How to set a code on a combination lock. How to Set Up a TSA Combination Lock.

15.01.2018 Trips

The design of modern travel suitcase models includes a combination lock system that prevents unauthorized opening. This precaution helps protect contents from theft in public areas, including an airport or hotel. However, not all new owners of suitcases with a lock know how to set it up correctly and set a personal code that allows the suitcase to be opened only when dialed. It turns out that this can be done quite quickly.

How to change the code on a suitcase - instructions

The locks of new suitcases are always set to the factory code, consisting of three zeros - 000. This standard set of numbers must be changed by the owner to prevent spontaneous changes or use by others for their own purposes. There are two types of locks on a suitcase or bag - padded or fixed.

Procedure for setting a code on a fixed lock

To find out how to set the code on your suitcase, read the instructions below:

  1. Open the suitcase, fixing the factory code combination on the lock.
  2. Block the lock code using a special button or lever on its side.
  3. Keep the button pressed. If it is a lever, you need to move it to the right, then up.
  4. When the button is pressed or the lever is installed in the indicated position, it is necessary to change the code on the lock by setting the desired combination.
  5. Immediately after setting the combination, you need to release the button or return the lever to its original starting position.

How to change the code on a padlock

To learn how to set a code on a suitcase with a combination padlock, read the following instructions and follow the steps required:

These simple instructions will allow you to protect your suitcase with a new individual code on the lock and protect yourself from theft. In both cases, it is necessary to accurately remember the entered numbers in order to avoid the unpleasant situation of a locked lock at the most inopportune moment. If you're not sure you can store a set of numbers in your head, use combinations that only you know, such as your date of birth. You can, of course, write down the combination and store it in your personal notebook.

There are times in everyday life when it is necessary to replace the lock on a door or set a code on it. Many owners believe that it is impossible to do this without preparation, and resort to the help of services that deal with similar tasks. However, you can completely do without their intervention, using our proposed option for putting into operation a door combination lock of the German brand “Format”.

The procedure for changing or setting the code on the door lock

Changing the code on the lock must be done from the inside of the door. This operation cannot be performed from the outside. If necessary, replace it with front side complete dismantling of the door will be necessary.

  1. First, you need to leave the door open and close the lock.
  2. Next, you need to dial the initial code recorded when installing the entrance lock.
  3. There is a mark on the lock disk for changing the code; you will need to find it.
  4. It is necessary to set the last number on this label.
  5. For further actions you will need a key to the lock. It is installed into the lock from the inside until it stops.
  6. The key is turned 90 0 clockwise without sudden movements until it reaches the “CHANGE” position.
  7. When the key is installed in the lock, a new code combination is entered.
  8. To enter the first digit from the code combination, you need to turn the dial counterclockwise four times, setting the “change code” position opposite.
  9. The second digit is entered by rotating the dial in the opposite direction three times, reaching the opposite position relative to the code change mark.
    10. The third digit is fixed after turning the lock dial twice completely counterclockwise at the above position.
    11. After of this action the special key to the lock is turned to the “INSERTION” position and pulled out.

This organized instruction will help you set the code on your door lock without much effort, quickly and reliably. All actions must be performed in a clearly specified sequence. Any change in its execution may render the lock unusable in the future due to its automatic locking.

If you doubt the reliability of carrying out the proposed operations on your own, then it is better to seek help from specialists who provide services in this format. Fortunately, there are currently plenty of companies providing professional assistance in solving problems of changing and installing code. A qualified worker will quickly be able to determine the type of coding and reset the code door lock and undertakes to keep the final data confidential.

Most modern travel suitcases come with a special combination lock that prevents the suitcase from being opened, which means the theft of your personal property at a hotel or airport. Many people who bought such a suitcase do not know how to set it up correctly combination lock. Set new code to travel bag possible in a couple of minutes.

By default, suitcase locks are set to the factory settings - the opening code is 000. Leaving the default code unchanged can be dangerous, so take care to change it. First, determine what type of lock on your bag is a fixed or padlock.

If the lock is fixed, open the suitcase by setting the combination lock to the factory combination, and then find the lock code lock button, which is usually located on the side of the suitcase and looks like a button or a lever.

Take a thin, sharp object, such as a toothpick, and poke the code lock button or slide the lever to the right and up. While holding the button in this position, change the combination of numbers in the lock, and then release the button or return the lever back to the position in which it was. Now your suitcase will only open after entering a new code.

If the suitcase is equipped with a combination padlock, first open the lock by turning the metal arc 90 or 180 degrees and press it inward. Hold the metal arc in the depressed position and at this time enter new numbers by turning the dials of the lock. When the correct numbers are set, release the lock clasp.

Remember the set code as best as possible so as not to encounter the inability to open the suitcase at the most inopportune moment. You can write the code down in a safe place and also use the first digits of your date as the code.

Currently, almost all luggage manufacturers install on their products combination locks: mounted, built-in, or any, the main thing is that your things are safe. And very often a traveler is faced with a problem: how to set the code on a suitcase? It’s good if there are instructions in the suitcase, but what if there aren’t? What to do in this case? In fact, this is not a complicated and quick procedure at all.

Any model has an initial factory code of 000 (three zeros). You can leave this combination, or you can set your own. All that remains is to determine the type of lock.

How to set a code on a suitcase: built-in lock

You plastic polypropylene suitcase with snaps? Then in most cases the lock is installed like this:

  1. Open the suitcase and make sure that you have the factory code - three zeros
  2. At the bottom of the combination lock (or on the inside, depending on the model) there is a plate (or metal lever) that must be moved from position A to position B (usually from bottom to top)
  3. While holding the die/lever, set the desired combination, for example 234, and return the die/lever to its original position. Code installed!

Polycarbonate or fabric suitcases usually come with a padlock or built-in combination lock. The instructions for these are quite similar.

Built-in combination lock:

  1. Press the large PUSH button to make the sliders pop out of the lock
  2. Check that the combination of numbers corresponds to three zeros (000)
  3. Find the small code blocking button on the side of the lock; it is almost invisible and is usually located on the side where the sliders are located.
  4. Take a pencil or pen and push the lock button inward. Keep it pressed
  5. Dial the desired combination of numbers
  6. Remove the pencil from the lock button and press the large PUSH button. Ready!

How to set a code on a suitcase: padlock

Well, the last modification of the castle is combination padlock.

  1. Remove the lock from the suitcase and set the initial combination three zeros - 000
  2. Turn the lock shackle 90 or 180 degrees, then you will see that there is a recess into which you need to press this shackle and hold it pressed.
  3. Enter your unique code by turning the wheels, starting with the top number
  4. Release the bow and return it to its original position. Nothing complicated!

And also, try not to forget the code you installed. Let the combination of numbers be associated with something important, then you will definitely avoid unnecessary hassle! As a last resort, you can write down the lock code and hide it in a safe place.

Have a nice trip!

Combination locks provide high level security of the premises, since they are quite difficult to break into, much less open with a found key or a special master key. Thanks to the development of new technologies, such devices are becoming not only more reliable, but also more affordable every year.. Today, most entrance doors of apartment buildings are equipped with a combination lock. Owners of office buildings also appreciated the convenience of mechanisms with the ability to open the door with a unique code.

It was possible to ensure a high level of secrecy due to the ability to change the code combination. Changing the lock password may be necessary in various situations. For example, after repair work it is worth changing the code to limit access to workers who knew the previous combination. Also It is recommended to periodically change the code every 3–5 months, since characteristic abrasions may remain on the lock buttons, which will allow an attacker to choose the correct combination of numbers.

Types of combination locks and how to change the code

Today there are several types of combination locks, which differ in the degree of secrecy and operating principle. Let's look at how the code is changed on each type of lock.

Mechanical combination locks. This type of device is considered obsolete, but, nevertheless, it can still be often found. To change the code on a lock with mechanical buttons, you will need to partially disassemble the case to gain access to special plates. Each of the plates corresponds to a button on the dial pad and has a slight bevel on one side. By removing the plate and placing it at an angle towards the center of the lock, the corresponding button becomes part of the code.

Electromechanical andelectronic combination locks. Such devices are more practical and are very popular due to the possibility of integration into an overall access control system. Electromagnetic combination locks can be found in almost all apartment buildings, and in last years they have also begun to be in demand among owners of country cottages, where they are installed on the entrance gate.

Changing the code for electromechanical or electronic locks can be done in two ways, it depends on the selected model:

    Using code, which puts the device into programming mode. A special code allows you to put the lock into the mode of changing the code combination, after which you need to enter a new code. Having returned the lock to the standard operating mode, you need to make sure that it works with the new number combination.

    Using a special key. Such models are equipped with a special key; it allows you to put the lock into a mode in which it is possible to set a new code. All that remains is to enter another combination of numbers, remove the key and check the functionality of the device.

Regardless of the type of combination lock, changing the secret combination of numbers is carried out within 5–7 minutes and does not require special skills, but if this procedure seems complicated, it is better to seek help from specialists.