Application for a certificate instead of a pension certificate. Pension certificate - where to get it

03.01.2019 Documentation

To obtain some benefits and services, a pension certificate is still used, the receipt and replacement of which was carried out according to a certain procedure. Now such a document has actually been canceled, although previously issued pension certificates have legal force. Namely, they confirm that its owner has sold what belongs to him and can use it, etc.

The legal status of previously issued documents and how to confirm the status of a pensioner now: our website will answer these and other pressing questions.

Is it necessary to have a pension certificate, obtain and replace such a document?

The pension reform of 2015 changed the idea of ​​a pension certificate. Previously, this document was mandatory for all pensioners. The registration and issuance was handled exclusively by the Russian Pension Fund.

Why was such a document important? With a pension certificate you can take advantage of benefits: housing, transport; receive discounts on the purchase of medicines and food products in socially oriented stores, and acquire the “” status. The ID was used when making payments before, etc. And in some cases, it could be presented as an identification document (for example, when checking documents by police officers).

Obtaining a pension certificate did not cause any difficulties - the procedure took place together with. The future pensioner applied to the Pension Fund office at his place of residence, provided a passport, work book, SNILS, birth certificates of children, marriage, and income certificate (if necessary). If you decide that it is carried out through a bank, then documents on opening an account with details. In addition to documents, the citizen provided a photograph and filled out a form.

Obtaining a pension certificate was provided for all types of such benefits -, and, in the case of registration or. The document was issued in the form of a burgundy book with the Russian coat of arms, with a photograph of the owner. Contained information about the owner, the date of payment, issuance of the certificate and a number of other information. In case of appointment, the pension certificate form was different and special.

Replacement of the pension certificate was mandatory when the document was lost or when it became unusable. A duplicate was issued within 14-30 days, and to replace it was necessary to write an application and bring color photograph. A new pension certificate was also obtained when the type of pension was changed (for example, from a disability pension).

All these rules were in force until January 1, 2015. What is the current situation with obtaining and replacing pension certificates?

Pension Fund certificate replacing the pension certificate

Nowadays, a person who applies for a pension and has all the conditions for the assignment of such a social benefit (IPK) is issued a certificate instead of a pension certificate.

But all previously issued pension certificates were not withdrawn and remain valid. That is, if a previously issued document is lost, no replacement is made. The Pension Fund at the place of residence will issue such a pensioner a certificate. But only upon personal application from a pensioner or other person upon provision.

The Pension Fund certificate must contain the necessary information, as previously in the pension certificate. To whom it was issued, when and by whom, when the pension was issued, its type, . It is issued absolutely free of charge and is valid for all authorities and organizations, wherever it is presented. By the way, if you are denied benefits based on a certificate, you can use it, write a pre-trial one, or something else.

Thus, a pension certificate received or replaced before 2015 remains valid, and after this date, in order to obtain a certificate, an application to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is required, where the pension file is kept.

Pensioner's ID– a document that is currently in a dual situation. On the one hand, due to changes in legislation adopted a year and a half ago, this document is no longer required. It, if necessary, is replaced by a certificate. On the other hand, it remains valid, and you can even get it if you try.

All services due to a pensioner from the Pension Fund are obtained at local branches or at the client services of this department. Many procedures are greatly simplified by using a personal account, which can be opened on the pension fund website or the government services portal.

What is a pension certificate

A pension certificate is a document that confirms the fact of receiving a pension for one reason or another. In addition to pensioner status, the usual little red book is useful for receiving benefits in case of travel on public transport, discounts in pharmacies, and the like. It should be noted that a pension certificate is not a substitute for a passport or other identification document. That is, the scope of its use is significantly limited.

The pension certificate has remained approximately the same for thirty-six years. Its shape and appearance developed by the USSR Ministry of Social Security. According to Russian laws, the ID form remains the same, with the exception of changes in the inscriptions. This is a small book with a red or burgundy cover. The cover indicates the type of document, the coat of arms of Russia and the name of the organization that issues the pension certificate, that is, the Pension Fund.

The certificate pages indicate:

  • personal data of the pensioner, that is, traditional last name, first name, patronymic:
  • the reason for obtaining pensioner status - due to old age, disability, etc.;
  • the amount of the pension, as well as a place to enter updated data if the amount received by the pensioner has increased or decreased;
  • other information, including a reminder for the document holder.

In order to receive a pension certificate, it was necessary to register a pension by submitting a set of relevant documents to the local branch of the Pension Fund. To receive a certificate, you had to come to the same branch of the Pension Fund. As an exception, a temporary certificate could be issued instead of a certificate.

Now what

Since the beginning of 2015, the situation has changed significantly. A pension certificate is no longer a mandatory document; you can obtain it, but it is not necessary.

Pensioner IDs are still issued by local Pension Fund offices. But they do this only until the available forms run out. The document confirming the status of a pensioner has been a certificate for a year and a half, the receipt of which is optional.

Document holders have nothing to worry about; the pension certificate remains valid. A certificate for a pensioner, regardless of age and type of pension payment, can be obtained from the same Pension Fund. The document can be presented in the same places where previously it was impossible to do without an ID. With the certificate, the pensioner will confirm his benefits for travel on public transport and other places.

Where to get a replacement pension certificate

In order to obtain a pension certificate or certificate, you must visit the local branch of the Pension Fund. There are two ways to receive:

  • with preliminary registration of the application through the website of the Pension Fund;
  • visit the client service of the Pension Fund, order the required document there, and pick it up when it is ready.

In the first case, one visit to the customer service of the local branch of the Pension Fund is enough; in the second, you will have to go there at least twice. Using the Internet site will help resolve the issue of obtaining a certificate or certificate more quickly, but it is only suitable for those who either have a computer with access to the World Wide Web and know how to use it, or find someone who will help carry out the necessary actions.

There is a huge network of Pension Fund branches. They are sure to exist in every area - both urban and rural. Finding the address of such an establishment is not difficult; it is usually located a short distance from the home of city residents. It is somewhat more difficult for residents of rural areas, since pension branches are located mainly in regional centers. But the regional center is necessarily connected to each settlement by transport links, so obtaining a certificate or pension certificate will not be too difficult.

If you still need to find the address of the Pension Fund branch, you should go to the department’s website. There is a page called “Branches” that lists the relevant addresses throughout the country.

For example, in Moscow the number of pensioners is 2.72 million. At their service are 104 customer services in different areas of the city, ten departments and nine departments. In the Moscow region, for 1.8 million pensioners, there are 48 customer services, eleven departments and six departments. There is even a management and branch of the Pension Fund abroad. This refers to the Kyzylorda region of Kazakhstan, where the Baikonur cosmodrome is located. More than six thousand Russian pensioners live there, and they do not have to travel to Russia to receive Pension Fund services.

How to get a certificate or ID online

The Pension Fund has its own website, which is located at: Strictly speaking, it is impossible to obtain a pension certificate or a corresponding certificate on this site, but it will make obtaining these documents much easier. How to do it?

First, you need to open the so-called Personal Account of the insured person. The link to your account is located in the center at the bottom of the site. To register, you must fill out the registration form with the required information. After the registration procedure has been completed, you need to enter your account, find the section “Pre-order documents/certificates of the Pension Fund of Russia” and fill out the appropriate application. When the document is ready, you need to visit the customer service and pick it up.

In a similar way, you can issue a pension certificate or certificate at the Multifunctional Center for the Provision of State and municipal services(MFC). The form for filling out the application may differ slightly, but the information to be entered remains the same.


To receive any documents from the Pension Fund, including a pension certificate, a pensioner only needs to know the address of the local branch of this organization or its customer service. In order not to waste time on repeated visits to the local branch of the Pension Fund, you can use the Internet. Then the number of visits to pension service officials can actually be reduced to once.

If the client service of the Pension Fund refuses to issue a pension certificate, you should not be surprised or indignant. This document has not been mandatory for a year and a half, and it is issued only as long as forms from previous stocks remain.

The problem of lost documents is quite relevant. No one is immune from such troubles as theft in transport, cafes, or simple carelessness. The pension certificate does not contain enough personal data and cannot be used as an identification document. But if you have lost your pension certificate, then you may have problems receiving a pension, obtaining the required benefits, and so on. Don’t worry or despair, you can restore the document.

In the event that the pension certificate has become unusable (wet, torn, crumpled, lost or stolen), it must be exchanged or restored.

If you are a working pensioner, you need to contact the management or accounting department of your organization. They will tell you how to write an application to obtain a duplicate ID.

The application is written in any form addressed to the head of the Russian Pension Fund branch in your region.

Download on our website.

In addition, you must write a power of attorney for the employee who will restore your document. In the power of attorney, you transfer to him the right to draw up documents and represent your interests in the pension fund department.

Prepare 4 photographs measuring 3x4 cm and your passport. An employee of the organization with all the documents (power of attorney, passport, your application and photographs) contacts the pension fund office, where they can use the database to find the lost pension certificate, its number and all information about the accrual of pensions for the entire period, and issue a duplicate.

If you are not a working pensioner, you need to contact the Pension Fund to restore your pension certificate.

In the territorial department of the Pension Fund of Russia, when applying, you must have a passport, 4 photographs 3 by 4 cm. The employee will issue a sample application and, using your passport data, will be able to find the ID number and information about accruals. After this, you will receive a duplicate.

A pension certificate is issued to the pensioner and, as a rule, is issued immediately upon application. There is no need to pay to obtain a duplicate pension certificate. It is issued free of charge. Situations arise when a pensioner cannot receive or exchange his pension certificate on his own for some reason. In this case, the person representing the interests of the pensioner has the right to receive it. The certificate is issued upon availability of a notarized power of attorney to receive documents. You will need to give to your authorized representative: a Russian passport or other identification document; 4 photographs 3 by 4; power of attorney. The telephone number is posted on the website of the Russian Pension Fund

hotline . You can check the address and telephone number of the territorial office in your area of ​​residence, as well as ask any questions you may have.. In this case, you will be able to receive a duplicate on the day you contact the Pension Fund branch. A delay can only occur if there is an accumulation of a large number of applications for duplicates.

In accordance with Art. 23 of the Federal Law of December 15, 2001. No. 166-FZ “On state pension provision in Russian Federation", provided for by this Federal Law, regardless of its type

The list of documents required to establish a pension, the rules for applying for a pension, assigning a pension and recalculating the amount of a pension, transferring from one type of pension to another, paying a pension, maintaining pension documentation are established in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation (Clause 2 of Article 24 of the Law ).

Resolution of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation No. 19пб dated February 27, 2002.

Instead of a pension certificate, pensioners will now be issued a certificate

From February 1, 2014, Russian pensioners will no longer be issued pension certificates. This document has lost its relevance due to the fact that on November 17, 2014, the Ministry of Labor developed and approved new rules No. 884n. According to these rules, pensions will now be assigned. adjust them, transfer citizens from one type of pension to another.

At the same time, pensioners need some kind of document confirming their status, because quite often they have to present it to various services.

Everything about registration, payment and delivery of pensions

Participants in the Second World War include nine categories of citizens. Depending on their membership in a certain category, these citizens were issued certificates of various types at different times.

Some of these certificates contain a statement that “the certificate is unlimited and valid throughout the entire territory of the USSR” or “the certificate is valid throughout the entire territory of the Russian Federation.”

Such certificates were once issued by military commissariats, internal affairs bodies, FSB bodies at the place of residence, commissions of ministries and departments, and bodies providing pensions.

How to apply for an old-age pension in Moscow?

Step 1. Find out where your area's pension fund is located. There is no such information on the Internet or it is incorrect. But there is such information in your regional social security service (it’s called USZN). You can look up the location of your district social security service on the Internet or ask your retired neighbor.

Step2. Exactly two months before your birthday, when you reach retirement age, you must appear at your local pension fund for consultation.

How to apply for an old age pension

Upon reaching a certain age, a pension becomes the only means of livelihood. Therefore, learning how to register for old age is very important. In the Russian Federation this is not difficult to do. Let us present several steps, the study of which will allow you to understand how to apply for an old-age pension and, therefore, do everything in a timely, correct and fast manner.

Citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached retirement age receive the right to registration for old age.

About the Virtual School of Pensioners

From this material you will learn about the features of assigning and registering a state old-age pension in accordance with the new Pension reform 2015.

You can apply for the appointment and registration of state old age at any time after the right to it arises without any time restrictions.

The main document confirming the periods of work of a citizen before registering him as an insured person in the mandatory insurance system pension insurance(OPS), is a work book.

In the absence of a work book.

Issuance of pension certificates canceled

On January 1, 2015, the Law “On Insurance Pensions” came into force, providing for new rules for assigning, establishing, recalculating and adjusting pensions, as well as applying for them. Another innovation established by this law is the abolition of the issuance of pension certificates.

This innovation applies only to those who retire or receive the right to a survivor’s pension or disability since 2015.

Pension certificates for Berdsk pensioners were canceled

Berdsk banks this week received notifications from the Pension Fund that as of February 1, pension certificates have been canceled in Russia and new pensioners will be required to bring certificates confirming their status when receiving pensions.

The new rules for applying for pensions do not provide for the issuance of pension certificates to citizens, they told Courier. Wednesday. Berdsk" on February 4 at the branch of the Pension Fund in the Novosibirsk region.

But this innovation applies only to those who are retiring or have received the right to a pension for the loss of a breadwinner, disability and for other reasons from February 1.

Registration of an old-age pension: features and requirements

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, the right to work is available to men who have reached the age of 60 years, as well as to women whose age has reached 55 years. At the same time, a person who wishes to apply for an old-age pension must have at least 5 years of work experience.

To apply for an old-age pension for those people who suffered due to man-made and radiation disasters, it is necessary to provide the following set of documents:

An old-age pension, according to current legislation, is assigned earlier than the day of application for payments, but in the event that such an application was made no later than 30 days from the date of dismissal.

Registration of an old-age labor pension

Almost every HR employee during his career has to deal with the registration of pensions for employees of the organization. However, the documents submitted to the pension fund do not always comply with the requirements set by law, and the assignment of a pension is postponed until the data is confirmed with additional documents.

In this article we will tell you what documents are needed to apply for a pension, and also provide recommendations from Pension Fund employees, following which will allow you to assign an employee as soon as possible.

Article 7 of the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 N 173-FZ “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as Law N 173-FZ) establishes the right of men upon reaching 60 years of age and women upon reaching 55 years of age to an old-age labor pension.

Pension certificates stopped issuing on February 1

The territorial offices of the Pension Fund of Russia stopped issuing pension certificates to citizens from February 1. This happened due to the entry into force on January 1, 2015 of the new Federal Law 2013 No. 400-FZ “On Insurance Pensions”, according to which labor pensions were transformed into insurance ones.

The role of the pension certificate as a document was insignificant: it never served as an identification document, which means the pensioner could not receive the benefits due to him or take out a loan from a bank.

The changes made to the legislation should not affect the implementation social rights Novosibirsk residents

Pension certificates stopped issuing as unnecessary

Pensioners will be left without identification. They decided to cancel the crusts due to their uselessness. But what if they ask for an ID in a store or bank? An NN correspondent found out how pensioners themselves reacted to this and other innovations.

The pension fund has stopped issuing certificates to the elderly. The “crusts” might only be needed to obtain a social travel card or purchase train tickets at a discount.

Obtaining a pension certificate

Obtaining a pension certificate - obtaining a document giving the right to receive a pension and benefits (travel on public transport, services in pharmacies, shops, etc.) entitled to pensioners. The citizen receives this document only after the establishment of any type of pension for him in accordance with the Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation and the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation dated February 27, 2002.

Deadlines for issuing an old-age pension certificate

1. Old-age insurance pension, assigned to compensate for wages and other payments and rewards lost due to the onset of incapacity due to old age (Clause 1, Article 3 of the Law of December 28, 2013 N 400-FZ).

2. State pension in old age for compensation for damage as a result of radiation or man-made disasters (clause 3 of article 5. subclause 5 of clause 1 of article 4 of the Law of December 15, 2001 N 166-FZ).

By general rule to assign an old-age pension will be required (clause

Often pensioners are required to confirm their rights by presenting a pension certificate. Until mid-2015, it was possible to obtain it from the Pension Fund. Since the entry into force of the law on insurance pensions, the certificate is no longer issued. Now it has been replaced by a certificate, which the pensioner must present at the place of request.

How it was before 2015

Until mid-2015, everyone who was assigned a pension for disability, old age or due to the loss of a breadwinner was issued a special certificate. It was used to obtain social services, and were often presented to receive discounts in stores and cultural institutions. The ID looked like a small burgundy book with the symbols of the foundation, containing basic information:

  • individual form number;
  • photo, personal data and date of birth of the pension recipient;
  • type of payments and for what period they are established;
  • monthly payment amount
  • signature of the document owner;
  • official seal and signature of the head of the Pension Fund department.

Since June 2015, pension legislation has undergone significant changes. To save the budget, it was decided to move away from the usual format of books and issue certificates to pensioners upon request.

Why you may need a pension certificate

According to officials, this document has long outlived its usefulness, because in last years it is hardly presented anywhere. Previously, a certificate was presented to receive a pension, but with the advent of common databases, this was no longer necessary. Employees of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in Moscow claim that information about people who have been assigned a pension is now automatically transferred to social protection authorities and the Employment Center.

However, a pension certificate is often required to confirm eligibility:

  • travel on public transport;
  • purchasing tickets for intercity buses, trains, trains, planes;
  • for discounts in supermarkets (the document is especially often needed in large cities such as Volgograd or St. Petersburg);
  • free visits to cultural institutions;
  • to provide assistance in medical institutions and dental clinics.

From June 2015, for these purposes, it is enough to obtain an extract on the assignment of a pension payment and present it at the place of request.

What does the certificate look like?

Now the pension certificate has been replaced by a simple A4 sheet without watermarks. This help contains the following information:

  • details of the Pension Fund branch that issued it;
  • personal data of the pensioner (date of birth and full name);
  • SNILS number of the pension recipient;
  • the type of monthly payment assigned to the person;
  • validity period of the right to a pension;
  • the exact amount of the pension (at the time of issue of the certificate).

Like a pension certificate, this document can be presented at the place of request. This form has the same legal force. You should not have any problems when presenting the certificate. Nevertheless, many note that sometimes in public transport conductors or controllers require you to present a pension certificate. This is illegal, since this document is officially excluded from use.

If necessary, each pensioner can receive a duplicate of the form, which will indicate the current amount of the pension.

Pension certificate: how to restore it

Those who became eligible for a pension before mid-2015 were still issued certificates. If for any reason the document was lost, the pensioner will already be issued a certificate. Those certificates that are currently in circulation will not be specifically confiscated, but in case of loss or damage to the form, they will not be restored to their original form.

To obtain a certificate to replace a lost ID, you must contact the regional office of the Pension Fund of Russia. This can be done in several ways:

  • personally;
  • via the Internet;
  • through your official representative (by proxy).

The processing time for the form is only 2 business days. In some branches, employees can write it out on the day of the visit, that is, the pensioner can receive it immediately. A previously issued pension certificate will be considered invalid.

How to get a certificate

For the first time, this statement of pensioner status is issued on the day the pension is assigned. To do this you will need to submit:

  • passport;
  • work book (this document is planned to be abolished over time);
  • SNILS;
  • birth documents for all children;
  • certificate 2-NDFL from the last place of work;
  • certificate of marriage or divorce;
  • educational documents (diplomas, certificates, certificates from the place of study);
  • certificate on the bank form about opening a pension account.

Additionally, Pension Fund employees have the right to request any documents. Most often, additional certificates are required in cases where the fund does not have information about wages for one of the periods of service. Another case when you will need to find former employers is if the entries in the work book are made incorrectly or are not stamped. In these situations, you may need information from employers regarding wages. The entire package of papers must be prepared one month before the date of retirement.

In the future, we plan to get rid of the need to independently search for organizations where you previously worked. Those who will not soon retire due to old age will not have to worry about filling out the information correctly. work records. IN Personal account government services website they have already collected information about places of work and size pension contributions. In the future, employees will use this database when assigning pensions.

To receive a status statement, disability pensioners must submit:

  • passport;
  • medical certificate;
  • work book or certificates from work (if you have experience).

Additionally, fund employees can request data from places of work (if deductions from them were made before 2002) or documents on the presence of dependents.

If the child is entitled insurance pension due to the loss of a breadwinner, his legal representative - the second parent or guardian - can contact the fund department. On the day the payment is scheduled, a certificate is also issued that replaces the pension certificate. To assign a pension and receive a document, you must submit to the Pension Fund office:

  • application (can be filled out on the spot);
  • passport;
  • documents confirming relationship with the deceased;
  • SNILS;
  • work book or certificate of experience as a breadwinner;
  • death certificate.

With introduction new form Pension Fund branches do not have any restrictions on the number of forms, so you won’t have to wait long for the form.

Why are certificates being issued now?

Pensioners in Orenburg and other cities of the country are outraged by the introduction of certificates instead of certificates. They find it inconvenient to have to constantly carry a fairly large form and passport with them. Pension Fund employees respond that the pension certificate was previously valid only upon presentation of a passport; no innovations have been made in this regard. The old certificates were canceled due to the high costs of their production.