A set of exercises for girls in the gym. Where to start training in the gym for a beginner girl (plan and video lesson)

16.10.2019 Style and fashion

Hand training for girls in gym is aimed not only at losing weight in this part of the body, but also at creating a beautiful relief. And here you don’t have to be afraid that you will over-pump, because the hormonal characteristics in the female body will not allow this. Therefore, the maximum that you will achieve without taking any special medications is an excellent figure and beautiful hands.

Below we will look at a girl using standard gym equipment.

Shoulder program

Shoulder strengthening exercises are isolation exercises. This suggests that they are focused on one muscle group, in in this case- on shoulders. If you have dumbbells, then you can start doing exercises at home. If they are not there, go to the hall.

In order to learn how to properly pump your arms with dumbbells, let's look at a few basic exercises. Seated dumbbell press for girls:

  1. Sit on a bench, holding a dumbbell in each hand.

  1. Keep your back straight and bend your arms at the elbows.
  2. Now we raise the dumbbells up, but in such a way that the arms do not fully straighten at the elbows.
  3. After pausing for a second in the top position, we slowly return to the starting position.

Advice! This exercise must be performed smoothly and in such a way that the arms are constantly parallel to each other.

Well-developed shoulders, like pumped up arms, are a symbol of masculinity. Therefore, when exercising regularly in the gym, you should pay considerable attention to working out shoulder muscles. At serious approach By training and using a well-designed set of exercises, you will be able to achieve positive results in the near future.

Arnold Press:

  1. We sit on a chair and take dumbbells.

  1. Bend your elbows and press them to your body (as in the photo).
  2. This exercise is performed with supination, that is, when raising your arms up, you must simultaneously rotate your wrists.
  3. By lowering your arms, you also supinate, but in the other direction.

Another exercise to tighten muscles for women is lifting dumbbells to the sides and forward. In order to pump up your arms and shoulders, perform the following steps:

  1. Stand up straight, holding dumbbells in your hands.

  1. Begin to alternately spread your arms to the sides and raise them in front of you. The top point should be parallel to the floor or just above parallel.

Important! To perform this exercise, you need to select such a weight that lifts occur only through the movement of your arms, and in no case with your torso.

To lose weight, you need to perform the above exercises in 3 sets with 12-15 repetitions in each. If you want to gain muscle mass, then take heavier dumbbells and limit yourself to 10 repetitions for 3 sets.

Hand training

So, if you want to properly pump up the outer and inner parts of your arm, then you should approach this issue comprehensively. To do this, you need to perform the exercises in sets. A set is a set of exercises that are performed sequentially, with minimal rest in between.

Advice! Try to take breaks between exercises of the same set for no more than a minute.

First comes the biceps set:

  1. Wide-grip barbell curls in a standing position. To begin, take the bare bar and hold it in straight hands so that your palms face forward. Now, without jerking, we calmly raise the bar to the chest. We hold for a second and lower it just as smoothly. The exercise is performed in 3 sets of 15 times.
  2. Seated dumbbell curls for biceps. So, sit on a chair, hands with dumbbells at your sides. Now we perform the lift, turning our hands with our wrists towards ourselves. Also 3 sets of 15 repetitions.

The main problem for many women is not the biceps, but the triceps. Therefore, let’s consider a set for tightening this particular muscle:

  1. Seated French press. It is an excellent answer to the question: “How to pump up your arms with dumbbells?” Sit on a chair or bench, grab a dumbbell with both hands and lift it above your head. Smoothly lower the dumbbell behind your head almost all the way, and then just as smoothly return it back.

  1. Lying down arm extensions with dumbbells. Lie down on a bench with your feet on the floor. Raise your arms with dumbbells above you perpendicular to your body. Palms should face up. This is the starting position. Now bend your elbows, slowly lowering the dumbbells to the level of your ears.

  1. Bench press. The exercise is performed with a narrow grip. Hold the barbell with straight arms, slowly lowering it without spreading your arms. Once the bar touches your chest, press the barbell back up.

Advice! It is advisable to perform this exercise on a Smith machine.


Now you know how to properly pump your arms with dumbbells in the gym. By following the recommendations described above and performing the exercises correctly, you will soon be able to achieve positive results.

Read also the article “” on our portal.

Strength training not only sculpts your figure with beautiful smooth transitions, it increases the level of the testosterone hormone. This male hormone helps not only to pump up the necessary muscles and give an exciting attractiveness to the body, but also to cope with the load. And she is weighty.

Of course, if the purpose of training in the gym is to work on relief, and not to improve health and maintain physical fitness. Although, without a doubt, the latter motivation is no less important and also requires effort and self-control.

Regardless of what prompted the girl to cross the threshold of the gym, classes must be supervised by an instructor, according to an individual, competent training program.

But not everyone can afford a personal trainer, so there are proven training schemes for girls different levels sports training and different effects on muscles.

The right program is a plan that works

where to start training?

The principle of trying everything and immediately leads to nowhere, just like the first training to failure. It’s not a woman’s business to exhaust herself to the limit. Instead of making progress, you can easily overload your muscles by doing too many sets and repetitions or training with unbearable weights.

Caution and gradual increase in load are the first condition for future success.

Secondly, you need to start implementing your training plan with a general developmental set of exercises for all muscle groups. Having gotten used to the workload in 2-4 weeks, they will be prepared for serious training. Third, master the technique of performing exercises on simulators, otherwise you can get injured without achieving the desired result. Finally, useful to have Personal diary, where to mark what is planned to be done, how many times and, if weight is expected, what exactly.

Beginner girls should not start training on a split program, even if they are tempted to immediately start pumping up one or two “necessary” muscle groups.

Warm up first

You need to start with a warm-up

Even if you want to fly up to the projectile and, without wasting time, start the “pumping” part, doing this is unacceptable. There is an immutable rule - to begin training for a program of any level with a warm-up. It is a mistake to neglect it, considering it an unproductive pastime. It will warm up the ligamentous apparatus, muscles and joints, thereby protecting against injury.

First they warm up in the cardio zone. 10 minutes is shown followed by an “uphill climb” on (skis) is also suitable. By simultaneously using your hips, you can quickly get into athletic shape. Pulse up to 100-120 beats/min. as a result of aerobic exercise for the good. Due to the influx of oxygen, the muscles are filled with blood and cardiovascular and metabolic activity increases.

Stretching is an important part of warming up

good stretching is the basis for proper exercise performance

Dynamic stretching is needed to give elasticity to muscles and mobility to joints. Training them before the main workout helps to achieve the required range of movements of the arms, legs, and the greatest depth of squats. Usually these are simple bends to the sides and forward, rotations of the arms, shoulders, lunges. It takes 8-10 minutes.

Stretching for a specific muscle group is also performed before the first approach when changing exercises.

How many approaches, how many repetitions...

It all depends on the chosen program and the girl’s level of preparedness. It also matters which part of the body is preferable to train - lower or upper. Muscles are unevenly distributed throughout a woman’s body, There are more of them in the lower zone, it’s easier to progress there. To develop your chest and shoulders you need to strain more.

Another important factor taken into account is physiology.

Two weeks after menstruation, the body is much stronger than in the following days.

The intensity of exercises on and lower body, as well as the quantitative indicators of approaches and repetitions, must be varied. This cyclical load is called microperiodization.

Those who take into account the natural mechanism and follow sports periodization achieve powerful and long-lasting results.

No matter what concessions are provided for beginners, classes in the gym are not a school physical education lesson in preparatory group. There are different goals here, and you need to tune in to high-volume training with a short rest. This applies to both fitness and strength training. Undertraining (low weights, few exercises, approaches and repetitions) is equivalent to marking time, Neither pumped up buttocks nor abs will appear.

The average numbers are: 5-6 approaches, each with 10-15 repetitions. On light training days, the number of approaches is 3-4. For those who are starting training for the first time or have come to the gym after a long break, there is a rule of fifteen repetitions.

You need to start with such a weight that you have enough strength for 15 repetitions in the first approach.

And do not do more than two approaches a day. By the next lesson, you will see how the muscles respond to the load. If you don’t get very sick, it is advisable to carry out a series of training sessions with the same load. Add the next approach after a few sessions.

The pauses between approaches are small - 30-60 seconds. If you are very tired, you can increase the rest period slightly, but you cannot shorten the workout. Over time, the pauses decrease. The creation of new muscle fibers (anabolism) requires a large volume of exercise with an oxygen debt. The normal state is that the last exercises (provided the correct technique) are really difficult to perform, but not extremely difficult - you cannot lead to micro-tears in the muscles.

What is a “base” and why is it useful?

basic exercises help to work out maximum amount muscles

The complex effect on the body is ensured by the work of many muscles. Giving yourself an hour-long “multidisciplinary” load is much more useful than an isolated load on one or two muscles. Biceps or chest can be pumped up if everything else is already at the level. Therefore, local training is not for girls. Building the body begins with basic, multi-joint exercises, allowing you to work out the maximum number of muscles at once. This is the basis of strength training (the word “base” came from bodybuilding, and then from powerlifting). There are three such exercises:

    with a barbell on the shoulders for the lower body. The squat has the highest athletic rating. The following muscles are included in the work: buttocks, quadriceps, femoral adductors, rectus abdominis and obliques, long back muscles. Mastering the rules of execution is a prerequisite.

    Bench press to strengthen and tighten the chest. When working on a horizontal bench, the middle muscles of the chest are used, while on an inclined bench - the upper muscles. With a wide grip, the outer sections are loaded, while a narrow grip corrects sunken chest. The best is the golden mean - slightly wider than the shoulders. The first approach is a warm-up, with a light weight, the next 3-4 approaches include 7-12 repetitions. Weight is selected individually. The weight rises as you exhale and falls slowly as you inhale.

The most important for muscle development are the last 1-2 repetitions of the last approach.

    simultaneously for the top and bottom, including the buttocks. This is a universal exercise, performed with dumbbells or a barbell in three variations: classic, sumo, straight legged (the best exercise!). It is enough for girls to lift 12-15 kg, there is no need for anything more. It’s better to start with 5kg, doing 5-10 squats in 3 sets.

At the initial stage they have many advantages:

  • physiological; movements are consistent with the anatomy of the osteoarticular apparatus;
  • energy saving; less energy consumption due to redistribution of muscle load;
  • gain muscle mass in less time; high cumulative load contributes to faster strengthening of ligaments and joints.

In the program for beginners, 80-90% of the training time is devoted to basic exercises. This is the main tool for muscle development, the foundation for building a muscular frame.

About programs and methods

Gyms are full of equipment. It is impossible for a person who does not know all the intricacies of training to independently decide on a program and select exercises. Even an experienced instructor may not immediately get to the point and ideally schedule the training regimen in each specific case. Much is adjusted individually, experimentally. But popular methods have already been worked out, you can safely follow them when you come to the gym.

Step-by-step program for losing weight

losing weight correctly

This is an entry level, designed for three lessons per week.

The first day

    Warm up on a treadmill, 5-10 min. Jogging is necessary to combat extra pounds. The running pace is slow; if you are overweight, start with a fast step. Gradually increase the distance at the same speed.

    A special warm-up before squats (warm-up approach) to warm up the muscles and ligaments with light weights 15 times (so as not to strain).

    Squats. Start with two, later do three approaches. Working weight is selected individually. For example, you squatted 15 times with some weight, but couldn’t do the 16th... This is the weight that is needed. The reference point is how you feel during the next workout.

    Lifting the pelvis while lying on your back. Lowering and rising alternate. When lifting, the feet rest on the heels. A month (twice a week) to practice the exercise without weight, 10 repetitions, 2-3 approaches with pauses of 3-4 minutes. Next, move on to the power version with weights on the lower abdomen (once a week). The working weight is gradually increased until it can be lifted 10 times. Perform 4 approaches with a five-minute rest between them.

    Seated dumbbell press on an incline bench. Lifting (as you exhale) and lowering (as you inhale) two dumbbells at the same time. The technique is practiced with light weight. It is dangerous to overload, you can dislocate your shoulder. Perform the same 2-3 approaches. The number of repetitions and weight are within your capabilities. If 12 kg are taken over time, great.

The working weight and number of presses are selected for the weaker arm.

    Crunches on an incline bench. We make cubes on the stomach - pump up the abs, performing concentrated curls. Two exercises - for the upper and lower (below the navel) abs, 2 sets and 12 repetitions each. A month later, they do the same with weights on the chest - once a week.

Abdominal exercises do not remove belly fat. This is achieved by general weight loss.

  • Stretching: shoulders, triceps, abs, buttocks, thighs.

Second day

  • Treadmill.
  • Special stretching before bench press.
  • Bench press (a pattern similar to the seated press). A narrow grip shapes the chest thrust muscles.
  • Traction of a horizontal block (with preliminary special stretching). When pulling the handle of the exercise machine towards the stomach, exhale; when abducting, inhale. Scheme 2/3, weight up to 12 kg.
  • Stretching: triceps, pectoral muscles, latissimus dorsi, biceps.

Day three

  • Treadmill.
  • Vertical block rows to the chest or pull-ups in Graviton. The last exercise is more effective. With the help of a counterweight, doing push-ups and being plump is much more comfortable. The latissimus muscles and biceps are loaded. The exercise is useful for scoliosis. Scheme: 2/3 10 pull-ups.
  • Lifting dumbbells from a sitting position on an inclined bench. Biceps are forming. The movements are smooth, without jerking, lowering is done more slowly. Number of approaches from 2, working weight up to 10 kg.
  • Press down on a vertical block machine. Triceps are developed. Weight up to 10 kg, 2/3 sets. A useful exercise for those involved in swimming, basketball, gymnastics, and badminton.
  • Stretches: triceps, biceps, lats.

After finishing your workout, to restore muscle glycogen and create additional insulin, you need to eat a sweet fruit or drink 200 ml of grape juice.

Video: How to lose weight on your own in the gym?

Mass gain program

exercises for skinny people to gain weight

Rare skinny girls come to the gym to get biceps. Most people are concerned about the convex shape of the buttocks, elastic hips,... These are the places where the training is focused.

The sequence of exercises (there are seven of them) is as follows: for the abs, lumbar region, buttocks, legs, upper body.

Preference is given to working with free weights (barbells, dumbbells), not on exercise machines. In order to gain muscle mass, three training options are practiced, which can be alternated by visiting the gym twice a day or performed three days a week. Warm up and stretch by default.

Option A

  1. Crunches (on a Roman chair, an inclined bench, on the floor, on an upper block of your choice): 3/10-19 times;
  2. Torso bends (back extensions in the simulator): 3/10-19 times;
  3. Squats with a barbell (behind the shoulders and on the chest) or dumbbells: 6-12 squats for 4-5 approaches (start with 2-3);
  4. Push-ups (wide grip from the floor or on a machine - chest press): 3-4/6-14 times;
  5. Raising arms with dumbbells from a lying position on a horizontal plane (on a butterfly simulator, in a crossover): 3-4/ up to 15 times;
  6. Pulleys to the chest or pull-ups behind the head with a wide grip: 4/8-15 times;
  7. Pullover on straight arms (working with a cable in the upper block) or with dumbbells lying down: 3/12-15 times;

Option B

  1. Leg raises (hanging, sitting in the machine while resting on your elbows): 3/10-19 times;
  2. Deadlift (bending forward with a barbell on the shoulders, classic with dumbbells): 4-5/8-15 times;
  3. Lunges (with dumbbells, barbell, while walking): 4/8-15 times;
  4. Barbell/dumbbell presses (chest, overhead, standing or sitting): 4/8-12 times;
  5. Push-ups from behind the bench: 4/10-15 times;
  6. Bending arms with dumbbells behind the head (French press) standing or sitting: 3-4/10-15 times;
  7. Swing your arms to the sides from the hip to the horizontal (with dumbbells) 3/10-15 times;

Option C

  1. Twisting while lying on the floor with legs thrown over the “pedestal”: 3/10-19 times;
  2. Bend-overs on straight legs with dumbbells or a barbell on the shoulders (dead lift): 4/10-15 times;
  3. Squats with two dumbbells or weight between legs: 4-5/10-15 times;
  4. Dumbbell (barbell) bench press lying or sitting in a machine: 4-5/8-15 times;
  5. Lower (horizontal) block row: 4/10-15 times;
  6. Seated vertical block rows alternately with a narrow and reverse grip: 4/10-15 times;
  7. High row (lifting dumbbells/barbell to the chin while standing): 3/10-15 times.

Given that proper nutrition in 2-2.5 months, persistent ones build up to 4 kg of muscle.

For advanced level girls

  1. Warm-up;
  2. Twisting to the pelvis: 5-6/max. number (until burning in the abdominal area);
  3. Hanging leg raises: 5-6/max. number;
  4. Squats with a barbell (on both thighs, buttocks): 5/10-15 times;
  5. Deadlift: 5/10-15 times;
  6. Upper block row (on the back muscles): 5/10-15 times;
  7. Bent-over barbell row: 5/10-15 times;
  8. Bench press, close grip (on arm muscles): 5/10-15 times;
  9. Lifting the barbell for biceps: 5/10-15 times;
  10. Swing dumbbells to the sides (on the shoulder girdle in a complex manner): 5/10-15 times;
  11. Pulling the barbell to the chin: 5/10-15 times.

For beginners

program for beginners

The first month of training is the hardest. There is still weak muscle tone, the cardiovascular system is not prepared for sports loads, excess weight interferes with exercise... Therefore, entering the working mode is gradual, according to an adaptation scheme. So, on the first day, do one approach with a minute's rest in between, in the second - two approaches and with a reduced recovery pause to 50 seconds. From the third day the program runs unchanged.

  • Cardio exercise (treadmill, elliptical trainer) - 10 minutes;
  • Warm-up with stretching - 10 minutes;
  • Hanging knee raises on the horizontal bar: 3/ up to 20 times;
  • Extension and bending of the legs at the knees while sitting and lying down: 3/10-12 times;
  • Women's barbell squats: 3/up to 20 times;
  • Taking the leg back (on a bench, in a crossover, in a block machine): 3/up to 25 times;
  • Swing your legs to the sides (with the cuff of the lower block attached): 3/ up to 25 times;
  • Hyperextension (emphasis under the hips): 3/10-15 times;
  • Vertical block rows to the chest (reverse grip): 2/10-12 times;
  • Classic dumbbell bench press or butterfly press: 3/10 times;
  • French press (putting a dumbbell behind your head) while sitting: 2/10-12 times;

After 12-15 workouts, the muscles are given rest and recovery time of up to 7 days.

Typical mistakes of newbies in the gym.

Focus on legs and buttocks

strengthen the buttocks and legs

    Squat with weight on shoulders (bodybar, bar)- the best exercise for pumping up your legs and buttocks. The gluteal muscles work at the very bottom. When standing up, when the thighs become parallel to the floor, the load is borne by the quadriceps muscles of the thigh. Therefore, to jointly pump up the buttocks and thighs, perform deep squats with full extension. Without weights: 3/20-25 repetitions, with free weight: 3/10-15 repetitions.

    Lunges. Lunges forward create the shape of the buttocks. For circular fat burning, backward lunges alternating with standing up on a chair are useful. Without weight: 3/15 repetitions with left and right legs. With dumbbells or barbell 3/10.

    Deadlift on straight legs (Romanian deadlift). If you have a flat butt, you should pay attention to the exercise Special attention. It forms the back arch, develops the buttocks and develops the hamstrings. Without weights: 3/20-30 times. In the power version 3/ 10-15 times. If there are problems with the spine, the analogue is hyperextension.

    Gluteal bridge(lifting the pelvis from the horizontal plane from a lying position). This is an isolated exercise for the buttocks. Without weights: 3/20-30 times. With a barbell or barbell on the pelvic area: 3/10-15 times.

Split program for strong arms, shoulders, back

split program for advanced girls

Split programs are intended for girls who have been training for over two years. Split schemes are separate cyclically repeated workouts for muscle groups, spaced out over days.

The training begins with a visit to the cardio zone, followed by a warm-up approach to warm up the muscles.

Shoulder development:

  • standing French press: 3/10-12 times;
  • dumbbell press while sitting on a bench with a back (grip from yourself): 3/10-12 times;
  • Arnold press (with wrist rotation): 3/10-12 times;
  • dumbbell rows to the chin: 3/10-12 times;
  • lifting dumbbells to the sides and in front: 3/10-12 times.

Back development (wide grip):

  • pull of the upper block to the chest and behind the head: 3/10-15 times;
  • pull-ups: 3/10-15 times;
  • Bent-over barbell row: 3/10-15 times.

Day two - hand development

  • reverse grip pull-ups 3/10 times;
  • California press (with the elbow turned towards the body): 3/10 times;
  • standing barbell curl: 3/10 times;
  • standing arm extension (on a cable machine): 3/12 times.

The break between approaches is extended - 2 minutes.

Basic training time is 1 hour - 1 hour 10 minutes.

Complete training program for 3 days

connect the maximum number of muscles to work

Three times a week every other day is an optimized regime for girls working out in a fitness center or “gym”. The body needs to be given rest to recover, and besides, muscles grow in a state of rest. The principle of composing exercises is based on sequential loading of muscles. The choice of exercises is determined by their ability to involve as many of them as possible into the work.

Monday Tuesday)

  • Warm up (any cardio equipment) 10-15 minutes.

On the muscular corset of the back:

  • Vertical pull-down: 2-3/12 times, weight 10-15 kg.
  • Horizontal block row: 2-3/10 times, weight 10 kg.

On the chest muscles:

  • Lying dumbbell flyes: 3/10 times, weight 3 kg.

For hand relief:

  • Lifting dumbbells for biceps: 3/15 times, weight 3 kg.

To strengthen the upper and inner thighs:

  • Leg abduction on the simulator: 2/20 times, weight 15-20 kg.
  • Leg extension on a sitting machine: 3/12 times, weight 10-15 kg.
  • Leg bending on a machine while lying on your stomach: 3/15 times, weight 15 kg.

For the muscles of the lower back and buttocks:

  • Hyperextension: 3/12 times.

On the abdominals:

  • Crunches: 2/12-15 times.
  • Warm up on a treadmill or elliptical trainer for 15 minutes.

Wednesday Thursday)

  • Warm up for 10-15 minutes.

On the back:

  • Vertical block row: 3/12 times, weight 10-15 kg

On the back and arms:

  • Dumbbell flyes lying on stomach: 3/10 times, weight 4 kg
  • Seated bench press (bench press): 3/10 times. Start without weights.

On the shoulder girdle:

  • Seated dumbbell shoulder press: 3/10 reps, weight 3 kg

On thighs and buttocks:

  • Leg press (replacement of squats for problems with the spine): 3/10 times. Start without weights.
  • Plie squats (with a dumbbell between the legs): 3/15 times, weight 6 kg.
  • Lunges (scissor squats with dumbbells): 3/20 times, weight 3 kg.
  • Hyperextension: 3/12 times.
  • (twisting): 3/15(2/12) times.
  • Warm up on a treadmill or (if you need to lose weight) for up to 15 minutes.

Friday Saturday)

  • Warm up for 10-15 minutes.
  • Vertical block row: 2-3/10 times.
  • Horizontal block row: 2-3/10 times.
  • Seated Hammer press: 2/10 times.
  • Leg press with different leg positions 3/10 times.
  • Leg extension in the simulator: 3/12 times.
  • Leg bending in the simulator: 3/15 times.
  • Straight-legged barbell rows: 3/15 reps without weights.
  • Smith machine lunges or hyperextension: 3/12 times.
  • Bench crunches (on a fitball): 3/15 times.
  • Warm up on an exercise bike or treadmill (if you need to lose weight): up to 15 minutes.

This program is designed for three months, then a new complex is selected.

How long to practice and when to expect results

When training in the gym, everyone pursues their own goal: lose weight, gain weight, build muscle or increase endurance. Accordingly, the results must be assessed according to various criteria. For example, if you wanted to build muscle mass and increase strength, the result will be shown by a measuring tape; the weight loss process will be reflected by scales and a mirror. As long as you follow your workout schedule and eat right the effort spent will begin to pay off within 6-8 weeks.

It must be taken into account that muscles develop in different ways. So, The cubes on the stomach appear much later than the biceps on the arms. Many changes are generally difficult to notice quickly with the eye. But patience and work will be rewarded. It happens that some exercises performed are chosen incorrectly and hinder the achievement of the expected result. Then you need to adjust the program and continue to move forward. Make training an integral part of your life and the results will come.

Workout for women in the gym
is the most effective system for reducing the level of subcutaneous fat and, at the same time, correcting the shape of the gluteal muscles, breasts, as well as the volume of the waist, legs, arms, emphasizing the collarbone and solving other problems that girls set for themselves. The gym is truly the most effective method figure adjustments, however, girls are often afraid that training in the gym will make them look like men, although this is not the case! In order for a woman to be able to pump up huge muscles, she needs testosterone, so without the use of hormonal drugs you will not be able to become a “butch”. At the same time, girls have problems with hip volume from frequent barbell squats, but this can be avoided and we will tell you how to do it.

The training plan for women may vary and, in principle, there are two main schemes: phased and combined. Phased the training program for women assumes that the girl will first work on her forms and then “dry”, combined offers to lose weight and at the same time work on the quality of muscles. The first scheme is professional and will not suit most girls, since you most likely want to look good not only at competitions, and for this you need to use a combined training scheme. On practice You will not use any diets, instead you will have to optimize your daily diet in accordance with the principles of proper nutrition, while you will visit the gym and do one of the proposed training programs for women.

Optimizing your diet is the most important task, since it is nutrition that is responsible for the level of subcutaneous fat in the body, in addition, an appropriate background of nutrients is also necessary for recovery after training. In other words, if you eat right and don’t exercise, then even though you won’t have luxurious gluteal muscles, toned leg muscles, arms, perhaps your breasts will be less elastic, but, nevertheless, you will look good, you will slim and attractive. But if you train and don’t watch your diet, then most likely there will be no positive results at all! Therefore, first of all, you must optimize your nutrition, and only then choose the appropriate training program for women. Important to consider That we are not talking about a diet, that is, you will not eat like this periodically, the daily diet in question is a daily diet that you will use to remain attractive every day!

Principles proper nutrition for women

Product quality
– this is still the first thing you should take care of to optimize nutrition. Firstly, proteins should be of animal origin, secondly, carbohydrates should be complex, and thirdly, fats should not be completely excluded from the diet. A girl should consume 1-1.5 grams of protein per kilogram of her own weight, since women have less muscle tissue, but girls have more fat tissue, so girls should also consume less carbohydrates. The optimal caloric intake range for girls ranges from 1200-1800 Kcal, but the calorie balance is a very individual indicator, so we will talk about it in more detail later. Fats in the diet should be 15-20%, but they should be unsaturated, preferably vegetable, or omega-3 type. To preserve the quality of products, they must be steamed, boiled or stewed; frying is strictly prohibited.

Diet – this is the second most important principle of proper nutrition, however, the regime must be followed everywhere, so training for women in the gym is also constant. In this case, we are talking about the fact that you need to eat often and in small portions, you need to eat food at the same time every day. On average, it is advisable to eat 5-6 times a day, which will ensure a constant supply of nutrients in the body, and will also avoid an increase in blood sugar levels and the release of insulin. By the way, for this purpose it is also recommended to eat carbohydrates with a low glycemic index or low glycemic load, that is, either the glycemic index should be low or there should not be many carbohydrates in the product. Important eat carbohydrates in the morning, and protein products in the second, and in the late afternoon you should eat dairy products or casein protein, since this type of protein takes longer to digest.

Systematicity - this is not just an important principle, it is a principle without which all other principles of proper nutrition will not work at all. Moreover, we recommend using systematicity, as well as a regimen, in your training program for women in the gym. There are two ways to ensure systematic nutrition: complex and simple. Difficult is to calculate daily, using a food composition table and a kitchen scale, how many food nutrients are contained in foods, and then optimize their value to what you need. Easy is to once calculate how many protein foods you need to eat, and gradually adjust carbohydrates in accordance with your result.

In fact, the complex method also involves adjustments, but it simply allows you to change products daily, which is a plus. True, no one is stopping you, when you get tired of certain carbohydrates, count how many calories you ate, and then change the sources of carbohydrates. On practice, You have chosen a diet, let’s say you eat chicken breast and rice, you weigh 55kg and want to lose weight. Accordingly, brisket contains 26.5g of protein for every 100g, you need to eat about 250g per day, and you eat 300g of rice per day. Moreover, the breast must be weighed when cooked, and the rice when raw; this rule is valid for all sources of protein and carbohydrates. Before you start eating like this, you weigh yourself, then eat these foods for a week, and after a week you weigh yourself again. Now, depending on the result, you need to increase the amount of rice, reduce it, or leave it at the same level. If you have lost 0.5-2 kg, then the amount of rice does not need to be changed; if you have lost more than 2 kg, then the amount of rice must be increased; if you have lost less than 0.5 kg, then the amount of rice must be increased.

Cyclicality– this principle is associated with ovulation, as a result of which it is necessary to apply microperiodization , both in nutrition and in the training system for women. In general, women accumulate more easily subcutaneous fat, but it’s also easier to spend it. This is due to the fact that a woman gives birth to a child, so she needs a supply of nutrients, at the same time, when there are few nutrients, then in order for the child not to receive any injuries, the reserves are spent very easily. And during ovulation, when the chance of getting pregnant is especially high, the body tries to store as many nutrients as possible. Therefore, during ovulation, the intensity of training and calorie intake decreases. As for the training program, this will be discussed below, and as for the calorie intake, it should be reduced by 20%, just eat 20% less carbohydrates.

Conclusion: you need to eat often and in small portions; the diet should consist only of quality products, with a low glycemic index; Food must be steamed or boiled; sources of protein must be of animal origin, vegetable fats, or, as in the case of omega-3, they can be obtained from northern sea fish; carbohydrates must be complex; The diet should be followed permanently, every day there is the same amount of food nutrients, which is implemented using a table of food composition and weights in the case when you eat different foods, or due to the monotony of the diet; during ovulation, the intensity of training and caloric intake decrease; and further! drink more water, 2.5-3 liters per day, and specifically water at room temperature; it is advisable to drink water evenly, stretching its intake into the body throughout the day; you should not drink it during meals.

Menu diet for women

20 minutes before breakfast – a glass of water to which you can add a little honey or soluble vitamins
Breakfast– 100g of oatmeal porridge with milk and a cup of green tea
Lunch – 3 boiled proteins chicken eggs and a salad of non-starchy vegetables
Dinner– 100g of boiled coarse rice with seaweed or non-starchy vegetables and 100g of salmon or pollock
Afternoon snack– 100g brisket and non-starchy vegetables
Dinner– 150g low-fat cottage cheese and kefir

The menu is average, but you can take it as a basis, gradually adjusting it to suit you. It is important to note that this is a menu for intense training, so during ovulation the amount of carbohydrates is 20% lower. In any case, if you follow such a diet, it will be many times more effective than 99% of all those diets that are replete with the Internet and women's magazines.

Features of training for women

Small muscle volume – this factor is very important to consider, since the fewer muscles, the less attention should be paid to them. That is why girls should perform basic exercises, but since the muscles in a girl’s body are unevenly distributed, the basis of the training should be training exactly that part of the body in which the most muscles are located. In girls, the most muscles are located in the lower part of the body, but this does not mean that it needs to be trained more than the upper part, you will just do 2-3 exercises on the legs, and one on the back, shoulders, arms and chest, although in total the upper part You will train your body more. At the same time, you most likely want to hypertrophy the gluteal muscles, so your legs need to be trained not only anaerobically, but also aerobically, so that the leg muscles are elastic and small.

Microperiodization – we already talked about this above, it is connected with ovulation, therefore during the ovulation period girls should do a lower amount of work. Only abdominal training will fundamentally change. In general, at the end of the workout you will perform hanging leg raises in order to load the lower segment of the abs more and pump blood into the abdominal area; thanks to this pumping, fat reduction in this area will occur more intensely, which will have a positive effect on your figure. During ovulation, you stop performing abdominal exercises, and the number of approaches in each exercise is reduced to three; if you performed the exercise in only three approaches, then it means that you no longer need to do it at all.

Training volume - this rule applies not only to the total time that a girl should spend in the gym, but also to the rest time between approaches during training for women, the total number of exercises and repetitions in each approach. Girls have little testosterone, so refusal approaches are much more difficult for girls to perform; moreover, if you are not a competitive athlete, then you do not need to do this at all. The optimal rest time between sets is 30-60 seconds, and the number of repetitions ranges from 15 to 25 per set. It should also be noted that during training you can and should drink water, and be sure to start

If you want to start doing fitness to lose weight and don’t know which training program to choose, then you’ve come to the right place. We have selected the best exercises and training regimens, which include training on machines, with free weights, as well as cardio, for the fastest possible weight loss by burning the fat layer.

Benefits of working out at the gym

When it comes to working out in the gym, many girls react negatively, believing that equipment and exercise equipment will make them masculine. But this is impossible. The female body does not produce enough testosterone, the strength hormone, so gaining a mountain of muscle mass with such a hormonal background is simply not realistic. This is what happens during strength training: muscles become toned, a beautiful and athletic silhouette is formed, skin texture is evened out and subcutaneous fat is burned. It turns out that strength training in the gym will make your body even more feminine. After all, only with the help of power loads, if desired, can you make rounded and appetizing shapes.

Principles of nutrition

Besides physical activity, a huge role in losing weight is given to proper nutrition. Sticking to simple rules nutrition, you can increase the speed and efficiency of the result by 70%. An unbalanced diet full of calories and sugar will hide beautiful shapes under a layer of fat.

Basic principles of proper nutrition for weight loss:

  1. We remove sweets and flour products from the diet;
  2. We consume complex carbohydrates in the first half of the day;
  3. Do not exclude fats, add 1 - 2 tablespoons of unrefined oil (olive, flaxseed, pumpkin, sesame);
  4. Fruits are allowed until 16.00;
  5. Proteins and vegetables are allowed for dinner;
  6. We consume a lot of water, up to 2 liters per day;
  7. We don’t overeat at night; dinner is 3–4 hours before bedtime.

Example of a daily diet

  1. Breakfast: oatmeal with dried fruits, tea or coffee;
  2. Snack: 20 g of nuts, apple or banana;
  3. Lunch: rice with steamed vegetables;
  4. Afternoon snack: low-fat cottage cheese, kefir;
  5. Dinner: baked chicken fillet, vegetable salad with olive oil.

The most effective exercises for burning fat

The more muscles and joints an exercise involves, the more effective it is for weight loss. Thus, the body spends more energy than when isolating one muscle. Exercises should be performed with free weight: barbells, dumbbells, kettlebells.

The more the body needs to maintain balance and overall tone, the more calories are burned. Such exercises can use additional equipment - fitball, medicine ball, bossa. All exercises should be performed as many times as possible, from 20 to 30 repetitions per set.

Basic and isolation exercises

  • twisting at an angle;
  • lunges with weights, wide deep steps with weights (can be made more difficult by connecting steps in a chain);
  • extension, bending of legs;
  • push ups;
  • weighted arm raises;
  • leg lift;
  • hyperextension;
  • barbell squats;
  • push-ups on the legs or knees;
  • squats, plie squats, on one leg;
  • exercises on an exercise bike, ellipse;
  • jumping using a skipping rope;
  • swimming;
  • lifting dumbbells;
  • pull-ups;
  • block thrust;
  • barbell bench press;
  • deadlift, Romanian;
  • dumbbell press;
  • hyperextension.

What workouts are best for girls losing weight?

Circuit training

We can say that for losing weight and increasing the tone of the whole body, circular training is most suitable for the female body. First, they involve all muscle groups in one session. Exercises are performed in a circle, moving from one to another without rest. Secondly, the increased heart rate necessary for fat burning is constantly maintained. After such training, the muscles have time to quickly recover. 1 – 2 days is enough for rest.

Fitness program

Variety of fitness areas in sports clubs, makes it possible to choose any load and variety of workouts. For example, step aerobics remains the most popular activity for women. Such areas as: functional training, aerobics, fitball, of course, will help with weight loss, but you can still “sculpt” beautiful shapes in the gym.

A set of exercises for working out in the gym 3 times a week

  • Press crunches;
  • Leg extensions in the simulator;
  • Thrust of the upper block to the chest;
  • Leg bends in a lying position;
  • Leg curls in the simulator;
  • Pull the lower block to the chest;
  • Standing barbell curls.
  • Side crunches;
  • Bench press on an incline bench;
  • "Butterfly";
  • Deadlift;
  • Bend one leg while standing;
  • Press leg raises.
  • Press crunches;
  • Bench push-ups;
  • Extension of arms on the upper block;
  • Lunges with weights;
  • Sumo squats with dumbbells;
  • Pushups;
  • Leg extensions while sitting in a machine.

Fat burning complex

An effective fat-burning complex can include both strength training and cardio. It can also be called interval. The essence of the lesson is that after performing the exercise in the simulator or with free weight, without rest, cardio exercise begins (running, jumping in place and with a skipping rope). The complex is performed non-stop, which does not allow you to rest, maintaining a constant level of calorie burning.

Mon: Basic exercises for major muscle groups

  • Leg press in the simulator - 5 x 8-10;
  • Romanian barbell deadlift - 5 x 8-10;
  • Pull-ups in a gravitron (or upper pull-down) - 5 x 8-10;
  • Seated dumbbell press - 4 x 10-12;
  • Push-ups - 4 x 8-10;
  • Plank - 4 x 40-60 sec.

Rest between sets – 2-5 minutes.

Tue: HIIT cardio training

  • Running on a treadmill at a fast pace - 2 minutes;
  • Plank - 1 minute;
  • Burpee - 1 minute;
  • Punches (on a punching bag or “imaginary opponent”) - 1 minute.

4 circles, exercises are performed without interruption. Rest between circles – 1-3 minutes.

Wed: Fat burning workout with light weights

  • Walking lunges with dumbbells, -4 x 10-12 (each leg);
  • Climbing onto the step platform - 4 x 10-12;
  • Romanian deadlift on one leg with dumbbells or in a crossover - 4 x 10-12;
  • Swings with a kettlebell - 4 x 10-12;
  • Wide grip lat pulldown to the chest - 4 x 10-12;
  • Lying leg raises - 4 x 12-20.

Rest between sets – 1-4 minutes.

Thu: Rest.

Fri: Combined supersets for the upper and lower body

  • Squats with wide legs (with a barbell, dumbbell or crossover) + lat pulldown;
  • Lunges with dumbbells + standing side raises;
  • Hyperextension + bending over arms;
  • Leg bending in the simulator + bringing the arms together in the butterfly simulator;
  • Glute bridge on the floor + lying body crunches;
  • Calf raises with dumbbells + overhead arm extensions.

Each superset contains 3 sets of 12-15 repetitions. Rest between sets – 2-3 minutes.

Sat: 45-60 minutes of low-intensity cardio on a treadmill, elliptical or stationary bike

Sun: Rest.

Power loads

Using exercise machines and free weights, you can achieve good results in losing weight. When experiencing a force load, muscles are also able to burn fat, as during aerobic exercise. Especially if the largest muscles are trained, such as the quadriceps and hamstrings, gluteal muscles, back and chest muscles. To lose weight, it is important to constantly perform high-repetition exercises without rest.

Cardio training

Jogging in the gym or in the park, orbitracks, steppers and exercise bikes are excellent helpers in burning fat. The purpose of cardio exercise is to increase the performance of the cardiac system. True, such training works better with strength training in combination. After all, after a power load, fat burning continues, and this is also associated with further muscle restoration, which also consumes energy from subcutaneous fat.

Split training - plan for 3 days a week

1st day

2nd day

3rd day

Running on a treadmill or exercise bike Be sure to do at least 10 minutes as a warm-up.

Flying arms with dumbbells lying on a horizontal bench
3 x 10-15
3 x 10-15
Running on a treadmill 10 minutes
Incline Dumbbell Press
Reduction of arms in the butterfly simulator
3 x 10-15
3 x 10-15
Running on a treadmill 10 minutes
Extension of arms with a dumbbell while sitting behind the head
Press down on the upper block
3 x 8-12
3 x 12-15
Running on a treadmill 10 min
Standing barbell chest press
Raising your arms with dumbbells in front of you
3 x 10-15
3 x 10-15
Running on a treadmill 10 minutes

Strength split training includes a set of exercises aimed at working 1 – 2 muscle groups in one session. Therefore, on Monday you can train your legs and shoulders, on Wednesday – chest and triceps, on Friday – back and biceps. Of course, doing this type of workout with a high number of repetitions, while eating right, can help you lose weight. Since in split training you need to rest between sets for 2–3 minutes, your heart rate drops, which slows down the burning process. After all, for weight loss, endurance work is still most suitable for the female body.

How to create a weight loss program correctly

Let's take circuit training as an example for weight loss. First of all, it is necessary to create a set of exercises, starting with large muscles, starting with the legs, ending with smaller ones - the muscles of the arms and abs. One exercise per muscle group is enough. If you are working on the hamstrings, be sure to include the antagonist muscle, the opposite muscle - the quadriceps. And also, when working on your back, include your chest in your work. Train your lower back and abs in one workout. By constructing the lesson in this way, the muscles will develop evenly, maintaining balance in the muscle corset. Because with a strong lower back, but weak abs, the correct position of the spine is disrupted. The lower back bends, and the stomach seems to fall forward, since the abdominal muscles are not toned.
Features of cardio for girls

For the female body, as well as for the male body, it is important to reduce adipose tissue, not muscle, because the loss of muscle protein due to improper cardio will not make the body beautiful. The fat will remain in place. To burn only fatty tissue, you need to maintain a heart rate zone of 120 – 160 beats per minute. The duration of cardio training does not exceed one hour.
Universal program for weight loss in the gym

Everyone’s body is completely different and this must be taken into account when choosing a complex. If there are no injuries or any disorders of the musculoskeletal system, you can safely start training. Initially, the muscles should become toned and the correct technique should be worked out.
Exercise classes


Warming up is an essential part of strength training. It eliminates the possibility of injuring muscles and ligaments. Warm muscles are the basis for an effective workout. It can last from 10 to 15 minutes, this time will be quite enough. To warm up, you can do a brisk walk on an incline on a treadmill, a light jog, or choose any cardio machine.

Basic exercises on leg trainers

Seated leg extension in the simulator

  1. Sitting in a block simulator, we install the back of the simulator and place our legs under the bolster;
  2. Select the required weight to perform 25 repetitions;
  3. Exhale: we straighten our knees using the quadriceps, without straightening them completely, without overloading the knee joint;
  4. Inhale: slowly lower your legs to the starting position. We perform 3 approaches.

Lying leg curls

  1. Lying on your stomach, place your feet under the cushion;
  2. We hold on to the handle, keep our lower back pressed;
  3. Exhale: bend your knees, bring the roller to your buttocks using the hamstrings, without engaging your lower back;
  4. Inhale: smoothly lower your feet, without jerking. We perform 20 – 25 times in 3 approaches.

Leg press

  1. We place our feet on the platform of the press machine, with our toes slightly turned to the sides;
  2. Inhale: remove the clamps, pressing your lower back tightly, smoothly lower the platform, bending your knees, without lifting your tailbone. We bring the angle at the knees to 90 degrees;
  3. Exhale: squeeze the platform using the force of your hips and buttocks, without straightening your knees completely. Repeat up to 25 times. Perform 3 approaches.

Pulling the hip back in block

  1. We install the roller above the heel, hold on to the handle, holding the body in a stationary position. The supporting leg is slightly bent at the knee;
  2. Exhale: move the thigh back, lifting it up using the thigh biceps and gluteal muscles. The body remains without deflection in the lower back;
  3. Inhale: slowly lower the foot to the level of the supporting foot. We perform 3 approaches of 20 – 25 times.

Seated hip abduction

  1. Sitting in the hip extension machine, place your feet and knees with your lower back pressed against the back of the machine;
  2. Exhale: move the hips to the sides using the abductor muscles. We perform without jerking;
  3. Inhale: bring your legs back to the starting position. We perform 25 times in 3 approaches.

Seated hip adduction

  1. We install the simulator in the abducted position of the legs and secure the stretch. In this case, the muscles should not be very stretched, there should be no pain;
  2. Exhale: bring the knees towards each other due to the adductor muscles of the thigh;
  3. Inhale: smoothly release the tension and return to the starting position. Repeat 25 times for 3 sets.

Exercises for the torso

Pull-down of the upper block behind the head

  1. We place our hands on the crossbar of the upper block with a wide grip;
  2. Exhale: perform head pulls, bring your shoulder blades together, feeling the tension in your back muscles;
  3. Inhale: smoothly, without jerking, raise your arms to the starting position. Perform 20–25 times, 3 approaches.

Butterfly (bringing arms together in a block simulator)

  1. Sitting on the simulator, place the handles on the sides at shoulder level. Elbows slightly bent, looking back. The chest is open;
  2. Exhale: we bring the handles together due to the efforts of the pectoral muscles, keeping the sternum rounded;
  3. Inhale: smoothly move your arms to the sides to the starting position. Perform 3 sets of 20 – 25 times.

Seated dumbbell press

  1. Sitting on a bench, hold dumbbells above your shoulders, elbows pointing down;
  2. Exhale: press the dumbbells upward from the chin;
  3. Inhale: slowly return down.

Triceps extension

  1. Standing, legs firmly hip-width apart. We hold the handle of the upper block of the crossover with a narrow grip. Elbows pressed to the body, forearm parallel to the floor;
  2. Exhale: extend the elbows using the triceps, the handle lowers to the hips;
  3. Inhale: slowly return to the starting position.

Dumbbell biceps curl

  1. Standing, feet hip-width apart, dumbbells in hands, elbows pressed to the body;
  2. Exhale: bend your elbows using your biceps, lift the dumbbells to your shoulders without lifting your elbows from your body. The brushes unfold at the top;
  3. Inhale: lower the dumbbells to your hips.

Exercises to burn fat in the abdomen and sides

Lifting the body

  1. Lying on the floor, knees bent, arms along the body;
  2. Exhale: twist using the abdominal muscles, raise your round back to your knees;
  3. Inhale: gradually place your round back on the floor. Perform 30 times.

Leg raise

  1. Lying on the floor, hands under the buttocks, legs straight;
  2. Exhale: raise your legs up without lifting your lower back;
  3. Inhale: lower your legs to the floor, holding your lower back with your abdominal muscles. Repeat 30 times.

Side crunches

  1. Lying on your back, hands behind your head, knees bent, shoulder blades off the floor;
  2. Exhale: twisting diagonally due to the oblique abdominal muscles, stretch the elbow to the opposite knee;
  3. Inhale: we return to the center, legs overhang, shoulder blades torn off the floor;
  4. Exhale: twist in the other direction, the elbow of the other hand reaches towards the opposite knee;
  5. Inhale: return to center. Repeat 30 - 40 times.

Proper nutrition after training

After a power load, muscles need recovery. This can be helped by the intake of essential substances from food. Muscles need proteins and carbohydrates, even when losing weight, even when gaining muscle mass. Within 40 minutes after training, you need to get proteins and carbohydrates. The resulting substances will be used to restore muscles, calories will be completely burned without being stored as fat. Therefore, do not be afraid of good nutrition after exercise. During hunger, on the contrary, fat is stored as the body experiences stress. After training, the following are allowed: cereals, vegetables, boiled eggs, baked lean meat, fish, seafood and dairy products.

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Losing weight or cutting is an important and inevitable process in the life of any athletic girl. Some people want to get rid of extra pounds, while others just want to dry out and get the coveted relief. Before starting this process, you should create an individual set of exercises in the gym for girls to lose weight, taking into account the characteristics of the body.

It is also worth remembering that even a program from a famous trainer will not be effective if you do not adhere to proper nutrition and do not limit yourself in food. The number of calories you consume should be less than the amount of energy you expend during your workout.

Cardio workout

First of all, determine which one - ectomorph, mesomorph or endomorph. In other words, how prone your body is to gaining weight, and how quickly you lose extra pounds. If losing weight is a difficult process for you, then in addition to strength training exercises, you should add cardio. Ideally, it is better to do this in the morning, having a snack with a protein shake or amino acids, and after completing the session you can have a full breakfast. Cardio sessions should be done at a moderate pace, brisk walking or leisurely running will do. Such exercises can be successfully performed both within the walls of the gym and on the street. Execution time – from 30 to 80 minutes.

Of course, not everyone is comfortable working out in the morning, so you can do cardio after strength training or at any other convenient time. The number of such classes per week is set individually depending on the girl’s shape and the final period of weight loss. The optimal amount of cardio training is from 3 to 5 per week.

When losing weight, one of the common mistakes girls make in the gym is spending too much time on the treadmill, forgetting about strength exercises and. By training to the point of exhaustion, you can only worsen your own metabolism and put your body in a state of stress. Everything should be in moderation, and cardio too!

How to train girls to lose weight

There are two approaches to strength training in the gym to lose weight. The first is to exercise at the same pace and not reduce the working weights, and the second is to reduce the working weights, but increase the intensity of the workout, that is, do more repetitions per approach and reduce rest time. If you are afraid of losing muscle mass, lose weight easily and consider yourself an ectomorph, then it is better to stick to the first method. And for girls who have difficulty losing the kilograms they have gained, it is worth building their training in the second way.

Also useful when losing weight:

  • conduct circuit training
  • use the principles of superset, triset
  • perform a delay in the last approaches in the negative phase, that is, in the tension phase
  • train in a pumping style, causing a rush of blood to the target muscle
  • focus on problem areas and train them 2-3 times a week
  • use a lot of isolation exercises

A set of exercises at a strength pace for weight loss

It is worth noting that there is no universal set of exercises for losing weight. Girls should remember that for maximum effectiveness, at each gym session they should perform at least 1-2 basic exercises and 3-4 isolation exercises.

Legs (with emphasis on the front of the thigh, buttocks)

Shoulders, chest, biceps

Legs with emphasis on the back of the thighs, buttocks

Back, triceps

At the end of each workout, press for 5-10 minutes. Upper part The body can be trained once a week, simply varying the complexes each week.