What is Libra's zodiac sign? General characteristics: scales

01.09.2019 Documentation

Libra - Libra. September 23 - October 23. Seventh . Its symbol is two scales. This means the desire for stability, harmony, awareness of the highest Law of the universe, and objectivity of judgment. Libra symbolizes the sunset. Air sign, cardinal, diurnal, warm, humid.

Typical representatives of the sign Libra

Such people strive for balance, harmony, order and beauty. Their activity is associated with the desire for peace, hence their peacefulness (there is no desire to worry and quarrel). Libras strive to resolve conflicts through compromise. If they can’t do it, they leave and shy away.

They do not like and avoid scandals. They are endowed with a refined view of the world, love beauty, nature, are highly impressionable, sensitive, and receptive to nature and everything beautiful. They are reasonable and diplomatic. These are romantics, very amorous. They love company and easy pastime. They are courteous, kind, noble, pleasant to talk to.

Advantages in character- know how to appreciate goodness and be grateful. They are talented, ambitious, impressive and trust their first impressions when meeting people. Characterized by sincerity in love, friendship, marriage.

Characteristic lack of confidence in one's own strengths. With a partner they become more self-confident. At the same time, they achieve high positions through partnership and cooperation. They do not like physical labor, but have a penchant for social activities.

Negative features of severe solar damage: may lose good opportunities in life due to lack of confidence in their strength (this is a lack of energy). Because of this, inconstancy, variability, and betrayal are possible. Such people constantly need approval. This is a painful desire to be recognized, because the will is weak. Sublime theories are only in the head, not in practice. Isolation from reality and commercialism are possible.

Weak side(vulnerability)– feel bad without a partner, it is difficult to make decisions on your own without consulting your partner or other people.

Planets in the zodiac sign Libra

In your The planets listed below may be:

Ascendant in Libra (rising sign)

Others see you as a compliant, gentle, harmonious and generally wonderful person. You are sociable, easily enter into a conversation, sincerely say what you think, but do not impose your opinion, outwardly you are inclined to agree and give in, nod your head as a sign of approval during a conversation, your speech is expressive, intonated, with pauses, beautiful, moderate gestures. You don't like being alone and don't feel comfortable when you have to rely only on yourself. Marriage has special meaning for you. You always avoid extremes in anything. In all matters you show good artistic taste and a sense of style.

Patron planet Venus

In the physical world, Venus corresponds to magnetism.

  • Ruler of the day of the week- Friday.
  • Numbers 6 and giving a total of 6. For example, - 6, 15, 24, 33, 42, 51, 60, 115…
  • Substances- copper, cupronickel, brass, beryllium bronze.
  • Interactions and combinations of objects- combinations of harmonious colors, arrangement of bouquets, connection with various fabrics and materials.


Assessment, examination, tendency to be in tune with our Self, always a symbol of an acquaintance, issues of marriage and business cooperation, consulting and legal procedures, social and public activities, humanities and architecture, jewelry and design, fashion and beauty salons, culture, painting, sports associated with beauty and grace.

Business - consulting and PR companies, marriage and legal agencies. Raiders, opponents, competitors.

Manifestation of Venus in the horoscope

The personal planet Venus is responsible for beauty and the feeling of love.

Venus function- symbolizes our sensual emotions - what we like and what we don’t like. Shows our ability and ability to love another person, as well as express our feelings in art, literature, poetry.

Qualities of Venus– this is our attitude of love towards people, nature, art. How deeply we can experience feelings of tenderness, be soft, affectionate, pliable and flexible.

Location of Venus in the Zodiac sign shows how a person expresses his feelings in personal relationships. It is also an attitude towards money, personal property, recognition of ethical and aesthetic values.

Venus in the houses of the horoscope shows in what areas and in what form a person carries out his financial affairs, what he likes, what attracts him, what are his artistic, aesthetic and ethical (for men - erotic) aspirations.

Seventh - VII house

Spouse. DSC - Sunset

Planets in the Seventh House

The seventh house is identical to the sign Libra and the planet Venus.

Seventh house in the horoscope, cooperation and co-authorship, the process of taking into account the interests of partners, competitors and opponents, issues related to marriage and personal relationships, legal matters, rights and equality, cultural entertainment. A time of love and harmony, reconciliation and cooperation, the ability to get along or not get along with people, competitions, tests, competitions. Serious agreements and contracts, recommendations and consultations.

Seventh housedefines personal relationships of a person, his connection with other people, partners (including marriage). Analysis of the seventh house through relationships with other houses answers questions such as:

  • what are the main motivations for marriage
  • will there be a marriage or not?
  • there will be an early marriage, a late marriage, with disruptions or delays
  • how many marriages will there be
  • what kind of marriage partner will he be?
  • can widowhood
  • if there are indications of misalliance (a person lower in position, education or age)
  • financial motivation for marriage
  • whether the partner will be of foreign blood or a foreigner
  • marriage is for love and love is the main motivation
  • tendency to ruin a marriage or friendly attitude to a partner
  • the possibility of a fictitious marriage or secret relationship
  • adultery, etc.

Unfavorable 7th house rivalry, enmity, conflicts, obstacles in marriage, love relationships, struggle with competitors, communicating with people through conflict or denial, inability to get along and reconcile in relationships, difficulty in expressing oneself in relationships with others - fighting, swearing, fighting. Trouble in relationships eternal problems and bad luck with partners.

The material used the concept

Synthetic sign Libra

You are a born diplomat: reasonable, tolerant, fair, always ready to listen to different points of view, to look at an issue from a different point of view. Even if you strongly disagree with someone, you are more likely to try to find points of similarity and agreement rather than highlight differences. You often avoid extremes and one-sidedness in anything. You have a strong desire for harmonious, pleasant relationships, personifying the spirit of cooperation, compromise, friendship and fairness. You really want to be loved, and due to your need for approval and recognition, you are easily influenced by other people's opinions, especially in your youth. You are so eager to please that you often neglect interests and feelings just to avoid offending others. In all matters you show good artistic taste and a sense of style. From the furnishings of your home to your clothing choices, everything should be aesthetically pleasing, not just functional or utilitarian.
Your shortcomings: You have a tendency to become extremely dependent on your partner - to the point that you may not be perceived as an independent person outside of the relationship. The problem for you is to find a balance between being yourself and being another person. Characterized by vanity, vanity, exaggerated self-image, fear of work, and lack of independence.

Allegory for Libra

And there was a morning when God stood before his twelve children and placed a seed in each of them human life. One by one, each child stepped forward to receive their assigned gift.

“To you, Libra, I give a mission of service so that a person can remember his responsibilities towards other people, so that he can learn cooperation, as well as the ability to think about the other side of his actions. I will place you wherever there is discord, and for your efforts I will give you the gift of Love.”

And Libra retreated to its place.

Martin Shulman from the book “Karmic Astrology”.

Key words in the horoscope for Libra - Venus - Seventh House:

Sociability, mutual understanding, beauty, grace, art, business proposals, official marriage, wife or husband, contracts, alliances. Peacekeeping, consulting, PR promotion, betting, official agreement, proposals on a competitive basis. Royal combination in the horoscope.

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Tags: Libra, Sun in Libra, Synthetic sign Libra, Libra zodiac sign, Libra talisman stone, planet Venus, Seventh house, functions and quality of Venus

Influence of luminaries: Venus, Saturn.
Symbol: scales, book.
Colors: dark blue, green, sea wave and pastel colors.
Stones: opal, lapis lazuli, coral, diamond, sapphire, pearl, beryl, Moonstone, green jasper, crystal, peridot.
Metal: bronze.
Flowers: calendula (marigold), roses, violets.
Mascot: heart, book.
Happy day: Friday Saturday.
Unlucky day: Tuesday, Sunday.
Favorable numbers: 2, 5, all numbers divisible by 6, 9, 15.

Born from September 24 to October 2 under the influence of Venus - gentle, friendly, dreamy.

Born from 3 to 13 October under the influence of Saturn - they are prudent, live without luxury and ambition.

Born from 14 to 23 October under the influence of Jupiter - they love to eat deliciously, are sensual, capable of literature, love ceremonies.

Temperament and character

Temperamental, fluctuating in search of balance, the right moment, the right word along the way. No sign has more manic depressives and less heroic people, and no sign has a better sense of time.

Libras emphasize the role of knowledge, love to accumulate facts, value information of any kind, and consider withholding information a crime.

Like air, they want to circulate freely, they hate darkness, they despise poorly lit rooms, they need people around them, they know how to win them: with charm, affection, flattery, spontaneous hospitality, generosity, generosity, willingly provided services, understanding the point of view of other people.

Both men and women try to seduce all their lives, expecting praise, affection, encouragement, admiration, approval in return; they cannot live without feeling popular, loved by everyone, including luck. They feel deceived if they believe that they are not loved.

Dependence on the world around them interferes with their originality, they are better at working on other people's ideas, improving them. Full of rich intentions, good will, little willpower.

The tendency is to avoid responsibility. They would rather sleep than fight. They cannot say “no” to anyone or anything. When choosing between temptations and temptations, the will fluctuates. This can lead to indifference, compromise, lack of commitment, sometimes some difficulty, and ultimately a guilt complex.

Libra is a sign of measure and moderation. They don't mind measuring, but they don't want to be mediocre. Their story - many points of view. They would rather lose the idea, but save lives. Libras need to learn to use their feelings to make decisions and overcome overpassivity.

Libra women create the best clothing designs. They are the pinnacle of elegance. They are careful because they love to please and make a good impression. They pay attention to the cut of their clothes, but are not always sure of the color; they prefer gray, blue, pale green tones and all pastels, as well as all soft perfumes.

Men are very concerned with fashion, sometimes in a snobbish spirit, and are sometimes effeminate in their clothes.


In youth they balance between several possibilities. They need help. They need to make several offers and not rush. You can’t push, it’s better to make several attempts than to push something. Spending a lot of time and energy, they get tired easily.

Good at working with others. Great sense of teamwork. They give orders easily and naturally; at the first obstacle they can step aside and retreat. If they are at work, they do it well. They work best with finishing strokes. Their supernatural sense of time and the right moment is valuable. It cannot turn them into compromisers. There is a danger of amateurism.

Best used for anything related to fashion and entertainment: fashion designers, decorators, art dealers, antique dealers, book agents, theatrical agents, lawyers, judges.

They are often embarrassed to demand what they are owed, collect debts, do not check accounts and are never slaves to money and property, but they know how to calculate their budget.


Libra is ruled by marriage; more than other signs, Libra needs a union with a partner in order to feel complete.

Libra is the bridge between Virgo, who is ruled by reason, and Scorpio, who is guided by desires. The bridge, hanging and swaying, also signifies the end of the human race, which means limited energy, short breathing, lack of physical strength.

They do not fall in love at first sight, they are not enslaved by feelings. For Libra, Venus signifies extra love.

Completing the individual and social portrait of Libra, it should be noted that the main feature is the ability to get along with people and be liked in society.

Libras are sentimental, they cannot help but be tender, the need for public approval can make them prefer a beautiful face or an advantageous position to inner depth and compatibility, and they can marry only half after their hearts.

Libra is flexible and knows how to find mutual language with a person. Their body lacks the instinctive, the animal, so it must be supported by a super-abundant, sometimes pornographic imagination. They will do almost anything to not be lonely and have a dialogue.

Libra women are gentle and charming, they can adapt with any man, sometimes even to the point of self-denial and masochism. These are ideal assistants who find happiness in their husband’s successes. But they also turn away and can seek happiness on the side; if they do not feel loved, they are quickly consoled.

Libra men do not pretend to be conquerors, but often expect the woman to make the first move. If a woman doesn't make the first move, they feel unwanted and rejected, give up and look for luck elsewhere. They tend to seduce everyone at any time if Libra is sure that they are wanted, that they are the center of attention of the chosen one.

There is no partner more charming, generous and adaptable. Otherwise, Libra becomes gloomy and cold. They are easy to influence. They rely on women to achieve success and purpose.

Men and women sometimes oscillate between two attachments that seem equally necessary. It happens that all their lives they try to unite, combine them, and make both objects of love friends.

To make a choice. Libra must first learn to love and make decisions based on feelings.

Most suitable for Libra:

People born under this sign are modest, charming and friendly. They do not get offended over trifles and try not to hurt loved ones, whose aspirations and desires they are able to guess thanks to their extremely developed intuition. Libra's ability to predict the future is amazing, especially in combination with their light character, not clouded by mystical premonitions. They seem lucky and cheerful, always open to communication, but Libra's nature is contradictory, and in some periods of life they turn into real monsters.

The dark side of Libra is as unattractive as the bright side of their personality is attractive. Becoming at times capricious, nervous and simply angry, people of this sign risk losing friends who are accustomed to seeing them as completely different.

Libra is also fickle in their lifestyle: activity and tirelessness give way to periods of complete apathy, when nothing is able to interest or captivate them. The exception is, perhaps, books: Libras always love to read, and thanks to their unique ability to concentrate, even when familiar with complex scientific works get great pleasure.

Libras, aware of the inconsistency of their character, try to approach life rationally and make informed decisions, but often, without knowing it, they fall under the influence of others and commit actions that others expect from them. What Libra lacks is the ability to trust their own intuition. Once they learn this, they will be able to avoid many important mistakes.

Libra men are very generous both with money and with advice, which not everyone can follow: relying on logic and cold calculation, our heroes neglect human psychology as an insignificant factor. By the way, they often express their wishes in a critical manner, forgetting how important friendly support is for others. Seeing the mistakes of others, Libra does not notice their own and can often seem too callous and self-satisfied without reason.

Libra women, for all their charm, are endowed with some typically masculine traits and are well aware of this. Behind the charm and easy-going nature of the Libra lady, there will almost certainly be a strong, if not harsh, character hidden. However, Libra women try not to show their superiority over others; therefore, in communication they are sweet and pleasant.


Dmitry Donskoy, Mahatma Gandhi, Denis Diderot, Vladimir Putin, Savva Mamontov, Nicholas Roerich, Friedrich Nietzsche, Niels Bohr, Oscar Wilde, Watteau, Alexander Shilov, Bouger, Arthur Rimbaud, Charles Saint-Saens, Giuseppe Verdi, Sergei Yesenin, Sergei Aksakov , Mikhail Lermontov, Vladimir Voinovich, Miguel de Cervantes, Ivan Bunin, Lev Gumilev, Graham Greene, Louis Boussenard, Julian Semenov, Marina Tsvetaeva, Kir Bulychev, Ivan Dykhovichny, Aleister Crowley, Donna Karan, Valentin Yudashkin, Yuri Levitan, Thor Heyerdahl, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, Sting, John Lennon, Luciano Pavarotti, Chris de Burgh, Richard Sorge, Margaret Thatcher, Jimmy Carter, William Boeing, Chulpan Khamatova, Elena Koreneva, Kate Winslet, Inna Churikova, Ruslan Nigmatullin, Martina Navratilova, Evgeny Evstigneev, Boris Nemtsov , Alexey Kortnev, Savely Kramarov, Nikolay Baskov, Ilya Lagutenko, Sergey Bezrukov, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Michael Douglas.

Each number has its own meaning and influence on representatives of a particular zodiac sign. Lucky numbers for Libra suggest favorable moments. This can apply to any area of ​​their life.

Libra lucky numbers

Numbers... What generally comes to your mind when they start talking about numbers? Let's start with the fact that since ancient times, people born in the third shining “star”, the romantic planet of love Venus, have been considered windy and sociable Libra, from 23.09 to 23.10.

Despite this, the number 23 did not become fatal in the life of Libra. It is taken into account that everyone’s favorite Friday and Saturday are the most lucky days weeks of naughty Libra, and Tuesday and Sunday became the worst enemies, bad days.

All numbers that are divisible by 6 are considered fateful for Libra; the numbers 2, 7, 8, 9 and 15 perform the same mission.

When playing the lottery, the lucky numbers for Libra on the fateful ticket are 1, 6 and 11, as well as their various combinations, for example, 116, 61661, 1616 and others.

The years of life that determine the course of later life fell on the 18th, the second half of the 25th anniversary, the 30th anniversary, 42,51,54, and 66.

This sign The zodiac number Libra is symbolized in most cases with a successful life.

More specifically, you need to say the following:

Number 2

The number 2 is a kind of destiny number. If this lucky number for you (which is typical for Libras) – you are very lucky. It contributes to a happy outcome of events. This explains the fact that Libras are able to endure useful experiences even in the most difficult and negative situations.

Number 6

The number 6 is considered the number of women, the number of the soul. This is also the number of friends. And you can easily understand why this number is lucky for representatives of this zodiac, because they are very sociable and sophisticated individuals.

Number 7

Number 7 – this number makes a person more selfish, focused on himself and his goals, achievements, priorities. It contributes to the development of our desires, this is the dream number. Provided that it is favorable, the seven is capable of bringing serious success.

Number 8

The number 8 is the number of the soul. It is precisely this that ensures the need for harmonization internal state. Libras should feel at ease and at ease in any situation, and due to the influence of this number they are able to easily adapt.

Number 9

Number 9 – this number causes difficulties in relationships with the opposite sex. It is this that influences inflated demands on potential partners, which negatively affects relationships. But provided, as in the case of Libra, that this number is favorable, it, on the contrary, slightly reduces its activity and Libra looks at the world more loyally.

If we talk about two-digit numbers, they are a combination of numbers. Therefore, you need to take into account the influence of each number separately and be able to combine these two numbers into one.

Luck numbers for Libra

Born according to this sign great amount famous people, which partly even changed our world.

Some of them are the great composer Dmitri Shostakovich, born on September 25, 1906. A number of world-famous actors, such as Michael Douglas (September 25, 1944), Marcello Mastroianni (September 26, 1924), actress Brigitte Bardot (September 28, 1934), Roger Moore (October 14, 1928), Sarah Bernhardt (23 October 1844).

And also a singer who became famous for his strongest vocals - Luciano Pavarotti (October 12, 1935). The truly famous rock star John Lennon (October 9, 1940), part of The Beatles, which attracted crowds of jubilant people at every concert, left a significant mark on an entire era.

President of Argentina Juan Perron (October 8, 1985), who at the age of 29 already holds such a high position. Let's not forget about the Italian-American physicist Enrico Fermi (September 29, 1901), who is considered one of the founders of quantum physics.

German philosopher, writer - Friedrich Nietzsche (October 15, 1844), with his main theme of the superman. Let's not forget about one of the leaders and ideologists of the movement for Indian independence from Great Britain, Mahatma Gandhi (October 2, 1869). His philosophy against violence (satyagraha) was highly influential in movements promoting peaceful change.

The zodiac sign of Libra begins on September 23rd, but for another seven days does not fully enter into its powers until September 30th. From this date Libra is in full force until October 23rd, when over the course of seven days it gradually loses its influence due to the increasing strength of the sign of Scorpio.

The symbol of this zodiac sign- Libra, a sign of balance and compromise decisions. Libra's natural love of justice, combined with the need to be fair and impartial, contributes to the characteristic difficulty that people of this zodiac sign have when faced with the need to make a quick decision.

Lazy people are rare among Libras; they work hard and demand the same from their partners or employees. They have a strong sense of justice and fair play, it is quite unusual for a Libra to show anger, but when it comes to this, it is better not to stand in their way.

Libras are extremely confident people, in almost everything, both in their thoughts and actions. They have such qualities as an intuitive sense of the situation and foresight. Their fears are usually under control, typical representatives of Libra look calm, confident, collected and responsible for what is happening. Good-natured by nature, they love to communicate with people, and can also be very attentive listeners. People born at this time symbolize "balance", they always seem to be trying to mentally balance things out and get to the root of the problem.

They often find themselves in public life, primarily due to an innate desire to change the world for the better. Libras graciously accept praise for their accomplishments and are happy to give praise to others when they deserve it. Libra is a sign of camaraderie. These people's energy is focused on connecting with others, and they find their best expressions in personal relationships. Those born under the sign of Libra strive for balance and harmony and the happiest of them are those for whom environment turns out to be serene.

Libras are very good at science, and will often spend a lifetime researching or developing some particular topic, again weighing and balancing each side of the issue in the most conscientious manner. For this reason, they often make excellent doctors of science. On the other hand, representatives of this sign are not the most reliable people, either in what they have to do or in their intentions. If we dig a little below that charming appearance, the true essence of these people will be revealed to us; they are very self-focused, and stubbornly insist only on what they believe is the only correct opinion.

Libras are truly successful in dating, easily form new connections and make friends, and often have a very wide social circle. As lovers, Libras are the most significant romantics of all the zodiac signs. Under the influence of Venus, they have an idealistic idea of ​​love and intimacy. As soon as these people fall in love, they start thinking about marriage and beyond. life together. On the other hand, these Libras rarely calm down and find happiness in marriage. In personal affection, as in everything else, they try to weigh all the nuances, balance all the sharp moments.