How to properly deadlift. Incorrect positioning of the legs. Major mistakes and difficulties.

12.02.2018 Sport

It works literally every muscle of the body - from the muscles of the thighs, buttocks, lower back, rectus and lateral abdominal muscles of the press, ending with the muscles of the shoulders and even the arms.

Deadlift is unloved because of its "heaviness" and complex execution technique. There is no way to "simplify" an exercise or do it on a machine. However, if you want to build a muscular body, you literally have to learn how to deadlift properly.

Is deadlift with dumbbells acceptable?

The logic of the deadlift is simple - you need to lift a heavy weight from the floor, straightening up at the same time. But the essence, as always, is in the details - improper distribution of the load overloads the joints, causes pain and creates a risk of injury.

Deadlift with dumbbells has a number of disadvantages: firstly, the dumbbells will be lower on the floor, and it will be more difficult for you to bend over, which will create an unnecessary back deflection; secondly, it is possible to perform a deadlift with a 100 kg barbell, while 50 kg dumbbells are unrealistic.

Deadlift Technique

1. Preparation. Standing straight, the legs are rather narrowly spaced (the width of the hips, not the shoulders), the feet look slightly to the sides. The bar is located on the floor, its neck runs along the center of the foot (namely, the entire foot, not the toe), being as close as possible to the leg itself.

Gel/air-cushioned shoes (typical running shoes) are not suitable for deadlifts. Sneakers or any other flat-soled shoes are preferable, allowing you to more easily maintain balance and avoid overloading that leads to back pain.

2. Occupation of the starting position. Without bending your knees, lower your body down and place your hands on the bar so that your knees are inside (distance about 40 cm). The arms should be straight, with fixed elbows. Think of them like straps pulling you up.

Initially, the back will be slightly rounded, but in the next movement, bend your knees, push your chest forward, while pulling your pelvis back - your back should become straight. You should feel a noticeable tension in the muscles of the lower back and back of the legs.

3. Verification. Before lifting weights, it is important to make sure that the position is perfectly correct. Check the position of the feet and the proximity of the bar to the legs (get in the habit of checking this by the position of the lacing on your shoes). Don't squat too low.

The shoulders should slightly extend forward beyond the line of the bar (imagine that the shoulder blades seem to cover the bar) - this will help to evenly load the shoulder joint. The head and neck should be in a neutral position, the gaze should be directed forward.

4. Move up. Without transferring your body weight to your toes, push your chest forward and rise, keeping the bar as close to your legs as possible. In the first phase of the movement (raising the bar to the knees), the front surface of the thighs is involved in the work, in the second - the back surface.

In the second phase of the movement, it is especially important to engage the muscles of the buttocks and the back of the thighs. Don't try to pull the weight solely with your back. At the top point, do not perform shrugs or other unnecessary movements - just lift the weight and freeze.

5. Downward movement. Lowering the weight does not begin with bending the knees, but with pushing the hips back - this will help clear the way for the barbell, preventing it from touching the knees. Lower the bar in this way to the position of the kneecaps, then begin to bend the knees themselves.

Keep your back in a neutral position, do not let it arch up or down. Do not transfer the weight of the barbell to your arms and shoulders - this will create a risk of injury to the joint. Also, make sure that your gaze does not fall to your feet - this will upset your balance.

Deadlift Mistakes

Often, at the top of the movement, it is recommended to strain the muscles of the back, shoulders, or even arch the lower back - remember that this is a mistake. Even the English name of the exercise - deadlift - says that at the top point you should freeze (“dead stop”).

The only movement that should be performed at the top of the lift is to push the chest forward, but without trying to connect the shoulder blades or tighten the shoulders. Push your chest forward, pause for a second, then lower the weight in a controlled manner. This is one repeat.

Deadlift for beginners

In most cases, it is quite difficult for beginners to lift the barbell directly from the floor - the lighter the weight, the smaller the pancake diameter and the lower the barbell is. If you do not use 20 kg pancakes, it is better to do it.

A beginner must make sure that the lower back is in a neutral position. Arching your back up is the easiest way to get injured. The remark is especially relevant for girls who tend to bend their backs not only in the lower, but also in the upper part.

Do I need insurance and belts?

Straps do help you lift more than your hands can hold - but it's important to remember that you're not in a competition. It is not the severity of the working weight that is important, but the ideal technique for performing the exercise. The use of belts is allowed only by professionals.

The same applies to the “over-grip” technique, when one palm looks up and the other looks down. Such a grip makes the exercise easier, so it is only acceptable in the last approaches when you have little strength. First, use a regular grip and adequate weights.

The deadlift is the number one exercise for working out the musculature of the core, lower back, abdominals, glutes, and hamstrings. For beginners, it is especially important to include this exercise in the training program, observing the ideal technique.

The deadlift is a basic muscle-building exercise and one of the three main disciplines of powerlifting along with the chest press and the squat. When it is performed, the whole body is involved in the work, but the back muscles, buttocks and muscles of the back of the thigh take on the main load.

Deadlift develops muscles well, the main thing is to follow the correct technique. This will achieve good results and help avoid injuries - after all, the exercise involves working with large weights.

It must also be taken into account that deadlift has contraindications, in the presence of which it is better not to include it in the training program.

Basic Rules

There are two fundamentally different versions of this exercise.

  1. Fitness equipment- used in bodybuilding when the goal of training is muscle volume and muscle mass. Perform 6-10 reps per set.
  2. Power engineering- used by powerlifters seeking to develop maximum muscle strength. Up to three repetitions are performed per approach.

Fitness technique involves several options for performing traction, each of which allows, at the request of the athlete, to shift the focus to one or another muscle group. There is no such diversity in powerlifting, because everything comes down to one goal - to stretch as much as possible. possible weight without getting injured.

The deadlift must be performed from the bottom up - in the starting position, the projectile lies on the floor (for the first repetition in the set) or is held directly above the floor (for subsequent repetitions), and the athlete, bending down, holds the bar with his hands. He unbends the body, lifting the projectile up, then lowers to its original position.

Some bodybuilders do it differently - the starting position for them is the standing position with the barbell, when performing the exercise, they lower the weight to the floor, then return the body to the starting point. When working with small weights, this method is to some extent acceptable, but after the athlete moves on to serious weights, it becomes dangerous and ineffective. It is better to immediately get used to the correct technique, doing the exercise from the bottom up.

In bodybuilding, deadlifts can be performed not only with a barbell, but also with dumbbells. In terms of technique and muscles being worked out, this option has practically no differences. It allows you to diversify your workouts for athletes who are tired of working with a barbell. In addition, everyone who does not have this projectile, but has dumbbells of a suitable weight, can perform it at home.

When performing a deadlift with dumbbells, it is necessary to observe the technique even more strictly than when working with a barbell. It is necessary to maintain balance and keep the deflection in the lower back, lower the arms down perpendicular to the floor, while the weights should not be located in front, but on the sides of the legs.

Preparation for execution and starting position

Consider the technique of the classic version of the exercise used by bodybuilders. First you need to warm up well. If you start the exercise without first warming up, you won’t be able to work with maximum loads, and this is also a direct path to injury.

Warm up may include:

  • Working on a cardio machine- a treadmill, exercise bike, ellipsoid and so on, a rowing machine is a good option;
  • jump rope;
  • Deadlift with an empty bar at a fast pace;
  • Push ups;
  • Multiple sets with light weights, in each next set you need to increase the mass of the projectile and thus gradually approach the working weight.

The intensity of the warm-up and the load must be chosen in such a way that it does not lead to fatigue - this part of the workout should warm up the body and cause a surge of strength.

After the warm-up, you need to free up a section of the hall of sufficient size for yourself, removing dumbbells, pancakes and other foreign objects from it. Having placed the barbell in the center of the free space you need weights, you need to come close to it so that the shins are located almost close to the neck. Feet should be parallel, slightly narrower than shoulder width.

Leaning forward and crouching slightly, you need to grab the bar so that your palms are wider than your hips and bend your back in the lower back. Shoulders should be directly over the bar.

Grip Options

  1. The basic grip is from above., in which the palms are turned back during the thrust. The likelihood of injury in this case is minimized, but for some it seems inconvenient, since holding the bar with an overhand grip when working with large weights becomes a real problem for them. To simplify the task, you can use straps that cover the neck and are fixed on the wrists.
  2. Another option is to use the weightlifting version of the overhand grip., allowing you to securely hold a heavy projectile without the use of additional devices. To take the neck in this way, you must first grasp it with your thumb from below, and then with your index and ring fingers on top, placing them on top of the large one. After that, the brush unfolds from horizontal position in the working vertical, and you can start performing traction. At first, such a grip seems uncomfortable, but in fact it just takes time to get used to it.
  3. Some athletes also use a mixed grip, in which one palm rests on the neck from above, and the second supports it from below. For many, holding the barbell in this way is easier than with an overhand grip, but this option is the most unfortunate, since different hand positions lead to body asymmetry during the exercise. As a result, the muscles of the right and left sides are loaded unevenly.

To avoid this, when performing a deadlift with a different grip, it is necessary to alternate the position of the hands - first, the right palm holds the bar from above, and the left from below, then vice versa. Also, when using a different grip, the risk of injury increases, in particular, damage to the elbow joint of the arm turned forward. Performing an exercise with a grip from above is preferable.

Execution technique


It is necessary to take a deep breath and as you exhale, quickly but smoothly straighten your legs and body, raising the barbell to your hips. At the end point of the movement, the shoulder blades are brought together, and the position is briefly fixed. A jerk at the beginning of the movement should be avoided, the weight lifting speed should be the same throughout the entire amplitude.


You also need to lower the bar to the floor smoothly, while maintaining full control over it. The movement begins with the abduction of the pelvis back. First you need to tilt the body, and after the bar passes the knees, also bend the legs at the knee joints.

Why do deadlifts

Most beginners prefer to focus on the arms and chest. At the same time, they avoid training legs and back, considering them less important for themselves, and it is difficult to train them. However, this is completely wrong.

Exercises for the muscles of the legs and back must be included in the training, and the deadlift here is one of the main movements. Its regular implementation will allow you to achieve several goals at once:

  • Thanks to the strengthening of the back and legs, it will be possible to work standing and sitting with large weights, with almost no risk of injury, in particular, with developed long muscles, the load on the spinal column is reduced;
  • The deadlift is a heavy exercise that involves a large number of muscle groups, and it causes a powerful metabolic response, as a result, even muscles that are not involved in its implementation, such as biceps, will begin to grow faster;
  • The body will develop proportionally, that is, thanks to the deadlift, the lag of the muscle groups of the legs and back can be avoided.

Muscles involved

The deadlift is a movement that works almost every muscle. Some of them are directly responsible for lifting the projectile, while the rest stabilize the position of the body. The main work is carried out:

  • Adductor muscles of the thighs;
  • hamstrings;
  • Gluteal muscles;
  • Long muscles of the back;
  • The broadest muscles of the back.

Common Mistakes

The deadlift is a high-impact exercise and must be performed with proper technique to minimize the chance of injury. Also, well-established technique is the key to effective study of target muscles.

Incorrect foot placement

When doing a classic deadlift, it is better to place your legs so that the distance between the soles is equal to the width of one foot.

Wrong hand position

When performing a classic deadlift, the brushes should be slightly wider than the hips, not too narrow and not too wide. If the hands are placed closer to each other, they will touch the knees.

Back rounding

The most dangerous mistake, due to which the load on the spine is excessively increased. As a result, you can either injure your back during training, or earn serious problems with your spine in a few months or years. During the entire movement, it is necessary to maintain a deflection in the lower back, then all the muscles of the back will be in proper tone.

Incomplete extension of the arms

When lifting and lowering the projectile, the arms should be kept as straight as possible so that they hang down freely. Some bend them a little at the elbows, however, in this case, the biceps receive a greater load, which are best excluded from work as much as possible.

Overextension of the neck

There is no need to tilt your head back, in this position it is inconvenient to pull the barbell, moreover, there is a risk of injury to the upper back. In the initial position, the gaze should be directed to the floor 2-2.5 meters forward, in the upper position - straight ahead. To develop technique, you can clamp a rubber ball with a diameter of about 10 cm under the chin.

Working with excessive weights

Many athletes in the gym strive to impress others and overload the barbell. However, this should not be done - it is very difficult to withstand the technique in this case, and the likelihood of injury increases.

Types of deadlift

This option is performed in the same way as the classic one, there are no differences in technique. Using a contour neck allows you to more effectively work out the target muscles, giving a better load. Also, during traction with this projectile, there is less chance of injury.

Sumo deadlift

The sumo deadlift involves a wide stance of the legs, they should be located in such a way that the feet are near the pancakes. The main part of the load is taken by the hips.

Another name for the exercise is deadlift on straight legs. Thanks to its implementation, the gluteal muscles and the muscles of the back of the thigh, that is, the biceps of the thighs, are tightened. The legs during the deadlift should be almost straight, during the entire approach they should be kept slightly bent at the knee joints. The body is unbent upward due to the work of the back muscles, the muscles of the legs do not contract and do not relax, but are in great tension.

The choice of one of the varieties of exercise depends on which muscles you need to focus on. Since the fitness technique involves a fairly large number of possible options, with the help of traction you can work out both the legs and the back well.

It is also necessary to take into account the level physical training and anatomical features. For example, for beginners, it is better to pay attention to traction with a contour neck, and not with a straight one. The classic version is preferable for owners of short arms and poorly developed legs, and sumo thrust is preferred for athletes with long arms and weak back.

After doing the exercise, you may experience back pain. First possible reason- Wrong technique. Most often, the rounding of the back during the approach leads to problems, in such a case, an adjustment of the technique is needed. To make it easier to develop the desired trajectory of movement, it is better to switch to small weights for a while.

Also, pain may appear due to insufficient warm-up, then it is necessary to include additional exercises in it - in particular, start doing hyperextensions before pulling. Another possible reason is underdeveloped core muscles. In this case, you should abandon traction for several months and strengthen the back extensors, abs, oblique muscles, and then try to return the deadlift to the training program.

However, it is best to undergo an examination when pain occurs, the most informative is MRI. If you find hernias, protrusions and other problems with the spine, you should consult a doctor. Most likely, the deadlift will have to be completely abandoned.

How to replace deadlift

If there are contraindications to deadlift, it can be excluded from the training program, replacing it with more gentle exercises:

  • Bending the legs in the simulator is the main isolating exercise for working out the biceps of the thighs;
  • Buttocks are trained with squats;
  • To work out the extensor muscles of the back, hyperextension is well suited.

In bodybuilding, the deadlift is not at all an indispensable movement, many train without it and achieve excellent results. You should not do this exercise if you have problems with the spine, as they will worsen significantly as a result.

It is better to start mastering this movement with an experienced mentor. Even if a novice athlete knows all the nuances of the deadlift technique, he is not always able to understand whether he is doing everything right, while the look of an experienced coach immediately notices the shortcomings.

Deadlift brings good results only when working with full dedication with large weights. However, in this case, it is an extremely difficult exercise that not everyone needs. To include it in the training program and achieve a good effect, you must not only have a healthy back and lower back, but also be highly motivated.

Even with proper technique and good spinal health, the deadlift can cause problems over the years. Before you include it in the training, you should think carefully about whether you need to do this. An experienced trainer and a good doctor will help you find the answer to this question. Since, if desired, all muscle groups involved in the deadlift can be worked out with other exercises, for some the best option there will be traction.

There is a good compromise option - to do the exercise every 2 or 3 weeks. In between workouts, the back and legs can be kept in good shape with other exercises.

These are all the basic things you need to know before incorporating the deadlift into your training program. Choose the appropriate exercise option, work in the right technique and with maximum efficiency, while not overloading yourself and listening to your body, train regularly - and the results of the classes will surely please you.

The deadlift ranks on the list of the most effective strength exercises for developing about 80% of the muscles of the body of a training person. This exercise, depending on the correct execution, allows you to build up a large muscle mass, and at the same time requires sufficient body flexibility. The exercise can carry some risks because it involves many joints and requires strong muscles in the legs, buttocks, and especially the back during execution. The greater the weight of the barbell used, the better preconditioning the body must be subjected to. A beginner cannot work with a lot of weight, as he has low strength indicators, and is simply injured. The most common complaint among beginner athletes after powerlifting is back and lower back pain.

How to do a deadlift - preparation

Before approaching the performance of strength exercises, you need to do a general warm-up. It will further help to achieve high-quality performance of the task. Warming up muscle groups and joints prevents the body from injuries, sprains, and prepares a person psychologically to receive stronger loads.

How to perform a deadlift

  • You will need an empty neck. This weight will be enough for a beginner to work.
  • Legs become slightly narrower than shoulder width. The knees are always slightly bent.
  • The torso goes down, while the shoulders go parallel to the feet. The pelvis is retracted accordingly.
  • The head and back are kept at the same level.
  • The hands rest on the bar on either side of the thighs. The bar is gripped by hands, the level of the back and head does not change when gripping and lifting. The correct stance is obtained when, in this position, the arms do not bend, do not retract, and lie freely on the bar.
  • The legs are gradually straightened, the bar is held on straight arms. The shoulder blades are brought back.
  • Reaching the top point, the strongest tension occurs.
  • Then comes the downward movement, the legs bend, the bar moves along the legs, the pelvis is retracted, the bar lies on the floor.

How to do a deadlift - exercise mistakes

  • The deadlift does not tolerate a rounded back, or any arching in that area. The back and lower back receive a large load coming from the weight of the bar. If the head looks forward, then in this situation the back straightens.
  • Feet should be placed evenly and at a small distance from each other. So that one foot can fit between them. Be sure to follow your rack, evenly distribute the incoming load. You can't take your heels off the floor.
  • The kneecaps cannot protrude beyond the toes. Otherwise, there is a risk of long-term injury. If your legs tremble, you should take a break to rest or reduce the load.
  • Particular attention must be paid to the grip of the barbell. Often bodybuilders use a different grip. This is a special position of the hands, in which the fingers of one hand look up, and the other is turned towards the floor. With this option for holding the barbell, hands should be alternated. The fingers rest on the bar parallel to the shoulders (on both sides of the thighs). You can also use the classic and reverse grip using straps (for support).
  • When performing this strength exercise, there should be no uncontrolled and sudden movements. It is dangerous to assume that a sharp snatch of the weight of the barbell helps in any way. On the contrary, the percentage of painful sprains in the spine increases.

Difficult but doable

Most safe option for those who want to start with heavy weight training, this is a month of training without weight. After a while, it will be possible to gradually increase the load on already strengthened muscles. People with problematic backs (scoliosis) are not recommended to take such tasks without completing a back correction course.
The deadlift is an exercise that gives the necessary strength and volume to the muscles. Develops unique muscle reliefs of the bodybuilder's body. At the same time, you need to remember that you can’t rush in the gym. And in order to achieve a result, you need to deal with certain difficulties.

In this article we will try to talk about all the nuances of such, without exaggeration, a cult exercise as a deadlift. Surely everyone who is somehow connected with iron, or was connected, knows firsthand about it. Before you start practicing, you need to learn how to do the deadlift correctly.

It would seem, what else can be written about the deadlift? The Internet is literally full of detailed information. But all of it is kind of formulaic and monotonous. Like, the deadlift is the most powerful tool in building your athletic physique, without it you will not grow anything, and so on. Let's try to find the truth.

Theory first

Whether we like it or not, it is necessary to start with a boring theory, which is full on the Internet. Deadlift is a multi-joint (basic) traction exercise that is performed with dumbbells, a barbell or a kettlebell and involves about 75% of all human muscles. In this case, only three muscles work actively, to a greater or lesser extent: the extensors of the back, the biceps femoris and the buttocks. The remaining muscles experience, to one degree or another, a static load. These are quadriceps, lats, biceps, triceps, trapezius, calves, abdominal muscles, and of course forearms.

Now directly about how to properly perform a deadlift with a barbell.

Initial position:

  • Get close to the bar. Place your feet shoulder-width apart parallel to each other. In this case, the socks should stick out a little forward behind the bar of the bar.
  • The gaze is directed upward. The back is straight. The shoulder blades are brought together.
  • Keeping your back straight, bend your knees and grab the bar with a straight grip slightly wider than your shoulders.


  • Take a deep breath.
  • As you exhale, slowly lift the barbell, straightening both your torso and your legs.
  • Then, smoothly start moving the bar back down. The bar must move strictly vertically along the shins. The shoulder blades remain flattened, the back is straight.
  • After the neck passes the line of the knees, sit down and touch the pancakes to the floor.

The most optimal number of repetitions in this exercise in one approach is 6-8 in perfect execution technique (very smoothly, no jerks in any phase of the exercise). The main thing is the correct execution of the deadlift, and only then everything else. Rounding the back is prohibited! If you can’t keep your back flat and arched throughout all repetitions, then you have taken too much weight and you need to reduce it. Also, in order to avoid injury, it is strongly recommended to use a special belt.

For beginners and especially girls, deadlift with dumbbells is more suitable. Its advantage is that you can use less weight, as well as position the dumbbells on the sides, thereby aligning the center of gravity. The performance requirements do not change.

Main types

It was about the classic deadlift, but it has several options for execution. There are the following types of deadlift:

  1. Classical (weightlifting);
  2. Deadlift in the style of "sumo" (lifter);
  3. Dead (aka Romanian);
  4. Trap bar pull.


If your goal is to build a beautiful athletic physique, then it is best to use the feet at shoulder width. This deadlift technique helps to work out all the muscles involved in the work in full amplitude, which will create the most positive conditions for their hypertrophy (growth and subsequent increase in volume). The classic version of the deadlift is one of the main disciplines in powerlifting (powerlifting) and power extreme. In bodybuilding and fitness, it is used primarily as a workout for the back muscles and is considered the main exercise for this muscle group.


If you are a powerlifter, it is best to use a very wide stance to lift the maximum weight. This version of the execution is the deadlift "sumo" or "lifter". This positioning of the legs helps to take as much weight as possible, since the range of motion is significantly reduced. But not all "lifters" use this option.


A fairly common variant of the deadlift is the Romanian deadlift (aka deadlift). This is an embodiment in which the legs in knee joint do not bend or bend slightly due to the anatomical features of the one who performs this exercise. This is a more targeted exercise than the regular deadlift. It is considered one of the most important exercises for the back of the thigh, since the extensors of the back in this version receive a significantly lower load compared to the "classic". Usually people who are into bodybuilding or fitness do it on leg day as a hamstring exercise. In powerlifting, the straight-legged deadlift is not used due to the fact that the weight used in the exercise is very limited, as it is a less basic exercise.

Trap bar pull

A very interesting version of the deadlift is the trap bar deadlift. The design of the trap neck is very peculiar and is a hexagonal frame with parallel handles. This is a great option for those who are into bodybuilding or fitness. The trap bar deadlift is less traumatic than the deadlift with a barbell, since the load on the lower back is minimal. Can be a replacement for the classic squat for those who can't squat with a barbell on their shoulders due to injury. Naturally, it is not recommended for “lifters” and other security officials, since only straight bar deadlifts are performed at competitions.

Bar Grip

The most common, especially among amateurs and beginners, is a direct grip. It loads the forearms as much as possible, thereby training the grip strength. But so that the hand does not unclench when using large weights, athletes use auxiliary equipment, for example, deadlift straps, and also use other types of grips.

To take a lot of weight, and most often among professionals, a “different grip” is used, that is, a mixed grip, when one hand is directed with the palm towards you and the other away from you. This method allows you to greatly reduce the likelihood of the neck slipping out of your hands. However, there is a torque that imperceptibly has a negative effect on the spine, so you should be especially careful.

The grip in the "lock" or "weightlifter" is different in that the thumbs are clamped between the rest of the fingers and the bar of the bar, acting by analogy with the straps. Often this grip causes pain, so it is rarely used.

The role of exercise in bodybuilding

Let's talk about the meaning of the deadlift for those who are involved in the construction beautiful body. If for all the "siloviki" this exercise is indispensable, since it is one of the main disciplines, then in bodybuilding its role is too exaggerated. The classic deadlift is called the main exercise for the back muscles, but this is not at all the case.

Here it must be borne in mind that bodybuilding is a sport where all muscle groups are worked out quite accurately. The main goal in bodybuilding in terms of developing back muscles is to increase their width and thickness. This role falls on the traction of the bar in the slope and wide pull-ups. And the back extensors also receive a very large static load when performing a barbell row in an incline. The deadlift can only be performed as an auxiliary exercise to the two above, but it is a mistake to consider it the main one.

Pull-ups and bent-over rows are also multi-joint basic exercises, but they work the back muscles more precisely. Therefore, in your training, deadlift should be performed only after a thorough study of the widest ones, since these are the main muscles of the back, which the deadlift loads only statically, and this is not enough for the impressive appearance of your back.

Many coaches confirm that the deadlift is rightfully on the list of the best exercises for developing muscle mass and strength. It is important to note that you can count on the result only if the exercises are performed correctly, taking into account all the nuances.

What is deadlift?

For those who want to work out their body quickly and effectively, it is recommended to include basic exercises in the training that involve many muscles in the work. These include the deadlift, which should be included in the training of people who want to lose weight and work out the muscle corset. The deadlift is an exercise that uses a barbell or dumbbells. To minimize the risk of injury, wrist straps can be used to secure the bar in the hands.

What pumps deadlift?

The popularity and effectiveness of this exercise is due to the fact that it perfectly stimulates muscle growth. During training, the following muscles are more involved in the work:

  1. Back. The main load is concentrated on the lower back, which works on flexion / extension. The latissimus dorsi muscles are still developing.
  2. Legs and buttocks. For those who are interested in what the deadlift is for, you need to know that it perfectly works out the most problematic areas on the human body, and this is important for women.
  3. Forearms and hands. Needed to hold the bar.
  4. Press. Important for stabilizing the body in order to maintain the correct position.
  5. Trapeze and inner thighs.

Deadlift - pros and cons

Each exercise has its positive aspects, but in some cases they are harmful, it helps to understand whether it is worth attention or not. Let's start with what the deadlift gives, that is, what advantages it has:

  1. A basic exercise that helps develop several large muscle groups.
  2. Significantly increases the strength of a person, which allows you to perform other exercises with a lot of weight.
  3. Helps deadlift and cellulite from the thighs and buttocks, giving them a good shape.
  4. With frivolous problems with the back, you can cope with painful sensations.
  5. Increases body endurance.
  6. It helps to strengthen the joints, the main thing is to perform the exercise correctly.
  7. It has a positive effect on the condition of the heart, blood vessels and respiratory system.

It is important to know what the dangerous deadlift is, as it refers to exercises that often cause injuries, mainly related to the spine. To avoid this, it is necessary to observe the execution technique and monitor the position of the back, which should be straight with a slight deflection in the lower back.

Deadlift - technique

Regardless of the chosen type of traction, it is necessary to take into account a number of important technical points.

  1. Place your feet so that the socks are on the same straight line, since asymmetry is unacceptable.
  2. Start with light weights to hone your technique.
  3. Performing all types of deadlifts, you can not take your heels off the floor. It is recommended to wear shoes with thin and uniform soles.
  4. Use bandages to protect your knees from chafing.

Classic deadlift

The classic version of the exercise is most often used. You should definitely start training with a warm-up, focusing on the lower back and knees. The first set should be done without pancakes to warm up the muscles. To understand how to properly deadlift, it is important Special attention give the starting position.

  1. Put the bar on the floor and stand near it so that the feet are under the bar, that is, it must pass through their center.
  2. The distance between the legs should be natural and comfortable. Socks expand a little to the sides.
  3. Take the bar with a regular grip, placing it at a distance slightly wider than your shoulders. If you prefer to work with a heavy load, then use a mixed grip.
  4. Bend your knees into a squat so that your shins lightly touch the bar. The thighs should be almost parallel to the floor.
  5. During the entire exercise, you need to look forward, otherwise there is a risk of losing balance.
  6. Keep your back straight, because if you round it, you can be injured. The deflection in the lower back should be small.

After all the points of the starting position are completed, you can proceed to the exercise. To understand how to do a deadlift, it is important to go through several important steps.

  1. You can’t jerk the barbell up and you don’t need to pull it. The lift should be natural.
  2. Start moving up from the head, and then, straighten your knees, rising.
  3. When the bar reaches the knees, it is necessary to move the hips forward.
  4. No need to try to fully straighten your knees. Lower yourself down, pushing your pelvis back as if you were trying to push a door away with your buttocks.
  5. The movement of the bar must occur along one trajectory.

Classic deadlift

Romanian deadlift

This option is considered lightweight, so it is more often chosen by the fairer sex. The Romanian deadlift with a barbell, when compared with the classic version, loads the buttocks and hips to a greater extent, but the back muscles are minimally involved. This version of the exercise is performed on straight legs or the knees can be bent quite a bit. The bar is then lowered to middle line shins. Romanian deadlift for weight loss and muscle development is performed according to the following scheme:

  1. How to take the starting position is described above. Hold the bar with your palms facing down. The distance between the arms should be slightly less than the width of the shoulders.
  2. Exhaling, lift the bar, and you need to do this slowly without jerking.
  3. Straighten your torso by pushing your pelvis forward. At the end, exhale.
  4. Lower yourself down again, bringing your pelvis back.

Romanian deadlift

Deadlift on straight legs

This is the most difficult version of the presented exercise, which is also called deadlift. During training, many muscles are involved in the work, but the biceps of the thigh and buttocks receive the main load. Deadlift exercises on straight legs are included in the training program of people who play sports where it is important to run and jump well.

  1. Take the starting position, which was described above in the description of the classic deadlift technique.
  2. Inhaling, lower the bar down, keeping your legs straight. Don't forget to arch your back.
  3. Return to PI on an exhale.

Deadlift on straight legs

Sumo deadlift

The presented version of the exercise was invented by powerlifters and is practically not used in other sports areas. The sumo deadlift is distinguished by the positioning of the legs, the width between which is greater than the shoulders. Thanks to this, the hips and buttocks work more. If performed correctly, part of the load can be removed from the back, which passes to the legs. The greatest tension is felt on the inner surface of the thigh. The sumo deadlift is performed according to the following scheme:

  1. Place your feet wider than shoulder width so that your feet are near the pancakes. Turn your toes out to the sides. Bend your legs and grab the bar. Bend over so that your hands are between your legs and your shoulders are over the bar and slightly relaxed.
  2. Bend at the waist and, inhaling, begin to lift the barbell.
  3. When it is above the knees, move the pelvis forward, stopping the movement. At the same time, the knees should straighten. Another point - the shoulder blades should be reduced.
  4. Go down, starting with the movement of the pelvis back, and then, already bend your knees, lowering the barbell.

Sumo deadlift

Deadlift in Smith

A significant advantage of the Smith machine is that the bar moves in only one trajectory, thereby avoiding skew or displacement of the projectile. Since the stabilizer muscles are not involved in the work, but the load is transferred to the hips, buttocks and back. Performing a deadlift in Smith is similar to the options discussed above.

  1. First, adjust the height of the neck so that it is located in the middle of the thighs. Hold the bar with a pronated grip so that there is a distance between the hands, as the width of the shoulders. The arms should be straight and the knees slightly bent.
  2. Exhaling, tilt, pulling the pelvis back and lowering the barbell down. Do not forget about the back, which should be straight.
  3. Due to the tension of the hips and buttocks, inhaling, return to the PI.

Deadlift in Smith

Deadlift with dumbbells

Another implementation option effective exercise, but instead of a barbell, dumbbells are used here. The scheme regarding how the deadlift is done is almost identical to the classic version.

  1. Hold the dumbbells on the outstretched arms on the front of the thigh so that the palms look down. The remaining nuances of the starting position are described above.
  2. As you inhale, bend down, bringing your hips back and lowering the dumbbells down. The arms should be straight and the back straight.
  3. Exhaling, return to the PI.

Deadlift with dumbbells

Deadlift - sets and reps

The execution method directly depends on what the goal of the training was. More often, the deadlift exercise for women is used for weight loss, muscle growth, and endurance. For those who want to improve their body and physical performance in a short period of time, the following scheme is recommended:

  • set number 1 - 5 reps without pancakes;
  • approach number 2 - 5 times with 50% of the maximum load;
  • approach number 3 - 3 times with 75%;
  • approach number 4 - 2 times with 90%;
  • the main approach is up to 10 times with a working weight.

Deadlift - contraindications

Before performing any exercise, it must be borne in mind that in some situations physical exercise are prohibited.

  1. Deadlift for girls is contraindicated in the presence of problems with the musculoskeletal system.
  2. Training is prohibited for people with curvature, hernia and other problems with the spine.
  3. Contraindications include diseases of the joints of the hands, elbows and shoulders.
  4. Strength exercises are prohibited for hypertensive patients and for diseases of the cardiovascular system.