Hand luggage. What can and cannot be taken on a plane? What is prohibited from being carried in hand luggage on an airplane?

Air travel is the fastest and most comfortable way for a passenger to get from point “A” to point “B”. It is difficult to find an adult citizen of our country who has not flown on an airplane at least once. But even experienced airline passengers cannot always accurately answer the question: “What can be taken in hand luggage and what cannot?” We will try to understand in detail all the intricacies of air carrier rules.

Definition of hand luggage and allowance

Carry-on luggage is the name given to the passenger's personal belongings carried in the cabin of the aircraft. Most often these are bags, packages, baskets and backpacks. It is important to understand that it is not the number of items that is counted, but their total volume and weight. How many bags can you take? As many as you like, the main thing is that together they comply with established standards. The standard one that can be taken into the salon is 115 cm in the sum of three dimensions (55x40x20 cm). Wherein total weight Passenger bags should not exceed 10 kg for economy and comfort classes; 15 kg for business class. Please note that these are the standards of many major air carriers, including Aeroflot. Some companies set their own requirements for permissible weight and volume hand luggage. When using the services of a particular carrier for the first time, you should familiarize yourself with its rules.

What can you take into the cabin, besides hand luggage?

On long flights, passengers want to have as many personal items as possible on hand. Airlines are doing their best to accommodate their customers. Not long ago, a list of items allowed for transportation in the cabin in addition to hand luggage appeared. a diplomat or folder with documents up to 30x40x10 in size is not included in cabin baggage and can be carried by a passenger. During the flight, you can carry 1 laptop, carried in a special bag, and 1 camera/binoculars. In addition to hand luggage, you can take 1 umbrella and a limited amount of newspapers into the cabin for reading during the flight (2-3 newspapers/magazines or 1 book). Each passenger can carry one package of Duty Free purchases. What clothes and accessories can you take in hand luggage? Almost everything respects the general dimensions and weight. Experienced travelers advise: try to wear as much as possible and put it in your pockets. Do not forget that the clothes worn by the passenger (including outerwear during cold periods) are not considered hand luggage. If you fly often, pay attention to special jackets for travelers with many spacious pockets.

Packing your bag for the trip correctly

Most airlines offer their customers very favorable conditions for baggage transportation. It would seem, why take anything else into the salon? But it is still difficult to completely do without hand luggage. We recommend that you pack the bag you will take with you on the flight at the same time as your main suitcase. In your hand luggage you need to put all the most valuable and fragile things, as well as items that you may need during the flight. Be sure to take documents, money, jewelry and electronics with you into the cabin. If you are bringing some fragile souvenirs with you, it also makes sense to place them in your hand luggage. Don't forget about cosmetics. We will describe in detail below how to package liquid cosmetics. When collecting cabin luggage, remember that a suitcase checked into the luggage compartment may get lost. Unfortunately, none of us are immune from such troubles. Accordingly, it would be useful to put in small travel bag a complete set of clothes for a change. What hand luggage can you take on a plane, and where should you put your cabin luggage? The most convenient options for packing essentials: a bag or backpack with many compartments. Choose transformers that easily change their external dimensions. This is very convenient if you are flying with a company that has more stringent requirements for hand luggage. Using a transformable bag, you can always change its size in one motion.

List of prohibited items

When packing for a trip, be sure to study and remember the list of things that cannot be taken on board the plane. Airline passengers are prohibited from transporting any weapons, as well as souvenirs and children's toys depicting them. You cannot take any flammable, explosive or toxic substances with you into the aircraft cabin. Attention: household chemicals, cosmetics and some medications fit the description of this category. Many women are accustomed to carrying a manicure set in their handbag. Put it out urgently, since any sharp, piercing or cutting objects cannot be carried in hand luggage. In particular, these are cutlery, knives, tools, cosmetic and medical accessories.

Aeroflot rules. Carry-on luggage: what liquids can you take into the cabin?

Transportation of any liquid substances is a special point in the rules of any airline. From year to year, the standards are becoming more and more stringent, and this is done solely for safety reasons. The thing is that, under the guise of household liquids, terrorists have repeatedly tried to smuggle explosives on board. How much liquid can you take in your hand luggage today? Let's look at the example of the standards of the largest air carrier in Russia - Aeroflot. One passenger can take into the aircraft cabin no more than 1 liter of liquids packed in containers with a volume of no more than 100 ml. All liquid products must be stored in one resealable transparent bag, the recommended size is 20x20 cm. The definition of “liquid” includes any cosmetics, food, and other non-solid substances. Carefully study the rules of a particular airline. In most cases, products such as lipstick, toothpaste, cosmetic creams, canned food, soups, jam and caviar.

Duty Free purchases

Many airline passengers love to shop at Duty Free. Airline companies please their customers with the absence of strict requirements and restrictions in this regard. Today, each passenger has the right to carry 1 package of Duty Free purchases with him in the aircraft cabin. Take the time to study the intricacies of the legislation of the country into which you are importing such luggage. For example, one person can bring only 2 liters into Russia alcoholic drinks and 2 cartons of cigarettes. When flying on transit flights, the Duty Free package becomes part of the passenger's hand luggage during a transfer. Remember this rule, and if you plan on shopping during the flight, leave enough space in your cabin luggage for purchases.

Is it possible to take food into the cabin of an airplane?

A popular question among novice air travelers is: “Can I take food and snacks in my hand luggage?” During long flights, passengers are provided with meals on board. But it is still much more pleasant to have, albeit a small, but personal supply of food. Food products can be taken in hand luggage. The main thing is not to forget about the norms for transporting liquids. Respect the people around you and try to choose foods that don’t have a strong smell for a snack on your trip. It is also advisable to take with you for snacks foods that do not crumble. The best option is dried fruits, nuts, fruits, vegetables, sweets.

Rules for the carriage of non-standard baggage

It is not recommended to place fragile or valuable items in the luggage compartment, as the risk of damage is too great. If you plan to take anything unusual with you on your trip, check with your airline representative when purchasing your ticket. Animals are allowed to be transported in the aircraft cabin in specially equipped cages and carriers. Most airlines for this service require an additional payment in the amount of the cost of the extra piece of luggage. Is it possible to take musical instruments and large, highly sensitive equipment in hand luggage? Transportation of large and fragile items in the aircraft cabin is discussed individually. In most cases, air carriers accommodate passengers halfway. Carriage of non-standard luggage in the cabin is not always free. For example, a passenger may be asked to purchase a separate ticket for a large musical instrument and advised to transport it in a purchased seat.

Where is hand luggage stored?

If you are flying for the first time, do not hesitate to ask the flight attendants for help stowing your cabin luggage. Hand luggage in the aircraft cabin is carried on the overhead shelves (located above the passenger seats) and/or on the floor under the seats. Try not to put away things that will be used during the trip: snacks, gadgets, books and magazines. All the necessary little things can be placed on the folding table. If you're still wondering how much hand luggage you can take on a plane, choose two bags or one backpack and a bag. If you divide all the cabin luggage into two parts, it will not be difficult for you to manage it.

Be sure to check what you can take in hand luggage and what you can’t at the stage of purchasing a ticket. The thing is that the rules of different airlines may differ slightly. During the flight, listen to and follow all requirements and recommendations of the flight attendants. Remember, you cannot use most modern gadgets while flying. Computers, tablets and smartphones create and receive electronic signals that can interfere with the operation of aircraft controls. Be mutually polite to other passengers. Try to behave quietly and calmly, without creating inconvenience for others. Now you know what you can take in your hand luggage, and this is not such a small list of things. Many experienced travelers prefer to travel around the world with cabin luggage. Try and limit yourself to 10-15 kilograms of things. Perhaps traveling light will be an unexpectedly pleasant discovery for you.

In 2017, new rules for carrying hand luggage on an airplane were released. We advise you to carefully read the list of what you can take in hand luggage and what not if you are going on an air trip. Unfortunately, ignorance of such subtleties can ruin your holiday.

1. Food

You can bring any food on board the plane, with the exception of liquid and jelly-like food. You can take with you:

  • nuts;
  • cookie;
  • fruits;
  • sandwiches;
  • chips, etc.

You can take baby food for your child. But refrain from yoghurts, juices, jellies and similar products, otherwise they will be confiscated from you. Canned food and food in jars will also be taken away. It is better to pack all permitted products in transparent bags. This will significantly speed up the inspection.

It is important to take into account the specifics of the carrier and the airport. So, at the Paris airport. Charles de Gaulle was prohibited from carrying cheese in hand luggage.

You can also take Duty Free products with you. The main thing is that the store packaging remains undamaged (the seller must pack the goods in a special bag with a capacity of 2 liters). In addition, keep the receipt - it may be required when going through control.

2. Medicines

The following medications can be carried on board the aircraft:

  • pills;
  • various drops;
  • dressings;
  • hydrogen peroxide.

It is better if the medicines are in undamaged original packaging, with instructions for use. Otherwise, when boarding, customs officers may suspect whether you are carrying prohibited substances under the guise of analgin.

If you have an injury, you may want to add crutches or other orthopedic aids to your carry-on luggage.

According to the rules, the volume of liquid in hand luggage should not exceed 100 ml. Therefore, if the medicine is liquid or in spray form, make sure that the volume does not exceed the permitted amount. You cannot take syringes on board.

3. Digital technology

What technical devices you can take on board are determined by the safety regulations of the country you are traveling to. Usually you are allowed to take in hand luggage:

  • laptop;
  • tablet;
  • mobile phone;
  • Mp3 player;
  • camera;
  • electric razor and toothbrush;
  • charging for devices;
  • bulk electrical appliances (for example, hair dryer).

You can (and should) also take headphones on board. If you are going to listen to music or watch a movie on your laptop, it is unlikely that other passengers will be happy to share this pleasure with you.

Although it is not prohibited to take a mobile phone with you, you may not need it during the flight. Often before takeoff, you are asked to turn off your phones altogether, as they can interfere with the operation of the aircraft’s electronic systems.

If you are going to take bulky equipment with you, remember the regulations. Typically, the length of items in hand luggage should be no more than 56 cm, height - 45 cm, width - 25 cm. The maximum weight varies between 3-15 kilograms. The exact figure depends on the airport.

4. Documents, valuables and jewelry

In addition, you should take in your hand luggage:

  • expensive jewelry;
  • documentation;
  • valuables;
  • Wallet with money.

It’s better to take your passport and other important papers with you - it’s calmer, you won’t have to worry about their safety the whole way. Moreover, if your luggage is suddenly lost, you will not be left in a foreign country without documents.

5. Cosmetics

You can bring any dry cosmetics on board:

  • shadows;
  • mascara;
  • eye and lip pencils;
  • blush;
  • powder, etc.

Liquids, jelly-like substances in cans and bottles with a volume of more than 100 ml are strictly prohibited from being transported on board an aircraft in hand luggage. Pack them in your luggage, otherwise you risk being left without your expensive jars.

You can't carry pressurized cans on an airplane either. Therefore, you will have to get rid of shaving foam and deodorants.

Remember that usually the total volume of liquids should not exceed 1 liter. Therefore, if you also take water with you in addition to lotion and shampoo, and their total volume exceeds the permissible limit, think about what will be more important to you on board.

6. Personal hygiene items

Personal hygiene items you can take in hand luggage:

  • a toothbrush and toothpaste (although the latter needs to be clarified - at some airports it is prohibited to take toothpaste with you);
  • wet wipes;
  • Shaver;
  • a comb without a sharp handle (sometimes it is prohibited to carry metal combs);
  • nail polish remover without acetone with a volume of no more than 100 ml.

7. Clothes

You can take with you to the salon:

  • jacket or sweater;
  • coat;
  • plaid;
  • shawl.

Additionally, you can bring a handbag, an umbrella and a cane.

8. Other

If you are traveling with children, in addition to hand luggage, you can take a baby carrycot or stroller on board. It is not forbidden to take newspapers, magazines and other printed publications with you (without fanaticism, of course).

  • weapons and everything that looks like them (if you have a fashionable accessory in the shape of a grenade or pistol, they can be taken away);
  • piercing and cutting objects (this includes everything, even something that you would not even think of using as a weapon to cause pain to another person, for example, knitting needles);
  • animals;
  • gas cartridges;
  • toxic substances.

A full list of prohibited items is often indicated directly on the ticket. If this list is not there, ask about this question right at the airport.

Check the size rules, they vary for each airline. Low-cost airlines take this issue especially seriously. Budget airlines have a strict rule: one person - one piece of hand luggage. Therefore, everything will have to be put in one bag or package. An exception is allowed only for folding strollers, crutches and outerwear.

Today there is a whole list of things that cannot be taken into the cabin for safety reasons. Unfortunately, not all tourists know what you can't take on a plane t some items, as a result of which, already during inspection at the airport, they find themselves in an unpleasant situation in which they are forced to throw into the trash bin sometimes high-quality and expensive items, the carriage of which is prohibited in the aircraft cabin. The article below provides a list of items that are best initially transported not in hand luggage, but in luggage or even left at home.

Things you shouldn't take on a plane

★ Weapons. As, in general, it’s easy to guess, you can’t take weapons of any kind on the plane. Moreover, we are talking about both real weapons: pistols, rifles, light machine guns, edged weapons, and imitation weapons, including ordinary children’s toys (although I think a pink or bright green children’s “blaster” made of plastic will be missed :). This same category of things that cannot be taken on a plane includes ammunition, explosives, gas cartridges, as well as other means of attack and defense that can be used to carry out criminal acts. It is also better not to take a lighter or matches into the aircraft cabin, as they will most likely have to be thrown away during the security check.

★ Piercing and cutting objects. Penknives and kitchen knives, regular and manicure scissors, straight razors, metal nail files, screwdrivers, blades and other sharp objects that may be assessed by airport security as potentially dangerous and will not be allowed on board the aircraft. And don’t expect too much that a samurai sword or machete bought as a souvenir and not yet sharpened will be allowed to be carried on board under the pretext that they do not pose a danger.

Most likely, these items will delight not you and your friends when you return home, but the children of security service workers or themselves (if your rich collection of the latter does not yet have such things). I managed to carry regular blades into the cabin of the plane (I accidentally left them in the pocket of a leather folder - I noticed only when returning home), as well as folding nail scissors (I took a deliberate risk, since I needed them on a long trip). True, this does not guarantee that during the next flight you or I will be able to repeat this, because there is always human factor, and equipment at airports is constantly being improved.

Liquids. The category of liquids includes drinks (including alcoholic drinks), gels, lotions, pastes, creams, shaving foams, etc. In reality, there are certain volumes of liquids that can be taken into the cabin of an airplane quite legally. This is described in detail in a separate article on the website. Also in the article at the link you can find out what exceptions exist for transporting liquids such as baby food and medicines on an airplane.

★ Dangerous substances. You cannot take aggressive chemicals, poisons, flammable substances, radioactive or toxic substances on the plane. Even if all of these substances are intended to be used exclusively for peaceful purposes upon arrival in the city or country of destination, their transportation in the aircraft cabin is very dangerous, therefore best case scenario you will have to throw them in a special trash bin. In the worst case, you will have to explain for a long time and repeatedly to the distrustful employees of the airport security service and other security services why you tried to bring all this on board. Do you need it?

★ Food. Not everyone knows that you can bring food on board an airplane, but again there are a number of restrictions that relate to the type of food, its packaging and volume. detailed information this topic is described in the article, I advise you to read it in order to avoid troubles at the airport when going through security.

★ Animals and birds. With a few exceptions, which include some small living creatures, you cannot take animals and birds on a plane, even if you have a full set of documents about their health and safety for others. If you really need to take your animal with you, you will most likely have to put it in a special isolated compartment in the luggage compartment. You can read more about transporting animals on an airplane in the article.

★ Other items, prohibited for transportation at a particular airport or by the rules of carriage of a particular airline. Before going to the airport, I advise you to carefully search on the official website of the airport for information about what you cannot take on the plane specifically from them. It often happens that due to certain events in the city or country of departure, additional restrictions are introduced on the carriage of certain items. For example, a complete ban on the carriage of liquids on board due to events in the country or certain products due to the imposed quarantine.

I also advise you to familiarize yourself with the list of things that are prohibited from being carried in hand luggage by the internal rules of the airline you have chosen. This may concern not only the type of objects and their purpose, but also their weight and size. For example, one airline may allow some items of sports equipment or musical instruments to be carried in the cabin, while another may allow it only in the luggage compartment.

I think the few extra minutes you spend searching for the information you need will not be in vain, because in return you will gain confidence that some of your things that you value and do not want to lose are not on the list of things that cannot be taken into the cabin. And confidence and calm will, in turn, allow you to avoid unnecessary anxiety at the airport, which will make your holiday abroad more comfortable and memorable from the very beginning of the journey.

At the end of the article, I would like to remind you that if you find yourself in a situation in which you had to leave (read - throw away) your valuable item, which was discovered during an inspection and classified as prohibited, do not create scandals and hysterics (because of which you may even be sent to prison). a rather humiliating personal search with a forced “striptease”). Flight safety is not the personal whim of the inspection workers, but high degree guarantees of protection of all flight passengers from terrorist attacks and armed criminals. Therefore, before each flight (especially if you do not have them very often), run your eyes through the list of things that cannot be taken on a plane and according to the list of items allowed for carriage in hand luggage. I wish you pleasant and safe flights!

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Today, Transaero Airlines is one of the largest Russian air carriers and operates flights not only throughout the Russian Federation and the CIS, but also throughout Europe and Asia, to the countries of the Middle East, North and South America. To ensure that flights with Transaero bring an exceptionally positive experience, it is enough to follow the company’s basic rules, in particular, remember some restrictions regarding the carriage of hand luggage.

What counts as hand luggage?

During air travel, hand luggage refers to the passenger’s baggage, which is not additionally checked in and is carried in the passenger cabin. As a rule, we are talking about the passenger’s personal property that he may need during the flight, as well as personal belongings and valuables. The passenger himself is responsible for the safety of hand luggage during the flight. Moreover, each airline imposes restrictions both on the maximum weight and size of hand luggage, and on the list of items and substances that a passenger has the right to bring into the aircraft cabin.

Transaero company requirements for hand luggage

What is a passenger allowed to bring into the cabin?

Weight and size restrictions for hand luggage

Transaero has the following restrictions on the size of one piece of hand luggage: dimensions no more than 55*40*20 cm. The maximum weight limit for one piece depends on the class of air ticket and can range from 4 to 8 kg. Depending on which class the passenger is flying, he can carry one (for passengers of tourist, economy and business classes) or two pieces of hand luggage (when flying in Business Premium or Imperial classes). Hand luggage can be placed on the overhead bin or under the seat, in specially designated areas. You cannot place hand luggage in aisles, emergency rows and other places not provided for these purposes. There is no additional charge for carrying hand luggage within the established limits.

By prior approval airline representatives may carry fragile and valuable items in the cabin, the weight and dimensions of which exceed the established standards. We can talk about works of art, electronic equipment, etc. However, additional payment is required for transporting such luggage. Under special conditions, the cabin can carry cradles or strollers weighing up to 4.5 kg, the dimensions of which do not exceed 53*27*97 cm (if a child is flying on the plane), wheelchairs or crutches, and some types of small pets.

What items are prohibited from being carried?

Restrictions on the possibility of transporting certain objects and substances in the cabin are caused by concern for the safety of passengers. Thus, you cannot bring bladed weapons, firearms, magnets, sharp objects, explosive and toxic substances, etc. into the cabin.

Items that could cause harm to the aircraft and/or passengers cannot be taken in hand luggage

In addition, there are restrictions on the carriage of certain other goods and substances in the cabin.

  1. Liquids, aerosols, gels, oils and most liquid or aerosol hygiene and cosmetic products (including perfumes, deodorants, shaving creams, toothpastes, etc.). Such substances can be transported in the cabin only if the liquid packaging rules listed above are observed.
  2. Food products, if purchased before passport control. An exception may be made for baby food and dietary medications, the use of which is necessary for medical indications and is confirmed by a doctor’s certificate.
  3. Products of animal origin (natural furs, bear and badger fat, etc.).

Separate restrictions on the list of items transported in the cabin may also apply in the countries of arrival of the aircraft.

Thus, meat and dairy products are prohibited from being transported to EU countries either as hand luggage or in checked luggage. In addition, in EU countries there are restrictions on the import of liquids, and it is also prohibited to import any types of weapons, explosives and toxic substances, sharp objects, flammable and flammable substances, blunt instruments (including golf and hockey clubs, skateboards, fishing rods, special martial arts equipment).

When flying to/from the United States, you are prohibited from bringing into the cabin any items that could cause damage to the aircraft or harm passengers. Thus, you cannot transport any sharp or cutting objects, including scissors, ice picks, etc. It is prohibited to import any bladed or firearms and their imitation, including batons, brass knuckles, signal pistols, toy guns and pistols, crossbows, etc. You cannot carry any ammunition for weapons, explosives, gas cylinders or lighter fuel.

Any piercing or cutting objects are prohibited from being brought into the cabin when flying to the USA and EU countries.

If a company's transit flight passes through Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, or Singapore, it will not be possible to carry liquids in hand luggage. Any liquids must be seized in the transit zone.

What happens if a prohibited item is discovered?

If upon boarding it is discovered that the weight or dimensions of hand luggage do not meet the standards, you can transport your items in the luggage compartment for an additional fee.

If it turns out that a passenger is carrying prohibited substances or items that can be used in everyday life, the items will be confiscated and stored at the airport or handed over to mourners. We can talk about paint and varnish products, gas cartridges, medicines without original packaging, etc.

If you attempt to transport bladed weapons or firearms, narcotic substances and other items that are prohibited for free circulation without special permission, the passenger will be removed from the flight and further investigation will be carried out by the internal affairs authorities.

All restrictions on the carriage of hand luggage are explained primarily by concern for the safety of passengers. It is enough to comply with the simple requirements of the airline and take the minimum necessary things into the cabin, and you don’t have to worry about problems with passing security before the flight.

There are general rules and standards for transportation on board aircraft. These standards have been adopted to ensure the safety of both the passengers themselves and those citizens into whose country the flight is taking place.

The basic list of things that are prohibited from boarding an airplane is the same for all airlines in the world. In addition, there is a list of items prohibited for import and export into the territory of some individual countries.

In this case, states amend such lists and you must familiarize yourself with them before traveling there.

What should you not take on a plane?

Firearms (as well as signal and starting weapons), explosive and flammable substances, drugs, poisons, objects of art (without special permission or a document confirming that the object does not have artistic value).

Stabbing and cutting, capable of injuring objects, even if these are cosmetic scissors, a manicure file or tweezers.

Blunt objects - clubs, bats, oars, billiard cues. All this must be transported with your luggage, otherwise you risk losing your property.

Prohibited items also include all kinds of aerosols and pressure cans (mousses, shaving foam, deodorants, etc.)

Canned food cannot be transported. Carrying liquids with a volume of more than 100 ml is prohibited (both perfume and drinking).

It must be taken into account that if there is a container for transporting liquids with a volume of more than 100 ml, even if partially filled, then it must be confiscated.

Customs officers also have the right to confiscate a water bottle if it was not purchased at the airport duty-free. (On the plane you can ask drinking water flight attendants).

In cases where special food and medicines necessary for diabetics or children are carried in hand luggage, be sure to have the appropriate prescriptions with you.

On your own initiative, you must present to the security staff the necessary amounts of medications, food and liquids for the duration of the flight. All medications must be in original packaging, and customs officers may ask you to try baby food.

How long to fly to Crete, conditions, services, prices at Heraklion airport. You will recognize Nikos Kazantzakis.

Transportation of animals

Transporting animals without the appropriate documents and permits is prohibited. There is a rather complicated procedure for obtaining permission to transport an animal in the cabin or luggage compartment of an airliner.

The lists of animals allowed for transportation may differ from airline to airline. For this reason, if you plan to transport a pet, you must notify your airline 72 hours before departure, as this procedure requires separate registration.

There are several common rules for transporting animals in the cabin:

  1. The weight of the container together with the pet should not exceed 8 kg.
  2. The container should not cause discomfort to the animal; it should be able to stand and turn freely in it.
  3. The sum of the length, width and height of such a container should not exceed 115 cm.
  4. The airport veterinary service is required to check your pet before issuing permission to transport it.

Some countries accept animals after a 6-month quarantine, and hotels in Cyprus do not allow entry of animals. Therefore, be prepared to leave your pet at home if you are planning to fly to Cyprus.

Some rules of companies flying to Greece

Despite the existence general rules, details such as the maximum weight allowance for carry-on and checked baggage may vary between airlines. Some of the most popular airlines operating direct flights to Greece are: Aeroflot, Transaero, Ural Airlines, S7 Airlines, Yamal Airlines, Aegean Airlines, UTair.

Aeroflot allows each passenger flying in economy class to carry no more than 23 kg of luggage, the sum of the width, height and length not exceeding 158 cm. In the form of hand luggage, you are allowed to have one bag, no more than 10 kg. A second piece of luggage will cost Aeroflot passengers an average of 150 euros.

Requirements Transaero companies allow you to carry luggage with a maximum total weight of 25 kg and 203 cm in three dimensions. Hand luggage must not exceed 8 kg and 115 cm.

On Ural Airlines The standard is 20 kg of baggage for each economy class passenger. Hand luggage parameters are one bag measuring no more than 55x40x20 cm.

Yamal Airlines allow you to carry free from 15 to 20 kg of luggage, 203 cm. The excess will cost from 70 to 300 rubles per additional kilogram. Hand luggage – a bag no more than 5 kg, 45x35x15.

UTair They allow the carriage of no more than 20 kg of luggage. Passengers in a higher class can carry 10 kg more, and business class passengers - 40 kg. You can take on board one bag weighing no more than 5 kg, 55x40x20.

Requirements S7 Airlines– 20 kg of luggage, hand luggage – 6 kg, 55x40x20 cm.

Aegean Airlines is a large Greek company in which the following free baggage allowances have been established for passengers in Russia and Ukraine - 23 kg and no more than 8 kg (56x45x25) on board the aircraft. Moreover, if you pay for excess baggage in advance, the fee will be 40 euros, as opposed to 70 euros directly at the airport.

As a rule, most airlines allow passengers in higher classes to carry more baggage weight and take two bags weighing 23-32 kg.

For children from 2 to 12 years old, baggage allowance is the same as for adults, and excess fees can vary significantly, starting from 5 euros or more per additional kilogram, depending on the flight direction and class of service.

To avoid misunderstandings, you should always check the baggage allowance, which is indicated in the last columns of your airline tickets.

What can you take with you on a plane?

When boarding an airliner, feel free to take your laptop, music player or mobile phone with you.

Newspapers, printed publications, a travel pillow or blanket are all allowed on board.

Officially, food is not prohibited, but do not forget that food is usually provided on board, and if for some reason the customs officers do not like your sandwich, you will have to part with it.

You can carry a handbag and laptop bag with you. If he flies with you Small child, you have the right to take a stroller or basket with you to carry it.

Hygiene products such as a plastic comb, toothbrush and toothpaste are also not prohibited. You can transport new goods and items purchased in duty-free if they are packaged according to all the rules.

Cameras, video cameras, glasses are items permitted for transportation on board the aircraft.

You are also allowed to take fragile items with you if, when packed, they do not exceed a weight of 75 kg and fit into the dimensions of the passenger seat. There will definitely be a fee for this, as well as for musical instruments, for the carriage of which you will need to purchase an additional ticket.

Place your visa and passport in an easily accessible but safe place; during your trip you will have to take them out and put them back more than once.

Clothes should be simple and comfortable, preferably made from natural fabrics. Shoes are sustainable, save stilettos and high heels for another occasion.

In order not to feel discomfort during the flight, take care of the important details. Charge all the electrical appliances you need on the road; it may happen that you will not have the opportunity to recharge them. If you are flying to Cyprus, take an adapter or adapter with you so as not to encounter the problem of three-phase sockets.

Flight time from Russia to Greece is 3-4 hours.