Side split. How to do the cross splits

27.10.2017 Sport

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If you want to do the splits, you will need to train daily for at least 30 minutes. At a young age, it is much easier to achieve what you want, since the ligaments are more pliable and elastic. However, even after 30 years, you can achieve your goal if you wish. Today we will tell you which splits exercises at home are the most effective and will help you solve this problem.

How to do the splits at home: rules

Splits in themselves are a useful exercise, as they allow you to stretch ligaments and speed up regenerative processes in the joints. Twine is also useful for bodybuilders, because with its help muscles recover much faster after physical activity. However, the majority of those who want to do the splits are attracted to this exercise not by its benefits, but by the effect it has on others.

It is customary to distinguish between two types of twine:

  • dynamic- swing your leg until it touches your head;
  • static- legs spread apart.
Both types of twine can be performed in transverse as well as longitudinal directions. The most difficult is cross twine. We will already consider the most effective exercises for the splits at home, and now it is necessary to talk about the rules for performing the basic movement:
  1. Daily activities- only regular training will bring you the desired result. We have already said that it is enough to train for 30 minutes every day to achieve what you want. Don't think that skipping classes and then hammering away for a few hours will be an effective approach. If you really want to achieve a positive result, then you should exercise twice a day: morning and evening.
  2. The main part of the workout should begin only after a good warm-up- to prepare ligaments and muscles for work, a high-quality warm-up is necessary. This is the only way to warm up the articular-ligamentous apparatus. Otherwise there is a high risk of serious injury.
  3. Don't exercise in a cold room- if this is not possible, then you should wear warm leggings or tights. To minimize the risk of injury, the ligaments should be kept warm.
  4. Split exercises at home must be dynamic and static in equal quantities.
  5. While doing the exercises While stretching, keep your back straight.
  6. Watch your breath- exhalations and inhalations should be uniform and without delay.
  7. Be careful with- if a friend is helping you, then it is difficult for him to estimate the maximum limit to which he can “push.” Even experienced trainers can injure you in such a situation.
  8. Nutrition program and psychology- try to reduce the amount of meat in your diet, as this product makes the ligaments coarser. To increase the elasticity of muscle tissue and ligaments, you need to drink enough water. According to psychologists, it is easier for people with a flexible psyche to do the splits. If you have great difficulty accepting everything new in life, then it will be somewhat more difficult for you to achieve your goal.

How quickly can you do the splits at home?

This is a very popular question, because each of us wants to achieve everything in the shortest possible time. If you have unique genetics and your body is naturally flexible, then with the right approach to organizing the training process you can achieve success in a week.

However, there are very few such people and most have to go through a difficult path to realize their dreams. Sometimes people wonder if it is possible to do the splits in one day. This is almost impossible, although if you have sufficient training experience, for example, in martial arts, it is quite possible to achieve such a quick result.

Everyone else should prepare for the fact that by regularly doing splits exercises at home, the goal can be achieved in a few months. We can’t even talk about a faster solution to this problem, since it’s simply not realistic. A girl, with the proper attitude to exercise, can do the splits in one month. However, this will require a lot of effort.

Any professional coach will tell you that positive results in sports can only be achieved through hard work. You should not compare yourself with other people who may have achieved their goal in a short time.

It is quite possible that they are gifted with unique genetics and only this fact indicates some superiority. Of course, even the most gifted person must work on himself in order to achieve his goal. Once again I would like to say that you will definitely do the splits if you strive for it.

The best exercises for splits at home

Now we will look at the best splits exercises at home. They will help you sit in a longitudinal split. Since this goal is easier to achieve, you should start with longitudinal rather than transverse twine. However, let's first get acquainted with the rules for performing these movements:
  1. Start each session with 20 minutes of cardio to warm up your muscles and joints. Only after this can you proceed to performing stretching movements.
  2. To speed up progress, we recommend practicing twice a day. Remember that stretching in the morning is more difficult, but at the same time it is more effective compared to the evening.
  3. Stretching exercises for longitudinal splits can only be used statically. When performing them, it is necessary to minimize pulsating movements up and down to avoid sprains.
  4. Each static position must be held for at least half a minute. It is very important to gradually increase the amplitude and duration of doing splits exercises at home. As a result, increase the time spent in a static position to two or even three minutes.
  5. While performing stretching movements, you should monitor your sensations. Avoid pain. As soon as they appear, reduce the amplitude or even stop training.
  6. Let us remind you once again that stretching exercises can only be effective if your joints are warm.
  7. Make sure your back always remains straight and does not round. Stretch the top of your head up, and when bending, lower your stomach to your feet, not your head.
  8. Regularly monitor your results by measuring with a centimeter the distance from the groin to the surface of the ground at maximum stretch.
  9. If you miss several classes, then get ready for a rollback in your results. Regular training is the main factor in your success.
  10. Don't set yourself a deadline for achieving your goal. Each person has a unique physiology and if someone does the splits quickly enough, others will need a lot of time.

Exercise No. 1

Inhaling, begin to lower yourself into a runner's position with your hands on the ground or sides. The front leg should form a right angle, and the knee joint of the back leg should be straightened. Lower your pelvis as low as possible, but the knee joint of the back leg should not bend. You need to stay in this position. Then, while inhaling, keeping your back straight, raise your arms up and reach for them, but your pelvis should lower. If you feel the leg muscles tense and stretched, then the exercise is being performed correctly. Also note that while you are in the lunge, you need to distribute your body weight evenly on both legs.

Exercise No. 2

Stay in a runner's position with both arms down to one side of your front leg. Lower yourself onto your forearms without rounding your back. If you can’t immediately sink so low, we recommend placing some object under your weight or leaning on your straightened arms. This movement will help you effectively stretch the groin area and hip joint.

Exercise #3

The exercise is performed in the same runner position. Lower the knee joint of the back leg to the ground, and place your hands on both strings of the front leg. While remaining in this position, try to lower your pelvis as low as possible. You can perform several pulsating movements, but after this you should take a static position. Once you have reached a certain level of muscle and ligament stretch, you can place your back leg on an elevation to enhance the efficiency of the movement.

Exercise #4

Return to a lunge position and lengthen your spinal column along the hip of your back leg. Exhaling air, straighten your legs and stretch your tailbone up. The forehead should be directed towards the shin, and the stomach should be drawn down. Make sure that your back does not round during the movement. To make the task easier for yourself and at the same time increase the efficiency of the movement, hold your hands on the shin of your front leg.

Exercise #5

From the lunge position, extend your straight leg forward, while your back leg is on the mat. Bend over while keeping your back straight. Stay in this position and breathe evenly. With each exhalation, release the tension in your back leg slightly.

Exercise #6

Take the position of a pigeon - you need to cover the heel of your right foot with your left pelvic bone. Gradually deepen your position by moving your right shin slightly forward. When performing the movement, you need to lean on your hands, twisting the thigh of your right leg inward and lowering your tailbone down.

Bend the knee joint of your back leg and grab your foot with the same hand. After this, begin to pull your heel towards your buttocks. Change your hand grip to the opposite one. As you exhale, begin to lower your forehead onto your free hand. The “Pigeon” exercise is considered quite simple, but at the same time very effective.

Exercise No. 7

Take a supine position and bend knee joints. Begin to lift your leg up without bending your knee joint. As you exhale, grab your foot with your hands and begin to pull it towards you. Make sure your sacrum remains on the ground. The knee joint of the raised leg should be straightened, and the front surface of the thigh should be tense.

Exercise #8

Take the Downward-Facing Dog position with your arms, back and neck extended in a straight line. Begin to stretch your tailbone up and back. At the same time, alternately bend your knee joints, trying to touch the ground with your heel. Your thigh should be moving toward your stomach, and your arms and back should be in the same plane.

How to do the splits in 10 workouts, see below:

Motivation: nothing makes a woman look better than beautiful, slender legs. Flexible legs, a graceful cat's gait - a generally unattainable dream.

Many people believe that flexibility is a professional concept, and therefore only master athletes or dancers can achieve it. This is a myth or an excuse for your laziness. The splits and soft floating steps are on the shoulder of every stubborn and hardworking person.

You should start working on stretching the splits today in order to get amazing results by summer.

Types of twine, features of stretching

A split is a special position in which the legs located on the same line are placed in different directions. In this case, the inner thighs are equal to 180˚ or more.

Types (types, options) of twine:

  • transverse - the most difficult, legs spread apart;
  • longitudinal:
  • left-sided - the left leg is in front, the right leg is behind the body;
  • right-handed - vice versa;
  • sagging – the angle of the inner thighs slightly exceeds 180˚. Sagging twine can be either longitudinal or transverse;
  • vertical transverse or longitudinal split - performing a standard split while standing on one leg.

Features and types of stretching

There are three main types of stretching, the proper connection and implementation of which will determine all future activities:

  1. statistical - stretching with the maximum permissible tension, stretching the muscles and holding them in this position for several seconds;
  2. ballistic (dynamic) – stretching using deep intense swings;
  3. The PNR method is a selective contraction of a specific muscle without moving it, followed by relaxation and stretching.

Alternating these types while maintaining a safe pain threshold gives excellent results and allows you to avoid all kinds of injuries.

Stretching also happens:

  • passive - using external force (attracting a partner: boyfriend, mother, sister, brother);
  • active - muscle stretching is achieved by applying independent efforts without outside participation.

Competent mastery of these types of stretches is the first step to success and the ability to do the splits.

When and how to do stretching exercises for splits

Experts advise doing stretching exercises in the afternoon, from about 16 to 18 hours. The evening should be excluded and devoted to preparing for bed. In the evening, active physical activity should be avoided altogether.

This time was not chosen by chance. An active day, walking, climbing stairs up and back is an excellent preparation for the body for subsequent stretching. This is a kind of warm-up, which should be done more actively from 16-00. Jumping rope, amplitude leg swings in different directions, and dancing are best suited for this purpose. A well-executed warm-up will make the blood flow faster through the cells, delivering valuable oxygen.

The guarantors of quality and positive results of the work performed are:

  1. gradually increase the load to avoid injury;
  2. constant, uniform training, performing exercises without any omissions;
  3. allocate at least an hour a day for exercise;
  4. their correct implementation.

Important! The feeling of sharp pain in the hip joint, knees, calf muscles and other parts of the body is a consequence of insufficient warming up of the muscles involved in the split or improper execution of the split.

Doing the splits is the dream of many girls. After all, this gymnastic trick not only looks beautiful, but is also healthy. When considering how to do the cross splits, it is important to note that regular stretching improves blood circulation in the pelvic area and also makes the ligaments more elastic.

How to do the cross splits correctly?

You can do transverse stretching yourself at home. However, the period for achieving the desired result will be individual for everyone. It all depends on lifestyle, how active a person is and what he eats. If not medical contraindications, even those over 40 can do the splits. Despite the fact that this task is quite difficult, it is quite feasible if you follow some rules.

If you are still new to sports, then before you start basic exercises, you should pay attention to such important points as physical activity in life and nutrition. If you lead a sedentary lifestyle, and the daily menu does not consist of the most healthy products, then you shouldn’t try to do the cross splits in a week, as this will only lead to injuries.

You should start your day with morning exercises and, if possible, a run. Also, to perform the splits you need to have strong back and abdominal muscles, so you need to do strengthening exercises 2-3 times a week.

A very important factor is proper nutrition. Every day our body needs to receive substances such as minerals, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, fiber and water. You need to drink at least 2 liters per day clean water(teas, juices, compotes, etc. are liquid, not water), also include cereals, fruits, vegetables, dairy and seafood in your diet. Healthy food will help make your muscles more elastic, which helps you quickly achieve the desired result.

How to stretch and quickly do the cross splits?

If all the previous recommendations are regularly followed, or you already play sports or simply lead a healthy and active lifestyle, then you can do the cross splits in less time. short term and the likelihood of getting injured while stretching is much less.

So, first you need to do a good warm-up. Leg swings or jumping rope are great for warming up your body. Then you need to touch your toes with your fingers, without bending your knees and keeping your back straight. After this warm-up, you must perform the following exercises:

Simple splits exercises for beginners help you stretch your muscles safely and painlessly. The exercises are suitable for everyone, they relax and distract from problems after a busy day or act as an excellent morning exercise.

Twine as an element of gymnastics

Note that there is a fundamental difference between the splits within the framework of hatha yoga and the splits in ballet or gymnastics. For those who are involved in dancing and gymnastics, the correct position when taking various poses is not very important; a more significant role is played by the spectacular appearance body and spectacular movements in general.

If the splits are considered as one of the elements of a beautiful gymnastics complex, then no importance is attached to the correct position of the joints and spine. The main thing is to quickly learn how to take this position. Children in gymnastics classes are stretched and encouraged to remain in the split position for long periods of time, even if there is significant discomfort. Such exercises do not always end with brilliant stretching; some people develop an antipathy towards stretching.

Twine in yoga

In the world of yoga, the splits are not positioned as a spectacular pose. If you correctly implement the asanas suggested by experts, the spine will remain in a physiological position. Excellent body flexibility can be achieved solely through good mobility of the hip joints and proper development of the sacral area.

It is important that a person doing yoga is protected from overloading the lower back. If certain yoga poses are applied correctly, the whole body begins to move and function harmoniously. In a correctly performed split, it will be possible to effortlessly do twisting, bending and bending, while eliminating pain in the back and a feeling of tension.

Rules for Effective Stretching

The selected set of exercises should be performed twice, stretching each side equally. At first, to adapt the body, you need to train every other day. In this way, ideal muscle recovery for beginners is achieved. Further, a certain self-confidence will appear, and it will be possible to switch to daily stretching. It is recommended to work on problem areas more intensively. Good stretch accessible to everyone.

Effective gymnastics for beginners


Stretching exercises are useful for everyone - runner's pose and virabhadrasana pose. After mastering these elements, you can move on to a lunge combined with a backbend. Both the instep and the knee of the back leg are lowered to the floor, at this time the front leg is placed on a full foot. In this comfortable and stable position, you need to rest your palms on your sacrum so that your fingers point up. Shoulders and shoulder blades are drooping.

The front leg forms a perpendicular to the floor. Taking a slow, deep breath, you should gently push the tailbone area and pelvis forward and at the same time downward; your palms resting on your body will help with this. Alternatively, you can rest on the tailbone not with your palms, but with clenched fists. The entire body weight should be evenly distributed on both legs. When performing a lunge-bend, the spine should be well extended. When in a lunge, the gaze is directed upward, the neck is extended. Provided there is no dizziness, it is acceptable to move your head back.

The neck relaxes and there should be no unpleasant sensations. Tighten the perineal muscles moderately. You should remain in the lunge position for about a minute. The main thing is to maintain even, measured breathing. When performed correctly, the muscles of the leg located behind are perfectly stretched. To work both legs, you need to perform a lunge-bend for the right and left halves of the body with the same load. Deep arching of the body back is encouraged.

Gymnastics for splits: lunge-bend

Tilt towards the leg

After a bend-lunge, the body is stretched upward, the front leg straightens. When the toe is pointed towards you, you can feel a pleasant stretch in the leg muscles. The pelvis is laid back, the front leg is fixed straight, without bending at the knee. The back knee forms a 90-degree angle. The secret to performing a bend is to correctly extend the knee, twist the tailbone up and back, and strive to bend the lower back. Exhaling slowly, you need to stretch your abs, try to direct your ribs up and forward.

The muscles in the perineum are slightly tightened. The shoulder girdle stretches back, the chest is opened as much as possible. Palms tend to the floor or hold the leg located in front. In this exercise, the task is to completely place your forearms on the floor, without rounding your back. With a perfectly straight back, you need to do a deep bend: first, the stomach is laid forward on the leg, then the entire chest is pressed against the front leg, and the head is lowered. Under the condition of deep breathing, you need to stay in the bend for a minute.

Gymnastics for splits: leaning towards the leg

Relaxing and stretching your legs

Sitting on the floor, bend one leg and place it in front of you, as shown in the photo. The second straight leg is extended back. The knee lies flat on the floor, the heel is directed upward. With your palms resting on the floor, you should turn your body in one direction so that the lying bent front leg is located exactly between your hands and under your head. The toe of the foot is pulled back, the chest is pulled forward. Attention: to enhance the stretching of the leg muscles, you will have to carefully lower yourself onto your elbows. You can rest your head in your hands. In this position, you need to relax and breathe continuously, falling towards the floor.

Split exercises: leg stretches

Split exercises: leg stretches

Sets of exercises for stretching the splits

Proper home gymnastics for splits for beginners should be done smoothly. No sudden movements, strong tension or pain. All exercises are done in the mode of relaxation and positive emotions.

Split stretching: a set of exercises

Exercises will be most productive if you pre-warm the muscles in any way. Running, jumping rope, and squats are suitable for this purpose.