How to care for aquarium fish video. Inspection of fish and equipment check. Cleaning the soil in the aquarium.

30.09.2018 Animals

They say that you can stare at fire forever. An equally fascinating sight is the fish gliding in the water; you can watch them for hours and never get tired of it. In addition, it is well known that watching the leisurely movements of fish in an aquarium brings peace and tranquility to a person.

Settling the aquarium

These animals breathe oxygen from water, so it is important that they have all the oxygen they need. To do this, you can install an air pump that will ensure proper oxidation of the water. It is not recommended to use water taken directly from the tap as it contains chlorine, which is very harmful to our fish. You can go to your pet store and ask for products that eliminate chlorine.

You should also make sure that the water you put in the aquarium or aquarium is at the same temperature as the one that already exists. Likewise, fish need a well-lit environment, but direct sunlight is not The best way ensure it because, among other reasons, it can cause algae blooms.

Before you get aquarium fish at home, you need to think about exactly what species of fish will live in the aquarium, how many there will be, which species are not considered predators, and which ones will be able to live together. The fact is that settling fish in their new house, perhaps the most difficult event in caring for them. The care itself aquarium fish uncomplicated. It is necessary to take into account all the behavior patterns and behavioral reactions inherent in each variety as a whole, and each individual separately. For example, fish that are accustomed to living only in a school of their own kind quickly wither and die when living alone in an aquarium.

It is best to use electric lighting so that our fish have the light they need and in addition the aquarium will have a more careful and beautiful view. We invite you to take your pet to the veterinarian in case you exhibit any condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles like this, we recommend you enter our category. Keep your fish clean and in good condition. . Would you like to have a fish as a pet? Although you may think otherwise, it is not enough to have it in the aquarium and feed it from time to time. We teach you how to care for fish at home.

Fish of different species, which require different habitats and water temperatures, die quickly. An aquarium looks well-groomed and beautiful if the same ecological environment prevails in it, that is, both the fish and the plant, and the internal structure of the aquarium itself are designed in the same style. If there are already some residents living in the aquarium, and the owner decides to add new fish, then they cannot be immediately placed with the old residents. There are several caveats to this. First of all, the fish may not get along with each other, even though the owner has studied all the literature and purchased fish from the same breed that he already has, or that can live together.

Depending on the type of fish we have, we will need certain care or others, but in general we should consider a number of basic tips for our pet to live as long as possible. The aquarium or aquarium is one of the most important elements, so it must be of an appropriate size so that the fish can move without problems. A typical glass round fish bowl is not the best solution because it can be a very limited space for our pet. Besides, maximum amount the fish you can have should be directly proportional to the number of liters in the tank.

Just in case, it should be mentioned that in order to coexist together, the fish must have a similar color and eat the same food. Before adding new fish to the aquarium, they must be kept in a separate container for two to three months, this is due to the need to identify hidden diseases, cleanse them of microorganisms that they brought with them from a store aquarium, and which may not get along with the new one. environment. This applies most of all to tropical fish, whose habitat is completely different.

We also can't forget about clean water when it comes to caring for your fish at home. It is best to install a filter that will purify the water and, if possible, remove chlorine if it comes from the tap, before filling the tank with specific products for it.

Regarding light, we must also take care of it and try to avoid getting it directly from the sun. A handy thing is to install a light for aquariums or place a lamp nearby, but remember that it is not always on, since we have to recreate the natural cycle that will take place in the sea or in the river, where there are certain hours of light and some hours of darkness.

It is necessary to install a special aerator in the aquarium. It is recommended to supply air for at least eight hours every day. And, if you switch the aeration system to round-the-clock operation or at least twelve-hour operation, then any aquarium can accommodate a significantly larger number of residents. More than what is provided for in the corresponding volume, according to the standards.

When it comes to caring for fish, feeding is, in many cases, a headache. Or will that not be enough? It is better to consult with specialized stores which food is suitable for each type of fish, what is the most recommended amount and for how long. Finally, another important issue that is not always taken into account is the compatibility of the fish that we will have in the same aquarium.

After this care for fish at home, these animals will live in better conditions for a great time. Just as you care about the space and well-being of your pets, your home also deserves the same conditions. We live in a time when more and more people have a special concern for aquariums or, what is the same, for the hobby of fish breeding and other aquatic organisms in home aquariums. Moreover, as recent studies show, in addition to being one of the most popular forms of entertainment in the world, it has therapeutic effects that lead to reduced stress, lowered heart rate and created complete relaxation.


In addition to details about the main inhabitants of the aquarium, the owner must know everything about the fish’s habitat itself. And there are many of these nuances - the composition of the water (its hardness and acidity), the conditions of aeration and filtration of the aquarium, the quality and types of food, how to light the aquarium, how often it is necessary to change the water and what temperature it should be.

We must be clear that this hobby is a big responsibility and also requires time and effort. In a saltwater aquarium you should be able to simulate the habitat and conditions as much as possible environment, which define it, as long as the animals live and as best as possible.

Aquariums can be fresh or salt water and hot or cold water depending on the habitat you want to reproduce. This is a very important aspect to consider because as we choose one or the other, the features, costs and care will vary significantly.

The main thing, of course, for the correct and comfortable living of fish in an aquarium, the most important thing is water and its composition. Even water that has been left standing for 24 hours is not always suitable for some types of fish, since during this time harmful components, especially chlorine, do not have time to come out, and the water must be left to settle for at least 3 days. You can do it easier and not wait so many days - just heat the water to 17 degrees and then cool it. Thus, the water is freed from excess oxygen, which is very harmful to fish.

Focusing on saltwater aquariums, we can say that this is an aquarium that is superior in cost and maintenance to freshwater aquariums. Lighting in saltwater aquariums also plays a very important role. The basic rule is that aquariums in general, whether freshwater or saltwater, should be kept out of direct sunlight and any source of heat.

Home saltwater aquarium with anemones and clownfish. A saltwater aquarium should be as large as possible to achieve maximum consistency in water quality. It must be deep because marine fish do not live only on the surface and spend so much time swimming vertically up and down horizontally.

It is necessary to change the water in the aquarium once every 7-8 days, renewing only one third of the aquarium each time. The fact is that for some species of fish, a change of water means a change of habitat, which can cause stress in the fish; for such species, the water is changed to only one-fifth of the total volume of water in the aquarium.

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Almost all the fish you have in a tropical saltwater aquarium are coral reef fish. In coral reefs, oxygen levels in the water are stable and water temperatures are usually constant. Light levels are very high. This stable natural environment is what makes saltwater fish difficult to maintain. These fish are not prepared to cope with significant environmental changes, contrary to what happens to freshwater fish.

Tropical corals require salt water. Tropical saltwater aquariums should have more hiding places than fish, and for excavators, a fairly thin substrate. The sand used is coral with a calcium carbonate composition formed by the skeletons of coral animals. In a marine aquarium cold water Temperature, pH, water density and salinity must be controlled and it is necessary to use a water cooler.

Millions of people breed aquarium fish. Everyone enjoys contemplating how living creatures of extraordinary beauty splash in the home water world.

And this is no accident, because it connects there active life aquatic inhabitants with unearthly calm and tranquility.

We must be careful where we place the aquarium, since salt water can damage furniture or carpets, we must be sure to place it in a place where we can fill or empty it without causing internal damage. It is essential to have a glass lid that fits perfectly. This will not only prevent the fish from jumping, but will also reduce the evaporation of water, which can lead to a sharp increase in salinity.

For many years, the care of saltwater fish was complicated by the need to use natural seawater because the mixture of artificial salts was unsatisfactory. Nowadays, "sea salt" is available for mixing with tap water to create superior synthetic water in which saltwater fish can thrive. Another important feature of seawater is its alkaline pH, usually around 8.0-8.

What does a beginner need for fish?

You must be responsible when purchasing a home pond. An aquarium is a fragile ecosystem in which the key is to strike a balance between clear water, green plants and exotic fish.

Therefore, you should begin your acquaintance with aquariums by studying literature and communicating on relevant forums.

Carbon dioxide produced by animals dissolves in water and tends to produce an acidic pH. In a salt aquarium environment, if you are not careful, pH and nitrogen levels can fluctuate as the buffering effect of the ocean is absent. Fluorescents should provide the bright, UV-rich light your fish need for your health, and this will bring out their colors. Excessive light is not dangerous; on the contrary, it will promote the growth of algae; saltwater fish feed on algae, and on the other hand, help neutralize toxic waste from fish.

For a novice aquarist, it is extremely important that the inhabitants of the aquarium cause a minimum of trouble.

To do this you should select:

  • beautiful and unpretentious fish;

It is recommended to use a biological filter. It is important that the vacuum cleaner is as powerful as possible to create a suitable flow of salt water. The bacteria that grow in the filter convert or make the products decomposed by fish excretion less toxic. These filters should be assisted with a filter containing active carbon. Activated carbon chemically destroys organic waste that is not extracted by biological filters. This filter ultimately also contains bacteria, making it doubly effective.

Photo: selection of aquarium fish in the store

  • several types of algae;

Photo: choosing algae for an aquarium

  • snails and dry food.

To achieve better water purification, in addition to a conventional filter, protein foams, ultraviolet light lamps and ozone can be used. Successful saltwater fish care requires constant monitoring of conditions to avoid any problems. However, in practice, once a saltwater aquarium is installed correctly, this means a few minutes of work every week.

The marine species that we will purchase for this type of salt aquarium are significantly more expensive than fresh water, but the beauty that we can achieve with these fish, in addition to the corals, is indescribable and with all the effort and work it will be worth it.

Small aquariums become clogged quickly and require frequent cleaning. Large containers, although they keep the water clean longer, are more difficult to maintain.

Tropical marine aquarium. It is easier to attend and difficult to give work; don't take them out for a walk or run, you don't need to take them to the vet, and their food is very simple. However, caring for aquatic animals is more difficult than it seems. An example is a time-consuming and irreplaceable task, fundamental to the life of the fish that inhabit it and which requires persistence and dedication. We should not forget that an aquarium is an ecosystem in which all life processes are connected with each other. We'll tell you everything you need to know about the service.

Photo: Large containers keep the water clean longer

An aquarist cannot do without auxiliary tools:

An aquarium is not only a glass urn with water, but also the elements necessary for its functioning and decorative accessories, which are also part of the maintenance ritual. Aquarium cleaning and hygiene is not about removing the fish, emptying the water, cleaning and refilling the fish tank. Biological filtration is carried out by a bacterial colony mainly responsible for decomposing the nitrogen compounds that are produced due to the waste produced by the fish, converting them into other compounds unsuitable for them and usable by the aquarium plants.

Aquarium location

The aquarium in the room should not be located near a window, or in direct sunlight, or near heating appliances.

The most suitable place for it is the depth of the room, where you can easily go with a bucket of water or a net to carry out the necessary work. When choosing a place for an aquarium, you should take into account the close location of the outlets.

Inigo also warns that we should not lose sight of the important role played by aquarium plants, because they also contribute to the purification of the same by naturally consuming waste and thus releasing the oxygen that fish need so much. Finally, it is important to remember to periodically perform partial water changes, as this action removes dirt more thoroughly, maintaining the biological cycle of this small ecosystem.

It's also fun to use tools like bottom or surface vacuums to eliminate the most scandalous waste and anti-magnetic magnets are ideal for cleaning aquarium glass. Without forgetting, of course, to clean the filter, because for proper aquarium hygiene the main thing is to have a good filter that is capable of filtering approximately five times the volume of water in the aquarium after an hour. This filter must be cleaned periodically and always with water from the same aquarium, so as not to damage the bacteria. Often aquariums come with a filter included and it is generally believed that these filters do not have the necessary filtration capacity or adequate flow, so it is important to review and change if necessary as this is the most important element the aquarium protects Inigo Lopez.

The aquarium with all its contents is very heavy, so you need to choose a durable surface for it. As a rule, a built-in cabinet is used as a stand.

The height of the aquarium should be installed at eye level so that it is comfortable to watch the aquatic world while standing or sitting. You should choose the exact height according to your height. This will be convenient in terms of cleaning and feeding fish.

Living aquarium inhabitants

In addition to fish, the aquarium requires the presence of algae and snails. The latter are a “vacuum cleaner”. Crawling along the bottom, plants and walls, snails cleanse the aquatic environment of food debris and accumulated mucus.

Aquarium plants not only enrich the water with oxygen. They play an important role in establishing biological balance in the aquatic environment and take an active part in the metabolism of fish and plants themselves.

But they need constant care, as fish and snails often eat plants and spoil their appearance.

Photo: aquarium plants enrich water with oxygen

The aquarium should be maintained every day. It mainly depends on the specific type of fish, so a novice aquarist needs to know the features of keeping aquatic inhabitants.

Maintenance does not involve any complex manipulations and comes down more to inspection, checking equipment, removing rotten plants and cleaning the aquarium.

Every morning, caring for aquarium fish for beginners begins with checking the water temperature. Different categories of fish require different temperature conditions, so it is impossible to keep such inhabitants in the same container.

A novice aquarist should select fish with the same needs. If the thermometer reading drops below normal, you need to turn on the heater, and vice versa, turn it off if the water is overheated.

Photo: you should select fish with the same needs

The appearance of unwanted algae in an aquarium is inevitable. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly get rid of fouling:

  • clean the walls with a scraper;
  • clean stones and driftwood with a brush;
  • Use a special funnel to remove fish excrement from the soil.

Decomposition products removed in a timely manner will not affect the biological balance in the aquarium.

It is important to remember that it is prohibited to place foreign objects in your home pond. If not properly treated, they carry many bacteria that can cause various diseases in fish and reduce their numbers. In addition, sudden falling objects frighten aquatic inhabitants.

By correctly following all the rules for caring for aquarium fish, the inhabitants of your home pond will always be pleasing to the eye.

What should be the water in the aquarium?

It is extremely important to maintain a constant water level in the aquarium. If it drops, you need to carefully add pre-prepared water.

About 1-2 times a week you will have to add 5th part of the water. The water must stand for at least three days. During this time, chlorine vapor and other volatile elements will evaporate. It is strictly forbidden to use boiled water or from the tap!

Photo: it is important to maintain a constant water level in the aquarium

During daily inspection, you may notice cloudiness in the water. There is no need to panic if the loss of transparency is not due to bacteria, but to the remains of dry food.

It is very simple to eliminate this drawback:

  • remove debris, clean the filter;
  • switch the fish to live food;
  • if necessary, evacuate the fish from the aquarium;
  • populate with daphnia to purify water.

If after a while the water does not become light and bad smell, you will have to do a comprehensive cleaning of the aquarium.

Feeding the fish

It is advisable to feed aquatic pets at the same time twice a day.

Before feeding the fish, you need to lure them by lightly tapping your finger on the glass. With regular and timely feeding, the inhabitants of the aquarium develop a reflex: by the time they feed, the fish themselves rise to the surface. The amount of feed is determined experimentally.

A varied diet makes the fish healthy and strong. Since fish are prone to overeating, you cannot overfeed them; they will quickly die. It is better to give them little food than to oversupply them with food. It will also be useful to have a fasting day once a month.

During feeding, it is advisable to give the fish different types stern:

  • bloodworm;

  • dry;

  • vegetable;

  • frozen.

Bloodworms must be stored in the refrigerator; frozen they are no worse than alive.

Cleaning the aquarium

In order for the inhabitants of the aquarium to have an attractive appearance and be healthy, it is necessary to maintain the biological balance of the water space.

Gradually, fish waste products, rotted algae and food residues accumulate at the bottom of the home pond, and microorganisms appear on the walls.

As they accumulate, they pollute the water, emit an unpleasant odor and lead to an imbalance in the water balance. The consequences of this process result in the death of aquatic inhabitants, so cleaning the aquarium is vital.

Photo: cleaning aquariums with neodymium super magnets

The following tools are used to clean the aquarium:

  • various sponges, magnetic wipers and scrapers with metal or plastic blades for removing vegetation from the surface of glass;
  • silicone hose with a glass tip to remove dirt from the bottom;
  • plastic hose for draining water.

Glass cleaning is done using a sponge or various scrapers. Sometimes you can use a nylon sponge or a razor blade as a handy material.

This process should be carried out carefully so that a sharp edge or a grain of sand that accidentally gets into the fabric does not scratch the glass.

The soil is cleaned using a plastic hose with a funnel installed at one end. This end of the hose is lowered into the aquarium and the tip is drawn along the bottom.

The other end is lowered into a bucket below the level of the aquarium. Mulm, falling into the funnel, is eliminated along with muddy water according to the principle of natural drainage.

Cleaning the surface of the water from the formed film is done using a sheet of paper.

To do this, take white and pure paper sheet, the dimensions of which correspond to the surface of the aquarium, which lies on the surface of the water.

When you lift the paper, the film remains on it. In case of heavy contamination, the process should be repeated until the film completely disappears.

Once every six months it is necessary to partially replace the water in the aquarium, thin out and replant algae.

Each time a pond is cleaned, diseased fish are removed, soil is filtered, and shells and decorative elements are cleaned. None chemicals are not used when cleaning the aquarium.

Photo: device for destroying (collecting) bacterial film on the surface of water in freshwater aquariums VUPPA-I

The easiest aquarium fish to care for

At an early stage of your passion for aquarium keeping, it is worth acquiring unpretentious fish that are undemanding in terms of keeping conditions.

Possessing a variety of colors, they will delight even the most demanding aquarist:

Many types have original colors.

A medium or large-sized aquarium with these colorful fish will become an original decoration of any interior, and the aquatic inhabitants themselves can bring a lot of pleasant emotions.

In addition, unpretentious fish do not require much trouble and will bring serenity to the busy rhythm of life.

Video: aquarium for beginners. Caring for a home aquarium. Part 1

Video: aquarium for beginners. Aquarium care. Part 2