Society and culture

I want to go to a nursing home. Will Mel's apartment be taken away? Jurisprudence“How to send your relative to a nursing home?” - this question is asked by everyone who is not able to be with an old person all the time, care for him and fulfill all medical prescriptions. Hiring a nurse is also not

the best option

. An old person, like a child, requires constant care and attention. If you want only the best for your loved one, but cannot provide proper care, the only right choice is to send your relative to a nursing home. This will be better for everyone, especially him.

Many families struggle with moving a parent into home care. For some families, nursing home consideration comes after a sudden stroke or hip fracture makes caring for an elderly parent at home seem impossible. Caring for a parent with a chronic or degenerative disease can last for many years. As their health declines, they usually need more medical care than you can realistically provide.

How to pay the cost of treatment. Everyone's situation will be unique. Some people have the support of family and friends, others have unlimited finances to purchase private home care. It's worth knowing that the Australian Government provides many subsidized local services to support older people to continue living in their own home.

It is worth knowing that most care services provided in a nursing home can be received at home. Better Care is a community of care workers who may be employed directly to provide social and domestic care, personal care or care. Again, the government can provide generous subsidies to help offset the cost of hiring your own care worker.

Understand what type of care is needed. The decision to move Mom or Dad into a nursing home is usually based on a number of reasons. Identification of local support services. When considering a nursing home, find out if you can use local resources; if so, your best choice at this time may not even be a nursing home. There are many local services to help you and your mom and dad. A home care agency may be hired, but their fees may be unaffordable for most. Independent care workers can also be hired very inexpensively.

  • They are not alone. The worst disease in old age is loneliness. If, due to your busy schedule at work, you cannot often visit your loved one or if you live far away, think about how to place him in a nursing home. “Zamoskvorechye” is the place where he will feel needed and significant. Here your relative will find friends and have a good time.
  • Your health is always under control. Our mini-boarding house employs qualified specialists who are attentive to the health of their charges. If there is a need to regularly take medications or carry out certain procedures, our nurses will ensure that these instructions are followed. It would be difficult for you to control such processes from a distance, and the memory of older people often fails.
  • Interesting leisure time. Unfortunately, our society is accustomed to believing that old age is the age when you can give up on yourself. Living in Zamoskvorechye, your close person will heal new life! Every time you visit him, you will see a smile on your relative’s face and a sparkle in his eyes. In our boarding house elderly people live, but do not exist.
  • They live in cleanliness and order. Elderly people are not always able to independently maintain order in their apartment. Cooking also often becomes difficult. However, the atmosphere in which we live affects our state of mind. The Zamoskvorechye boarding house has a cozy atmosphere in which it is always pleasant to be. Our team of employees carefully monitors the cleanliness of the rooms and surrounding areas.

How to place your loved one in the Zamoskvorechye nursing home?

The registration procedure for our boarding house is quite simple. To get started, you can just call us and find out all the details of your stay. We will determine the cost of our services taking into account the health status of your relative. If you have the opportunity to come, you are welcome! We will be happy to give you a tour of the territory of our mini-boarding house, introduce you to our staff and show you the conditions in which our guests live. To register, you must undergo a series of tests and provide a certificate from a psychiatrist, on the basis of which we can place your relative in a boarding house general type. The following tests must be taken:

Along with government subsidies, hiring a caregiver directly from the independent care worker community can ensure that your mom or dad continues to live at home. It's important to discuss your mom or dad's expectations and preferences with you and include them in the family's decision-making. You may be surprised to find that they are also concerned about feeling like a burden to the family. Most often, older people do not want to leave their home because they feel safe and comfortable there.

You may consider moving your parent with your family to live. Friends who have gone through similar experiences will be able to provide you with the support and guidance you need. Keep in mind that everyone will have their own opinion and that you must decide what is right for your family.

  • General blood test and general analysis urine
  • VK sputum test or lung x-ray (to rule out tuberculosis)
  • Test confirming the absence of hepatitis C or B
  • HIV test

“Finally moved my mom to the Nursing Home”... I looked at Trixie in shock, not understanding what I would say to Mishana. How to explain to your son that dear Rosemary, who adored him, own daughter I easily gave it THERE, to one of the most terrible, in my opinion, places.

Remind yourself that you need to take care of your health in order to give your mom or dad the love and support they need. Knowing they are getting the proper help they need can free you up to focus on other members of your family, friendships, or career.

Explore all of your options before considering a nursing home. Knowing that you did everything you could before moving your mom or dad into a nursing home will help you feel more comfortable making this decision if it ever becomes necessary.

We met Rosemary many years ago, when this charming, lively old lady came for the first time from Germany to Moscow to visit her daughter, who lived in one of the Catholic movements with a monastic charter. After Rosemary left, Trixie told me that her mother was very worried about the absence of grandchildren (both son and daughter decided to devote their lives to serving God and people). And she asked if I could allow her to consider Mishanya her grandson. We were pleased and decided on that.

Try talking to a counsellor, aged care assessment team or doctor. They can give you an objective opinion about how much you care for yourself and other family members. Nursing homes have changed a lot over the past few decades. These changes were driven by government regulations and consumer pressure. Facilities with services do not have the same rules that govern nursing home care.

The most common example for living in a nursing home

Almost half of all people living in nursing homes are over 85 years of age. Relatively few residents are under 65 years of age. The majority are women, many without a spouse and with a small group of family and friends for support. Some types of disability with activities of daily living are the most common reason why older people live in nursing homes. Not surprisingly, people living in nursing homes tend to have more disabilities than people living at home. More than half of residents are incontinent, and more than a third have difficulty hearing or seeing.

Then Rosemary became a widow, there were complex operations, and we prayed for a long time for her recovery. And now, the “grandmother”, who has barely been rehabilitated, is being evicted from her home by the children. However, as always, I got excited - it turned out that the old lady made the decision to “move out” personally, without any pressure.

It happened something like this: for some time Rosemary realized that she could not lift a two-story house alone. Therefore, having divided it into apartments, she decided to keep one small one - a two-room one - in case children or guests arrived, and put the rest of the house up for sale.

In addition to physical problems, mental conditions are common among nursing home residents. More than three-quarters of nursing home residents have trouble making daily decisions, and two-thirds have trouble remembering or knowing where they are at times.

At least one third of nursing home residents experience behavioral problems. Such behavior may include verbal and physical violence, acting inappropriately in public, resisting needed care, and wandering. Communication problems are also common, with almost half of nursing home residents having difficulty both understanding and being understood by others. Depression is another condition that affects nursing home residents. Research has shown that this may occur more in nursing home residents than in people living in the community.

At the same time, she and Trixie went to see the Nursing Homes. It took a long time to choose. It seems they settled on the second one, where there was a two-room apartment of the right size: Rosemary wanted to pick up some familiar furniture. When everything was ready, the old lady solemnly moved there, where, in addition to medical and other proper care, she was offered to remember French in order to later go to Paris, take dance lessons, an excursion program... But the most important service was the escort of the elderly lady to Russia by an experienced nurse .

Length of stay varies greatly in nursing homes. Twenty-five percent of recognized people remain on a short time. Many people who stay for a short time are admitted for rehabilitation or terminal care. About half of residents spend at least 1 year in a nursing home, and 21% live there for almost 5 years. Interestingly, function often improves for many residents who stay longer.

Characteristics of nursing homes

There are several risk factors for nursing home admission. The chance of being admitted to a nursing home increases with age. . Nursing homes are increasingly offering medical services similar to those offered in hospitals after surgery, illness or other sudden medical problems. Older adults require more high level concerns, and hospital stays are shorter than before. Health care services vary widely among nursing homes, but are included.

The only condition that the administration set was a trip no more than once a year, in the warm season, and that Rosemary find two or three more old women who are ready to make this difficult journey. But we haven’t seen her more often before. So for several years now we have been waiting for the arrival of May with special pleasure. And wonderful-looking, smiling Rosemary, without disappointing, always brings us souvenirs made by her weak, wrinkled, but very gentle hands. And also hours of unforgettable conversations with wise advice from a lady who has reached the age of 85, or equally comfortable silence.

Skilled nursing care orthopedic care treatment assistance respiratory tract after surgery physical, occupational and speech therapy intravenous therapy and antibiotics wound care. Nursing homes provide nutritional counseling, services social work and recreational activities, as well as child care, hospice care and end-of-life care.

Your doctor or other health care professional can provide recommendations for nursing homes. Using a checklist will help you evaluate quality, range of services, amenities and costs. Your visit may last an hour or two so you can meet and talk with the intake officer, nursing home administrator, director of nursing and social worker. Remember that no nursing home is perfect and all are likely to be very different from your current living situation.

It was not by chance that I remembered Rosemary. The fact is that her nursing home is no exception. In most German social institutions for pensioners, there are several sections. Specialized for immobilized old people who require special care, special equipment and care, for semi-disabled people, for healthy pensioners who want to run their own household. And - apartments for families: bedroom, living room, kitchen, bathroom, storage room, balcony - with a total area of ​​50-70 square meters. meters. Each is equipped with a telephone, Internet, and constant communication with medical staff.

Suggested questions to ask when visiting a nursing home. Are there safety features such as railings and bars? How many nurses and nursing assistants are there compared to the number of residents? Do administrators and health care professionals have specific training in geriatrics or long-term care? Are the key workers full-time or part-time? How long have the managers and health care workers worked in the nursing home? Is flu vaccination required for all employees? Who will be the doctor or nurse who will shadow the resident, and how available are they? How close is the nursing home to family members? How close to the nearest hospital? What is food? How much do basic services cost? What services are covered? Which Additional services available? How much do they cost? What happens if a person runs out of money and needs medical attention? Receive seasonal influenza vaccines, and the pneumococcal vaccine has been physically limited if one or more falls with serious injury have pressure ulcers losing too much weight.

  • Are there any unpleasant odors?
  • Is he well-groomed?
  • Are the residents well looked after?
  • Are the rooms adequate?
  • What recreational and private space is available?
Nursing homes can often feel scary and depressing, and moving through them can fill people with feelings of betrayal and failure.

But Germany is no exception. A nurse who was lucky enough to work for several years in a nursing home in Prague dreams of spending “his old age in such a home. Where I worked, everyone had a wonderful separate room, hobby groups (ceramics, songs, cooking). There was a full-time massage therapist, psychologist, and physiotherapist. And everyone smiled at them. We also took them on excursions to the zoo and museums, and danced with a live orchestra once a month.”…

Family involvement plays an important role in helping older adults make the transition to a new lifestyle. Contrary to the stereotype, families do not abandon their loved ones by placing them in a nursing home. In fact, only a few nursing home residents are truly without any family. Family members are encouraged to visit residents regularly and participate in the overall care of elderly relatives. Family members can offer company and help with Everyday life, and they can better communicate with the resident's needs.

Do you need care and attention that cannot be guaranteed at home? Then you can move to a nursing home. The responsible social counseling center provides assistance in assessing whether it is possible to report home or not. Costs vary depending on age and nursing home. The fee consists of a basic amount and an additional benefit. The daily rate ranges from 75 to 90 euros. The additional benefit depends on the amount of your long-term care benefit.

As for excursions and dances, the story is not fictional. One day, while traveling in Austria, we were practically followed by several buses full of elderly people. We go to work - they follow us, then explore all the sights, no matter how inaccessible they may be, and honestly earn coffee and cakes in a local pastry shop: sweets were swept off the shelves with incredible speed, and we were left with only beer.

However, if income and assets are insufficient, welfare benefits provide a cost benefit. The rest is used to cover internal expenses. If provided social help, compensation claims may be brought against the following persons.

You must submit a written application for homework with the district management team or the magistrate's social service. Relevants in your field support and inform you about next steps. No specific age restrictions. Equal Opportunity Law.

And in the evening, in Reifnitz, during the festival in honor of the grape harvest, everyone danced to the local orchestra, after which, in the same orderly manner, they boarded buses that returned them to their native abode.

In Norway, pensioners themselves want to live in nursing homes in order to communicate with peers: everyone has their own one-room apartment or cottage, and the alarm button on their belt is pressed, and a nurse will immediately rush in.

Having paid a quarter of their pension for full board, those who are stronger are wondering where to spend the rest of the pension. The demand is so great that sometimes there are not enough places for everyone, then the state sends a nurse to the house. Daily... A nursing home recently opened in Japan that has everything needed to help people with dementia.

In America, where half the people retirement age lives in boarding schools, nursing homes sometimes barely fit in skyscrapers of 50 floors. For each vacant position, there are from 6 to 10 volunteers, and the state bears about 75 percent of all expenses.

The list of places where it is good, since we are not there, can be endless. Yes, and there is no such task. I just wish that every person had a choice of where to live. And he could do it in such a way that it would be “excruciatingly painful” only for his own sins, and not because he had to lie on a dented mattress, the nurse did not want to change the diaper, and the nurse placed a plate of sour vinaigrette next to the bed, and even so, so that grandpa or grandma can't get it.

And you shouldn’t think that it’s all about money, they say, they pay, but our medicine is free. Today, almost everyone knows that old people not only give up their apartments in exchange for the service of living in a nursing home, but also monthly contribute 75% of their pension to the institution’s fund.

By the way, even under our system there are houses built, as they say, according to the “Western model.” One of them – “House of Kindness” – is located not far from Moscow, in Dmitrov. Pensioners can simply come here as a day care center, or stay to live. I remember how I went there for the first time to visit an old woman with full bags of food and other necessary things. I didn’t immediately recognize my pensioner - tanned, wearing permanent makeup and manicure, she sat and listened to the accordion player who came to play during the music hour.

My bags were sent back safely, with the words that the food here was so much that you couldn’t eat everything, she only fished out a few candies as gifts for her beloved nurses. The girls, smiling, refused sweets. I confess, I watched them closely, how natural their smiles were, or everything for the guests, for show. But the cordiality was genuine. Many pensioners are offered free holidays with friends. If you stay alive, you will have to pay not 75%, but as much as 100. But you will feel the difference, as they say, “in your own skin.”

So, I repeat, I am for choice. But only personal, and not forced-voluntary.