When the leaf fall of the year ends. Trees and shrubs in autumn

12.10.2019 Technique

Already in the first days of September, the trees clearly show characteristic features another time of year. They are carried by the inevitably approaching autumn. Each type of tree falls at its own time.

Features of leaf fall

Watching the trees, you involuntarily begin to think, when does leaf fall end for linden, rowan, apple trees and other plants? Leaf fall is an uneven phenomenon, its duration is estimated at several weeks. Multi-colored foliage is in no hurry to leave the crowns. The colorful leaves seem to reluctantly leave the branches one by one.

Abundant leaf fall occurs at the end of September and beginning of October (until the first ten days have passed). Leaves, caught by the third and subsequent frosts, fall off en masse. Thick leaf fall covers the ground with a colorful carpet.

The leaves, flying vertically, gently fall to the ground, covering it with a thick litter that saves the rhizomes from freezing. The slantingly rushing leaves play bright And the picked up gusty wind, having had enough of a spin, they find a safe haven.

The beginning of leaf fall

The linden crowns begin to blaze with autumn colors long before the first frost arrives. In the last days of August, single strands colored in grayish-yellow tones can be seen among the branches. The proportion of colored leaves increases daily, and the color palette becomes more intense. A noticeable gilding creeps onto the crowns of the linden trees. And after 14-20 days the foliage begins to burn golden.

By this time, birches put on an ocher-yellow outfit. The foliage is red with red. Ash tree crowns shine with pale honey tones. Oak leaves are filled with brown colors. Pink leaves glow in the lacy crowns of rowan trees. And the rosehip thickets flash with a wine-red color scheme.

By the time the linden leaves fall, and this happens no earlier than September 23, the crowns of other trees are already actively exposed. The first leaves of birch, aspen, maple and hazel trees fell on September 14th. Intense leaf fall in linden trees occurs following the first frost that pierces the air, which usually happens on September 27th.

First, linden trees lose leaves from large branches located below. Then the foliage falls off from the middle of the crown. The tops of linden trees are the last to be exposed. In elm, ash and hazel trees, on the contrary, the upper branches are exposed first.

The end of leaf fall

By October 7, linden trees lose their last leaves. At the moment when the leaf fall of the linden tree ended, they didn’t even think about exposing their thick crowns together with the alder. Their leaves do not change color; they remain green until the first fluffy snow falls. Their foliage, caught in a strong frost, instantly turns black. It is difficult for crispy frozen leaves to stay on the branches; they quickly fall to the ground.

By the time the leaf fall ends at the linden tree, the elm and bird cherry trees are completely bare. Their leaf fall ends by September 24th. Aspens are ahead of linden trees; their leaf fall ends on October 5th. Birches, maples and hazel trees are in no hurry to part with their foliage. A few leaves remain on them until October 15.

Natural phenomena during linden leaf fall

The period of linden leaf fall is accompanied by the arrival of cold fronts and night frosts. Cumulus clouds replaced by a continuous veil and grayish haze. Flocks of birds appear in the sky, flying south. After September 27, cranes in slender flocks stretch across the sky in a southern direction.

And when the leaves of the linden tree end, the half-naked crowns of other trees blaze with the brightest contrasting colors. Rooks, huddled in friendly flocks, fly away to warmer climes. Snow dust swirls in the air. Falling snowflakes do not yet fall to the ground, do not dust its surface. The puddles are twitching with thin ice. The skies are dirty greyish shades, devoid of clouds, turning into a gloomy film of rain.

Rowan, viburnum, and hawthorn thickets are blazing with flames. And some apple trees stand like bonfires: these are the latest, the last apples in the garden - Wellsie, Pepin saffron, Lobo, Spartan, Rossoshansky striped - filled with crimson-red fire. The trees bent under the weight of the harvest. The weather is still warm. She kept the leaves in active working condition for several last weeks, before the sharp October wind and cold rain cover the damp ground with them.

During the entire time of their short life, not one of them slept even an hour, assimilating the sun's rays, carbon dioxide, mineral salts, producing nutrients and sending them to the still ripening shoots, fruits, spears, twigs, flower buds, roots - there, where they are still required to complete growth, for storage in reserve.
At this time, the above-ground part of the tree becomes increasingly engulfed in a state of dormancy. By introducing humus, compost, manure, even simply mulching the soil, you can significantly prolong their active work, since these measures help to retain heat longer in the root-inhabited soil layer and thereby enhance the accumulation of nutrients.

Little of, fruit trees and shrubs can be specially prepared for winter. In order for them to meet it prepared, it is important to timely cultivate the soil in the inter-rows and on tree trunk circles (strips), apply fertilizers, carry out moisture-recharging irrigation, taking into account both the future and the fact that autumn drought is not uncommon even in the forest belt.

A significant role in this is played by the work of those leaves that remain on trees and bushes until late autumn and provide all living tissues, both in the aboveground part and in the roots, with plastic substances that are stored in reserve and increase the resistance of trees and shrubs to all kinds of adversity. And it’s very good when they linger longer on the tree, although it happens that this serves as an indicator of incomplete ripening of shoots and buds: the timing of leaf fall does not coincide from year to year and depends more on the course of the weather than on our efforts, but still high agricultural technology contributes to more long leaf activity.

A long time ago and different zones countries, it has been noticed that in early varieties, preparation for winter dormancy is completed faster, and they begin to shed leaves earlier. Care also affects them.
A leaf ready to leave the branch acquires a color characteristic of the variety, and a separating layer appears at the base of its petiole. This place will then quickly become overgrown with an impenetrable cork layer. Lentils on shoots also hide behind similar “shutters”.

The buds that formed in the axils of the leaves on the shoots in the middle of summer stop growing long before the leaves fall. Inhibitors secreted by the apical bud of the shoot and leaves slow it down more and more and, finally, stop it completely. All varieties of horticultural crops differ significantly in their need for cold in order to resume the growing season. It is usually expressed as the sum of hours of autumn and winter temperatures not exceeding 7 degrees.

However, organic peace still cannot be considered complete, or, as they say, absolute. Some researchers have observed changes in growth points and generative buds even in the middle of the dormant period. What signs are most characteristic of this? In the cells of the growth cones and the tissues adjacent to them, the viscosity of the protoplasm greatly increases, it often moves away from the cell walls, and the connection between individual protoplasts becomes very limited. Lipoids accumulate on their surface, sharply weakening the ability of the cytoplasm to swell, and the nucleus loses its usual round shape and is not clearly demarcated from the protoplasm. By the end of the dormant period, they dissolve, and the connection between protoplasts is restored, their vital functions and capabilities expand. And already at the end of December - beginning of January, the buds acquire the ability to awaken, grow, and bloom leaves and flowers. And by moving the apple tree branch into the room, placing it in a vase with water, you can be convinced of this in a few days - it will bloom.

Under the influence of cold, enzymes in tissues and growth points begin to act differently: they convert reserve substances from insoluble forms into soluble ones, for example starch into sugar, which is why by the beginning of winter a lot of sugars and fats accumulate in the cells, protecting living tissue from the harmful effects of frost - their winter hardiness increases noticeably. All life processes in them are aimed at increasing the resistance of tissues against adverse conditions.

Flower buds usually enter winter with the beginnings of sepals, petals, stamens, and pistils. This completes the first, summer-autumn stage of their development, although the change in their requirements for nutritional conditions and the concentration of cell sap, as studies have shown, occurs much earlier, at the end of summer - beginning of autumn. And the signs of changes here are not external morphological changes in the growth cones - they are not difficult to establish by looking at a longitudinal section of the kidney through a strong magnifying glass - but internal qualitative changes in the cells. Under favorable conditions, they pass 20-25 days before visible changes appear in the growth cone and the formation of flower organs in it begins.
Further development of flower buds proceeds normally only on the basis of qualitative changes characteristic of the second stage of their development, which requires a good saturation of the cells with water. But since this condition usually occurs only in spring, the flowers begin to actively develop only after the spring awakening of the buds. In autumn, their growth is increasingly inhibited by the relatively high concentration of cell sap in the growth cones, and then by increasingly severe cold. Therefore, instead of 25-30 days (under favorable conditions), this period lasts five to six months or longer.

It has long been noted that for the normal development of flower buds, for example in plums, at least two months of relative “cold” are needed. Further research showed that some kind of qualitative “leap”, a turning point in the formation of flowers, for which it would be necessary low temperature, No. That is, in itself, as an obligatory factor of development, it is not required for them, but if the kidneys have already entered a period of rest, then they need exposure to cold to restore normal functioning.
But the roots of trees and shrubs and late autumn almost everywhere they continue to work very actively, especially if the tree trunks and rows of the garden have been well mulched: the cold then penetrates deep into the soil slowly. At 5-10 degrees of heat, they feel good, absorb and accumulate nutrients in their tissues; fortunately, there is almost always enough moisture in the soil at this time. It’s good to bring it into the tree trunk circles, at least not a large number of wood ash, mineral fertilizers, humus, if this has not been done before.

To disinfect the garden, it is useful to spray them with a 4% urea solution (400 grams per 10 liters of water). It is better to rake the fallen leaves without such treatment, not only under apple, pear, and plum trees, but also under birch, linden, willow, and rowan trees growing near the house, and sprinkle the soil with a stronger 7% urea solution. First of all, such treatment should be carried out under dwarf apple trees - they are more vulnerable than others, as well as between the rows of strawberries and strawberries, under young and newly planted trees, and the soil should be harrowed.

Long before the cold. Cloudy, changeable late autumn in middle lane. Having exposed the garden, it only left here and there on the tops of the shoots of the most heat-loving late varieties the browned leaves that had not yet fully blossomed. The garden brightened and became empty.

Frost resistance of plants is a changing property. It develops throughout the growing season, but especially strongly in late summer and autumn. Its first stage is the weakening and cessation of growth processes, the transition to a state of rest. The second is the beginning of hardening.

By the time leaves fall, plant tissues and organs are filled with starch, which hydrolyzes (breaks down) when the temperature drops. The resulting sugar and fats are used up in the winter. The physical properties of protoplasm change, and growth is completely inhibited. After such preparation, the slow increase in frost no longer threatens the plant.
So, winter hardiness is determined not only by the properties of growing tissues, but also by the course of metabolism, which ensures the processes of vegetation and the transition of the plant to a new physiological state, which gives the tissues the ability to withstand low temperatures.

IN last years In the middle zone, varieties of high-intensity type, very whimsical and demanding in terms of agricultural technology, began to be widely grown. Some of them were brought from places with milder climates or from abroad. Their frost resistance, as tests have shown, is noticeably lower than that of old Russian varieties. And this cannot be ignored.
Some varieties, painfully enduring severe frosts, often freeze slightly and suffer in relatively mild winters, but with sharp drops in temperature after thaws. Therefore, an essential feature of the variety can be considered its ability to maintain high frost resistance after thaws. Studies have shown that the bark and cambium of trees of old Central Russian varieties are more resistant to frost after thaws than those of foreign and new breeding varieties. However, it should be noted that the varieties Welsey, Mayak, Vityaz, and Voskhod turned out to be more resistant than others. Trees of the Lobo, Vityaz and Mantet varieties are not inferior to Pepin saffron in terms of frost resistance, but their regenerative ability is different: Lobo’s is good, Vityaz’s and Mantet’s are weak.

But no matter how successfully the hardening of garden crops goes, even in the fall, when the rainy season ends, in the second half of November it is very useful to inspect all the trees and bushes, identify damaged areas, clean them of dirt and debris, cover them with garden varnish, and place them under the branches “winter” chatals in order to protect them from breaking after heavy snowfalls. It is also important to promptly remove climbing plants from the trellises, lay them on the ground and protect them from the cold - actinidia, lemongrass, grapes, blackberries, climbing and other roses. Before the raspberry shoots freeze and become brittle, they are carefully bent along the rows to the ground and secured in such a position that by the time of severe frosts they are completely covered with snow. Using slats and pegs, it is advisable to press and “spread” lower above the ground the bushes of gooseberries, golden currants, mock orange and other shrubs that do not have sufficiently high winter hardiness in the middle zone. After the first snowfalls, it is useful to cover them with snow in the same way as young trees of apple, pear, cherry, and plum trees. And in the conditions of the Urals and Siberia, all stlants require cover with snow, which is called “head over heels”. In a snowy, air-filled “openwork” mass, the plant does not experience sharp temperature fluctuations that reduce its frost resistance.

At the end of autumn and beginning of winter, the ground where there is no snow cover or where it is very thin can freeze very and deeply, which leads to damage to the root system of trees. To prevent this, tree trunk circles are insulated with mulch, and after the first snowfall they are covered with snow.

According to the calendar, autumn begins on September 1, but astronomers believe that from September 21 on the day of the autumnal equinox. Phenologists believe that autumn begins with the appearance of the first yellow leaves on warty or silver birch trees. This is usually noticeable on August 23rd. But I first noticed the appearance of yellow leaves on August 18 on birches, and on lindens on August 24. After the first frost, there were even more yellowing leaves, and leaf fall began on birch, linden, and aspen. And already on October 4, during the excursion, we noted that there were no leaves on the poplars at all; very small quantities of leaves were preserved on the birches. There were still some leaves on the oak tree near the school and on the maple trees. But the Canadian Norway maple has completely lost its bright red outfit. We noticed that the willow and lilac still have a lot of leaves. They are even still quite green. Full leaf color occurs when the bulk of the leaves have changed from green to colored. For example, rowan has September 18, maple has September 20. The beginning of leaf fall is the day when leaves fall even in calm weather or from touching a branch. For example, maple has September 14th. Mass leaf fall occurs when approximately half of the trees of each species shed their leaves. Complete defoliation is recorded when trees lose all their leaves. Single leaves are not taken into account. For example, for bird cherry - September 22, for linden - September 24, for aspen - October 5, for maple and birch around October 14. Ash, Canadian maple, poplar, alder, and aspen can shed their leaves in one day. Sequence of leaf fall different trees different: the oak tree does not part with its leaves the longest, but its leaves appear later. There are oak trees that do not shed their leaves at all. So far, scientists cannot explain this phenomenon.

Leaf fall varies not only among different breeds trees, but even among representatives of the same species, depending on growth conditions and individual characteristics. The timing of leaf fall is affected by the age and condition of the tree. Young plants shed their leaves much later than ripe and overripe ones. Sick trees affected by heart rot, as well as those affected by humans or animals, lose leaves more quickly than healthy ones. Trees growing on the edge, in wetlands and flooded areas, leaf fall faster than plants in a dense forest. The needle-shaped leaves of pine and spruce have a small surface, their needles are hard, covered with a waxy coating and therefore weakly evaporate water. They successfully tolerate winter drought and are very cold-resistant. For larch it’s the other way around, so it sheds its needles every year, just like deciduous trees. Evergreen plants - lingonberries and cranberries - change leaves in the spring. Lingonberry leaves are hard, their stomata are located only on the underside and near the curved edges of the leaf, so evaporation is insignificant. The leaves of wild rosemary are pubescent from below, and in winter the bushes are hidden under the snow.

But for trees located close to electric lamps, leaf fall begins later, since they have longer daylight hours.

Causes of leaf falling

Trees prepare for leaf fall in advance. Even in the summer, a bud is born in the axil of the leaf petiole, and organic substances are deposited in the wood cells. Spring will come and, due to these reserves, the bud will develop into a young shoot with leaves. By autumn, a layer of cells forms at the leaf petiole, which separates the leaf petiole from the branch; in the fall, the leaf easily separates from the branch and falls off.

The meaning of leaf fall

Leaf fall is the adaptation of plants to winter conditions. By shedding leaves for the winter, trees protect themselves from mechanical damage. Often in winter, during snowfalls, even large tree branches break under the pressure of snow. There would be even more such breakdowns if the leaves did not fall and retain the snow on their surface. Leaf fall helps remove various mineral salts, a large amount of which accumulates in the leaves in autumn and becomes harmful to the plant. Leaf fall returns mineral salts to the soil. The leaves rot and the mineral salts are reused to feed the plants. Hence, leaf fall depends not only on external, but also on internal reasons, that is, it becomes necessary as a result of the life activity of the plant itself. Where does the phenomenon of leaf fall begin? From additional literature we learned that such a peculiar adaptation of nature began to take shape. About 60 million years ago, when the warm and humid climate of our places began to gradually give way to seasonal, with cold and snowy winters. In the new conditions, only those trees and shrubs survived that went into winter with fewer leaves. This is how this important property of the leaf developed from generation to generation.

Should you burn leaves in the fall?

The soil is covered with a layer of fallen leaves, branches, bark, and dead grass. This layer is called the forest floor. In a deciduous forest, litterfall annually amounts to about 4 tons, and in pine forest– up to 3.5 tons per 1 hectare. The forest floor has great importance in the life of the forest. The accumulation of humus and minerals in the soil and the development of biological processes depend on it. Loose litter easily decomposes and lets water into the soil; dense litter takes a long time to rot and has a sour odor. The litter protects the soil and plant roots from freezing. Humus colors the soil in dark colors, so these soils are better heated by the sun's rays, cool slowly and thereby create favorable conditions for the life of beneficial microorganisms and plant roots in the soil. Removing leaf litter reduces plant growth by 11%.

Birch trees are deciduous plants; every year they shed their leaves in order to again acquire fresh green “clothes” in the spring. When does leaf fall end for birch trees? Schoolchildren often ask this. Our material will help you understand this and learn a lot interesting facts about this seasonal phenomenon.

What is leaf fall?

The term, so familiar to everyone, refers to the biological process during which tree leaves that have lost chlorophyll are separated from the stems and fall to the ground. This process is characterized by the following features:

  • In autumn, trees take on a variety of colorful colors, from yellow and orange to crimson and crimson red. This happens because before the leaves fall, chlorophyll, the pigment that gives them green color.
  • The leaves acquire the ability to easily separate from the branch even with a slight gust of wind due to the formation of a special separating layer that disrupts the connection between the leaf and its stem.
  • Due to this seasonal phenomenon, trees are freed from those harmful substances that have accumulated in the leaves during the season of active growth.
  • With the help of leaf fall, plants are protected from excessive loss of moisture, which becomes very difficult to extract from the soil in harsh winter times.

We examined the main signs of the most important seasonal change in the life of trees. Now let’s get acquainted with when birch leaf fall ends, as well as when it begins.


Early autumn is characterized by still warm weather conditions; the thermometer often has a positive value, but precipitation may occur in the form of drizzle and frost. The trees begin to turn yellow, playing in the rays of the already dim sun with stunningly beautiful colors. In the first week of September, the thin-trunked tree begins to lose its foliage.

The average duration of leaf fall depends on weather conditions and can range from 15 to 20 days. The answer to the question of what month the leaf fall of birches ended can be given as follows: September ( last days this month) or October (its first half).

Process Features

Birch is one of the first trees to begin losing leaves, along with aspens, maples, and lindens. Considering when leaf fall ends for birches, it should be noted that by the end of October these beautiful trees standing completely naked. The fall of the plant's leaves begins on September 15, completion - approximately by October 5, but more exact date It’s impossible to name - it all depends on the natural conditions of each particular year. The main activity of the process begins after the first frost, which, as a rule, occurs in the last days of September (from about the 28th).

Folk signs

We looked at when leaf fall ends on a birch tree. Why do people need this knowledge? First of all, observing nature is interesting in itself. However, there are also several folk signs, which our distant ancestors used to predict the weather. Some of them are interesting in their own way:

  • If leaves fall from birch and oak simultaneously and evenly, you should expect a mild winter.
  • A severe winter is expected if oak and birch trees become bare at different times.
  • The leaves turned yellow, but did not fall off by the deadline - there will be frosts.
  • The leaves on the white-trunked tree did not fall in the first week of October - snow will fall late this year.
  • Leaf fall is happening “according to the script”, the tree sheds its leaves on time - we can expect a long thaw at the end of January.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to accurately answer the question of what date leaf fall ends for birches, but everyone can determine an approximate time frame: the process of leaf fall for a traditional Russian tree ends by the end of September or the beginning (less often, the second half) of October.

Katerina, Voronezh city

Tell me, when does the leaf fall period end for apple trees and rowan trees?

Leaf fall is a seasonal phenomenon in the life of trees and shrubs, which is observed in early autumn. By getting rid of leaves before the onset of winter cold, trees regulate the process of moisture consumption, significantly reducing its need. The process of leaf fall in different trees begins and ends at different times. This largely depends on weather conditions and the area where green spaces are grown, as well as the types of trees and their age.

It is difficult to unequivocally answer the question of when leaf fall ends. It has been noticed that poplars lose their leaves first, then oaks and rowan trees. Apple trees are slowly losing their leaves, and even in winter, single leaves on some trees continue to flutter in the cold wind.

Trees during leaf fall

Dropping leaves from trees serves another purpose - the crown under the snow cover has significant weight. Tree branches, especially young ones, are unable to withstand such a load. Fallen leaves help reduce the load on the skeletal branches of the tree, protecting the crown from damage.

Thanks to the process of photosynthesis, a large amount of harmful substances accumulate in the leaves by the beginning of autumn, which are removed with the beginning of leaf fall along with fallen leaves.

The end of leaf fall in different tree species

During the period of leaf fall, adult poplar trees lose a third of their leaves in the period from September 15 to 20; in the first ten days of October, up to 10% of the foliage remains in the poplar crown. Poplar leaves are completely lost by mid-October. Young poplars remain green longer than older trees; they later turn yellow and shed their leaves.

Oak leaves begin to fall off in the first half of September; after about 30 days, the trees completely lose their leaves. With early frosts, the timing of the end of leaf fall on oaks is reduced - trees quickly lose leaves at sub-zero temperatures. Oak leaves immediately turn brown, and ripe acorns fall off the tree along with the leaves.

Rowan in autumn: video