, and on the third, the lighting system can be connected to the general security system of the house and controlled automatically.

Living Castle

Since ancient times, a dog has been considered the best watchman and reliable protection at any time of the day. And now a good dog is not only a friend, but also a protector and a guard. There are, however, also disadvantages - it requires food, care and care. When leaving for work in the morning, you don’t have to worry about safety if there is a large, trained dog left in the house or yard. Such a guard is also useful at night. But a living being is always a great responsibility. It is impossible to leave for a long time, leaving the animal without care.

Video surveillance and security system

The most reliable way to protect your home from thieves is to use a security system with video surveillance. Modern electronics will provide video recording of everything that happens in the house and around it, and send a signal about a violation of the security system. Special sensors are capable of responding to movement and the movement of warm objects. Other devices give a signal if the integrity of the windows is broken or doors are open. This signal is transmitted to the phone of the owner of the house or to a special remote control of a security company. The next question is how to react to the received signal and how to protect your property.

If the owner of the house receives a burglary signal, he must verify that there is a violation and call the police. If security is provided by a special service, then this costs some money, but upon receiving a signal from the security system, a special employee immediately goes to the place, checks the house and calls law enforcement officers. The second method is more reliable, since actions to eliminate the problem are taken immediately, this is done by trained people, often the theft of property does not have time to occur.

Video surveillance of the front door, the area around the cottage or in the area in front of the apartment allows you to notice suspicious activity. Very often, criminals first study the “object”, under the guise of sellers of consumer goods or employees public utilities visit it, checking the condition of gates, doors, locks. The observed activity makes us more attentive to security problems, strengthening precautions.

In addition to the standard set of devices, the security system can be equipped with additional sensors that detect the presence of smoke or fire, gas or water leaks. Which is also very useful.

Safety and habits

Unfortunately, security officials and police in all countries state the fact that a significant number of property thefts could have been avoided if people had been more attentive to their homes and their belongings. Someone left on business, forgetting to close the front door and turn on the alarm. Someone didn't repair the damaged lock in time. Some people like to invite strangers to visit. Windows wide open, spare keys under the rug, unlocked door from home to garage - all these are reasons why a house may become a victim of thieves.

The frivolous stupidity and carelessness of people lead to the fact that even the most best system security is not able to protect the house from attacks.

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