How to open a lock with a code. How to open a combination lock - tips and tricks.

27.07.2018 Home and life

Locks are used everywhere in our lives; unfortunately, we have to resort to protecting property quite often. Locks protect the entrance to the entrance and to the apartment; they are used in utility rooms, safe deposit boxes, lockers at school and in the fitness center; we even lock bags and suitcases before going on a trip.

A very common and widely used type of locks are locks using digital combinations - combination locks.

Combination locks can be mechanical or electronic

Mechanical combination locks: how to open

A mechanical combination lock has a dial pad on which a secret combination of numbers – a code – is entered in some way. If the code is entered correctly, the lock mechanism opens the door. Mechanical locks with a combination mechanism can be push-button or disk.

Push-button locks have panels with metal buttons. In order to open such a lock, you need to simultaneously press several buttons that make up the code, or press the buttons one after another. Such models are very popular; they protect the entrances of multi-storey buildings and are used in enterprises, workshops, and in places where it is necessary to restrict access to premises.

Disk panels have one or more circle disks with numbers printed on them. To open a combination lock of this type, you need to set a digital combination. To do this, either the required numbers are displayed on each of the circles, or the code is entered using a single disk. To do this, the mark (line) must be at the top of the lock, corresponding to the position of the number “twelve” on the clock. Typically, this mark is a contrasting (red) color.

The lock kit contains a reminder on how to correctly code the lock initially, or a combination of numbers already entered as a code. Turn the dial with the printed numbers one by one until you hear a characteristic click opposite the mark. To enter the next number, you need to turn the dial in the opposite direction.

After the marker tag “counts” all the numbers of the secret code, the lock will be open. If this does not happen, it means the algorithm was broken or you do not have information about the secret code.

The fewer circles-disks on the lock panel, the greater the reliability and secrecy it is characterized by. In models from serious manufacturers, numbers are not limited to the standard set from one to nine; they contain two-digit numbers on the disk, which significantly complicate the task of hacking.

How to open?

Small padlocks are closed using wheels with numbers printed on them. The code is much simpler than in a disk one, and depends on the number of wheels. In the original, each wheel has its own number and the lock opens.

The more wheels, the more difficult it is to find the code. The most common are three and four digit codes. If such a lock is buried and the code is forgotten or lost, then press on the wheels and try to turn them. Under load, having reached the specified number, the wheel will make a characteristic click.

Thus, by repeating the operation the required number of times, you can open the combination mechanical lock. It is enough to simply open a padlock using a tin blank, the diameter of which corresponds to the lock shackle. If you insert such a blank into the gap between the shackle and the body until it stops and press down, you will be able to unlock the internal latch.

Electronic locks

Electronic combination locks are the most resistant to hacking and, accordingly, more reliable. They can be opened by knowing the access code and entering it correctly on the touch keyboard. The keypads of electronic locks have anti-vandal protection, they are not erased by fingers, electronic chips read the signal and notify the locking mechanism about it.

Does not have an electronic lock keyhole– the “weak point” of conventional locks. Hackers,

opening combination electronic locks using a computer is a fairy tale, even if you render the keyboard unusable and break it, this will not help open the lock in any way.

Electronic combination locks are protected against code guessing: if several incorrect digital combinations are entered in a row, the lock mechanism is blocked for several minutes and cannot be opened even if the correct code is entered. If, after the initial blocking time has passed, you set the wrong combination again, the lock will be blocked for a longer period.

What will happen then?

In the future, this period will increase even more and enumeration of digital combinations is completely excluded. More advanced locks have the ability to open using two independent digital combinations. The first code is the main one; its owner can change the second code even without the knowledge of its owner. The owner of the second code can change his cipher, but cannot in any way influence the main one.

The best way to prevent a combination lock from being broken is to keep the code to open it secret. What one knows, one knows, what two know, twenty-two know.

It is impossible to imagine a traveler without a suitcase or, in extreme cases, travel bag. And although if you have a sufficient amount of money, all the essentials can be bought almost anywhere, there are many items that are inherently irreplaceable, valuable and beloved, which are simply impossible not to take with you.

Therefore, many passengers, in order to provide additional protection for their belongings, use suitcases with locks, because luggage is checked at the check-in counter at the departure point, and is most often issued upon arrival at the final destination. But sometimes an unpleasant situation happens and a very significant problem arises, how can you unlock the lock on a suitcase if you have forgotten the code. Let's try to find ways to solve it.

The main division of modern locks for suitcases and luggage bags is based on their fastening and method of opening: built-in and padded; locks with a key or combination. Let's look at the features of each of them.

Built-in lock with key opening

This type is the oldest and most familiar, because it has been produced since the time Soviet Union, and many passengers trust him. The lock body itself is built directly into the wall of the suitcase and is opened using a regular key.

This model, when using a high-quality lock, is considered the most reliable protection of all, although its cost will be quite high. If the key to such a suitcase is lost, then you most likely will not be able to open it yourself, and the help of a repair specialist simply cannot be avoided.

If a simple budget lock was installed, then you can try to pry the latch inside the hole with a thin file or a knife blade. Most likely it won't be too difficult and the lock will open. But the reliability of such protection is worth doubting.

Built-in combination lock

This type of suitcase lock is the most inexpensive and widespread today, and it is installed on almost all models of bags. Most often consists of three small wheels with numbers, directly the latch itself with slots for metal or plastic zipper sliders and a button for setting the code.

To understand how to open a suitcase if you forgot the 3-digit code, you need to know how it works.

The castle was originally exhibited code "000", and you can reset this code by pressing a button. After this, the combination of numbers you need is set. After this, zipper sliders are installed in specially designed slots, and the numbers are changed to a random set.

In fact, opening the code on a suitcase if you have forgotten the code is not much of a problem, considering that the cost of the entire product is low, and the reliability is also low. What you can do:

  • You can try to choose a combination of numbers. When the correct data is set, certain clicks may be heard, or the wheels will begin to scroll easier, or vice versa, harder.
  • You can use exactly the same method with the cipher reset button lightly pressed, scrolling the disks until they stop.
  • With large gaps, it is possible to see the details of the lock, and by combining the internal holes in it, you can determine the entire sequence.
  • If the above methods do not help, you are left with a complete code selection by brute force method, that is, “001”, “002”, “003” and so on. This process is quite long, but after 1.5 hours, the result will probably be achieved.
  • If all these methods are how to open a combination lock if you forgot the code on your suitcase , didn't help, you'll have to use more radical methods. Often the sliders are made of plastic, so they can be broken off with a knife or screwdriver. But there will no longer be any protection until repairs are made.

Features of padlocks

The main difference between such a lock is its external location, most often on the zipper sliders. Like the built-in one, it comes in two types: with a key and coded. Reliability depends on the quality of the product, because good things are rarely cheap, but despite this, suitcases with padlocks are most often subject to break-ins.

How to open a padlock if you have lost the key or forgotten the code:

  • You can try to open a padlock with a key using a small screwdriver or, in extreme cases, bite the shackle;
  • You can try to open a combination padlock using the same methods as a built-in one. The only difference is that there are no plastic breakable parts. In extreme cases, powerful wire cutters will save you.

To avoid losing expensive and valuable items, it is best and safest to transport them with you on board, in hand luggage, and wrap the suitcase itself tightly with plastic wrap, because this will not only immediately indicate a break-in, but will also protect it from dirt.

A suitcase is a companion for any trip, and experienced tourists know that even a nondescript and small lock will help keep their luggage safe and sound. There are two popular types of locks installed on suitcases, and we will tell you about them.


As a rule, a combination lock requires you to enter a combination of numbers to open it. By default, such locks are set to a combination consisting of all zeros. Also in this category are locks with a key - they were very popular in the Soviet Union, but are now rare. A good suitcase is not cheap, but this type of lock is the most secure. There are often inexpensive options that can be easily opened with a knife or screwdriver.

The padlock

It is installed on the zipper, thereby preventing the possibility of opening the suitcase. They can also be coded or equipped with a lock cylinder and a key. The main advantage is that they can be installed on almost any suitcase. However, do not forget that luggage with visible padlocks ranks first in the ranking of thefts.

Combination locks are the most common on suitcases, the main disadvantage of which is that they do not have a key, and the combination of numbers is easy to forget.

So, if you have forgotten your password code, don’t be upset, first of all you need to calm down and enter the combination again, if it doesn’t help, here are a few ways:

1. Let's try to find the code. To do this, you need to turn each wheel until it clicks, thus setting the desired combination.

2. Select numbers by touch; you should rotate the wheel easily and smoothly; you will feel that in a certain position the “drum” rotates easier or harder.

3. If it is possible to see the details of the lock mechanism, then choosing the code will not be difficult.

4. In the case when the above options are not suitable, all that remains is to try all possible combinations, but this will take at least a couple of hours.

5. The most extreme measure is to pick the lock; in this situation there is only one plus - you got a good suitcase and a reliable lock.

And if problems arise with a lock with a key, you should try to turn the lock by inserting a small screwdriver or knife into the cylinder. This should be done very carefully so as not to damage the mechanism; as soon as the tip of the screwdriver (knife) enters the lock cylinder, you should turn it smoothly. In case of failure, you will have to look for large and powerful wire cutters or masterfully work with a “grinder”.

Let's summarize:

There are no unresolved situations, any lock can be opened, and in the worst case, you will have to sacrifice your suitcase. We advise you to choose a high-quality suitcase with a reliable lock, this will save your nerves and enjoy a relaxing holiday. It is worth remembering that there are no locks for thieves, and wrapping luggage in film is another way to keep your luggage intact and your suitcase clean. And all documents, money and valuables must be transported in hand luggage.

Now you know what combination locks on suitcases are, and also what to do if you cannot remember the ill-fated code. In addition to durable locks, do not forget about reliable and bright covers designed specifically to protect suitcases. Have you heard anything about such cases? Then feel free to visit the online store’s website and happily choose universal protection for your friend on wheels.

Any lock is a protector of personal property or something that needs to be kept secret and secret. A great many locks protect our apartments and garages, dachas and offices. Shops and institutions, cabinets and safes, tables and even suitcases have their own types of different locks. One of these guards are combination locks. Opening a combination lock without knowing the code (numbers) is quite problematic, and sometimes it is not at all possible. Code combinations number up to several hundred thousand different options and only increase over time.

How to open if you suddenly forgot the code? There are a huge number of ways to open and hack. Of course, if you have an angle grinder or a hacksaw, a screwdriver or drill, a hammer or other improvised tool, then you can try to break, cut down and “kill” the lock. But breaking is not building, and a combination lock is not mechanics, and it would be a shame if the combined miracle was brutally destroyed. Here, of course, it’s up to you, and all paths are good for achieving your goals. You can try electrical engineering in this area, these are special lasers and x-rays, wiretaps and adjustments. What if you don’t have any special electronic equipment or other mechanical devices at hand, and you just really really need to open the combination lock and get inside the box or safe right away? Here you will have to wait a little. To do this, you will need to call a specialized company for emergency opening of locks of any complexity. And very soon a group of security specialists will arrive who will open any type of combination lock within five minutes. Well, to open the lock yourself, you need special knowledge, which in the future must be used only legally and in no case abused for personal gain.

Let's consider simplest example opening the combination lock of a luggage bag or suitcase. For example, you are traveling on a train, and your head is mercilessly cracking and cannot remember the treasured code of the cursed combination lock... This is where instructions on how to open the combination lock on a suitcase, no matter where you are, come in handy. Typically, a combination lock on a suitcase is the lightest and consists of three wheels, each of which has numbers from 0 to 9. This lock combination has only up to 1000 opening options. Believe me, this is very little, and it is possible to open such a lock by selecting numbers in 15-20 minutes.

We put all three wheels in position 0 and begin the execution of the naughty lock. We leave the first two wheels on the left at 0, and begin to scroll the third in the order from 0-1-2... and so on until 9. Moreover, if the lock is internal, then we tighten the lid of the suitcase so that we feel how each number clicks when the wheel is scrolled. If the lock is external, then we tighten the arms of the lock itself, again, so that we can hear the clicking and feel the scrolling. We turn the third wheel, stopping at each number and holding the lock taut. If this does not give positive results, then we perform the following maneuver. We leave the first wheel on the left at the number 0, the middle one, which is also the second, we move to 1, and the third again we begin to turn from 0 to 9 and try to select forgotten code. If there is no result, then we continue in the same sequence. The first wheel is set to 0, the middle one is set to 2, and the third wheel is used to select. When the middle wheel goes through all nine numbers and the lock does not open, we move on to the next stage. We set the first wheel to 1 unit, the middle one to 0, scroll the third wheel from 0 to 9, and do not forget to pull the lock and listen. The options further have the following provisions:

  • the first is 1, the second is 0, the third is twisted;
  • the first is 1, the second is 1, the third is twisted;
  • the first - 1, the second - 2, the third we twist;
  • the first - 1, the second - 3, the third we twist;
  • the first - 1, the second - 4, the third we twist;
  • the first is 1, the second is 5, the third is twisted;
  • the first is 1, the second is 6, the third is twisted;
  • the first is 1, the second is 7, the third is twisted;
  • the first is 1, the second is 8, the third is twisted;
  • the first is 1, the second is 9, the third is twisted.

If the lock does not click and open again, then we continue to select:

And so on, until the code lock finally makes us happy with its long-awaited click. You are rewarded for your patience and diligence! As one said great person: “Study, study and study.” And the entertainer and schemer Ostap Bender added to this thought: “Soon only cats will be born.”

Below we will tell you how to crack a combination lock by selecting the required combination:

  • Initially, manufacturers set the lock password to three zeros or three ones. Such a simple combination does not suit many owners, so they take a completely logical action - change the code at their discretion. How can you find out the lock code if you changed it but forgot it? Try to remember the most remarkable numbers for you that you could put on the lock. Number possible combinations quite large, it is possible that the opening will take a long time;
  • If you forget the lock code, the device itself will come to the rescue. Taking a close look at the mechanism, you can see small gaps through which the inside of the locking mechanism can be seen. When selecting a number that is not part of the encryption code, only a wheel is visible in the gap. At correct number you will see the groove;
  • You can open an inexpensive suitcase model by ear. If the product does not open, we recommend rotating the lock toggle switches one by one, stopping at the position in which a characteristic sound is heard - a click, indicating that the encryption code number is set correctly.

The described technique is not always suitable for more expensive and reliable mechanisms. Often, the only thing the owner of the bag can do is take it to a workshop where a professional will open it.


How to unlock a suitcase lock

The problem of protecting luggage from vandalism is relevant on any trip. For this purpose, manufacturers of bags and suitcases often build special security mechanisms into their products, among which a combination lock is one of the most common.

However, users who have just bought a brand new suitcase often have the question of how to decode the lock.

You should act according to the following algorithm:

  1. place the bag on a flat, well-lit surface, so that the lock is on the top of the body;
  2. scroll the first toggle switch until it matches the first digit of the encryption combination. Line it up with the line on the suitcase;
  3. In the same way, you need to turn the remaining parts of the lock until the entire password matches. Make sure all numbers are in a straight line;
  4. After entering the code, you need to open the latches located on both sides of the combination lock.

Video on the topic:

How to reset a combination lock on a suitcase

The basic combination of numbers set by the manufacturer can be changed by the owner of the luggage bag. By default, it is assumed that the combination lock can be reset as many times as the need arises.

To reset the lock code, use the following instructions:

  1. set the toggle switches to the basic combination that was given to you upon purchase (most often this is 000);
  2. press the reset button or lever, usually located on the side.

This way, you will be able to remove the code from the lock in order to choose a new, more secure one in the future.

How to code a lock on a suitcase

Recoding a combination lock is as easy as resetting the factory settings. To do this, you need to perform the following sequence of actions:

  • come up with a sequence in advance to which you plan to change the lock code. It’s best to put numbers that are informative and memorable for you personally, but difficult for outsiders to guess (for example, closing a suitcase with combination lock password 123 is not the smartest move);
  • After choosing a combination, you can start coding. To do this, press the reset button, without releasing it, you should set the code by rotating the digital toggle switches in the required sequence;
  • you can release the reset button only after you have managed to set the combination lock in the correct order;
  • We recommend that you double-check whether you were able to reprogram the protective mechanism. To do this, close the lock, dial a new code and try to open the suitcase. If the manipulation is unsuccessful, repeat the steps described above again, trying to program the product again.

How to change the code on a TSA suitcase lock

This abbreviation refers to the standard established after the 2001 terrorist attacks by the American transportation service. It authorizes customs officials to inspect passengers' luggage at any time without notifying them. Modern suitcases created according to this standard have built-in locks that can be opened using a master key available to customs officers.

You can change the code on a TSA combination lock using the following scheme:

  • to change the code, first press the large button labeled PUSH, usually manufacturers place it on the side;
  • Next, you need to make sure that the runners pop out of the grooves;
  • set the base password;
  • determine the location of the reset button. Most often it looks like a small recess located on the same side where the runners are attached;
  • You can change the combination lock by pressing this button with a pencil or the tip of a toothpick;
  • Now you can change your password by entering a new combination;
  • then remove the pencil and press PUSH again.

How does a combination lock on a suitcase work?

This device functions as follows: during the rotation of the dials on which images of letters or numbers are printed, the locking discs also begin to move.

The latter have a special groove; if it is oriented strictly downward on all disks, then a metal pin can be inserted into it to unlock the locking mechanism. When the lock is locked, the pin will not be able to go into the grooves.

How to set up a combination lock on a suitcase

The above instructions will help you set up the code and increase the safety of the items you transport. However, try to select combinations for recoding that are guaranteed not to disappear from your head after just a few days.

These numbers should have some meaning for you personally. Otherwise, you will have to experience all the joys of guessing the right combination.